Princeton (JP 🇯🇵: プリンストン, CN 🇹🇌: 普林斯顿)
Ship ID No. 473 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 02:06:40
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress Shiomi Yukina
Princeton Description
Independence-class Light Aircraft Carrier - Princeton
Seaside Training Description
Commander, are you also here to swim? ...Ah, this here? I brought it with me to the ocean to get some practice in.
Lolipop Paradise Description
You're finally here? ...Ah, well, I only just got here as well, so don't worry about it. Anyway, shall we get going?
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Independence Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Evasive Scramble When this ship launches an Airstrike (airstrikes launched via skills do not count): decreases this ship's aviation DMG taken by 40.0% (70%) for 8s. When this buff wears off: 40.0% (70%) chance to launch an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) TBF Avenger airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level.)
Extinguishing Gale When sortied with Birmingham or when there are at least 3 Eagle Union ships in the fleet: decreases your Vanguard's Burn DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) and Burn duration by 1 (3)s; if this ship is your Flagship: further decreases your Vanguard's Burn duration by 1 (3)s.
02:06:40 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 独立级航空母舰-普林斯顿舷号CVL-23 むンディペンデンス玚航空母艊・プリンストンCVL-23) Independence-class light aircraft carrier – Princeton (CVL-23.)
Biography 我是独立级的二号舰普林斯顿原本是克利倫兰级的䞃号舰所以䜠想叫我塔哈拉西也没关系。圚倧战䞭和萚拉托加前蟈䞀起䜜战过倚次并从她那埗到了讞倚指富可惜我最后没有撑过莱特湟 圚这蟹芁是胜再和她䞀起䜜战就奜了。 むンディペンデンス玚、2番艊のプリンストンよ。元々はクリヌブランド玚7番艊の「タラハシヌ」ずしお起工されおいたわ。かの倧戊ではサラトガさんず共に倚くの戊闘に参加し、色々教えおいただいたのに、レむテ沖での戊いでは最埌たで持ちこたえられなくお ここでも䞀緒に戊えるず嬉しいわ Second ship of the Independence class, Princeton, at your service. I was originally laid down as the seventh ship in the Cleveland class, Tallahassee. I fought a lot alongside Saratoga in the war, and though I was able to learn much from her, I wasn't able to make it through the Battle of Leyte Gulf... It'd be an honor to fight by her side once again.
Acquisition 独立级普林斯顿。塔哈拉西䜠想叫我那䞪名字也䞍是䞍可以 むンディペンデンス玚のプリンストンよ。タラハシヌ そちらで呌んでもらっお構わないわ I'm Princeton, Independence class. Tallahassee? I don't mind if you want to call me that.
Login 䜠来了䌑息埗还奜吗 来たわね。よく䌑めた You're finally here. Did you rest well?
Details 扟我有事唔我没有圚忙刚奜圚发呆而已  䜕か甚あ、別に今忙しいずいうわけではなくお、ちょっずがヌっずしおお  Did you need something? Oh, it's fine. I wasn't doing anything special, just sorta letting my mind wander.
Main 萚拉効効 䞍行萚拉托加是我尊敬的前蟈我还是叫她的名字就奜 サラトガちゃん さ、サラトガさんは尊敬しおるお方だから、ちゃん付けで呌ぶだなんおずんでもないわっ Sara? ...S-Saratoga is someone I admire very much. I wouldn't dare call her by her nickname.
Main 2 蒙圌利埃我和她是奜朋友。䞍仅是因䞺我曟经属于克利倫兰级而䞔我们郜有憧憬的对象 モントピリアは気心の知れた友達よ。同じクリヌブランド玚ずしお蚭蚈されおいただけでなく、お互い憧れの人がいる共通点もあるから Montpelier is a close friend of mine. It's not because we were both members of the Cleveland class, but because we both have someone we really look up to in our lives.
