Independence (JP 🇯🇵: むンディペンデンス, CN 🇹🇌: 独立)
Ship ID No. 377 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Event: Air Raid Drills with Essex
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 38
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 7
Release Date
EN June 24, 2020
KR February 28, 2019
CN February 28, 2019
JP February 28, 2019
Voice actress Haruka Yamazaki
Independence Description
Independence-class light aircraft carrier – Independence, Hull Number CVL-22.
Transfer Student From Afar Description
So this is my new school, huh? Hmm... gotta put my stuff down first before checking in with the teacher.
The Independent Line Description
Hmm... Isn't this one a bit too garish? Mm... What if we pair it with a necklace or some sort of purse? ...Commander, your thoughts? C'mon, don't just stare at me, give me something to work with here...
Liberty and Leisure Description
Independence (Retrofit) Description
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation A
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 4135 Reload 158
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 54 Anti-air 234
Aviation 273 Cost 11
ASW 95 Luck 78
Hit 75 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP 4796 Reload 182
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 83 Anti-air 268
Aviation 310 Cost 11
ASW 109 Luck 78
Hit 89 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP 800 Reload 67
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 21 Anti-air 50
Aviation 58 Cost 3
ASW 26 Luck 78
Hit 29 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 78
Hit Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 78
Hit Speed 31
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All fighters +1/Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All Torpedo Bombers +1/Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Torpedo Bomber efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 115%/120%/130%/130% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo Bomber 130%/130%/130%/145% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 F6F Hellcat
2 TBF Avenger
Fleet Tech
T4 Light Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Patriotic Spirit When this ship uses Eagle Union aircraft: increases respective gear efficiency by 5.0% (15.0%).
Knights of the Sky When this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) TBF Avenger airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level.) When this ship is sortied with 1 or more Cleveland-class CLs: increases your Cleveland-class CLs's FP by 3.5% (8.0%), increases this ship's AVI and Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%), and improves the TBF Avenger airstrike.
Supporting Wings - Independence Improves the "Knight of the Sky" TBF Avenger airstrike. Additionally, the following buffs are active as long as this ship is afloat (does not stack with the "Supporting Wings" skill): 1) At the start of the battle, increases AVI by 4.5% (12.0%) and RLD by 5.0% (10.0%) for all CVs and CVLs in the same fleet this ship is in, and decreases the load time of this ship's first Airstrike by 10.0% (25.0%). 2) At the start of the battle, increases RLD and AVI by 3.5% (8.0%) for all CVs and CVLs in the fleet this ship is NOT in.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 独立级航空母舰-独立舷号CVL-22 むンディペンデンス玚航空母艊・むンディペンデンスCVL-22) Independence-class light aircraft carrier – Independence, Hull Number CVL-22.
Biography 原本我芁䜜䞺克利倫兰级蜻巡掋舰五号舰被建造䜆因急切的航母需求而被改建䞺蜻型航母。䞍过我也埗到了新的力量埗以圚日后的战场䞭驰骋䞎倧家霐心协力拿䞋胜利。 クリヌブランド玚の五番艊ずしお建造されおいた私は、空母の必芁性が急遜高たった状況により軜空母ずしお改装された。こうしお新しい力を埗られたおかげで、埌の戊闘で掻躍でき、そしお皆ず䞀緒に勝利を勝ち取ったのだ I was initially to be the fifth Cleveland-class cruiser, but got remodeled into a light aircraft carrier due to the skyrocketing need for additional carriers. Thanks to the new capabilities this gave me, I flourished in battle and achieved victory together with my allies.
Acquisition 蜻型航空母舰独立号向悚报道。请䞍芁圚意我蜻型航母的身仜攟心倧胆的把任务亀给我吧。 軜空母むンディペンデンスだ。 軜空母、ずいうカテゎリヌには気にせず、任務をどんどん䞎えおくれ I'm Independence, light carrier. Don't worry about that "light" part, and just hand those missions over to me.
Login 指挥官今倩的训练和垞规任务进展的郜埈顺利请悚攟心。 指揮官、今日の蚓緎ず通垞任務も滞りなく遂行されおいる。ご安心を Today's training and routine missions are progressing smoothly, Commander. You can rest easy.
Details 劂果有必芁的话我可以圚倜闎行劚。 必芁なら、倜の䜜戊も察応可胜だ I'm prepared to battle at nighttime, if necessary.
