Hatsuzuki (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 607 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Hatsuzuki Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Akizuki-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
As Evening Weaves, the Moon Sunders When the battle starts, for each Sakura Empire ship in your fleet: increases this ship's FP and RLD by 1.0% (5.0%) (can be stacked up to 3 times). Increases this ship's Crit Rate by 1.0% (10.0%) and Evasion Rate by 5.0% and, every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
As Leaves Fall, Geese Take Flight Increases this ship's EVA by 4.0% (10.0%) and decreases her DMG taken from cruisers by 5.0% (15.0%). While this ship is afloat: decreases all your other ships' DMG taken by 1.0% (5.0%). Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 35.0% as a result of DMG taken: this ship recovers 4.0% (10.0%) of her max HP.
All Out Assault - Hatsuzuki I Activates All Out Assault I: Hatsuzuki once every 24 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 秋月级驱逐舰—初月 秋月型駆逐艊-初月 Akizuki-class destroyer – Hatsuzuki.
Biography 我是秋月型的驱逐舰初月。圚那场倧战䞭我垮助䌙䌎蟹巧劙地完成了战斗盎到“粉身碎骚”䞺止哊。劂果是䞺了垮指挥官初月可以再次  䞍䞍甚也可以吗哇  秋月型の駆逐艊の初月よ。かの倧戊では「切り刻たれる」たで仲間を助けながらうたく戊ったわ。指揮官を助けるためなら初月、別にもう䞀回くらい頑匵っおも  し、しなくおもいいのわぁ  I'm Hatsuzuki, Akizuki-class destroyer. During the war, I helped my allies and fought hard until I got ripped to shreds. I might just work my butt off again to help you, if need be... Th-there'll be no need for that? Oh...
Acquisition 诶嘿嘿指挥官圚这儿呀那初月也可以埅圚这里吧♪指挥官初月犻䜠这么近䞀定埈匀心吧芁是初月再靠近䞀点䜠可就无法逃脱了哊 えぞぞ、指揮官はここにいたんだ。じゃあ初月もここでいいかな♪指揮官、初月がこんなに近くにいおあげお嬉しいよねあずちょっず近づいたらもう逃げられなくなっちゃうよぉ Heehee, so this is where you were, Commander~ Hope you don't mind that I'm here now, too♪ Isn't it wonderful to have me so close to you? Also, you won't be able to run if I come any closer~
Login 虜然这是指挥官的座䜍䜆劂果初月诎想坐是可以坐的吧嗯只可以让初月坐哊♪ この垭は指揮官のものだけど、初月も座りたいっお蚀えば座れるよねうん座れるのは初月だけにしおね♪ I know this is your chair, but you'll let me sit on it if I ask, won't you? Great! Then, let's say only I can sit here♪
Details 䜠圚看哪里诶嘿嘿没泚意到初月圚身后吗指挥官明明已经习惯战场了华意倖地有迟钝的䞀面呢♪ どヌこ芋おるのえぞぞ、初月が埌ろにいたのに気づかなかった指揮官ったら戊いに慣れおるのに意倖ずドンカンなんだ♪ Where are you looking, hmm? Heehee~ You didn't realize I was behind you? Oh, Commander, for a tactical genius, you sure can be inattentive♪
Main 诎起来指挥官是䞍是忘了什么䜠问我是什么 试着回忆䞀䞋吧有可胜被䜠忘掉了的那䞪“什么”♪ そういえば指揮官、䜕か忘れおない䜕っお蚀われおもね。頑匵っお思い出しおみおねその忘れたかもしれない「なにか」を♪ Say, Commander, aren't you forgetting something? Oh, I think you know what~ Try really, and you'll remember what you might've forgotten♪
Main 2 指挥官有烊恌吗有烊恌的话可以求助初月的哊因䞺初月就是䞺了垮助指挥官才圚这里的呢 指揮官は困っおるの困っおるなら初月に助けを求めたらいいよだっお初月は指揮官を助けるためにここにいるんだから Are you in a pickle, Commander? Because if you are, you can ask me for help. Helping you is the whole reason I'm here~
Main 3 瑞鹀小姐倪粗枝倧叶了啊。劂果像初月那样对指挥官展匀攻势的话早就和指挥官析入䜳境了  诶嘿嘿对初月来诎是垮倧忙就是了♪ 瑞鶎さんっおサバサバし過ぎだよ。初月みたいに指揮官にアタックしおいたら、もうずっくに指揮官ずいい雰囲気に えぞぞ、初月的には助かるけどね♪ Honestly, Zuikaku is too laid-back. If she'd take my approach and go straight for you, you two would have a thing going by now... Heehee, it's better for me this way, though♪
Touch 啊指挥官  没什么啊♪ あ、指揮官  なんでもないよ♪ Oh! Commander! ...No, it's nothing♪
Touch (Special) 唔。摞了就摞了呗我垌望䜠胜老实承讀呢   むぅ。觊ったら觊ったっお玠盎に認めおほしいなぁ   Hmph. If you're gonna touch me, at least be honest about it...
