Asanagi (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 608 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Asanagi Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Kamikaze-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Fists of Fury! When this ship fires her Main Guns: 30.0% (50.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; 10s cooldown between activations) that momentarily stops enemies hit.
Ol' Reliable Every 20s: for 10s, increases this ship's EVA, AA, and TRP by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken by 4.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Kamikaze Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 神风级驱逐舰—朝凪 神風型駆逐艦-朝凪 Kamikaze-class destroyer – Asanagi.
Biography 我是神风型8号舰朝凪。虽然以前被生硬地叫做第十五型,不过后来不知该说是心有灵犀还是说那些家伙承认了我的力量,才给我取了现在这个名字。那么,作为我的指挥官你可得好好振作起来!不然我可要好好的磨炼你的毅力了! 神風型8番艦の朝凪じゃ。以前は第十五型なんぞという、むくつけき名であったが、そこはほれ、以心伝心というかわれの力を認めたものどもが、この名を送ってよこしたのじゃ。さあ、われの指揮官としてしっかりせい!たるんでおれば根性を注入してやるのじゃ! I am the eighth Kamikaze-class ship, Asanagi. They once rudely called me number fifteen, but either out of sympathy or because they recognized my power, they've given me a new name. Now, if you're to be my Commander, you'd best straighten up! Otherwise, I'll have to instill some gumption in you!
Acquisition 让我瞧瞧……呣,真是个弱不经风的小鬼!我是朝凪,神风型的朝凪!从今天开始我就要当你的部下了。你让我劳神的话我就会戳你,你给我添麻烦的话我就会敲打你。胆敢做出任何不符合指挥官身份的行为,我都会给你肚子来上一拳! これは…むぅ。なんとも貧相な小童よのぅ!われは朝凪、神風型の朝凪じゃ!今日からお前の部下になるようじゃが――面倒をかけてきたら突く!迷惑をかけてきたら叩く!指揮官として不適格なことを一つでもしたら腹に一発見舞ってやるのじゃ! Well, well... Hmph. What a weak little child you are! I am Asanagi, of the Kamikaze class! I will be your subordinate from today on, but listen well! Cause me trouble, I will jab you! Annoy me, I will strike you! Do anything unbefitting of your status as Commander, and your tummy shall know the wrath of my fist!
Login 怎么才来啊,指挥官!你都干什么去了……喂喂别无视我啊! やっと来おったか、指揮官!今まで一体何をして…って無視するんじゃないっ! So you finally arrive, Commander! What in the world were you... Hey! Do not ignore me!
Details 哼,我可是光荣的神风型的一员!如果不学着像周围人一样好好尊敬我的话,我就给你来那么一下子……嗯,你准备了团子,问我要不要一起吃?你、你还挺有眼力见的嘛。 ふん、われが名誉ある神風型に連なるものと心得よ!そして周りに習い、ちゃんと敬わないと一発…って、団子を用意したから一緒にどうか、じゃと?う、うむ、気が利くのう Hmph, know that I am a member of the glorious Kamikaze class! If you don't give me the respect I deserve... Oh? You made dango to share with me? Y-yes, yes, very thoughtful.
Main 怎么?你给我泡了茶?唔,还蛮机灵的嘛……值得夸奖!到时多给你包点压岁钱! 何?お前がわれのために茶を淹れただと?う、うむ、なかなか気が利くではないか…褒めてやろう!お年玉を弾んでやるぞ! What? You made tea for me? H-hmm, how thoughtful... You deserve praise! Expect a New Year's gift in your future!
Main 2 你怎么又出错了!吃我铁拳制裁……你说好痛让我停手?我、我当然没想要真的打疼你。那,为了不打疼你我就给你侧腹来一下下吧! また間違えとるではないか!われの鉄拳を……痛いからやめてって?た、確かに痛くするのはわれの本意ではないからな、よし、痛くしないように脇腹に一発だ! There you go messing up again! Prepare to feel my iron fist... You say no, it hurts too much? I-I suppose I don't mean to hurt you... Very well. One painless tummy strike, incoming!
Main 3 追风,你把我的鞋子藏哪去了!因为鞋子放的乱七八糟,所以你都给收拾到鞋箱去了?嗯,嗯……那个……对不起…… 追風、われの履き物をどこに隠した!片足ずつ散らばってたからまとめて下駄箱へ?う、うむ…それはその…すまぬ Oite, where did you hide my shoes?! Oh... They were a mess, so you sorted them all into the shoe box for me? H-hmm... Well, er... Thank you.
