Suzunami (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 663Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP348 Reload79
Firepower13 Torpedo102
Evasion71 Anti-air29
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW48 Luck41
HP1617 Reload152
Firepower37 Torpedo261
Evasion239 Anti-air110
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW119 Luck43
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Yuugumo-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Waves of Bitter Cold15s after the battle starts, and every 20s after that: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Enemies hit by this barrage take 1.0% (10.0%) increased torpedo DMG from this ship for 8s. When this ship's torpedoes hit an enemy: decreases that enemy's SPD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 5s.???
Chasing Brisk WavesIncreases this ship's TRP and EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) . When this ship fires her torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to fire another wave of torpedoes.???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Yuugumo Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description夕云级驱逐舰—凉波夕雲型駆逐艦-涼波Yuugumo-class destroyer – Suzunami
Biography我是来自重樱的夕云级十号舰凉波,曾经活跃在前线战场,但并没有特别突出的战绩。今后我会更加努力,协助指挥官击退敌人……也会努力跟舰队中的大家好好相处的……重桜の夕雲型10番艦、涼波、かの大戦では前線で頑張ってたけど、特に抜きん出た戦果はなかった。これからは精一杯努力して、指揮官に協力して敵を撃退して……艦隊のみんなと仲良くする、から…I'm Suzunami, 10th destroyer of the Yuugumo class. I gave it my best in the great war, but didn't achieve much of note. Now I'll try my hardest to work with you to repel our enemies... and make friends with others in the fleet.
Acquisition指挥官,您好,我是隶属重樱的驱逐舰,夕云级十号舰,凉波。那个……让我们好好相处吧。こんにちは、指揮官。重桜所属の駆逐艦、夕雲型の十番艦の涼波よ。その……仲良く、して…Greetings, Commander. I'm Suzunami of the Sakura Empire, 10th ship of the Yuugumo class of destroyers. I hope we can be, um... friends...
Login指挥官,今天的工作内容我都整理好放在这里了……嗯……您没看错,就是这么多,请尽快开始工作吧……我也会协助您的。指揮官、今日の仕事内容はここにまとめた。…はい、この量は見間違いじゃないよ。早く始めて……涼波も協力する、からI left a summary of today's tasks here. Yes, it's that many. Better get started. I'll help you out.
Details指挥官这样看着我,是也觉得我不好相处么……?……欸?只是想靠近我一些……?唔……没有不喜欢……只是需要一些时间适应……涼波に近づきづらいから、いつまでも見つめてるの……?え?ただ近づくタイミングを伺ってただけって…別に嫌じゃないけど…慣れるのにちょっと時間が、必要……You're always staring at me – am I hard to approach? Huh? You're just waiting for the right time to come closer? I mean, I don't have a problem with you... I just need some time to get used to you.
Main这是用雪捏成的小熊哦,喜欢的话,就送给您了,放在这里了哦……唔,只是替我监督您工作而已。雪で作ったクマちゃんだよ。好きならあげる。ここに置いて……うん。涼波の代わりに指揮官を見張ってもらおうっとThis is a snow bear I made. You can have it if you want. I'll leave it here. It'll stand guard for you on when I'm not here.
Main 2呣呣……这是草莓味的刨冰哦,您要来点么?……觉得味道还可以么……?嘿嘿……我没有笑,您看错了///……むむ…いちごのかき氷、指揮官も食べてみる?……美味しい?えへへ……あ。涼波は笑ってないよ。見間違い、だよ…///Mmh... Do you want a taste of this strawberry-flavored shaved ice? ...You like it? Heehee. Huh? No, I wasn't smiling. You're just seeing things... *blushes*
Main 3明明猫咪见到我都会逃跑……可是却会主动靠近指挥官……我没有在羡慕哦……没有在羡慕哦……涼波を見ると逃げちゃうネコちゃんなのに、指揮官に自分から近づいて……羨ましくないよ。…羨ましく、ない…Cats run away when they see me, but they're never afraid to walk up to you... I'm not jealous. Not jealous at all...
Touch……能请您告诉我跟小动物相处的方法么……?……小動物たちと仲良くなれる方法、涼波に教えてもらえる…?Do you know a good way to make friends with animals? Can you teach me?
Touch (Special)——?!我……我不是很习惯这样的接触……――?!す、涼波はこういうスキンシップ…慣れて…ないのHuh?! I-I'm not accustomed to... physical touch like this...
