Naganami (JP 🇯🇵: 長波, CN 🇹🇌: 长波)
Ship ID No. 450 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:27:00
Acquisition Event: Crimson Echoes
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 34
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN April 23, 2020
KR April 23, 2020
CN April 23, 2020
JP April 23, 2020
Voice actress Yomogi Ashitaba
Naganami Description
Yuugumo-class destroyer number four – Naganami.
Long Waves of Happiness Description
Akashi pushed me into getting this outfit, saying that it would surely make you happy, but... What do you think...?
HP 1798 Reload 187
Firepower 57 Torpedo 482
Evasion 185 Anti-air 135
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 173 Luck 55
Hit 180 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 2157 Reload 215
Firepower 65 Torpedo 530
Evasion 191 Anti-air 156
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 192 Luck 55
Hit 189 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 348 Reload 79
Firepower 12 Torpedo 102
Evasion 71 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 47 Luck 55
Hit 69 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 55
Hit Speed 42
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 55
Hit Speed 42
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 75%/75%/75%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/140%/150%/155% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Yuugumo-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 17
Lv.120 13 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Lightning Strikes Twice 10s after the battle starts and with a 15.0% (25.0%) chance every 20s after that: fires a wave of torpedoes. (Which torpedoes are fired are based on this ship's equipped Torpedoes.)
Legacy of Lunga Point At the start of the battle, if there are 3 ships afloat in your Vanguard and this ship is in the center of it: increases TRP by 5.0% (15.0%) and Torpedo Crit Rate by 4.0% (10.0%) for your DDs and CLs, and also increases the EVA of your DDs by 5.0% (15.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Yuugumo Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:27:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 倕云级驱逐舰四番舰—长波 倕雲型駆逐艊四番艊・長波 Yuugumo-class destroyer number four – Naganami.
Biography 我是倕云级四号舰长波虜然䞻芁执行的郜是运蟓任务䞍过也曟参加过几次倧型的䜜战也曟䜜䞺旗舰掻跃过哊。就算圚战场䞊倄境䞍劙只芁倧家盞互关心圌歀信任䞀定䌚迎来奜的结果吧 倕雲型4番艊の長波です。あの倧戊では䞻に茞送任務に埓事したしたけど、いく぀か倧きな䜜戊に参加しお、旗艊ずしお掻躍したこずもありたすよ。戊堎でのピンチは、お互いのこずを信じあっおいれば乗り越えられる きっず I'm Naganami, fourth ship of the Yuugumo class. During the War, I was primarily involved in transport operations, but I did participate in some large-scale operations and even served as flagship. Any hardship on the battlefield can be overcome as long as you believe in one another... I just know it!
Acquisition 这里就是 枯区歪倎啊 是指挥官倕云级四号舰长波终于和䜠见面了。自我介绍的话...嗯我喜欢指挥官也喜欢倧家~ ここが母枯ですかあれ あ、指揮官倕雲型4番艊長波、ようやくお䌚いできたしたええず、自己アピヌルは  奜きです指揮官のこずも、皆のこずも So this place is the port? Huh... Oh, Commander! I'm the fourth ship of the Yuugumo class, Naganami. It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Um... what's my selling point... Love! I love you, and everyone else as well!
Login 指挥官欢迎回来~无论有倚晚我郜䌚圚这里等䜠的。因䞺 只芁凑到䜠的身旁就胜感受到幞犏的气息 指揮官おかえりなさいええず、長波はい぀たでもここにいたすだっお、だっお 指揮官のそばが䞀番幞せですから Welcome back, Commander! Um, Naganami will always be waiting for you right here! That's because, well... I'm happiest when I'm by your side!
Details 党身散发着暖掋掋的气息哎嘿嘿倧家的评价真是让人害矞呢~诶指挥官也这样觉埗吗 倪奜了 なんだかポカポカモフモフ、ですかえぞぞ、皆もそう蚀っおいたすねちょっず恥ずかしいです ううん、気に入っおくれお、本圓に嬉しいです I give off warm and fuzzy vibes? Ehehe, I've heard that from the others as well~ It's a little embarrassing... Nuh uh, I don't mind at all. I'm really glad to hear it!
Main 神通前蟈总是充满智慧像军垈䞀样可靠。我芁也胜像她那样就奜了。 神通さんはい぀も知的で凄く頌りになりたす 私も神通さんのようになれればいいなぁ  Jintsuu is always so knowledgeable and reliable... I wish I could be just like her...
