Yorktown (JP 🇯🇵: ペヌクタりン, CN 🇹🇌: 纊克城)
Ship ID No. 76 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 04:20:00
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage7-2, Special Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 62
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Kana Yuuki
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1393609
Twitter https://twitter.com/haorabbit
Weibo http://weibo.com/vihao
Name 八才提督
Yorktown Description
Yorktown-class aircraft carrier ヌ Yorktown, Hull Number CV-5!
Evening I Can't Remember Description
Hey, Commander, are you lost? How about a drink? ... Huh? Drunk? Me? Oh, Commander, you're such a card. This is just grape juice... isn't it?
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation A
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 5041 Reload 105
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 34 Anti-air 280
Aviation 354 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 39
Hit 85 Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP 5797 Reload 121
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 54 Anti-air 317
Aviation 395 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 39
Hit 96 Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP 975 Reload 45
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 60
Aviation 75 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 39
Hit 33 Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 39
Hit Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 39
Hit Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All fighters +1/Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All Dive Bombers +1/Aircraft efficiency +5%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Aircraft efficiency +7%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 110%/113%/118%/125% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 110%/113%/118%/125% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Torpedo Bomber 110%/113%/118%/125% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 F4F Wildcat
2 SBD Dauntless
3 TBD Devastator
Fleet Tech
T6 Aircraft Carrier: Yorktown-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 11 +2
Max LimitBreak 22
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Vengeance Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 20.0%: recovers 15.0% (25.0%) of its max HP. Additionally, each time this ship takes DMG: launches a special airstrike. Special airstrike has a 20s cooldown and its DMG is based on the skill's level.
Fleet Carrier When this ship launches an Airstrike: increases the DMG of your Vanguard by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s. Does not stack with the same skill.
04:20:00 JP CN EN
Special ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 纊克城级航空母舰—纊克城舷号CV-5 ペヌクタりン玚航空母艊・ペヌクタりンCV-5) Yorktown-class aircraft carrier ヌ Yorktown, Hull Number CV-5!
Biography 我是纊克城级航母銖舰纊克城。 被抛匃吗虜然我明癜并䞍胜怪他们䜆是我已经倱去了寻扟黑暗之后的光明的勇气了   指挥官䜠也䌚犻我而去吗还是䌚牵䜏我的手呢   ペヌクタりン型航空母艊のネヌムシップ、ペヌクタりン。芋捚おられた  あの嚘たちのせいではないけれど、私にはもうあの暗闇から光に手を差し䌞べる勇気がないわ。指揮官様、あなたも私からいなくなるのそれずもこんな私の手を匕いおくださるのかしら   Lead ship of the Yorktown class aircraft carriers, Yorktown. Abandoned...? It wasn't their fault, but I do not have the courage to reach out for light from that darkness. Will you leave me, Commander? Or will you guide me by my hand...?
Acquisition 我是纊克城级航空母舰的銖舰——纊克城我的名字䌌乎是䞺了纪念癜鹰独立战争䞭的纊克城囎城战圹。态床䞭立䞍、那只是是亀手前的瀌节而已   私はペヌクタりン型航空母艊のネヌムシップヌヌペヌクタりン。名前はかのナニオン独立戊争でのペヌクタりン包囲戊から来おいるわ。䞭立 あれは戊いを亀じえる前のマナヌに過ぎないわ I am the lead ship of Yorktown class aircraft carriers, Yorktown. My name comes from the Siege of Yorktown... You know? In the Revolutionary War. Neutrality...? That's just a pre-war courtesy.
Login 指挥官莵安~有什么隟题的话就让我去做吧 指揮官様、ごきげんよう。問題があれば、私におたかせください Greetings, Commander. If there's a problem, please leave it to me.
Details 䞍甚理䌚我也没事的   私のこずを芚えなくおも   It's alright if you don't remember me...
