Watarase (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 661Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP601 Reload68
Firepower34 Torpedo71
Evasion30 Anti-air64
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW23 Luck50
HP2585 Reload130
Firepower95 Torpedo188
Evasion122 Anti-air238
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW60 Luck52
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Agano-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Wavesplitter's EdgeIncreases this ship's RLD and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%) . When the battle starts, if your Flagship is a Sakura Empire ship: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%) . When your Flagship launches an airstrike or fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; 5s cooldown between activations).???
Amidst Flowing ShadowsIncreases this ship's Evasion Rate by 4.0% (10.0%) . When an enemy gets within 30 units of this ship: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage at that enemy (DMG is based on the skill's level; 10s cooldown between activations). Once per battle, when this ship has taken DMG a total of 8 times in one battle: restores 1.0% (5.0%) of this ship's max HP.???
All Out Assault IIActivates All Out Assault II: Watarase once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionC44型蜻巡掋舰—枡良濑C44型巡掋艊-枡良瀬Type C44 light cruiser – Watarase.
Biography重暱所属改阿莺野级蜻巡掋舰枡良濑。曟经的我未胜回应任䜕人的期埅  而现圚我䌚尜我所胜䜿甚这仜新生的力量守技指挥官䞎所有的同䌎。重桜所属、改阿賀野型軜巡掋艊の枡良瀬ず申したす。誰の期埅にも応えられず、仮初の生を終えたけど  今は粟魂を傟けお、この新しい力で指揮官ず仲間をお守りしたすI'm Watarase, a modified Agano-class light cruiser with the Sakura Empire. My first life ended without fulfilling any expected purpose... but I will use the new power I've been given to protect you and yours, Commander.
Acquisition指挥官我是来自重暱的蜻巡掋舰名䞺枡良濑埈高兎见到䜠。我䌚以我手䞭这把刀守技舰队的荣耀。重桜所属、軜巡枡良瀬ず申したす。指揮官ずお䌚いできお嬉しく存じたす。この刃で、我らが艊隊の誉れをお守りしたしょうI am light cruiser Watarase of the Sakura Empire. It is a pleasure to meet you, Commander. With this blade, I shall protect the honor of the fleet.
Login指挥官工䜜匀始前芁来䞀杯茶或者是咖啡么我修行前总习惯先喝䞀杯茶既胜提神还胜调敎心情。指揮官、所務を始める前にお茶か珈琲でもいかがですか実は私、鍛錬の前はこういった䞀杯が欠かせないもので 粟神集䞭だけでなく、気分を転換するのにも圹立ちたすよCommander, how about a cup of tea or coffee before work? I always have a cup before training... It helps me focus and regulate my mood.
Details嗯是觉埗袖子䞊的讟计埈特别么呵呵~出于矎观床的考虑我做了䞀些剪裁䞊的修改哊~攟心䞍䌚圱响战斗的。んこの袖 ですかふふふ、芋た目重芖で少しお盎しを入れさせおいただきたしたよ。戊闘には圱響したせんのでご安心くださいHmm? My sleeve? Heehee, I made some corrections to it for aesthetics' sake. Don't worry – it won't get in the way in battle.
Main扣子掉了么就这么坐着我来垮䜠猝䞀䞋吧  唔距犻有些倪近了///  芁䞍然还是把衣服脱䞋来吧指挥官  释が萜ちたした瞫っお差し䞊げたすから、そのたたじっずしおおください。  あっ。少し距離が ///や、やっぱり䞀床脱いで頂いおもいいでしょうか Did you lose a button? I'll sew it back on, so just stay still for me. Oh... We're a little close, huh? M-maybe you should take your shirt off instead...?
Main 2嗯请小心䞀些我正圚保养歊噚。刀剑无県别让它䌀了䜠。ん埗物の手入れをしおいたすので、お気を぀けください。䞍甚意に觊っおは怪我しおしたいたすHm? I'm sharpening my blade right now, so please be careful. It'll hurt if you bump into it.
Main 3指挥官劂果比蟃隟集䞭粟神的话䞍劚先䌑息䞀䞋~劳逞结合是保持良奜工䜜状态的前提哊。指揮官、集䞭するのが難しそうでしたら、䞀床䌑憩したしょうか所務の胜率は適床な息抜きがあっおこそですよIf you're having trouble focusing, then how about a break? Efficient work only comes from ample rest.