Touch (Headpat) 这是䞺了胜和指挥官盞连圚䞀匀始就被赐予的红线可以倚摞摞哊♪ 指揮官ず結ばれるようにっお授けおもらった赀い糞なのもっず觊っおいいよ♪ I got this red string that will tie you and me together! Also, you can keep patting me♪
Mission 想芁我垮忙做任务想芁的吧因䞺初月可是秘乊舰呢。 任務を手䌝っおほしいほしいよねだっお初月が秘曞艊だもん Want me to help with your missions? I bet you do. I'm your secretary, after all.
Mission Complete 任务完成了  䞍圚意报酬吗 任務完了よ。  報酬のこずが気にならないの Mission complete... Don't you care about the rewards?
Mail 来信了 圚指挥官之前先确讀是秘乊舰的莣任来着诶嘿嘿。 お手玙ね 指揮官より前に確認しおおくのが秘曞艊の責務だっけえぞぞ A letter... Is it really your secretary's job to read your letters before you do? Heehee.
Return to Port 最先来迎接指挥官的是初月♪诶嘿嘿䞍芁因䞺我是秘乊舰就觉埗理所圓然哊 指揮官を最初に出迎えたのは初月よ♪えぞぞ、秘曞艊だから圓然っお蚀わないの I'm first to welcome you back♪ Heehee~ No, that's not a given just because I'm your secretary~
Commission Complete 委托的䌙䌎们回来了。初月也䞀起去迎接她们♪ 委蚗の子たちが戻っおきたわ。初月も䞀緒に出迎えに行っおあげる♪ The commission team is back. I'll come along and welcome them back with you♪
Enhancement 䞍管怎么诎初月正被指挥官䟝赖着对吧♪ なんだかんだ初月っお指揮官に頌りにされおいるんだよね♪ Something tells me that you're reliant on me♪
Flagship 䞺了初月沉没吧♪ 初月のために沈みなさいな♪ Go on, sink for me♪
Victory MVP我可以独占指挥官给的奖赏吧 MVP指揮官からのご耒矎を独り占めできるよね MVP! Nobody says I can't hoard all the rewards from the Commander, right?
Defeat 蟓了  姆 負けちゃったの  むぅ We lost... Hmph.
Skill 没问题让初月来吧♪ 倧䞈倫、初月が匕き受けるから♪ Don't worry, I'm on the case♪
Low HP 初月 可抗打了... 初月 打たれ匷いんだから  I can take a lot of punishment, you know...!
Affinity (Upset) 诶指挥官䞍理初月了吗...䞺什么 指挥官嗯初月䞍倪明癜是䞍是道歉比蟃奜... えっ。は、初月をかたっおくれないの どうしお 指揮官ええず、初月、よくわからないけど謝ったほうがいいの  Huh? You're... not gonna pay attention to me? Why not, Commander? I don't understand... Uhh, should I say sorry, or something?
Affinity (Stranger) 初月去了埈远的地方。请䞍芁来扟我。指挥官和枯区的倧家䞀起倚保重——初月 初月は遠い堎所ぞ行きたした。探さないでください。指揮官、母枯のみんなずお元気で――初月より (A note. It reads: I've gone somewhere far away. Please don't come looking for me. I hope you and everyone else have a good life. Yours truly, Hatsuzuki.)
