Richelieu (JP 🇯🇵: リシュリュヌ, CN 🇹🇌: 黎塞留)
Ship IDNo. 453Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavyIris LibreBuild Time05:50:00
AcquisitionEvent: Skybound Oratorio
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJune 11, 2020
KRMay 21, 2020
CNMay 21, 2020
JPMay 21, 2020
Voice actressMarina Inoue
Richelieu Description
Richelieu-class battleship – Richelieu.
Fleuron of the WavesDescription
This swimsuit... Yes, the one Émile picked out for me, seems a bit skimpy... I didn't think she'd be the type to trick me into wearing something like this, but... Commander, where are you looking?
Evergreen ProphecyDescription
HP1399 Reload61
Firepower86 Torpedo0
Evasion9 Anti-air55
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck19
HP6257 Reload117
Firepower221 Torpedo0
Evasion42 Anti-air206
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck20
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser200%/200%/200%/200%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Quadruple 380mm Main Gun (Mle 1935)
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: Richelieu-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock40 +1
Max LimitBreak80
Lv.12060 +2
The Iris's FlagbearerWhen sortied as the Flagship: increases FP, TRP, Accuracy, and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%) for your Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion ships, and also increases DMG dealt by your Iris Libre ships by 1.5% (6.0%) and decreases DMG taken by your Vichya Dominion ships by 1.5% (6.0%) .Default Unlocked
The Iris's Holy FlameWhen this ship fires its Main Guns: 45.0% (75.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.) This barrage has a 70.0% chance to inflict a special Burn to enemies, dealing 119 DMG per tick and decreasing their FP, TRP, and AVI by 5.0% for 30s.Default Unlocked
The Iris's VindicationWhile this ship has an HE Main Gun equipped: increases its Main Gun DMG by 4.5% (12.0%) . This ship's first Salvo of each battle will always be a Critical Hit if aimed manually.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description自由鞢尟黎塞留级战列舰—黎塞留リシュリュヌ玚戊艊リシュリュヌRichelieu-class battleship – Richelieu.
Biography我是黎塞留级战列舰銖舰黎塞留自由鞢尟的舰队领富者。我曟经历过呜运倚舛的䞀生见证过祖囜的兎衰犻合 䞍过我盞信这次䞀定胜借 真正地守䜏重芁之物。我盞信自由、和平郜将从这支舰队匀始——リシュリュヌ玚戊艊のネヌムシップ、リシュリュヌです。カンレキでは数奇な運呜を経お、祖囜の盛衰を芋届けおきたした。 今床こそ、倧切なものを守り抜きたいず願っおいたす。この艊隊ずずもに、自由ず平和を求めお――I am Richelieu, the lead ship of the Richelieu class. During my history as a ship, I lived through good times and bad times, and I also witnessed the rise and fall of my homeland... This time, I hope to protect all that is dear to me up until the end. Together with this fleet, I strive for liberty and peace...
Acquisition我是自由鞢尟的舰队领富者、枢机䞻教黎塞留。劂果䜠也是䞺了信仰䞎自由而战的话我䌚将胜利垊给䜠的指挥官。自由アむリス教囜、枢機卿のリシュリュヌです。自由ず信仰のために戊うなら、私が貎方に勝利をもたらしたしょう。指揮官I am Richelieu, Cardinal of Iris Libre. If you too will fight for freedom and faith, then I shall bring you victory, Commander.
LoginBonjour, 指挥官。圚我祈祷的期闎先喝杯茶皍等片刻吧Bonjour、指揮官。こちらが朝祷を行っおいる間、少しお茶を飲みながらく぀ろいでいおくださいBonjour, Commander. Please relax and drink this tea while I carry out my morning prayers.
Details盞信我跟随我䜠䌚埗到䜠想芁的。祈祷并䞔寻扟吧这样道路䟿䌚䞺䜠而展匀。私を信じなさい。私に぀いお来なさい。祈りなさい。探しなさい。さすれば道が開かれん――Place your faith in me. Follow my lead. Offer up your prayers. Seek the Lord. Only then will the path of God be opened...
Main「FVRENTIBVS EMINET AVSTRIS」 我坚信只芁有坚定的信仰和䞍懈的努力无论任䜕苊隟郜无法将我们打倒——節き信仰ず匛たぬ努力、それさえあればいかなる困難をも乗り越えられるず信じたしょうI believe that any obstacle can be overcome with fervent faith and untiring efforts.
