I25 (JP 🇯🇵: 伊25, CN 🇹🇼: 伊25)
Ship IDNo. 396Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time00:30:00
AcquisitionTime-Limited Build
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJuly 11, 2019
KRJuly 11, 2019
CNJuly 11, 2019
JPJuly 11, 2019
Voice actressKaori Ishihara
I-25 Description
Type B1 cruiser submarine – I-25.
Coral Reef Bunny Description
Hi there, Commander. Oh, this outfit? I'll be wearing it to school today. By the way, did you want to come sit in on my class?
HP314 Reload26
Firepower12 Torpedo99
Evasion10 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck25
HP1459 Reload49
Firepower33 Torpedo254
Evasion44 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck26
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Submarine Torpedo115%/120%/120%/130%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Submarine Torpedo100%/105%/105%/115%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
3Destroyer Gun85%/85%/85%/85%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
2Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Type B1Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +2
Max LimitBreak8
Lv.1206 +1
Glen AssaultWhen this boat enters the battle: launches a special Type 0 Small Recon Seaplane airstrike (DMG is based on this boat's TRP stat.) Increases Accuracy by 5.0% (10.0%) for all SSs and SSVs in your fleet.Default Unlocked
Destructive DepartureWhen this boat resurfaces: fires a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.) When this boat hits an enemy with this barrage and its Main Guns: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to decrease the enemy's Accuracy and RLD by 5.0% (10.0%) for 15s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: I-Type Submarine immediately after entering the battle.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description巡潜乙型潜艇伊25巡潜乙型伊号第二十五潜水艦Type B1 cruiser submarine – I-25.
Biography我是巡潜乙型潜艇伊25。生涯里完成了多次巡视和破交、运输任务,还成功实施了几次非常大胆的作战哦。不管是什么任务都请尽管交给我吧,指挥官大人~巡潜乙型の伊-25と申します。偵察と通商破壊、輸送作戦のほかに、かなり大胆な作戦も何個か完遂しましたよ。ふふ、指揮官さん、なんでもお任せくださいねI'm the Type-B class cruiser submarine, I-25. I'm at my best when it comes to reconnaissance and disrupting shipping routes. I've also been in some... pretty daring operations. Hehe~ Commander, you can count on me.
Acquisition呼……终于碰到人了。指挥官大人,初次见面,我是伊25。希望我的到来能对指挥官有所帮助,请多指教了~ふぅ……ようやく人と会えましたね。はじめまして、伊-25と申します。指揮官さんのお役に立てると嬉しいです。何卒よろしくお願いしますPhew... I finally found you! Commander, I'm I-25. I hope that I can be a big help to you. Anyway, it's nice meeting you~
Login呃嗯……欢迎回来,指挥官。您不在的期间的内容我总结成汇报了,请您过目~うぅ……指揮官さん、おかえりなさい。いない間に起きたことをレポートにまとめました。どうぞMmh... Welcome back, Commander. While you were gone, I finished compiling all the reports. Here you go~
Details指挥官大人,非常抱歉,在您百忙之中有所叨扰……能帮我测试下侦察机的性能么?指揮官さん、お忙しい中すみません。水上機の性能テストをお手伝いいただけないでしょうか…?Sorry to bother you when you're busy, Commander, but could you please help me test the capabilities of my seaplane?
Main每次用餐前,和同级的姐妹们一起念“我开动了”的时候,都会有一种安稳的感觉油然而生呢同型艦の子たちとご飯を食べる時には「いただきます」ってみんなで言うんです。穏やかで平和な気分になりますねWhere I'm from, we always offer our respects for the food in front of us before each meal. It's a custom that helps us be at ease.
Main 2妹妹伊26给您添麻烦了,她是不是太活泼了呢?唔…我大概很难像她那样有用不完的精力吧妹がご迷惑をおかけしてすみません。あの子は元気が良すぎですね……わたしがああいう感じになるのはちょっと無理かな…I hope my sister hasn't been causing too much trouble for you. She's a little ball of energy... there's no way I can keep up with her...
