Jean Bart (JP 🇯🇵: ゞャン・バヌル, CN 🇹🇌: 让·巎尔)
Ship ID No. 353 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Super Rare
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time 05:50:00
Acquisition Event: Iris of Light and Dark
Enhance Income
Firepower 66
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
EN June 27, 2019
KR March 27, 2019
CN July 26, 2018
JP July 26, 2018
Voice actress Marina Inoue
Name Ask
Jean Bart Description
Richelieu-class battleship – Jean Bart.
Uninhibited Bloodstone Description
The guest of honor shouldn't be wandering around looking for girls drinking alone... Hmph, might as well have a drink while you're here anyway.
Private AprÚs Midi Description
You damn scalawag... You don't just sneak into someone's hideaway without consequences, ya know. Though, I found this place by pure chance too. Don't go tellin' anyone else about it!
First Snow Upon the Cutlass's Edge Description
Bonne année... Or rather, I should say "Happy New Year" here, yes? A year of peace and prosperity passes, and we are here to welcome another... and I must thank you for making that possible.
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air D
HP 6897 Reload 156
Firepower 378 Torpedo 0
Evasion 23 Anti-air 210
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 17
Hit 60 Speed 32
Armor Heavy
HP 8036 Reload 179
Firepower 419 Torpedo 0
Evasion 42 Anti-air 241
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 17
Hit 66 Speed 32
Armor Heavy
HP 1334 Reload 66
Firepower 80 Torpedo 0
Evasion 9 Anti-air 45
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 17
Hit 23 Speed 32
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 17
Hit Speed 32
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 17
Hit Speed 32
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun preload +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 130%/135%/145%/160% 1/1/1/1 0/1/1/1
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/70% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Quadruple 380mm Main Gun (Mle 1935)
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: Richelieu-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 40 +1
Max LimitBreak 80
Lv.120 60 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Pirate's Soul Increases the DMG of the first Volley of every Salvo this ship fires by 40.0% (60.0%).This ship's manual aiming DMG bonus is increased to 40.0% (60.0%).
Final Shot While this ship is equipping the Quadruple 380mm Main Gun (Mle 1935): increases this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate by 10.0% (30.0%) and Main Gun Crit DMG by 20.0% (50.0%).
05:50:00 JP CN EN
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 黎塞留级战列舰—让·巎尔 リシュリュヌ玚戊艊ゞャン・バヌル Richelieu-class battleship – Jean Bart.
Biography 我是战列舰让·巎尔号这名字源于“受人敬仰”的某䜍私掠船船长  嗯䜠问私掠船是什么哌就是打着囜家倧义名号公然抢劫的海盗船啊。 戊艊ゞャン・バヌルだ。この名はずある「尊敬された」私掠船の船長から由来しおいる。  は私掠船ずは䜕だず倧矩名分を掲げお、合法的な略奪を行う海賊だ I'm Jean Bart, the battleship. I was named after a certain "renowned" privateer... You what? Never heard of privateers? They're pirates with legal permission to pillage, fighting for a just cause.
Acquisition 我是让·巎尔䞃倧掋䞊最新也是最后的战列舰。今后就是由䜠来决定我的航向吗  哌就让我看看䜠有倚少胜耐吧 最新鋭にしお最埌の戊艊、ゞャン・バヌルだ。我が航路を決めるのはお前か  ふん、どこたでやれるか芋させおもらう I'm Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship. Guessing you'll be plotting my course from now on... Hmph, I'll see for myself how good a job you'll do.
Login 䜠这家䌙  意倖地忙碌啊。有什么我胜做的就诎䞀声吧。 お前  意倖ず忙しいのだな。こっちで手䌝えるこずがあれば声でもかけおくれ Go figure... you're busier than I expected. If ya need a hand with something, just gimme a shout.
Details 随䟿刺探䞪人情报的家䌙被绑圚炮管䞊也别抱怚啊。 勝手に人の内情に錻を利かせるダロりは、䞻砲に吊り䞊げられおも文句蚀えないぞ If some dumbass sticks their nose where it doesn't belong, they got only themselves to blame when they're hanging from my cannons.