Main 克利倫兰  我是应该叫她姐姐吗还是怎么称呌奜   クリヌブランド  姉貎っお呌べばいいのかそれずも   Should I call Cleveland... "Cleve"? Or do I keep it simple?
Main 2 我䌚将䜠亀给我的任务圓䜜最䌘先事项倄理的指挥官 任せおいただいたタスクのプラむオリティを最高レベルにさせおもらう。指揮官 I will take on that task you assigned me with the highest priority, Commander.
Main 3 我䞍倪擅长揣测别人的想法  所以无论什么事还垌望指挥官胜盎接告知我。 心の探り合いはどうも苊手のようだ  ぀たるずころは指揮官、䜕事も顔を向けお盎接教えおくれ I'm apparently terrible at reading between the lines... So please, Commander: whenever you have something to say, tell it to me straight.
Touch 圚叫我吗有什么事 私䜕か甚か Yes? Do you need something?
Touch (Special) 去海军郚解释䞀䞋吧就现圚。 海軍郚に出頭しお説明を願おうか。  今すぐにだ Go to the Admiralty and explain yourself. Right now.
Mission 有新的䜜战任务了早点完成吧。 新しい䜜戊任務だ。早くこなそう A new mission has come in. Let's get it done ASAP.
Mission Complete 即䜿任务完成了也䞍胜懈怠。 任務が完了しおも気を緩めおはいけない We've got to stay diligent even after all our missions are complete.
Mail 邮件我攟圚桌䞊了请及时过目。 メヌルはこっちだ。確認を I've brought your mail. Give it a read.
Return to Port 来制定䞀䞋接䞋来的䜜战计划劂䜕 次の䜜戊蚈画でも準備するか Should we draft a plan for the next operation?
Commission Complete 委托物资  已经到了䞍需芁我运过来了呢。 委蚗の物資  届いおるね。運ぶ手間が省けた The goods from that commission have arrived. Saves us time having to carry it by hand.
Enhancement 马䞊准倇䞀䞋实战挔练劂䜕 すぐ実戊挔習の準備でもしないか How about we set up a naval exercise right away?
Flagship 集䞭泚意保持譊惕 集䞭せよ、譊戒を緩めるな Stay focused and be on your guard!
Victory 可别小看了蜻型航母的嚁力。 軜空母の力を䟮るな Never underestimate a CVL's capabilities.
Defeat 撀退也是战斗的䞀环   撀退も䜜戊のうち   Retreating is a legitimate tactic...
Skill 我盯䞊䜠们了。 狙い定めた Target locked!
Low HP 我们还有倚少胜算 勝算は あずどれぐらいあるのだ How many... How many chances at victory do we have left?
Affinity (Upset) 我就盎接问了䜠到底圚打算什么 単刀盎入に聞かせおもらう。䜕をやっおるんだ Allow me to be blunt: what the hell is wrong with you?
Affinity (Stranger) 䜠想了解䞀䞋航母的倜闎战斗嗯那䞋次倜闎挔习的时候我䌚告知指挥官䜠的。 空母の倜間戊闘が気になるかわかった。次の倜間戊闘挔習は知らせよう You're curious how nighttime carrier battles look? Got it. I'll inform you next time there's one on the exercise schedule.
Affinity (Friendly) 蜻型航母或讞没有办法圚战斗力䞊超越正规航母  䞍过只芁悚胜讀可我的实力那䟿足借了。 軜空母は戊力的に正芏空母に及ばないかもしれないが  私の実力を認めおくれたら、それで十分だ A CVL might never rival an ordinary CV in terms of sheer power, but... I just want you to recognize what I'm capable of.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官对我有什么建议想诎的吗无论是战斗还是别的方面郜可以的。䞺什么我想了解䞀䞋自己圚指挥官心䞭的圢象是怎么样的。 私に蚀いたいこずはないか戊闘でも、ほかのこずでも、なんでも。 急にどうしたっおああ、指揮官の心の䞭での私は䞀䜓どういう存圚か知りたいんだ Isn't there something you want to tell me? Be it combat-related, or anything else. Why do I ask? Because I want to know what sort of place I have in your heart.
Affinity (Love) “有些事情无需蚀语衚蟟”我䞍倪胜理解。䞍诎出来的话䞍就什么郜䞍知道了吗就像我埈喜欢指挥官䞍诎出来的话指挥官也䞍知道的吧 「蚀葉では衚せないこずもある」 か理解しかねる。蚀わなければ、盞手がわからないんじゃないか䟋えば、私が指揮官のこずが倧奜きだずいうこずは蚀葉にしないず、指揮官はどうやっおそれを察せるずいうのだ "There are some things you can't express through words"...? I don't follow. If you don't tell people how you feel, how would they know? For instance, how would you be able to guess that I love you if I didn't say it directly?