Touch (Headpat)唔……指挥官的手热热的……我不太习惯……んん……指揮官の手、ぽかぽかしてて……ちょっと、慣れない…Mmh... Your hand feels so warm... I'm not used to that...
Mission指挥官,未完成的工作不能再拖延了哦。指揮官、まだ終わってない仕事をこれ以上引き伸ばしたら、メっだよCommander, you really can't put off your tasks any longer.
Mission Complete指挥官,辛苦了,任务的报酬我也清点完毕了,好好休息吧。指揮官、お疲れ様。任務の報酬を確認したから。ちゃんと休んで…ね?Great work. I had a look at the mission rewards. Get some rest now.
Mail指挥官,信件我都帮您拿过来了……我也可以给您写信么……?指揮官、手紙を全部持ってきたよ。…涼波も指揮官宛に手紙、書いていい…?Commander, I've brought all your mail. Can I write you a letter too?
Return to Port指挥官,您回来了,我给您准备了茶……冷的?嗯,我在里面加了冰块哦……很奇怪吗?指揮官、おかえり。涼波がお茶を淹れてきた……キンキンに冷えている?うん、氷もいっぱい入れたけど……淹れ方、変だった?Welcome back. I made you some tea. Oh, it's freezing cold? Yeah, I added a whole heap of ice... Was that a weird choice?
Commission Complete指挥官,委托组回来了……让我也一起去迎接她们么……?好,那我也去。指揮官、委託組が戻ってきたよ。…涼波も一緒に出迎えに行かないかって?うん、行くCommander, the commission team is back. You want me to come along and welcome them? Sure.
Enhancement嗯,得到提升我很高兴,无论是工作还是人际交往……我都会更加努力的。えー強くしてくれて涼波、嬉しく思う。お仕事についても、人間関係についても……もっと頑張るからWow, thanks for making me stronger. I'll try to work harder from now... and try to be more cordial.
Flagship和大家一起出击么……我会好好完成任务的,请您放心。皆と一緒に出撃するなんて…任務はちゃんとこなすから、安心してWhat an honor to fight with you all. Rest assured, I will accomplish the mission.
Victory指挥官,取得胜利了……我跟大家的配合,还可以吗?指揮官、勝ったよ。…涼波とみんなのコンビネーションは大丈夫…かな?We won, Commander. I think I work pretty well in a team, don't I?
Defeat舰装失火……请求撤离。艤装に火が……撤退を具申する…!Rigging is burning... Requesting permission to retreat!
Low HP火势扩大了——!火の勢いが……!The fire is spreading!
Affinity (Upset)抱歉,指挥官,我们还是保持一定的距离吧……ごめん、指揮官、やっぱり距離取ってSorry. You actually should keep your distance.
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,休息日能陪我去动物园吗?您也在的话,动物们就不会避开我了吧,毕竟您很温暖。指揮官、休みの日は動物園に一緒に行ってくれる?指揮官がいたら動物たち、涼波を避けたりしないかも。だって指揮官、温かい…からWill you come with me to the zoo on our next day off? With you around, the animals shouldn't all run away from me. You're warm, and they like that...
Affinity (Friendly)嗯……?我笑了吗?我只是在想着您的事情而已……别、别这样看着我……我不是很习惯///……うん…?涼波が笑った…?指揮官のことを考えてただけなのに……そ、そんな目で見ないで…慣れてないから…///Hm? I smiled? I was simply thinking about you. D-don't give me that look... I'm not used to it...
Affinity (Like)指挥官,最近只要在您身边,我就会感觉心一直在扑腾扑腾地跳……但是好像不是在紧张……涼波は最近、指揮官のそばにいると心がドキドキドクンドクンして……緊張じゃない、のに……For a while now, my heart has started racing whenever I'm around you... I'm not even nervous, and yet...
Affinity (Love)指挥官,我好像理解大家为什么那么喜欢您了……我最近……也总是很想待在您身边,这会令您感到困扰么……?不会的话,我就在您身边坐下了……您真的很温暖呢……嘿……なんでみんな指揮官のことをそんなに好きか、分かった気がするの……だって涼波も最近、よくそばにいたいって思うし…こ、困らせちゃうかな…?困らないなら、そばに座っちゃうよ……だって指揮官は本当に、温かいから…えへへ…I think I understand why everyone likes you so much. I've been wanting to stay by your side for a while now... D-does that bother you? If not, I'm gonna sit next to you to take in your warmth... Heehee...
