Minneapolis (JP 🇯🇵: ミネアポリス, CN 🇹🇼: 明尼阿波利斯)
Ship ID No. 364 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Event: Fallen Wings
Enhance Income
Firepower 26
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Yuu Shimamura
Minneapolis Description
New Orleans class Heavy Cruiser— Minneapolis, hull number CA-36.
Wild Huntress Schoolgirl Description
Textbooks, pencils and erasers... hey, must students always pay attention in class... Commander? Can you arrange for us to get more extracurricular activities?
eXtreme Games Description
Oh crap! Move outta the way, Commander! Come on, man, look out next time! You'd have gotten hurt if I'd slammed into you!
Trapper White Description
Commander, why's that Quincy so happy to see me in this outfit? It's hard to move around in, and there's all this stuff flapping around that makes it hard to hunt. What do you think of this outfit?
Holy Night Ride Description
Merry Christmas, Commander! Right now, I'm Santa Claus! And this guy over here is my partner in delivering presents! Right, this is a present for you. C'mon, go ahead and take it!
Firepower B
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 3707 Reload 159
Firepower 225 Torpedo 0
Evasion 24 Anti-air 216
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 76
Hit 110 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP 4152 Reload 182
Firepower 258 Torpedo 0
Evasion 57 Anti-air 248
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 76
Hit 128 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP 717 Reload 67
Firepower 48 Torpedo 0
Evasion 9 Anti-air 46
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 76
Hit 42 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 76
Hit Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 76
Hit Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 105%/110%/120%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 65%/65%/65%/70% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/120%/120%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 203mm Main Gun
3 Twin 20mm AA Oerlikon Design
Fleet Tech
T6 Heavy Cruiser: New Orleans-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 12 +1
Max LimitBreak 25
Lv.120 18 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Thrill of the Hunt When this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) and RLD by 10.0% (30.0%) for 12s. This effect can not activate more than once a second and does not stack, but sinking additional enemies will refresh its duration.
Dullahan Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 30.0%: decreases the DMG it takes by 5.0% (10.0%) for the rest of the battle, and for 16s: decreases its Speed by 2 and recovers 1.0% (4.0%) of its max HP every 3s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: New Orleans Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新奥尔良级重巡洋舰—明尼阿波利斯,舷号CA-36 ニューオリンズ級重巡洋艦・ミネアポリス(CA-36) New Orleans class Heavy Cruiser— Minneapolis, hull number CA-36.
Biography 从珊瑚海到瓜达尔卡纳,太平洋中到处都是我的足迹。虽然因为一些烦人的原因旅途不得不终止了一段时间……不过从结果来说,我可算得上是表现出色了呢! 珊瑚海からガダルカナルまで、私はあの大戦で太平洋中を旅してたけど、とあるつまらない理由で一時期引退してたな。まあ結果的にいい感じだったぜ! From the Coral Sea to Guadalcanal, I have left my footprints everywhere in the Pacific theater. Although I had to pause my mission due to little annoyances... but considering the results, my battle record can be considered as outstanding!
Acquisition Hey ya!新奥尔良级明尼阿波利斯报道!我擅长狩猎,如果有你有看上的猎物的话,就交给我来解决吧! Hey ya!ニューオリンズ級ミネアポリスが参上だ!狩りが得意だから、狙いたい獲物があったら私に任せてもいいぜ! Hey ya! New Orleans class Heavy Cruiser, reporting in! I excel at hunting. If you have any prey that you’d like to hunt, then leave it to me!
Login 你的精神不错啊,准备好今天的狩猎了吗? うーん……指揮官は今日もいいコンディションだ You have very good spirit, are you ready for today’s hunt?
Details 想听我狩猎的故事吗?可以啊!从哪个讲起好呢…… 狩りのことを聞きたいのか?いいぜ。ってどっから話せばいいんだっけ Do you want to hear my hunting stories? Alright! But which one do I start with...
Main 皮肤的颜色?唔,又不只有我一个人是这样…你就那么在意吗? 見た目?別に私だけがこの肌の色じゃないけど…そんなに気になる? My war paint? Oh, I’m not the only one who does this… is this what you mean?
Main 2 鱼雷?啧,那种东西我才不会怕,那次只是运气不好而已…… 魚雷?そんなもん怖くねーよ!あ、あの時は運がなかっただけ…… Torpedo? I’m not afraid of that, I was just unlucky that one time…
Main 3 喂,你也别一直坐在这里了,和我一起出去转转吧! おい、そこで座ってばっかいないで、私と一緒に出かけようぜ! Hey, don’t just sit there, come with me and let’s take a look around!
