Matsukaze (JP 🇯🇵: 松風, CN 🇹🇼: 松风)
Ship ID No. 270 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Monthly Sign-in
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 25
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Madoka Asahina
Matsukaze Description
Kamikaze-class destroyer number four – Matsukaze.
Matsukaze (Retrofit) Description
There we go... My fan is too big, and I'm not used to carrying it around yet... Ah, right, come here for a sec, Commander~ I'll fan you with some cool air~ Come on now, no need to be shy~
Firepower D
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1301 Reload 176
Firepower 51 Torpedo 362
Evasion 184 Anti-air 113
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 167 Luck 45
Hit 174 Speed 44.8
Armor Light
HP 1561 Reload 203
Firepower 59 Torpedo 404
Evasion 190 Anti-air 130
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 186 Luck 45
Hit 183 Speed 44.8
Armor Light
HP 252 Reload 74
Firepower 11 Torpedo 77
Evasion 71 Anti-air 24
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 45 Luck 45
Hit 67 Speed 44.8
Armor Light
HP 1466 Reload 196
Firepower 51 Torpedo 372
Evasion 184 Anti-air 153
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 167 Luck 45
Hit 184 Speed 47.8
Armor Light
HP 1726 Reload 223
Firepower 59 Torpedo 414
Evasion 190 Anti-air 170
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 186 Luck 45
Hit 193 Speed 47.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T2 Destroyer: Kamikaze-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 2 +1
Max LimitBreak 4
Lv.120 3 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Quick Reload Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
Emergency Maneuvers Every 20s: 15.0% (30.0%) chance for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 6s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Kamikaze Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 神风级驱逐舰四番舰—松风 神風型駆逐艦四番艦・松風 Kamikaze-class destroyer number four – Matsukaze.
Biography 我是神风级的松风,一直和姐妹们在第五驱逐队。作为睦月型的前身,可是前辈了呢!不过,无论是作战还是护航,可都不会输给新型的孩子们哦!不知道我不在的时候,朝风,春风和旗风是不是又变得不像样了…… 僕は神風型の松風!姉妹たちと一緒に第五駆逐隊配属だったよ。睦月型とかと比べるとちょっと型落ちしちゃうけど、戦闘でも護衛でも後輩たちには負けられないぞー!…ふう…僕がいないと、朝風たちはどうなるかな… I'm the Kamikaze-class destroyer Matsukaze! I was in Destroyer Division 5 along with my sisters. We're a little outdated compared to something like the Mutsuki-class, but we won't let any newer classes beat us when it comes to combat or escorts! ...Sigh... I wonder how Asakaze's team will fare without me...
Acquisition 大家都在一起的舰队?好像很热闹呢~我是松风,请多指教啦~ みんなもいる艦隊だね?なんだか騒がしいね~僕は松風、よろしく頼もー! This is the fleet everyone's in, right? Seems pretty rowdy~ I'm Matsukaze! Nice meeting you!
Login 指挥官,营养不足可是不能好好工作的哦!我帮你做了很~多好吃的,来~尽管吃吧! 指揮官、腹が減っては戦はできぬぞ!僕、美味しいものいっっっぱい作ったから、どーーーんと食べて! You can't fight on an empty stomach, Commander! I made lots and lots of food, so eat to your heart's content!
Details 不知道我家的姐妹们有没有照顾好自己,好担心啊…… 姉妹たち、大丈夫かな…心配…… I wonder how my sisters are doing... I'm worried about them...
Main 手里的这个?这个叫柄杓,可以用来浇水哦,小一点的话还能泡茶呢 持ってるこれ?柄杓っていうのだよ。うんうん、もうちょっと小さければお茶汲みにも使えたりしてー This thing I've got? It's what's known as a ladle. Yeah, if it was a little smaller you could even serve tea with it.
Main 2 嗯…总觉得这里缺点生气呢…一起来种点什么吧,指挥官~ ここは緑が足りないな…鉢の木でも植えてみようよ、指揮官~ This place is lacking in greenery... We should put some potted plants in here, Commander~!
Main 3 嗯~刚晒好的衣服上有阳光的味道,真舒服~ う~ん、干した洗濯物から太陽の匂い~気持ちいいなー Ahhh, the smell of laundry hung out to dry in the sun~ Isn't it great?
Touch 嗯?指挥官累了吗?再等一下,点心马上就好了哦 うん?指揮官疲れた?もうちょっとお待ちー今お菓子出来上がるよー Yeah? Are you feeling tired? Then wait just a moment, I've finished making some snacks!
Touch (Special) 呀!……指挥官,在那里坐好,接下来是说教时间 きゃっ!?……指揮官、そこに座って!説教してやる! Eek?! ...Commander, sit right over there! You need to be scolded!
Mission 指挥官,去完成任务吧,我会跟你一起的~ 指揮官、奉公はちゃんとやろ?僕も付いてるから Are you doing your duty properly, Commander? I'm here if you need me.
Mission Complete 指挥官很努力了呢,真棒真棒~ 指揮官よう働いた。あっぱれあっぱれー You've done great, Commander. Bravo, bravo!
Mail 指挥官,有信哦,要我读给你听吗? 指揮官、伝書だぞー。読み上げよっか? Letter for you, Commander! Want me to read it out loud?
Return to Port 刚上战场一定累了吧,哎呀不要逞强了,来快过来休息一下 先の戦闘で疲れたでしょ。…もう無理しなくていいから、早くこっち来て休みなよ You must be tired after that last battle... Don't overexert yourself, come here and lie down.
Commission Complete 指挥官,委托的姐妹们回来了呢,让她们等着可不好哦 指揮官、委託の子たちが戻ってきたよ。あまり待たせると良くないぞー The commission team is back, Commander. It's not nice to keep them waiting!
