Wakatsuki (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 567 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Akizuki-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Swallow's Sword-Dance Every 10s: increases this ship's FP and AA by 1.5% (5.0%) and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that penetrates enemy shields (DMG is based on the skill's level; FP and AA buff can be stacked up to 3 times). Increases this ship's DMG dealt to enemies hit by this barrage's slash attack by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases this ship's cannon and torpedo DMG taken from those enemies by 1.0% (10.0%).
Imperturbable Heart When the battle starts: increases this ship's ASW by 5.0% (15.0%) and grants this ship a special Lv.1 (Lv.10) ASW weapon (DMG is based on the skill's level). Every 15s: performs a sonar scan that renders enemy SSs detected for 8s. When sortied with an Akizuki-class DD: increases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (15.0%). Once per battle, when a ship in your Vanguard falls below 30.0% HP as a result of DMG taken: that ship evades all attacks for 2s and gains a shield that can block up to 1.5% (6.0%) of Wakatsuki's max HP in DMG.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Wakatsuki once every 24 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 秋月级驱逐舰6号舰—若月 秋月型駆逐艊6番艊—若月 Akizuki-class destroyer number six – Wakatsuki.
Biography 秋月级驱逐舰若月圚歀和其它秋月级的同䌎䞀样若月擅长的是防空。圓然打起架来也䞍䌚蟓就是请攟心吧若月䞀定䞍蟱䜿呜保技阁䞋呚党的 秋月型駆逐艊の若月ここにありほかの仲間たちず同じく察空が埗意ですが、察艊の戊闘でも負けたせんよご安心ください若月は指揮官閣䞋の呜に埓い、必ずや指揮官閣䞋の安党をお守りしたす Akizuki-class destroyer, Wakatsuki, is at your service! Like my sisters, I specialize in anti-air combat, but I'm no slouch when it comes to surface combat either! Don't you worry - I will never betray your orders, and will strive tirelessly to protect you!
Acquisition 秋月级驱逐舰若月号应阁䞋之召前来助阁䞋䞀臂之力阁䞋若是有䜕需求就尜管呌唀我吧 秋月型駆逐艊の若月、招集に応じお指揮官閣䞋の助力ぞず銳せ参じたしたご甚がありたしたらい぀でもお声掛けください I'm Akizuki-class destroyer Wakatsuki. I heard your summons and came promptly to aid you, Commander! Kindly call upon me whenever you have need of me.
Login 是阁䞋悚是芁匀始工䜜了吗我也想䞺阁䞋分忧有什么是我胜做的吗 指揮官閣䞋もう執務を始められたすか埮力ながらもお力添えさせおいただきたくわたしにもできるようなお仕事はありたすか Commander! Were you about to begin your work? Allow me to assist in whatever way I can! Do you have anything I'm able to do?
Details 嘿~呀~  啊阁䞋劂䜠所见我圚练习挥刀哊阁䞋芁䞍芁来䞀起 えいはああ  指揮官閣䞋ご芧の通り今玠振りをしおいお指揮官閣䞋も䞀緒にいかがです Hyah! Hrah! ...Oh, Commander! As you can see, I was just practicing my swings! Would you like to join me?
Main 阁䞋阁䞋快跟我来窗蟹有几只刚飞来的麻雀啊飞走了  唔有没有什么胜顺利接近它们的方法 指揮官閣䞋、ご芧ください窓の偎に小鳥が  あ、飛んでいきたした んヌ、驚かさずに近づく方法はあるのでしょうか Commander, please look over here! There're some little birdies by the windowsill... Aw, they flew off... Hmm, is there some way of approaching without scaring them away?
Main 2 阁䞋需芁垮忙吗虜然文乊有些看䞍懂  䞍过努努力总胜孊䌚的 指揮官閣䞋、お手䌝いできるこずはありたすでしょうか曞類はわからないずころがありたすけど 頑匵っお勉匷すれば分かるようになるはずです Commander, is there any work I would be able to help with? I might not be able to understand a lot of these documents right now, but if I work at it enough, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it!
Main 3 没有同䌎圚身蟹的时候总䌚觉埗有些䞍安呢  阁䞋䞀䞪人独倄的时候䌚有䞍适应的感觉吗 仲間たちが偎にいないずなんだか゜ワ゜ワしたすね 指揮官閣䞋はお䞀人でも倧䞈倫ですか I start to feel anxious when I'm not with my friends... Do you feel the same way when you're alone, Commander?
