Kamikaze (JP 🇯🇵: 神風, CN 🇹🇼: 神风)
Ship ID No. 269 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:20:00
Acquisition Light Build
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 25
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN February 14, 2019
CN August 28, 2017
Voice actress Madoka Asahina
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4592232
Weibo https://weibo.com/zicaitangxiansheng
Name NoriZC
Kamikaze Description
Kamikaze-class destroyer number one – Kamikaze.
Kamikaze (Retrofit) Description
Ohohoho, you must have a sharp eye if you've decided to retrofit me~ Now that I've been chosen, I cannot afford to embarrass you. Now, take a good and thorough look at this veteran's aspirations~
Firepower D
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1301 Reload 182
Firepower 52 Torpedo 362
Evasion 187 Anti-air 121
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 183 Luck 86
Hit 174 Speed 44.8
Armor Light
HP 1561 Reload 209
Firepower 60 Torpedo 404
Evasion 193 Anti-air 139
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 202 Luck 86
Hit 183 Speed 44.8
Armor Light
HP 252 Reload 77
Firepower 11 Torpedo 77
Evasion 72 Anti-air 26
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 50 Luck 86
Hit 67 Speed 44.8
Armor Light
HP 1466 Reload 202
Firepower 52 Torpedo 372
Evasion 187 Anti-air 161
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 183 Luck 86
Hit 184 Speed 47.8
Armor Light
HP 1726 Reload 229
Firepower 60 Torpedo 414
Evasion 193 Anti-air 179
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 202 Luck 86
Hit 193 Speed 47.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gained Full Barrage I / Torpedo +5%
Tier 2 Max Torpedo Capacity +1 / Pre-Loaded Torpedo +1 / Torpedo +10%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I→II / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T2 Destroyer: Kamikaze-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 2 +1
Max LimitBreak 4
Lv.120 3 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Veteran Techniques When this ship fires its Main Guns: 4.0% chance to increase its EVA by 20.0% (50%) for 8s.
First Destroyer When this ship is hit by a torpedo: 10.0% (30.0%) chance to decrease the DMG of the incoming attack by 20.0% (50.0%) and increase this ship's TRP by 20.0% (50.0%) for 4s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Kamikaze Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:20:00 JP CN EN
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 神风级驱逐舰一番舰—神风 神風型駆逐艦一番艦・神風 Kamikaze-class destroyer number one – Kamikaze.
Biography 神风级驱逐舰一号舰神风,隶属第一驱逐队,听起来就很厉害对吧~嘻嘻,别看这样,我可是舰队里的老前辈了哟。从大战初期一直奋战到了战争结束,太平洋及阿留申群岛方面、马六甲、马来半岛,都有过我活跃的身影哟~对潜战我可是很擅长的呢~哎呀呀~现在想起和白鹰的狼群们那场生死决战还是会忍不住热血沸腾呢~ 神風型駆逐艦の一号艦、神風じゃ。第一駆逐隊に所属したわっちのこの名は、力強い響きじゃろ?(笑)大戦初期から太平洋諸島で転戦し、伊達や酔狂で艦隊の大先輩をやっておらんのじゃ。こう見えても、対潜は得意じゃ。あの狼の群れとやらとの死闘を思い出す度に血が滾るよのう~ I'm Kamikaze, Kamikaze-class destroyer number one. I was a part of the First Destroyer Division. My name's got a mighty ring to it, don'tcha think? Hoho~! I fought in numerous battles in the Pacific Islands since the start of the World War, so me being a fleet veteran ain't just for show or me being whimsical. I may not look it, but ASW is my forte. Every time I think about my battle with that wolf pack my blood starts to boil~
Acquisition 第一驱逐队第一号驱逐舰——神风来也~你就是指挥官吗~?看来往后的日子会很有趣呢~哼哼,期待我的表现吧~ 第一駆逐隊、第一号駆逐艦ーー神風、参上じゃ。お主が指揮官とやらに相違ないかえ?これからは楽しくなるかのう。うふふ、わっちの働き、ご覧遊ばせ~ Kamikaze, First Destroyer Division ship number one, has arrived. Are you certain you're the commander? Then things are gonna get interesting from now on. *Giggle* Enjoy watching me do my work~
Login 啊哈,你来啦~今天要做点什么有趣事情呢~? あら、よぉ来たかのぉ~今日は何か面妖なことでもするんかえ? Aha, you've finally showed up~! Will we be doin' anything interesting today?