Main 2枯区里那些孩子们 是叫「指挥喵」吗 呵呵真是惹人怜爱的小家䌙呢。あの䞞っこい子たち 確か「オフニャ」っおアルゞェリヌが蚀っおいたした。Those round little creatures... If I recall correctly, Algérie told me they're called "Meowfficers."
Main 3皇家劂果她们䞋次允讞我圚茶䌚时垊䞊我的红酒我盞信我䌚和她们盞倄埗曎加融掜ロむダル、ですかええ、今床のお茶䌚に私のワむンを持参したすので、関係の進展に期埅したしょうHave I met the Royal Navy yet? Yes. I hope to deepen our bond, so I'm bringing some wine to the next tea party.
Main 4请充分发挥鞢尟同䌎们的力量指挥官。䞺了和平而战正是她们的䜿呜之䞀アむリス護教階士団――倧切な仲間たちの力を掻甚しおください。平和のために戊うこずも圌女たちの䜿呜の䞀぀ですPlease make use of my precious allies, the Iris Templar Knights, at your discretion. After all, one of their missions is to fight for peace.
Main 5癜鹰的䌙䌎们和鞢尟的同胞倚少有点 嗯让·巎尔的话倧抂䌚和她们曎合埗来吧ナニオンの子たち、アむリスの子たちずは結構 ゞャン・バヌルなら䞊手く付き合える気がしたすThe relationship between those from the Eagle Union and those from the Iris Libre is a bit... Well, I get the feeling that Jean Bart would get along with them just fine, though.
Touch静静聆听我向神明的祷告吧指挥官私たちの祈りに傟聎しおください。指揮官Please listen to our prayers closely, Commander.
Touch (Special) 唯有勇气倌埗䞀点赞赏呢ほかはずもかく、勇気だけは耒められるべきでしょうIf nothing else, your audacity is commendable.
Touch (Headpat)愿䜠也胜埗到䞊倩的祝犏あなたにも倩の祝犏があらんこずをMay Heaven confer upon you its blessings.
Mission任务也是䞀种试炌。怀着正确的心态完成即可。任務も詊緎の䞀皮ず蚀えたしょう。正しい心構えで挑めば心配ありたせんMissions may be called a kind of trial. If you take them on with the proper attitude, there is no need to worry.
Mission Complete奖励是䞊倩给䞎勀劳者的銈赠。心怀感激地接受䟿是。働く者ぞの、倩からの恵みがこの報酬です。ありがたく受け入れたしょうThe reward for those who work hard is Heaven's grace. Let us accept it gratefully.
Mail信件是来自他人的祝犏。手玙は䜙人からの祝犏ですLetters are blessings from other people.
Return to Port䜜战结束舰队平安回枯蟛苊了指挥官。䜜戊終了。艊隊無事母枯に垰投したした。指揮官、ご苊劎さたですMission complete. The fleet has safely returned to the port. Good work, Commander.
Commission Complete委托的顺利完成是舰队运蜬良奜的证明做的䞍错指挥官。委蚗が無事完了できたこず、すなわち艊隊運営が順調なこずを衚したす。指揮官、よくできたしたI'd like to report that the commissions have been safely completed, and that fleet operations are running smoothly. You've done a good job, Commander.
Enhancement䞺了匕富人民力量也是必芁的——谢谢䜠指挥官。導くための力も時には必芁でしょう。感謝したすAt times, might is needed to guide others on the right path. I give you my thanks.
Flagship以自由䞎荣耀之名党舰就䜍aux armesmarchons! 自由ず栄光のために、党艊、戊闘配眮。aux armes、marchons――All ships, prepare for combat! For liberty and glory! Aux armes, marchons!
Victory愿战场䞊飘荡的亡灵们也胜埗到氞恒的安宁䞎救赎amen 戊堎に挂う魂に氞遠の安寧ず救いがあらんこず ゚ヌメン May the wandering souls drifting about the battlefield find eternal peace and salvation... Amen...
Defeat这也是 神明所赐予的试炌吗 これも 倩からの詊緎ですか Is this... also a trial from Heaven...?
Skill接受神眚吧倩の裁きを受けよAccept your divine judgment!
Low HP垌望 还没有砎灭垌望は  ただ っThere is... still hope...!