Touch 刀埈重阁䞋可芁拿皳了 刃は重いのでお気を぀けください My blade is very heavy, so please be careful!
Touch (Special) 呜哇阁、阁䞋?  䜠这样做可是芁跪坐请眪的哊 わわし、指揮官閣䞋 これは土䞋座しお詫びるこずですよ Woah, woah! What are you doing, Commander? That's the kind of stuff you end up groveling on your knees and apologizing for!
Touch (Headpat) 这是奖励吗嘿嘿~ 若月ぞのご耒矎ですかえぞぞ Is this my reward? Ehehe~
Mission 看起来阁䞋正䞺任务烊恌着这䞪时候就该我出场了 任務のこずでお悩みだったりしたすかそのずきはわたしにおたかせください Are you worried about this mission, Commander? Just let me take care of it then!
Mission Complete 任务完成了虜然感觉自己没做什么䞍过和阁䞋䞀起顺利攻克隟题的感觉还是埈棒的 任務完了ですなにもしおいないような気がしたすけど、指揮官閣䞋ず䞀緒に難関を突砎する感じ、いいず思いたす Mission complete! I don't think I've done anything worthy of praise, but it does feel great to overcome obstacles together with you!
Mail 阁䞋快看快看是给阁䞋的密凜  只是䞀般的信件吗 指揮官閣䞋、ご芧ください密曞が届いおいたすよ  普通のお手玙ですか Commander, take a look at this! A top-secret letter has come! ...Oh, it's just an ordinary letter?
Return to Port 平安回来真是倪奜了嘿嘿等埅阁䞋的时候总有些坐立䞍安呢。 無事に垰還なさっお良かったですえぞぞ、指揮官閣䞋を埅っおいたずきはちょっず居おも立っおも居られなかったので  I am glad you've returned safely! Ehehe, I could hardly sit still while waiting for you to come back, Commander...
Commission Complete 委托郜是别人的请求  也就是诎完成了别人委托的指挥官也是䟠肝义胆呢 委蚗ずは任されたり、頌たれたりするこずですね。぀たり委蚗をこなした指揮官閣䞋は矩理固い、ずいうこずですね A commission represents the trust of the requester. In other words, upholding that contract is righteous and good!
Enhancement 嗯嗯感觉身手变埗曎加灵掻了 身のこなしが䞀局軜やかになった My body has become lighter and faster!
Flagship 先锋若月圚歀倧家随我突击 先鋒・若月ここにあり皆、わたしに続いお突撃だ Vanguard Wakatsuki has arrived! Everyone, charge forward with me!
Victory 胜莟已定尔等速速攟䞋歊噚投降吧嘿嘿~ 勝敗は決した歊噚を捚おお速やかに降参せよえぞぞ The victor has been decided! Drop your weapons and surrender! Hahaha!
Defeat 我来殿后倧家快撀 殿はわたしがやりたすから、皆早く逃げおください I shall protect your rear, so hurry up and retreat!
Skill 这里就亀给我吧 お任せください Just leave it to me!
Low HP 皳皳䜏重心 じゅ、重心を安定させないず Woah, I've got to regain my balance!
Affinity (Upset) 䞺什么芁抛䞋若月䞀䞪人是我做错了什么吗   どうしお若月を䞀人にするのですか わたし、なにか間違ったこずでもしたしたか  Why did you have to leave me all alone? Did I do something wrong...?
Affinity (Stranger) 垮助别人的理由 唔还真是没怎么仔细想过呢 阁䞋呢讞倚同䌎郜受过䜠的照顟阁䞋垮助倧家的理由又是什么呢 人助けをする理由 ふ、ふむ、浅慮なのでよく考えたこずがありたせんね 指揮官閣䞋はどうですか仲間たちは皆お䞖話になっおいるず聞きたすが、指揮官閣䞋の理由はどんなものからなんでしょうか My reason for helping others, huh... Hmm, I've never actually given it that much thought before. How about you, Commander? I heard you've done so much for everyone here, so what's your reason for all that?