Main 3 我来垮䜠分担䞀些工䜜吧。䞍甚客气这是秘乊舰的职莣。 お仕事、どんどん任せお頂戎。秘曞艊ずしお圓然だからあたり気にしないで Feel free to give me as much work as you need. It's part of a secretary ship's duties, so don't fret it.
Touch 指挥官䞺什么䜠总是想芁逗我笑我的衚情埈䞥肃吗 もしかしお私の衚情っお硬すぎるなんか指揮官、い぀も笑わせようずしおくる気がするから What, do you think I'm too inexpressive? I was wondering if that's why it's like you're always trying to make me laugh.
Touch (Special) 这䞀拳䞋去䌚有些疌。 咬玧牙关吧 ゲンコツは痛いっおこず知らないようね。 っ Have you never tried a knuckle sandwich before? How about a taste of mine... Hyah!
Mission 任务䞋蟟了吗那么出发吧。 新しい任務が届いたの䞀緒に確認しに行きたしょ We've been assigned new missions? Let's give them a look.
Mission Complete 任务奖励  真䞍少呢。 任務報酬  心躍るわ Mission rewards... My heart's dancing with glee.
Mail 邮件我去拿吧指挥官继续工䜜就奜。 メヌル取っおくるから、指揮官はそのたた仕事に集䞭しおちょうだい Your mail? I'll go get it, so just stay there and focus on your work.
Return to Port 䜠看起来挺环给毛巟擊擊汗吧 疲れおいるようね。タオル、どうぞ You look pretty tired. Here's a towel.
Commission Complete 芁去枯口迎接委托组吗让我也䞀起吧。 委蚗組の出迎え私も行くわ Heading out to greet the commission team? I'll go with you.
Enhancement 感觉还䞍赖谢谢。 悪くないわ。感謝する Not bad at all. Appreciate it, Commander.
Flagship 实战见真章出发吧。 前進 ううん、実戊あるのみ Go forth... No. Let's put the lessons we've learned into practice!
Victory 感觉还䞍错继续吧 いい感じ。匕き続き進みたしょ Looking good. Let's press on.
Defeat 看来我犻萚拉托加还差埗远呢   サラトガさんには及ばないわね  Still out of Saratoga's league...
Skill 像萚拉托加䞀样  サラトガさんのように Just like Saratoga would!
Low HP 比起那时 还差远了 あのずきずは違うわ  I won't let history repeat itself!
Affinity (Upset) 看来还是听萚拉托加的指瀺比蟃奜呢 指揮官より、サラトガさんに指瀺を出しおもらいたいものね Honestly, I'd rather have Saratoga be the one giving me directions.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官今倩也来䞀蟹喝茶䞀蟹讚论战术吗现、现圚䞍倪 我敎理䞀䞋我的房闎皍等我30分钟就奜 お茶でもしながら雑談を す、少し埅っおおください ええず、今郚屋を片付けるので30分くらい時間をください... You wanted to have a chat over some tea? Pl-please, just a moment... Umm, I need to tidy up the room a bit, so I'd appreciate it if you could give me half an hour or so...
Affinity (Friendly) 我的爱奜看乊还有研究萚拉托加前蟈的战斗方匏吧 埈奇怪吗我讀䞺萚拉托加前蟈即䜿比起䌁䞚也䞍䌚蟓的 コホン趣味の話だったね。私は読曞ず、サラトガさんの 戊闘スタむルを研究するこずよ。サラトガさんはあの゚ンタヌプラむズさんにも負けないぐらい戊える人だっお思っおるわ Ahem! So you were asking about my hobbies? I like to read books and... study Saratoga's battle style. In terms of combat prowess, I sincerely believe that Saratoga is in a class of her own, and wouldn't lose even to Enterprise herself.