Touch 准备好去打猎了吗? 狩りの準備はできてるか? Are you ready for the hunt?
Touch (Special) 呀!……你这家伙,是想成为我的猎物吗? きゃっ!?……てめぇ!私の獲物にされたいのか!? Ya! ...you, do you want to become my prey?
Mission 新的任务,新的猎物,哼哼~ 新しい任務、新しい獲物、へへへへ~ New mission, new prey, oh boy~
Mission Complete 这就是全部的报酬么……勉勉强强吧。 これで全部か?……あ、そこそこだな Is this all the rewards... not as good as I expected.
Mail 紧急任务?不是,只是普通的信件吗…… 緊急任務?って普通の手紙じゃねぇか…… Urgent mission? No, turns out it was only an ordinary mail.
Return to Port 都平安回来了吗?那就好。 無事だったか?ならいいぜ You all returned safely? That’s good to hear.
Commission Complete 看来外出的同伴们回来了呢。 出かけた仲間たちが戻ってきたようだな It seems our friends have returned from the hunt.
Enhancement 感觉身体都热起来了呢! 滾ってきたぜ! I feel my body is heating up!
Flagship 下一个猎物会是谁呢? 次の獲物はどいつだ? Who will be my next prey?
Victory 抱歉,最初就没打算让你们逃走。 悪いな、元から逃すつもりはないぜ Sorry, from the very beginning, I never intended for any of you to escape.
Defeat 嘁,到手的猎物却…… ちっ、仕留めかけた獲物が…… Hey, the caught prey actually...
Skill 得手了! もらった! Got it!
Low HP 啧,这些家伙还挺难缠的嘛。 ちっ、手強いやつだ…! Hey, it seems like these guys are giving us a bit of trouble.
Affinity (Upset) 和你聊天有点无趣啊…… お前とおしゃべりしてもつまんないぞ…… It’s kinda boring talking to you...
Affinity (Stranger) 比起在港区里待着,出去狩猎会才更有趣!马上安排一下出击如何? 母港で籠ってるより外に出たほうが楽しいぜ!そうだな…このまま出撃でもしないか? Compared to staying at port, it’s way more fun to go on a hunt! How about we plan one right away?
Affinity (Friendly) 其实港区里也有几个我比较在意的地方。现在就出发去探索吧!……工作?等下再做也不迟啦! 母港にはまだ気になるスポットが多いな。すぐにでも下調べといこうぜ!……仕事?あとに回せばいいだろ? There’s actually a few places in port that I am interested in investigating. Let’s go and explore them now! ...Work? We can still make it on time even if we wait a bit longer!
Affinity (Like) 这是什么时候受的伤?该不会是和我一起的时候……喂,不要动,我来帮你舔舔。 この傷、いつできた?もしかしてこの間私と……じっとしてろ。今治してやるぞ(ペロッ When did you get this injury? Could it be that time when you were with me... hey, don’t move, let me help you by licking it.
Affinity (Love) 毕竟你也是指挥官,要为整个舰队作考虑,不能每天都陪着我到处跑。但是没有你一起的话,我一个人总有点提不起干劲…… お前は指揮官なんだから、私のことは置いといて艦隊のことを第一に考えるんだな!……で、でも…やっぱりお前がいないと、私だけじゃなんだかやる気がで、出ないんだよな……は、はははは… After all, you are the Commander of the entire fleet. So you can’t always accompany everyday. But without you, I seem to be less motivated...
Pledge 原来指挥官的猎物是我啊,感觉稍微有点不甘心呢……算了,指挥官的话被抓住也无所谓了!总、总之以后也请多多指教了,指挥官! 指揮官が狙ってた獲物って私だったか…ちょっと悔しいけど……まあいっか!指揮官になら捕まえられても構わないぜ!と、とにかく!これからもよろしくな!指揮官! It turns out that I was your prey, Commander? Even though I still am reluctant to believe it... but, I’ll hold onto Commander’s words! All-in-all, please take care of me in the future, Commander!
In battle with Lexington 这次我会保护好你的! 今度はきっと守ってみせる! I’ll protect you this time!