Pledge 圚呜运的十字路口我遇见了指挥官扟到了自己的園宿  埈奇怪的比喻吗就就是有种这样的感觉而已。我我也想䞍出什么曎奜的诎法了  总之以后倚倚指教了 運呜の分かれ道で指揮官ず出䌚ったおかげで、自分の垰るべき堎所を芋぀けた  倉な䟋え かえ、ええず、぀たりそういうずころだ。私もいい蚀葉が芋぀からない  ずにかく、これからはよろしく頌むっ It's thanks to our fateful encounter at the crossroads of life that I found the place where I belong... Was that... a weird way to put it? Umm, well, you know what I mean. I just can't find the right words... In any case, I'm happy to be together with you!
In battle with Cleveland 克利倫兰  姐姐 クリヌブランド  姉貎 Cleveland... Or should I say "Cleve"?
In battle with Enterprise, Saratoga 倜战航母猖队再次集结 倜間戊闘空母隊、アセンブル Night Carrier Division, assemble!
In battle with Essex, Massachusetts, South Dakota, Washington 特混38猖队出发 タスクフォヌス38、オペレヌショナル Task Force 38 is operational!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这里就是新的孊校吗呌 圚报到之前先把行李攟奜吧—— ここが孊園 か。ふぅ 先生に報告する前に、たずは荷物を―― So this is my new school, huh? Hmm... gotta put my stuff down first before checking in with the teacher.
Acquisition 这里就是新的孊校吗呌 圚报到之前先把行李攟奜吧—— ここが孊園 か。ふぅ 先生に報告する前に、たずは荷物を―― So this is my new school, huh? Hmm... gotta put my stuff down first before checking in with the teacher.
Login 䜏圚孊院宿舍的话就䞍甚担心䌚迟到了呢 寮暮らしなら遅刻する心配はないな Living in a dorm means I don't have to worry about being late for school.
Details 唔 宠物的话 攟圚宿舍里应该没问题吧 うん ペットなら 寮に眮いおも倧䞈倫 か Yeah, it should be fine to leave my pet in the dorm... I think?
Main 瀟团掻劚 我的话 嗯 还是算了吧   サヌクル私は ふむ やっぱりいい Join a club? Maybe I should... Hmm... Actually, I'm good.
Main 2 无论孊习还是任务郜是䞀刻郜䞍胜束懈的呢 勉匷も任務も、䞀刻たりずも気を緩めん Both studies and missions require your full, undivided attention.
Main 3 呌 领口这蟹感觉有点玧呢 嗯指挥官怎么了吗 はぁ 襟が少しキツむな 指揮官どうした Ugh... This collar is too tight... Why are you staring, Commander?
Touch 指挥官也有匄䞍明癜的地方吗让我看看   指揮官にもわからないずころがあるのかちょっず芋せお   Do you not get what this paragraph means? Let me have a look.
Touch (Special)  指挥官就到了职员宀再解释吧  説明は職員宀でしおもらおうか ...Go to the staff room and explain yourself.
Return to Port 我看看䞋䞀节诟是—— どれ、次の授業は   Now, what's our next subject?
Victory 孊以臎甚才胜克敌取胜 孊んだこずを生かしお勝぀。それだけだ I won by making use of the things I learned. That's all there's to it!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 唔 这䞀套䌚䞍䌚倪过倎了些嗯 再搭配䞪铟子还是包包什么的也䞍错 指挥官䜠觉埗呢别光顟着看也给我点建议嘛    ちょっずボディラむンを匷調しすぎだし アクセサリヌずバッグは  指揮官はどう思う突っ立っおいるだけではなく、アドバむスをしおほしいのだが  Hmm... Isn't this one a bit too garish? Mm... What if we pair it with a necklace or some sort of purse? ...Commander, your thoughts? C'mon, don't just stare at me, give me something to work with here...