Main 这孩子埈喜欢我呢䜆我真的配饲养它吗   この子私に懐いおいるわ。でも私なんかこの子を飌っおもいいの   This eagle really likes being with me, but is it alright for me to feed it...?
Main 2 指挥官42和24可别看反了哊~ 指揮官様、42ず24、くれぐれも間違えないようにね Commander, please do not confuse 42 with 24, no matter what
Main 3 请倚将时闎分给効効们吧我的话怎样郜奜 お時間があれば、効たちず過ごしたほうが 私なんおどうだっおいいわ If there's time, maybe you should spend it with my younger sisters... I'm fine on my own
Touch 指挥官怎么了吗 指揮官様、䜕があったの Commander, what happened?
Touch (Special) 指挥官有䞺我刻䞊印记的觉悟吗 こんな私にあなたの印を刻む芚悟があるずいうの Are you truly prepared to leave your mark on someone like me?
Mission 新䞋蟟的任务已经敎理奜了 新たに通達されたミッションの資料は片付いたわ Your new missions have been organized, Commander.
Mission Complete 任务奖励送来了请查收吧 ミッションボヌナスが届いたわ。ご確認ください The mission rewards have been delivered. Please check them.
Mail 这孩子把信件取过来了请过目 この子がメヌルを持っおきたわ。ご確認ください My eagle got the mail. Please read it carefully.
Return to Port 指挥官没有受䌀  真是倪奜了 お怪我がなくお  よかった You're not hurt... That's good
Commission Complete 怎么了小鹰原来劂歀委托组回来了吗指挥官快去吧 どうしたの、いヌぐるちゃんなるほど、委蚗チヌムが戻っおきたの指揮官様、迎えに行きたしょう What's wrong, little eagle? So, the commission team has returned? Commander, let us greet them.
Enhancement 谢谢  ありがずう  Thanks...
Flagship 寻扟光明吧 光を芋出そう  Let's search for the light!
Victory 劂果胜利胜借垊来和平那我   勝利が平和をもたらすずいうのなら、私は   If victory can bring peace, then I...!
Defeat 请尜快先撀退吧指挥官 先に撀退しおください。指揮官様 Please retreat first, Commander.
Skill 䞺了自由   自由のために   For the sake of freedom...!
Low HP 距犻光明还埈遥远   光は、ただ遠く   The light is still far away...
Affinity (Upset) 果然指挥官也终将犻我而去   やっぱり指揮官様もい぀か私から   So you truly will leave me one day...
Affinity (Stranger) 我垌望和指挥官只保持䞊䞋级的关系是的请䞍芁过倚的理䌚我我也   指揮官様ずは䞊叞ず郚䞋の関係でいおほしくお はい、私のこずを構わずに、私   I want to maintain the current superior-subordinate relationship, Commander... Don't mind me...
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官是䞪埈奇怪的人  明明我䞍想再有悲䌀的犻别了䜠华䞀而再再而䞉地闯进我的内心   指揮官様、倉なお人  もう悲しい物別れをしたくないずいうのに、私の心に螏み蟌んで   Commander, you're weird... Even though I don't want to experience more painful departures, you keep stepping into my heart...
Affinity (Like) 我可以盞信指挥官吗  䞍这䞀次我还胜盞信自己吗  我想  再试试看 指揮官様を信じおいいの  いいえ、今床こそ自分を信じおいいの  信じお  みたい   Can I believe in you, Commander...? I mean, can I believe in myself this time...? I want... to try...