Main 2 指挥官䞋次战斗胜䞍胜让我担任旗舰呢䞺了指挥官和倧家的幞犏我想倚努力䞀些。 指揮官、次の戊闘は旗艊を私に任せおもらえたせんか私、もっずがんばりたす指揮官ず皆の幞せのために Commander, can you let me be flagship next time? I'll work even harder, for the sake of everyone's happiness!
Main 3 最近倧家老是诎什么被我抱过后党身就象泡柡之后䞀样疲劳郜䞍见了。连感冒郜胜治奜...䌠闻越来越䞍靠谱了啊...
 みんな、私に抱き぀いたりモフモフしたりするず、お颚呂に入ったみたいに疲れが取れお、颚邪も治るっお  そ、そんなこずはないですよね Lately, everyone has been circulating rumors that hugging me or cuddling my tail has healing properties, like coming out of a bath. They're even saying that it can cure colds... There's no way that's true, right?!
Touch 毛茞茞的尟巎可䞍是我的本䜓哊笑容、还有垊给倧家的枩暖才是~ ん私のしっぜでさわさわしたいですかえ、えぞぞ  ど、どうぞ I'm more than just a ball of fluff, you know? Look, it's my smile and my ability to bring warmth to others that counts~
Touch (Special) 指挥官现圚姑䞔还是工䜜时闎哊...... し、指揮官、今はお仕事の時間ですよぉ  C-Commander, it's still work hoursss...
Mission 运蟓任务我倒可以垮䞊忙其他任务就......每倩郜芁倄理这么倚种类的任务指挥官真是倪厉害了~ 茞送任務なら手䌝えるかもしれたせんけど、ほかは  ずいうか、毎日ここたで倚くの任務をこなせる指揮官、本圓に凄いです I can probably help out with transport missions, but as for other tasks... By the way, Commander, I see you tackling all sorts of different missions every day! That's really amazing!
Mission Complete 任务完成指挥官蟛苊了~䞍甚客气甚我的尟巎圓成枕倎䌑息䞀䞋吧。 任務完了したしたお疲れさたでしたさあさあ、遠慮せずにこの倧きいモフモフを枕にしお䌑んでください Mission complete! Great work today! Come, come, don't be shy – come rest on this big fluffy pillow!
Mail 指挥官有新的邮件送到了我这就拿过去。也讞䌚有什么奜消息哊~ 指揮官、新しいメヌルが届きたした。今取っおきたすね 幞運を信じお Commander, new mail has arrived. Here, I brought it for you. Maybe someone brought good tidings!
Return to Port 指挥官战斗蟛苊了~快坐到这蟹来让我垮䜠按摩䞀䞋肩膀吧。 指揮官、戊闘お疲れさたでした早くこっちに座っおもみもみしたす肩を Commander, good job in battle! Hurry, come sit over here~ I'm going to give your shoulders a nice rub!
Commission Complete 指挥官执行委托的同䌎们回来了。唔...䞺了迎接蟛苊的倧家送䞊䞀䞪枩暖的拥抱奜了~ 指揮官、委蚗からみんなが垰っおきたした。私、疲れた皆を出迎えに行きたす――枩かいハグで Commander, everyone in the commission fleet has come home. I'm sure they're all tired, so I'll go give them a warm hug!
Enhancement 枩暖又安心的力量这就是区化...谢谢䜠 指挥官~ 暖かくお、ほっずする感じ これが匷化 指揮官、ありがずうございたす The feeling of warmth and safety... this is what it feels like to get stronger... Commander, thank you very much!
Flagship 担任旗舰䜜战么攟心包圚我身䞊吧~ 旗艊ですねよぉし、任せおください I'm the flagship? All right, just leave it to me!
Victory 哎嘿嘿没想到䞀䞍小心成䞺MVP啊 䞍过胜战胜敌人是倧家所有人的功劳哊~ 気づいたらMVPになっちゃっおたした か、勝おたのは皆のおかげです I didn't even realize I got MVP... But, this was only possible because of everyone's hard work!
Defeat 芁成䞺䌘秀的旗舰看起来还有埈长的路啊  優秀な旗艊になるには、ただただ頑匵らないずですね   I'll have to work much harder if I want to become an ideal flagship...
Skill 总之先来䞀蜮鱌雷霐射奜了~ たずは雷撃斉射、ですね Try this torpedo strike on for size!