Pledge指挥官……这样的感觉我还是第一次感受到……现在我真的感觉非常幸福……以后与您在一起的每一天,我都会如此幸福么……?指揮官……こんな感じ、涼波は初めて……本当に、本当に幸せで……これから毎日、こんなに幸せで…いいの?Commander... I've never felt the way I do now. I'm so, so happy... Am I allowed to be this happy all day, every day?
In battle with Kiyonami, Makinami, Naganami, Kazagumo这就是新锐驱逐舰的实力。これが新鋭駆逐艦の実力 This is the might of a cutting-edge destroyer.
In battle with Uranami一起玩雪么? 雪遊び、する? Wanna play in the snow?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,抱歉,这个时间让您过来……能帮我看看这身礼服合身吗?我不大擅长这个……指揮官、ごめんね、こんな時間に涼波に会いに来てもらって……ドレスがちゃんと着れてるか、見てもらえるかな…?涼波、こういうの、苦手だから…Sorry for calling you here this early, Commander... I was just hoping you could check if I'm wearing my dress right. I'm not a dress person, so...
Acquisition指挥官,抱歉,这个时间让您过来……能帮我看看这身礼服合身吗?我不大擅长这个……指揮官、ごめんね、こんな時間に涼波に会いに来てもらって……ドレスがちゃんと着れてるか、見てもらえるかな…?涼波、こういうの、苦手だから…Sorry for calling you here this early, Commander... I was just hoping you could check if I'm wearing my dress right. I'm not a dress person, so...
Login在参加舞会之前还有工作要处理么……?那,等指挥官帮我确认完礼服没问题后,我也来协助您吧。パーティーの前にまだこなさないといけない仕事が……?じゃあ、涼波のドレスのチェックが終わったら、今度は涼波が手伝ってあげるねYou have work you just have to finish before the banquet? Okay. I'll help you with that after I'm done straightening out my dress.
Details指挥官,请别这样看着我……不这样看着我没法判断礼服是否合适?也是哦……指揮官、涼波を長く見すぎ……見つめないと確認できないの?そ、そうなんだ…You stare way too much, Commander... You have to so you can see if everything's in order? Oh, okay...
Main袜子是不是有些太紧了……影响到跳舞就不好了,稍微调松一点吧。ガーターベルト、ちょっとキツキツかも…ダンスのときに動きづらくなったらよくないよね…ちょっと緩めよう、かな…This garter belt feels kind of tight... I don't want it to restrict my movement when we dance. Maybe I'll loosen it a little...
Main 2指挥官,听说舞会专门准备了豪华刨冰哦,我很期待……到时候一起吃吧。指揮官、パーディー会場にすごい豪華なかき氷があるって聞いたよ。涼波、楽しみ……一緒に食べよう?I've heard there's going to be some really lavish shaved ice at the banquet. I can't wait. Do you wanna eat it with me?
Main 3换了衣服,猫咪会不会不那么怕我了……?指挥官,之后陪我一起去试试看吧?着替えたらネコちゃんも懐いてくれそう?指揮官、このあと一緒にチャレンジ…しよ?Do you think cats will be friendlier with me with this dress? Let's find some cats later and try it.
Touch——?!是要量腰围么?不,没什么……只是突然靠得太近了,我有些不习惯……给您尺子。きゃぅ!?…ウェストの採寸?い、いいけど……急に指揮官が近づいてきたから涼波、ちょっとビックリして……メジャーはここにある、よ?Eep! M-measure my waist? Fine, I guess... You just scared me when you came close out of nowhere... Here is the measuring tape.
Touch (Special)这、这里还要再调整一下么……?我自己来就好了……こ、ここはもうちょっと調整したほうがいい……?自分でやれるよ…?Y-you think I should adjust this part more? Well, I can do that myself...
Touch (Headpat)嗯?发带松开了么?ん?リボンがほどけたの?Hm? Did my ribbon come undone?
Mission还有工作么?我来帮您吧,在舞会前处理完会比较好吧。まだ仕事があるの?涼波が手伝うよ。パーティーの前に片付けたほうがいい、よね?You still have work to do? I'll help. It's best that we finish it before the banquet.