In battle with Astoria, Quincy, Vincennes 和姐妹一起作战的感觉,果然不坏…… 姉妹艦と一緒に戦う…悪くない…… To go into battle with my sisters, it’s not a bad feeling at all...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 课本、铅笔、橡皮擦…唔,学生就一定要待在教室认真听课吗…指挥官,能不能多安排一些课外实践的活动啊? 教科書と鉛筆、それと消しゴム…学生って教室で授業に参加するだけじゃないよな……指揮官、野外実習をもうちょっと入れてくれー! Textbooks, pencils and erasers... hey, must students always pay attention in class... Commander? Can you arrange for us to get more extracurricular activities?
Acquisition 课本、铅笔、橡皮擦…唔,学生就一定要待在教室认真听课吗…指挥官,能不能多安排一些课外实践的活动啊? 教科書と鉛筆、それと消しゴム…学生って教室で授業に参加するだけじゃないよな……指揮官、野外実習をもうちょっと入れてくれー! Textbooks, pencils and erasers... hey, must students always pay attention in class... Commander? Can you arrange for us to get more extracurricular activities?
Login 早安指挥官,唔,等我吃完这个汉堡再开始今天的任务吧 おっす指揮官、うん、このハンバーガーを食べてから今日の任務をやることにするぜ Good morning Commander. Well, just wait for me to finish my burger and I’ll get started on today’s mission.
Details 我有听课啦!诺,这是笔记。 授業はちゃんと聞いたぞ!ほら、ノートだ! I've been paying attention in class! See, here are the notes I took.
Main 可乐、汉堡和薯条——嗯,今天的午餐就这样吧 酸素コーラにハンバーガー、フライドポテト――うん、お昼はこれにするか Coke, burgers and fries—— Yes, let’s get that for lunch today
Main 2 智能机?嗯,昆西送给我的,虽然还用得不太顺手… スマホ?うん、クインシーがくれたもんだぜ。まだうまく使えてないけど… Smartphone? Yes, Quincy gave this to me, although it doesn’t really work well…
Main 3 上课有点无聊,但是逃课又不好…唔—— 授業はちょっと面白くないけど、サボるのはさすがに悪いことだよな………む―― Class is so boring, but its not good to skip... hmmm——
Touch 你也要吃薯条吗?分你一点。 フライドポテト食べたい?少しだけなら分けてあげてもいいぜ Do you want to have some fries? I’ll share with you a little.
Touch (Special) 这,这可是违反风纪的! ふ、風紀違反だぞ! Th-this is against the school policy!
Return to Port 终于下课了!去哪里好呢…… 授業が終わった!次はなにをすればいいんだろ…… Finally, class is over! Where shall we go...
Flagship 课外实践时间到了! 野外実習の時間だ! Extracurricular time is here!
Affinity (Love) 放学后一起去玩吗,指挥官?嗯……倒不是有什么想去的地方,就是想和你在一起 指揮官、放課後は一緒にどこかに出かけてみないか?……いや、別に行きたい場所があるとかじゃなくて…あれだ!い、一緒にいたいだけ…だったりして Do you want to play with me after class, Commander? Em… I don’t have any particular place in mind, I just want to play with you, that’s all.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊,指挥官,闪开闪开!…真是的,小心点啊,要是刚刚撞上了可怎么办! ああ、指揮官、ちょっとそこどいて!……ったく、気をつけろよ!ぶつかったら危ないんだぞ! Oh crap! Move outta the way, Commander! Come on, man, look out next time! You'd have gotten hurt if I'd slammed into you!
Acquisition 啊,指挥官,闪开闪开!…真是的,小心点啊,要是刚刚撞上了可怎么办! ああ、指揮官、ちょっとそこどいて!……ったく、気をつけろよ!ぶつかったら危ないんだぞ! Oh crap! Move outta the way, Commander! Come on, man, look out next time! You'd have gotten hurt if I'd slammed into you!
Login 身体借我用一下——嘿!谢啦!这样就停下来了! ちょっと体貸して――よっと。ふふ、これで止まったな Hang on, don't move! All right, hahah. Managed to grind to a halt.
Details 难得出来玩,指挥官也来试试滑板如何?先从简单的滑行开始吧!放心,我会在旁边好好看着你的。 せっかくの非番の日だ、指揮官もこれ、やってみたらどうだ?はは、まずは簡単なものからでもいいぜ?獲物を見守るようにしっかり見てやるよ Hey, Commander, make good use of your day off and give skateboarding a try. Hahah, let's start with something simple, all right? I'll keep a close eye on you, like I do when hunting prey.