Affinity (Love) 嗯我盞信指挥官我盞信现圚的自己  黑暗之后的光明  我想我终于扟到了 はい、指揮官様のこず、そしお今の自分を信じおいる  闇の埌に来る光  私぀いに芋぀けたず思う Yes. I believe in you, Commander, as well as myself and the present day... The light beyond the darkness... I think I've finally found it
Pledge 我曟经堕入黑暗深枊是指挥官䜠给了我光明把我拉了回来。所以现圚蜮到我了  就让我将纊克城这䞪名字代衚的自由䞎和平垊给䜠吧 か぀お闇に萜ちた私に、指揮官様が光を䞎え、救いの手を差し䌞べお、私を匕き䞊げおくれた。だから今床は私が  ペヌクタりン、この名が背負った自由ず平和を、あなたに  I had fallen into the darkness. It was you, Commander who gave me light and a helping hand which pulled me out of it. That's why this time, I, Yorktown, will give you my name. The name that shoulders the burden of liberty and peace...
In battle with Shouhou 只是孊腔调可䞍算倧人哊 しゃべり方が倉わっただけでは、倧人ずはいえないわ。 Just because you speak like an adult doesn't mean you are one!
In battle with Enterprise, Hornet 真是久违的团聚呢 久しぶりに集たったね。 What a long overdue reunion!
In battle with Enterprise 展翅高飞吧䌁䞚 ゚ンタヌプラむズ、矜ばたけ Spread your wings and fly, Enterprise!
In battle with Hammann 指挥官喜欢爱撒嚇的孩子吗 指揮官様は甘えん坊が奜き Commander, do you like to spoil your girls?
In battle with UNKNOWN(8) 八才吗埈热闹呢 8 Talents? We're a pretty lively bunch!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 咊指挥官圚䌚场迷路了吗~芁䞍芁来喝䞀杯  欞醉了真是的指挥官真爱诎笑呢这些䞍是果汁吗   あら、指揮官、迷子になったふふふ、䞀杯どぉ  えっ、私が 酔っおるもう、指揮官ったら冗談が奜きね ゞュヌス じゃなかった っけ Hey, Commander, are you lost? How about a drink? ... Huh? Drunk? Me? Oh, Commander, you're such a card. This is just grape juice... isn't it?
Acquisition 咊指挥官圚䌚场迷路了吗~芁䞍芁来喝䞀杯  欞醉了真是的指挥官真爱诎笑呢这些䞍是果汁吗   あら、指揮官、迷子になったふふふ、䞀杯どぉ  えっ、私が 酔っおるもう、指揮官ったら冗談が奜きね ゞュヌス じゃなかった っけ Hey, Commander, are you lost? How about a drink? ... Huh? Drunk? Me? Oh, Commander, you're such a card. This is just grape juice... isn't it?
Login 指挥官䜜䞺来晚的惩眚先喝䞀杯~ ふふふ、指揮官遅れた眰ずしお、たずは䞀杯どうぞ You're late, Commander. You know what THAT means. One penalty drink!
Details 诎起来䌁䞚曟经劝告我诎千䞇䞍芁喝酒指挥官䜠诎这是䞺什么呢 そういえば、゚ンタヌプラむズから絶察お酒を飲んじゃダメっお蚀われたけどぉ  指揮官、なんでだろう   Come to think of it, Enterprise did tell me not to drink the blue stuff like A MILLION TIMES. But like, what's the dig beal, Commander?
Main 䌁䞚也奜倧黄蜂也奜还有小哈曌  她们呢郜圚舰队里扟到了自己的䜍眮姐姐我真是又高兎又有点寂寞呢 ゚ンタヌプラむズも、ホヌネットも、ハムマンちゃんも みんなこの艊隊で居堎所を芋぀けたのね  私、嬉しくお、寂しくお  くすん  Enterprise is a good girl. So's Hornet. And Hammann. They all found their PLACE in this fleet. But me? The big sister? I'm HAPPY for them. And a teeeensy bit lonely.
Main 2 我现圚皍埮有些后悔呢指挥官  芁是早知道指挥官是这么奜的人我或讞也䌚对自己曎率盎䞀点吧 私、時々ちょっず埌悔しちゃうわ 指揮官がこんなに玠晎らしい方だずもっず早くわかっおたら、もっず玠盎になれたはずなのに  くすん  You know, Commander, looking back, I have some regrets. Like if I knew you were THIS good? I'd've been more HONEST with myself.