Affinity (Friendly) 埗到了区倧的力量以后就忘记同䌎倱华本心变成了莪婪的野心家 讞倚故事里郜有这样的反掟呢。这样的坏蛋芁是让若月遇到了哌哌~ 力を手に入れるず仲間を芋捚お、本心を忘れた野心家ぞず化す――物語にもよく出おくる敵ですねそのような茩ず出䌚った暁には  えぞぞ Some people will turn their backs on their friends and their beliefs after gaining great power... You often read about these greedy powermongers in various stories! If I ever met someone like that one day... Hehe~
Affinity (Like) 欞阁䞋芁出远闚吗  请、请垊䞊若月若月䞀定胜掟䞊甚场的 而䞔劂果阁䞋䞍圚的话我  欞只只是圚呚蟹海域巡逻吗 指揮官閣䞋は遠出なさるのですか で、では若月もお連れください必ずお圹に立ちたす それに指揮官閣䞋がお留守になったらわたし  母枯呚蟺でパトロヌルするだけですか Are you going somewhere, Commander? ...Th-then, bring me along with you too! I'll make myself useful somehow! ...Whenever you're not here, I... Oh, you're just going on a quick patrol around the port?!
Affinity (Love) 今倩就和平垞䞀样攟心将悚的安党亀给我吧阁䞋  嗯我看起来心情埈奜那是圓然的哊胜埅圚阁䞋身旁䞺阁䞋出力就是我最倧的幞犏 今日もい぀もどおり、指揮官閣䞋の譊護はわたしにおたかせください  うヌん今日は䞀段ず䞊機嫌そう ですかもちろんです指揮官閣䞋のそばで、指揮官閣䞋のお圹に立おるこずはわたしにずっお䞀番の幞せですから I shall protect you today, just as I do every day! ...Huh? I seem to be in an especially good mood today? Well, of course! Nothing makes me happier than being at your side and serving you faithfully!
Pledge 我明癜了这䞪就是“䞎殿䞋结契”的仪匏吧嗯若月答应阁䞋从今以后随阁䞋巊右技卫阁䞋呚党圓然了劂果阁䞋还垌望我做什么的话尜管匀口就奜了 かしこたりたしたこれぞ「殿ずの契り」に盞違ないですねこれからも指揮官閣䞋の偎に立ち、指揮官閣䞋をお守りするこずをお玄束したすもちろん、ほかにわたしに任せるこずがありたしたらい぀でもお声掛けください I see! So this is a symbol of my fealty to you! From now on, I swear to always remain by your side and to protect you with my life! If you ever need anything, just call my name. I'll do anything for you!
In battle with Suzutsuki 䞀起䞺阁䞋而战吧 指揮官閣䞋のために共に参䞊臎す Let us fight for our Commander!
In battle with Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Chitose , Chiyoda 技航就亀给我吧 護衛はおたかせを Allow me to escort you!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇哇哇阁䞋快闪匀——幞奜没有匄脏阁䞋的衣服  真真的非垞对䞍起我这就把地面打扫干净 はわわわ指揮官閣䞋どいお―― ふぅ、はぁ 閣䞋の埡召物を汚さずにすんでよかったです 本圓に申し蚳ございたせん今床をキレむに掃陀し盎したす Oh nooo! Look out, Commander! ...Oh, phew... I'm glad I didn't mess up your clothes because of my carelessness! Please forgive me for my blunder! I'll clean the floor up right away!
Acquisition 哇哇哇阁䞋快闪匀——幞奜没有匄脏阁䞋的衣服  真真的非垞对䞍起我这就把地面打扫干净 はわわわ指揮官閣䞋どいお―― ふぅ、はぁ 閣䞋の埡召物を汚さずにすんでよかったです 本圓に申し蚳ございたせん今床をキレむに掃陀し盎したす Oh nooo! Look out, Commander! ...Oh, phew... I'm glad I didn't mess up your clothes because of my carelessness! Please forgive me for my blunder! I'll clean the floor up right away!
Login 阁䞋欢迎回来我来垊悚到座䜍䞊吧  啊阁䞋小心地面䞊的咖啡 おかえりなさいたせ、指揮官閣䞋今垭に案内しお  あ足元にご泚意くださいたせ Welcome back, Commander! Allow me to show you to your seat! ...Oh, please watch out for the coffee spill!
Details 只芁衚现埗奜歊藏倧人就䌚摞摞我的倎奖励我我今倩收到了埈倚埈倚的奖励哊  阁䞋也芁给我奖励吗倪奜了 うたくやれば、歊蔵さんがご耒矎ずしおなでなでしおくださるのです実は今日もいっぱいご耒矎をもらっおお 指揮官閣䞋もご耒矎をくれるのですかやった If I do a good job, Musashi will pat my head! I've actually received a whole bunch of rewards today. Oh, you're going to reward me too, Commander? Hooray!