Main 4奜奇吗这是明石委托我讟计制䜜服饰的订单哊  至于报价  是秘密哊~これが気になりたすか実は明石からの呉服泚文の手圢で  倀段は 秘密ずさせおくださいAre you curious about this? This is a bill for a commissioned kimono from Akashi. As for the price... Er, let's keep that a secret.
Touch嗯奜奇衣服的材莚么  指挥官喜欢的话之后也甚这种垃料䞺䜠猝制䞀套衣服吧んこの生地が気になりたすか ふふ、良ければ同じ生地でお召し物をお䜜りしたしょうかHm? Curious about the fabric? If you like it, I'd be happy to make you an outfit with it.
Touch (Special)  指挥官是觉埗这里服饰的剪裁讟计䞍奜看吗///    指揮官、ここのお盎しは 嫌ですか////Oh?! Commander, do you dislike my modifications here...?
Touch (Headpat)这䞪发饰埈特别吧是我亲手做的哊~髪食りにしおはずいぶんず奇抜に芋えるかもしれたせんが、実は私の手䜜りなんですThis hair accessory might look unusual, but I actually made it myself.
Mission指挥官工䜜时闎就芁讀真工䜜哊䞍过也芁泚意定时起来攟束片刻我也䌚提醒䜠的。指揮官、勀務䞭は真面目に所務に励んでくださいたせ。あ、定期的な息抜きもお忘れなきよう。私も声をかけさせおいただきたすのでTake your missions seriously, please. Oh, but don't forget to take regular breaks. I'll be sure to remind you.
Mission Complete指挥官蟛苊了让我䞺䜠按摩攟束䞀䞋吧。针灞  嗯  虜然我经垞䜿甚针䜆那是甚于猝纫而䞍是甚于针灞哊指揮官、お疲れ様です。少しツボでも抌しお力を脱いお  鍌灞 針はよく䜿いたすが、それは鍌灞ではなく、裁瞫の方ですよGood work, Commander. How about a quick massage... Acupuncture? I do use needles often, but not for that... I use them to sew.
Mail信䞊的火挆囟案感觉蛮适合甚圚瀌服䞊的  啊抱歉我有些走神了这是䜠的信。封筒の蝋印にある図柄を裳にあおがうのも良さそうです  あ、ごめんなさい。少しボヌっずしおいたした 指揮官宛のお手玙ならこちらにThe pattern on this envelope's wax seal might work on a skirt... Oh, I'm sorry. Just spaced out a little. Here's your mail, Commander.
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊了若是感到疲倊䞍劚坐䞋来䌑息䞀䌚儿吧指挥䜜战䞎修行歊艺并无䞍同也芁泚重劳逞结合哊。お疲れ様です、指揮官。疲劎を感じるようでしたら、座っお䞀䌑みされおはいかがですか䜜戊指揮だろうず歊芞癟般の鍛錬だろうず、適床な䌑息が肝心ですよYou've done great work, Commander. If you're tired, why not sit down and rest for a while? Whether you're commanding a battle or practicing martial arts, rest is vital.
Commission Complete委托组的同䌎園枯了指挥官䞀同去迎接她们吧物资补给对前线战斗也是至关重芁的哊。指揮官、委蚗組の仲間たちが母枯に垰着したした。共に出迎えに行きたしょう。前線では物資の補絊はこの䞊なく重芁ですよCommander, the girls on commission have returned to port. Let's go meet them. Supplies are vital on the front lines of war.
Enhancement特训成效星著䞀䌚去训练场打䞀场吧~特蚓の成果が倧いにありたした。 ふぅ、少し皜叀堎に行っおみんなず手合わせしおみたしょうThis training session came with remarkable results. Phew... How about we all head to the training grounds and spar a little?
Flagship攟心亀给我吧我将䞺䜠扫枅障碍。露払いは安心しお私にお任せをAllow me to set the stage for you.
Victory手䞭的刀胜借䞺䜠垊来胜利我埈高兎。私の刃が指揮官に勝利をもたらしたこず、嬉しく存じたすI'm happy that my blade could bring you victory, Commander.
Defeat撀退避免曎倚的䌀亡。早く撀退したしょうこれ以䞊けが人が出ないよう、今すぐ We must retreat! Hurry, before anyone else gets hurt!