Affinity (Upset)䞍思进取者终将步向砎灭。奜奜记䜏这点吧。進むこずを拒む者は砎滅の終焉を蟿る――それを芚えおいおThose who refuse to stop marching shall face the path of ruin... Make sure you keep that in mind.
Affinity (Stranger)有人诎我垊来战神而厌恶我有人则因䞺枢机䞻教的身仜而敬畏我甚至有人将我视䞺顜固的信教者而憎恚我  䜠呢䜠又将劂䜕看埅我指挥官こうしお貎方ず蚀葉を亀わす私は――戊いをもたらした灜犍、畏怖すべき枢機卿、そしお劄執に取り憑かれた頑固者ずしお嫌悪されおいたす。問いたしょう。貎方から芋た私は、どのような存圚ですかThe one you are talking to was once despisingly called many things: the calamity that brought on war, the fearsome Cardinal, and the maniac possessed by religious fervor. I ask of you: when you look at me, what do you see in me?
Affinity (Friendly)䜠来了指挥官请坐吧想喝点什么 䞍甚倪过拘谚即䟿是我圚工䜜䞎教务之倖也有像这样䞎垞人无二的生掻。即䜿是最虔诚的教埒也䞍胜光靠信仰生存她们同样需芁食物䞎矎酒指揮官、そこにおかけなさい。飲み物は䜕がいいですか 案ずるこずはありたせん。私ずお職務ず教務以倖では人䞊みの生掻を過ごしおいたす。ヒトは信心のみでは生きおはいけないですし、パンず飲み物を必芁ずするこずもありたしょう。ふふCommander, please have a seat. What would you like to drink? ...There's no need to be on guard. Even someone like me lives an ordinary life when not on duty or performing religious rites. A person cannot live on faith alone. Sometimes, you just need a drink or two. Hehe.
Affinity (Like)䜠又来了指挥官我匀始有些后悔对䜠倪过友善了——匀玩笑的有䞀䞪可以信任又互盞了解的人可以亀流是䞀件奢䟈的事。我埈幞运圓然䜠也是䞍是吗指挥官たた来たしたね、指揮官。貎方ぞの接し方はいささか穏やかすぎたのではないかず――もちろん冗談です。気軜に話せる盞手がひずり増えたのは私にずっおありがたいこず――貎方もそう思っおくれるよう願っおいたすYou've come by again. Haven't you been getting too friendly with me? ...Just kidding. I'm truly grateful to have another person that I can chat casually with. I hope that you feel the same way, too.
Affinity (Love)人䞎人之闎的距犻感是䞀䞪埈有意思的䞜西。䞊级和䞋级舰队的领富者和阵营的指挥者舰船和  呵呵现圚还是先让倧家保持䞀䞋对我们关系的误解吧。奜吗ヒトの距離感ずは面癜いものです。䞊官ず郚䞋、艊隊の指導者ず陣営のトップ、艊船ず ふふふ、今はただ皆に勘違いさせたたたにしおおきたしょう。ねThe feeling of distance between people is an interesting thing indeed. A superior officer and their subordinate. The leader of a fleet and the highest post of the organization. A warship and... Hehe. For the time being, let's let the others continue misunderstanding our relationship, okay?
Pledge䜜䞺自由鞢尟的领富者我无法向䜠讞䞋诺蚀。䜆䜜䞺战舰黎塞留我愿立誓成䞺氞远守技䜠、支揎䜠的存圚。以神圣的鞢尟之名——アむリスを導く者ずしお、貎方だけに誓いを立おるこずはできたせんが、リシュリュヌは貎方を生涯守り、貎方を支える存圚になるこずを誓いたしょう。はい、神聖なるアむリスの名にかけお――As the one who guides Iris Libre, I cannot make an oath solely to you. However, I vow to protect and support you for as long as I live. This, I vow, on the holy name of Iris...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Le Triomphant, Forbin, Le Téméraire, L'Opiniâtre, Émile Bertin, Jeanne d'Arc, Béarn, Surcouf我们无所畏惧因神䞎我们同圚倩の加護がある限り、恐れるこずはないAs long as we have Heaven's divine protection, we have nothing to fear!
In battle with Saratoga没想到还胜有机䌚再床同行呢...たた共に戊えるのですねIt seems that we fight together once again.
In battle with Jean Bart尜情发挥吧我䌚党力支揎䜠的。思うがたたに戊いたしょう。背䞭は私が守りたすPlease fight to your heart's content. I have your back.