Main 刚刚好像看到有只猫一样的东西乘着滑板过去了呢……大概是错觉吧? 今ボードに乗ってるオフニャが通り過ぎた気がするが……気のせいか Did a Meowfficer on a skateboard just swoosh past me...? Must've imagined it...
Main 2 让我来表演一个boardslide!嘿! 私のボードスライドを見やがれ!はは! Check out my boardslide! Haha!
Main 3 不管是在哪里都好,最让人兴奋了的还是这种自由自在的感觉! こう何にも縛られず、自由自在に動ける感じが一番熱いぜ! Nothing beats this feeling of being able to move freely and not bound by anything!
Touch 想跟上我的话就试试吧! ついてこれるならやってみやがれ!ははは! Try and keep up if you can! Hahaha!
Touch (Special) 呜哇哇——!你、你干嘛啊! うわっ!?な、何やってんだ! Whuah! Th-the hell're you doing?!
Return to Port 滑板是我自学的。对于擅长狩猎的我来说,这些都是小菜一碟啦。 スケートボードは独学だ。言うまでもねぇ。狩りで培った身体能力を侮るなよ I taught myself how to ride a skateboard. It was a piece of cake. Fitness comes with being a hunter like me.
Flagship 滑板时间到了! ゲームの時間だ! It's time to roll!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 圣诞快乐,指挥官!现在的我是派送礼物的圣诞老人,这是我的新搭档!对了,这是你的礼物,接好了! メリークリスマス、指揮官!いまの私はサンタクロース!そして、こいつが一緒にプレゼントを配る相棒だ!そうだ、これお前のプレゼント、ほらよっ! Merry Christmas, Commander! Right now, I'm Santa Claus! And this guy over here is my partner in delivering presents! Right, this is a present for you. C'mon, go ahead and take it!
Acquisition 圣诞快乐,指挥官!现在的我是派送礼物的圣诞老人,这是我的新搭档!对了,这是你的礼物,接好了! メリークリスマス、指揮官!いまの私はサンタクロース!そして、こいつが一緒にプレゼントを配る相棒だ!そうだ、これお前のプレゼント、ほらよっ! Merry Christmas, Commander! Right now, I'm Santa Claus! And this guy over here is my partner in delivering presents! Right, this is a present for you. C'mon, go ahead and take it!
Login 嗯,引擎声很棒,今天看来状态不错! いい感じのエンジン音…今日はゴキゲンだな! The engine's rumbling... music to my ears. Seems like today's gonna be a great day!
Details 礼物袋散开了?噢!谢谢提醒!…唔,感觉好像袋子比之前看瘪了一些…? 袋が開いてた?ああ、気づいてくれてありがとな!あれ、なんかへこんでるような…? Was the present bag open? Oh, thanks for letting me know! Hm, looks like it's a bit dented on the side...?
Main 给昆西准备什么圣诞礼物比较好呢…指挥官,你觉得烤鱼怎么样? クインシーに何をあげたらいいのか…なあ指揮官、焼き魚とかどうだ? I wonder if I should give Quincy something... Hey Commander, do you think she'd be happy to get some grilled fish?
Main 2 虽然很想带指挥官一起兜兜,不过这雪橇是单座的呢…唔,要不你趴后面试试? 指揮官もドライブに連れていきたいけど、こいつは一人用でな…あ、荷物のとこに乗ってみるか? Commander, I'd like to take you for a drive in this machine, but it's designed for only one passenger... Hey, do you want to try sitting in the luggage compartment?
Main 3 这孩子虽然马力强劲,不过可没那么好掌控哦?无论是驾驭还是维护,都挺不容易的,多亏牙买加给了不少实用的建议… こいついい馬力出るけど、乗るのも世話するのも大変でな。ジャマイカにはいろいろ助けてもらったぜ… This guy over here has some nice horsepower, but riding and controlling it is a bit rough. I'm grateful to Jamaica for all her help.
Touch 嗯?这点寒冷可奈何不了老练的狩猎者。 なんだ?これしきの寒さ、私にとって何ともないぞ What is it? The cold? This much is nothing to me.
Touch (Special) 哇啊!?快停下!要驾驭不住了! わぁ!?や、やめてくれ!ハンドルが…! Wha?! S-Stop! The steering wheel...!