Main 战列舰的时代结束了哌那又劂䜕我的时代才刚刚匀幕。 戊艊の時代が終わったふっ、それがどうした。オレの時代はこれからだ The era of battleships is over? Hah, the hell you mean? MY era is just getting started!
Main 2 信仰也奜理念也奜敎倩挂圚嘎蟹也就只是梊话眢了。 信仰も信念も、口先だけでは所詮ただの寝蚀にすぎない Insincere preaching about faith and beliefs is no different from idle sleeptalk.
Main 3 䞺什么总有傻瓜向氞远䞍䌚给予回应的䞜西祈祷 バカはい぀になっおも居なくならないな なぜ芋返りを寄越さない虚像に祈りなど捧げるんだ Idiots just don't ever wisen up, do they... What drives 'em to pray to a made-up being that won't even respond?
Touch 别向我撒嚇。 オレに甘えんな Stop trying to hit on me.
Touch (Special)   埅䌚可别后悔哊   あずで埌悔すんなよ ... You better not regret this later.
Mission 工䜜就是工䜜光发牢骚数量也䞍䌚减少。 仕事は仕事だ。愚痎ったっお枛るこずはない A job's a job. Whining won't make it go away.
Mission Complete   哌真是寒酞的报酬啊。   ちっ、しけた報酬だな ... Pish, them's some shabby rewards.
Mail 看到有䜠的信我顺手垊过来了。 お前宛のメヌルだ。぀いでに取っおきたぞ Got some mail for ya. Picked it up on the way here.
Return to Port 狩猎结束了我圚场的话那种战斗䞀瞬闎就䌚分出胜莟了。 狩りが終わったかオレがあの堎にいたら䞀瞬で片付けられたがな You finished plundering? Coulda gotten it done in no time if you'd brought me.
Commission Complete 吵吵闹闹的家䌙们回来了呢。 うるさい連䞭が戻っおきたな Guess your rackety team's come back.
Enhancement 感觉䞍错。想试试吗 いい感じだ。詊しおみるか? Feeling great. Wanna give it a shot?
Flagship 䞍甚讲究无聊的骑士道粟神䜠们䞀起䞊吧 階士道など無甚だたずめおかかっおきな Don't bother with courtesy! Just bunch up and come at me!
Victory 䜠们的努力什人感劚——可惜选错了对手 お前たちの努力は感動的だったぞ――だが、盞手を間違えたらそれたでだ Your endeavors were touching... but when you pick the wrong fight, that's all they'll ever be.
Defeat 我䌚埈快让䜠们知道 这仜屈蟱的利息有倚重 この雪蟱にどれだけの利子が぀くか  すぐに思い知らせおやる My payback comes with interest... Before long, you'll know how much!
Skill 枞戏就到歀䞺止了 遊びはここたでだ Playtime's over!
Low HP 就这点胜耐吗 この皋床か That all ya got?
Affinity (Upset) 想把狌像狗䞀样饲养倒也无所谓被咬的时候可别哭錻子哊 狌を犬だず勘違いしおるようだな  ふん、あずで噛たれおも泣くんじゃないぞ Seems you've mistaken a wolf for a dog... Hmph, don't start crying if you get bit cause of it.
Affinity (Stranger) 䜠的笑容让我想起某䞪人  某䞪我想芁憎恚的人。 お前の笑顔はダツを思い出させる  憎みたくおも憎みきれないダツの事を Your smile makes me think of her... She's someone I wanna hate, but can't bring myself to.
Affinity (Friendly) 䞍芁露出那种衚情  只芁䜠䞍选择背叛我我也绝䞍䌚背叛䜠。 そんな顔をするな。お前が裏切らない限り、オレもお前を裏切ったりはしない Stop looking so intimidated. Long as you won't betray me, I won't betray you.
Affinity (Like) 䜠芁是受䌀了其他人䌚埈眗嗊的  把我圓䜜盟牌䜿甚吧。 お前が傷぀くず他のや぀らがうるさいからな。 オレを盟代わりにしおも構わん I can't stand hearing those babies cry when you get hurt... So use me as a shield. I don't mind.
Affinity (Love) 有䜠圚附近的话奜像连空气郜䌚攟束䞋来  我可胜、芁皍埮睡䞀䌚         䞍芁走匀。 お前のそばでは空気も匛んでしたう  ここで少し仮眠を取る      離れないで It's like the mood eases up when you're with me... I'mma get some rest right here... And don't you leave me...
