Kasumi (JP 🇯🇵: 霞, CN 🇹🇼: 霞)
Ship IDNo. 424Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time00:28:00
AcquisitionEvent: Swirling Cherry Blossoms
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENDecember 26, 2019
KRDecember 26, 2019
CNDecember 26, 2019
JPDecember 26, 2019
Voice actressTakeda Mariko
Kasumi Description
Asashio-class destroyer number 10 – Kasumi.
New Year's ComfortDescription
Warm and comforting clothes... Warm and comforting red bean soup... Ahh, I love New Year's.
Kasumi (Retrofit)Description
HP322 Reload74
Firepower12 Torpedo101
Evasion71 Anti-air29
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW47 Luck70
HP1498 Reload143
Firepower32 Torpedo259
Evasion239 Anti-air110
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW117 Luck74
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun75%/75%/75%/80%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1127mm Mounted Gun
2Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: Asashio-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock8 +1
Max LimitBreak16
Lv.12012 +1
Foo and FriendsAt the start of the battle, if Kasumi is sortied with 2 or more friends in your Vanguard: increases the TRP of your Sakura Empire Vanguard ships by 5.0% (15.0%) .Default Unlocked
Emergency ManeuversEvery 20s: 15.0% (30.0%) chance for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 6s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Asashio Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description朝潮级驱逐舰十番舰—霞朝潮型駆逐艦十番艦・霞Asashio-class destroyer number 10 – Kasumi.
Biography霞,是朝潮级的霞。礼号作战,霞和大家一起完成了任务。没有同伴们,霞一个人做不到。朝潮型の霞。礼号作戦でみんなと一緒に任務を頑張った。仲間たちがいなかったら霞、ひとりじゃ何もできないよI'm Kasumi, from the Asashio-class. During Operation Rei-go, my friends and I did our best to complete our missions. Without them, I would not have been able to accomplish anything alone.
Acquisition我是霞。指挥官,是霞的好朋友吗?霞だよ。指揮官は霞のお友達?I'm Kasumi. Commander, are you my friend?
Login指挥官好。噗噗,也向指挥官打个招呼?指揮官、こんにちは。ふわりんも指揮官に挨拶して?Hello, Commander. Foo, say hi to Commander too, okay?
Details霞能看到很多大家看不到的东西,噗噗就是。霞看到噗噗很孤独,就和它成为了好朋友。霞、ふわりんとか、皆が見えてないものが見えるよ。ふわりん、ひとりぼっちだったから、霞が友達になってあげたKasumi can see lots of things that others can't, like Foo here, for example. Kasumi saw that Foo was all alone, so we became friends.
Main噗噗是霞的好朋友。霞在哪,噗噗就会在哪。ふわりんはお友達。霞とふわりんはいつも一緒Foo is my good friend. We're always together.
Main 2霞很容易变得很累……指挥官的胸口,很舒服。霞、疲れやすいから…指揮官の胸の中だと霞、いい気分……Kasumi... gets tired easily... Commander, your chest is really comfortable.
Main 3不知火,总是会吓到噗噗。有没有办法让噗噗不那么怕她的鬼火?ふわりん、不知火にいつも怖がっちゃってる……指揮官、ふわりんが鬼火を怖がらないようになんとかできないかな…Foo is always scared around Shiranui... Commander, is there no way to help Foo not be afraid of her will-o'-the-wisps...?
Touch指挥官,想和噗噗说话?指揮官はふわりんとお喋りしたいの?Commander, would you like to talk to Foo?
Touch (Special)指挥官,噗噗它在咬你ふわりんが指揮官の体にパクッと噛み付いてるよCommander, Foo is biting you.
Mission噗噗说,还有任务,指挥官在偷懒。「任務がまだあるのに、指揮官サボってるじゃない」…ふわりん、霞にそう言ったFoo told me... that there are still missions left, and that Commander should stop slacking off...
Mission Complete噗噗说,任务完成了,指挥官做得很棒,霞要给指挥官奖励。我抱——「任務完了~頑張った指揮官に、霞がご褒美をあげないとね」…ふわりん、霞にそう言った"Mission complete~ Good job, Commander, Kasumi will give you a reward" ...Foo, what are you saying...
Mail信件,要是噗噗能拿起来就好了。ふわりん、メールを持てればいいのにIt'd be nice if Foo could get the mail...
Return to Port噗噗,指挥官回来了。指挥官,喝茶。ふわりん、指揮官が戻ってきたよ。指揮官、お茶Foo, Commander's back. Commander, your tea.
Commission Complete噗噗说,委托的大家在等指挥官,已经等了很久了。「委託組のみんな、指揮官まだかなーって言ってるっぽいよ」…ふわりん、霞にそう言った"The commission team has been waiting for Commander for a long, long time." ...That's what Foo told me.