Affinity (Like) 萚拉托加前蟈只是衚面喜欢玩耍其实比谁郜懂埗战斗也䌚照顟后蟈我曟经就圚战场䞊受过她的数次指富还有还有 嗯指挥官䜠怎么睡过去了 いいサラトガさんは普段はキャピキャピしおいるけど、面倒芋がいいし、戊いでも誰よりも仲間のこずを考えおお、私だっお䜕回もサラトガさんの䞖話になったこずがあっお、それから  指揮官たさか、寝ちゃったんじゃ   Do you understand what I mean? Even though Saratoga's usually a perky, high-spirited kind of girl, she's always looking out for others, even in battle. I've personally been saved by her many times. There's also how... Commander? Oh no, you fell asleep...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官怎么 这匠萚拉托加前蟈的照片怎么䌚圚䜠手䞊 圚我房闎的角萜发现的 咕癟密䞀疏 这䞪之后再向䜠解释总总之䞀定芁替我保密哊 指揮官、なぜサラトガさんのブロマむドを 郚屋の床に萜ちおたうぅ、私ずしたこずがよりによっおそんなミスを これは私のコレクションで ほかの子には秘密にしおお Commander, why do you have a picture of Saratoga? You picked it up from the floor?! Nooo! I can't believe I've screwed up so royally... You see, this is from my collection... Please keep this a secret from everyone else, I beg you!
Pledge  䞺什么䌚选择我现圚的我还有埈倚䞍成噚的地方犻萚拉托加前蟈还埈远 我我䞍是拒绝的意思哊盞反劂果䜠愿意接受这样的我的话就让我们圚今后的时光䞭䞀起进步吧 色々未熟でサラトガさんに遠く及ばない私を、なぜ  あ、断る぀もりずかそういうのじゃないよむしろこんな私で良ければ、䞀緒に頑匵っおいきたいずいうか うん䞀緒に頑匵ろう I'm so lackluster compared to Saratoga, so why would you...? Err, not that I'm turning you down! If anything, I'd be willing to go through thick and thin with you, as long as you're fine with someone like me... Yes, let's be together!
In battle with Saratoga 我来掩技䜠萚拉托加前蟈 サラトガさん、私が守るよ Saratoga, I've got your back!
In battle with Montpelier 䞀起向着目标努力吧 目暙に向けお頑匵るわ I'll do my best to get it done.
In battle with Birmingham, Reno 䞍䌚再让䜠们担心了。 心配いらないわ You don't need to worry about me!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这䞍是指挥官吗䜠是来枞泳的吗 我想诎即䜿是圚海蟹也有埈倚胜锻炌的䞜西䞺歀我特地垊了䞀些装倇过来。 指揮官も泳ぎに来たの ああ、これはその、海でもトレヌニングしようず持っおきたものよ Commander, are you also here to swim? ...Ah, this here? I brought it with me to the ocean to get some practice in.
Acquisition 这䞍是指挥官吗䜠是来枞泳的吗 我想诎即䜿是圚海蟹也有埈倚胜锻炌的䞜西䞺歀我特地垊了䞀些装倇过来。 指揮官も泳ぎに来たの ああ、これはその、海でもトレヌニングしようず持っおきたものよ Commander, are you also here to swim? ...Ah, this here? I brought it with me to the ocean to get some practice in.
Login 指挥官准倇运劚做奜了吗可䞍芁圚海氎里抜筋了。 準備運動は倧䞈倫急に海に入っお足を぀ったりしないようにね Have you done your stretches yet? You don't want to get cramps because you rushed into the ocean unprepared.
Details 从朋友那里埗到的《萚拉托加倏日写真集——珍藏版》 哊原来平日里的前蟈是这䞪样子的啊。这种掻泌又阳光和倧家倧闹圚䞀起的场景皍埮有些矡慕  グリッドレむちゃんからもらった『サラトガちゃん・倏の日垞コレクション愛蔵版』――サラトガさんがみんなず仲良く倏を楜しんでいるずころに私も混ざりたいわ   I got this collector's edition of "Saratoga: Beautiful Summer Days" from Gridley. Looking at Saratoga enjoying the summer with everyone else makes me wish I could join her...
Main 这䞪可以增区平衡感还胜锻炌臂力指挥官芁试试吗 ふふ、これでバランス感芚ず筋力が鍛えられるわよ。指揮官もどう Hehehe. With this, I'll be able to improve my sense of balance and my physical strength at the same time. Would you like to give this a try as well?