Main 3指挥官…指挥官……?精神还好吗…抱歉,我有点担心…指揮官さん…指揮官さん……?起きているのでしょうか……ちょっと心配です…Commander... Commander...? Are you still asleep? I'm getting a bit worried...
Touch哈啊…指挥官大人成分,补给完成…はあ……指揮官さん成分、補給させていただきました……Haah... I'm being filled to the brim with your energy, Commander...
Touch (Special)唔……指挥官大人喜欢这、这样的感觉吗……指揮官さんはこういうのがこ、好みなのでしょうか……Commander, do you... like this kind of sensation...?
Mission还有一些任务没完成呢~指挥官大人,一起来完成吧~まだ完了済になっていない任務がありますね。指揮官さん、一緒に頑張ってこなしましょうThere are still some missions that need to be completed. Commander, let's finish them together.
Mission Complete这些都是大家努力的成果,应该挺起胸膛接受才是~みんなの努力の成果です。胸を張って受け取ってあげるといいですよThese are the fruits of everyone's efforts. Make sure to receive them with pride.
Mail新的邮件陆续过来了,还请尽早取阅哦,指挥官大人新しいお手紙が次々と…指揮官さん、早く確認したほうがいいですよNew mail keeps piling up... Commander, you should hurry up and start getting through these...
Return to Port看指挥官大人的笑脸,今天一定是凯旋而归吧。呵呵~要不要给您揉揉肩膀放松一下?指揮官さんの笑顔から察するに、凱旋してきたところなんですね。ふふ、肩をもんで差し上げましょうか?Judging by your grin, Commander, you must've had a resounding victory. Hehe, why don't you come here and let me massage your shoulders?
Commission Complete委托组的大家已经平安回归了~嗯…给她们带一点手作巧克力作为慰劳如何?委託組のみんなが無事戻りました。ん…手作りチョコとかで労をねぎらってはどうでしょう?Everyone in the commission fleet has returned safely. Hmm... should I reward them with some homemade chocolate?
Enhancement非常感谢指挥官大人,让我能够变得更可靠~ふふ、ここまで頼もしくなれたのは指揮官さんのおかげです。感謝しますHehe... Thank you for helping me become even more reliable, Commander~
Flagship有时也需要显眼一点呢……!ときには派手にやることも必要です…!Sometimes, you've got to stand out!
Victory嘻嘻,今后也请多把任务交给我吧ふふ、これからもなんでもお任せくださいHeehee, from now on, just leave it to me~
Defeat大家都还平安吧…?みんな無事でしょうか…?Is everyone safe?
Skill现在就是进攻的时机!攻め時です!Now's our time to attack!
Low HP这下有点难办了呢…ちょっと大変なことになりましたね…Now, this is a bit of a sticky situation...
Affinity (Upset)指挥官大人,虽然万分抱歉,但我还是不得不提醒您…您的懒散已经影响到了他人…差し出がましいかもしれませんが…指揮官さんのサボりが艦隊の仲間に悪影響を与えています。どうかご注意くださいThough I am very sorry that it has come to this, I must once again remind you that your poor work ethic has already affected the fleet.
Affinity (Stranger)感谢指挥官大人经常来看望我们。这样今天我也能努力工作了呢。嘻嘻指揮官さん、いつも会いに来てくださってありがとうございます。おかげさまで今日も一日頑張れますね。ふふCommander, thank you for coming to see me today. Because of you, I'll have some extra spring in my step. Hehe~
Affinity (Friendly)…今天指挥官大人不来吗……寂寞的要死掉了…——指挥、指挥官!?听到刚才的话了??……今日は指揮官さん、来ないのでしょうか……わたし、寂しくて倒れちゃいそうです……………し、指揮官さん!?今の聞いてたのですか??...Is Commander really not coming today..? I'm going to die of loneliness... ... C-Commander?! Did you hear me just now??
Affinity (Like)指挥官大人,对、对不起,这么突然来找您…只是突然觉得有点寂寞…很大胆吗?嘻嘻,其实在那次大战中我有过这样钻进敌人怀里的经验哦?指挥官大人想听听吗?指揮官さん、と、突然で申し訳ございません……わたし寂しくて……大胆って?ふふ、実はあの大戦でも敵の懐に潜り込んだ経験があるんですよ?知りたいですか?Commander, sorry to call you out all of a sudden, but I've just been so lonely... I'm quite bold, you say? Ehehe... Well, you know, I did have a bit of experience getting... tangled up with the enemy back then. Want to hear more about it?
