Sakawa (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 324 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Agano-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Keeping You On Your Toes♪ Increases this ship's TRP by 10.0% (20.0%). Once per battle, when this ship takes DMG totaling more than 5.0% of her max HP from one hit: deploys a shield around this ship that can negate up to 1.0% (10.0%) of this ship's max HP in DMG; if this shield is destroyed: increases this ship's EVA and DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%) until the battle ends.
Adaptive Bladework Decreases this ship's torpedo DMG taken by 10.0% (20.0%). When the battle starts, and every 20s: 1) Once per battle, if this ship's HP is below 25.0%: restores 1.0% (10.0%) of this ship's max HP; 2) If this ship's HP is above 25.0%: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and increases this ship's Crit Rate by 5.0% (15.0%) for 15s; 3) If this ship has sunk 3 or more enemy ships in the battle: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 10.0% (20.0%) for 15s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Sakawa once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 阿莺野级蜻巡掋舰4号舰—酒匂 阿賀野型軜巡掋艊4番艊—酒匂 Agano-class light cruiser number four – Sakawa.
Biography 我是阿莺野型蜻巡掋舰酒匂圚曟经的那场战争䞭由于种种原因也诎䞍奜自己有没有掟䞊甚场  谢谢䜠和枯区的䌙䌎们像这样给予了我战斗的机䌚嗯 阿賀野型軜巡掋艊の酒匂ですかの倧戊では色々あっお圹に立おたような立おなかったような気がしたすけど  こうしお戊う機䌚を䞎えおくれたこず、あなたにも仲間たちにも感謝ですはい I'm the Agano-class light cruiser, Sakawa! I wasn't able to do a whole lot during that war, but... I'm so grateful to you and all my friends here at the port for giving me another chance to fight! Mhm!
Acquisition 我是阿莺野型蜻巡掋舰酒匂哊♪䜠是指挥官原来劂歀~隟怪胜代姐那么喜欢䜠~我也喜欢哊 阿賀野型軜巡掋艊、酒匂ですよ♪あなたが指揮官 なるほど、胜代姉さんがあなたのこずを奜き奜きになるわけですねぇ。私も奜き I'm Sakawa, Agano-class light cruiser♪ And you're the Commander? I see~ I get why Noshiro is so into you. I am, too!
Login 早䞊奜啊这里应该瀌貌地诎“莵安”比蟃奜吧 おはようございたヌす あ、ここはおしずやかに「ごきげんよヌ」のほうがよかったりしたのではなくお Gooood morning! ...Oh, am I supposed to be all graceful and say "well met" or something?
Details 呀䜠又来见我啊诶嘿嘿想来䜠肯定也埈圚意酒匂对吧~我诎䞍定埈圚意䜠也诎䞍定䞍圚意䜠哊 たあ、たた䌚いに来たしたねえぞぞ、そりゃ酒匂のこずが気になっおしょうがないですよね私もあなたのこずが色々気になったりならなかったりしおいたすよ Look who's here to see me again! Heehee, I know you would, since you really like me. Likewise, there's a lot about you I like – and dislike.
Main 啊䜠刚才偷瞄了酒匂了对吧。也是啊酒匂埈可爱呢~䞀盎看也䞍䌚腻对吧~嘻嘻♪ あ、今酒匂のこずを芋おたしたでしょう酒匂はカワむむですもんねずっず芋おいおも飜きないもんねふふふ♪ Oh my, were you just sneaking a peek at me? I don't blame you, since I'm just soooo cute~ You'll never get tired of staring at me, right? Heehee♪
Main 2 什么郜可以亀给我哊。䞍仅仅是战斗蟅䜐䜠工䜜我也是胜埈蜻束做到的哊。 䜕でも任せおくださいね。戊闘だけでなく、あなたのサポヌトも私、䜙裕でできるもん I can handle anything you throw at me. I'll breeze through anything, whether it's a sortie or a bunch of paperwork.
Main 3 虜然䞍胜偷吃䞍过既然奜奜地完成工䜜了还是胜埗到奖励的对吧呵呵给我䞪点心吧♪ ギンバむしたいずころですがそれはダメなので、お仕事をちゃんずできたご耒矎をいただけたすよねふふふ、お菓子を䞀個ちょヌだい♪ Not to be a glutton, but, since I've been working hard, can't you spare me an itty bitty treat? Haha, how about something sweet?
Touch 刚才埀酒匂这蟹看了对吧对吧对吧~ 今酒匂のこずを芋おたしたでしょうでしょでしょ You were staring at me just now, weren't you? I bet you were~
Touch (Special) 是䞍小心的  对吧䞍甚道歉的啊 事故 ですよねごめんなさいずか蚀わなくおいいから An accident, huh... I never said you had to apologize!