Skill刃锋砎浪流圱随行波を穿ち、流るる圱ず共にWith flowing shadow, pierce the waves!
Low HP  唔  我䞍䌚圚这里倒䞋。  っ ここで倒れるわけにはいきたせん Ngh... I can't fall... Not here!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官的穿衣品味有些什人担忧呢  指揮官の衣装遞びが少し心配になりそうです  Your taste in attire is a little worrying...
Affinity (Stranger)这把刀并无来历它随我诞生而生。可它存圚的意义我想是非垞明确的——成䞺我的力量让我保技我所珍视之人。振るう刃は瞁を知らず、我ず共に珟し䞖に舞い降りん――この刃が存圚する意矩ははっきりしおいたす。私の力ずしお、倧事なヒトを守るがために My blade has no past – it descended unto the material world alongside me. However, its reason for existence is clear. It is here to aid me in protecting the people I love.
Affinity (Friendly)我垞来这庭院䞭小坐看阳光花鞟听添氎声响  这总胜让我猓解疲倊以䟿䞋次曎奜地拔刀  䞍过陪我圚这枯坐䜠是有些无聊了么走吧想去做点什么我陪䜠。この庭にはよく来るんです。花や鳥を眺め、ししおどしの声に耳を傟ける  そうしお疲れを癒やし、戊で刃を振る糧ずしおいたす。 指揮官、ずっず䞀緒に座ったたたで倧䞈倫ですか指揮官のご垌望に沿えるよう、枡良瀬になんでもお申し付けくださいI come to this courtyard often. Watching the flowers and birds, listening to the shishi-odoshi... Through this, I calm myself and nourish my spirit to hone my swordplay for the coming battle. Aren't you bored just sitting here, though? If there's anything you want to do, I'm all ears.
Affinity (Like)还圚想工䜜的事情吗尜职尜莣固然是奜䜆奜奜䌑息、恢倍状态也是必芁的  这是我猝制的銙囊有安神助眠的䜜甚  来戎䞊吧。ただ仕事のこずですか所務に忠実なのもいいですが、息抜きをしお、䜓を良い調子に戻すこずも必芁ですよ。  私が䜜った銙り袋です。これで気持ちを萜ち着かせ、倜にぐっすり眠れるよう  さあ、぀けおみおくださいYou're still stuck on work? Being faithful to duty is a good thing, but relaxing and letting yourself recover is important. Here's a sachet I made. It'll calm your nerves and help you sleep... Go ahead and put it on, please.
Affinity (Love)指挥官这䞪是我亲手猝的埡守给䜠~这䞪是技䜑平安的埡守哊圓然只靠它的话圓然是䞍可胜做到的啊  所以我也䌚曎加努力地挥劚手䞭的刀去保技䜠。指揮官、私の手䜜りのお守りをどうぞ。安党ず厄陀けのお守りです。ふふ、もちろんこれだけでは十分じゃありたせんから 枡良瀬、より䞀局粟進しお、この刃ず共に指揮官をお守りしたすI made this charm for you, Commander. It'll protect you and ward off evil. Heheh, it's not enough on its own... but don't worry. I will train harder and endeavor to protect you with my blade as well.
Pledge指挥官䜠听诎过癜泷公䞻的䌠诎吗擅长猖织的公䞻䞎她的爱人以名䞺“降䞎石”的石倎䜜䞺讞䞋誓蚀的信物  䜠䞺我戎䞊的  我想也是及䞀种意义䞊的降䞎石呢就让它见证我们之闎爱的誓蚀吧~指揮官は癜滝姫の䌝説はご存知ですか機織に長けた姫が恋人ず亀わした誓いの蚀葉、そしお玄束を芋届けた「降臚石」  あなたが今぀けおくださったのは、私達にずっおの「降臚石」です。はい、二人だけの愛をこの指茪に芋届けおもらいたしょう――Commander, do you know the legend of Princess Shirataki? The promise made between the weaving princess and her lover, the korinseki stone that witnessed it... What you just put on is our own korinseki. May this ring oversee our love to the end.
In battle with Takao扟时闎切磋䞀䞋吧適圓な時に切磋琢磚したしょう Let's compete together at a more suitable time!
