I56 (JP 🇯🇵: 伊56, CN 🇹🇼: 伊56)
Ship ID No. 397 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:30:00
Acquisition Time-Limited Build
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 38
Aviation 0
Reload 4
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
EN July 11, 2019
KR July 11, 2019
CN July 11, 2019
JP July 11, 2019
Voice actress Naomi Mukaiyama
I-56 Description
Type B3 Mod. 2 cruiser submarine – I-56.
Wallflower in the Corner Description
School... is pretty nice. I can quietly stay in this corner and mind my own business...
Firepower D
Torpedo S
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air E
HP 1733 Reload 54
Firepower 51 Torpedo 456
Evasion 18 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 46
Hit 148 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 2080 Reload 62
Firepower 59 Torpedo 502
Evasion 37 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 46
Hit 166 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 335 Reload 23
Firepower 11 Torpedo 97
Evasion 7 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 46
Hit 57 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 46
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 46
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 100%/105%/105%/115% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 100%/105%/105%/115% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 85%/85%/85%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
2 Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Type B1 Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +2
Max LimitBreak 8
Lv.120 6 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Slow Torpedoes Increases the DMG of this ship's Torpedoes by 4.5% (12.0%) but decreases their Speed by 1.
Airspace Affirmation When your Aerial Superiority status is higher than "AD": increases this boat's FP, TRP, and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: I-Type Submarine immediately after entering the battle.
00:30:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 巡潜乙型改二型型潜艇伊56 巡潜乙型改二伊号第五十六潜水艦 Type B3 Mod. 2 cruiser submarine – I-56.
Biography 我是巡潜乙型改二型型潜艇,或者说伊54型潜艇二号舰,伊56。我没有什么引人注目的战果…毕竟出生时已经是那时候了,也没办法呢… 巡潜乙型改二、もしくは伊五十四型潜水艦の二隻目、伊56。特に目立った戦果は出せなかったけど…しょうがないよね…だってあのときはどうしようもなかったもん…… I am the 2nd ship of the Type-B Mod. 2 cruiser submarines, I-56. The most noteworthy thing about me... is that I did nothing noteworthy... But there wasn't much I could do at that point anyway...
Acquisition 被找到了吗……好吧,我是伊56。那个,请给我一些一个人就能完成的任务,可以吗? 見つかっちゃった……い、伊56よ…あ、あの、一人でできる仕事だけ任せてもらってもいい…? I've been found... I... I'm I-56... Um, if there are any missions I can do by myself, could I get those?
Login 噫!指挥官,不用和我打招呼也没关系的…… ひぃ!?し、指揮官、挨拶しなくても…… Eep?! C-Commander... it's fine to not greet me...
Details 咿!?是、是指挥官啊…有什么事吗? ひぃ!?し、指揮官か……どうしたの…? Eep?! Oh, C-Commander... did you need something?
Main 指挥官每天都要和那么多舰船打交道,真厉害,我完全做不到 指揮官って毎日多くの艦船たちと話してるよね…すごい…わ、わたしには全然無理だよ… Commander, you're always dealing with so many people every day... Amazing... I-I'd never be able to do that...
Main 2 和指挥官独处的时候,很安静,感觉很舒服,可以安心地去想事情…… 指揮官と二人っきり、しーんとしてて気持ちよくて、安心できるから色々考えられそう…… Commander, being together with you is peaceful and quiet... I can calm down and think about lots of things...
Main 3 58和19…额,26那样的运动型其实也挺…哈啊!?指挥官!?没、没什么… 58は…19と…ううん、26のようなスポ根も…ひぃ!?し、指揮官!?なな、なんでもないっ!! Being athletic like 58 and 19.... err, I mean, 26... would be nice... Eek?! C-Commander? I-I didn't say anything!!
Touch 指挥官,怎么了?欸,难道我又自言自语说了什么奇怪的话吗!? 指揮官、どうしたの?い、いまわたし、変な独り言を言っちゃってたの?! Commander, what's the matter? Ah, umm... was I muttering something weird to myself again?!
Touch (Special) 呀?!难、难道要在这里被指挥官…!?——没、没什么,对不起… きゃっ!?し、指揮官はわたしをあの本みたいに……!?い、いいえ、なんでもないの!ごめんなさい…… Eek?! C-Commander... this is just like in that book...?! Ah, um, forget I said that! Sorry...
Mission 指挥官,那个,这些是任务书……吧? 指揮官、こ、これって、任務の書類だよ…ね? Commander, these... these are mission delegations, right...?
Mission Complete ……哈!糟了,清点任务奖励的途中,不小心陷入了妄想…… ……はっ!し、しまった…任務報酬まとめなきゃいけないのに、考え込んじゃった…… *gasp*! Oh no... I spaced out while tallying the mission rewards...
Mail 邮件的内容可要好好看清楚哦…? 内容をしっかり確認してね…? Make sure to go through your mail carefully...
Return to Port 今天的战斗……还算顺利吧? 今日の出撃……じゅ、順調…? Today's sortie... went well then?
