Asashio (JP 🇯🇵: 朝潮, CN 🇹🇼: 朝潮)
Ship ID No. 331 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Event: Ink-Stained Steel Sakura
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 32
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Yuiko Tatsumi
Asashio Description
Asashio-class destroyer number one – Asashio.
The Transfer Student Underneath the Dancing Petals Description
My name is Asashio, and I just transferred here today. Pleased to meet you... Even though I might not be able to get caught up with the course work, Mr. Kitty and I will do our best.
Snow-Dusted Lynx Tips Description
Happy New Year, Commander. I am here to spend the New Year with you. Would you be so kind as to first help me down from here?
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1614 Reload 171
Firepower 54 Torpedo 461
Evasion 185 Anti-air 130
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 170 Luck 32
Hit 174 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 1937 Reload 196
Firepower 62 Torpedo 508
Evasion 191 Anti-air 149
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 189 Luck 32
Hit 182 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 312 Reload 72
Firepower 12 Torpedo 98
Evasion 71 Anti-air 28
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 46 Luck 32
Hit 67 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 32
Hit Speed 42
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 32
Hit Speed 42
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: Asashio-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +1
Max LimitBreak 12
Lv.120 9 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
8th Destroyer Division Increases FP and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%) and TRP by 4.0% (10.0%) for 8th Destroyer Division DDs (Asashio, Ooshio, Michishio, and Arashio.)
Anti-Destroyer Tactics Increases this ship's Hit Rate against enemy DDs by 5.0% (20.0%) and decreases the DMG it takes from enemy DD Torpedoes by 5.0% (20.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Asashio Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 朝潮级驱逐舰一番舰—朝潮 朝潮型駆逐艦一番艦・朝潮 Asashio-class destroyer number one – Asashio.
Biography 朝潮级驱逐舰首舰、朝潮…和荒潮,还有大家一起组成过第八驱逐队,虽然后来队伍解散了…但我相信,总有一点能和大家再聚到一起的。指挥官…愿意帮我找到她们吗? 朝潮型駆逐艦ネームシップ・朝潮です。荒潮、そして仲間のみんなと一緒に第八駆逐隊を結成しました。最後は解散したけど…いつか絶対に仲間たちに会えると信じています。指揮官…朝潮を手伝ってくれますか? Asashio-class nameship, Asashio. Arashio and I, along with our friends, formed the 8th DesDiv. Though we were disbanded in the end, I strongly believe that we'll be able to be together again one day. Commander... do you want to help me find them?
Acquisition 为了寻找失散的同伴,驱逐舰朝潮,加入您的舰队…指挥官,你也有…无法割舍的重要同伴吗? はぐれた仲間たちを探すため、駆逐艦朝潮、あなたの艦隊に参加しました…指揮官、あなたにも…失いたくない、大切な仲間がいますか? I am Asashio. I've come to join this fleet in order to search for my missing comrade. Commander, do you also have someone who you could not give up on?
Login 欢迎回来,指挥官。如果暂时不想出航的话,就先休息一下吧? おかえりなさい、指揮官。しばらく出航したくないのでしたら、こちらでお休みになってはいかがですか? Welcome back, Commander. If you don't want to set sail right away, why don't you rest first?
Details 想一直待在港口,可这样是找不到荒潮的… ずっと母港にいたいです。…だけどこのままでは荒潮を見つけられませんよね… I'd like to stay here forever... But at this rate, I won't be able to find Arashio.
Main 丹皮尔海峡?朝潮不太愿意回想起那里呢…比起这个,指挥官…可以给我改造一门防空炮吗? ダンピール海峡?朝潮、あまりあそこを思い出したくはありませんが……それより指揮官、対空砲を一門追加していただけますか? Dampier Strait? I don't really want to think about that place anymore... More importantly, Commander, can you install another anti-air gun?
Main 2 吃好,喝好,睡好,这是最幸福的事情… よく寝てよく食べることは一番の幸せです Happiness is a full belly and a good night's sleep.
Main 3 啊呼(打哈欠),已经这么晚了吗……还在努力的指挥官大人,要注意身体哦? はあ……もうこんな時間ですか……指揮官はまだ頑張っていますね。どうか体にはお気をつけください *Yawns* ...It's already so late, but Commander is still at it... Please make sure to take care of yourself.
Touch 没关系,朝潮…没有在害怕哦 大丈夫、朝潮……怖くなんかありませんよ Don't worry, I... am not afraid anymore!
Touch (Special) 感觉…有点奇怪… 変な感じです… What a weird feeling...
Mission 指挥官…任务…偶尔也要提起干劲来哦? 指揮官、任務…たまにはやる気を出してくださいね Commander, your missions... Please show some motivation once in a while.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励…可以拿去买吃的吗? 任務の報酬…食べ物を買いに行っていいですか The mission rewards... can I use them to buy something to eat?