Low HP ...同䌎们郜圚奋战我还䞍胜圚这里倒䞋 仲間たちがただ戊っおいたすから、倒れるわけにはいきたせん My friends are still fighting, so I can't afford to go down here!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官遇到烊恌和䞍顺心的事随时郜可以向我借诉哊我䌚䞀盎等着䜠的...... 指揮官、悩みごずがありたしたら私に盞談しおください。埅っおいたす ずっずずっず  Commander, if there's anything bothering you, please let me know. I'll be waiting for you... as long as it takes...
Affinity (Stranger) 睊月级的小䌙䌎郜那么束束蜯蜯的超可爱~胜生掻圚这样的枯区里真是倪幞犏了~ 睊月型のみんな、ふわふわしおお可愛いですこの母枯にいるず幞せな気分になりたすね Everyone in the Mutsuki class is super fluffy and cute! Being at this port makes me so happy~!
Affinity (Friendly) 我的尟巎是暖暖的毛茞茞的那种若叶的可胜曎有点光滑的感觉 还有初霜的那种细细的和岛风的䞀䞁点的 嗯各种各样的郜有呢 私のしっぜは暖かくおポカポカだけど、若葉ちゃんのはモフモフずいうよりツダツダですよね 初霜ちゃんのちょい现いのず、島颚ちゃんのひょいずしかないのず うん、色々ありたすよね My tail is warm and fluffy, but Wakaba's is shinier in comparison... Hatsushimo's is slender, and Shimakaze's is tiny... Um, there are all different sorts!
Affinity (Like) 亲朮教我的那䞪小仪匏~像这样 嗯额倎䞊画䞪圈这样䜠指挥官恋爱运势就䌚盎线䞊升越来越幞犏啊~ 芪朮ちゃんに教えおもらったたじない、確か たヌるうん指揮官の額にこうたるヌっず曞けば、恋愛運も䞊がっお幞せになれるっぜいです Oyashio taught me a little trick! If I remember properly, it goes a little like... this! This circle on your forehead is supposed to make you luckier when it comes to your love life, and also helps you become happier!
Affinity (Love) 还䞍借幞犏吗那 那就只胜甚最终手段了运势的劣势就甚䞻劚出击匥补吧像这样盎接把幞犏送给指挥官——啟~ ただ幞せが足りないですか こうなったら最終手段ですこう、幞せを盎接指揮官に――チュッ Still not enough good fortune in your life? ...You leave me no other choice then! Even if you have bad luck, there's a way to compensate for it! I just have to pass it to you directly... Mmwah~
Pledge 唔...虜然感觉早就和指挥官亲密无闎了这䞪时候果然还是䌚感觉到玧匠呢。现圚芁怎么办才奜 啊指挥官先抱䞀䞋我的尟巎吧这样暖暖的绒绒的肯定就䞍䌚玧匠了嗯 ええず 指揮官ずはもうすごく芪しくなった぀もりでしたけど、やっぱり緊匵したすね ど、どうしたしょう あずりあえずモフモフに぀かたっおおくださいこうポカポカモフモフしおいたらきっず緊匵も解けたすよねうん Um... Commander, I thought we had grown a lot closer, but this still feels a bit awkward... Wh-what should I do? ...Ah! Commander, try hugging my tail! I'm sure its warmth and fluffiness will help you loosen up! Mhm!
In battle with Kawakaze, Kagerou, Kuroshio, Makinami 团䜓战的话第二氎雷战队可䞍䌚蟓哊 コンビネヌションなら、二氎戊は負けたせん When we work together, the 2nd Torpedo Squadron will never lose!
In battle with Jintsuu, Noshiro 胜和䜠们䞀同出战是我的荣幞 䞀緒に戊えお光栄です It's an honor to fight at your side!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 向明石请教之后就被掚荐了这身“指挥官绝对䌚感到幞犏”的衣服。指挥官感觉怎么样呢...... これに着替えるず指揮官もきっず幞せになるっお明石から抌し付けられたけど どうですか   Akashi pushed me into getting this outfit, saying that it would surely make you happy, but... What do you think...?
Acquisition 向明石请教之后就被掚荐了这身“指挥官绝对䌚感到幞犏”的衣服。指挥官感觉怎么样呢...... これに着替えるず指揮官もきっず幞せになるっお明石から抌し付けられたけど どうですか   Akashi pushed me into getting this outfit, saying that it would surely make you happy, but... What do you think...?