Enhancement噗噗,霞有变化吗?ふわりん、霞、変わった…?Foo, is Kasumi any different...?
Flagship噗噗,我们上ふわりん、頑張ろ?Foo, let's do our best?
Victory噗噗,我们做到了ふわりん、やったねFoo, we did it.
Defeat噗噗,保护大家ふわりん、みんなを…守ってFoo, make sure to... protect the others.
Skill大家,一起加油みんな、頑張ろLet's do our best, everyone.
Low HP认真的霞,很厉害的本気の霞は、スゴイよKasumi... is very strong when she gets serious!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,不要难过,霞做你的好朋友。指揮官、落ち込まないで、霞はお友達だよDon't be sad, Commander. Kasumi will be your friend.
Affinity (Stranger)噗噗不喜欢热闹的地方,所以霞也不喜欢。ふわりんは人が多い場所が苦手だから、霞も人の多い場所が嫌Foo can't handle being around lots of people, so Kasumi also dislikes crowded places...
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官是霞的好朋友,霞和噗噗会一直陪着指挥官的。指揮官は霞のお友達、だから霞もふわりんも指揮官とずっと一緒Commander, Foo and Kasumi will always stay by yourside, because you're our friend.
Affinity (Like)指挥官,霞想一起看电影。就是那种,有很多和噗噗一样的东西的电影,霞特别喜欢。可以吗?指揮官、霞と映画見ない?霞が大好な、ふわりんみたいのがたくさん出る映画………一緒に見てもいい?Commander, do you want to watch a movie with Kasumi? Kasumi likes movies with lots of friends that look like Foo... Let's watch one together?
Affinity (Love)噗噗会赶走那些指挥官看不到的坏蛋,这样霞就能保护好指挥官了。所以,霞要一直待在指挥官的身边。ふわりん、指揮官が見えてない悪い子を追い払ってくれるし、霞も指揮官を守る。指揮官とは…ずっと一緒Foo will chase away all the bad guys that Commander cannot see. Kasumi will also protect you. We'll always be together...
Pledge霞收到了最重要的礼物。霞会为了成为指挥官最重要的人而努力的。……噗噗?唔,噗噗它说,这种时候应该更亲密一些才行。那,啾——像这样,对吗?指揮官から大事なものをもらった。だから霞も、指揮官にとって大事な人になれるように頑張る。……ふわりん?どうしたの?「こういうときはイチャイチャしないと」って…?ん……(チュッ)こう?Commander, you've given me the most precious gift. That's why I'll give it my all to become the person most precious to you. ...Foo, what's the matter? I have to act more lovey-dovey? Um, then... *kiss*... Like that?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Shiranui噗噗,别怕,那只是鬼火。ふわりん、あれは不知火の鬼火だよ。怖くないFoo, don't be scared, it's just Shiranui's will-o'-the-wisp.
In battle with Erebus那不是奇怪的东西,那是噗噗。変な子じゃなくて、ふわりんだよWeird thing? No, that's just Foo.
In battle with Kagerou, Shiranui十八驱逐队,这次会平安无事的。第十八駆逐隊、今度はきっと大丈夫The 18th DesDiv... will come home safely this time.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description暖洋洋的衣服,与热乎乎的年糕……新年,真棒。ぽかぽかの服、ぽかぽかのおしるこ……お正月、好きWarm and comforting clothes... Warm and comforting red bean soup... Ahh, I love New Year's.
Acquisition暖洋洋的衣服,与热乎乎的年糕……新年,真棒。ぽかぽかの服、ぽかぽかのおしるこ……お正月、好きWarm and comforting clothes... Warm and comforting red bean soup... Ahh, I love New Year's.
Login指挥官,新年快乐,要吃年糕吗?指揮官、おめでとう。おしるこ…ぽかぽかする?Commander, Happy New Year's. Would you like... some piping hot red bean soup?
Details不知火送的年糕,还有很多。指挥官,要吃?不知火からもらったお餅、残ってる…指揮官も、どう?There's still a lot of the mochi Shiranui brought over... Commander, do you want some?
Main年糕,好吃又好玩,再吃一个。おしるこのお餅、美味しくて、楽しい。もう一個♪The mochi inside red bean soup... is delicious and fun to play with. Seconds, please~♪
Main 2幽灵小姐,能和噗噗做好朋友吗?…嗯?幽灵小姐不是幽灵吗?幽霊さん、ふわりんとお友達にならない?…ん?幽霊さんは幽霊じゃないの?Miss Ghost, would you like to be friends with Foo? ...Huh? You aren't really a ghost?
Main 3新年,要是有新的恐怖电影看就好了。霞还想和指挥官看更多的电影。お正月、新しいホラー映画が見たい。指揮官ともっと見たいI hope a new horror movie comes out during New Year's. Commander, I'd like to watch one with you.