Mail 我可以帮您读一下邮件吗?也许…会有荒潮的消息也说不定 メールは朝潮が読み上げましょうか。もしかしたら…荒潮のことが書かれているかもしれませんし Shall I go through the email for you? Maybe there's a letter from Arashio...
Return to Port 没有什么比这里更能让人安心的了。指挥官,你也是这样认为的吗? ここより安心できる場所なんてありません。指揮官もそう思うのですか? There is nothing more reassuring than being here. Commander, don't you think so too?
Commission Complete 该去迎接大家了呢 みんなを向かえにいきましょう Isn't it about time to welcome the others back?
Enhancement 朝潮觉得,或许再装上一门防空炮会更好… 朝潮は、対空砲をもう一門つけたほうがいいと思います I think... it'd be better to mount another anti-air gun.
Flagship 防空准备…做好了吗? 防空態勢…準備はいい? Anti-air preparations... is everything in place?
Victory ……好像朝潮不小心干了件不得了的事情呢 ……朝潮がとんでもないことをしたようですね It seems that I accidentally did something awesome...
Defeat 只要再强化一下防空设备的话… もう少し防空火器を充実させられれば… If only I had upgraded my anti-air equipment a bit more...
Skill 这次…不会再失败了! 今度は…くじけない! This time... I won't fail again!
Low HP 好像…情况不太妙… 状況は…あまりよろしくないですね… The situation... seems to not be ideal.
Affinity (Upset) 荒潮…你在哪呀? 荒潮…どこ…… Arashio... Where are you?
Affinity (Stranger) 每当凝望海平线时,总是会忍不住想起以前的事情呢… 水平線を見つめるたびに、あのときのことを思い出してしまいます Every time I look out into the horizon, memories of that time come flooding back to me...
Affinity (Friendly) 昨天又做噩梦了。指挥官今天晚上能陪我一起睡吗?朝潮很怕……怕梦见黑色的海底,怕看到什么都做不到的自己… また悪い夢を見ました。指揮官、今夜は一緒にいていただけますか?朝潮……あの黒い海底、何も見えない夢……怖いです… I had another nightmare yesterday. Commander, would you please stay with me tonight? That black abyss, not being able to see anything... I'm scared...
Affinity (Like) 最近和指挥官在一起的时候,朝潮感到特别心安。可当想到荒潮的时候,又会感到很心疼… 指揮官と一緒にいると安心します。…だけど、荒潮のことを考えると、不安…… Commander, I'm at ease when I'm with you... But every time I think about Arashio, I get anxious again...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官总是这样,不知不觉中给人安全感。可是…朝潮现在好像有更加害怕的事了…指挥官,你会一直在朝潮身边的…吧? 指揮官はいつも知らない間に朝潮を安心させてくれます。ですが朝潮、怖いことが一つ増えました。……指揮官はずっと、朝潮の側にいてくれます…よね? Commander, you're somehow always able to put my heart at ease. But recently, I've discovered something else that scares me... Commander, you'll always stay by my side... right?
Pledge 如果说…朝潮也遇到过什么好事的话,那一定是和指挥官相遇这件事了吧。指挥官,以后…还能每天找你哄我入睡吗?今晚…明晚…每一晚—— もし朝潮にいいことがあるとしたら、きっとそれは指揮官と出会ったことです。指揮官、これからも朝潮が眠るまで側にいてくれますか?今日も…明日も…毎日…… If there's one good thing that's happened to me, it's that I was able to meet you, Commander. Will you stay by my side until I fall asleep? Tonight... and tomorrow... and every night...
In battle with Arashio 这次…要一起回去哦 今度は…一緒に戻りましょう This time... let's go home, together.
In battle with Ooshio 朝潮也喜欢可爱的女孩子。…不一样? 朝潮も可愛いコが好きです…違うんです? I also like cute girls. Hm? It's not the same?
In battle with Michishio 朝潮也喜欢唱歌哦。 朝潮も歌が好きですよ I love to sing as well~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我是转校生朝潮,请多指教…虽然不知道能不能跟上大家的课程,不过朝潮会和喵喵一起努力的… 転校生の朝潮です。よろしくお願いします。……授業についていけるかわかりませんが、ニャンニャンと一緒にがんばります My name is Asashio, and I just transferred here today. Pleased to meet you... Even though I might not be able to get caught up with the course work, Mr. Kitty and I will do our best.
Acquisition 我是转校生朝潮,请多指教…虽然不知道能不能跟上大家的课程,不过朝潮会和喵喵一起努力的… 転校生の朝潮です。よろしくお願いします。……授業についていけるかわかりませんが、ニャンニャンと一緒にがんばります My name is Asashio, and I just transferred here today. Pleased to meet you... Even though I might not be able to get caught up with the course work, Mr. Kitty and I will do our best.