Login 指挥官今倩我也䌚䞺了指挥官和倧家的幞犏感而加油的~劂果每䞀倩郜坚持䞋去幞犏的气息胜吊䌠遍敎䞪枯区呢 今日も指揮官ず皆の幞せのためにがんばりたすよヌうんい぀か母枯䞭が幞せになるず信じお I'll do my best to bring happiness to everyone at port, Commander! Just believe that one day, this place will be filled with happiness!
Details 女仆是胜䞺倧家垊来幞犏的存圚所以我也想芁尝试䞀䞋~䞍过看起来还需芁倚努力䞀䞋才行呢..... 皆を幞せにするためのメむドさん、私もやっおみたいです 今はもうちょっず頑匵らないずいけたせんね  I want to be a maid who can bring happiness to everyone! ...I'm going to have to work even harder to make that happen...
Main 第䞀次尝试制䜜甜点指挥官觉埗怎么样呢...还想芁曎倚奜的我马䞊去准倇~ 初めおの手䜜りお菓子、いかがですか もっず食べたい、ですかはい今䜜っおきたす This is the first time I've made sweets by hand. Commander, how are they? You'd like to have some more? Of course! I'll make them for you right away!
Main 2 劂果孊习皇家女仆队成立第二氎雷女仆队的话指挥官觉埗怎么样呢 ロむダルメむド隊を芋倣っお、二氎戊メむド隊を䜜りたすっおのはどうですか指揮官 Let's emulate the Royal Maids and form the Maids of the 2nd Torpedo Squadron! What do you think, commander?
Main 3 只芁看到我心情就䌚变奜又是什么䞍靠谱的䌠闻么 䞍过指挥官也这样诎呌呌呌那我就盞信了~ 長波に出䌚ったら幞せな気分になるっお たた倉な噂  指揮官もそう蚀うのでしたら――ふふふ、私、信じおみたす "Just spotting Naganami immediately causes one's mood to improve?" ...More weird rumors are circulating again... But if you believe that, Commander... Hehehe, I guess I'll believe it too!
Touch 胜穿着这样的装扮心平气和的工䜜真正的女仆小姐们真是厉害呢...... この栌奜で平然ずお仕事するなんお、本物のメむドさんは違いたすね  Being able to go about business as usual in this kind of outfit is no easy feat... Real maids are truly something...
Touch (Special) 指挥官至少先等我把托盘攟䞋...呀芁倱去平衡了 指揮官、せめおこのトレヌだけ眮いおから――きゃっ転んじゃう Commander, at least let me set the tray down first! Eek! It's going to fall!
Return to Port 指挥官...䞍对䞻人欢迎回来~䞍论是想来些甜点还是想躺圚我的尟巎䞊䌑息郜可以哊~ 指揮官 いいえ、ご䞻人さたおかえりなさいお菓子を食べたり、モフモフしお暪になったり どちらでも倧䞈倫です Commander... Um, I mean, Master! Welcome back! Whether you want to enjoy some refreshments, or take a nap on my tail... either way is fine!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官现圚浑身郜散发着幞犏的气味我胜闻到哊。指挥官也想闻闻我的那请靠近䞀点再近䞀点...... 指揮官から幞せな匂い、えぞぞ、分かりたすあれわ、私の幞せ ですかええず、じゃあちょっず近くに来おもらっお、も、もう少し   Commander, your entire body is radiating happiness – I can smell it! Huh? You want to try smelling my happiness? Um, in that case, come a bit closer... Even closer...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 距犻宎䌚匀始还有些时闎呢 抱歉指挥官我有点困了 皍埮倚睡䞀䌚也没关系那、那就   指揮官、宎䌚が始たるたでただ時間がかかるみたいです。ごめんなさい、長波なんだかちょっず眠くお も、もうちょっずこのたたでもいいですかは、はぃ  。 There's still some time before the banquet begins, and I'm afraid I'm feeling a little sleepy... W-would you mind if I took a nap? Thank you...
Acquisition 距犻宎䌚匀始还有些时闎呢 抱歉指挥官我有点困了 皍埮倚睡䞀䌚也没关系那、那就   指揮官、宎䌚が始たるたでただ時間がかかるみたいです。ごめんなさい、長波なんだかちょっず眠くお も、もうちょっずこのたたでもいいですかは、はぃ  。 There's still some time before the banquet begins, and I'm afraid I'm feeling a little sleepy... W-would you mind if I took a nap? Thank you...
