Quincy (JP 🇯🇵: クインシー, CN 🇹🇼: 昆西)
Ship ID No. 47 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Reward for daily login in event "Moonlit Overture"
Enhance Income
Firepower 22
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
EN March 14th, 2019
KR July 18th, 2018
CN July 17th, 2018
JP July 17th, 2018
Voice actress Minami Tsuda
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1017056
Twitter https://twitter.com/sky_freedom_
Weibo https://weibo.com/skyfreedom
Name Sky-FreeDom
Quincy Description
New Orleans-class heavy cruiser – Quincy, hull number CA-39.
Sizzling Summer, Brisk Breeze Description
Everyone's so cheerful and energetic... Commander, um, if you're tired, want to rest here with me?
Firepower B
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 3585 Reload 140
Firepower 190 Torpedo 0
Evasion 24 Anti-air 200
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 9
Hit 107 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP 4015 Reload 161
Firepower 218 Torpedo 0
Evasion 57 Anti-air 230
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 9
Hit 125 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP 693 Reload 59
Firepower 40 Torpedo 0
Evasion 9 Anti-air 43
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 0 Luck 9
Hit 41 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 9
Hit Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 9
Hit Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gains Full Barrage I / All Weapon Efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Main Gun Mount +1 / All Weapon Efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I→II / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 105%/107%/110%/115% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 55%/57%/60%/65% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 20mm AA Oerlikon Design
Fleet Tech
T6 Heavy Cruiser: New Orleans-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 21
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Full Firepower Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
Protective Armor Decreases the Main Gun DMG taken from enemy DDs and CLs by 5.0% (20.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: New Orleans Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新奥尔良级重巡洋舰——昆西,舷号CA-39 ニューオリンズ級重巡洋艦――クインシー(CA-39) New Orleans-class heavy cruiser – Quincy, hull number CA-39.
Biography 我是新奥尔良级重巡洋舰昆西,我不太喜欢和别人斗争,如果大家都能在一起互帮互助就好了呢…… ニューオリンズ級のクインシーです。実は戦うのは苦手で……みんな仲良くやればいいのに…… I am Quincy, the New Orleans-class heavy cruiser. I'm not fond of fighting... It'd be better if everyone could help each other out...
Acquisition 指、指挥官……你好……我是新奥尔良级重巡洋舰——昆西,今后要与指挥官一起生活了,那么,有、有什么我能帮忙的吗? し、指揮官……はじめまして…ニューオリンズ級重巡洋艦のクインシーと申します…ええと、手伝えることはあ、ありますでしょうか…? C-Commander... Pleased to meet you... I'm the New Orleans-class heavy cruiser, Quincy. Um, since we're going to be living together from now on, is there anything I can help you with?
Login 指挥官,有什么我能做的事吗? 指揮官、私に手伝えることはありませんか…? Commander, is there something I can help with...?
Details 这样盯着我看,还挺让人害羞的…… そんなにじっと見つめては……恥ずかしいですぅ…… Being stared at like this... is really embarrassing...
Main 指挥官,这、这样好……好害羞呀 指揮官、こんなのは、はは、恥ずかしいよぉ…… Commander, this is r-really... e-embarrassing...
Main 2 我不太懂得怎么去拒绝别人…况且…能帮到别人的话,不也是很开心的事吗 すみません、私、人のお願いを断るのが苦手で……それに、ええと、人の役に立てるのって嬉しいことじゃありませんか……? Um, sorry... I'm not really sure how to turn people down... Besides, isn't it good to make others happy...?
Main 3 我也有即便被拜托了也会拒绝的事哦,比如说……唔……比如……一下子想不到 私だって頼まれても断っちゃうことぐらいはありますっ!例えば?……ええと……た、例えば……うぅ…思いつきません…… I'll have you know that I've turned down plenty of requests before! For example... uhh... umm, I can't think of any right now...
Touch 唔……虽然还是有点不习惯被别人触碰,但既然是指挥官的请求……不过,也别因为我耽误了工作哦~ スキンシップは慣れていませんけど、指揮官の頼みですから…… I'm not used to this whole "physical contact" thing, but if it's a request from the Commander, then...
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官……即便是我,也是会生气的! し、指揮官……私だってお、おお、怒っちゃう時はありますよー! C-commander... e-even I can get mad!
Mission 指挥官,有新任务,我也来帮忙吧 新しい任務ですね。指揮官、私にも手伝わせてください Commander, we have new missions. I'll help you out as well.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励~啊,我一个人不行,指挥官能一起来拿吗? 任務報酬~♪んくっ、んん……はぁはぁ…やっぱり私一人では……指揮官すみません、助けていただけないでしょうか… Yay, the mission rewards are here~! *Hngh*...! *Pant*... Commander? I can't lift these by myself, can you come lend a hand?
Mail 指挥官,我把邮件整理好了 指揮官、メールを整理しておきました Commander, I've finished arranging the mail.
Return to Port 指挥官,辛苦了,欢迎回家。 指揮官、お疲れ様です。おかえりなさい Good work today, Commander. Welcome back!
