New Orleans (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 521 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage 14-4
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
New Orleans Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: New Orleans-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Crescent City Bonds At the start of the battle, if this ship is in the frontmost position of your Vanguard and there are 3 ships afloat in your Vanguard: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%) and increases DMG dealt by 1.0% (10.0%) for the ship in the center position of your Vanguard.
Nola Finale Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 30.0% as a result of DMG taken: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and deploys a barrier that can block 3.5% (8.0%) DMG and lasts up to 8s. If this barrier is destroyed: heals this ship for 1.5% (6.0%) HP; if the barrier expires: instead increases this ship's FP and RLD by 1.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: New Orleans Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新奥尔良级重巡洋舰——新奥尔良,舷号CA-32 ニューオリンズ級重巡洋艦――ニューオリンズ(CA-32) Heavy cruiser New Orleans, reporting in. Hehe, you'll be sure to receive a medal for finding me. Anyway... Do you have any urgent tasks for me?
Biography 我是新奥尔良级的命名舰、新奥尔良,一直作为白鹰的一员战斗着。虽然经历过一些可怕的事故,不过最终还是幸运地坚持了下来。至于现在…您只要把我当成亲切的舰队一员就好了。 ニューオリンズ級のネームシップ、ニューオリンズ、かつてはユニオン所属として戦っていたわ。戦いで恐ろしいトラブルにでも巻き込まれたけど、運良く生き延びられたの。今は…艦隊の仲間のひとりとして扱って頂いて構わないわ I'm New Orleans, nameship of my class. I used to fight for the Eagle Union. I had a frighteningly close call once in a battle, but fortunately, I lived to see another day. But the past is the past – treat me no different from how you would anyone else in the fleet.
Acquisition 重巡洋舰、新奥尔良,向您问好。呵呵,既然找到了我,那么勋章自然是能保证少不了的了~好…有什么紧急任务需要我处理吗? 重巡洋艦ニューオリンズ、着任したわ。ふふ、私を見つけたこと、褒章ものだと保証するわよ。さて…なにか緊急のタスクはあるかしら? Heavy cruiser New Orleans, reporting in. Hehe, you'll be sure to receive a medal for finding me. Anyway... Do you have any urgent tasks for me?
Login 欢迎回来,指挥官。新奥尔良,今日也竭诚为您效劳。 おかえりなさい、指揮官。ニューオリンズ、今日も世話になるわ Welcome back, Commander. I'm counting on you today.
Details 要帮我检查舰装吗?那就麻烦您了,指挥官。 艤装の検査?ふふ、よろしくね、指揮官 A rigging inspection? Hehe, go ahead, Commander.
Main 专心思考是好事,不过,可不要想着想着就被倦意击倒了哦? 集中するのはいいけど、あまりにも頑張り過ぎると疲れちゃうわ Being focused is a good thing, but overworking yourself will only burn you out in the end.
Main 2 要是能给舰装加个推进引擎…咳咳,没什么… 艤装のブースターは…まだ無理なのかしらね…ううん、なんでもないわ I suppose rigging rocket boosters are still a way's off... Oh, just talking to myself.
Main 3 新奥尔良级的姐妹们虽然性格各异,不过大家都是好孩子呢~ 姉妹艦はみんないい子たちよ。ふふ、それぞれ性格が異なっていてもね My sisters are all very eccentric. Hehe, rest assured, they're good people all the same.
Touch 肢体接触也好,比试也好,只要能让指挥官安心的话怎么样都可以哦。 スキンシップか、手合わせか、指揮官が安心できるものならなんでも Whether you want close contact, or hand-to-hand combat, I'll oblige.
Touch (Special) 呵呵呵,如果要认真比试的话,指挥官是比不过我的吧。 ふふふ、本気で手合わせしたら私に勝てるはずがないでしょうに Hehehe. You wouldn't stand a chance against me in a real fight.