Enhancement 谢谢~不过我的强化放在其他姐妹们后面也没关系哦 どうもー!僕のことは後回しにしても良いぞ? Thanks! You could have saved caring about me for later, though.
Flagship 大家注意不要做危险的事情哦 危ないことだけはしないでね Don't do anything too dangerous, okay?
Victory 哼哼,小看前辈可是会吃亏的唷! ふふん、先輩を侮ると痛い目に遭うぞー Heheh, you'll have a really bad time if you underestimate a veteran!
Defeat 呜…大家不要管我,快走—— うぅ…僕のことはいいから、みんな逃げて―― Ugh... I'll be fine, just make a break for it, everyone...
Skill 别想伤害我家的指挥官! 僕の指揮官を傷つけるな! Don't you dare try to hurt my commander!
Affinity (Upset) 哈啊…究竟是哪里的教育出了问题呢… はぁ…どこに問題が起きたのかな… Sigh... Where did I go wrong with you...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,没事的话就一起来打扫吧~保持整洁是良好生活习惯的根本哟 指揮官、やることがなかったら整理整頓でもしようよ。身の回りはきちんとするのが基本だぞー If you don't have anything to do, you should tidy things up. Organization is fundamental to leading a good life.
Affinity (Friendly) 嗯…对于现代的电子机械什么的,果然还是不太擅长呢…指挥官能教教我怎么用吗? うん…「デンシキキ」とか、やっぱり苦手だな…指揮官、使い方を教えておくれー Yeah... I'm pretty bad with electronics... You should teach me how to properly use them, Commander!
Affinity (Like) 最近一个人的时候,总是会想指挥官有没有好好照顾自己呢,有没有因为工作又废寝忘食了呢,有没有想我——啊啊啊,刚才的不算! 最近一人でいると、指揮官の身の回りは大丈夫かなー、ご飯はちゃんと食べてるかなー、僕のことを覚えているかなーって……ああ!最後のはなし、なしだよ! Lately when I'm alone, I've been asking myself "is the commander taking care of himself?," "is he eating enough?," "does he think about me?"... Ahh, never mind that last one!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官只需要专注于远大的目标就好了,细枝末节的小事都交给我吧,在任务和战斗之外能帮到指挥官,就是我最大的幸福~ 指揮官は大きな目標を目指して頑張っていていいから、細かいことは僕にまかせてよ。僕は戦闘や任務以外にも指揮官のお役に立てて幸せだよー♪ You just need to focus on your goals and I'll handle all the minor details. I'm happy to help you with anything, not just combat or missions~!
Pledge 指挥官想要永远和我在一起吗?嘻嘻,好吧,那我就只好待在指挥官的身边,一直一直照顾指挥官了~ 指揮官はこの僕と生涯の契を交わしたいの?えへへ、いいよ~じゃあ松風、謹んで指揮官のお世話をずっとずっとお受けしますよー You're saying you want to take a lifelong vow with me? Eheheh, sure~ Then I, Matsukaze, swear to always, always look after you!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这个扇子这么大,稍微有点不习惯呢……对了,来来,指挥官,我来给你扇扇风吧~不要客气不要客气~ んっしょ…この扇子大きすぎて、まだ慣れないな……あ、そうそう、指揮官ちょっとこっち来て~扇いであげるからさ~~まあまあ遠慮しない遠慮しない~ There we go... My fan is too big, and I'm not used to carrying it around yet... Ah, right, come here for a sec, Commander~ I'll fan you with some cool air~ Come on now, no need to be shy~
Acquisition 这个扇子这么大,稍微有点不习惯呢……对了,来来,指挥官,我来给你扇扇风吧~不要客气不要客气~ んっしょ…この扇子大きすぎて、まだ慣れないな……あ、そうそう、指揮官ちょっとこっち来て~扇いであげるからさ~~まあまあ遠慮しない遠慮しない~ There we go... My fan is too big, and I'm not used to carrying it around yet... Ah, right, come here for a sec, Commander~ I'll fan you with some cool air~ Come on now, no need to be shy~
Login 指挥官你回来啦,有没有哪里不舒服,饿了吗?来来,先坐会儿,我去给你拿点吃的过来~ おかえり指揮官!具合はどう?お腹減った?ささ、こっち来て座ってーいま何か食べるものでも持ってくるね! Welcome back, Commander! How are you? Hungry? Then have a seat, I'll go get you something to eat!
Details 天气冷的时候总觉得用不太上呢这把扇子…… この扇子、寒い時期には使えなさそうだね…… I doubt this fan will be of any use when it gets cold...
Main 啊,这把扇子,收起来说不定用来晒衣服和被子不错!嗯嗯,这就试试~ これ、服とか布団とか、天日干しに使えそうだね!うんうん、早速やってみよー! I think this thing will be handy for drying clothes or futons out in the sun! Mhm, I think I'll test it right now!
Main 2 指挥官,你看,松风的松~嘿嘿,我还蛮中意这个字的呢! 指揮官、ほら、ここにお~きな「松」ってのがあるよ!うんうん、僕、これ結構気に入ってるんだ~ Commander, look! There's a big "matsu" written on my fan! Mhm, I have to say I'm quite fond of it~!
Main 3 劳逸结合,劳逸结合,不要太放松,也不要太累到自己哦 えっと…「わーくらいふばらんす」?休みすぎてはダメだけど、働きすぎも良くないよ? Umm... have you heard about "work-life balance"? It's bad to rest too much, but it's not good to work too much either.
Touch 嗯?饿了吗,还是想要我帮你扇扇风呢? うん?お腹減った?それともこれでパタパタしてほしくなった? Hm? Are you hungry? Or do you want me to fan you?