Enterprise (JP 🇯🇵: ゚ンタヌプラむズ, CN 🇹🇌: 䌁䞚)
Ship IDNo. 77Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time04:20:00
AcquisitionHonor medal exchange, Special Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYui Ishikawa
Yorktown-class aircraft carrier ヌ Enterprise, Hull Number CV-6!
Reindeer MasterDescription
Merry Christmas, Commander! I shall be Santa Claus tonight, so make sure to hang up your stockings on the fireplace before going to sleep!
Blooming Peony Description
So this is the traditional attire of the Dragon Empery? Hmm... it fits quite well. Oh? Custom-made bow and arrows
 Interesting, let's see how far these arrows can fly.
Anniversary RideDescription
Happy Anniversary! Commander, celebrate to your heart's content today! I'll be praying for our continued victories!
Soaring Wings of FreedomDescription
There is no doubt in my mind that I was born to fight. For the azure lanes of liberty, Enterprise, engaging!
Heroic FineryDescription
My ballgown? I don't normally get to wear clothes like these, so it took me a while to change. Ah, let's hurry to the venue. We shouldn't keep everyone else waiting.
Wind CatcherDescription
Starlight Oath Description
How, how does it look? Do I look a bit strange... no, of course I like it. I'd say every girl dreams about this day, just that...
HP1042 Reload49
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion19 Anti-air62
Aviation83 Cost0
ASW0 Luck93
HP4578 Reload94
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion61 Anti-air232
Aviation209 Cost0
ASW0 Luck98
Limit Break
Tier 1All fighters +1 | Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Dive Bombers +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Aircraft efficiency +7%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Dive Bomber110%/113%/118%/125%1/1/2/30/0/0/0
3Torpedo Bomber110%/113%/118%/125%1/1/1/20/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1F4F Wildcat
2SBD Dauntless
3TBD Devastator
Fleet Tech
T6 Aircraft Carrier: Yorktown-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock12 +1
Max LimitBreak25
Lv.12019 +2
Lucky EWhen this ship launches an Airstrike: 40.0% (70%) chance for the Airstrike to deal double DMG and for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 8s.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description纊克城级航空母舰—䌁䞚舷号CV-6ペヌクタりン玚航空母艊・゚ンタヌプラむズCV-6)Yorktown-class aircraft carrier ヌ Enterprise, Hull Number CV-6!
Biography我是纊克城级航空母舰的䌁䞚。灰色幜灵是我䌗倚绰号之䞀。 身䞊这浞满鲜血的战衣无时无刻的圚提醒着我沉重的䜿呜䞍过我将继续胜利盎到战争的尜倎私はペヌクタりン型航空母艊の゚ンタヌプラむズ。グレむゎヌストは私が持぀数倚くの異名の䞭の䞀぀だ。 この硝煙ず鮮血の戊歎こそ我が䜿呜の蚌。これからも戊いの果おたで勝ち続けお芋せるI am the Yorktown class aircraft carrier, Enterprise. "Grey Ghost" is one of the many nicknames I have. My smoke-covered and bloodstained battle record is a reminder of my mission. I will continue to be victorious until the war ends.
Acquisition纊克城级二号舰䌁䞚报到。对于敌人我䞍䌚同情也䞍䌚手䞋留情只䌚党力迎战这就是我的风栌ペヌクタりン型二番艊゚ンタヌプラむズ、着任した。敵には同情も手加枛もせず、い぀でも党力で迎え撃぀぀もりだ。これこそ私の流儀だSecond ship of the Yorktown class, Enterprise, reporting for duty. I will neither sympathize nor hold back with my enemies, and instead, I go all out. Such is my way.
Login䜠来了芁战斗的话我随时郜胜出劚来たか。戊闘準備なら、い぀でもできおいるぞYou've come. If it's fighting, I'm ready for it any time.
Details芁看看我珍藏的勋章吗私の勲章コレクションも芋おみるかWant to look at my medal collection?
Main指挥官  我已经匀始怀疑自己是䞍是可以反朜了指揮官か  最近、自分が察朜戊も出来るんじゃないかず思い始めたが Is it you, Commander? ...Recently, I'm thinking about whether or not I can engage in anti-submarine actions...
Main 2幞运也是实力的䞀郚分那我胜分䞀些给姐姐么運も実力のうちできれば少し姉にも分けおあげたいものだなLuck is also a part of strength? Then if possible, I'd like to impart some of it to my older sister.
Main 3掻着的话就䌚有䞍劂意。䜆是死的话䞀定芁䞍留遗憟生きおいる限り、思い通りにならないこずはいくらでもある。死にゆくなら悔いを残さないようにしたいものだSo long as we live, there are things that will never go our way. When we die, it must happen in a way that carries no regrets.
Touch怎么芁出劚了吗なんだ、出撃かWhat is it? Sortie time?
Touch (Special)什  なっ  What the...?!
Mission指挥官还有任务没有完成赶快出发吧指揮官よ。ミッションがただ終わっおいないぞ。早く出発するのだCommander, your missions are not yet completed. Hurry up and set off!
Mission Complete指挥官奖励收到了指揮官、ボヌナスが届いたぞCommander, the rewards are here.
Mail指挥官有新邮件指揮官、新しいメヌルだCommander, it's a new mail.
Return to Port䞀场战斗结束后还有䞋䞀场战斗圚等埅、吗 戊いの次にたた戊い、か  It's one battle after another, huh...
Commission Complete我䞀盎圚战场䞊所以明癜后勀有倚重芁指挥官去迎接那些圚幕后努力的姐効们吧ずっず戊堎にいたから兵站の倧切さが分かる぀もりだ。指揮官よ、裏で頑匵っおいる嚘たちを迎えおあげようI've been on the battlefield for a long time, so I know about the importance of logistics. Commander, let's greet the girls who work hard behind the scenes.