Login 啊,又到了上学的时间了…指挥官,要一起去学校吗? また学園に行く時間ですね。…指揮官、学園まで一緒にどうですか? It's time to go to school again... Commander, want to walk with me?
Details 不知道在学校能不能找到荒潮呢…? 荒潮、学園にはいないのでしょうか…? I wonder if I can find Arashio here at school...?
Main 如果能和荒潮一起上学…就好了呢… 荒潮と一緒に学園に通えたら…いい、ですね… How nice it'd be to go to school with Arashio...
Main 2 喵喵…总是喜欢在人脚边蹭蹭呢 ニャンニャン、足元にくっつくのが大好きなのですね Mr. Kitty always likes to rub against peoples' legs.
Main 3 啊呼(打哈欠),在上课的时间睡觉虽然很舒服…但果然还是不大好…吧? ふあ……授業中に寝るのは気持ちいいですけど…やっぱりこれ、ちょっと良くない…よね? *yawn*...It feels nice to take a nap during class, but... I probably shouldn't, right?
Touch 指挥官…也想被喵喵蹭蹭吗? 指揮官も…ニャンニャンにスリスリされたいですか? Commander... do you also want Mr. Kitty to rub against you?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新年快乐,我是正在与指挥官共度新年的朝潮。指挥官,朝潮想要从这里下来了,能稍微接一下我吗? あけましておめでとうございます。一緒にお正月を過ごしている朝潮です。指揮官、朝潮のこと、受け止めてくださいませんか? Happy New Year, Commander. I am here to spend the New Year with you. Would you be so kind as to first help me down from here?
Acquisition 新年快乐,我是正在与指挥官共度新年的朝潮。指挥官,朝潮想要从这里下来了,能稍微接一下我吗? あけましておめでとうございます。一緒にお正月を過ごしている朝潮です。指揮官、朝潮のこと、受け止めてくださいませんか? Happy New Year, Commander. I am here to spend the New Year with you. Would you be so kind as to first help me down from here?
Login 指挥官,要来点热茶和蜜柑吗? 指揮官、温かいお茶とみかんはいかがですか? Commander, would you like some hot tea and a mikan orange?
Details 呼…呼…指挥官也要来一点热茶吗?像这样握着…呼呼一下,暖暖的很舒服哦。 ぽかぽか…指揮官もいかがですか?熱いお茶をもっと、こう…ふーふー…ぽかぽか…暖かくて気持ちいいです So warm... Commander, would you like some? Here, you should enjoy hot tea like this... Fwoo, fwoo... Then just let the warmth spread over you.
Main 指挥官冷吗…这样可不行,嗯,要像这样抱住取暖一下才行。 指揮官、寒いですか?…いけませんね。んん…こうして抱きつくと暖かくなりますよ Are you cold, Commander? ...That's no good. Mm, you'll warm up if I give you a hug like this.
Main 2 大家送来的吃的太多了,吃不完了…指挥官,能帮朝潮吃掉一些吗? 皆の差し入れが食べきれません…指揮官、朝潮のを、よかったら食べてください I can't finish all the food that everyone brought... Commander, if you don't mind, could you help finish mine?
Main 3 虽然冬天不能开茶会,不过大家一起窝在被炉里聊天也很开心呢。 冬だとお茶会はできませんけど、皆でコタツに入っておしゃべりできるのは楽しいです Even though we can't have a tea party during the winter, it's fun to sit around and chat with everyone inside the kotatsu.
Touch 要握手…吗?好的。 握手…ですか?はい Hold hands...? Okay.
Mail 新年也有不少来信呢。 お正月でも、手紙が届いていますね There are still letters coming in even though it's New Year's day.
Victory 为了指挥官,朝潮会加油的。 朝潮は指揮官のために頑張りました For your sake, Commander, I shall do my best.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,非常谢谢你过来看我练习,我们正在进行春节宴会节目的彩排…如果指挥官喜欢的话,朝潮会很开心的。 指揮官、見に来てくれてありがとうございます。春節の宴会でやる出し物のリハーサルです。…気に入ってくれると朝潮、とても嬉しいです Commander, thank you for coming to see me. I'm currently rehearsing my program for the Spring Festival performance. I do hope it is to your liking.
Acquisition 指挥官,非常谢谢你过来看我练习,我们正在进行春节宴会节目的彩排…如果指挥官喜欢的话,朝潮会很开心的。 指揮官、見に来てくれてありがとうございます。春節の宴会でやる出し物のリハーサルです。…気に入ってくれると朝潮、とても嬉しいです Commander, thank you for coming to see me. I'm currently rehearsing my program for the Spring Festival performance. I do hope it is to your liking.
