Kiyonami (JP 🇯🇵: 清波, CN 🇹🇼: 清波)
Ship IDNo. 293Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavySakura EmpireBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionMonthly Sign-in
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENSeptember 21, 2019
KRSeptember 21, 2019
CNSeptember 21, 2019
JPSeptember 21, 2019
Voice actressAzusa Iwakura
Yuugumo-class destroyer – Kiyonami.
Festive Riding Hood?Description
S-sorry to keep you waiting... Yuugure and I picked out this outfit together. She said it "looked very Christmassy," but it doesn't look weird, right? ... Ugh...
HP331 Reload77
Firepower11 Torpedo96
Evasion71 Anti-air26
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW45 Luck46
HP1541 Reload149
Firepower29 Torpedo245
Evasion239 Anti-air97
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW113 Luck48
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1127mm Mounted Gun
2Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Yuugumo-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock6 +1
Max LimitBreak13
Lv.1209 +1
Full FirepowerEvery 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.Default Unlocked
Lightning Strikes Twice10s after the battle starts and with a 15.0% (25.0%) chance every 20s after that: fires a wave of torpedoes. (Which torpedoes are fired are based on this ship's equipped Torpedoes.)Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Yuugumo Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description夕云级驱逐舰八番舰—清波夕雲型駆逐艦八番艦・清波Yuugumo-class destroyer number eight – Kiyonami.
Biography我是夕云级驱逐舰八号舰、清波…虽然加强了对空能力,但果然对于天上飞的东西还是…夕暮那时候也是…如果我能更争气一些的话…不、不过,在不算太长的作战生涯里,清波还是多少有一些战绩的…总、总之,这次会加油的…!夕雲型駆逐艦の8番艦の清波、です…対空能力を強化しましたけど、やっぱりわたしも夕暮ちゃんも、飛んでいるものはちょっと………うぅ、あのときにもっと頑張っていれば……で、でも!カンレキ的にはちょ、ちょっとだけ戦績があります!と、とにかくがんばります…っ!I'm Kiyonami, the eighth Yuugumo-class destroyer... I had improved anti-air capabilities, but neither Yuugure nor I could really deal with things in the air... Ugh... If only I'd done a better job back then... B-but even so, I did achieve a couple of things! Wh-what I'm getting at is that I'll do the best job I can...!
Acquisition夕云级驱逐舰,清波。向、向您报道…这是我的好朋友兔兔…请、请多指教!…呜…夕雲型駆逐艦清波、ちゃ、着任しました…この子は友達のうさちゃん…よ、よろしくお願いします!…はぅ…Yuugumo-class destroyer Kiyonami, r-reporting for duty... And this is my friend, Hoppy... I-it's nice to meet you! ... Ugh...
Login指挥官终于回来了…兔兔,一起和指挥官打个招呼吧?指揮官さん、おかえりなさい…ほら、うさちゃん、挨拶して?Welcome back, Commander... Come on, Hoppy, say hi to the Commander.
Details呜…可、可以不要一直盯着清波看吗…うう…そ、そんなにじっと見つめないでいただけますか…?Ugh... C-could you please not stare so much...?
Main和夕暮呆在一起就有种莫名的安心感,一起合宿时也非常开心…希望还能交到更多像夕暮这样的知心朋友…夕暮ちゃんといると安心します。一緒に遊んだりお泊りしたりするのも楽しいです。もっと夕暮ちゃんのようなお友達を作れればいいですね…I feel safe around Yuugure. I enjoy playing and having sleepovers with her. I wish I had more friends like her...
Main 2呜哇啊啊啊…又、又有空袭了吗!?!—…呜…指挥官不要这样吓人嘛!あわわ!ま、また空襲ですか!?……指揮官さん、びっくりさせないでくださいっ!Oh no, a-another air raid?! ... Commander, please don't scare me like that!
Main 3无论什么时侯,清波都会努力跟上指挥官、跟上大家的步伐的,所、所以,不可以把我一个人丢下哦…?どんな時でもわたし、頑張ってみんなに追いつくよう努力しますから…ぜ、絶対に置いてかないでくださいね…?I'm always doing my best, trying to catch up to everyone... S-so please, don't ever leave me behind, okay...?