Touch (Headpat) 连姐妹舰都没这么摸过呢。呵呵呵~ 姉妹艦たちもそんなにはしてこないのに。ふふふ Even my sisters haven't touched me like that. Hehehe~
Mission 新的任务还没有完成呢,指挥官。需要我给您一些帮助吗? 未完了の任務があるわね、指揮官。私の助力が必要? You've still not finished these missions, Commander. Do you need my assistance?
Mission Complete 任务奖励已经清点好了,请过目吧。 任務報酬の取りまとめが完了したわ。どうぞご確認を I compiled a list of all the mission rewards. Have a look.
Mail 有新的邮件哦。我帮您将“查阅邮件”记在“待办事项”里面了。 新しいメールがあるわ。タスク表にメールのチェックを入れておいたわよ You've got new mail. I've added "check the mailbox" to today's task list.
Return to Port 指挥官,在出击期间,港区的工作都帮您安排好了,需要您确认的内容有这些,请过目。 指揮官の出撃中に母港の庶務を対応しておいたわ。要確認の内容はこちらよ I held the fort while you were away on your sortie. Here's a list of things you should review.
Commission Complete 看来是完成委托的同伴们回港了。指挥官,想好怎么犒劳她们了吗? 委託から仲間たちが戻ってきたのね。指揮官、ご褒美のほうはもう決めてあるのかしら? The commission girls are back. Have you decided on what to give them yet?
Enhancement 我的话,应该能好好发挥这份力量?谢谢你相信我。 私ならこの力、使いこなせる?ありがとう、信じるわ You think I can handle this power? Thank you. I'll trust you.
Flagship 胜利的荣光属于我们…! 勝利の栄光を、指揮官に…! I'll bring victory to you, Commander!
Victory 所谓作战,总是要比对方先多考虑几步才行呢。 二手三手先を考えておくのが戦いよ War is about always thinking two or three steps ahead of the enemy.
Defeat 无论是光凭信念,还是光凭力量都是不行的呢… 思いだけでも……力だけでも、だめなのね… Neither will alone... nor strength alone... is enough.
Skill 瞄准…射击! 狙い…撃つ! Lock on... Fire!
Low HP 只要不被击中的话…就没什么大不了的! 当たらなければどうということは…! I can't go down as long as they can't hit me...!
Affinity (Upset) 简直像小孩一样呢,指挥官… 指揮官、まるで子供みたいね You're like a little kid, Commander.
Affinity (Stranger) 装备就是身体的延伸,不好好爱护可不行呢。 私たちにとって兵装とは体の延長線…ちゃんとメンテナンスしないとね Weapons are extensions of our own bodies. They need regular care, too.
Affinity (Friendly) 平常的娱乐活动吗?好像也没有什么特别的…和姐妹们聊天、钓鱼、睡觉…之类的? 非番のときに何をして過ごすか……そうね、姉妹艦とお喋りしたり、釣りに出かけたり、添い寝したり…そんなところかしら? What do I do off-duty? Hmm. I hang out with my sisters, I go fishing, I take naps... Things like that.
Affinity (Like) 被指挥官依赖着的时候,反而有一种安心感…呼呼,是不是有些奇怪呢? 指揮官に頼られるときはなんというか…ほっとしちゃうわね。ふふふ、ちょっとヘンなのかしら? I like it when you ask me for help. It's... soothing, in a way. Hehehe, maybe that's a strange thing to say.
Affinity (Love) 无论是有困难需要帮助,亦或是有烦恼需要倾述,我都在您的身边哦,指挥官~ 助けが必要な時、悩みを話したい時は呼んで頂戴。ずっと指揮官のそばにいるわ If you ever need help, or want someone to talk to, just say my name. I'll always be there to support you, Commander.
Pledge 这是您对我的认可?还是说…您希望能更多依赖我?呼呼…无论是哪边,指挥官,只要您还对我有所期待,新奥尔良便会永远在您的身边—— 認めてくれたのか、それとももっと頼りにしたいってことなのかしら…ふふ、どっちでも構わないわ。そばにいてほしいというなら、私は指揮官の望む通りにするだけよ Is this your proposal? Or are you asking for more help than ever? Hehe, whichever it is, I'll oblige. As long as you want to be with me, I'll do everything you ask of me, Commander.