Login 嘿咻、嘿咻…朝潮很努力地学习跳舞了哦。指挥官觉得怎么样? ぴょん、ぴょん…踊り方、朝潮、頑張って勉強しました。指揮官、どうですか? Flutter, flutter... I've been trying my best to learn these dance steps. How do I look, Commander?
Details 咚,咚咚…随着鼓点…嘿咻…啊。指挥官,没事吗…?朝潮,应该不重吧? ドン、ドンドン…太鼓の音に合わせてぴょん、ぴょん…あっ。指揮官、大丈夫ですか…?朝潮、重くなかったですか? *Bum* *Bum* *Bum*... The drums' sound makes me feel all fluttery... Oh, Commander, are you okay? I'm... not too heavy, am I?
Main 给看累了的指挥官揉揉肩,揉揉、揉揉…舒服吗? 見学に疲れた指揮官の肩をこう、もみもみ…気持ちいいですか? Shall I give you a shoulder massage since you've been working so hard? Rub, rub... Does that feel good?
Main 2 嗯,衣服是满潮选的,头饰是荒潮,足链是大潮…适合朝潮吗? えっと、衣装は満潮、髪飾りは荒潮、アンクレットは大潮が選びました…朝潮に似合っていますか? Um, Michishio chose this outfit, Arashio picked out this hair accessory, and Ooshio chose this anklet... Do you think they look good on me?
Main 3 能和曾经分别的大家一起这样准备节目…像做梦一样呢… かつて離れ離れになった皆とこうやって一緒に出し物の準備までできるなんて…夢のようです… The fact that all of us used to be separated... but can all come together to prepare for a show like this... is a dream come true...
Touch …长长的裙尾,轻飘飘的很漂亮呢。 …長めの裾、ひらひらして綺麗ですよね The long and fluttery sleeves are beautiful, aren't they?
Touch (Special) 这样,很难跳舞… 踊りづらい、です… It's hard to dance like this...
Return to Port 大家送的慰问品,东煌的点心,真香啊…指挥官,要不要和朝潮一起吃? 皆からの差し入れ、東煌菓子、いい匂い…指揮官、朝潮と一緒に食べませんか? Everyone's been bringing me gifts. These snacks from the Dragon Empery smell so good... Commander, do you want some as well?
Victory 为了指挥官,朝潮会赢的。 指揮官のために、勝ってみせます If it's for you, Commander, I know I can win.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 欢迎回来,指挥官。不用太着急,和大家一起慢慢来吧。 おかえりなさい、指揮官。皆でゆっくり行きましょう Welcome back, Commander. Let's take things nice and slow.
Details 港区有荒潮、有指挥官,朝潮想一直待在这里。 荒潮たちがいる母港、指揮官がいる母港。朝潮はずっとここにいたいです Michishio is here at this port, and you are too, Commander. I want to stay here forever.
Main 2 指挥官,有吃好睡好吗?…嗯,有就好。 よく眠ってよく食べていますか?うんうん、指揮官はいい子です。なでなでしてあげます Did you sleep well and have enough to eat? Good, good, that's what I want to hear. Pat, pat...
Main 3 Zzzz…指挥官…?朝潮可以再待一会吗…?晚安指挥官…Zzzz Zzzzz…指揮官…?朝潮、もうちょっとこのままでもいいですか…?指揮官もおやすみなさい…Zzzzz Zzzzz... Commander...? Can I stay like this a little longer...? Good night, Commander... Zzzzz...
Main 今天也和荒潮她们一起开茶会吧?…朝潮想和指挥官一起去。 今日も荒潮たちと一緒にお茶会しませんか?…朝潮、指揮官と一緒に行きたいです Would you like to have a tea party with Michishio and the others? ...Commander, I want us to go together.
Touch 朝潮,会一直守在指挥官身边的。 朝潮、指揮官のことを守ってあげますね I'll protect you, Commander.
Mission 指挥官…任务…和朝潮一起加油完成掉吧。 指揮官、任務…朝潮と一緒に頑張りましょうね Commander, there's a new mission... Let's do our best, together.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励…一会把大潮她们的分也拿过去吧。 任務の報酬…大潮たちの分もあとで持っていきましょう The mission rewards... Let's bring some along for Ooshio.
Mail 邮件…像满潮那样一边唱一边读比较好吗? 満潮のように、歌で読み上げたほうがいいですか? New mail... Should I try singing it aloud like Michishio does?
Return to Port 朝潮觉得没有比指挥官和大家身边更让人安心的地方了。指挥官觉得呢? 朝潮、指揮官と皆のそばが一番安心します。指揮官はどうですか? I feel safest when I'm with you and the others. Don't you think so too, Commander?