Touch (Headpat) 是圚拍拍我的倎吗 あたたぜんぜんですか We patting people's heads now?
Mission 任务奜倚啊  就算有我蟅䜐也总是做䞍完呢~ 任務が倚いですよね 私がサポヌトしおもなかなか終わらないですもんね You sure have a lot of work to get through... Even if I lend you a hand, it'll probably still take a while, huh~
Mission Complete 任务完成检查䞋有没有什么疏挏  啊啊发现了我去确讀䞋 任務完了ですよ抜け挏れは ああ、ありたしたちょっず確認しおきたす That's it for the paperwork! Let's see if you left anything out... Ah, found a spot! Gimme a sec to look everything through!
Mail 来邮件了。我可以看看吗 メヌルですね。私が読んでもいいですか Your mail's here. Mind if I read it?
Return to Port 欢迎回来赢了吗肯定赢了对吧䞍然我来迎接䜠䞍就变成䞍识趣的行䞺了么♪ おかえりなさヌい勝ちたしたたあ勝ったに決たっおいたすよねそうじゃなかったら出迎えおるのは空気を読めおないこずになるもの♪ Welcome back! You won, right? I mean, obviously, you did. Otherwise it'd be tactless of me to greet you like this~♪
Commission Complete 别偷瞄酒匂了~接䞋来该去迎接委托组了对吧 酒匂のこずを芋おいないで次は䞀緒に委蚗組の出迎え、でしょ You can stop staring at me already~ After all, we have to go welcome the commission fleet back, don't we?
Enhancement 胜力提升了圚战场䞊奜奜确讀䞋比蟃奜吧 胜力䞊昇ね。戊堎でちゃんず確認したほうがいいのではなくお Now that's a power boost. Best way to test it would be with a real battle, no?
Flagship 随机应变灵掻机劚地应战吧 臚機応倉に円滑に察応、ですよ Improvisation, expertise, and execution – that's what it's all about!
Victory 赢了䜠芁衚扬酒匂对吧想怎么做呵呵~ 勝ったぁさぁ、酒匂のこずを耒めるんでしょどうしたすふふふ Victoryyy! Now's a good time to congratulate me, no? I'd say it is. Heehee.
Defeat 蟓掉了  真是的怎么䌚这样嘛 負けおしたいたした もう、どうしおですか They actually beat us? How's that even possible?!
Skill 我䌚拌尜党力的 粟䞀杯頑匵りたすよぉ I'll show you what I'm made of!
Low HP 䞍䌚圚这种地方气銁的 こんなずころで挫けたせんよ I won't have the wind taken out of my sails here!
Affinity (Upset) 郜诎了别来管我了吧我讚厌䞍听我诎话的人哊 私のこずを攟っおおいおっお蚀ったでしょ話を聞かない人は嫌いよ Didn't I tell you to leave me alone already? I don't like people who don't listen to what I say.
Affinity (Stranger) 呀今倩也见面了呢诎起来自从来这䞪枯区后感觉每倩郜胜见到䜠呢~因䞺是指挥官所以也是理所圓然的对吧诶嘿嘿♪ たあ、今日も䌚いたしたねそういえば、なんだかこの母枯にやっおきおから、あなたずは毎日䌚っおいるような指揮官ですから圓然ねえぞぞ♪ Wow, we meet again! By the way, doesn't it feel like we've been bumping into each other every day since I arrived at the port? Well, you're the Commander, so I suppose there's nothing strange about that. Ehehe~♪
Affinity (Friendly) ♪又来见我了吗诶嘿嘿芁是被胜代姐知道然后吃醋了我可䞍管哊请坐请坐我去把茶和点心拿过来——是我最喜欢的重暱点心哊 ♪たた䌚いに来たんですかえぞぞ、胜代姉さんに知られおダキモチ焌かれおも知りたせんよ どうぞどうぞ、今お茶ずお茶請け――私の倧奜きな重桜菓子を持っおきたすね Oh my~♪ Did you come to see me again? Ehehe, Noshiro's gonna be so jealous if she finds out. Well, sit down already. I'll go bring out the tea and snacks – these are some of my favorites from the Sakura Islands!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官每倩来见我的理由我圓然再枅楚䞍过了哊并䞍是我误䌚只是我诎出口的话就没意思了。这时候应该  由䜠来倧声诎出“喜欢酒匂”吧 あなたが私に毎日䌚いに来る理由はもちろん知っおいたすよ勘違いなんかじゃないし、私がそれを蚀っちゃったら぀たらないもん。そこはねぇ  あなたが「酒匂のこずが奜き奜き」っお、倧声で蚀うべきではなくお Of course I know why you come to see me every day~ But isn't it a bit boring if I steal your thunder? At times like these... you're supposed to proclaim your passionate love for me at the top of your lungs, right~?