Commission Complete 这次的委托组,会是什么样的组合呢…… 今日の委託組は、どんなか…じゃなくて、組み合わせ…? What's the commission of the composition team... Umm, I mean, the composition of the...
Enhancement 那个……谢谢 ど、どうも…… Um... th-thanks...
Flagship 没人发现我吧? 見つかってないよね…? They didn't find me, right...?
Victory ……下次,希望不会再拿第一了…… ……MVP、次は取りたくない…… Next time... I hope I don't get MVP...
Defeat 悄悄地撤退吧… こっそり逃げよう… Time to slink away quietly...
Skill 没办法了,上吧…! や、やるしかない…! Y-you leave me no choice...!
Low HP 好、好像有点太引人注目了呢… め、目立ちすぎちゃったかも… L-Looks like I've drawn too much attention...
Affinity (Upset) 请让我一个人待着就好… ひ、一人にさせて… Leave... Leave me alone...
Affinity (Stranger) 存在感低也是有好处的,可以避免掉很多麻烦的接触…… 変なことに巻き込まれなくていいなら、ちょっと空気みたいになってもいいかもね…… If you don't want to get caught up in bothersome things, it's probably better to be like thin air and not stand out...
Affinity (Friendly) 舰队里的大家关系都好好呀…呼呼…—欸?没、没什么,我是说,请让我一个人就好…… 艦隊のみんな、仲がいいよね……ふ、ふふふふ…な、なんでもないの!ひ、一人にして…… Everyone in the fleet gets along so well... Ehe... hehehe... Um, it's nothing... l-leave me alone...
Affinity (Like) 我有时候会不小心把心里想的事情自言自语说出来…请、请不要太在意… 時々考えていること、変なことを独り言で言っちゃうけど…き、気にしないで… From time to time, my thoughts slip out when I'm muttering to myself... D-don't read too much into it...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,对不起,最近一直没有来找你……因为,因为…我最近忍不住妄想起了我和指挥官在一起的情景,而且,完全停不下来……好丢脸 さ、最近会いに行かなくてごめんなさい……だって指揮官と一緒にいたらどうなるか、ず、ずっと考え込んじゃうの……うぅ…恥ずかしいよぉ…… Commander, sorry I haven't come to see you recently... It's just that... I've been thinking about you like crazy, and I can't stop it... It's so embarrassing...
Pledge 这…难道我还在妄想吗?嗯,这一定是妄想,但是,指挥官和平时一样温柔……那个,指挥官,能捏我一下吗? こ…これってモウソウだよね?うん、きっとそうだよ…指揮官、わたしのほっぺ、思いっきり引っ張って…! Am... am I still fantasizing? Mmhm... probably, yup... Commander, give my cheeks a good pinch...!
In battle with I-58 58到底该和谁一起最好呢…… 58は誰と組み合わせたら… Who works best with 58...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 学校,真是一个好地方。我可以安静地躲在角落里,不和别人说话也没有关系… 学園っていいよね…隅っこにいると、誰とも話すことなくずっとこのまま……うん…… School... is pretty nice. I can quietly stay in this corner and mind my own business...
Acquisition 学校,真是一个好地方。我可以安静地躲在角落里,不和别人说话也没有关系… 学園っていいよね…隅っこにいると、誰とも話すことなくずっとこのまま……うん…… School... is pretty nice. I can quietly stay in this corner and mind my own business...
Details 港区的伙伴之间,在手机上也有许多群组呢……大家经常会在里面发布照片,指挥官也可以看看 母校の仲間たちのタイムライン、みんな結構写真を投稿してたりして……指揮官も見てもいいよ…? The other kids often post all kinds of pictures onto social media from their phones... Commander, you can also take a look.
Main 在学校里,能看到大家和平时不同的一面,会产生许多新的灵感呢…… 学園でいつもとは違うみんなを見ると、なんかこう…閃いちゃうよね…… At school, you can see a completely different side of people. It can be pretty interesting...
Main 2 之前,我也收到了一些社团的邀请……不过,果然我还是更喜欢远远地看着大家呢 サークルの勧誘たくさん来たけど……や、やっぱりわたし、みんなを遠くから観察するのが好き… I've received invitations from several clubs before... but I still prefer to watch others from a distance.
Main 3 指挥官,请不用担心,我在学校里过的很好 指揮官、わたしのことはいいから、心配しないでね Don't worry, Commander. I'm enjoying my time at school.
Touch …………怎么了,指挥官?啊,我只是在看那边那对一起上学的两位… ……ど、どうしたの?わたし、あそこにいる通学中の二人を遠くから見てただけで… ... What's the matter, Commander? Oh, I was just watching that couple over there walking to school together...
Mission 有短信……?啊,指挥官,是新的任务提示 着信あり……?指揮官、新しい任務よ New text message...? Um, Commander, new missions have been posted.
Return to Port 指挥官,我刚刚放学……那个,一起回去吗? あっ指揮官、今下校途中……あ、あの!一緒に帰る…? Commander, I just got out of school... Um, want to head back together?
Flagship 不要妨碍我上学… 通学の邪魔しないで… I hope this doesn't get in the way of my school attendance...