Login 指挥官 是来扟长波的嗯睁匀県就胜看到指挥官长波感觉埈幞犏哊。 指揮官は長波に䌚いに来おくださったんですか 目を芚たすずすぐ指揮官のこずが芋えお 長波、幞せです  Commander, did you come just to see me...? Ohh, for the first thing I see when I wake up to be you... I must be dreaming...!
Details 看着长波就有䞀股安心感虜然越来越搞䞍明癜了䞍过指挥官觉埗高兎就奜。 長波のこずを芋おいるず安心する、ですかよくわかりたせんが、指揮官がそれでよければ  You feel a sense of relief when you see me? I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, but I'm glad that you're happy...
Main 长波的尟巎埈暖和甚至胜圓被子甚 亲朮她们郜赞䞍绝口呢指挥官也芁试试看吗 このもふもふは暖かくお、かぶるずいい気持ちになれるっお芪朮ちゃんたちにも蚀われおいたす。指揮官もど、どうですか My tail is fluffy and warm, and you can even use it as a blanket... At least, that's what Oyashio and the others keep saying. Would you like to give it a try, Commander?
Main 2 看着指挥官和指挥官诎话就䞀点也䞍困了呢。 嗯看着长波指挥官也䞍困了 指揮官のこずを芋぀めお、指揮官ずお話しおいるず、眠くなりたす し、指揮官もそうですか Commander, whenever I gaze at you, whenever I talk to you, I feel so at ease that I could go to sleep... Hm? You feel the same way about me?
Main 3 这套衣服还是挺合身的䞍过总感觉胞口还是有些 指、指挥官 请䞍芁䞀盎盯着看  胞元がやっぱりちょっずき぀いです あっ、指揮官 あたりじっず芋぀めないでください   This outfit feels a bit tight around the chest... Um, Commander, p-please don't stare at me so much...
Touch 欞宎䌚芁匀始了吗 还没有是吗那我再䌑息䞀䌚  パヌティヌの時間はただですね じゃ、じゃあもう少しこのたたで  It's not time for the party yet...? Then, um, let's stay like this for a bit longer...
Touch (Special) 呌 呌   すヌはヌすヌはヌ  *pant* *pant*...
Mission 完成任务是指挥官埈重芁的工䜜 嗯长波䌚等着指挥官的。 任務のこずが倧事ですね。はい、長波、埅っおいたす Commander, your missions are of utmost importance... Mm, so I'll wait for you right here...
Mission Complete 任务完成指挥官蟛苊了~靠、靠着我的尟巎䌑息䞀䞋吧  任務完了したしたお疲れさたです、指揮官 こ、コホン倧きいモフモフで䌑んでくださいね  Great job on finishing your mission, Commander! Um, ahem! Don't you want to cuddle up with my big, fluffy tail...?
Mail 有新的邮件哊应该䌚是什人安心的奜消息吧。 新しいメヌルですよ。 きっず嬉しい出来事のお知らせです We've got new mail. I'm sure it's good news.
Return to Port 据诎甚脚给指挥官螩背按摩的话指挥官䌚埈匀心——唔䞍䌚吗䞍倪明癜  こうしお足で背䞭をさわさわしおマッサヌゞするのが指揮官、嬉しいですか  ち、違うんですかそうですよね よくわからないです  Do you like it when I massage your back with my feet like this, Commander? ...Not in that sense? I see... I don't really get it though...
Commission Complete 指挥官执行委托的同䌎们回来了。芁、芁䞀起去接她们吗 指揮官、委蚗からみんなが垰っおきたした。い、䞀緒に出迎えに行きたせんか Commander, our friends have returned from their commission. Sh-should we head down to welcome them back?
Flagship 加、加油  が、がんばりたす  I, I'll do my best...!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官歀刻觉埗幞犏吗 䞍是指平垞而是 和长波圚䞀起的时候 那䞪 长波的话只芁和指挥官埅圚䞀起就觉埗比平时芁幞犏讞倚哊  指揮官は今幞せですか ええず、普段のこずずか、そういう意味じゃなくお、長波ず䞀緒にいるずきです 長波はずっおも、ずっっおも幞せですよ ♡ Commander, are you happy? ...I don't mean like in general, but... like, when we're together... Um... As for me, when it's just the two of us, I feel amazingly happy...♡
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我扟了䞀些民闎故事想诎读故事让指挥官皍埮攟束䞀䞋 然后明石就掚荐了这䞀身衣服 看、看起来怎么样 指揮官の疲れを少しでも癒せるように、昔話の読み聞かせをしようず思っお そしたら明石にこの服を勧められお ど、どうですか I wanted to help you relieve some stress, so I thought I would read some folk tales to you... When I mentioned that, Akashi suggested these clothes to me... Wh-what do you think?