Return to Port 作战辛苦了。那么,我就继续送礼物去了! 作戦終わったか?それじゃ、プレゼント配りに行こうぜ! Are you done with your mission? Great, let's head out to deliver some presents!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 昆西那家伙,为什么看到我穿成这样就特别开心呢?又不方便活动,零零碎碎的装饰又不方便打猎…虽说是为了指挥官才穿的,不过,这一身真的没问题吗… 指揮官、クインシーのやつ、なんでこの格好を見て喜んでんだ?動きにくいし、飾りがヒラヒラしてて落ち着いて狩れやしない。指揮官のためとはいえ、これ本当に大丈夫か… Commander, why's that Quincy so happy to see me in this outfit? It's hard to move around in, and there's all this stuff flapping around that makes it hard to hunt. What do you think of this outfit?
Acquisition 昆西那家伙,为什么看到我穿成这样就特别开心呢?又不方便活动,零零碎碎的装饰又不方便打猎…虽说是为了指挥官才穿的,不过,这一身真的没问题吗… 指揮官、クインシーのやつ、なんでこの格好を見て喜んでんだ?動きにくいし、飾りがヒラヒラしてて落ち着いて狩れやしない。指揮官のためとはいえ、これ本当に大丈夫か… Commander, why's that Quincy so happy to see me in this outfit? It's hard to move around in, and there's all this stuff flapping around that makes it hard to hunt. What do you think of this outfit?
Login 指挥官,今天也要出去打猎吗?出击也没问题哦! 指揮官、今日も狩りに出かけるか?出撃でもいいぜ! You wanna go on a hunt again, Commander? Or a sortie, that's fine too!
Details 好疼!可恶,厨艺修行是什么鬼啦!文森斯那家伙,平时自己明明也都是微波炉叮一下就好了!…我做就是了!为了指挥官啊啊啊啊! あいて!くっそー料理修行ってなんだよ!ヴィンセンスのやつ、普段はレンジを使ってチンしてるだけじゃねぇか!…やってやる!指揮官のためだああ! Oww! Son of a...! Learning how to cook sucks! Can't believe Vincennes told me to do this when all she does is microwave her food... But I'll keep trying! Just for the Commander!
Main !?誓约以后还要做这种事情的!?…“一起打扫指挥室什么的”… !?ケッコンしたらこんなこともやるのか!?…「執務室を一緒に掃除する」なんて…! You serious?! Now that we're married, we're gonna be cleaning the office together?!
Main 2 今天也要和指挥官一直在一起! 今日は一日中指揮官といてやるよ! I'll be here the whole day if you need me, Commander!
Main 3 指挥官,有什么要我帮忙的吗?誓约以后又担当了秘书舰,机会难得,多让我帮点忙也好吧 指揮官、なんか手伝えることないか?ほらせっかくケッコンして秘書艦を担当してんだ、もっと色々使ってくれても良いんだぜ? Anything I could help out with, Commander? Like, c'mon, we're wed and I'm your secretary. Put me to work doing more stuff if you want.
Touch 怎么?指挥官…哈呜?!别突然说爱什么的啊!太让人羞耻了啦! なんだ?指揮官…んぐ?!きゅ、急に愛とか言い出すのはやめろって!死ぬほど恥ずかしいぞ! Yeah? What is i– Huh?! S-seriously, I've told you not to randomly go "I love you" around me! I'm so embarrassed I could die!
Touch (Special) 连连连连连这样都可以了吗?! ここここんなことも許されるというのか?! S-s-s-so this kinda thing's fine now, huh?
Touch (Headpat) ……哈?干、干嘛?? ……は?な、なんだ?? ...Huh? Wh-what was that for?
Return to Port “亲爱的,欢迎回来~”…呜…阿斯托里亚,竟然要我说这样的台词…!不可能,绝对办不到的!…啊!指挥官!? 「あなた、おかえりなさいませ♪」――くっ、アストリア、似合わない言葉使わせやがって…!私には絶対無理だって!……あ!指揮官! "Welcome home, Honey♪" – Urgh! Stupid Astoria, forcing me to say this cheesy crap... It's not my style, for crying out loud... Huh?! C-Commander?!
Flagship 掉进我准备的陷阱里来吧! さあ、罠にかかりやがれ! Walk right into my trap, you scrapheaps!
Victory 哈哈哈!怎么样,我的战果很不错吧! ははは!どうだ!私の戦果は! Hahahah! Check out these results!
Defeat 抱歉,指挥官,下次一定干掉敌人的! …っ!すまない指揮官、次は絶対仕留める! Sorry for this, Commander. But I'll get 'em next time!