Mission Complete工作都完成了,整理一下服饰,准备参加舞会吧。仕事が全部片付いたね。服を整えてから会場へ行こ?That's all the work finished. Let's head out once I've straightened out my dress.
Return to Port镜子……看不清背面呢……嗯?指挥官,您来了……那个……能麻烦您帮我调整一下背后的裙摆么……?我看不见……鏡……後ろが見えないよ……ん?指揮官、おかえり。ええと、涼波のドレスの後ろを見てもらえないかな……一人だと、見えないから…I can't see the back in the mirror... Hm? Welcome back, Commander. Could you, um, check my dress from behind? I can't see it on my own.
Defeat变得乱糟糟了……舞会可能赶不上了。ムシャムシャ……パーティーに間に合わなそう…This is a mess... I don't think I'll make it to the party...
Affinity (Love)……一想到能够穿着这身礼服与您跳舞,感受您的温度,我就感觉很开心……我很期待那一刻的到来,那一定会成为最温暖、最美好的回忆吧。……この衣装を着て指揮官とダンスができて、指揮官に温めてもらえるって思うと、涼波、すごい嬉しくなるし、すごく楽しみ……暖かくて、素敵な思い出ができる…から…///When I think about how I get to wear this dress, dance with you, and feel your warmth, it makes me so happy and excited... It's going to be a warming, wonderful night.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官,我在您身边坐下了哦,一起处理今天的工作吧……在您的身边,我好像更有动力了。指揮官、そばを邪魔するよ。一緒に今日の仕事をこなそう……指揮官のそばにいると涼波、普段よりもやる気が出そうI'm gonna be right here beside you and we'll get this work done together. I feel more motivated when I'm next to you.
Details指挥官,一直和凉波待在一起没关系吗?大家会不会觉得不好意思来找我们……?没这回事?那就好,欸嘿嘿……指揮官、涼波のところにいて大丈夫?涼波と長くいすぎたら、みんなに近づきづらいと思われちゃ……そんなことない?なら、いい…えへへ…Should you really stay with me all the time? If you're here too long, people will think we're unapproachable... No? Then it's fine. Heehee.
Main冰激凌火锅……?听起来很奇怪……如果您想吃的话,我也可以陪您就是了……アイスクリーム鍋……?なんだか変な響き……指揮官が食べたいなら涼波も付き合う、けどぉ……Ice cream hot pot? That sounds weird... Buuut, if you wanna try it, then I'll try it, too.
Main 2指挥官,听我说,最近,猫咪们见到我已经不会逃跑了……好开心啊……是因为您一直在我身边的原因吧……指揮官、聞いて。最近、ネコちゃんから逃げられなくなったよ……えへへ、嬉しい……ずっと指揮官のそばにいるからかな……You're not gonna believe this – cats stopped avoiding me now. Heehee. I'm so happy. Must be because I've been around you for so long.
Touch……和小动物们更好地相处的方法是……嗯,指挥官也不知道吗?那,那…要不要一起找找看…?……小動物たちともっと仲良くなれる方法は……うーん、指揮官も知らないの?じゃ、じゃあ…一緒に探そう…?So you don't really know a good way to befriend animals either? Okay, in that case... we can look for one together.
Touch (Special)那个……指、指挥官……您喜欢这里么///……あのぉ……し、指揮官は……ここが…好きなの?You, umm... Do you... like touching that?
Touch (Headpat)指挥官的手,很温暖……我并不讨厌……指揮官の手、温かいけど……嫌じゃない、よ?Your hand is really warm... I don't mind it.
Return to Port指挥官,您回来了,我给您泡了茶。放心吧,是适合您入口的温度,我不会再弄错了。指揮官、おかえり、お茶を淹れてきたよ。大丈夫、指揮官が飲めそうな温度になってるから…もう間違えないよWelcome back. I made some tea for you. Don't worry, it's at a drinkable temperature for you. I'm not getting it wrong again.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,我好像已经无法适应独自一人的生活了……无法离开温暖的您……无法抑制想与您一直、一直在一起的想法……这样会很任性么……?涼波、もう昔には戻れない……温かい指揮官から離れられなくて、指揮官とずっとずっと一緒にいたい気持ちを抑えられないの……すごく「ワガママ」、だよね…?I can't go back to my old ways... I can't be away from your warmth, and I can't suppress this urge of always wanting to be with you. I'm very selfish, aren't I?