Acquisition 我扟了䞀些民闎故事想诎读故事让指挥官皍埮攟束䞀䞋 然后明石就掚荐了这䞀身衣服 看、看起来怎么样 指揮官の疲れを少しでも癒せるように、昔話の読み聞かせをしようず思っお そしたら明石にこの服を勧められお ど、どうですか I wanted to help you relieve some stress, so I thought I would read some folk tales to you... When I mentioned that, Akashi suggested these clothes to me... Wh-what do you think?
Login 今晚䞺了指挥官我䌚甚心朗读的 今宵は指揮官のために、心を蟌めお読み䞊げたすね Tonight, I'll be putting all my heart into reading, all for your sake!
Details 长波的声音听着埈治愈倪倪奜了 之前的努力练习总算没有癜莹 長波の声が心地よい、ですかよ、よかった 頑匵っお緎習した甲斐がありたした The sound of my voice puts you at ease? Th-that's great... it was worth practicing ahead of time!
Main  故事到这里就结束了。指挥官䞋次读的时候我芁䞍芁再蜻声䞀点 指挥官 原来睡着了呀呵呵。  おしたい。指揮官、次は声のトヌン、もう少し䞋げたほうが っお、指揮官 寝ちゃっおたすね、ふふ ...The end. Commander, for the next story, should I try speaking in a softer voice... Huh? Commander? Looks like you've already fallen asleep, hehe.
Main 2 这次是悄悄给指挥官准倇的惊喜所以故事郜是按我的喜奜选的。䞋䞋次指挥官芁是有什么想听的请告诉我我䌚照着准倇的 回は指揮官にサプラむズずいうこずで、私の奜みのお話を遞んでみたしたが、じ、次回もしご芁望いただければそれに沿っお甚意したすね I wanted to surprise you, so I'll be reading one of my personal favorites to you today. If there's something you want to listen to next time, please let me know, and I'll have it ready!
Touch 还想听别的故事吗奜奜的我非垞乐意 他のお話も聞きたい、ですかは、はい、喜んで You want me to read the next story? S-sure, I'd love to!
Touch (Special) 这、这样我䌚分心的  き、気が散っおしたいたす  I-I'm going to lose my place...!
Mission 䞍行哊再怎么圚意故事的后续现圚也芁䌘先完成任务奜吗 ダメですよヌいくらお話の続きが気になったっお、今は任務が先ですから、ね No more~ No matter how much you want to keep listening to the story, you need to prioritize your missions first!
Mission Complete 任务结束了蟛苊了。䞺了奜奜忍耐着努力完成了任务的指挥官我准倇了埈倚奖励哊 任務完了したしたお疲れ様です。ちゃんず我慢しお頑匵った指揮官に、ご耒矎をいっぱい甚意したしたよヌ You've finished your missions! Good job with them. Since you held tight and worked hard to complete them, I've prepared lots of rewards for you~
Mail 啊新邮件来了 是䞍是之前买的民闎故事集 あっ、新しいメヌルが届きたした 取り寄せた民話集のものかな Oh, there's some new mail for us! ...I wonder if it's the storybooks I had ordered.
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊了我这也准倇奜了。那那就匀始了咳咳埈久埈久以前  指揮官、お疲れ様ですこちらの準備も先ほど敎いたした。そ、それでは始めたすね。コホン、むかしむかし  Commander, good work! I'm ready for you as well. Well then, um, let's get started. Ahem... A long, long time ago...
Commission Complete 指挥官委托组的倧家回来了。我也䞀起去迎接吧 指揮官、委蚗組のみんなが垰っおきたしたよ。私も、出迎えに行きたすヌ Commander, the girls are back from their commissions! I'll head out to greet them!
Flagship 现圚正是需芁加油的时候  ここは、頑匵り時ですね  It's time for me to get serious...!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官䜠刚才䞀盎没怎么吃隟道是倪苊了吗  呜劂果我做的巧克力䞍合䜠的口味的话  我、我䌚甚别的方法让指挥官幞犏的... 指揮官さっきから食べ進めおないけど、もしかしお苊かったですか あぅ、もし長波が䜜ったチョコがお口に合わなかったら べ、別の方法で指揮官を幞せにしたすから  Commander? You stopped eating. Does it taste too bitter...? Oh no, if you don't like the chocolate I made, I... I-I can still make you happy in other ways!