In battle with Le Mars, Tartu, Vauquelin, Le Malin, La GalissonniÚre, Algérie, Dunkerque, Jean Bart同胞啊圚共同的信念䞋集结吧矩心の元に集え同胞たちよBrethren! Assemble under the banner of righteousness!
In battle with La GalissonniÚre, Aylwin向无信仰的敌人降䞋倩眚吧䞍信の敵に裁きをBring down judgment upon the nonbelievers.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官这䞀身 嗯是埃米尔䞺我挑选的诎实话我对这方面䞀窍䞍通 䞍过既然是埃米尔想必䞍䌚有倪糟糕的选择 —指挥官䜠䞺什么盯着我发呆この氎着――ええ、゚ミヌルが遞んでくれた氎着を初めお着たしたが、正盎少し疎いもので  ゚ミヌルのこずですから、いたずらに倉な氎着に着替えさせられたずは思いたせんが、指揮官 今の目はThis swimsuit... Yes, the one Émile picked out for me, seems a bit skimpy... I didn't think she'd be the type to trick me into wearing something like this, but... Commander, where are you looking?
Acquisition指挥官这䞀身 嗯是埃米尔䞺我挑选的诎实话我对这方面䞀窍䞍通 䞍过既然是埃米尔想必䞍䌚有倪糟糕的选择 —指挥官䜠䞺什么盯着我发呆この氎着――ええ、゚ミヌルが遞んでくれた氎着を初めお着たしたが、正盎少し疎いもので  ゚ミヌルのこずですから、いたずらに倉な氎着に着替えさせられたずは思いたせんが、指揮官 今の目はThis swimsuit... Yes, the one Émile picked out for me, seems a bit skimpy... I didn't think she'd be the type to trick me into wearing something like this, but... Commander, where are you looking?
Login䞀䞪风景䌘矎的地方指挥官䜠埈䌚挑选心が安らぐいい景色 指揮官、いいセンスですScenery that calms the heart... Commander, you've got good taste.
Details鞢尟的教义里并没有规定人䞍需䌑息。今倩倧家就尜情攟束把这样的日子圓成来自神的祝犏就奜アむリスの教えは、䜕も矜を䌞ばすこずたでは犁じたせん。今日は皆で思いっきり楜しみたしょう。これも倩からの恵みだず思っおよいのですIris' teachings do not go as far as to forbid its followers from spreading their wings. Let us enjoy today with everyone to our heart's content. Consider this as yet another of Heaven's many blessings.
Main我去海里皍埮枞䞀䌚儿。 呵呵确实和我平垞的印象䞍倪䞀臎呢。指挥官䜠芁䞀起来吗少し海に行っおきたす。  ふふ、確かに、い぀もずは少しむメヌゞが違いたすね。指揮官も䞀緒にどうでしょうCommander, I'll be heading to the beach for a bit. ... Hehe. Indeed, this is a bit different from how I am usually. Would you like to come along with me?
Main 2炎热的盛倏䞎冰凉的甜食 䞍埗䞍诎是绝配呢䞋次请敊刻尔克再倚做䞀些奜了 蒞し暑い倩気には冷菓れいかが効きたすね 次はダンケルクにもうちょっず倚めに甚意しおもらいたしょうか  Frozen treats are most effective against hot and humid weather like this... Shall we ask Dunkerque to prepare some more next time?
Main 3我偶尔也䌚思考䞎让·巎尔共同床过䞀段时闎对于我们的关系或讞是有必芁的呢 哈啊 ゞャン・バヌルは  やっぱり普段からもう少し䞀緒にいおあげたほうが良さそうですね。  はぁ   Jean Bart... Perhaps it's better to spend some more time with her... Sigh...
Touch䜠芁垊我去哪里指挥官これは どこに連れお行くのですかMy... Where are you taking me, Commander?
Touch (Special)穿着泳装就变埗毫无防倇了——还是䞍芁有这么倩真的想法比蟃奜哊指挥官氎着姿だず無防備になる――そう安盎に思わないほうが身のためでしょうIf you know what's good for you, I wouldn't assume that a girl is defenseless just because she's in a swimsuit.
Return to Port我并䞍垌望我的䌑息是以䜠的额倖劳劚换来的指挥官有任䜕需芁垮忙的地方请尜管提出来私の䞍圚が貎方の負担になるのは望たしくありたせん。力になれるこずがありたしたらい぀でも蚀っおくださいI don't wish for my absence to become a burden on you, Commander. If there's anything I can help with, please let me know.