Touch 啊,就是那里…嗯~指挥官,你按摩的手法有进步哦。 あ、そこそこ…くぅ~、指揮官、お前のマッサージの腕もなかなか上達したのう Ah, right there... Mm~ Commander, you are just a master of massage.
Touch (Special) 干啥呢,你这呆瓜!摸我很好玩是吗…… なにをするかこの痴れ者が!触ってなにが楽しいんじゃ… And what do you think you're doing, fool?! Goodness... What is so fun about touching me?
Touch (Headpat) 真、真是耻辱!看我给你肚子来上一拳! く、屈辱!われの拳をその小腹に喰らわせてやるのじゃ! Th-this is mortifying! Why don't I sink my fist into your stomach and see how you feel then?!
Mission 哼~指挥官啊……任务还剩着不少呢?这可是会积压起来的哦,快点给我处理掉! う~む、指揮官よ…まだ任務が残っておるようじゃぞ?放っておけば積もり積もってしまうからな、さっさと片付けてしまわんか! Hmm, Commander... Do you know how many missions you have piled up? They'll keep piling if you ignore them, so how about you get to work?!
Mission Complete 嗯,这是……这任务不是做完了吗!真是的……报酬放着不管可不行啊! む、これは…この任務は終わっているではないか!まったく…放置はいかんぞ? Mm, wait a second... This mission is completed! Goodness. Don't neglect your rewards now.
Mail 指挥官,有寄给你的信呢!不要放着不管,赶紧看看吧! 指揮官宛の文が届いておるぞ?ほったらかさんでさっさと確認せい! Mail's come for you, Commander. Don't just ignore it! Read it already!
Return to Port 指挥官啊。你总算回来了……哼,竟敢无视我,胆肥了嘛——没看到吗?我就站在你面前哦! 指揮官か。やっと戻ったか。…むっ、我を無視するとはいい度胸――見えなかった?お前の目の前にいるのじゃ! Commander? Finally returned, hm? You have some nerve, ignoring me—Oh, you didn't see me? But I'm right in front of you!
Commission Complete 喂,指挥官!委托组已经回来了!如果不想被打一拳,就快准备好茶点来迎接吧! おい、指揮官!委託組が戻ってきたようじゃぞ?腹に一発食らいたくなくば、茶菓子でも用意して出迎えに行かんかい! You there, Commander! I hear the commission team is back. If you don't want a solid blow to the stomach, you'd best make them treats and meet them in person!
Enhancement 嗯,也许是变强了一点…也就一点而已啦!! まぁ、多少は強くなったかもしれないのぉ…多少、多少じゃぞ!! Well, I suppose I feel a little stronger... Only a little! A little, I say!
Flagship 让我瞧瞧你有多少实力! お前の力、見せてもらおうか! Show me what you've got!
Victory 这就是小看吾等神风型的惩罚! われら神風型を甘く見た罰じゃ! This is your punishment for underestimating the Kamikaze class!
Defeat 唔!稍、稍微放些水而已! ぬぬっ!ちょ、ちょっと手を抜いただけじゃ! Rrrgh! I-I just held back a little, that's all!
Skill 看我给你一发厉害的! ガツンと一発食らわせてやるのじゃ! Get ready for a faceful of my fists of fury!
Low HP 就、就这点程度,神风型才不会屈服! こ、この程度で音を上げる神風型ではないわ! Th-this is far from enough to make a Kamikaze-class shipgirl submit!
Affinity (Upset) 嗯……可别让我太失望了啊。我要说的就这些。 うむ…あまり失望させんでくれよ?われからはそれだけじゃ Mm... Don't disappoint me so much, please. That is all I have to say.
Affinity (Stranger) 唔。竟然小看我……本来给你来上一百拳也不为过……不过算了,给你的肚子来发猛的这事就算过去了。 むぅ。われのことを舐めおって…本来なら百叩きの刑でもおかしくないと思うが…いいだろう、ここは腹にガツンと一発で許してやろう Hmph. You underestimate me... Normally, I would punish you with a hundred punches... But very well. I'll let you get away with one this time.
Affinity (Friendly) 工作就要干脆利落地解决掉。怕什么,有我在帮你呢,这有什么好头疼的。平时就可以多多依赖我的。 仕事はいつでもテキパキ手早く進めるべきじゃな。なぁに、いつでもわれが手伝ってやる。そうすれば困ることもなかろう。常日頃から頼りにしてくれていいぞ Work must always be done quickly and efficiently. Oh, come now, I'll be here to help you. That should keep you from running into any trouble. You may rely on me from now on.