Touch指挥官,要来一口?啊——指揮官、お餅。あーんCommander, want some mochi? Say ahhn~
Return to Port噗噗,你也想吃年糕?唔,好像做不到呢,对不起。ふわりんもお餅食べる?…難しそうね。ごめんねFoo, you want to eat some mochi too? ...I'm not sure that's possible, sorry.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description嗯,新学期,霞和噗噗都很期待。指挥官也是,对吗?新学期、ふわりんも霞も、楽しみ。ドキドキ、指揮官もそう?Kasumi and Foo are excited about the new semester. Are you too, Commander?
Acquisition嗯,新学期,霞和噗噗都很期待。指挥官也是,对吗?新学期、ふわりんも霞も、楽しみ。ドキドキ、指揮官もそう?Kasumi and Foo are excited about the new semester. Are you too, Commander?
Login指挥官,准时到了呢。噗噗和霞,也没有迟到。指揮官、時間通り。霞とふわりんも、遅刻していないよYou're right on time, Commander. Just like Foo and Kasumi.
Details欸…书包拉链开了?…一定是噗噗的恶作剧,才不是因为睡过头出门太赶没注意…かばんが開いている?ふわりんのいたずらかな。霞が急いで出かけたからじゃないよMy bag is unzipped? Must be one of Foo's pranks. It's definitely not because Kasumi left in a hurry.
Main无论是上学、放学,还是在学校里,噗噗都和霞在一起。通学中でも、授業中でも、ふわりん、霞と一緒Foo follows Kasumi everywhere, to and from school, and even in class.
Main 2校园不可思议传说…感觉可以给噗噗找到一些同伴了呢。母港の不思議……ふわりん、お友達作れそうThere are will-o'-the-wisps around port... Maybe Foo can befriend them.
Main 3作业…要是噗噗也能帮忙写就好了。宿題…ふわりんも手伝えればいいのにI wish Foo could help me with my homework.
Touch东西掉了…?谢谢指挥官帮我捡起来。なにかが落ちた…?指揮官、ありがとうI dropped something? Thanks for telling me, Commander.
Touch (Special)指挥官,噗噗它在不停地撞你哦。指揮官、ふわりんはつついているよCommander, Foo is jabbing at you.
Return to Port指挥官…要在开学典礼上发言?有点好奇指挥官要讲些什么……始業式で指揮官が発言?ちょっと気になる……You're giving a speech at the opening ceremony? I wonder what you'll talk about...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description霞感觉…好像长大了一些。嗯,噗噗也是这么说的。霞、この姿だと少ししゅっとなっている気がする。ふわりんもそう言ってたKasumi thinks that her outfit has gotten a bit breezier. Foo said the same thing.
Acquisition霞感觉…好像长大了一些。嗯,噗噗也是这么说的。霞、この姿だと少ししゅっとなっている気がする。ふわりんもそう言ってたKasumi thinks that her outfit has gotten a bit breezier. Foo said the same thing.
Login指挥官好。噗噗和霞,都在等着你来。こんにちは。ふわりんと霞、待っていたよHello. Foo and Kasumi have been waiting for you.
Details因为霞能看到,所以噗噗不再孤独了,霞也…多了许多好朋友,嗯,能看到,是好事。霞がいるから、ふわりん、ぼっちじゃない。霞も、お友達いっぱいいるから、うん、いいことKasumi is here, so Foo is never lonely. And Kasumi has lots of friends, so everything is good.
Main霞希望能帮上大家更多忙,噗噗也是,嗯,霞和噗噗,会一起加油的。霞、皆の役にもっと立ちたい。ふわりんも。うん、ふわりんと霞、一緒に頑張るKasumi wants to help people. Foo does, too. We're gonna try to be as helpful as we can.
Main 2霞好像没有以前那么容易累了,指挥官如果累了,就来霞身边休息一会吧。霞、前よりは疲れにくくなった。指揮官が疲れたら、霞のそばで、おやすみしていいよKasumi has more energy than before. If you feel tired, just sit next to Kasumi and rest.
Main 3不知火是伙伴,噗噗已经不会怕了,嗯。不知火は仲間だから、ふわりん、もう怖くない、うんShiranui became a friend, so Foo isn't scared of her anymore.
Touch噗噗也想和你说话呢,指挥官。ふわりんも、指揮官とおしゃべりしたいって言ってるFoo said, "I wish I could talk to the commander too."
Return to Port指挥官回来了。指挥官,喝茶,这是霞泡的哦。おかえり、指揮官。お茶をどうぞ。霞が淹れたよWelcome back, Commander. Kasumi brewed some tea. Have a cup.