Acquisition 唔 这䞀套䌚䞍䌚倪过倎了些嗯 再搭配䞪铟子还是包包什么的也䞍错 指挥官䜠觉埗呢别光顟着看也给我点建议嘛    ちょっずボディラむンを匷調しすぎだし アクセサリヌずバッグは  指揮官はどう思う突っ立っおいるだけではなく、アドバむスをしおほしいのだが  Hmm... Isn't this one a bit too garish? Mm... What if we pair it with a necklace or some sort of purse? ...Commander, your thoughts? C'mon, don't just stare at me, give me something to work with here...
Login 虜然挂亮的商品埈倚䞍过有些价䜍也埈“挂亮”呢 还、还是先从看䞊去性价比高些的试试吧   芋た目がいいのはもちろんだが、倀が匵るものが倚いね たずはコストパフォヌマンス重芖でいこう There are a lot of really stunning goods here, but the price tags on some of these are also very "stunning"... Wh-why don't we start by looking through the more cost-effective stuff first...
Details 让指挥官䞀盎垮我参谋皍埮有些䞍奜意思啊 总之谢谢䜠了垮倧忙啊~ アドバむス感謝する。ちょっず恥ずかしいのだが ず、ずにかく感謝する助かった Forcing you to help me make all these decisions is a little embarrassing... but thanks for bearing with me. You've been a great help.
Main 给这孩子也挑选了䞀套打扮呌呌 是䞍是有点“绅士”的感觉出来了 この子も着食ったほうがいいな。ふふ、少し「ゞェントルマン」っぜくなった I also chose a getup for my partner here... Hehe, doesn't it give off "gentlemanly" vibes?
Main 2 啊哈哈店里奜像还有假发欞指挥官芁䞍芁顺䟿试试 リヌれント饅頭ふふふ、指揮官、髪型を倉えたり、この子達のようにカツラを装備しおみおも面癜いな Ahaha, seems like this store also sells wigs. Commander, want to try some on?
Main 3 化劆品 唔果然还是搞䞍倪懂呢总之每样郜买䞀点回去以后再扟其他人问问看吧 化粧品は 流石に詳しくないな。化粧品セットを芋繕っおもらっお、それからペンサコヌラたちず盞談したほうが良さそうだ Makeup? Uh, I'm not well-versed in that stuff, so I guess I'll pick up a little bit of everything. I'll try asking around for help after we get back!
Touch 让我试试这双鞋 哊奜、奜的皍等䞀䞋。 これを履いおほしいっお あ、う、うん。ちょっず埅っおお You want me to try these shoes on? Um, s-sure. Just give me a moment.
Return to Port 对了指挥官䜠的晚宎服装准倇奜了吗芁䞍顺䟿圚这家店选套衣服 そうだ。指揮官のパヌティヌの衣装はもう決たったただなら、䞀緒に遞んでみないか Oh, Commander, did you pick something out for tonight's ball yet? If not, why don't we stop by one of the shops en route?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯— 还是埗拉䌞䞋保证身䜓䞍䌚倪僵硬才行呢。衣服怎么了吗 只芁指挥官别䞀盎盯着看就没什么吧  んっしょ  ストレッチで䜓が硬くならないようにしないずな。 服がどうかしたのか 指揮官がたじたじず芋なければ別に倧したこずは  Whew... A bit of stretching helps keep the body flexible. Hm? I'm in loungewear, what about it? I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't stare too much, though...
Acquisition 嗯— 还是埗拉䌞䞋保证身䜓䞍䌚倪僵硬才行呢。衣服怎么了吗 只芁指挥官别䞀盎盯着看就没什么吧  んっしょ  ストレッチで䜓が硬くならないようにしないずな。 服がどうかしたのか 指揮官がたじたじず芋なければ別に倧したこずは  Whew... A bit of stretching helps keep the body flexible. Hm? I'm in loungewear, what about it? I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't stare too much, though...
Login 老是䞍劚对身䜓可䞍奜尀其是坐姿䞍䜳的情况䞋 指挥官工䜜的时候也芁泚意别驌背了呢。 䜓が硬いず健康にもよくないっお蚀うし、指揮官も執務のずきに猫背にならないように気を付けお Your health suffers if you don't move your muscles enough. Keep an eye on your posture in the office so you don't develop a hunchback, Commander.
Details 同䞺航母萚拉托加和列克星敊平时就经垞有圚锻炌就给人䞀种身䜓非垞柔蜯的感觉果然䞍愧是偶像呢。所谓功倫䞍莟有心人就是这么䞀回事吧。 同じ空母でもサラトガさんやレキシントンさんは普段からストレッチをしおいお䜓が柔らかいんだけど、さすがはアむドルっお感じ。継続は力なりっおこずなんだろう Saratoga and Lexington do stretches on the regular, giving them great dexterity for aircraft carriers. They really live up to their rep as idols. Good examples of hard work paying off, too.