Enhancement力量的圌端是什么  让我去看看吧力の果おに䜕があるのか  芋させおもらおうI will show you... what lies at the end of power
Flagship勇埀盎前吧突き進めVenture forth!
Victory指挥官告诉我我还芁击沉倚少敌人才行指揮官、教えおくれ。私はあず䜕隻沈めればいいCommander, tell me. How many more do I have to sink?
Defeat党力而莥也没什么怚蚀党力を尜くしお負けたのだ。悔いはないさI've lost after giving my all. I'm not regretting this...
Skill结束了終わりだIt's over!
Low HP这才有意思䞍是吗面癜い Interesting...!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官䌌乎欠猺勇敢呢 指揮官には勇気が足りおいないようだ...Commander, you don't seem to have enough courage
Affinity (Stranger)我的愿望是正盎而真诚地掻着所以有什么意见我䌚盎诎䜠劂果有什么想法也郜告诉我吧玠盎で誠実に生きるのが願いだ。だから意芋があれば遠慮なく蚀わせおもらう。そっちも考えがあったらなんでも遠慮なく蚀っおくれIt is my wish to live honestly and sincerely. That's why I'll speak my mind if I have something to say. You too should do the same without holding back.
Affinity (Friendly)倩䞊的光党郜是星星海䞊的光党郜是敌人  指挥官真的䌚有没有斗争的那䞀倩吗倩の光は党お星、海の光は党お敵  指揮官、争いのない日は果たしお来るのだろうかAll the lights in the sky are stars, just as all the lights on the seas are enemies... Commander, will there be a day where there's no more fighting?
Affinity (Like)单纯的无敌是没有意义的指挥官。䞍过我盞信有䜠圚我䞀定可以发挥我这身本领的最倧价倌让我们䞀起终结这场斗争吧無敵そのものには意味がない。指揮官、あなたがいれば、この身にある力を最倧限に発揮できるず信じおいる。䞀緒にこの戊争を終わらせようThere's no meaning in being peerless. As long as you are here, Commander, I can draw upon all of my strength. Let us end this war.
Affinity (Love)战争结束后䜠想做什么——我我的话倧抂还䌚跟着䜠吧毕竟战场之倖也只有䜠身蟹比蟃安心了䜠愿意  垊我走吗戊争が終わったら䜕がしたいヌヌ私倚分あなたに぀いおいくだろうな。戊堎以倖ならあなたのそばが䞀番安心する。私を連れおいっお  もらえるかWhat do you want to do after the war? --Me? I'll probably stick with you. I feel the safest out of battle when I'm with you. Will you... take me along with you?
Pledge我曟暪跚无数战场也迎接过无数别犻我的身䞊承蜜着无数的候愿䞎意志。指挥官做奜承担这䞀切的准倇了吗——是吗 那就䞀起走䞋去吧盎到生呜的尜倎無数の戊堎を駆け、無数の別れを䜓隓しおきた私が背負っおいるのは、数えきれないほどの垌望ず意志だ。指揮官もすべおを背負っおいく芚悟ができおいるのか――そうか なら呜の果おたで䞀緒に歩もうI carry with me the hopes and wills of the countless battlefields and goodbyes that I have experienced. Commander, are you prepared to shoulder them all? 
I see. Then let us walk together until the end of our lives.
In battle with Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu和老对手联手的感觉也䞍坏ラむバルずの共闘か 悪くないTeaming up with old rivals doesn't feel so bad.
In battle with Yorktown, Hornet让䜠们见识䞀䞋真正的无敌吧真なる無双を芋せおやるTime to show you the true meaning of invincibility!
In battle with Saratoga真是莪玩的老䌙计遊びほうけたや぀だなSuch a playful old partner!
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (1)癜鹰的战士们赌䞊性呜吧癜鷹ナニオンの戊士たち、呜を燃やせBrave Eagles, we fight until the end!
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (3)呵呵芁和我比赛吗フフン、この私ず勝負かHeh, want to square off against me?
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (8)郜是熟人啊奜䞊吧みな旧知の仲か。よし、行くぞWe all know each other. Come on, let's go!
In battle with Essex证明自己吧さあ、自分を蚌明しおみせるがいいAll right, let me see what you're made of!
In battle with Belfast受䜠照顟了啊。芁跟䞊哊䞖話を焌かせたな。遅れるなよI'm counting on you. Don't fall behind!
In battle with Laffey, Ayanami, Z23, Javelin这就是 矁绊的力量  これが 絆の力  I feel like... if you were there, then Akagi could have...
In battle with Amagi这感觉是 有䜠圚的话赀城䞀定䌚 この感芚 あなたがいれば、きっず赀城は So this is... the power of friendship...
In battle with Bunker Hill攟心吧我也圚倧䞈倫だ、私もいるDon't worry, I'm right here.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description圣诞快乐指挥官现圚的我是圣诞老人所以平安倜就寝之前记埗把袜子挂圚壁炉䞊哊指揮官メリヌクリスマス今日の私はサンタクロヌスだ。だから、寝る前にちゃんず靎䞋を暖炉の偎に食っおおいたほうがいいぞ。Merry Christmas, Commander! I shall be Santa Claus tonight, so make sure to hang up your stockings on the fireplace before going to sleep!
Acquisition圣诞快乐指挥官现圚的我是圣诞老人所以平安倜就寝之前记埗把袜子挂圚壁炉䞊哊指揮官メリヌクリスマス今日の私はサンタクロヌスだ。だから、寝る前にちゃんず靎䞋を暖炉の偎に食っおおいたほうがいいぞ。Merry Christmas, Commander! I shall be Santa Claus tonight, so make sure to hang up your stockings on the fireplace before going to sleep!
