I19 (JP 🇯🇵: 伊19, CN 🇹🇼: 伊19)
Ship IDNo. 338Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time
AcquisitionSpecial Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYui Ogura
Type B1 cruiser submarine – I-19.
Departure's Gentle Breeze Description
Aww, do I have to go to school? ... Oh, Commander! Are you here to see me off?
Pillowy ParadiseDescription
So sleepy... Hey, Commandeeer? Do you wanna nap with me and my torpedo?
HP349 Reload41
Firepower11 Torpedo106
Evasion10 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck19
HP1623 Reload78
Firepower29 Torpedo271
Evasion44 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck20
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Submarine Torpedo120%/125%/125%/135%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Submarine Torpedo100%/105%/105%/115%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
3Destroyer Gun80%/80%/80%/80%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
2Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Type B1Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock6 +1
Max LimitBreak12
Lv.1209 +2
Fatal Perforation8s after this boat enters the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) torpedo barrage that can pierce through enemies, damaging up to 2 targets per torpedo. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.Default Unlocked
Slow TorpedoesIncreases the DMG of this ship's Torpedoes by 4.5% (12.0%) but decreases their Speed by 1.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: I-19 immediately after entering the battle.???
Fatal Perforation+Increases this boat's TRP and ACC by 4.5% (12.0%) . 8s after entering the battle: fires a torpedo barrage that can pierce through enemies once (barrage DMG and pattern are based on the skill's level; enemies penetrated by the torpedoes still suffer DMG). When this boat retreats from the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level and this boat's TRP stat).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description巡潜乙型潜艇伊19巡潜乙型伊号第十九潜水艦Type B1 cruiser submarine – I-19.
Biography驱逐舰,航空母舰,战列舰,人家可是一下子把它们都打沉,打伤了呢。人家是不是很厉害~,指挥官?駆逐艦、空母、戦艦、一斉射でやっつけちゃうぞ~!ねえねえ指揮官、わたしってすごい?すごいでしょ?Destroyers, carriers, battleships, I'll sink 'em all with one shot~! Hey, Commander, aren't I amazing? I am, right?
Acquisition人家是伊19哦。指~挥~官~,人家一直在等你出现呢~伊-19だよ!しーきーかーん!伊19はずっとずーっと待ってたよ☆I'm I-19! Commaaandeeer! I-19's been waiting so, so long for you~!
Login指挥官,人家想你好久了呢~指揮官、ずーーっと待ってたよ!Commander! I've been waiting sooooo long for you!
Details想人家了吗?诶嘿嘿,指挥官,人家很高兴呢~わたしに会いたくなった?えへへ、すごく嬉しい♪Did you want to see me? Hehehe~ That makes me super happy~
Main人家给指挥官泡了热茶哦~嘿嘿,人家能干吧?指揮官にアツアツのお茶を淹れた!ねえねえ、わたし偉いでしょ?I made hot tea for you! I'm so great, aren't I?
Main 2文件整理好了?嘻嘻,人家想要摸摸头的说~書類を整理しておいた!えへへ~頭をなでなでしてほしいな~I went through your paperwork! Hehehe~ Maybe you could pat me on the head as a reward~
Main 3嗯哼?在盯着人家的哪里看呢~ふふん~どこをじーっと見つめてるの~?*Giggle*... What are you looking at~?
Touch要人家帮你放松一下吗?リラックスさせてほしいの?Do you want me to help you relax?
Touch (Special)诶嘿嘿,指挥官,只要你夸夸人家,人家就什么都答应你哦~えへへ~わたしを褒めてくれるなら何してもいいよ~Hehehe~ I don't mind at all, as long as you praise me~
Mission任务?要人家帮忙吗?人家会加油的呢~任務?手伝ってもいいの?頑張るよ~A mission? I can help! I'll give it 100%~
Mission Complete人家把任务奖励带过来了呢~指挥官,不夸夸人家吗?任務報酬持ってきたよ~指揮官、ほめてほめて~I've brought the mission rewards~ Give me your praise, Commander~
Mail邮件?人家已经拿过来了呢。怎么样,人家是不是很聪明~メール?もう持ってきたよ?どう?わたし頭いいでしょ~Your mail? I already brought it here! See? Aren't I smart~?
Return to Port辛苦了呢~人家来帮你按摩吧……怎么样,人家是不是很能干?嘻嘻……お疲れ様~マッサージでもしちゃおうかな~……ふん、ふん、どう?わたし偉い?えへへ~……Nice work~ Maybe I should give you a massage... Mmh, how is it? Am I good? Hehehe~
Commission Complete要去迎接委托的姐妹们了吗?人家也想一起去呢,可以吗?委託に出かけた子たちを向かえにいくの?わたしも行きたい!ねえねえ、いいでしょう?Are you gonna welcome back the commission team? I wanna go with you! Surely I can come along?