Touch这是兔兔哦,是不是很可爱呢,嘻嘻。每天清波都是和兔兔一起睡着的呢うさちゃん、可愛いですね。えへへ、寝るときはいつもうさちゃんと一緒ですHoppy is cute, isn't he? Ehehe~ He's always there with me when I go to bed.
Touch (Special)虽然不太明白…不过…啊哈哈,好痒…指挥官快停下来,哈哈~よ、よくわからないけど、こんなの…指揮官さん、ダメ、くすぐったいですぅ…っ!I-I'm not sure why you're doing this... B-but please stop, it tickles, Commander...!
Mission任务看上去还有很多…指挥官,不要紧吧?任務、結構残っていますね…指揮官さん、大丈夫ですか…?We still have quite a few missions to complete... Commander, can you do it...?
Mission Complete任务…已经完成了的样子,指挥官真厉害啊……任務は…うん、完了したようです!指揮官さんはすごいですね…A mission... Yes, it seems a mission has been completed! You're quite the go-getter, Commander...
Mail邮件过来了,指挥官快点查收吧!メールが来ました!指揮官さん、早く確認しましょう!Your mail has arrived! Let's take a look at it, Commander!
Return to Port指挥官出击辛苦了…要、要摸摸兔兔吗?毛茸茸的,很治愈的哦?指揮官さん、出撃お疲れ様…う、うさちゃんをさわさわしませんか?もこもこしてて、癒やされますよ…?Well done on the last sortie, Commander... W-would you like to pet Hoppy? I-it's really comforting to stroke his fluffy fur...
Commission Complete委托组的各位已经回港,唔…我要不要也去看看…委託組のみんなはもう母港に帰還しましたね。ええと…様子を見に行ったほうがいいでしょうか……The commission team just returned to port. Umm... I think we should go check on them...
Enhancement兔兔,清波是不是变强了一些呢…?うさちゃん、清波、ちょっと強くなったのかな……Hoppy and I think we got a little stronger...
Flagship欸!?我、我来引导大家吗!?…呜…大、大家加油!わ、わたしが指揮するんですか!?…あぅ!?み、みんな頑張ってぇ!!I-I'm supposed to give orders?! ... Whuah?! C-come on, everyone!
VictoryM、MVP是清波?难以置信…不是恶作剧吧…?い、一位は…清波、ですか?うそ…嘘じゃ、ないですよね…?I-I got... first place? Y-you're... not just joking, right...?
Defeat呜…不、不要过来…うぅ…こ、こないで……Ugh... S-stay away...!
Skill一、一起给对面点颜色看看吧,兔兔!い、一緒にやりますよ!うさちゃん!W-we will do this together, Hoppy!
Low HP我、我会坚持到底的!さ、最後までがんばります!I-I'm not going to give up!
Affinity (Upset)大家都好像在说指挥官的坏话…指挥官真有那么差劲么…みんな、指揮官さんのことが悪いって言ってます…指揮官さん、本当は悪い人ですか……?Everyone's been saying the Commander is a mean person... Commander, is that really true...?
Affinity (Stranger)诶,为什么老是缩在别人身后?唔,不知不觉就这样了…而且总觉得,跟在指挥官的身后准没错…ど、どうして指揮官さんの後ろに隠れてるって…?ええと、実は、その…指揮官さんについていったほうがいいと思いますし…Why do I like to hide behind you...? Umm, that's because... I feel more comfortable with you leading the way, Commander...
Affinity (Friendly)呜…夜、夜路果然还是有点…指挥官…如果工作结束晚了,可以陪我走回宿舍吗?あぅ…夜はやっぱり怖いですよね…指揮官さん、お、遅くなりそうでしたら、寮まで送ってもらえますでしょうか……Ugh... It's so scary at night... Commander, w-when it gets late, could you pretty please lead me to the dorm...?
Affinity (Like)其实呢,除了兔兔之外,清波还有许多的“毛茸茸朋友”哦,下、下次要来清波的“毛茸茸收藏室”参观吗,指挥官?うさちゃん以外にも、こうもこもこしてる子、たくさん持っていますよ…?指揮官さん、今度は清波の、ええと、「もこもこハウス」!見に来ませんか…?I have many more fluffy friends than just Hoppy... Commander, would you like to come visit my House of Fluffs sometime later...?