Affinity (Like) 什么,你说早就做完了?!不可能,你想,以前都是因为我帮你才能这么快……你这只是侥幸!对就是这么回事! なに、そっちのほうが早く終わらせた…だと?!いや、ほら、われが手伝っているから早いとか、そんなの…まぐれじゃ!きっとまぐれに決まっとる! What? You finished your work before me...?! No, I mean, you must be going faster because of my help, or... A fluke! It must be a fluke, of course!
Affinity (Love) 哇!……没、没什么。我才没有因为太在意你,所以忽略了手头上做的事呢!我才不会这样呢!我懂了!你就是故意这样来分散我的注意力的是吧!还不快从实招来! わっ!…い、いや、別に何でもないぞ?別にお前の方ばかり気になって、手元がおろそかになっていたとか、そういうわけでは絶対にないからな!って違う!そうか!お前がこうしてわれの気を逸らしとるのじゃな!正直に認めんか! Whoa! ...N-no, nothing's wrong. I wasn't just neglecting my work because I was so focused on you, or anything! I mean, uhh! Yeah! You're doing this on purpose to distract me, aren't you?! Fess up!
Pledge 哼哼哼,你给我戴上这个就是说你想一直依赖我是吧?什么?不是吗?不是想依赖我,而是想被我依赖?谁、谁会依赖你啊!……就算给了我这个也! ふふん、われにこれを渡すとはつまるところ、われにずっと頼りたいというのじゃな?なに?違う?われに頼るのではなく、われに頼られたい?だ、だれがお前に頼るものか!…これをもらってもだぁ! Heheh, that you'd give me this must mean that you want to depend on me forever! What? No? You want ME to depend on YOU? Wh-who would ever rely on you?! ...I'll accept this ring, but I still won't do it!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈啊……不行不行,不知不觉就睡着了。你也觉得这里海风舒适极了对吧?哼,我可不要被同样差点睡着的你说我在偷懒什么的! ふわぁ…いかんいかん、つい眠ってしまったのじゃ。ここの潮風の気持ちよさはお前にも分かるじゃろ?ふん、同じく寝ておったお前にサボりなどと言われたくないのじゃ! *yaaawn*... Goodness me, there I go falling asleep. You understand how pleasant the sea breeze is, don't you? YOU calling ME a slacker!
Acquisition 哈啊……不行不行,不知不觉就睡着了。你也觉得这里海风舒适极了对吧?哼,我可不要被同样差点睡着的你说我在偷懒什么的! ふわぁ…いかんいかん、つい眠ってしまったのじゃ。ここの潮風の気持ちよさはお前にも分かるじゃろ?ふん、同じく寝ておったお前にサボりなどと言われたくないのじゃ! *yaaawn*... Goodness me, there I go falling asleep. You understand how pleasant the sea breeze is, don't you? YOU calling ME a slacker!
Login 来得真晚啊。难道是在海边和别的孩子玩到忘乎所以了? 来るのが遅いのう。まさか海辺でほかの子と遊び呆けていたのか? Late again. You weren't out there playing with other girls on the beach, were you?
Details 又不是整天都要战斗。你要懂得如何放松才是。作为统领舰队、纵横大海之人,你应该懂得如何享受大海的乐趣才对。 四六時中戦うわけではあるまい。気の抜き方を知っておいたほうが得するのじゃぞ?艦船を率い、海を駆ける者こそ、海の楽しみ方を一番心得べきじゃ It's not as if we fight at all hours. You'd be better off if you learned how to relax. As someone who leads shipgirls to battle over the sea, you'd benefit the most from learning how to enjoy the ocean.
Main 如果你被别的舰船迷住了……你知道我什么意思吧?我的拳头可还没生锈哦? 他の艦にうつつを抜かしておったら…わかっておるだろうな?われの拳はまだ鈍ってはおらぬぞ? If you fall for another shipgirl... you know what'll happen, don't you? My fists haven't dulled one bit.
Main 2 我说啊,指挥官。稍微停下手头的工作,看看海,饮饮茶如何?风平浪静的大海很让人舒心哦? のう、指揮官よ。少しは手を休めて海でも眺めながら茶でも飲まぬか?凪の海は心も落ち着いていいものだぞ? Say, Commander, why don't we take a break and watch the ocean over some tea? Calm seas are so relaxing.