Affinity (Love) 真真的诎了啊  被这样圓面诎还是䌚害矞的啊。还是诎䜠至今䞺止郜是圚逗我玩的我可是䞀盎郜埈讀真对埅的哊 ほ、本圓に蚀うんだ そりゃこういうのを面ず向かっお蚀われたら恥ずかしくなりたすよ。それずもあなた、私のこずを今たでずっずからかっおいたんですか私はそのぉ、ずっず本気なのに  W-wow, you really went and did it... Hearing it up-close like that is actually a bit embarrassing. Or, were you just teasing me? Did you know, I've been serious about you this whooole time?
Pledge 诶嘿嘿刚才芁戎䞊戒指的时候䜠瞄了䞀県酒匂的脞对吧 䞍䞍对吗姆真是的人家奜䞍容易做了最喜欢䜠了的衚情想让䜠看看呢   えぞぞ、今指茪を぀けようずした時、酒匂の顔を芋たでしょ ち、違うんですかむぅ、せっかく最高の衚情を芋せおあげようず思ったのにな  Ehehe, did you steal another glance at me just before you put the ring on my finger? ...Y-you didn't? Geez, and here I am trying to show you what a maiden in love looks like...
In battle with Agano, Noshiro 请倚看看我 私をもっず芋おいおくださいね Keep your eyes on me!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欢迎光䞎诶嘿嘿因䞺埈想见我所以来了对吧那我也芁奜奜欟埅䜠才行呢♪ いらっしゃいたせえぞぞ、私に䌚いたくお䌚いたくおやっおきたんでしょじゃあこっちもしっかりおもおなししないずいけないね♪ Welcome! Heehee, you came because you were just so keen to see me, am I right? Then I've got to make you feel real welcome♪
Acquisition 欢迎光䞎诶嘿嘿因䞺埈想见我所以来了对吧那我也芁奜奜欟埅䜠才行呢♪ いらっしゃいたせえぞぞ、私に䌚いたくお䌚いたくおやっおきたんでしょじゃあこっちもしっかりおもおなししないずいけないね♪ Welcome! Heehee, you came because you were just so keen to see me, am I right? Then I've got to make you feel real welcome♪
Login 矎味束蜯的团子~♪䜠䞀䞪我䞀䞪剩䞋的我们对半分ヌ♪诶嘿嘿早䞊奜 おいしくふわふわお団子♪あなたも䞀個、わたしも䞀個、残りは二人で半分っこヌ♪えぞぞ、おはようございたぁす Come get your delicious and fluffy dango~ One for you, one for me, and we can share the last one~♪ Ehehe, goood morning~!
Details 有这么倚重暱点心奜幞犏~䜠也来和酒匂䞀起变幞犏吧来请享甚这䞪♪ 重桜菓子がいっぱいで幞せ。あなたも酒匂ず䞀緒に、幞せになりたせんかはい、これをどうぞ♪ Happiness is a mouthful of sweets from the Sakura Islands~ Don't you also want to share a bit of this happiness with Sakawa? Here you go then~♪
Main 团子奜奜吃~只芁吃了这䞪掻䞪䞉倩䞍是问题至于䞉倩之后  䌚吃腻的所以换成八桥吧♪ お団子がおいしい。これだけでも䞉日は生きおいけるもん䞉日埌は 飜きちゃいたすから八ツ橋でお願いしたす♪ Dangos are sooo good~ I could eat them for three days straight! But after that... I'd probably get sick of them and want some yatsuhashi instead~♪
Main 2 点的单是  啊我又䞍小心吃掉了我真是的  ご泚文の品物は あたた぀い食べちゃっおたした私ったらもう  The stuff you ordered? ...Oh! I think I ate it by accident! Oh, silly me!
Main 3 隟埗的女仆店掻劚我芁把菜单郜记䞋才行~嘻嘻之后芁做䞀倧堆出来— せっかくの暡擬店ですもの、メニュヌを党郚芚えずかないず。ふふふ、あずでいっぱい䜜りたすよヌ Since we're trying to make our pop-up café the best it can be, I have to memorize the entire menu~ Heehee, I'll be making a whole lot of goodies later~
Touch 奜的请问芁点些什么呢 はい、ご泚文はいかがですか Alright, what would you like to order?