Main 2 倎发倪长圚这种时候倚少有些麻烊 指挥官胜麻烊䜠垮我扎䞀䞋倎发吗 髪の毛がびしょびしょになるのはやっぱりちょっず  指揮官、その 髪を結ぶのっお頌めるかしら  ...It really will be a problem if my hair gets all messy from this. Um, Commander... do you think you could tie it down for me?
Main 3 独立姐姐她们圚叫我吗唔 我这就过去。 むンディペンデンスたちが呌んでるの うん、今行く Independence and the others are calling for me? ...All right, I'll go.
Touch 这䞪䞀䞪人坐的话䌚翻的所以有些抱歉呢。 乗りたいのい、䞀応ダメっおわけじゃないけど   You want to get on? I-it's not that I don't want you to, but...
Touch (Special) 所以诎了擅自坐䞊来䌚翻——呀啊 ちょっず、動いたらひっくり返っちゃう  わああ W-wait a second! If you move too suddenly, it'll capsize... Wah?!
Return to Port 圚盛倏的骄阳䞋埅倪久的话圓心䞭暑哊指挥官。 日差しが匷いず 熱䞭症になるから、あたり長く肌を焌きすぎないようにね If you stay out while the sun's blazing... you're going to get heatstroke. Make sure not to let the sun cook you for too long.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 总算来了吗 咳咳那䞪 其实我也没等倚久所以没关系的嗯。那我们就 出发吧 来たわね あ、私も来たばかりだから別にいいわよ。そろそろ出発 する You're finally here? ...Ah, well, I only just got here as well, so don't worry about it. Anyway, shall we get going?
Acquisition 总算来了吗 咳咳那䞪 其实我也没等倚久所以没关系的嗯。那我们就 出发吧 来たわね あ、私も来たばかりだから別にいいわよ。そろそろ出発 する You're finally here? ...Ah, well, I only just got here as well, so don't worry about it. Anyway, shall we get going?
Login 听诎这里有䞀家埈奜吃的糖果屋呢芁䞍芁先去那里看看呢  矎味しいキャンディ屋さんがあるっお聞いたわ。さ、先にそっちでも行っおみる I heard there's a famous candy store around these parts. W-Why don't we stop by there first?
Details 根据萚拉托加前蟈的指富这时候应该  呜哇指挥官什么、什么事也没有 サラトガさんによれば、このシチュ゚ヌションではこう  ひゃぅ指揮官な、なんでもないっ According to Saratoga, what I should be doing in this situation is... Wah?! Commander?!! I wasn't up to anything at all!
Main 䜠喜欢什么口味的冰淇淋 只是做点参考没什么  指揮官はアむスのフレヌバヌだずどれがいい え、ええず、ただ参考にしたくお  Commander, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? ...Oh, umm, it's just for reference...
Main 2 哈啊 虜然萚拉托加前蟈诎了没问题 䜆是这么可爱的衣服我穿着真的䞍䌚埈奇怪吗  サラトガさん、倧䞈倫だっお蚀っおたけど、こんなに可愛らしい服を私が着お本圓にいいのでしょうか  Saratoga told me this outfit looks fine on me, but I wonder I really do look presentable in such cute clothing...
Main 3 前面奜像有射击摊䜍正奜请看看我和萚拉托加前蟈䞀起特训的成果吧 唔非垞抱歉奜像只顟着自己玩了   射的ゲヌムよし、サラトガさんずの特蚓の成果を芋せるわ あ、ごめんなさい䞀人で盛り䞊がっちゃっお  A shooting game? Alright, I'll show you how much I've improved thanks to Saratoga's special training sessions! Oh... it's a bit embarrassing to get all pumped up by myself...
Touch 牵手  可、可以吧  呜 明明没什么倧䞍了的䞺什么䌚这么玧匠  手を繋ぐ  そ、そうね  小声倧したこずじゃないのに、どうしおこんなにドキドキするの  You want... to hold hands? ...W-Well, that's not a bad idea... Even though this isn't a big deal, why is my heart pounding so furiously...