In battle with Victorious, Zara, Taihou, Flasher我胜看看䜠讟计的衣服么~あなたが仕立おた服、芋せおいただけたすか I'd love to see your latest clothing design.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官~啊  现圚这䞪情况是䞍是叫䞀声“殿䞋”䌚比蟃奜呢䞍过接䞋来就是只属于我们䞀人的时闎了~来把手给我䞊来吧  芁奜奜坐皳哊。指揮官あ  こういう時は「殿様」ず呌んだほうがいいでしょうか二人きりの時間ですから、さあ指揮官、お手を――ふふふ、しっかり座っおいおくださいねCommander! Oh... Umm, perhaps it would be more fitting to address you as "Milord" for this occasion? Since, you know, the two of us have the evening together... Now, if you don't mind, your hand please — Heehee, make sure to sit tight!
Acquisition指挥官~啊  现圚这䞪情况是䞍是叫䞀声“殿䞋”䌚比蟃奜呢䞍过接䞋来就是只属于我们䞀人的时闎了~来把手给我䞊来吧  芁奜奜坐皳哊。指揮官あ  こういう時は「殿様」ず呌んだほうがいいでしょうか二人きりの時間ですから、さあ指揮官、お手を――ふふふ、しっかり座っおいおくださいねCommander! Oh... Umm, perhaps it would be more fitting to address you as "Milord" for this occasion? Since, you know, the two of us have the evening together... Now, if you don't mind, your hand please — Heehee, make sure to sit tight!
Login指挥官已经匀始攟烟花了呢。䞍论是工䜜还是修行郜等看完烟花之后再䞀起倄理吧劂䜕指揮官、もうすぐ花火の時間ですよ。お仕事も日課の鍛錬も、䞀緒に花火を芋おからこなしたしょうかCommander, it's time for the fireworks to start. Let's leave our work and daily training until after they're done, okay?
Details指挥官这次我䞍仅讟计了自己的瀌裙还讟计了南瓜马蜊哊䜠看看是䞍是埈特别~お掋服だけでなく、唐茄子の銬車も拵えさせおいただきたした。ふふふ、お䌜噺みたいな特別さがありたすよねI designed not just this outfit, but the carriage as well. Heehee, isn't it as dreamy as a fairy tale?
Main  马蜊坐着䞍舒服么果然初次讟计服饰以倖的䞜西我还是有埈倚考虑䞍呚党的地方啊    乗り心地はいたひず぀ 服以倖を拵えるのは初めおだからか、やはり思慮が足りないずころが Is the carriage uncomfortable? This is my first time designing anything other than clothes, so there were a lot of unknowns...
Main 2甚南瓜马蜊把䜠偷偷垊走让䜠只陪着我䞀䞪人看烟花是䞍是有些倪自私了呢  このたた唐茄子の銬車で指揮官を攫っお、枡良瀬ず二人きりで花火を楜しむのは  わがたた、ですよねWhat if I just spirited you away in my carriage to watch the fireworks together? A little too selfish, perhaps?
Main 3仙女对我斜䞋的魔法指挥官芁䞍芁猜猜看是什么呢  是“无论䜠圚哪里我郜胜借扟到䜠”的魔法哊~呵呵~匀玩笑的~倩女さたが枡良瀬に斜した魔法がなにか、圓おおみたせんか 「指揮官がどこにいおも絶察に芋぀けられる」ず ふふふ、冗談ですよWant to guess what spell the fairy cast on me? Okay, I'll tell you. It lets me find you no matter where you are... Heehee, just kidding.
Main 4我的脞埈红么  可胜是因䞺这杯饮料吧确实有些倎晕呢  指挥官让我靠䞀䞋䜠的肩膀吧~少し顔が赀くなっおいる、ですか  た、たぶんこれのせいで、少しほろ酔いな気分になっおいたす。  指揮官、少し肩をお借りしおも いいでしょうかAm I blushing? I-it's probably because of this... I do feel a little tipsy. Mind if I lean on your shoulder...?
Touch指挥官是想圚倜空䞋跳舞吗~握䜏我的手吧~星空の䞋で䞀緒に螊りたい、ですかはい、私の手を取っおください♪Would you like to dance under the night sky? Just take my hand, Commander♪
Touch (Special)嗯  马蜊可是透明的哊䌚被看见的///  ええず  み、芋られおしたいたすから  ///Umm... P-people will see us here...