Affinity (Love)只要和指挥官待在一起,无论是夜晚的黑暗也好,天上的飞机也好,感觉都没什么好怕的了…!嗯…下次,我能不跟在身后,而是走在前方为指挥官带路吗…?指揮官さんと一緒にいると、暗いのも飛行機も怖くなくなります!つ、今度からは後ろに隠れるのではなく、指揮官さんの前を歩いてもいい…ですか?I'm not scared of the dark or planes when I'm with you, Commander... W-would you mind if, from now on, I walked ahead of you, rather than behind you...?
Pledge进行了这个仪式以后,就能一直待在指挥官身边了吗?太好了…嗯…夕暮给的笔记虽然还有些地方不太懂,不过,这时候应该是要闭上眼睛,等待指挥官行动吧…——これでずっと指揮官さんのそばにいられるようになりますか…?よかったぁ…ええと、夕暮ちゃんが教えてくれた、次にすべきことは…よ、よくわからないけど、目を閉じて指揮官さんを待っていればいいんですね?う、うん!Will we really be able to be together forever from now on...? That's great...! N-now, I learned from Yuugure that... the next thing I should do is close my eyes and wait for you to do something, right? O-okay!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Yuugure呜…夕暮…我能跟着你吗…?夕暮、う、後ろについて行ってもいいですか…?Yuugure, d-do you mind if I stay behind you...?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description久、久等了…这件衣服是和夕暮一起挑的,说是“很有圣诞的感觉”…不会很奇怪吧?…呜…お、おまたせしました…夕暮ちゃんと一緒に選んだもので、「クリスマスの雰囲気に合ってますよ」って……へ、変じゃありませんよね…?あぅ…S-sorry to keep you waiting... Yuugure and I picked out this outfit together. She said it "looked very Christmassy," but it doesn't look weird, right? ... Ugh...
Acquisition久、久等了…这件衣服是和夕暮一起挑的,说是“很有圣诞的感觉”…不会很奇怪吧?…呜…お、おまたせしました…夕暮ちゃんと一緒に選んだもので、「クリスマスの雰囲気に合ってますよ」って……へ、変じゃありませんよね…?あぅ…S-sorry to keep you waiting... Yuugure and I picked out this outfit together. She said it "looked very Christmassy," but it doesn't look weird, right? ... Ugh...
Login圣、圣诞快乐,指挥官!呼…顺利说出来了め、メリィークリスマァース、指揮官!ふぅ…うん!うまく言えました!M-Merry Christmas, Commander! Phew... I think I said that right!
Details给大家的礼物要用什么样的包装呢…呜…指挥官能帮忙一起想想吗?皆へのプレゼントはどんな紙で包んだらいいかな……うぅ…指揮官にも一緒に考えてもらっていいですか…?I'm not sure what wrapping paper to use for my presents... Ummhh... Could you help me pick out a good one, Commander...?
Main和夕暮她们约好了一起度过平安夜,指、指挥官也要一起吗?クリスマスは夕暮ちゃんたちと一緒に過ごすって決めました。し、指揮官も一緒にどうですか…?I'm spending Christmas with Yuugure and some friends. D-do you want to be there with us too, Commander...?
Main 2清波给港区的朋友们都准备了圣诞礼物呢,也、也准备了指挥官的份哦!清波も母港の皆のためにプレゼントを用意しました。し、指揮官の分もありますよ!I've gotten presents for everyone I know. Th-that includes you, of course, Commander!
Main 3平安夜到处都灯火通明,让人感到非常安心…要是每天都是平安夜就好了呢クリスマスは灯りで明るくて、とても安心します……毎日がクリスマスでしたら……All these warm lights at Christmas make me feel at ease... I wish it was Christmas all year round...
Touch虽然暂时没有跟兔兔一起行动,不过晚上还是会和而兔兔一起睡觉的哦うさちゃんは…ちょっとお留守ですけど、夜は一緒に寝ますよSometimes... Hoppy is on his own, but we always go to bed together at night.
Touch (Special)呀…帽子都要被指挥官弄掉了呜呜…ふ、フードが落ちちゃいそうですよ…あぅ…Y-you'll make my hood come undone... Ugh...
Return to Port出击辛苦了…要、要吃点心吗?姜饼或者蛋糕之类的…出撃お疲れ様です…お、お菓子でも食べますか?ジンジャークッキーとか…ケーキとか……Well done on the last sortie. W-would you like a snack? I have gingerbread cookies and Christmas cake...