Details我将牢记过去并䞺未来考虑過去に感謝し、未来に倢をもち、今を生きようBe thankful for the past, have dreams for the future, and live life in the present!
Main圣诞快乐䜠想芁什么圣诞瀌物メリヌクリスマスプレれントはどんなものがいいMerry Christmas! Is there anything you'd like as a present?
Main 2圣诞老人是真实存圚的哊她现圚正站圚䜠的面前サンタクロヌスは実圚するさ。うん今あなたの目の前に Of course Santa Claus is real. Hmm? Right in front of you.
Main 3飘雪的圣诞节真挂亮啊  欞等等女灶神别拖我回去我䞍冷——我真的䞍冷啊ホワむトクリスマス、綺麗だ  埅っおノェスタル、急に匕っ匵らないでよ え私は別に寒くないけど――いや、本圓に寒くないぞA white Christmas, how beautiful... Eh? W-wait, Vestal, don't drag me back in! I'm not cold... I swear, I'm really not cold!
Touch尜情欢笑吧这些矎䞜的回忆郜将成䞺战斗的劚力思いっきり笑えたほうがいい。そう、今日の玠晎らしい思い出は党お、私たちの戊いを支えおくれるのだCelebrate to your heart's content! These wonderful memories shall light your way during the darkest battles.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这就是䞜煌的服装吗 穿起来意倖地合身啊。哊还有特制的匓箭吗 有趣就让我看看䞜煌的匓箭胜射埗倚远吧これが東煌ずうこうの衣装  思ったより着心地がいいな。特補の艀装匓もあるか面癜い、どこたで射抜けるか詊させおもらおうSo this is the traditional attire of the Dragon Empery? Hmm... it fits quite well. Oh? Custom-made bow and arrows
 Interesting, let's see how far these arrows can fly.
Acquisition这就是䞜煌的服装吗 穿起来意倖地合身啊。哊还有特制的匓箭吗 有趣就让我看看䞜煌的匓箭胜射埗倚远吧これが東煌ずうこうの衣装  思ったより着心地がいいな。特補の艀装匓もあるか面癜い、どこたで射抜けるか詊させおもらおうSo this is the traditional attire of the Dragon Empery? Hmm... it fits quite well. Oh? Custom-made bow and arrows
 Interesting, let's see how far these arrows can fly.
Login灯笌 应该是这么挂的吗啊指挥官䜠来了啊。听诎䞜煌的新幎芁挂䞊灯笌我就试了䞀䞋 䜠觉埗劂䜕有节庆的氛囎䞍灯籠ずうろうの食り方はこれで合っおるだろうか 指揮官、よく来おくれたな。東煌の新幎は「灯籠」ずいうランタンを食るず聞いお、詊しに食っおみたが どうだお祝い事の雰囲気が出おいるかLanterns... should be hung up like this, right? Ah, Commander, you're here. I heard that they hang lanterns up to celebrate Lunar New Year in the Dragon Empery, so I gave it a try... You think it's fine? Festive, isn't it?
Details胜借像这样享受安皳祥和的节日气氛也是倚亏了指挥官和枯区所有人的䞍断努力呢 嗯こうしお平和に祝日を祝える雰囲気になっおるのも、指揮官ず母枯の仲間たちのおかげだ。 うんBeing able to enjoy this peaceful, festive holiday atmosphere is only possible because of everyone's continued hard work... Right, Commander?
Main飞行甲板也是䞜煌风栌的限定涂装啊 这种代衚着幞犏䞎喜悊的颜色也挺䞍错的飛行甲板も東煌颚の赀になっおいるか。あちらでは幞せず喜びを象城する色 ふむ、悪くないMy flight deck is also decorated with a theme from the Dragon Empery. Its colors represent joy and happiness. Not bad, huh.
Main 2听䞜煌的朋友们诎䌠诎䞭春节䌚出现䞀种叫做“幎”的怪兜,而这䞪装着火药的红色纞筒奜像有着驱逐幎兜的䜜甚呢春節になるず、「幎獣」ずいうモンスタヌが珟れるず東煌の仲間たちから聞いた。そしおこの火薬の入った玙の筒はそい぀を退治するりェポンだそうだAccording to legend, a mythical beast called the "Nian" comes out during the Lunar New Year. It can be warded off by setting off a lot of firecrackers.
Main 3听诎䞜煌的新幎有“发红包”的习俗我芁䞍芁也给癜鹰的孩子们准倇些红包呢  「お幎玉」を莈る颚習か。そうだな、ナニオンの小さい子たちにもお幎玉を甚意しおみるか  I heard that it's customary in the Dragon Empery to hand out "red envelopes" during the New Year. Should I prepare some for the Union girls?
Touch指挥官这件倧衣貌䌌胜容纳䞀䞪人呢。芁来感受䞀䞋这件倧衣的枩床吗指揮官、このコヌトは二人たで入れそうだ。どうだ䞭に入っお機胜性を確かめおみるかCommander, it seems that this coat is big enough to accommodate two people. It's super warm - want to see for yourself?
Return to Port圚䞋䞀场战斗匀始之前皍埮攟束䞀䞋也无劚吧指挥官指揮官、次の戊いたで少し䌑息しおも構わないだろうThere's no harm in taking a little break before the next battle, Commander.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description「Happy anniversary」  指挥官今倩就尜情庆祝吧然后䞀起祈愿吧祈愿我们胜䞀盎胜利䞋去——「ハッピヌアニバヌサリヌ」  指揮官、今日は思いっきり祝おうそしお祈ろう、私たちの戊いがこれからも勝利し続けるこずを――Happy Anniversary! Commander, celebrate to your heart's content today! I'll be praying for our continued victories!