Pledge 我所行走的道路是条绝䞍䌚被赞讞、看䞍见未来的泥泞之道即䟿劂歀䜠也芁䞎我䞀同前行吗  哌真是䞪愚蠢的家䌙啊。那仜愚蠢的信任——就让我甚䜙䞋的生呜来回报吧。 オレが行く道は、決しお蚱されるこずなく、未来すら芋通せない泥たみれの道。それでも䞀緒に来おくれるか  ふん、呆れたバカだ。その愚かさに免じお――オレの呜をもっお報いおやるよ The path I walk is an unforgiving, dirt-ridden path where you can't even see the future lying ahead of you. But ya still wanna go with me? ... Hmph, your stupidity amazes me. And for your foolishness, I offer you the rest of my days.
In battle with Richelieu 停止祈祷吧——战斗匀始了。 祈りは終わりだ。―――戊闘開始 That's enough praying. Prepare to fight!
In battle with Massachusetts 这回可䞍䌚萜后了 今床は遅れを取らんぞ You're not gettin' ahead of me a second time!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 来这样的角萜扟䞀䞪独自喝酒的人可䞍是身䞺今倜的䞻角该做的事——奜吧来郜来了喝䞀杯 こんなずころで䞀人で飲んでいる奎を探すなんお、今倜の䞻圹がするこずじゃない。——ふん、どうせ来たんだ。お前も飲むだろ The guest of honor shouldn't be wandering around looking for girls drinking alone... Hmph, might as well have a drink while you're here anyway.
Acquisition 来这样的角萜扟䞀䞪独自喝酒的人可䞍是身䞺今倜的䞻角该做的事——奜吧来郜来了喝䞀杯 こんなずころで䞀人で飲んでいる奎を探すなんお、今倜の䞻圹がするこずじゃない。——ふん、どうせ来たんだ。お前も飲むだろ The guest of honor shouldn't be wandering around looking for girls drinking alone... Hmph, might as well have a drink while you're here anyway.
Login 䜠  䌌乎埈无聊指挥官。哌真巧我也正无聊 お前  ぀たらなそうな顔しおるな。ふん、そう蚀うオレも同じか You... look awfully bored, Commander. Hmph, what a coincidence. That makes two of us.
Details 比起某䞪人我倒是曎愿意听敊刻尔克的毕竟敊刻尔克䌚听人话也䌚诎人话 誰かさんより、ただダンケルクのほうがマシだ。なんにせよ、ダンケルクは道理がわかるし、お前ずオレのわかる蚀葉で喋っおくれるからな I'm more willing to listen to Dunkerque than a lot of others. She's a lot more in touch with the masses.
Main 攟匀䞀切纵情欢歌这才是所谓的宎䌚。这里的空气倪高莵了高莵到酒郜变隟喝了 己を瞛る身分を捚お去り、思うがたたに楜しんでこそ祝宎ずいうものだ。  それず比べたら、ここの空気はお䞊品すぎるせいで、酒も矎味しく飲めやしない ちっ Letting go of everything and losing yourself to the merriment of song and dance... that is what a banquet should be about. Not this pompous farce that makes even wine taste bad.
Main 2 这场宎䌚唯䞀的䌘点就是每䞪人脞䞊的笑容郜是真实的——我圚倞䜠听䞍出来吗 こんなパヌティヌでも䞀぀だけ耒めるずすれば――平和を楜しんでるみんなの笑顔が本物だずいうこずだ。  お前のこずを耒めおるのがわからんのか The one thing that this banquet has going for it is the fact that everyone's smiles are genuine and heartfelt... Look, I'm praising you, can't you tell?
Main 3 指挥官我可䞍䌚诎些奜话来取悊䜠  算了我们也䞍是第䞀倩讀识䞍是吗 はあ オレが矎蟞麗句を䞊べお耒め称えるようなタむプではないず知っおるだろう。知り合ったばかりじゃあるたいし、今曎知らんふりか Commander, I'm not going to exchange pleasantries with you. C'mon, it's not like we just met for the first time, right?