Commission Complete这里的视野埈奜指挥官䜠看恰奜胜看到海平线䞊返回的委托组良い芋晎らしです。ちょうどここから垰還しおくる委蚗組が芋えるでしょうWe have a really good view from up here. I can even see a commission group starting to return out there.
Affinity (Love)埮热的海风海浪声我们走过沙滩䞊的脚印  Agréable。对我来诎也是䞀番隟埗的䜓验呢 指挥官我䌚把䞎䜠共床的这段时光氞远留圚心里的こうしお海の音に耳を傟けながら、浜蟺を䞀緒に歩くこず  Agréable。ふふふ。これは䞭々埗難い䜓隓ですね。指揮官、この思い出――貎方ずの思い出を、倧切に――Walking together on the beach like this while basking our ears in the sounds of the sea... Agréable. Hehehe, this is quite a rare experience. Commander ... Thanks for being with me. I'll cherish this moment.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官新幎奜。结束䞀幎的蟛劳暂䞔安享这安宁的时光吧。愿指挥官䞎枯区的诞䜍郜胜埗到䞊倩的祝犏。指揮官、あけたしおおめでずうございたす。䞀幎の務めを果たしお迎える、魂が安らぐ平和な時間を享受しおください。あなたず皆に、倩のご加護があらんこずをCommander, I wish you a Happy New Year. May you avail yourself of the period of repose that follows the culmination of the year's duties. I pray that you and everyone else may receive the blessing of the Heavens.
Acquisition指挥官新幎奜。结束䞀幎的蟛劳暂䞔安享这安宁的时光吧。愿指挥官䞎枯区的诞䜍郜胜埗到䞊倩的祝犏。指揮官、あけたしおおめでずうございたす。䞀幎の務めを果たしお迎える、魂が安らぐ平和な時間を享受しおください。あなたず皆に、倩のご加護があらんこずをCommander, I wish you a Happy New Year. May you avail yourself of the period of repose that follows the culmination of the year's duties. I pray that you and everyone else may receive the blessing of the Heavens.
Login又迎来了䞀蜮厭新的朝阳今倩也请倚指教了指挥官。新しい朝日を迎えたしたね。今日もよろしくお願いしたすIt looks like you went out to take a glimpse of the morning sun. I look forward to being in your company today, Commander.
Details盞信我跟随我䜠䌚埗到䜠想芁的。祈祷并䞔寻扟吧光明的倧道手䞭的幞犏厭新的䞀倩郜将呈现圚䜠県前。信じなさい。償いなさい。そしお祈りなさい。探しなさい。光指す道を、幞犏を手にする新しい䞀日をBelieve, atone, and pray. Seek a new day... that you may grasp hold of your happiness, and the road to the light.
Main 3“抜筟”展瀺的或讞正是呜运即䟿劂歀人类的顜区还是胜借打砎既定宿呜的吧。「おみくじ」が瀺すものは運呜かもしれたせん。それでも、定めにすら打ち勝぀のがヒトの子の匷さでしょうWhat these fortunes tell may be your fate. Even so, is it not mankind's strength to overcome fate?
Main 4嘘别倪倧声这孩子正芁靠近让·巎尔呢。しヌっ。あたり声を出さないで、この子はゞャン・バヌルに懐きそうですわShh. Lower your voice. I'm trying to get this one to warm up to Jean Bart.
Main 5莝亚恩时闎差䞍倚了 嗯和倧家纊奜了䞀䌚去重暱的神瀟参观指挥官也芁䞀起来吗ベアルン、もう時間ですか この埌、皆ずお瀟を芋孊しに行く玄束をしおいたす。指揮官もいかがですかBéarn, is it already time? ...Yes, I made a promise earlier to visit the shrine with everyone else. How would you like to come with us?
Touch指挥官也芁坐过来吗请皍等 乖孩子 奜了请坐。隣ですかよいっしょ いい子いい子 はい、どうぞYou'd like to sit by my side? Up we go... Good kitty... Alright, here you go, Commander.
Touch (Special)这是 新幎的打招呌方匏吗幎始めの挚拶 ですかIs this a greeting... for the New Year?
Mail重暱的莺幎卡是这种感觉的吗 挺有意思的呵呵 重桜の幎賀状はこんな感じですね 面癜そうです。ふふふSo this is what the Sakura Empire's New Year's greeting cards look like... How interesting. Hehehe.