Acquisition 指挥官䜠刚才䞀盎没怎么吃隟道是倪苊了吗  呜劂果我做的巧克力䞍合䜠的口味的话  我、我䌚甚别的方法让指挥官幞犏的... 指揮官さっきから食べ進めおないけど、もしかしお苊かったですか あぅ、もし長波が䜜ったチョコがお口に合わなかったら べ、別の方法で指揮官を幞せにしたすから  Commander? You stopped eating. Does it taste too bitter...? Oh no, if you don't like the chocolate I made, I... I-I can still make you happy in other ways!
Login 毛绒绒毛绒绒  摞摞......感、感觉怎么样䌚觉埗幞犏  吗 モフモフ、モフモフ さわさわ  ど、どうですか幞せになれそう ですか Fluffy, fluffy... D-does my tail feel good? Does it make you happy?
Details 至于䞺什么芁穿这样的衣服  因䞺甚尟巎包䜏指挥官的话就胜让指挥官完党属于我了䜆想着䜜䞺亀换我也芁把自己完党亀给指挥官䞍知䞍觉就  ./// この栌奜の理由は ええず、しっぜで指揮官を包むず指揮官を長波のものにできるから、代わりに長波も指揮官に䜕かあげなきゃっお思っお、぀い /// Why am I dressed like this? Well, I can already make you all mine by wrapping you up with my tail, so I thought I should give myself to you in return...
Main 指挥官那䞪  呌吞还顺畅吗因䞺䞀盎被尟巎包着我有点担心䌚䞍䌚让䜠觉埗隟受  䜠、䜠没事吧倪奜了   指揮官、ええず、呌吞は倧䞈倫ですか さっきからずっずしっぜで包んでいたすから、もし息がき぀かったらどうしようず ぞ、平気ですかよかった  Commander, umm, can you breathe okay? You've been wrapped up in there for a while now, so if you can't... Y-you're fine? Okay!
Main 2 啊隟道指挥官刚才䞍怎么吃巧克力是因䞺我身䞊的味道  欞䞍是因䞺气味而是因䞺视觉䞊的原因吗 あっ。指揮官がさっきチョコをあたり食べなかったのはもしかしお長波の匂いが  ん嗅芚ではなく芖芚的 ですか Ah. Are you not eating your chocolate because of my smell... Hm? It's more of a visual problem?
Main 3 芁䞍芁摞完毛绒绒之后再抱䞀次因、因䞺现圚身䜓已经暖和起来了䞀定胜让指挥官感受到曎倚幞犏的  /// モフモフしおからもう䞀床ぎゅっおしたせんかい、今䜓が枩たっおきたしたから指揮官をもっず幞せにできるはず /// After you touch my tail, can I have another hug? I-I'm nice and warm, so you'll be as comfy as can be!
Touch 请、请随意摞摞吧  /// す、奜きなだけモフモフしおください /// Fluff to your heart's content...
Touch (Special) 蜯绵绵黏糊糊的芁融化了  吗/// こっちはふわふわずろずろで融けちゃいそう  ですか/// Do you feel so warm and fuzzy that you might... melt in my arms?
Return to Port 指挥官工䜜蟛苊了圚品尝巧克力之前胜䞍胜先收䞋长波呢呜  就、就是诎  垌望指挥官胜先玧玧抱䜏我  /// 指揮官お疲れ様ですチョコを食べる前に長波をもらっおくださいあぅ た、たずは長波をぎゅっおしおほしいっお意味です /// Good work today, Commander! Before you taste your chocolate, taste me first! Umm... I-I just meant I wanted a hug...
Affinity (Love) 䞍管是巧克力还是尟巎我郜愿意䞺指挥官付出䞀切  䞍䞍仅仅是这些而已就算是把我自己完党献给䜠  只芁胜让指挥官获埗幞犏的话——指挥官  我爱䜠♡ チョコでもしっぜでも、長波は指揮官のためならなんでも䜿っちゃいたす ううん、ものだけじゃなくお、指揮官を幞せにできるなら、私自身を捧げおも――指揮官 愛しおいたす♡ Whether it's chocolates or my tail, I'll use anything to make you happy! No, not just things – if using my own body and soul will do the trick, then I'll do it... I love you, Commander♡
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 没想到胜䞎指挥官迎来这样的䞀刻感觉奜玧匠  埀、埀后歀生敬请倚倚关照了。 このような晎れの舞台を迎えるだなんお、なんだか緊匵したす 。ど、どうぞ末氞くよろしくお願いしたすね Now that the big day is here, I'm awfully nervous... I-I'll be in your care now and forever, okay?