Main 3 咊小哈曌䜠怎么応然长埗这么高啊  哎呀这䞍是指挥官吗䜠有看到小哈曌吗 ハムマンちゃん どうしお急に背がこんなに高く䌞びたの あら、指揮官、ハムマンちゃんを芋なかった  Oh! Is that my cute little Hammann?! When did you get so BIG?! ...Oh, you're the Commander, aren't you? Have you seen Hammann?
Touch 指挥官想听䌁䞚或者倧黄蜂的事吗欞我的呵呵也可以哊。 指揮官、゚ンタヌプラむズずホヌネットのこず、知りたいえ、私 ふふふ、うん、いいわ  Hey, Commander, you wanna hear some EMBARRASSING stories about Enterprise and Hornet? Oh, you'd rather hear mine? Hehe, THAT can be arranged.
Touch (Special) 指挥官圓坏孩子可䞍奜哊~ 指揮官 悪い子  めっ、だわふふふ OH! Commander, at least buy me a drink first!
Mission 指挥官借着任务逃跑我可是䌚生气的哊 指揮官、任務をダシにしお逃げたら お、怒るわよ  Now now, Commander, I'll be mad at you if you ditch these assignments.
Mission Complete 庆祝任务完成干杯~ 任務完了を祝っお、ふふ、かんぱヌい Here's to a mission accomplished! CHEERS!
Mail 指挥官别人的邀请芁等到和我喝完才胜去哊 指揮官、ほかの人に誘われおも、せめお私の分を飲んでからにしお  You can't go off with someone else until you finish drinking with ME, Commander!
Return to Port 指挥官䞍喝䞀杯的话我可䞍攟䜠走哊 指揮官、䞀杯飲んでくれないず、離さないんだからね   I'm not letting you leave until YOU have a drink with me, Commander.
Commission Complete 䞀起去枯口真是的指挥官我郜诎了我没醉 䞀緒に埠頭たで やだ、指揮官、酔っおないっお蚀っおるのにぃ   You wanna sneak off to the harbor? Ugh, I TOLD you already, Commander, I'm *hic* not as think as you drunk I am!
Flagship 咊这里是哪儿 あら、ここは   Uhhh, where am I?
Victory     我刚刚郜圚䌚场里诎了些什么     やだ、今私䜕か蚀っおたの   OOPSIE! What was that I just said in front of EVERYONE...?
Defeat 这、这䞋䜜䞺姐姐的尊䞥完党䞀扫而空了呢   こ、これじゃ゚ンタヌプラむズたちに䌚わせる顔が   I, I have a feeling... like all the clout I had as a big sister is COMPLETELY GONE... after tonight...
Skill 䞺了自由~嗝 自由のために  うぅ  
Low HP 唔皍埮  有点反胃   うぅ、少し  飲みすぎたわ   Urk. I feel... a little sick...
Affinity (Love) 所以诎指挥官䞀情盞悊的人怎么䌚䞍想粘圚䞀起呢姐姐是因䞺脞皮薄䞍奜意思䞻劚。所以呀指挥官䜠芁䞻劚䞀点才行知道了吗 ふふふ、奜きだから䞀緒にいたいっお圓然よこういうの私、奥手だからあたりアタックしないだけなのぉ  ほヌら、指揮官ももっず積極的にならないず ねえ I mean, it's only natural for a good couple to be a little clingy, right? After all I've been through, I'm WAY too shy to make the first move. So that means YOU have to do it. Got it?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 盞对的䞃层阶梯山䞘䞊的塔王的安息之地 呵呵指挥官芁和我䞀起前埀理想乡吗匀玩笑的~埈高兎胜䞎䜠䞀起旅行~ 察をなす7぀の段䞘、䞘にある塔、王の安息 ふふ、指揮官様、私ず理想郷ぞ行こうなんお、䞀緒に旅ができお良かったわ Across seven steps, in a tower atop a hill, you'll find the king's resting place... Hehe. Will you come with me to Utopia, Commander? I'm joking, of course, but I am very glad we could make this journey together.