Affinity (Love)啊呜…指挥官大人…我又来找您了…今、今天也可以一直在一起吗?只要和指挥官在一起我是永远不会感到孤单的!あぅ…指揮官さん……ま、また会いに来ちゃいました…今日は…今日もずっと一緒にいてもいいですか?指揮官さんと一緒ならわたし、ずっと孤独を感じずに済みますから!Ahhn... Commander, you've come to see me again... Today... today, you won't leave my side this time, right? Commander, if you stay with me, I'll never be lonely ever again!
Pledge这就是和指挥官大人的誓约的证明…谢谢您!我现在真的非常幸福!…还有,其实像这样能够一整天和指挥官在一起也很开心呢…嘻嘻これは指揮官さんとの誓いの証明……ありがとうございます!わたし、いまとっても幸せです!……あと、こうして今日一日中ずっといられるのもちょっと嬉しいです!へへへ♪This is the proof of our oath to each other, Commander... Thank you so much! Finally, I've found my happiness! I'm so glad... we'll get to spend all our days together like this from now on! Ehehe~♪
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with I26不要跑偏了哦?道を間違えないようにね?Try not to get lost, all right?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官大人您好。这身衣服…?今天要在学园上课才穿的哦?说起来,指挥官大人有没有兴趣参观大家上课呢?指揮官さん、こんにちは。この格好…?学園で授業を受ける日なのでいつもとは違う格好にしてみましたよ?ところで指揮官さん、授業参観に来てくれませんか?Hi there, Commander. Oh, this outfit? I'll be wearing it to school today. By the way, did you want to come sit in on my class?
Acquisition指挥官大人您好。这身衣服…?今天要在学园上课才穿的哦?说起来,指挥官大人有没有兴趣参观大家上课呢?指揮官さん、こんにちは。この格好…?学園で授業を受ける日なのでいつもとは違う格好にしてみましたよ?ところで指揮官さん、授業参観に来てくれませんか?Hi there, Commander. Oh, this outfit? I'll be wearing it to school today. By the way, did you want to come sit in on my class?
Login深、深海鱼攻击!诶,不,不是这样的吗…?我好像不大擅长这个呢…い、いんすまぁーす!あれ、ち、違うのですか…?わたしだとうまくいかないようですね…D-deep sea fish, attack! Umm, uh... that's not how it works...? I don't seem to be very good at this...
Details擅长的科目?什么科目都没问题。诶嘿嘿,尽管交给我就好得意な科目?なんでも得意ですよ。えへへ、なんでもお任せくださいねWhich subjects am I good at? I'd say I'm pretty decent at all of them. Ehehe, I did say you can leave everything to me.
Main海里的珊瑚礁可是很漂亮的哦。指挥官,想去看看的时候尽管告诉我就好海の中のサンゴ礁はとても綺麗ですよ。指揮官さん、見たいときはいつでも言ってくださいねCoral reefs are breathtakingly beautiful, Commander. If you ever want to see for yourself, just let me know.
Main 2由我说这个可能有点奇怪……但是森林火灾真的是很危险的哦?不当回事的话可是会出大事的。你看白鹰的伙伴们也是这么想的呢わたしが言うのもなんですが…山火事は本当に危険ですよ?甘く見ると大変なことになっちゃいますから。ほら、ユニオンの子たちもそう思っていますよねThis might sound strange coming from me, but forest fires are a very serious matter. There will be dire consequences if you don't take that to heart. Just ask the girls of the Eagle Union.
Main 3伊19真的没问题吧…下次伊19は大丈夫でしょうか…今度妹が遊びに誘った時にはわたしも様子を見に行ったほうがいいですねThere's nothing wrong with I-19, right... The next time I-26 calls everyone to play, I'll go check on her.
Main 4伊26叫她一起玩的时候我也去看看好了
Touch呼……只要在指挥官大人身边…就感觉十分安心呢……ふぅ……指揮官さんのそばにいるだけで落ち着きますね……Haah... as long as you're by my side, I feel safe and sound.