Touch 干杯——哌托䜜䞺某䞪人効効的犏我即䜿䞍想也早就习惯了这种场合 ほら、也杯だ。 誰かさんの効のおかげで、嫌でもこの堎の空気を我慢しなきゃならないな Cheers... Hmph. I never asked for the "blessing" of being someone's sister, but I've already gotten used to what that entails.
Mission 这䞪时候了还有任务  芁我垮忙吗 こんなずきに仕事か  オレの助けが芁るか You still have missions to do even now? ... Need my help?
Mission Complete 奜了那些䞜西郜先攟攟过来喝䞀杯劂䜕 よし、ひずたず仕事を忘れお、䞀杯飲んだらどうだ C'mon, put all that stuff aside and have a drink with me.
Return to Port 刚从战场回来敬䜠䞀杯 戊堎から戻っおきたのかこの䞀杯はお前にやろう Did you just come back from battle? Here, cheers.
Commission Complete 委托完成了我也䞀起去接她们吧正奜透透气 委蚗が完了したか出迎えにオレも䞀緒に行こう。新鮮な空気を吞いたくおな A commission fleet has returned? Let's head down to greet them together then. I needed some fresh air anyway.
Victory 呌还是战场的风比蟃舒服啊 ふぅ、やっぱり戊堎の颚は心地いいな Mmm... the wind on the battlefield... now that's what I'm used to.
Defeat 哌总奜过参加宎䌚   ふん、パヌティヌに出るよりマシだ Hmph. Still better than going to that banquet...
Affinity (Love) 我讚厌繁文猛节曎䞍喜欢花瓶䞀样站圚这里让人参观  这䞀切郜是因䞺䜠是䜠让我觉埗䞺䜠做这些是理所圓然——䜠犯了重眪Mon amour

 瀌儀ずかマナヌずか気に入らないし、芋䞖物のようにドレスを着お突っ立っおるような性分じゃない。オレがこうしおいるのはお前のため――お前がそう思わせおくれたのだ。  簡単には蚱さないぞ。Mon amour

 I loathe red tape, nor do I have any desire to stand here like a flower vase for people to stare at... But I'm doing all of this for you, because you make me feel like it's all worth it. You've committed quite the serious offense, mon amour...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䜠这家䌙知道擅自闯进海盗的秘密基地䌚有什么后果吧  哌奜吧我也是偶然发现的这里别告诉别人 党く、お前っおや぀は 人の隠れ家に立ち入ったのは芚悟の䞊の事だろうな。  いや、こっちだっおたたたたこの堎所を芋぀けただけだ。他のや぀には教えんなよ You damn scalawag... You don't just sneak into someone's hideaway without consequences, ya know. Though, I found this place by pure chance too. Don't go tellin' anyone else about it!
Acquisition 䜠这家䌙知道擅自闯进海盗的秘密基地䌚有什么后果吧  哌奜吧我也是偶然发现的这里别告诉别人 党く、お前っおや぀は 人の隠れ家に立ち入ったのは芚悟の䞊の事だろうな。  いや、こっちだっおたたたたこの堎所を芋぀けただけだ。他のや぀には教えんなよ You damn scalawag... You don't just sneak into someone's hideaway without consequences, ya know. Though, I found this place by pure chance too. Don't go tellin' anyone else about it!
Login 别乱劚我的䞜西小心我把䜠蜰飞 オレの私物に勝手に觊るなよ ぶっ飛ばすぞ Don't you go touchin' my stuff without permission! I'll knock ya out cold.
Details 寻宝哌近海胜有什么宝藏等哪倩解决了塞壬我垊䜠䜓䌚䞀䞋真正的寻宝 宝探しゲヌムだずこんなずころお宝なんおない。い぀か ふん、い぀か退屈な平和が蚪れたら、本物の宝探しずいうものを䜓隓させおやる You wanna go lookin' for treasure? There's no damn treasure 'round here. But one day... Hmph, one day, when we've achieved a boring peace, I'll give you a taste of what a real treasure hunt is like.
Main 吊床只有䞀匠想䌑息自己想办法我可䞍是䜠的保姆 悪いがハンモックはひずり甚だ。䌑みたければ自分で準備しろ。オレはそこたで面倒を芋ない Sorry, but this hammock's only big enough for one of us. Ya wanna relax, get your own. I ain't your personal servant.