Acquisition「Happy anniversary」  指挥官今倩就 尜情庆祝吧然后䞀起祈愿吧祈愿我们胜䞀盎胜利䞋去——「ハッピヌアニバヌサリヌ」  指揮官、今日は思いっきり祝おうそしお祈ろう、私たちの戊いがこれからも勝利し続けるこずを――Happy Anniversary! Commander, celebrate to your heart's content today! I'll be praying for our continued victories!
Login来了吗。我已经做奜出发准倇了。啊别忘了戎䞊安党垜哊来たか。出発の準備なら出来おいるぞ。あっ、ヘルメットを持っおいくのを忘れないでAh, you're here. I'm ready to go whenever you are. Oh, can't be forgetting my helmet!
Details指挥官感觉还奜吗 “生生䞍息繁荣昌盛”呵呵指揮官、元気にしおいるか 「あなたに長き青春ず繁栄の加護を」ふふふCommander, are you doing well? Live long and prosper!
Main指挥官 最近匀始觉埗自己是䞍是有䞀倩甚至胜借圚倩际飞翔 嗯果然还是倪勉区了。抱歉就圓䜜没听到吧指揮官か 最近、自分がい぀か空を飛べるようになるんじゃないかず思い始めたが 流石に無理か。すたない、今のは聞かなかったこずにしおくれCommander? Recently... I've been thinking about how it would feel to be able to soar through the skies and stars... but that's not really possible. Sorry for making you listen to my idle thoughts.
Main 2旅行啊  服圹时闎长了自然造访过的地方就倚了甚至有时䌚让人搞䞍枅楚自己究竟是圚旅行还是圚执勀呢旅行は たあ、長くこの責務を務めおいる分、自ずず蚪れる堎所も倚くなる、自分が旅しおいるか任務で移動しおいるだけか、時々わからなくなるなVacation, huh... To be honest, I've been deployed in so many places during my lengthy service that sometimes even vacations feel like yet another mission...
Main 3最近埃塞克斯也对这䞪燃起了兎趣呢䞋次倧家胜䞀起去兜风就奜了最近゚セックスも乗り物に興味を持ち始めたし、今床みんなでツヌリングできるずいいなRecently, Essex has picked up biking as well. It'd be great to go out with everyone else next time.
Touch䜠也想看看我的「爱马」吗私の「愛銬」も芋おみるかWould you also like to see my trusty steed?
Mail指挥官有来自舰队叞什郚的讯息哊指揮官、艊隊叞什郚からの通信だCommander, there's an incoming message from fleet command.
Return to Port出击蟛苊了圚其他同䌎检查的时候皍埮䌑息䞋吧出撃ご苊劎。他の子が点怜しおいる間に少し䌑憩を取ったほうがいいGood work out there! Go ahead and take a break while the others are being inspected.
FlagshipEnterprise, engage!゚ンタヌプラむズ、゚ンゲヌゞEnterprise, engage!
Victory我䌚继续战斗䞋去䞺了碧蓝色的自由意志——私は戊い続ける、この青き航路ず自由のために――For the sake of freedom and the Azur Lane, I'll keep on winning!
Defeat人生 有时真的可胜有解䞍匀的死局啊 時には、勝おないずいうシナリオもある  Sometimes there really is a no-win scenario...
Affinity (Upset)是䞍是应该义无反顟地继续前进呢 振り返らず、このたた進み続けるべきか Maybe I should just hit the road and never look back...
Affinity (Love)指挥官芁和我䞀起来吗只芁䜠想我们可以到任䜕地方邂逅党新的文化以及各种各样的人们——指揮官、䞀緒に来おくれるかあなたの思うがたたどこたでも䞀緒に旅をし、新しい文化、そしお人々ず出䌚い続けるこずを――Would you like to come with me, Commander? We can go anywhere in the world. Think of all the new people and cultures we could discover together on our trek!
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Ship Description对于䞺战争而生这件事我并没有疑问。䞺了碧蓝航路的自由——䌁䞚出击戊うために生たれたこずに疑問はない。碧き航路の自由のため――゚ンタヌプラむズ、゚ンゲヌゞThere is no doubt in my mind that I was born to fight. For the azure lanes of liberty, Enterprise, engaging!
Acquisition对于䞺战争而生这件事我并没有疑问。䞺了碧蓝航路的自由——䌁䞚出击戊うために生たれたこずに疑問はない。碧き航路の自由のため――゚ンタヌプラむズ、゚ンゲヌゞThere is no doubt in my mind that I was born to fight. For the azure lanes of liberty, Enterprise, engaging!
Login早安指挥官。距犻䜜战䌚议匀始还有点时闎。趁着还胜攟束的时候奜奜攟束䞀䞋吧おはよう指揮官。䜜戊䌚議にはただ時間がある、楜にしおいられるうちは楜にしたほうがいいGood day, Commander. There's still some time until the strategy meeting, so you should rest up while you still have the opportunity to.
Details只芁是䞺了正义就䞍惜付诞歊力䌀害她人 我䞍讀䞺这样是正确的正矩のためなら力を振りかざし、人を傷぀けるこずも厭わない  私はそれが正しいずは思わないI do not believe that it is correct to wantonly resort to violence, even in the name of justice.
Main皇家女仆队还真是各种什人惊讶啊。对于战斗之倖的各种工䜜也十分埗心应手呢ロむダルメむド隊には驚かされおばかりだな。戊闘以倖の仕事もあんなに䞊手く兌ね合えおいるずはI'm quite impressed by the Royal Maids. Aside from their combat prowess, they're also very good at a wide variety of other things.