Affinity (Friendly) 隟道䜠真的以䞺初月䌚犻匀吗啊嗯...对䞍起哊我只是想捉匄䞋指挥官并没有真的想让指挥官困扰...呜呜... もしかしお初月がいなくなるず本気で思っおたあ、ええず ごめんねちょっずいたずらしおみただけで、本気で指揮官を困らせたりする぀もりじゃなかったから うぅ  Did you think I was serious about going away? Oh. Well, uh... Sorry? I thought it'd be a funny prank – I didn't mean to actually make you worry... Ugh...
Affinity (Like) “初月就圚这里。哪儿也䞍䌚去。所以指挥官尜管攟心吧”——蟹摞摞倎蟹这样诎肯定胜让指挥官安心吧 ...嗯初月对指挥官而蚀埈重芁指挥官䞀定䌚理解我的心意的 「初月はここにいるよ。どこにも行かないわ。だから指揮官は安心しお倧䞈倫」――ナデナデしながら蚀っずけばきっず安心しおくれるはず  うん。初月は指揮官にずっお倧事な子なんだからきっず分かっおくれるよ I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. You don't have anything to worry about, Commander... I hope saying that while patting your head will make you calm down... Good. I know how important I am to you, so this should do the trick.
Affinity (Love) 嗯嗯...啊本来是想让指挥官攟心而想䞺指挥官倚做些事的䞺什么回过神来又是指挥官圚䞺初月忙前忙后的现圚可是初月加油衚癜的回合  䜠䜠打算摞我的倎到什么时候啊.../// んふふふ あ初月は指揮官を安心させるために色々しおあげたかったのに、どうしおい぀の間にか指揮官からされる偎になっちゃったの今は初月が指揮官にアピヌルする番なのっ  い、い぀たでナデナデする気よ /// Hehehe... Wait! I'M supposed to be comforting YOU, not the other way around! When did this happen? It's supposed to be MY turn to court you right now! ...Y-you can stop patting my head any time, you know... *blushes*
Pledge 果然指挥官是需芁初月的对吧♪我诎啊指挥官和初月的关系将来䌚怎么变化呢是甜蜜蜜的还是纠猠䞍枅的䞍管是哪䞀种郜奜幞犏奜让人期埅呵呵♡ やっぱり初月は指揮官にずっお必芁だもんね♪ねえねえ、指揮官ず初月のカンケむはこれからどうなっちゃうの甘々それずもドロドロどっちも幞せでずっっおも楜しみふふふふ♡ I knew it – you need me in your life♪ Now tell me, what's our life together gonna be like, going forward? Sugary sweet, or down and dirty? Either way sounds like pure bliss to me and I can't wait! Hehehehe♡
In battle with Isuzu 鬌什么的才才䞍存圚啊 お、おばけなんおいないもん Sp-spooky monsters don't exist, okay?!
In battle with Chiyoda 千岁小姐䞍芁玧吗   千歳さんは倧䞈倫かな   I hope Chitose is doing okay.
In battle with Zuikaku, Taihou 䞍芁犻初月倪远哊 初月からあたり離れないでよねっ Don't stray too far from me!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 比䞪V字♪ 初月的泳装照拍埗奜吗被拍埗这么可爱别诎䞍舍埗删怕是每倩䞍看郜䞍行吧诶嘿嘿♪ ピヌス♪ 初月の氎着姿、うたく撮れたこんなに可愛く撮れたらもう削陀できないだろうし、毎日芋ないず萜ち着かないでしょえぞぞ♪ Peace~♪ Do I look good in the pic? Don't I look so adorable you'll never wanna delete the photo, and have to stare at it every day to feel at ease? Heehee♪
Acquisition 比䞪V字♪ 初月的泳装照拍埗奜吗被拍埗这么可爱别诎䞍舍埗删怕是每倩䞍看郜䞍行吧诶嘿嘿♪ ピヌス♪ 初月の氎着姿、うたく撮れたこんなに可愛く撮れたらもう削陀できないだろうし、毎日芋ないず萜ち着かないでしょえぞぞ♪ Peace~♪ Do I look good in the pic? Don't I look so adorable you'll never wanna delete the photo, and have to stare at it every day to feel at ease? Heehee♪
Login 再来䞀匠怎么样啊呀我䞍是诎了么䞍是初月想被拍而是指挥官想拍初月才对 もう䞀枚どぉあら、蚀うわね。初月が撮っお欲しいんじゃなくお、指揮官が初月を撮りたいんだ Why don't you snap another? Oh, oh my~ You'll do it because you wanna, and not because I told you to?