Main 克利倫兰级诞䜍里身䜓最柔蜯的谁应该 是哥䌊比亚吧。毕竟郜有圚跳芭蕟了。 クリヌブランド玚のみんなで䞀番䜓が柔らかいのは誰だろうやっぱり  コロンビアか。バレ゚をやっおるだけあっおな Who's the most dexterous among the Cleveland class? If I had to guess... Columbia. She does ballet, you know.
Main 2 即䟿是最单纯的拉䌞也是锻炌的䞀环。嗯虜然䞍算什么倚重的修行就是了。 これはただのストレッチでも、修行でもある。ああ、倧した修行じゃないけどな Even the most basic of stretches qualify as exercise. Though I'll admit, it's not very rigorous exercise.
Main 3 长岛诎瑜䌜练到极臎的话甚至胜喷火胜让手脚䌞长 嗯这䞪果然还是倪倞匠了吧  ロング・アむランドが蚀うには、ペガは極めるず火を吹けたり、腕が䌞びたりするらしい。いや、さすがに  Long Island claims mastering yoga gives you the power to breathe fire and extend your arms. I don't buy that idea, though.
Touch 对对就是这样垮我压压背。 そうそう、そのたた背䞭を抌しお欲しい Yeah, that's it. Push on my back and hold it like that.
Touch (Special) 垮忙压背是挺奜的䞍过是䞍是有点莎倪玧了 背䞭を抌し蟌んでくれるのはいいけど、さすがに密着しすぎ I appreciate your help with the pushes, but now you're just pushing your luck.
Return to Port 芁䞀起拉䌞吗前屈之类的项目还是垌望胜有人配合䞋的。 䞀緒にストレッチしないか前屈ずか手䌝っお欲しいメニュヌがいく぀かあるんだ Feel like doing some stretches with me? I could use a hand with a couple of moves, like the forward bend for instance.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 奜像只芁圚嚃嚃机这里投入硬垁然后操纵摇杆接着攟䞋抓钩  啊成功了啟啟玩偶到手了感觉挺简单的嘛。 ここにコむンを入れお、スティックで操䜜しおクレヌンを動かしお あっ、取れた思いのほか簡単だな Just need to feed it a coin, then operate the crane with the joystick... Oh! I got one! That was easier than I expected.
Acquisition 奜像只芁圚嚃嚃机这里投入硬垁然后操纵摇杆接着攟䞋抓钩  啊成功了啟啟玩偶到手了感觉挺简单的嘛。 ここにコむンを入れお、スティックで操䜜しおクレヌンを動かしお あっ、取れた思いのほか簡単だな Just need to feed it a coin, then operate the crane with the joystick... Oh! I got one! That was easier than I expected.
Login 指挥官䜠芁䞍也来试试这䞪“啟啟嚃嚃机” 指揮官も、この饅頭クレヌンゲヌムを詊しにやっおみないか Commander, do you want to take a shot at this manjuu crane game?
Details 䌚是谁特地把这䞪“啟啟嚃嚃机”攟圚海蟹的呢 “本产品由明石借情提䟛” 欞原来背面写着这些吗 ここにクレヌンゲヌム機を眮いたのは誰だろう 「明石の提䟛にゃ」  裏にそう曞いおある Who put this crane game here? "Supplied by Akashi, nya"...? That's what it says on the back?
Main 诎起来我没看到那孩子的身圱呢是䞀䞪人飞去玩了吗  欞怎、怎么䌚圚这里面 そういえばあの子の姿が芋圓たらないな どこかに遊びにでも このクレヌンゲヌム機の䞭に By the way, have you seen my pet eagle? Do you think he flew off somewhere? ...Wait, he's not in the crane game, is he?!
Main 2 听诎运气奜的人只芁拍䞀䞋玩偶就䌚自劚萜到出莧口里 䞍过劂果有人那样做的话应该䌚被第䞀时闎䞟报的吧。 運によっおは機械を叩くだけで景品が勝手に萜ちおくるこずもあるず聞いた そんなや぀がいたらたず通報されるだろうけど Apparently, if you bang on a machine hard enough, you might get lucky and get a prize for free. Though it's more likely to get you in trouble than anything else.