Main 阁䞋䜠诎劂果圚店里养几只小鞟的话䌚䞍䌚变埗曎热闹呀 指揮官閣䞋、小鳥を䜕矜か飌ったほうが、お店がもっず賑やかになるずは思いたせんか Commander, don't you think keeping a few birdies around will liven up the café?
Main 2 矜黑小姐没事吧该䞍䌚就是因䞺若月才  䞍、䞍是䞀回事吗那就奜  芁是再垮倒忙若月就只胜跪坐谢眪了   矜黒さん、倧䞈倫ですかもしかしおわたしのせいで 倧䞈倫ですかよかった 今床どなたかを転ばせおしたったら若月、土䞋座しお謝眪せざるを埗たせんね  Haguro, are you okay? Is it my fault? ...Oh, you're fine? Thank goodness. If someone falls down because of me, I'd have to get on my knees and apologize...
Main 3 阁䞋这里刚刚打扫过请务必小心地滑  绝对䞍胜再出现曎倚的牺牲者了 指揮官閣䞋、こちらは掃陀したばかりなので足元にどうかご泚意なさっおください  これ以䞊被害者を増やすわけには参りたせん Commander, I just cleaned this area, so please watch your step! ...We can't afford for there to be any more victims!
Touch 奜的我这就去䞺阁䞋准倇 はい、今お持ちしたす Yes, I'll be right out with your order!
Touch (Special) 呜哇阁䞋我、我芁向其他同䌎告状了 ほ、ほかの仲間に蚀い぀けたすよ I, I'm going to tell my friends on you!
Touch (Headpat) 嘿嘿若月拿到了努力的回报呢~ 頑匵ったこずぞのご耒矎、いただきたしたえぞぞ Yay, I've been rewarded for my hard work! Ehehe~
Return to Port 让阁䞋见笑了  明明想圚女仆店掻劚䞭曎倚地垮䞊倧家结果自己华制造了麻烊呜呜   指揮官閣䞋にお芋苊しいずころをお芋せしたした  皆のお手䌝いをしようず思ったばかりに、逆に迷惑をかけおしたいたしお あぅ   I can't believe I made a fool of myself in front of you... I just wanted to help everyone out with the café, but ended up causing more trouble instead... Urgh...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 青鞟若月前来拜访  咊阁䞋䞺什么愣䜏了螩、螩到垘、垘子啊——有䞜西倒了哇哇哇—— 青矜根の若月が参りたした 指揮官閣䞋、なぜキョトンずしお――うわあああカヌテンが匕っかかっお物が ああああ
Acquisition 青鞟若月前来拜访  咊阁䞋䞺什么愣䜏了螩、螩到垘、垘子啊——有䞜西倒了哇哇哇—— 青矜根の若月が参りたした 指揮官閣䞋、なぜキョトンずしお――うわあああカヌテンが匕っかかっお物が ああああ Blue Sparrow Wakatsuki is here! ...Commander, why are you just staring—Oh, no! I'm caught on the curtain... Aaaah!
Login 青鞟若月垊来了春节的祝犏阁䞋新幎快乐 青矜根の若月、新春の祝犏を携えお参りたした指揮官閣䞋、新幎おめでずうございたす Blue Sparrow Wakatsuki has come to bring spring blessings! Happy new year, Commander!
Details 金鞡独立~阁䞋快看这是若月孊的新姿势哊——嘿嘿阁䞋芁䞍芁也来试䞀试 金鶏独立っ指揮官閣䞋、若月が孊んだばかりの構えをどうぞご芧ください――指揮官閣䞋もやっおみたせんか Jin ji du li! Commander, look at this new stance I learned! Do you want to try it?
Main 站、站皳了倚亏阁䞋県疟手快  新幎的第䞀倩就受了阁䞋的垮助若月实圚䞍知道怎么回报了   はっ。も、もう倧䞈倫です 指揮官閣䞋のおかげで助かりたした 新春早々指揮官閣䞋に助けられおは、もうどうご恩をお返しすれば  Ah! I-I'm okay now... Thanks for catching me, Commander... How can I repay you for helping me so early in the year?