Touch (Special)啊呜……指挥官大人……あぅ…指揮官さん……Woahh... Commander...
Return to Port呃呜……上课的时候一直在想指挥官什么时候才能回来…看来又要被26笑话了呢……あぅ……指揮官さんがいつ帰ってくるのかなって、授業中にずっと思っていました…また妹に笑われちゃいますね……Uuhh... the whole time during class, I was thinking about when you'd come back, Commander... Looks like I-26 is going to make fun of me again...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官大人,春节快乐!要来点庆祝用的甜酒吗?啊,就算是甜酒也请注意不要喝太多哦?指揮官さん、春節おめでとうございます。祝いの甘酒でもいかがですか?あっ、甘酒とはいえ飲みすぎないように気をつけてくださいねCommander, Happy Lunar New Year. Would you like some sweet wine to celebrate? Oh, be careful not to drink too much~
Acquisition指挥官大人,春节快乐!要来点庆祝用的甜酒吗?啊,就算是甜酒也请注意不要喝太多哦?指揮官さん、春節おめでとうございます。祝いの甘酒でもいかがですか?あっ、甘酒とはいえ飲みすぎないように気をつけてくださいねCommander, Happy Lunar New Year. Would you like some sweet wine to celebrate? Oh, be careful not to drink too much~
Login指挥官大人…拜完年了吗……呼…今天的指挥官成分,补给完成,谢谢指挥官大人了。うぅ…し、指揮官さん…挨拶はもう終わりましたでしょうか…ふぅ…指揮官さん成分、今日もありがとうございます…Uhh... C-Commander, are you done making your rounds yet? ...Haah... thanks for filling me up with your energy today...
Details“秘、秘技,舞龙!”…啊呜,好像怎么也做不好…指挥官大人,是不是让妹妹和我换一下比较好……「ひ、秘技!龍の舞っ!」……あぅ、中々上手くできないです…指揮官さん、妹と交代しながらやったほうがいいでしょうか…"S-Secret Technique: Dragon Dance!" ...Ungh, I can't do this after all... Commander, could you please have my sister do this instead...?
Main感谢大家准备的春节料理,嗯…我开动了…可、可以先动筷子吗?春節のお料理、ありがとうございます。はい、「いただきます」…さ、先に箸を動かしてもいいでしょうか…?Thank you, everyone, for preparing all this Spring Festival food. Right, time to dig in... Ah, um, is it okay to start eating?
Main 2这些孩子们也为春节准备忙了很久呢,辛苦了~♪饅頭たちとオフニャたちも春節の準備、お疲れさまです♪The Manjuus and Meowfficers are also busy preparing for the Spring Festival... Thanks for all the hard work~♪
Main 3如果团拜时间很长的话,我可以喊上妹…不,我、我可以和指挥官大人一起去吗?挨拶回りが長くなりそうでしたら、妹を呼んで…いいえ、わたしも一緒に行っていいですか?If it's going to take a while to make your rounds, go get my sister instead... Actually, wait, can I come with you?
Touch指挥官大人成分,现在应该还够哦…要先储备一些?嗯……嗯!指揮官さん成分、今は大丈夫ですけど…早めに貯めておこうかな?うん…うん!Commander, I've gotten enough of your energy... Hm, you want to load me up in advance? Mm... Okay!
Touch (Special)妹、妹妹会嫉妒的哦…?い、妹が妬いちゃいますよ…?M-my sister's going to get jealous...
Touch (Headpat)也能…摸摸耳朵就好了…耳も…触ってほしいな…Please... rub my ears as well...
Return to Port呼…呼…好了,请用吧~甜酒稍微有点热过头了呢,呵呵~ふぅ…ふぅ…はい、どうぞ。甘酒、ちょっと温め過ぎちゃいました。ふふっHaah... haah... Here, this is for you~ I let the wine get to my head a little. Hehe~
Flagship不管是贺岁还是战斗,都要华丽一点…!お祝いも戦闘も、派手に…!I need to be a bit more graceful... both in celebration and in combat...!