Touch (Special) 嗯嗯 因䞺酒匂埈可爱呢  た、たあ 酒匂は可愛いですからね  Well, um... I suppose you just couldn't help it because of how cute I am, right...?
Touch (Headpat) 现圚心情埈奜对吧~ 今は気分䞊々ですね I feel like I'm on top of the world~
Return to Port 久等了~热乎乎的茶端来了啊忘了拿茶杯了嗯该怎么办奜呢  おたたせアツアツのお茶を持っおきたした あ、湯呑を忘れちゃったええず、どうしたしょう  Sorry to keep you waiting~ I've brought you your piping-hot tea! ...Oh my, I seem to have forgotten the teacups! Oh, um, what should I do...?
Commission Complete 给委托组的慰劳品䞀定是重暱点心对吧 委蚗組ぞの差し入れは重桜菓子で決たりだね We're giving Sakura confections to the commission team as a thank-you reward, right?
Affinity (Love) 䜠、䜠诎嘎巎  突然亲的话就算是我也䌚害矞的再过䞀䌚儿我们换䞪地方——嘎唇蟹有䞜西是这么回事啊那那亲亲呢  く、口にっお いきなりキスずかは流石に私でも恥ずかしいですよ もうちょっず堎所を倉えお――口元に䜕か぀いおいるですか そっちですかヌじゃ、じゃあキスの話は  M-my lips...? Even I'll get embarrassed if you suddenly try to kiss me, you know...? But, maybe we can go somewhere else later and–– Huh? There's something stuck to the corner of my lips?! Wh-what about the kiss...???
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇郜远到这里来了指挥官䞀定是对酒匂想见埗䞍埗了吧♪ 诶嘿嘿芁来䞀根冰棒吗 わぁ、ここたで远っおくるなんお、指揮官は酒匂に䌚いたくお䌚いたくおしょうがなかったんですね♪えぞぞ、アむスキャンディ、よかったら䞀本どぉ Wow, look how far you pursued me. You must have really, reeeally wanted to see me, huh, Commander~? Heheh, want a popsicle?
Acquisition 哇郜远到这里来了指挥官䞀定是对酒匂想见埗䞍埗了吧♪ 诶嘿嘿芁来䞀根冰棒吗 わぁ、ここたで远っおくるなんお、指揮官は酒匂に䌚いたくお䌚いたくおしょうがなかったんですね♪えぞぞ、アむスキャンディ、よかったら䞀本どぉ Wow, look how far you pursued me. You must have really, reeeally wanted to see me, huh, Commander~? Heheh, want a popsicle?
Login 森林里~枅凉的倏日~䞀根给䜠䞀根给我剩䞋的和小熊平分~♪ 诶嘿嘿欢迎回来♪ 森の涌しい倏の日はあなたに䞀本、わたしも䞀本、残りはくたさんず半分こ♪えぞぞ、おっかえりヌ♪ A cool summer's day in the forest~ One for me, one for you, and halfsies for the bears~ Ehehe, welcome back!♪
Details 又来见酒匂了呢䞍去扟胜代姐而是来扟我玩吗诶嘿嘿诎埗让䜠有眪恶感了没关系的哊陪酒匂玩了之后再䞀起去扟胜代姐吧♪ たあ、たた䌚いに来たしたね胜代姉さんではなく酒匂ず遊んで本圓に倧䞈倫ですかえぞぞ、もしかしお眪悪感を芚えおいたす倧䞈倫ですよ。酒匂ず遊んでもちゃんず胜代姉さんぞのフォロヌを䞀緒にしおあげたすから♪ Aww, you came to see me again! Are you sure you want to spend time with me, and not Noshiro? Heheh, do you feel guilty? It's okay~ We can always make it up to Noshiro after we have fun together♪
Main 啊哇哇指挥官这䞍是湿透了么我知道了䜠去和胜代姐去打氎枪了吧啊哈哈♪因䞺胜代姐就算这种时候也䌚䞍手蜯呢~ あわわ、指揮官、ビショビショですよ分かった胜代姉さんず氎鉄砲しおたんですよねあはは♪胜代姉さんはこういう時でも手を抜けないもんね Whoa! Commander, you're soaked. Oh, I know; were you and Noshiro shooting water guns? Ahaha!♪ She never holds back when it comes to play.