Enhancement再多夸夸人家也没问题的哟~もっとわたしを褒めてもいいよ~You can praise me more~
Flagship这次人家也会好好努力呢~頑張っちゃうよ~I'll give it my best shot~
Victory要得到指挥官的称赞了呢……诶嘿嘿~これで指揮官に褒められるよね……えへへ~Now the Commander will hopefully praise me... Hehehe~
Defeat呜呜呜,好疼……好想回到指挥官身边……うぅ、いたいよ……指揮官の所に帰りたいよ……Oww, it hurts... I wanna go back to the Commander...
Skill人家,还要更加,更加地努力呢~わたし、もっともーっと頑張っちゃうよ~!I'll work super duuuuper hard~!
Low HP这、这点程度人家才不会被吓到呢!べ、別にこれぐらいは怖くないもん――!I-it'll take more than this to scare me!
Affinity (Upset)一定是人家还不够努力呢……まだ十分頑張れていないからだよね……It's all because I'm not trying hard enough, isn't it...
Affinity (Stranger)敌人?人家才不会放它们逃走呢~指挥官的敌人,要全——部消灭才行呢~敵?見逃さないよ~指揮官の敵はぜーっんぶやっつけちゃうんだから!Enemies? I won't let any get away~ I'll beat the heck outta each and every one of 'em!
Affinity (Friendly)要按摩吗?要捶背吗?还是要在人家的膝枕上睡一会呢?诶嘿嘿~ほしいのは……マッサージ?肩たたき?それともわたしのふとももで膝枕?えへへ~Would you like... a massage? A shoulder rub? Or maybe you want to use my thighs as a pillow? Hehehe~
Affinity (Like)指挥官,人家可爱吗?……诶嘿嘿,人家还想听呢,能再说一遍吗?指揮官、わたし可愛い?…えへへ~もっと聞きたいな~ねえねえ、もう一度言って~Do you think I'm cute? ... Hehehe~ C'mon, say it one more time~
Affinity (Love)人家已经彻底离不开指挥官了呢~指挥官也是一样的,对吧?嘻嘻~もうわたし、指揮官から離れないよ…指揮官もそうだよね?ねえねえ~えへへ♪I can't be without you anymore... You can't be without me either, right? Say it, c'mon~ Hehehe~
Pledge从此以后,指挥官就是人家一个人的了~人家还要听更多更多的夸奖,要和指挥官创造更多更多的回忆呢……これから指揮官はわたしだけのものなのね~もっと褒めてもらって、いっぱいいっぱい思い出を作ってもらいたいな~From now on, you'll always be mine~ I wanna hear your praise, and I wanna make lots and lots of dear memories with you~
In battle with Radford讨厌……离人家,远一点!キャンディは嫌!…あっちいってーっ><I don't want your candy! ... Go awaaaay!
In battle with Wasp, North Carolina人家可是很——厉害的呢,对吧?わたしってすーっごく凄いでしょう?そうでしょう?Aren't I suuuper amazing? I am, aren't I?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description唔……这种时候还要上课吗……嗯?指挥官,是来专门送人家的吗?えー学園行かないといけないの?……あ、指揮官!わざわざわたしを見送りに来てくれたの?Aww, do I have to go to school? ... Oh, Commander! Are you here to see me off?
Acquisition唔……这种时候还要上课吗……嗯?指挥官,是来专门送人家的吗?えー学園行かないといけないの?……あ、指揮官!わざわざわたしを見送りに来てくれたの?Aww, do I have to go to school? ... Oh, Commander! Are you here to see me off?
Login上课好没劲啊……还是呆在指挥官身边最好啦,嘻嘻~授業ってつまらない……指揮官のそばにいたほうが楽しいもん~えへへ♪School's so boring... I'd rather be by your side, Commander~ Hehehe~
Details多交点朋友?无所谓的啦~只要有指挥官陪着,人家就心满意足了呢!お友達を作ってって?別にいいよ~指揮官さえいれば十分だもん!I should make some friends? But I don't need any~! You're the only person I need!
Main呀,有风!……嗯哼?指挥官,你刚刚在盯着人家的哪里看呢~きゃっ!風が……うん?指揮官、今どこ見てたー?Eek! The wind nearly... Hmm? Were you trying to sneak a peek~?
Main 2指挥官,你也来帮人家补补课嘛~指揮官、補習手伝って……Commander, help me with my extra lessons...
Main 3指挥官,人家这身衣服怎样?可爱吗?嘻嘻~指揮官、この服はどう?カワイイ?えへへ~Do you like my outfit, Commander? Is it cute? Hehehe~
Touch欸嘿嘿,指挥官,要和人家一起上学吗?えへへ~指揮官、わたしと一緒に学園に通うの?Hehehe~ Do you wanna walk to and from school with me?
Touch (Special)要先等到教室的大家都走了才行呢……教室のみんながいなくなるまでしちゃダメだよ……No touching until everyone else has gone home...
Mail邮件?该不会是老师的抱怨信吧!メール?センセイからの愚痴じゃないよね……Mail? I hope it's not an angry letter from some teacher...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description好困……嗯,指挥官?要和“鱼雷先生”一起睡会吗?ねむねむ……しきかーん?「ギョライさん」と、一緒にねちゃおー?So sleepy... Hey, Commandeeer? Do you wanna nap with me and my torpedo?