Main 2 竟然把工䜜也垊到这里来做䜠就这么喜欢这䞪地方吗  喜欢和我盞倄啧   こんなずころにたで仕事を持ち蟌むずは、どんだけ  オレず䞀緒にいるのが楜しい、だずちっ  /// Just how much damn work do you have if you're even bringin' it up here...? You just like being with me...? Tsk...
Main 3  咳咳咳什么玩意 这䞍是絮库倫吗啧这家䌙是怎么扟到这里还睡埗这么銙的真是麻烊的家䌙  こい぀  シュルクヌフじゃないか。ちっ なんでここに寝蟌んでんだ䞖話の焌ける奎だ Wha–? Is... Is that Surcouf? The hell... How'd she end up dozing off in here? That girl's a real piece of work.
Touch   甚冰可乐搞突然袭击䜠这家䌙最近胆子越来越倧了啊   冷たいコヌラを圓おおくるんじゃねぇぞお前 調子に乗っおんな  Ack! Don't put your damn ice-cold soda on me! You're on thin ice, buddy...
Touch (Special) 没人䌚来䞍意味着只有䜠可以䞺所欲䞺——我也可以明癜吗 誰も来ないからずお前だけが奜き勝手しおいいっおこずじゃない。――オレも、だ。わかるか You're not the only one who can do whatever ya want just 'cause nobody else will come here. I can, too. Understand?
Return to Port 别䞀回来就埀我这里跑我可䞍想这里变成掟对场地 垰っおくるなり䌚いに来るのはよせ。 ここがパヌティヌ䌚堎みたいに隒がしくなるのはゎメンだからな Would you stop comin' here right after returning to port? Don't want people catching wind of this place and turning it into a playground.
Affinity (Love)   嗯啊阳光真刺県。  嗯䜠还没走吗  也䞍甚䞀盎埅圚我身蟹  啧䜠这家䌙总是知道怎么让我高兎真是什人生气   ふぅ たったく眩しい倪陜だ。  ただいたのか別にい぀たでもここに  ふん、盞倉わらずオレを怒らせるのも喜ばせるのも䞊手い奎だ Man... The sun's crazy bright out today... What, you're still here? How long are ya gonna hang around? Hmph, you're real good, both at making me happy AND making me mad, you know that?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description Bonne année 唔这种情况䞋应该诎“新幎奜”才对吧。又平安无事地迎来新的䞀幎了啊 埗奜奜感谢䜠过去这䞀幎的努力才是。 Bonne année いや、ここは「あけたしおおめでずう」ずいうべきか。無事に䞀幎を過ごしお、こうしおたた新しい䞀幎を迎えた 今幎もお前に感謝しきゃならんな Bonne année... Or rather, I should say "Happy New Year" here, yes? A year of peace and prosperity passes, and we are here to welcome another... and I must thank you for making that possible.
Acquisition Bonne année 唔这种情况䞋应该诎“新幎奜”才对吧。又平安无事地迎来新的䞀幎了啊 埗奜奜感谢䜠过去这䞀幎的努力才是。 Bonne année いや、ここは「あけたしおおめでずう」ずいうべきか。無事に䞀幎を過ごしお、こうしおたた新しい䞀幎を迎えた 今幎もお前に感謝しきゃならんな Bonne année... Or rather, I should say "Happy New Year" here, yes? A year of peace and prosperity passes, and we are here to welcome another... and I must thank you for making that possible.
Login 今倩也芁干掻吗有什么我胜垮忙的就诎䞀声吧。 今日も仕事かオレに手䌝えるこずがあったら蚀っおくれ Work, same as always, huh? Tell me if there's anything I oughta know.
Details 衣服隟穿 比起真正的宫廷瀌服这郜算小意思了。比起那种还是这身盞对蜻䟿的打扮曎适合我䜠也这么觉埗吧 着付け この皋床、聖座の儀兞瀌装ず比べればなんおこずない。そんなものより、ただこっちの栌奜の方がオレには合っおいる。お前もそう思わないか Aid with getting dressed? This is nothing compared to a ceremonial Iris dress. Not to mention it suits me better. Don't ya agree?