Main 3 从刚刚开始就盯着我的肚子看,你怎么了?……啊!难道你……想要报复我以前拳打你肚子的事?! さっきからわれの小腹をじっと見つめてどうしたのじゃ?…はっ!まさかお前……腹を殴られたことを仕返しする気か!? I notice you've been staring at my tummy...? Ah! Could it be... You plan to take your revenge over my previous punches?!
Touch 唔,阳光真刺眼……你还别说才这种程度,我可是很容易晒伤的体质哦! うっ、日照りが強いのじゃ…この程度もなにも、われは日焼けしやすい体質なのじゃぞ! Urgh, the sunlight is too strong... Don't blame me. I sunburn easily by nature!
Touch (Special) 真是头疼啊~我的泳装怎么能这么吸引人呢? 全く煩悩まみれじゃのう~。そんなにわれの水着姿がそそるものか? Look how covetous you are~ Does the sight of me in a swimsuit excite you so?
Return to Port 拿好,毛巾给你。战斗时弄湿头发和衣服也是常有的事,可小心别感冒了。 ほれ、タオルじゃ。戦闘で髪も服も濡れることがあるじゃろ?風邪を引かぬよう注意するのじゃ Here, a towel. Your hair and clothes get wet during battles, don't they? Make sure you don't catch a cold.
Victory 呵呵,对对,就这样多夸夸我! ふふ、そうじゃそうじゃ。もっと褒め称えると良いのじゃ! Heheh, yes, yes! Continue to sing my praises!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官,太慢了!我、我可是一直在等你哦。好好感谢我吧! 指揮官、遅いぞ!わ、われが首を長くして…待って…おったんじゃからな!感謝するがいい! Commander, you're late! You don't know how long I've been waiting... for you, patiently! Show me your gratitude!
Details 还是不能否认我受到了指挥官不少关照呢……这人情债迟早得还呢…… やはり指揮官に多く世話になっていることは否めないのう…。これはどこかで借りを返さなければならんか…… I cannot deny that you've done much for me, Commander... How am I meant to repay you?
Main 你说今晚是专门为我腾出来的时间?这、这样啊……你倒是挺有心的。那我就好好期待你的安排啦~ 今晩はわれのために時間を作ったと?そ、そうか…それはなかなか、よき趣向じゃの。お前のえすこーと、楽しみにしとるよ You've made time for me tonight? I-I see... That's a good idea. I look forward to your companionship.
Main 2 松风,指挥官的烦心事就交给我来处理吧,你不用再担心啦——为什么你露出这种表情!难、难道你觉得我处理不了吗? 松風、指揮官の煩悩はわれが引き受けるので、心配せずともよいぞ――なぜそんな顔をするのじゃ!わ、われじゃ務まらんとでも言うのか? Matsukaze, I'll care for the Commander's worldly desires, so you don't need to worry—Why are you making that face at me?! D-do you mean to say I'm not capable?!
Touch 嗯嗯~就这样~啊疼疼疼!你这不对!那里用的力道应该弱一些……啊疼疼疼疼! んん~、そうじゃ~…あいたたた!違う!そこは弱くて…あいたたたたた! Mmm~ Yes... Ouch, ouch! No! Bad place! Not there... Ow, owowowowowoww!!
Touch (Special) 唔、哼哼!别小看我的魅力哦!……这就结束啦?! ふ、ふふん!われの魅力を見くびるんじゃないぞ?…もう終わりか?! H-heheh! Do not underestimate my charms... Wait, you're stopping already?!
Mission 嗯,还有任务没完成呢。所以我不是说过了嘛,要是太勉强自己的话难免会有疏漏……我也会来帮你的,慢慢的收拾掉吧。 ぬ、まだ任務が残っているではないか。だから言ったであろう、無理しすぎると抜けが出ると…手伝ってやるから、少しずつでも手を付けていくんじゃぞ Mm, you still have some missions remaining. Did I not tell you that you'd start making mistakes if you worked yourself too much? I'll help you, so let's take it slow, now.
Mission Complete 这个……还有那个……还有那些都完成了!不愧是我的指挥官! これも…これも…こっちも終わっているではないか!さすがわれの指揮官じゃ! This one, and this one too... All of them are done! Now that's our Commander for you!
Flagship 指挥官,好好给这些家伙来点厉害的! 指揮官、こいつらにガツンと一発食らわすのじゃ! Commander, let's punch their lights out!
Victory 唔,是不是做得有点过火了? ふむ、少々やり過ぎてしまったかのう? Hrmm. Did I overdo things a little?