In battle with Astoria 可要做个好榜样哦,“姐姐”~ 「お姉さん」としては頑張らないとね We've both got to set examples for our little sisters.
In battle with Quincy 不用太勉强自己,我会帮助你的。 私がいるから、無理しないで I'm here. No need to push yourself too far.
In battle with Vincennes 打起精神来~! ほら、しっかり! Stay sharp, Vincennes!
In battle with Minneapolis 明尼,小心猎物的反扑哦 獲物に追われる狩人にならないようにね Be careful so the hunter doesn't become the hunted.
In battle with San Francisco 不要悠闲过头了哦。 のんびりするのもほどほどに Don't take it too easy now, okay?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 为指挥官的荣光与胜利干杯~呵呵,今晚还挺想喝点什么的呢。指挥官方便的话,再陪我一会吧? 指揮官の栄光と勝利に乾杯よ。ふふ、今夜はちょっと飲みたい気分ね。指揮官もよければ、もうちょっとだけ付き合ってもらえるかしら? To your prestige, and to your continued victories, Commander. Hehe, I do find myself in the mood for rum tonight. Care to keep me company for a while?
Acquisition 为指挥官的荣光与胜利干杯~呵呵,今晚还挺想喝点什么的呢。指挥官方便的话,再陪我一会吧? 指揮官の栄光と勝利に乾杯よ。ふふ、今夜はちょっと飲みたい気分ね。指揮官もよければ、もうちょっとだけ付き合ってもらえるかしら? To your prestige, and to your continued victories, Commander. Hehe, I do find myself in the mood for rum tonight. Care to keep me company for a while?
Details 有个看起来是布偶的东西,眼睛好像闪了下红光……嗯……果然是喝太多了吧? なにかぬいぐるみっぽいものが目を赤く光らせていたように見えたけど…ん…飲みすぎたかしら? I could've sworn that stuffed toy's eyes flashed red just now... Hmm... Maybe I've had too much.
Main 谢谢你了,标枪。这个要送到威奇塔手上哦,可是个好东西呢,呵呵♪ ジャベリンちゃん、ありがとう。これはウィチタに届けてね。いいものだから、ふふ♪ Thank you, Javelin. Deliver this bottle to Wichita. It's very valuable. Hehe~
Main 2 说起来…为什么旧金山把指挥官叫做“小布丁”呢?指挥官看起来……也不算好吃的样子?呵呵~ そういえばサンフランシスコ、なぜ指揮官のことを「プリンちゃん」って呼んでるの?美味しそう…には見えなくもないかな?ふふふ On a random note, why does San Francisco call you "pudding"? Is it because you're so sweet, perhaps? Hehehe~
Main 3 列克星敦是个不错的朋友,但她的妹妹就有点难对付了呢…… レキシントンはいい友人だけど、妹のほうはちょっと手に負えないわ…あははは Lexington is indeed a very good friend to me, though her sister can be a piece of work... Ahahaha.
Touch 没有藏什么奇怪的东西,所以放心吧♪ 妙なものは忍び込ませていないから安心して♪ Don't worry, I would never spike your drink~
Touch (Special) 指挥官喜欢撒娇的时候…意外地多啊。 意外と…指揮官は甘えることが多いようね Commander... You're unexpectedly needy, aren't you?
Return to Port 欢迎回来~边看着电视边喝,感觉都有点醉了呢…呵呵~ あら、おかえり。ちょっとテレビを見ながら飲んでいたわ。ちょっとだけ酔いつぶれたい気分…ふふふ Ah, welcome back. I was just drinking and watching TV while you were out. I might get more than just tipsy tonight... Hehehe~
Victory 呼呼,这下酒就更美味了。 ふふ、酒が美味しくなるわね Hehe, a victory sweetens the taste.