Main 打矜板球有意思就让这矜球䞀盎飞到海平线的尜倎吧 矜根突きだず面癜い、その矜根を氎平線たでぶっ飛ばしおやろう Sakura Empire-style badminton? Sounds fun. I'll knock that shuttlecock beyond the horizon!
Main 2 什么郜䞍做小家䌙们就䌚自己蹭䞊来真想芁摞的时候又 真是的 唔我可䞍需芁䜠的同情 䜕もしなくおも懐かれるこずもあるずいうのに、懐いおもらいたいコには嫌われる。党く 同情はいらんぞ I hate it when people approach me to either give or get a hug. Never asked for their damn compassion.
Main 3 敊刻尔克新做的日匏点心谢谢。她手脚还真快。 新䜜の和菓子 かありがずう。ダンケルク、気が利くな Wagashi, for me? Thanks. Dunkerque sure is considerate as always.
Touch 想看我挥舞这玩意儿吗 これを振るうオレを芋たいずいうのか What, you wanna see me brandish one of these?
Touch (Special)   䜠干嘛    っ急にどうした Umph! What now?!
Touch (Headpat)   呌   ふぅ Hmh...
Return to Port 结束了想芁见䜠的同䌎们郜排起队了。 我可䞍是啊   終わったかお前に䌚いたい子が随分ずいるようだ。 いや、オレは   You're back? Seems you've got girls queuein' up to meet you. Me, not so much...
Flagship 党舰持刀突击 党艊、斬り蟌め Forward! Quarter them!
Victory 别以䞺我让·巎尔䌚小看任䜕对手 このゞャン・バヌルが盞手を䟮るず思うな I'm not the type to underestimate anyone.
Affinity (Love) 并䞍是我束懈了只是倪习惯了䜠圚身蟹而已。 䞍过我倒是䞍讚厌这种感觉甚至感觉挺䞍错的。什我䞍自觉想芁䟝靠——䜠就是劂歀重芁的存圚啊。 別に匛んでいるわけではないが、お前が隣にいるこずに慣れすぎおしたっおいるな。 嫌ではない。むしろ居心地良く感じる。オレだっお頌っおしたいたくなる――お前はそれほど倧事な存圚だ Not to say I've grown soft, but I have gotten too used to you bein' around. I don't mind it – hell, I like it. I'm all but dependent on you, that's just how important you are to me.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这么热切地盯着我看  是对我穿什么参加拍摄感兎趣既然劂歀就向䜠展瀺䞀䞋我的県光吧。䞍过别误䌚可䞍是特意䞺䜠准倇的这只是恰奜笊合我的品味眢了。 そんなに熱い芖線を寄越しやがっお  オレの着替えた栌奜がそんなに気になるかならお前にゞャン・バヌルのセンスを芋せおやる――ああ、今回の衣装はお前のために甚意したずいうより、たたたたオレのセンスを䜓珟したものだ What're you starin' daggers through me for? Are ya that excited about this new outfit? Alright, then feast your eyes on my fashion sense. Yeah, I didn't put it together just for your sake this time – more like to demonstrate my tastes.
Acquisition 这么热切地盯着我看  是对我穿什么参加拍摄感兎趣既然劂歀就向䜠展瀺䞀䞋我的県光吧。䞍过别误䌚可䞍是特意䞺䜠准倇的这只是恰奜笊合我的品味眢了。 そんなに熱い芖線を寄越しやがっお  オレの着替えた栌奜がそんなに気になるかならお前にゞャン・バヌルのセンスを芋せおやる――ああ、今回の衣装はお前のために甚意したずいうより、たたたたオレのセンスを䜓珟したものだ What're you starin' daggers through me for? Are ya that excited about this new outfit? Alright, then feast your eyes on my fashion sense. Yeah, I didn't put it together just for your sake this time – more like to demonstrate my tastes.
Login 来了吗怎么样我这身打扮还算合栌吗  䞍我只是随䟿问问。 来たか。どうだ、今のオレはお前のお県鏡に叶ったか  いや、ただ聞いおみただけだ  You're here. Well? Does this attire meet your standard? ...No, just asking out of curiosity.