Commission Complete 委托队回来啦,帮忙搬一下物资吗?交给我吧 委託に出かけた子たちが戻ってきました。物資搬送ですか?任せてください! The commission fleet is back. Should I help bring the supplies in? Okay, leave it to me!
Enhancement 稍微变强了一点点…… ちょっとだけ強くなりました…… Hopefully I've gotten a tiny bit stronger...
Flagship 被拜托了就一定要努力做好! 頼まれたからには頑張らないと…! I've been assigned a task, so I have to do my best!
Victory 啊,成功啦! や、やりました! I-I did it!
Defeat 呜……我只能做到这样了吗 うぅ……私なんてこの程度ですよね…… *Ugh*... Is this the best I could do?
Skill 为什么要互相伤害呢…… なぜ傷つけ合うのでしょうか…… Why must we hurt each other...
Low HP 才、才刚开始! I-I'm just getting started!
Affinity (Upset) 即、即使是这样的指挥官,我也不会放弃帮助你的!大、大概… こんなにヒドい指揮官でも、クインシーは諦めないで助けちゃいますよ!……た、多分! Even if you're this kind of person, I won't give up on trying to help you! Probably...
Affinity (Stranger) 找我有什么事吗?我正在帮姐妹们搬物资哦~ 何かご用でしょうか?今みんなの物資搬送を手伝っています Do you need me for something? I'm currently helping the others carry some supplies.
Affinity (Friendly) 伤害他人的时候,自己会比被伤害时还痛苦……咦,大家不都是这样吗? 人を傷つけるのは、自分が傷つけられる時よりも痛く感じますね……みんなは違うのでしょうか? Hurting others is more painful than being hurt yourself... Huh? Doesn't everyone feel that way?
Affinity (Like) 为什么我这么喜欢帮助别人吗?因为,只有互相帮助,明天才会更好啊 なぜ人の手伝いをするのが好きなのか、ですか?ええと、人が助け合うことでより良い未来がやってくるからですよ Why do I like helping others so much? Well, it's because we can only build a brighter future if we all work together.
Affinity (Love) 跟指挥官在一起的时候,就会情不自禁想要帮指挥官做点什么,想要帮助指挥官,成为指挥官的力量。 指揮官と一緒にいると、指揮官の役に立ちたくて、指揮官の力になりたくって、心がいっぱいいっぱいになります…… Commander, when I'm with you, I can only think of how much I want to do something for you, how much I want to help you, and how much I want to become your strength...
Pledge 哎?希望我能一直陪伴在身边、吗…其实,我也是…想要依靠指挥官,也想要被指挥官依靠,想了解指挥官的心情,想要…和指挥官一直一直在一起…啊,好害羞… え?ずっと指揮官のそばにいてほしい、ですか?……実は私も……指揮官に頼りたくて、指揮官に頼られたくて、指揮官のことをもっと知りたくて、指揮官とずっと一緒に……うぅ…恥ずかしいですぅ… Eh? You'd like me to always stay by your side? Um, actually... I want to rely on you, and be relied upon. I want to understand what you're thinking, and I want to... be with you forever... *Whimper*... This is embarrassing...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 大家都充满了活力呢……指挥官,累了的话就坐这里休息下吧? みんな元気ですね……指揮官、ええと、疲れたらここで一休みしませんか? Everyone's so cheerful and energetic... Commander, um, if you're tired, want to rest here with me?
Acquisition 大家都充满了活力呢……指挥官,累了的话就坐这里休息下吧? みんな元気ですね……指揮官、ええと、疲れたらここで一休みしませんか? Everyone's so cheerful and energetic... Commander, um, if you're tired, want to rest here with me?
Login 指挥官,大家都在等着你呢。 指揮官、皆が待っていますよ Commander, everyone's waiting for you~
Details 我就坐这里帮大家看着东西就好了……运动什么的,我真的不行啦… 私はここで皆の荷物を見ますね。……う、運動なんて無理ですよぉ…… I'll just stay here and help watch everyone's belongings. Uh... I'm really not very good with exercise...
Main 这,这样子穿着,被大家看着,总觉得好害羞啊…… こ、この水着姿がみんなに見られちゃう……恥ずかしいよぉ…… It feels like... everyone is staring at me when I wear a swimsuit... It's so embarrassing...
Main 2 饮料?不用担心,我带了很多过来呢。 お飲み物ですか?大丈夫です、たくさん持ってきていますよ Beverages? Don't worry, I came prepared.
Main 3 只是听着大海的声音,自己的心情就变得舒畅了许多呢…… 海の音に耳を傾けると、心が自然とすっきりしますね…… Listening to the sounds of the sea really puts me at ease...
Touch 有,有谁遇到麻烦了吗? だ、誰かがトラブルにあったのでしょうか? Is... is someone in trouble?
Touch (Special) 呜……不要在大家面前做这种事啊…… うぅ……みんなの前ではしないでくださいよぉ…… *Whimper*... Could you please not do stuff like this in front of everyone...?
Return to Port 要来点冰饮料吗?不过一次不能喝太多,不然对身体不太好呢~ 冷たい飲み物でもどうですか?あ、飲みすぎてはダメですよ?体によくありませんし…… Would you like to have some cold drinks? Be careful not to have too many at once, or you might get a brain freeze~