Details 嘻嘻~指挥官究竟是对人家的哪里有兴趣呢~? ほほぉ~指揮官はわっちのどこに興味があるんかえ? Hoho~ What about me's gotten you so interested?
Main 能坚持到最后的,才足以被称为赢家哦! 最後まで持ちこたえるのが勝ち組よ! Winners are those who hold out 'till the very end!
Main 2 玳瑁啊~虽然不及我,但也是个可敬的对手 ホークビル!わっちほどではないが正に兵(つわもの)じゃな Hawksbill! That girl couldn't beat me, but she put up a real good fight.
Main 3 第五战队的大家也都是好人呢… 第五戦隊…良い奴らよのう… Those Fifth Carrier Division folks... they're pretty nice...
Touch 嗯哼?有什么事吗? はて?なにかのう Oh? You need somethin'?
Touch (Special) 嘻嘻…指挥官的邪念都溢出来了呢,要给你驱驱邪吗? ほれ、指揮官の煩悩が溢れんばかりよのう。わっちがお祓いしてやろうかえ? Well well, looks like your naughty desires are starting to show themselves. How about an exorcism for ya?
Mission 任务啊,要一起去看看吗~? 奉公か。見にいくかえ? Duties, eh. How's about we go give it a look?
Mission Complete 嗯?任务完成的奖励下发了?运输奖励物资的时候可不能大意哦! はて?奉公の給金かえ?どれ、運ぶ時は気を使うんじゃぞ! Hm? Payment for those duties? Right then, take care bringing 'em here!
Mail 信啊…不会又是从白鹰那寄来的吧… 伝書…ユニオンのお使い、じゃないのかのう… Mail, eh... It ain't an errand from the Union, is it...?
Return to Port 嗯哼,今天也平安回来了呢!作为奖励,给你喝我特制的健康饮料吧!来来~不要客气~ そら、今日も無事帰れたのう!褒美にわっちの栄養飲料でも飲め!ほれほれ~遠慮せんで Look at you, back safe and sound! Reward yourself with a sip of my nutritious drink! Hey now, don't be shy~!
Commission Complete 今天也平安完成远征回来了呢!嗯嗯,很好! 今日も委託とやらを無事こなしたか。うむ、大儀じゃ! Guess the commission team's back again all in one piece. Hum hum, splendid!
Enhancement 状态绝佳~嘻嘻,感觉又能大闹一场了呢~ うむ、元気溌剌じゃ~(笑)これでまた大暴れできるよのう~ Yup, I'm just oozing with energy~ Hoho~! Now I can go on another rampage~
Flagship 注意潜艇和鱼雷~全力以赴地上吧! 潜水艦と魚雷には注意せえ。全力で行くのじゃ! Watch out for them submarines and torpedoes. Full speed ahead!
Victory 看到了吗!这就是年长者的实力! ほれ!これぞ年季による実力じゃ! You see this? This is what years of experience looks like!
Defeat 呜咕……果然性能已经跟不上了吗…… うぐぅ…この性能じゃやはり追いつけんかのう… Ugh... Should've known I can't keep up like this...
Skill 抱歉,现在没单挑的时间哟 一騎打ちとはいかずすまんのう Sorry, ain't got time for one-on-ones.
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官…意外地没什么意思呢…… 指揮官は存外つまらぬ輩よのう You're more boring than I ever imagined, Commander.
Affinity (Stranger) 只有愚者和菜鸟,才会用装备新旧来评估舰船的实力哟,指挥官~ 指揮官。装備を新旧で評するのは丁稚三下のすることじゃ Commander, only rookies and small-timers judge equipment by how new it is.
Affinity (Friendly) 嗯?平时的兴趣?吃饭睡觉逗指挥官?啊哈哈,没错,就是喜欢看指挥官这种一脸困扰的表情~ 趣味?三度の寝食に指揮官をいじることかのう。(大笑い)その顔が見たかったのじゃ My hobbies? 3 rounds of food and sleep and a bit of teasin' you. Hohoho~! That look there is what I wanted to see.