Main 2女灶神怎么了 䞍我没有䞍泚重饮食指挥官做了各种 䞍我有时候也䌚做饭的ノェスタル、どうした  いや、別に食生掻は疎かになっおいないぞ指揮官が色々 いや私からも時々料理を䜜っおあげおいるぞVestal, what's the matter? ...No, I've been making sure to eat! Commander has been making all sorts... I mean, I cook from time to time as well!
Main 3小鹰和指挥官埈亲热呢。胜和平共倄是最奜的呵呵いヌぐるちゃん、指揮官に懐いおいるな。仲良くするこずはいいこずだ。ふふMy eagle is quite attached to you, Commander. We should all get along just like you two. Hehe.
Touch指挥官有什么事吗指揮官、䜕か甚かCommander, do you need me for something?
Touch (Special)䜠䞍䌚对纊克城姐姐也做了这种事情吧 たさかペヌクタりン姉さんにも、こんなこずをしおないだろうなYou wouldn't do this to Yorktown, would you...
Mission还有未完成的任务哊还是确讀䞋进床比蟃奜ミッションがただ終わっおいないぞ。進捗を確認したほうがいいWe still have missions that haven't been completed. You should check on their progress.
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊了。匀始准倇䞋䞀次䜜战吧指揮官、ご苊劎だ。次の䜜戊ぞの準備に取り掛かろうCommander, thank you for your hard work. Let's get ready for the next operation.
Commission Complete芁去迎接委托園来的同䌎们吗偶尔还是运劚䞋比蟃奜圚被倧黄蜂念叚之前委蚗から垰還した子たちを出迎えに行こうか時々運動したほうがいい。ホヌネットに小蚀を蚀われる前になWould you like to greet the commission fleet? It's a good idea to get some exercise. Otherwise, Hornet's going to make fun of you.
Flagship䌁䞚前进粉碎敌人゚ンタヌプラむズ、前進敵を打ち砕くEnterprise, sallying forth! Let us crush our enemies!
Victory䌌乎这蟹以些埮的䌘势胜利了呢䞀手の先だけ、こちらの勝ちのようだなOur slight advantage seems to have given us the victory here.
Defeat还是倪勉区了 吗  無茶しすぎた か So I've... overstepped my limits...?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description宎䌚瀌服吗 平时没什么机䌚穿这样的衣服意倖地花了䞍少时闎。啊让我们赶玧去䌚场吧让倧家久等了可䞍奜パヌティヌドレス、か。こういう服に着替える機䌚はあたりないから、時間がかかっおしたったな。あ、早く䌚堎に向かおう。みんなを埅たせるのは良くないぞMy ballgown? I don't normally get to wear clothes like these, so it took me a while to change. Ah, let's hurry to the venue. We shouldn't keep everyone else waiting.
Acquisition宎䌚瀌服吗 平时没什么机䌚穿这样的衣服意倖地花了䞍少时闎。啊让我们赶玧去䌚场吧让倧家久等了可䞍奜パヌティヌドレス、か。こういう服に着替える機䌚はあたりないから、時間がかかっおしたったな。あ、早く䌚堎に向かおう。みんなを埅たせるのは良くないぞMy ballgown? I don't normally get to wear clothes like these, so it took me a while to change. Ah, let's hurry to the venue. We shouldn't keep everyone else waiting.
Login我是癜鹰的䌁䞚列垭参加本次的宎䌚ナニオンの゚ンタヌプラむズだ。こちらの行事にも参列させおもらおうI'm Enterprise of the Eagle Union. Let's proceed to the event venue.
Details诎起来刚才急急忙忙忘了问 指挥官觉埗我这䞀身怎么样倧黄蜂评价和指挥官的评价我郜想听听看呢そういえば、さっきは急いでいたから聞くチャンスを逃しおいたが 指揮官、私のこの栌奜、どうだホヌネットたちの評䟡ず指揮官の評䟡、䞡方聞きたいのだRight, I didn't get to ask you earlier since you were in a hurry, but what do you think about my outfit? I value your input just as much as I value that of Hornet and the others.
Main原来劂歀这䞪䞍错啊。䞋次孊孊怎么做奜了  嗯我是圚诎这䞪冰淇淋指挥官也芁来点吗なるほど、これはいい感じだな。あずで䜜り方を勉匷しお  ああ、アむスクリヌムだ。指揮官も少し味芋しないかI see, so this is how it's done. Next time, I'll have to learn how to make... Hm? Ahh, I was talking about ice cream. Do you want some, Commander?
Main 2我已经习惯了玧急出击了无论圚宎䌚䞊还是圚哪里只芁䜠䞀声什䞋我就胜马䞊出击スクランブルには慣れおいる。パヌティヌだろうずなんだろうず、あなたが呜じおくれればすぐにでも出撃するさI'm used to emergency sorties. Even if I'm at a banquet, just give me the order and I'll scramble my planes.
Main 3独立垊着的那孩子啊和鹰酱䞀样是䞪可爱的孩子。是足以治愈战斗的疲惫的奜䌙䌎啊むンディペンデンスのあの子のこずかああ、いヌぐるちゃんず同じく可愛らしい子だな。戊いの疲れを癒やしおくれるいい仲間だWhat about Independence? Ahh, she's a nice and adorable girl, just like Eagle. Good friends who heal my heart from the weariness of battle.
Return to Port指挥官䞍芁勉区自己 ——这句话应该对我诎 吗明癜了 指揮官、無理は  私こそ、無理をすべきではない、か。了解したCommander, you shouldn't overexert yourself... Hm, you should be the one saying that to me? I understand.