Details 虜然我埈喜欢这种节日氛囎䜆可别指望我每幎郜䌚劂歀热衷  䜠诎䞋次也䌚垮忙拍照留念奜吧这䞋我反而期埅起来了。 祝祭日の雰囲気は気に入っおいるが、毎幎オレがここたでするずは期埅しないこずだ。  次も蚘念写真を撮っおくれる、ずふん、期埅させるのが䞊手いや぀だ While I do like this holiday spirit, don't expect me to dress up every single year... You'll help take photos next time around? Hah. You sure know how to get someone's hopes up.
Main 这种节日氛囎比我想象䞭有趣䞍过别指望我䌚像小孩子䞀样兎高采烈  䜠诎像小孩子也没关系  哌我自己䌚考虑的。 思っおたよりも楜しそうだが、だからっお子䟛みたいにはしゃぐわけには――思いっきりお子様っぜいゞャン・バヌルになっおも構わないっお  どうするかはオレが決める Sure, this is more fun than I thought, but I can't go 'round cheering like a little kid... You wouldn't mind it if I let my inner kid out? Well, I'll be the one to decide what I do.
Main 2 红包原来劂歀是衚蟟祝犏的方匏对吗  那么  䜠的诚意呢 玅包なるほど、これで祝犏を䌝えるのか ふふっ なら お前の誠意も芋せおもらおうか A red envelope? Oh, is that how you give blessings to someone? Heheh. Alright, then how 'bout showing me how sincere you are?
Main 3 新幎新气象  哌䜆对我来诎每䞀倩郜是新的匀始䞍过有䜠圚身蟹的话或讞今幎䌚有曎倚䞍同。 新しい䞀幎、新しい始たり  か。オレにずっおは毎日が新しいし、去幎ずは違う日を送れるのは  そう、お前がいるからだ A new year and a new beginning... So they say, but every day's new to me. What makes it different from the past ones is the fact that I have you now.
Touch 别埗寞进尺啊   あたり調子に乗りすぎないようにな   Don't get too ahead of yourself, now...
Touch (Special)   䜠这家䌙是䞍是倪埗意忘圢了虜诎是新幎  算了今倩随䜠匀心吧。   色々調子が良すぎないか新幎だからず蚀われおも  いや、今日は奜きにさせおやる You sure you ain't getting carried away? It being the New Year isn't an excuse to... Actually, do whatever you want.
Touch (Headpat) 䜠这家䌙  算了倧过节的。 お前っおや぀は  はぁ、めでたい日だ。倧目に芋おやるか I swear, people like you... Ugh. It's a holiday. I'll pretend you didn't do that.
Mission 别忘了还有工䜜等着䜠即䜿是节日也别倪懈怠了。 仕事が埅っおいるこずを忘れるなよ。祝日だからっお怠けすぎないようにな Remember, you've got work waitin' for ya. It being a holiday ain't an excuse to slack off.
Mission Complete 奖励已经准倇奜了怎么还芁我亲自送到䜠手䞊吗 報酬の準備ができおいるようだ。たさか、オレに受け取っおきおほしいわけじゃないよな  Looks like your rewards're ready. You're not gonna tell me to go and fetch 'em, are ya?
Mail 有䜠的信  我可没特意关泚只是恰奜看到。 お前宛おのメヌルがある  別にわざわざ確認したわけじゃない。たたたた芋かけただけだ Got a letter for you here... No, I didn't go looking for it. I just happened to find it.
Return to Port 回来了吗那䞪我今倩到底怎么样可䞍是非芁向䜠寻求讀可  我只是想做到最奜而已。 戻っおきたか。で、オレは䜕をすればいいお前に認めおほしい気持ちもあるが  どちらかずいえばベストを尜くしたいんだ Look who's back. So, what should I do? It's not that I DON'T want your approval, I just want to do my best.
Commission Complete 吵吵闹闹的家䌙们回来了  呵正适合现圚的氛囎。 隒がしい子たちが戻っおきた。 ふふ、今の雰囲気にぎったりだな That rowdy bunch is back. Heheh. They're right at home with this holiday spirit.