Touch (Headpat)这䞪小王冠也是配套讟计的哊~この冠も、お掋服に合わせお拵えたものですよI made this crown to match my outfit, too~
Mission这种时候还有工䜜吗明明是䌑息时闎了哊  没办法我来垮䜠吧赶玧完成后再尜情享受吧。ただお仕事ですか息抜きの時間だずいうのに  仕方ありたせん、私にも手䌝わせおください。党おこなしおからたた楜しんで参りたしょうYou're still working? But it's time for your break... Fine, I'll just have to help you. Once we're done, we're going to have fun together, got it?
Mission Complete指挥官可以尜情欣赏烟花了~これでお仕事が終わりたしたね。それでは思いっきり花火を楜しんで参りたしょう♪Now that we're done with all that work, it's time to focus on enjoying the fireworks show♪
Mail指挥官䜠的信。劂果是其它舞䌚的邀请凜的话~我可以继续做䜠的舞䌎吗指揮官宛のお手玙です。舞螏䌚の招埅状でしたら  匕き続き私がお盞手を務めさせお頂いおもよろしいでしょうかThere's a letter for you, Commander. If it's an invitation to a dance party, then may I join you as your partner?
Return to Port指挥官跳舞可䞍比修行蜻束哊刚刚䜠也跳环了吧圚南瓜马蜊䞊奜奜䌑息䞀䞋吧~舞螏が歊芞の鍛錬より楜ずいうわけではありたせんし、指揮官もさっきので疲れたしたよね唐茄子の銬車に乗っおお䌑みになっおくださいDancing is no easier than combat training. You must be tired, too, Commander. Please, come rest in my pumpkin carriage with me.
Commission Complete指挥官倇甚的烟花也郜送过来了。指揮官、委蚗組から予備の花火も運ばれおきたしたよCommander, the commission team brought back spare fireworks.
Defeat看来瀌服的战斗䟿携性还有埅提高  お掋服の動きやすさをもう少し良くしたほうがいいですね I'll need to improve the mobility of this outfit...
Affinity (Love)指挥官䜠听——是零点的钟声哊䞍过我的“魔法”䞎我的心意盞同郜䞍䌚消倱哊。指挥官䞍甚像童话故事䞭䞀样圚茫茫人海䞭寻扟我  我䌚扟到䜠回到䜠的身蟹牵着䜠的手猖织最圆满、幞犏、只属于我们的童话故事。指揮官、ほら――零時の鐘の音ですよ  私の「魔法」は想いず䞀緒に消えたりしたせんし、指揮官もお䌜噺の王子様のように私を探したりする必芁はありたせん。  はい、枡良瀬は指揮官を芋぀けお、指揮官の偎に戻っお、手を぀ないで、二人だけの倧団円の物語を䜜っおいきたすCommander, listen – the clock just struck midnight! But my magic won't disappear like in the fairy tales, and you won't have to search for me, my prince. I'll find you, return to your side, take your hand, and weave the perfect tale just for us!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官茶和咖啡我郜泡奜了枅理甚的手垕我也攟圚这里了哊~嗯手垕䞊面的囟案看起来埈県熟呵呵那是我绣的可爱版的䜠哊。指揮官、お茶ず珈琲、はんかちはここに眮きたしたよ。 ん「はんかち」の柄にどこか芋芚えが ふふふ。ええ、かわいいあなたの䌌姿ですよ♪Commander, I'm leaving some coffee, tea, and a hanky for you. ...Hm? The pattern looks familiar? Heehee, that's because I embroidered a cute little version of you!
Details欞芁垮我量身材数据吗  可、可是  芁垮我定制衣服吗  奜吧///  え採寞しおくださるのですか で、でも  枡良瀬の衣装を泚文したいっおそういうこずでしたら  Oh? You'll measure me? B-but... you want to order clothes for me? In that case, okay...
Main  嗯指挥官䜠刚刚是跟我诎话了吗抱歉我正圚研究“猀织”这种纺织技艺想试着结合进䞋䞀次的讟计䞭成品应该䌚埈特别、埈挂亮吧~ ん指揮官、䜕かありたしたかすみたせん、「ツヅレ」ずいう手芞を勉匷しおいお、今床お䜜りする衣装にそれを生かそうず 倚分キレむな仕䞊がりになりたすよHmm? Did you say something, Commander? Sorry, I'm learning a new type of embroidery to incorporate it into my next design... I think it'll turn out well.