Commission Complete委托组回来了吗那打招呌就先猓猓先去迎接她们吧委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたか。挚拶回りはたた埌にするかThe girls in the commission fleet have returned? The formalities will have to wait then. I'll go welcome them back first.
Victory垌望这场胜利胜成䞺节日的䞀䞝点猀めでたい日に食る勝利になるずいいなMay this victory serve as the ornament to a fine celebration.
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Ship Description指挥官也来观战了吗其实比起这样站着我曎想䞀起参赛呢。这种仿䜛胜抓䜏那阵风的感觉  䞍觉埗赛蜊和航海其实是䞀样的么指揮官も芳戊しに来たのか。ふふ、本圓は私もこうしお立っおいるのではなく、䞀緒にマシンに乗っお参戊しおみたいものだ。あの颚を掎もうずする感芚は、レヌスも航海も同じだず思わないかCommander, did you come to watch the race? You know... I'd rather be down there competing than standing around over here. That feeling of being able to seize the wind... Don't you think that racing and sailing share the same essence?
Acquisition指挥官也来观战了吗其实比起这样站着我曎想䞀起参赛呢。这种仿䜛胜抓䜏那阵风的感觉  䞍觉埗赛蜊和航海其实是䞀样的么指揮官も芳戊しに来たのか。ふふ、本圓は私もこうしお立っおいるのではなく、䞀緒にマシンに乗っお参戊しおみたいものだ。あの颚を掎もうずする感芚は、レヌスも航海も同じだず思わないかCommander, did you come to watch the race? You know... I'd rather be down there competing than standing around over here. That feeling of being able to seize the wind... Don't you think that racing and sailing share the same essence?
Login今倩也加油吧。我已经做奜应揎的准倇了。今日も頑匵っおいこう。応揎準備はできおいるぞLet's do our best today. I'll be cheering you on.
Details啊指挥官我想听听䜠的意见 这䞪姿势 怎么样我埗努努力 至少䞍给指挥官抹黑才行。あっ、指揮官、䞀぀意芋がほしいのだが ポヌズはこれでどうだせめお指揮官の顔に泥を塗らないよう努力したいものだAh, Commander, there's something I wanted to ask you about... What do you think about this pose? I want to do what I can so I don't sully your reputation.
Main那是 瑞鹀衣服还挺倞匠的啊 䞍过 我也没什么资栌诎别人的样子呢。あれは 瑞鶎結構掟手な衣装を着おいるのだな こっちも人のこずは蚀えないがIs that... Zuikaku? That's a pretty showy outfit... though I'm not exactly in a position to talk myself.
Main 2埃塞克斯前进的时候芁冷静点 咳咳。抱歉我没有诎教的打算只是忍䞍䜏担心起来 ゚セックス、萜ち着いお走るんだ コホン。すたん、ずやかく蚀う぀もりはなかったが、぀い心配しおしたっおだな Essex, be careful when you're charging ahead! ...Oh, um, I didn't mean to patronize, I just can't help but get a bit worried...
Main 3芁垮忙绎修 明癜了。老实诎也讞䜠曎适合做这䞪呢哈哈哈。マシンの敎備の手䌝い、か了解だ。正盎そっちのほうが向いおいるかもしれないな。はははYou'd like to help me with the maintenance? Sure. To be honest, you might be better suited for this job. Ahaha~
Touch拍照吗我知道了芁我摆什么样的姿势写真を撮るのか分かった、ポヌズはどうすればいいA photo op? Sure, but what kind of pose should I make?
Touch (Special)这是犯规的哊指挥官。ルヌル違反だぞ。指揮官That's against the rules, Commander.
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊了。䜠先皍埮䌑息䞀䞋吧后续倧家的后揎工䜜亀给我就奜。ご苊劎だ、指揮官。皆のフォロヌは私に任せお少し䌑憩を取ろうGood work, Commander. Go ahead and take a break, I'll handle the follow-up work for the others.
Commission Complete委托组的䌙䌎们回来了啊。抱歉胜麻烊䜠去迎接么委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたな。すたない、出迎えをお願いできるかThe commission fleet has returned. Sorry, but could you welcome them back in my place?
Flagship䞊吧匕擎党匀さあ、飛ばすぞCome, spread your wings and fly!
Victory第䞀名么。虜然没什么实感䞍过既然是比赛还是匀銙槟庆祝䞀䞋吧。䞀䜍か。あたり実感がないが、レヌスならシャンパンを開けお祝うものだなFirst place, huh? Normally not much of a reason to celebrate, but since we're at a race, let's uncork the champagne.
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Ship Description怎、怎么样䌚䞍䌚有些奇怪 䞍我圓然䞍讚厌䞍劂诎䞍论谁郜憧憬过披䞊它的那倩吧只是  ど、どうだヘンじゃないかな い、いや、別に嫌いではないぞ。むしろ私だっおこれを着るのを憧れおたずいうか  ええず  How, how does it look? Do I look a bit strange... no, of course I like it. I'd say every girl dreams about this day, just that...
Acquisition怎、怎么样䌚䞍䌚有些奇怪 䞍我圓然䞍讚厌䞍劂诎䞍论谁郜憧憬过披䞊它的那倩吧只是  ど、どうだヘンじゃないかな い、いや、別に嫌いではないぞ。むしろ私だっおこれを着るのを憧れおたずいうか  ええず  How, how does it look? Do I look a bit strange... no, of course I like it. I'd say every girl dreams about this day, just that...
Details只芁有䜠圚身蟹无论经受倚少残酷的战斗面䞎倚少痛苊的分犻我郜䞀定胜借满怀垌望地走䞋去吧あなたの偎にいれば、たずえどんなに苊しい戊いでも、どんなに悲しい別れが来おも、きっず垌望をもっお乗り越えるこずができるAs long as you are around, no matter how tough a battle I endure or how great the pain I suffer from being separated from you, I’ll go on with hope that I’ll finally be with you.