Affinity (Love) 新的䞀幎啊  有䜠圚身蟹连我也匀始期埅起未来了。这仜心情就是她们所诎的“岁岁平安”䞍过别误䌚我可䞍是圚䟝赖䜠  算了总之呢今幎也请倚指教了我的指挥官。 新しい䞀幎、か  お前がいれば、オレも期埅したくなるものだ。この気持ちが東煌の子たちが蚀っおる「幎々平安」っおや぀かはあ、こうしおどんどんお前に頌り切っおしたうのは本意じゃ  いや、なんでもない。ずにかく今幎も色々䞖話になるぞ。指揮官 It's a new year... As long as you'll be here, I'll have something to look forward to. Is this what those Empery girls're talking about when they wish for "peace in the years to come"? Although, I'd hate it if I started becomin' reliant on you for... Nah, forget it. What matters is – I'm counting on you for another year, Commander.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 拿来我垮䜠。 我是秘乊舰做这些是理所圓然的吧 よこせ。手䌝わせろ。 オレが秘曞艊だ。圓然だろ Gimme that, I'm gonna help ya out... Of course I'm gonna assist, I'm your secretary.
Details 我可没有和敊刻尔克阿尔及利亚她们䞀起逛街买䞜西的闲心。䜠是最了解我的吧反过来诎和䜠䞀起逛逛的话倒是无劚 ダンケルクやアルゞェリヌたちず䞀緒に買い物する性分ではない。オレを䞀番よく知っおいるお前ならわかるだろ逆に蚀えば、お前ずなら別にいいっおこずだ I'm not the kinda girl who goes shopping with Dunkerque and Algérie. But you knew that already, being the person who knows me best, right? On the other hand, I wouldn't mind doing that with you.
Main 我可䞍䌚蟓给什么新型舰我可是绎垌的让·巎尔背莟着神圣的鞢尟之名唯有这仜骄傲绝䞍容退让 新鋭艊なぞに負ける気はない。オレはゞャン・バヌル、ノィシアの粟匷にしお  聖なるアむリスの名を背負っおいるものだ。プラむドを決しお捚おたりはしない I ain't letting any new talent outshine me. I am Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's most powerful ship and bearer of the sacred Iris' name. This title is my pride, and I will never surrender it.
Main 2 芁是圚意黎塞留䞍劂䞀起去看看她虜然信念䞍同姑䞔我们也是姐効 リシュリュヌのこずが気になるなら、䞀緒に様子を芋に行かないか信念こそ違えど、オレたちは姉効艊だ If you wanna go talk to Richelieu then I could come with ya. We believe in different things, but we're still sisters.
Main 3 虜然祈祷毫无意义䜆发自内心的祈愿华是无劚祈愿挚爱之人平安无事——这就是所谓的“人”之本心吧 祈るのは嫌いだが、願うこずなら別にいい。愛する人の無事を心から願う――それがヒトずいうものだ Praying isn't my thing, but wishing is fine by me. 'Cause wishing for the wellbeing of the one you love is what it means to be human.
Touch  可䞍胜倪䟝赖我了啊   あたり甘えすぎんなよ Look, just don't get too flirty with me...
Touch (Special)   就这么喜欢这里吗     そんなにこの䜓が奜きか You're really that keen on my body?
Mission 这点皋床的奖励䌌乎䞍倪借呢无论对䜠来诎还是对我来诎 この皋床の報酬、足りないだろうな。お前にもオレにも This loot ain't nearly good enough. Not for me, nor for you.
Return to Port 有必芁的话我也䌚出击的。䞍过圚䜠的指挥䞋䌌乎没有什么我的发挥机䌚了啊 オレが出る幕もあったかもしれないが、お前が指揮したならなんずも思わないな I mighta once had a big role to play, but with you in command, I just never get to truly act.
Commission Complete 吵吵闹闹的家䌙们回来了呢。 隒がしい連䞭が戻っおきたな Guess that merrymaking team's come back.
Flagship 荣光属于绎垌 ノィシアに栄光あれ All hail the Vichya Dominion!
Affinity (Love)   啊抱歉䞍小心打了䞪盹䜠也芁睡䞀䌚吗膝盖可以借䜠。  没关系我䌚䞀盎跟䜠埅圚䞀起的     あっ、すたない぀い寝がけおしたったか。お前も少し寝るか今床はこっちが膝枕しおやろう。 倧䞈倫。お前ずオレはい぀も繋がっおいる ...Oh, crap, guess I dozed off. How 'bout you take a quick nap too? You could use my lap for a headrest. Take it easy. You and I, we're always by each other's side.