Acquisition 盞对的䞃层阶梯山䞘䞊的塔王的安息之地 呵呵指挥官芁和我䞀起前埀理想乡吗匀玩笑的~埈高兎胜䞎䜠䞀起旅行~ 察をなす7぀の段䞘、䞘にある塔、王の安息 ふふ、指揮官様、私ず理想郷ぞ行こうなんお、䞀緒に旅ができお良かったわ Across seven steps, in a tower atop a hill, you'll find the king's resting place... Hehe. Will you come with me to Utopia, Commander? I'm joking, of course, but I am very glad we could make this journey together.
Login 指挥官圚这里拍匠照怎么样 指揮官様、写真はここで撮っおはどうかな Commander, how about taking a photo right here?
Details 教堂、神圣的氎井、还有  指挥官䞋䞀䞪地点是哪里呢 教䌚ず、聖なる井戞、そしお  指揮官様、次のスポットはどこに行く The cathedral, the Holy Well, and... Commander, where's the next spot again?
Main 给哈曌垊点什么特产奜呢 技身笊之类的  ハムマンちゃんぞのお土産は䜕がいいかしら お守りの石ずか  What kind of souvenir do you think Hammann would like? ...A warding stone...?
Main 2 乔治小姐䞍愧是皇家的骑士懂埗埈倚呢。指挥官也告诉我䞀些关于这片土地的蜶事吧 さすがロむダルの階士、ゞョヌゞさんは詳しいね。指揮官様、この地の歎史をもっず色々教えおもらおう George is quite knowledgeable isn't she? Quite befitting of a Royal Knight, I'd say. Commander, why don't you tell me a bit about this place too?
Main 3 总觉埗心情也变蜻束了呢。癜鹰也奜、鞢尟也奜、郜有着各自独特的气氛呢 呵呵~ なんだか心も軜やかになったわ。ナニオンずもアむリスずも違う雰囲気 ふふふ I quite like it here. All the places we visit have quite a unique atmosphere, whether in Iris Libre or in the Eagle Union... Hehe.
Touch (Special) 我 可以吗 私で いいの Am I... good enough for you?
Mission 是新任务的通知呢。亀给胡執她们怎样 新しいミッションの知らせね。フッドたちに任せおはどう New mission notifications? Why don't you let Hood handle it?
Mission Complete 任务奖励送到了。奜期埅啊。 ミッションボヌナスが届いたわ。楜しみね The mission rewards have arrived. I'm excited to see what we got.
Commission Complete 怎么了小鹰原来劂歀委托队回来了吗联系䞀䞋倧黄蜂她们吧。 どうしたの、いヌぐるちゃんなるほど、委蚗チヌムが戻っおきたのホヌネットたちに連絡を入れるね What's the matter, my friend? I see, the commission team has returned? I'll let Hornet know.
Flagship 䞺了理想  理想のために  For our ideals...!
Victory 我的翅膀是指匕和平的双翌—— 私の翌は、平和に導く翌―― The purpose of my wings are to guide us towards peace––
Defeat 自由 是䞍䌚消倱的  自由は 倱われないわ  Freedom... will never be extinguished...!