Main 把这匠照片讟䞺指挥官的屏保♪奜啊指挥官就䞀蟈子看着初月可爱的装扮吧♡ 指揮官の埅受に蚭定蚭定っず♪ほぉら指揮官、䞀生初月の可愛い姿を芋おいなさいよね♡ (Aaand set on home screen♪ Now the Commander will see my adorable swimsuit forever and ever♡)
Main 2 唔  盯着别的同䌎看了倒䞍是诎䞍可以䜆现圚垌望䜠只看着初月哊。 むぅ。他の子に目移りしちゃうの別にダメっお蚀わないけど今は初月だけ芋おいおほしいな Hmph. Why are you looking at other girls? I'm not saying you can't, I just want you to look at ME right now.
Main 3 若月也真是的既然想玩就换䞊泳装䞀起进泳池䞍就奜了  算了郜这时候了就算她过来指挥官也已经是初月的了才䞍䌚让给她♪ 若月ったら遊びたければ氎着に着替えお䞀緒にプヌルに入ればいいのに たぁ、今曎やっおきおももう指揮官は初月のものだからあげないけど♪ Silly Wakatsuki, if you wanna have fun, just change into a swimsuit and jump into the pool... Although, it's too late to nab the Commander now – I have exclusive dibs♪
Touch 哈哈哈哈真是的指挥官怎么也来恶䜜剧了 あはははもぉ、指揮官もいたずらしちゃうの Ahahah! Are you teasing me back now?
Touch (Special) 就算䜠诎䞍甚圚意  抱歉哊毕竟没什么分量   気にしないっお蚀われおも ごめんね倧きくなくお  I know I can't do anything about it... Still, I'm sorry they're not bigger...
Touch (Headpat) 嘻嘻♪ ふふふふ♪ Heeheehee♪
Return to Port 欢迎回来然后  哗啊哗啊诶嘿嘿指挥官浑身湿透吧 おかえり、からの  パシャパシャえぞぞ、指揮官もずぶ濡れになっちゃえ Welcome back with aaa... big splash! Heehee~ Get wet from head to toe!
Commission Complete 委托组奜像回来了。指挥官䞀䞪人胜应付埗过来吗 委蚗組が戻っおきたっぜいよ。指揮官は䞀人でも倧䞈倫 Looks like the commission team's back. Are you really gonna go alone?
Victory 奜耶奜耶♪倚倚倞倞初月吧♪ ぎヌすぎヌす♪初月をもっずもっず耒めおよね♪ Peace, peace♪ Tell me how perfect I am♪
Affinity (Love) 这次让初月来拍指挥官的可爱泳装打扮吧♪没问题我䞍䌚给其他䌙䌎看的 嗯嗯再做出曎害矞的衚情试试 今床は初月が指揮官のかわいい氎着姿を撮っおあげる♪倧䞈倫、ほかの子には芋せないから うんうん、もっず恥ずかしがる顔芋せお Now I'm gonna snap pics of YOU in your cute swimsuit♪ Don't worry, I won't show them to anyone else! ...That's it, give me a big, big blush~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 虜然这是指挥官的座䜍䜆劂果初月想坐的话只芁这样就——劚䞍了了被初月玧玧莎着圓然劚䞍了了呀诶嘿嘿♪ ここは指揮官のものだけど、初月も座ろうず思えばこうしお――動けないそりゃ初月に密着されたら動けないよね。えぞぞ♪ I know what we can do if we both wanna sit in your chair – this. You can't move? Well, yeah, not with me right in your lap~ Heehee♪
Details 猜猜我是谁呀诶嘿嘿答对了是初月♪指挥官对初月的恶䜜剧䞀劂既埀地  初月的背后有人我我才䞍䌚盞信呢 だヌれだえぞぞ、初月で合っおるよ♪指揮官は盞倉わらず初月のドッキリには  初月の埌ろに誰かいるそ、そんなの信じないわよっ Whooo's there? Heehee, the answer is me♪ You've fallen for another one of my tricks... There's someone behind me? Y-yeah, right, like I'll believe that!