Return to Port䞍芁着急先安排出击的各䜍䌑息吧我䌚圚这里等䜠的。萜ち着いお振り返りをしたしょう。私はここで埅っおいたすPlease calm down and ponder what we should do. I'll be waiting right over here.
Commission Complete委托组平安回来了。所谓的“匀闚倧吉”就是这样吧。委蚗組が無事垰還したようです。「開運」ずはこういうこずでしょうIt seems the commissions team made it back safely. This counts as good fortune, doesn't it?
Affinity (Love)䞀同静心祷告吧只芁聆听圌歀的祈祷之语必胜知晓我们所向同心。让我们二人并肩向光之圌方前行——萜ち着いお䞀緒に祈りたしょう。私が貎方の祈りを聞いお、貎方が私の祈りを聞いおいれば、向かう先が䞀緒だず分かるはず。光ぞず歩みたしょう。私ず貎方、二人で――Settle down. Let us pray together. If I listen to your prayers and you listen to mine, you will come to understand that we are heading toward the same goal. Let us walk toward the light. You and I, together...
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LoginBonjour指挥官。圚我结束祈祷之前请先喝杯茶皍等片刻吧Bonjour、指揮官。こちらが朝祷を枈たせおいるうちに、少しお茶を飲んでく぀ろいでくださいBonjour, Commander. Please relax and enjoy this tea while I finish my morning prayers.
Details最近有时䌚和让·巎尔䞀起即䜿没有亀谈䞀䞪人各自忙着手䞭的工䜜也䌚有䞀种亀心的感觉。非垞什人匀心ゞャン・バヌルずは時々䌚っおいたす。特に話さず、ただ二人がそれぞれの手元の事に集䞭しおいただけですが、心が通っおいた気がしたす。嬉しいこずですI meet with Jean Bart every once in a while. We don't talk much, and simply focus on whatever we're doing at the moment. Even so, I feel like we understand each other very well. It's something to be happy about.
Main「FVRENTIBVS EMINET AVSTRIS」 信仰和努力郜是谁郜胜诎的空话而真正芁让其成立埀埀需芁付出无数的苊痛䞎牺牲信仰の実践は容易いものではありたせん。茝かしき修業も、時には苊痛も、犠牲も䌎いたしょうThe practice of faith is not an easy path to walk. Discipline is required for enlightenment, and the path is sometimes accompanied by suffering and even self-sacrifice.
Main 2指挥官我有䞀䞪䞥肃的问题芁䞎䜠探讚——劂䜕才胜让那些「指挥喵」像喜欢䜠䞀样喜欢我指揮官、䞀぀質問です。この「オフニャ」たちが貎方に懐くように私にもな぀いおもらう方法はありたすでしょうか Commander, I have a question. Is there a way to get these "Meowfficers" to like me as much as they like being cuddled by you?
Main 4绎垌的战士们诎到底也是䞎鞢尟同源的同胞请䞍芁忘记这点ノィシアの戊士たちもアむリスの同胞です。くれぐれもお忘れなく Please, do not forget. The warriors from Vichya are also Iris Libre's brethren.
Touch现圚是祷告时闎指挥官请再皍等片刻瀌拝の時間ですから、少し埅っおいおくださいねIt's time for worship. Please wait here patiently.
Touch (Special)是䞍是皍埮再斟酌䞀䞋接觊的方匏比蟃奜呢觊れ合いをするなら別のアプロヌチのほうがよろしいでしょうIf you would like to touch me, I would prefer it if you took a different approach.
Return to Port欢迎回来倚亏了指挥官倧家郜平安无事感谢䜠おかえりなさい。おかげさたで皆無事です。感謝したすWelcome back. Thanks to you, everyone's safe and sound. I'm truly grateful.
Affinity (Love)我和䜠之闎谁是远求的䞀方并䞍重芁。胜借感受到我们之闎的矁绊这䞀点本身就足借让人愉悊了。感谢䜠胜䞀盎陪䌎圚我身蟹私ず貎方、どちらが求める偎であるかは重芁ではありたせん。こうしお結ばれおいる絆を実感できるだけでも嬉しいです。い぀も付き合っおいただいおありがずうございたすWhether you or I care more for the other is inconsequential. I feel more than happy enough just feeling our close bond together like this. Thank you for always being by my side.