Touch (Special) 䜠䜠是故意的吧 わ、わざずやったよね Y-You did that on purpose, didn't you?!
Return to Port 刚刚䜠去哪里了 “限定欟萚拉托加玩偶”欞䜠䜠是从哪里埗到这䞪的 指揮官、今たでどこに 「サラトガちゃんプレミアムぬいぐるみ」こ、これは䞀䜓どこから  Commander, where have you been all this... a premium Saratoga plushie?! W-Where in the world did you find this masterpiece!!!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 换奜了  这就是“驯鹿小姐”的装扮么感觉有点倧胆  啊指挥官正奜䜠圚这里请收䞋我䞺䜠准倇的圣诞瀌物吧。 着替えおきたけど  これが「トナカむさん」の衣装なのちょっず倧胆すぎる気が  あ、指揮官、ちょうどいいずころに来たわね。私からのクリスマスプレれントを受け取っお I'm done changing... Is this supposed to be a "reindeer" costume? It feels a bit too risqué... Oh, Commander, since you're already here, come get your Christmas present.
Acquisition 换奜了  这就是“驯鹿小姐”的装扮么感觉有点倧胆  啊指挥官正奜䜠圚这里请收䞋我䞺䜠准倇的圣诞瀌物吧。 着替えおきたけど  これが「トナカむさん」の衣装なのちょっず倧胆すぎる気が  あ、指揮官、ちょうどいいずころに来たわね。私からのクリスマスプレれントを受け取っお I'm done changing... Is this supposed to be a "reindeer" costume? It feels a bit too risqué... Oh, Commander, since you're already here, come get your Christmas present.
Login 圣诞快乐指挥官。打起粟神来䞀起享受圣诞节吧。 メリヌクリスマス、指揮官。元気よく䞀緒にクリスマスを楜しみたしょう Merry Christmas, Commander. Let us enjoy a joyful Christmas together.
Details 这次我也准倇了给萚拉托加前蟈的瀌物。䞍过感觉她收瀌物的时候奜像䞍是那么匀心  䞺什么呢 サラトガさんぞのプレれントはもちろん今幎も甚意しおるわ。でもなんだかサラトガさんは嬉しそうには芋えなかったような  どうしおかしら Of course I've prepared a present for Saratoga, I do so every year. Saratoga didn't seem all too pleased though... What could be the issue?
Main 听诎之前有同䌎圚匄䞝垊的时候䞍小心把自己给五花倧绑了  我芁谚慎点才行。 リボンを結んでたらうっかり自分を瞛り付けおしたった仲間がいたっお聞いたわ。  うん、私も気を぀けないず I heard someone at the port accidentally tied herself up while making some ribbons. I have to learn from those mistakes.
Main 2 “给驱逐舰们讲圣诞老人的故事”  唔虜然诎是我䞻劚提出芁垮萚拉托加前蟈的䞍过讲故事我实圚是䞍擅长呢   「サンタさんの物語を駆逐艊たちに聞かせる」  サラトガさんに手䌝うず蚀ったけど、物語を聞かせるのはやっぱりちょっず苊手で  You want me to tell some Santa stories to the destroyer girls... I did promise Saratoga I would help her out, but I'm not much of a storyteller...
Main 3 指挥官新的瀌物盒已经包装奜了哊。胜拜托䜠垮忙搬到圣诞树那蟹吗 指揮官、プレれントのラッピングが完了したわ。クリスマスツリヌたで運ぶのを手䌝っおくれない Commander, I've finished wrapping up my presents. Would you help me carry them over to the Christmas tree?
Touch 劂果䜠喜欢我笑的样子  那我就倚笑䞀䌚奜了。 私が笑っおいるずころが奜きなら  も、もうすこしだけ埮笑んであげるわ If you love my smile so much... I-I suppose I could smile a bit longer for you.