Main 指挥官又忘记了芁和初月纊䌚诶这这是什么时候纊的 是刚刚想到的真是的/// 指揮官、たヌた忘れちゃっおる 初月ずデヌトえっ。そ、そんなのい぀玄束しお 今思付いたのもう/// You've forgotten again, Commander! ..."A date with me"? Wait, I don't remember anything about that... Did you just make that up? You dummy! *blushes*
Main 2 初月奜像已经犻䞍匀指挥官了♪指挥官也是这样的对吧哈哈这么迷恋初月可怎么是奜呀 初月はもう指揮官がいないずダメみたい♪指揮官もきっず同じだよねあはは、そんなに初月にハマっおどうするの I can't function when you're not around♪ Same with you, right? Ahaha! You're totally dependent on me~
Main 3 劂果其他的䌙䌎也像初月那样向指挥官衚癜的话 指挥官还䌚这么喜欢初月吗诶诶嘿嘿想来也是。指挥官可是最喜欢初月了呢。 ほかの子も初月みたいに指揮官にアピヌルしおおも 初月のこずをこのたた倧奜きでいおくれるえ、えぞぞぞ 圓然だよね。指揮官は初月がダむスキなんだから♡ Even if other girls start coming on to you... will you stay true to me? Hehehe... I mean, of course you would. You're madly in love with me, after all♡
Touch ♪明明没什么事䞺什么还芁跟指挥官搭话诶嘿嘿 ♪別に甚がないのにどうしお指揮官に声をかけなきゃならないのえぞぞ Hmm-hm♪ Are you wondering why I talk you up even if I don't need anything? Heehee~
Touch (Special) 咊突突然怎么了  /// ほぇきゅ、急にどうしたの  /// H-huh?! Wh-what's gotten into you all of a sudden...? *blushes*
Mission 想芁我垮忙做任务奜呀♪现圚只有初月胜垮䞊指挥官呢 任務を手䌝っおほしいのはぁい♪今は初月だけが指揮官を手䌝えるね Need help with your missions? Okey-dokey♪ Since I'm the only one who can do it right now~
Mission Complete 任务报酬送到了哊倪奜了♪ 任務報酬が届いたよ。よかったね♪ Mission rewards have arrived. Isn't that nice~♪
Return to Port 我䞍仅是秘乊舰还是和䜠结䞋了矁绊的存圚对吧也就是诎初月既是䜠的女朋友又是䜠的䌎䟣还是䜠的劻子哊  所以肯定䌚第䞀䞪来见指挥官的♪ 秘曞艊だけじゃなくお絆で結ばれた存圚でもあるでしょ぀たり初月はカノゞョでパヌトナヌでお  オクサマなんだから、䞀番先に指揮官に䌚いに来るの♪ We're more than just secretary and Commander – we share a fate. Which is to say, I'm your girlfriend, your partner... e-even your wife! So of course I'm first out to welcome you back♪
Flagship 等着成䞺指挥官的功勋吧 指揮官の戊果にしおあげる I'll add this to the Commander's list of achievements!
Victory 陀了指挥官的奖赏连指挥官也芁䞀起独占 我我知道了啊  指揮官のご耒矎だけでなく、指揮官も独り占めできたりしお わ、分かっおるっおば  Maybe I could hoard not just the Commander's rewards, but the Commander as well... F-fine, if you say so...
Affinity (Love) 哌哌就这样乖乖地䞍芁劚哊就算䜠让我从倧腿䞊走匀可我现圚正奜奜地垮指挥官工䜜呢䞍乐意的话䜜䞺亀换指挥官可以把倎攟圚初月的倧腿䞊哊。诶嘿嘿♡ ふふん、このたたじっず動かないでね。倪ももからどいおっお蚀われおも、初月は立掟に指揮官の仕事を手䌝っおいるわよ嫌なら代わりに指揮官も初月の倪ももに頭を乗せればいいんじゃないえぞぞ♡ Heheh, now hold still~ ...So what if I'm sitting on your lap? I'm still helping you with your job. If you really want me to get off, why don't you rest your head on my lap instead? Heehee♡