Acquisition好困……嗯,指挥官?要和“鱼雷先生”一起睡会吗?ねむねむ……しきかーん?「ギョライさん」と、一緒にねちゃおー?So sleepy... Hey, Commandeeer? Do you wanna nap with me and my torpedo?
Login呼呼……人家还想多睡一会啦……Zzzz……もっと寝たいの……Zzz... I want to keep sleeping...
Details还是抱着“鱼雷先生”睡比较舒服呢~欸嘿嘿~「ギョライさん」に抱きついて寝るのが一番気持ちいいよね~えへへ~Sleeping while cuddling Mr. Torpedo is the best~ Ehehe~
Main红色的,黄色的,绿色的……好多好多的枕头……赤いの、黄色いの、緑色の……枕がいっぱーい……A red one, a yellow one, a green one... there are sooo many pillows~
Main 2指挥官,要试试“鱼雷先生”吗?很舒服的呢~指揮官、「ギョライさん」を試してみない?気持ちいいよ~Commander, do you want to try cuddling Mr. Torpedo? It'll feel really good~
Main 3唔——,26,别抢我的“鱼雷先生”……Zzzz、ギョライさんを引っ張らないでよ……Zzz... Don't take Mr. Torpedo away...
Touch唔……人家可不是抱枕……わたしは抱きまくらじゃないもん……Geez, I'm not a body pillow...
Touch (Special)这比“鱼雷先生”舒服多了吧?嘻嘻~「ギョライさん」より気持ちいいでしょ?えへへ~Don't you think I'm way more cuddlable than Mr. Torpedo? Ehehe~
Mission任务?等睡醒再说啦……任務?起きてからでいーよ~Missions? Sure, after I wake up~
Mail有新的枕头到了吗?呼……新しい枕なの?ZzzzzAre you my new pillow? Zzz...
Return to Port“鱼雷先生”,指挥官回来了呢……呼呼……「ギョライさん」、指揮官が戻ってきたよ……Zzzzz……Mr. Torpedo, the Commader's back... Zzz...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description人家换上了新的衣服哦~怎么样,合适吗?指~挥~官~觉得可爱的话就多夸夸人家嘛~「ばにー」さんの格好をしてみたよ?えへへ、どう?似合ってる?可愛いと思ったら褒めて♪I thought I'd try on this bunny costume! Hehehe, do you like it? If you think it's cute, I wanna hear you say it~
Acquisition人家换上了新的衣服哦~怎么样,合适吗?指~挥~官~觉得可爱的话就多夸夸人家嘛~「ばにー」さんの格好をしてみたよ?えへへ、どう?似合ってる?可愛いと思ったら褒めて♪I thought I'd try on this bunny costume! Hehehe, do you like it? If you think it's cute, I wanna hear you say it~
Login今天一天都由人家来照顾指挥官~有什么要人家做的尽管说哦~今日は一日、指揮官のお世話をするよ!わたしにしてほしいことがあったら何でも言って♪I'm here to serve you for the whole day! Just tell me if there's anything you want me to do~
Details被人家的新衣服迷住了吗?欸嘿嘿,指挥官喜欢的话就多多看看吧~わたしの格好にドキドキしちゃった?えへへ、指揮官ならいくらでもドキドキしていいよ~Does this outfit excite you? Hehehe~ You can stare all you want, you know~
Main人家给指挥官准备了热牛奶哦~嘿嘿,快夸夸人家嘛~指揮官にアツアツの牛乳を用意したよ!ねえねえ、わたし偉いでしょ?Here! A glass of hot milk for you! Aren't I super duper great?
Main 2兔子耳朵和猫猫耳朵,指挥官更喜欢哪一个呢?嘻嘻~「ばにー」さんとネコさんなら指揮官、どっちが好き?えへへ♪Commander, which do you like better, bunnies or cats? Hehehe~
Main 3唔~兔兔小姐竞争激烈啊…不过,人家会努力成为指挥官最喜欢的那个的~「ばにー」の格好をしている子、多いよね…わたし、指揮官の一番好きな「ばにー」になれるよう頑張る!Hmm, there's a lot of girls dressed like bunnies right now... I'll try to be your most favorite one!
Touch人家最近学习了按摩的技巧哦,指挥官要试试吗~?まっさーじ?を勉強したの!指揮官、えへへ、わたしにやってほしいの?I picked up a few massage techniques! Hehehe~ Want me to try them on you, Commander?
Touch (Special)欸嘿嘿…穿着这身还是有点不好意思呢…「ばにー」はちょっと恥ずかしいよ…?It feels a little weird, doing this in a bunny outfit...
Return to Port指挥官辛苦了~人家一直在这里等你回来哦~欸嘿嘿,人家很乖吧?指揮官お疲れ様~ずっとここで待ってたよ?えへへ、わたし偉い?Well done, Commander~ I've been waiting for you here this whole time! Hehehe~ Aren't I great?