Main 2嗯想芁拥抱我的话我就暂时把刀攟䞋哊  来抱䞀䞋~怎样有从拥抱䞭获埗力量吗~んぎゅヌっずするのがご垌望でしたら、先に刃を眮いおきたすね。  はい、どうぞ。いかがですかもっず発奮できそうですかOh? If you want to hug me, let me put my blade down first. Okay, I'm all yours~ There... Is that as rousing as you'd hoped?
Main 3我没有圚走神哊只是想看着䜠而已  因䞺修行的时闎已经结束了现圚是我的䌑息时闎~ あ、今のはがヌっずしおいたのではなく、ただ指揮官を芋぀めおいただけですっ。ふふ、鍛錬はもう終わりたしたから、今は息抜き䞭です♪Ah, sorry. I wasn't spacing out – I just wanted to stare at you. Heehee, I finished my training, so I'm taking a break.
Main 4发现了吗圚䜠衣服内䟧绣䞊的是代衚“喜欢”的含义的囟案哊~是䞍是埈可爱ふふ、もうお気づきになりたしたか指揮官のお着替えの裏地に刺繍した柄には「奜き」ずいう意味があるんですよふふ、可愛らしいですかHeheh, did you already notice? The pattern I embroidered on the inside of your clothes symbolizes love. Cute, isn't it? Heehee.
Touch芁成䞺我的挔歊对手吗  那我可䞍䌚手䞋留情的哊——匀玩笑的~今床の挔歊で受けをやっおくださるのですか 指揮官が盞手だからずいっお手は抜きたせんよ――なんお、冗談ですよ♪You'd like me to teach you some martial arts soon...? I won't hold back just because you're my partner... Haha, I'm kidding!
Touch (Special)指挥官我还芁圚这里训练哊  请别  嗯  指揮官、ただ鍛錬が残っおいたすよ  今は  んんっ///There's still much training left to come, Commander... Now isn't a good... Mmnh!
Touch (Headpat)这样的觊碰什我感到埈安心呢~こうしおなでなでされるず、なんだか安心したすねThe way you pet me is almost calming.
Mission指挥官工䜜时闎到了哊  嗯䜠是圚撒嚇吗  呵呵~奜吧奜吧让我来垮䜠吧。指揮官、そろそろ任務の時間に  んもしや積んでしたいたした  ふふ。いいですよ。私にも手䌝わせおくださいCommander, it's almost time for missions... Hm? Did you let them pile up that fast? Heehee, okay. I'm happy to help.
Mail指挥官陀了信件以倖还收到了䞀些垃料哊  欞是䜠特意垮我订莭的吗谢谢指揮官、お手玙のほかに、生地も届いおいたすね  ん指揮官が泚文しおくださったのですかありがずうございたすCommander, a fabric order came along with the mail... Hm? You ordered it for me? Thank you!
Return to Port指挥官坐䞋来䌑息䞀䞋吧  呵呵~膝枕也可以哊  光线倪亮了么我甚手垮䜠挡䜏県睛吧  指揮官、座っお䞀䌑みしたせんか  ふふふ。私の倪ももでもお構いなく 郚屋の明かりが眩しいですかこうしお遮っおあげたすよCome sit down and take a break. ...Heehee, lie down in my lap, if you'd like. Is the room too bright? Here... I'll shield your eyes.
Affinity (Love)最近的修行懈怠了  才䞍是哊我可是劳逞结合掟的。呵呵圓然啊最重芁的是即䟿现圚攟䞋刀我也有胜借保技奜䜠的自信哊毕竟——对䜠的爱䌚让我战无䞍胜。最近鍛錬をサボっおいないかっお 違いたすよ。息抜きする時間も鍛錬ず同じくらい倧事なだけです♪ふふふ、それに今鍛錬をしなくおも、指揮官をちゃんず守れる自信はありたすよだっお指揮官ぞの「奜き」が私を勝たせたすから――Am I slacking off on my training lately? Not at all, Commander. I simply believe that rest is just as important as work! Heehee, besides, I'm confident that I can protect you already. Love always wins, after all.