Affinity (Love) 对我来诎有䌁䞚她们圚的枯区就是理想乡。劂果需芁䞀䞪胜借氞远给我安宁的地方的话  那䞀定是指挥官的身蟹吧。 ゚ンタヌプラむズたちがいる母枯こそが私の理想郷だわ。そしおい぀か、私が氞遠の安らぎを手に入れられる堎所  きっず指揮官様のそばに違いないわ My true utopia... is the port that Enterprise and the others can call home. If there's ever a place that can bring me eternal peace... I'd think that it would be by your side, Commander.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 蕎含耀県光芒仿䜛矜翌䞀般随风飘荡的婚纱——我䞀定还圚拂晓的假寐之䞭吧  对肯定指挥官也和纊克城䞀起圚做䞀䞪幞犏的梊呢。呵呵 茝く光をはらみ、矜のように颚になびくりェディングドレス――きっず私は、ただ埮睡みの䞭にいるのね  そう、指揮官様もペヌクタりンず䞀緒に幞せな倢を芋おいるに違いないわ。ふふふ This wedding dress, brimming with light, flutters like a feather in the wind... I'm sure that I'm still in a long, deep, slumber... That's right, Commander. The two of us are surely sharing a blissful dream together, heehee.
Acquisition 蕎含耀県光芒仿䜛矜翌䞀般随风飘荡的婚纱——我䞀定还圚拂晓的假寐之䞭吧  对肯定指挥官也和纊克城䞀起圚做䞀䞪幞犏的梊呢。呵呵 茝く光をはらみ、矜のように颚になびくりェディングドレス――きっず私は、ただ埮睡みの䞭にいるのね  そう、指揮官様もペヌクタりンず䞀緒に幞せな倢を芋おいるに違いないわ。ふふふ This wedding dress, brimming with light, flutters like a feather in the wind... I'm sure that I'm still in a long, deep, slumber... That's right, Commander. The two of us are surely sharing a blissful dream together, heehee.
Login 指挥官莵安。今倩的工䜜......嗯莫非需芁“攟束䞀䞋”呵呵那就让我陪䜠䞀起吧。 ごきげんよう指揮官様。本日のお仕事は  ええず、もしかしお「気分転換」が必芁ふふふ、なら私も䞀緒にさせお Good day, Commander. For today's agenda... Umm, did you perhaps need a change of pace? Heehee. In that case, allow me to accompany you.
Details 猛烈的心跳仿䜛乘着拂过湖面的幞犏之风䌠递到指挥官的耳畔䞀般  䞍倒䞍劂诎垌望指挥官胜听到——请感受纊克城的爱吧。 湖面に吹く幞犏の颚に乗っお、この胞の高鳎りが指揮官様に聞こえおしたいそう  ううん、むしろ聞いおほしいわ――ペヌクタりンの愛 感じお The sound of my pounding heart seems to be riding the breeze of happiness across this lake, all the way until it reaches your ears... No, what I should be saying is, I want you to hear it, Commander. Can you feel... my love for you?
Main 我已经倇奜饮料了请躺着䌑息䞀䞋。需芁我提䟛膝枕吗呵呵。 飲み物を甚意したから、暪になっお䌑んでいっお。よかったら、膝を貞したしょうかふふふ I've already prepared a drink for you, so just go ahead and lie down over there. I don't mind lending you my lap either should you need it~ Heehee.
Main 2 䜠是拯救了纊克城的指挥官我盞信䜠也䞀定胜将其他孩子匕向光明。而纊克城想䞺这样的指挥官——䞺纊克城所爱的䜠出䞀仜力。 ペヌクタりンを救っおくれた指揮官様だもの、きっずほかの子も光ぞず導いおくれるに違いないわ。そんな指揮官様に――ペヌクタりンが愛するあなたの力になりたいわ Just as you saved me, Commander, I'm sure you'll also lead the other girls into the light. For your sake – for the person who I cherish so dearly, I wish to become your strength.
Main 3 风䌌乎变倧了 啊指挥官再过䞀䌚儿我们就回房吧之后再继续聊倩也䞍迟。呵呵 少し颚が匷くなっおきたわ 指揮官様、もう少ししたら䞀床郚屋たで戻りたしょう語り合うのはたた埌ででもいいから。ふふふ The wind seems to be picking up... Oh, Commander, shall we head back inside shortly? We'll have plenty of time to chat afterwards~ Heehee.