Affinity (Like) 嘻嘻,指挥官喜欢什么类型的女孩子呢~?像我这种的?还是更文静点的?——真的?录音完毕~哼哼,要给谁听好呢~ はて、指揮官はどんな子が好みかのう~わっち?それともおしとやかな?ーーそれはまことか?そーれ、しかと録音したわい☆はて、その子に聞かせてやろうかのう- Well, Commander, what type of girl do you fancy~? Me? Maybe someone more refined? ... But is that really true? Right, I've got that on tape now~! Now the question is: who will I play it to~?
Affinity (Love) (悄声)最喜欢指挥官了~——嗯?指挥官很热吗~?耳根都红了呢~ (小声)指揮官…お主のこと、気に入っているのじゃ♡ーーはて、指揮官、顔が熱いのう~耳元まで真っ赤になっとるえ Commander... Ya know, I like you~ Oh dear, your face is all red~ So red it's even reached your ears~!
Pledge 指挥官,现在还有反悔的时间哦~嗯嗯,你可以慢慢想,多考虑一点神风的事情也没关系的~嗯?门?哎呀,被谁不小心锁上了呢,真是太不小心了~ 指揮官、今ならまだ翻意しても遅うないぞ~そうそう、じっくり、この神風のことをようお考え遊ばせ~うん?扉?はて、どうやら鍵をかけておったわい~まったく困ったものよのう~ Commander, it ain't too late to change your mind yet~ Yeah, that's it, take your time thinking about me~ Hm? The door? Oh no, it looks like it's been locked shut~ What will we do~?
In battle with UNKNOWN(30907) 又能并肩作战了呢! まだ共に戦えるよのう~ It's time for us to stand together again!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嘻嘻,选我进行改造,指挥官的品味不错嘛~嗯哼,可不能让人笑话我们的指挥官没有眼光呢,就让你看看老将的志气吧~ うっふっふー、わっちを「改造」するなんて、指揮官もお目が高いよのう~こうなった以上、選んでくれた指揮官に恥をかかせるわけにはいかぬな。どれ、この年寄りの意地、とくとご覧あそばせ Ohohoho, you must have a sharp eye if you've decided to retrofit me~ Now that I've been chosen, I cannot afford to embarrass you. Now, take a good and thorough look at this veteran's aspirations~
Acquisition 嘻嘻,选我进行改造,指挥官的品味不错嘛~嗯哼,可不能让人笑话我们的指挥官没有眼光呢,就让你看看老将的志气吧~ うっふっふー、わっちを「改造」するなんて、指揮官もお目が高いよのう~こうなった以上、選んでくれた指揮官に恥をかかせるわけにはいかぬな。どれ、この年寄りの意地、とくとご覧あそばせ Ohohoho, you must have a sharp eye if you've decided to retrofit me~ Now that I've been chosen, I cannot afford to embarrass you. Now, take a good and thorough look at this veteran's aspirations~
Main 刚才和睦月级的丫头们一起玩了会儿,真是闹腾的小家伙们啊~ 睦月型の子たちと少し戯れてみたが、まったく騒がしいチビ達よのう~ I went for a romp with some of those Mutsuki-class children, but they proved no more than a bothersome bunch of pipsqueaks.
Main 2 这个风铃吗?我蛮喜欢的,就是有点大,要是不小心被我砸到可不要生气哦~ この風鈴のことかえ?結構気に入っておるけど、ちょっとばかし大きすぎたわい。ぶつかってもわっちのことを恨むでないぞー My wind chime? It quite strikes my fancy, though it is a bit too large. Watch yourself so you don't get whacked by it!
Main 3 羽黑,足柄,妙高……啊,稍微有些怀念起……逗她们玩的日子了~ 羽黒、足柄、妙高……あの子たちの世話を見る日々、懐かしいよのう~ Ah, Haguro, Ashigara, and Myoukou... How I miss the days of watching over those younglings~
Touch 真是不让人省心的家伙,又有哪里要我出马了? 世話の焼ける指揮官じゃ~どれ、わっちが出る番なのかえ? Aren't you a needy commander. You require my assistance, do you, now?
Victory 第一驱逐队的一号驱逐舰,拿第一也是理所当然的啦~ 第一駆逐隊の、第一号駆逐艦のわっちだから、一番を取るのは当然のことじゃ☆ Being in the first Destroyer Division and being the first of my class, it's only natural I also get first place!