Main 2 若月今幎来埗倪早了唔给阁䞋送来新春祝犏圓然芁早䞀些了毕竟若月是青鞟嘛 早くに来た理由ですかええず、今幎は青矜根の若月ずしお幞運をもたらす圹目ですから、指揮官閣䞋に䌚いに行くのも早いほうがいいず思いたしおっ Why did I come so soon? Umm, as the Blue Sparrow, I'm here to bring good fortune for the new year, so I thought it'd be best if I came to you early!
Main 3 嘿嘿既然若月占领了阁䞋的新幎第䞀倩那就让我今倩䞀盎陪着阁䞋吧 新幎初日の指揮官閣䞋は若月が独り占めしたすので、今日は䞀日ずっずそばにいさせおください I'm keeping you all to myself on the first day of the new year, so I hope you don't mind if I stick to you like glue all day!
Touch 别、别挠啊阁䞋䌚倱去平衡的 く、くすぐるのはやめおください指揮官閣䞋バランスが厩れちゃいたすよっ D-don't tickle me, please, Commander! I'm losing balance!
Touch (Special) 哇哇  才、才刚到新幎阁䞋就迫䞍及埅了么 ひゃぅ し、新春早々だずいうのに、指揮官閣䞋はもう我慢できなくなったのですかっ Hyah?! Y-you're already losing patience this early in the new year?!
Touch (Headpat) 新的䞀幎里摞了垊来幞犏的青鞟阁䞋肯定䌚犏䞊加犏哊嘿嘿~ 幞犏をもたらす青い鳥を觊ったのですから、指揮官閣䞋の運はより䞊がったに違いありたせんっえぞぞ You just touched a lucky blue sparrow, so your luck is about to be better than ever! Hehe!
Return to Port 欢迎回来有了若月的祝犏阁䞋今倩肯定顺风顺氎 おかえりなさいたせ若月の祝犏があれば、今日の指揮官閣䞋は䞇事順調間違いなし、です Welcome back! With my blessings, everything's sure to work out for you today!
Skill 若月圓先~ 若月が䞀番槍 Wakatsuki leads the charge!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Details 这䞪声音是  有同䌎圚请求垮助指挥官坐视䞍管可䞍行我们这就出发吧 この声は  助けを求めおいる仲間がいたすね指揮官閣䞋、困っおいる仲間を攟っおおくのは善にあらず早く助けに行きたしょう That voice... A friend is calling out to us! We can't abandon someone in their time of need, Commander! Let's go help them right away!
Main 阁䞋快过来这蟹窗蟹的麻雀已经䞍怕我了哊因䞺我经垞给它们喂食呢~ 指揮官閣䞋、ご芧ください小鳥たちはもうわたしを怖がらなくなりたしたよえぞぞ、い぀も゚サをやっおいたすからね Look, Commander, the little birdies aren't afraid of me anymore! Ehehe, that's because I've been feeding them~
Main 2 阁䞋虜然若月看䞍倪懂文乊䜆是可以垮阁䞋跑腿这些文乊就亀给我去送吧  䞀定䞍䌚匄错地方的 指揮官閣䞋、若月曞類はただよくわかりたせんけど、茞送のお䜿いなら倧䞈倫ですこちらの曞類はわたしがお届けしおたいりたす  堎所を間違えたりはしたせんっ Commander, I still cannot make sense of these documents, but I can certainly run errands for you! Let me deliver these papers for you! ...I probably won't get the place mixed up this time!
Main 3 阁䞋我听诎切磋歊艺胜增进圌歀的感情我们也来试试吧  嗯阁䞋的意思是还有别的方匏 指揮官閣䞋、お皜叀をすれば盞手ず仲良くできるず聞きたしたけど 䞀回やっおみたせんか  んもっずいい方法があるのですか Commander! I heard that a good way to develop a strong bond with someone is to spar with them! Want to give it a try? ...Huh? There's more than one way to do that?
Touch (Special) 阁䞋䞍䌚也这么对其它女孩子做过吧  这这样是䞍奜的 指揮官閣䞋、ほかの子にもしおいたすよね  だ、ダメだず思いたす Commander, if you're doing this kind of stuff to other girls... I, I think you should stop that!
Touch (Headpat) 劂果我做了曎倚的奜事阁䞋就䌚奖励我曎倚对吧 いいこずをもっずすれば、もっず指揮官閣䞋からご耒矎をもらえたすよね The more good things I do, the more rewards I'll get from you, right?
Flagship 有阁䞋之策我们䞀定胜倧获党胜 指揮官閣䞋の策があれば、倧勝間違いなし With your vision, Commander, our victory is assured!