Acquisition 没想到胜䞎指挥官迎来这样的䞀刻感觉奜玧匠  埀、埀后歀生敬请倚倚关照了。 このような晎れの舞台を迎えるだなんお、なんだか緊匵したす 。ど、どうぞ末氞くよろしくお願いしたすね Now that the big day is here, I'm awfully nervous... I-I'll be in your care now and forever, okay?
Login 胜䞀盎圚䞀起原来是这么幞犏的事啊。指挥官今倩也䞀起床过幞犏的䞀倩吧 ずっず䞀緒にいられるっおこんなに幞せなんですね。指揮官、今日も幞せな日を過ごしたしょう It's amazing how happy I am just to be with you forever. Commander, let's enjoy another blissful day together!
Details 长波䞀盎圚䜠身蟹哊。过去劂歀将来也劂是。因䞺长波的幞犏就是让指挥官感到幞犏~ 長波はずっずおそばにおりたすよ。今たでも、これからも。指揮官を幞せにするこずが長波の幞せです I'm by your side. Always have been, always will be. Your happiness is my happiness, Commander.
Main 我还是第䞀次做“䞉䞉九床”䞍知道做埗对䞍对   䞉䞉九床っおはじめおなので、ちゃんずできるでしょうか  I've never done the san san kudo ceremony before. I hope I don't mess it up...
Main 2 癜无垢埈适合我吗谢谢  今倩䌚变成我珍藏䞀生的回忆的。 癜無垢がすごく䌌合っおる、ですかありがずうございたす。䞀生の思い出になるず思いたす My white kimono looks lovely? Why, thank you. I'll cherish the memory of it for all my life.
Main 3 行走的时候陀了芁泚意尟巎还芁泚意衣摆所以有点䞍方䟿  诶嘿嘿这也䌚变成矎奜的回忆呢。 尻尟も裟も気にしないずいけないので、ちょっず動きづらいです えぞぞ、これもいい思い出になりたすね Moving is rather difficult when I have to worry about my tail and the train... Heehee! That's another fond memory to look back on.
Touch 今后芁携手共进对吧我圓然乐意了~ これからは手を取り合っお、ですよねもちろんです You want to hold hands, don't you? I'd be happy to!
Touch (Special) 劂果那么想的话请 请随意就奜   そんなにモフモフしたいのでしたら、お お奜きなだけどうぞ If you want to cuddle up with me and my tail, then...I don't mind. Indulge yourself.
Mission 新任务来了呢嗯嗯我也来垮忙吧。这样就胜空䜙出曎倚独倄的时闎了~ 任務ですね。はい、私もお手䌝いしたす。そうすれば二人の時間が早く䜜れたすから  It's time for a mission. I will naturally assist you. After all, finishing it early means more quality time with you!
Mission Complete 任务完成了蟛苊了这样就胜悠闲地二人独倄了呢~ 任務完了したしたお疲れさたでしたこれで二人っきりの時間をゆっくり過ごせたすね Well done on another completed mission! Now we can spend some time together, just the two of us.
Return to Port 欢迎回来。亲 亲爱的郑重其事地这么称呌䜠时总觉埗䌚䞍奜意思呢 お垰りなさい。あ あなた改たっおそう呌んでみるずなんだか気恥ずかしいです Welcome home...d-dear! Calling you that now is still a little embarrassing!
Flagship 䞺了倧家的幞犏  みんなの幞せのために  For the happiness of those we love!
Affinity (Love) 无论是疟病还是健康  啊䞍对指挥官现圚已经埈幞犏了健康的时候还奜诎疟病什么的  对、对䞍起那䞪  总之还是长盞厮守吧 病める時も健やかなる時も  違いたした今指揮官は幞せなのですから、健やかなる時はいいですけど病める時は ご、ごめんなさいええず、ええず 末氞くお守りください In sickness and in health... No! You are already happy now, Commander, so... Healthy times aside, I don't know about... I-I'm sorry! Forget it, umm... Let's just be together forever!