Main今晚芁䞍芁尝尝我的厚艺女灶神诎我已经尜埗她的真䌠了  我可䞍是那种陀战斗倖䞀无所长的存圚今日の倕选は私に任せおくれないかノェスタルからもう教えるこずはないっお蚀われたからな。  ふっ、戊闘しか胜がない私じゃないぞWould you like to try my cooking tonight? Vestal said that I've already mastered her cooking skills...I am not that kind of girl who solely exists on the battlefield
Main 3因䞺䜠我匀始盞信了终䌚没有战争人们郜胜真心欢笑的那䞀倩い぀か戊争が終わっお、人々が心から笑い合える日がきっず来るず信じおいる。指揮官、あなたがいおくれたおかげだ Because of you, I started to believe that one day this war will past and people will smile happily again.
Touch唔这孩子也埈䞭意䜠呢あっ ふっ、この子も指揮官のこずが気に入っおいるようだなHmm, I like you the same way that you like me.
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Ship Description䞺了旅行请了这么长的假期真的合适吗  䞺了胜曎奜的工䜜䌑息也是必芁的 奜吧那就 䞺了指挥官让我们奜奜享受旅途吧たかが旅行のためにたずたった䌑暇をもらっおいいだろうが より良くパフォヌマンスできるため、息抜きも必芁、か。ならば指揮官、党力で楜しもうIt feels odd taking an extended leave just to go on vacation... but I guess you need breaks to stay on top of your game. With that in mind, let's make every minute count, Commander!
Acquisition䞺了旅行请了这么长的假期真的合适吗  䞺了胜曎奜的工䜜䌑息也是必芁的 奜吧那就 䞺了指挥官让我们奜奜享受旅途吧たかが旅行のためにたずたった䌑暇をもらっおもいいのだろうか より良くパフォヌマンスできるため、息抜きも必芁、か。ならば指揮官、党力で楜しもうIt feels odd taking an extended leave just to go on vacation... but I guess you need breaks to stay on top of your game. With that in mind, let's make every minute count, Commander!
Login䜠来了我这蟹也做奜准倇了随时郜胜出发。来たか。こちらの準備も出来おいる。い぀でも出発できるぞThere you are. I'm good to go whenever you are.
Details倚亏指挥官我埗以从战斗的喧嚣䞭抜身明癜了身倄安静悠长时光䞭的意义。力量 就是䞺了这样的䞜西而存圚的吧。指揮官のおかげで、こうしお戊いの喧隒から離れお、ゆったりず流れる時間に身を眮くこずができたな。この力は 皆がこうできるようにするためのものかもしれないThank you for letting me experience the stillness you can only find away from the battlefield, Commander. It's shown me... what's really worth protecting.
Main矎术銆也奜、建筑物也奜郜无愧于歀倄“艺术之郜”的矎称。芁是有机䌚还想再䞀起来呢。建物ずいい、展瀺品の数々ずいい、さすがに芞術の郜ず蚀わしめるだけある。機䌚があればたた䞀緒に来たいものだWith so many museums and iconic buildings, it's no wonder this city is called the Capital of Art. I'd love to come here again with you at some later point.
Main 2咚询女灶神后她给我掚荐了䞀座薰衣草盛匀的小村庄。诎是埈适合跟指挥官䞀起去 ノェスタルからラベンダヌの咲き誇る村を薊められたな。なんでも、指揮官ず行くのにうっお぀け、だそうだが I asked Vestal about places to visit, and she suggested this village where lavenders bloom en masse. Said we "should definitely check it out."
Main 3和指挥官去了这么倚地方后我总算明癜了对我而蚀去哪里其实并䞍是那么重芁重芁的 是同行的同䌎。指揮官ず共に様々な堎所を巡っおきお分かったんだ。私にずっお倧事なのは旅そのものではなく、そばにいおくれる人だずなAfter visiting all these places with you, I've realized something – the sights themselves aren't super important to me, what matters is seeing them together with someone dear to me.
Touch怎么了祚的话我已经安排奜了哊どうしたチケットの手配ならもう枈たせおいるがWhat's up? Our tickets are all in order, if that's what you're wondering.
Mission指挥官向䞋䞪目的地出发前先确讀䞋任务的进床指揮官、次の目的地ぞ向かう前にたずはミッションの進捗確認をCommander, be sure to check your mission progress before we head to the next tourist destination.
Mission Complete领取奖励后去蜬蜬瀌品店吧。想给倧黄蜂她们买她们䌚喜欢的䞜西ボヌナスを受け取ったらギフトショップでも回っおみよう。ホヌネットたちが喜びそうなものを買っおあげたいCan we check out a gift shop now that you've claimed these rewards? I want to get something for my sisters that'll really make them smile.
Return to Port蟛苊了指挥官。接䞋来的安排就亀给我䜠先去䌑息吧。苊劎をかけおしたったな。指揮官、次の手筈は私に任せお、しばし䌑むずいいSolid performance, Commander. You can go lie down for a bit while I work out our next plan.
Commission Complete委托组的同䌎们回来了啊。去迎接的时候顺䟿把䌎手瀌给她们吧委蚗組の子たちが戻ったか。出迎えがおら、お土産を枡しおこようCommission team's come back. Let's go say hi and give them some souvenirs while we're at it.
Flagship无论身倄䜕方郜芁圻底击溃敌人どこにいようず、敵を党力で倒すのみNo matter where my foes appear, I'll take them down all the same!
Victory䞺了庆祝胜利晚䞊吃豪华套逐吗 挺期埅的。勝利を祝っお倜はコヌス料理か 楜しみだなGuess we're celebrating this victory with a full course dinner. I can't wait.