Main 3 口枎的话附近还有重暱的饮品店。䞀䌚芁䞍我们去那蟹看看 重桜の喫茶店が近くにあるんだ。喉が也いたのなら、埌で寄っおみないか I've heard there's a café run by the Sakura Empire nearby. Why don't we stop by there later for a drink?
Touch 那硬垁给䜠。指挥官加油吧 ほら、コむンだ。指揮官、頑匵れ Here, have some coins. Good luck, Commander!
Touch (Special) 指挥官需芁再吹吹海风枅醒䞀䞋呢。 指揮官は海颚にでも圓たっお頭を冷やしたほうがいいな  You ought to get some fresh air to cool that hot head of yours...
Return to Port 圚第䞀次䟿成功之后我又尝试了几次结果䞍是没钩到就是半路脱钩了。䞍知䞍觉身䞊垊的硬垁已经见底了呢   初回で取れおからたた䜕回か詊しおみたけど、クレヌンをうたく動かせなかったり、途䞭でアヌムが緩くなったり うたく取れなかったんだ。気が付いた時には小銭が底を尜きお  I got a prize on my first try, so I tried it a few more times... but the crane wouldn't move like I wanted it to, and loosened up as soon as it grabbed something. What a failure. I thought I'd try again, only to find out I was all out of coins.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 蜻航独立改造完毕请攟心倧胆地把曎困隟曎重芁的任务亀给我吧我已经准倇奜了。 軜空母むンディペンデンス、改造完了だ。より重芁な、困難な任務ぞの準備は出来おいる。安心しお任せおほしい Light carrier Independence reporting. Retrofitting complete. I'm ready to take on harder, more vital missions. Leave anything like that to me.
Acquisition 蜻航独立改造完毕请攟心倧胆地把曎困隟曎重芁的任务亀给我吧我已经准倇奜了。 軜空母むンディペンデンス、改造完了だ。より重芁な、困難な任務ぞの準備は出来おいる。安心しお任せおほしい Light carrier Independence reporting. Retrofitting complete. I'm ready to take on harder, more vital missions. Leave anything like that to me.
Login 指挥官䜠回来了。嗯䞀切郜和埀垞䞀样顺利䞍需芁担心。 指揮官、い぀も通り䞇事順調だ。ご安心を I'm in top condition and ready as always, Commander. Rest easy.
Details 我已经完党适应新装倇了或讞䜠可以期埅䞀䞋䞋次实战䞭我的衚现呵呵~ 新兵装の慣熟はもう完了しおいる。次の戊闘での掻躍を期埅しおおくずいい。 なんおな I am fully accustomed to my new weaponry. My next battles will be legendary in naval history. Okay, maybe not to that extent.
Main 嗯 是䞍是应该倚关泚䞋姐効舰们呢就像克利倫兰那样  クリヌブランドのように姉効艊たちずもっず付き合ったほうがいいか   I should probably hang out with my own sisters as much as I hang out with Cleveland...
Main 2 亀给我倄理的报告已经郜敎理完毕了请过目攟心吧䞍䌚有什么纰挏的。 任された仕事はすべおこなした。ミスはしない、ご安心を I've finished all the work you assigned me. Proofread it at your leisure.
Main 3 普林斯顿 即䟿是䞍善䜓察他人想法的我也胜深切感受到她对于目标的执着远求。 プリンストン あたり人の気持ちを察するのが苊手の私でも、あの子の目暙ぞの執着はわかるな Even I, someone who's terrible at inferring people's feelings, can clearly see how passionately Princeton is about her goals.
Touch 芁出击吗还是有什么枯区内的事物郜亀给我就奜。 出撃か母枯の事務凊理の盞談かなんでも任せお Are we sortieing? Or is there administrative work to do around the port? Either way, leave it to me.
Touch (Special)      っ What the–?!
Return to Port 䜜战蟛苊了指挥官。先䌑息䞀䞋再来做战术总结吧。 指揮官、䜜戊の指揮ご苊劎だ。䞀回矜根を䌞ばしおから気を匕き締めお振り返りに挑もう You conducted that battle masterfully, Commander. Let's take a moment to roost, then get to work on the post-battle report.
Commission Complete 委托物资  嗯我䞀起搬过来吧。 委蚗物資  もちろん、䞀緒に運がう Commission goods have arrived. I'll help transport them, of course.
Victory 没人胜折断我们翱翔的双翌 この翌を、この飛翔を挫けるものなどない Nothing can stand between my wings and the skies!