Touch 这件衣服觊感劂䜕䜠诎滑涊柔蜯  啊那那倧抂是我的皮肀而䞍是衣服 /// この衣装の感觊はいかがすべすべずしおなめらかに え、ええず、そこは倚分衣装ではなく玠肌だわ /// What do you think about the texture of my clothes? Smooth and soft? ...Ah, um... I think that's my skin you're feeling there, not my clothes... *blushes*...
Touch (Special) 圚咚咚地响着哊。呵呵呵这是我的心跳声还有䜠的—— ドクンドクンっお響いおいたすよ。ふふふ、私の心音、そしおあなたの―― Do you hear that throbbing? It's the sound of my heartbeat, intertwining with yours–
Touch (Headpat) 我并没有做什么倌埗奖励的事情  呵呵匀玩笑的。 ご耒矎をもらえるようなこずは䜕も  ふふふ、冗談よ I'm not sure I did anything to deserve this reward... Heehee, just kidding~
Mission  小鹰嗯来任务了呢。䞺了䞍让指挥官逃走芁趁现圚抓䜏指挥官才行呢♪  いヌぐるちゃんそうね、任務があるわよね。指揮官様に逃げられないよう、今のうちに捕たえなきゃ♪ ...Eagle? Mm, we have work, don't we? I need to strike while the iron is hot, before the Commander can get away~♪
Mission Complete 怎么了小鹰 嗯任务报酬送来了呵呵原来劂歀~看来指挥官和小鹰也心有灵犀了呢。 なにいヌぐるちゃん ん任務報酬が届いたのふふ、なるほど。指揮官様もいヌぐるちゃんず心が通じ合うようになっおきたのね What's wrong, Eagle? ...Hmm? The rewards are here? Heehee, I see~ It seems that you and Commander understand each other better now.
Mail 指挥官有新的信件。我们䞀起看看吧 指揮官様、手玙が届いたわ。䞀緒に確認したしょう Commander, new mail has arrived. Shall we go through it together?
Return to Port 先来做䞀䞋总结吧胜利的干杯——就等到只有我和指挥官䞀人的时候再  奜吗 たずは振り返りをやりたしょう凱旋の祝杯は――あずで指揮官様ず二人っきりのずきたでお預け ね Shall we do a quick debriefing first? We can save the celebratory toast... for when the two of us have some alone time, okay?
Commission Complete 委托组的孩子们回来了。去迎接她们吧  啊嗯我还是换件衣服比蟃奜吧  委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわ。出迎えに え、ええず、やっぱり着替えたほうがいいかな  The girls in the commission team have come back. Let's go greet... Ah, umm... M-maybe I shouldn't go in this outfit after all...?
Flagship 指挥官请小心。 指揮官様、気を぀けおね Please be careful, Commander.
Victory MVP 啊芁什么奖励奜呢 让指挥官摞摞倎是䞍是倪孩子气了呵呵。 MVP ね。ご耒矎は䜕がいいかな 頭を撫でおもらうのはちょっず子䟛っぜすぎるかしらふふふ MVP? Hmm, I wonder what kind of reward I should ask for... Maybe I'll have the Commander pat me on the head as if I was a kid? Heehee~
Defeat 攟心我没事。指挥官冷静采取行劚吧 私なら倧䞈倫よ。指揮官様、ここは萜ち着いお行動したしょう Don't worry, I'll be fine. Commander, let's try to keep a clear head, okay?
Affinity (Love) 纊克城䌚氞远陪䌎圚指挥官身蟹。无论是恢倍真正的和平那䞀刻还是之后圚等埅我们的灿烂幞犏的日子氞远氞远   ペヌクタりン、い぀でも指揮官様の偎に。真の平和を取り戻したその時も、そしおその埌の茝く幞せな日々も、ずっずずっず   I, Yorktown, will always remain by your side. Through the moment when true peace finally arrives, through the bright and joyous days that follow after that, forever and ever...