Defeat圚旅途䞭兎奋过了倎的猘故么 っ 旅先で浮かれすぎたか This is why you never pop the champagne early...
Affinity (Love)平时出任务去了埈倚地方䜆是这样䌑假观光还是第䞀次。总感觉看到的䞀切郜奜新鲜  原来劂歀也讞这就是旅行的意义吧。指挥官今后也朝着未知的景色和邂逅出发继续我们的航行吧䜜戊や任務でいろんな堎所を旅しおきたが、こうしおちゃんずした時間を取っお、いろいろ芋お回れるチャンスはそうそう蚪れない。特に指揮官ず䞀緒に旅をするず、䜕もかもが新鮮に映るな。ふふ、これからも未知なる景色ず出䌚いを目指し、䞀緒に旅を続けようI've been all over the world on missions before, but this is my first time visiting another country as a tourist. Everything just feels so novel... I think now I get the appeal of vacationing. Here's hoping we'll see many more new places and people in future journeys to come, Commander!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description  呌指挥官还胜继续吗圚海䞊时无论面对䜕种战斗我郜䞍曟退猩可䞀旊朜䞋氎心䞭还是隟免䌚觉埗䞍攟心    はっどうだ指揮官、ただいけるか海䞊ではどのような戊いであっおも怯むこずはないが、朜るずなればやっぱり心のどこかで䞍安を感じおしたうな...Hah! Think you can handle more, Commander? I'm not afraid of any fight on the water, but when it comes to diving, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little uneasy...
Acquisition  呌指挥官还胜继续吗圚海䞊时无论面对䜕种战斗我郜䞍曟退猩可䞀旊朜䞋氎心䞭还是隟免䌚觉埗䞍攟心    はっどうだ指揮官、ただいけるか海䞊ではどのような戊いであっおも怯むこずはないが、朜るずなればやっぱり心のどこかで䞍安を感じおしたうな...Hah! Think you can handle more, Commander? I'm not afraid of any fight on the water, but when it comes to diving, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little uneasy...
Login 呌皍埮适应些了。指挥官还奜吗埈高兎䜠胜陪着我就是嗯 垌望䜠䞍芁倪勉区自己。 ふぅ、少し慣れおきた。指揮官は倧䞈倫か付き合っおくれるのは嬉しいが、ええず あたり無理はしないでほしい...Phew, okay, I'm getting used to this. Are you okay, Commander? I appreciate you joining me, but, uh... Don't push yourself too much.
Details朜氎服有点砎损我之后还是去修补䞀䞋吧免埗让女灶神她们担心...指挥官谢谢䜠的提醒。スヌツが少し砎けおいるノェスタルたちに心配かけないように䞊がったら盎したほうがいいな 指揮官、感謝するMy suit is torn? Alright, I guess I'll fix it once we're done here so I don't worry Vestal and the others... Thanks, Commander.
Main朜氎时规定需芁有䞀䞪朜䌎想来的确合理。䞇䞀发生什么状况有䌙䌎圚身蟹真的埈什人安心。ダむビングはバディずずもに朜るものもあるが、これは非垞に合理的なシステムだな。䜕かあっおも盞棒が近くにいれば心匷いDiving with a buddy is a really rational way of doing things, right? It's reassuring to have a partner when things go south.
Main 2圚那蟹的是 倧黄蜂吗真是马力十足呢...对了指挥官和她䞀起乘坐快艇的感觉劂䜕あそこにいるのは ホヌネット氎䞊バむクで掟手に飛ばしおいるな 指揮官もホヌネットず䞀緒に乗ったこずがあるんだったな。どうだったWho's that over there... Hornet? She's going crazy on that jet ski. You've ridden with Hornet, haven't you, Commander? How was it?
Main 3圚现实里可以自由移劚这䞀点䞊朜氎和跳䌞挺盞䌌的。指挥官䞋次我想试试䞀起跳䌞。䞉次元で自由に動けるずいう意味では、朜るのず飛ぶのは䌌おいるな。指揮官、今床は䞀緒にスカむダむビングをやっおみたいものだDiving and flying are a lot alike, when you think of it as moving freely in three dimensions. We oughta try out skydiving sometime, Commander.
Touch需芁垮忙吗助けが必芁かNeed some help?
Touch (Special)啊...是...是事故吗あっ  わざずじゃないかAck...! That wasn't on purpose, was it?
Mission Complete指挥官奖励送来了。真期埅晚䞊的烧烀倧䌚。指揮官、ボヌナスが届いたぞ。倜のバヌベキュヌ倧䌚は楜しみだCommander, our bonus is here. Can't wait for tonight's barbecue!
Mail 小鹰啊是来新邮件了。 いヌぐるちゃんああ、新しいメヌルだったか...Eagle? Oh, just new mail, huh?
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊了。总结完之后有空吗啊䞍是关于战斗。是这套装倇的穿着顺序有些倍杂  指揮官、ご苊劎だ。振り返りが終わったあず少し時間はあるかあっ、別に戊いに぀いおではない。この装備の装着順がちょっず耇雑でな  Good work today, Commander. Do you have some time after you review the mission? Uh, it's nothing related to fighting. It's just, the order you put this gear on is really complex...
Commission Complete委托组的孩子们回来了。怎么办先䞊岞吗委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたな。どうする䞀床䞊がるかThe commission team is back home. What do you wanna do? Should we get out and go see 'em?
Flagship攻击队准倇起飞攻撃隊、クリア・フォヌ・ランチAttacking squad, clear for launch!
Victory奜总算胜正垞战斗了。よし、なんずか戊えたなNice. I managed to put up a good fight.