Touch (Special) 等等䞀䞋䞝垊解匀的话䌚—— た、埅っおリボンを解いたら―― H-hold up! The ribbon's going to come loose–!
Mail 新邮件䞀䌚我去送瀌物的时候顺䟿垮䜠拿了吧。 新しいメヌルこのあずプレれントを届けるずきに取っおくるね Check the mailbox? I'll do that when I go send out the presents.
Return to Port 等等䞀䞋指挥官小心  对对䞍起我想试䞋胜䞍胜像萚拉托加前蟈那样甚舰蜜机把瀌物送出去结果䜠正奜回来了   あ、ちょっず、指揮官危ない  ご、ごめんなさい。サラトガさんのようにプレれントを艊茉機で届けられるか詊しおいたずころで ちょうどそのタむミングで指揮官が戻っおきたから  W-wait, Commander, watch out! I-I'm sorry, Commander... I wanted to try flying my presents over with my planes like Saratoga does... But you arrived just as I was about to test it out...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 埈高兎胜见到指挥官今倩也䞀起加油吧 今日も䌚えお嬉しいわ。䞀緒に頑匵りたしょ I'm so happy to see you again. Let's get stuff done!
Details 指挥官今倩萚拉托加前蟈的挔习䜠看到了吗她还是那么富有创造力呢 指揮官、今日の挔習でのサラトガさんを芋たい぀もながら本圓に玠晎らしい想像力だず思わない Commander, did you watch Saratoga's exercise? Not that it's any different from the usual, but it's always truly amazing how creative she can get!
Main 今倩被萚拉托加前蟈叫普林斯顿効効了 怎么办指挥官今倩就定䞺我的幞运日奜了 サラトガさん、私のこずをプリンストンちゃんっお  ああ、今日はラッキヌデむだ  Wow... I can't believe Saratoga called me Princey... Today must be my lucky day.
Main 2 蒙圌利埃的姐姐克利倫兰 确实是䞪埈有魅力的人呢。她身䞊也有䞍少倌埗我孊习的地方  モントピリアの姉、クリヌブランド たしかに魅力的な人ね。私にずっおも色々勉匷できそうなずころが  Montpelier's sister, Cleveland, is truly... a fascinating person. There are plenty of things I can learn from her as well.
Main 3 我来垮䜠分担䞀些工䜜吧。没关系我们䞍是诎奜芁䞀起向着萚拉托加前蟈努力变区吗 唔没有诎过吗 お仕事、どんどん任せお頂戎。ほら、䞀緒にサラトガさんを目暙に頑匵るっお蚀ったじゃない 違う Feel free to entrust me with as much work as you need me to. After all, we've both sworn to work hard to become like Saratoga... no?
Touch 指挥官䞍芁甚萚拉托加前蟈来逗我我是䞍䌚䞊圓  诶萚、萚拉托加前蟈 笑わせようずしおくるのはいいけど、指揮官がこんなむタズラをするのは  さ、サラトガさんのアむデアなの I don't mind you trying to get me to laugh, but these pranks are a bit... W-wait, was this Saratoga's idea all along?!
Touch (Special) 郜诎了䞍可以这样了呀 销 もう、こんなこずをしちゃダメよポンポン Geez, that was very naughty of you. *pat pat*
Return to Port 䜠看起来挺环我来垮䜠擊擊汗吧 ぐったりしおいるようね  汗を拭いおあげるからじっずしおお You look exhausted... Hold still, I'll wipe that sweat off your brow.
Affinity (Love) 奜“萚拉托加前蟈战斗英姿欣赏&解析䌚”芁匀始了前蟈的新歌鉎赏䌚攟到这䞪之后指挥官芁陪我到最后哊 さあ、「䞀緒にサラトガさんの戊い方をレビュヌディスカッション」始めるわよ新曲の鑑賞䌚はそのあず指揮官、最埌たで぀いおきお All right, we'll now start our meeting to review and discuss Saratoga's battle style! There will be another one right after to appreciate her newest single! Commander, make sure to keep me company until the end!