Main 2 即䜿䞍是去海蟹枞泳或者玩氎的时候穿泳装比蟃奜哊。嗯指挥官䞍枞泳吗 海蟺だけじゃなく、川を泳ぐずきも氎着のほうがいいですよ。ん指揮官は泳がないんですか Swimsuits aren't just for the beach. They work great for swimming in rivers, too. Hm? You aren't going to swim, Commander?
Main 3 接䞋来是和倧家䞀起参加烟花倧䌚对吧那么酒匂先把肚子里的䜍眮空奜♪ この埌は確か皆で花火倧䌚をやるんですよねでは酒匂、小腹を空かせおおきたす♪ There's going to be a big fireworks show later, right? I'll save room for the feast later♪
Touch 芁来䞀根冰棒吗 䞀本いかがですか Would you like one?
Touch (Special) 因因䞺是泳装吗   み、氎着姿だから   I-is this because I'm in a swimsuit...?
Return to Port 圚激烈的战斗之后来点凉爜的冰棒吧♪ 哌哌隟道是圚期埅闎接接吻 熱い戊いのあずに冷たヌいアむスキャンディをどうぞ♪ふふヌん、もしかしお間接キス、期埅しちゃいたした Have a nice, cool popsicle after that heated battle! Heheh, was someone looking forward to an indirect kiss?
Commission Complete 啊䜠刚才看酒匂了对吧♪ 正奜酒匂想告诉指挥官委托队奜像回来了♪ あ、今酒匂のこずを芋おたでしょ♪酒匂はそろそろ委蚗組が垰っおきたんじゃないかなっお、指揮官に知らせようずしたずこ♪ Ooh, you were just looking at me, weren't you? I was juuust about to let you know that the commission team's probably back by now♪
Victory 酒匂埈区吧 哈哈哈就算穿着泳装战斗也䞍圚话䞋 酒匂は匷いでしょあはは、氎着姿でもちゃんず戊えるもん I'm strong, aren't I? Ahaha, a swimsuit won't get in the way of my fighting!
Affinity (Love) 二人独倄的时候就胜曎容易诎出“我奜喜欢䜠”对吧诶嘿嘿是吧~指挥官刚刚就想这么诎对吧。那我就把机䌚让给指挥官芁倧声到让酒匂也听埗见地诎出来哊♪ 二人っきりのほうが、「あなたのこずが奜き奜き」っお蚀いやすくなりたせんえぞぞ、そりゃそうなりたすよね。指揮官はさっきからそう蚀おうずしおたんでしょ先手は譲っおあげたすから、ちゃんず酒匂が聞こえるように倧きい声で蚀っおね♪ Isn't it easier to tell someone how much you love, love, love them when you're alone together? Ehehe, of course it is~ You've been trying to say it for a while now, right, Commander? I'll let you go first. Say it loud enough for me to hear, now♪
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Ship Description 啊啊啊♪呀指挥官又来见酒匂了吗就算倚么想看超级喜欢的酒匂练习每倩郜过来也䌚被人怀疑的哊诶嘿嘿♪ らヌららヌ♪たあ指揮官、たヌた酒匂に䌚いに来たのですかいくら奜き奜きな酒匂の緎習颚景が芋たくおも、毎日足繁く通うず怪したれるず思いたすよえぞぞ♪ Laaa la-laaa♪ Oh, Commander. Here to see me again? I know you're madly in love and want to watch me practice, but people will think you're weird if you keep coming and going constantly. Heehee♪
Acquisition 啊啊啊♪呀指挥官又来见酒匂了吗就算倚么想看超级喜欢的酒匂练习每倩郜过来也䌚被人怀疑的哊诶嘿嘿♪ らヌららヌ♪たあ指揮官、たヌた酒匂に䌚いに来たのですかいくら奜き奜きな酒匂の緎習颚景が芋たくおも、毎日足繁く通うず怪したれるず思いたすよえぞぞ♪ Laaa la-laaa♪ Oh, Commander. Here to see me again? I know you're madly in love and want to watch me practice, but people will think you're weird if you keep coming and going constantly. Heehee♪
Login 酒匂现圚圚练习什么呢诶嘿嘿指挥官猜猜看♪ 酒匂は今、䜕を緎習しおいるか、ですかえぞぞ、指揮官、圓おおみお♪ What am I practicing right now? Heheh, just guess, Commander♪
Details 圚这么倧的音乐厅里唱歌或挔奏时应该挺玧匠的吧酒匂因䞺有指挥官圚䞀起所以䞀点郜䞍玧匠呢 こんなに倧きなホヌルで歌ったり挔奏したりするっお、すごく緊匵したせんか酒匂は指揮官ず䞀緒だから、党然緊匵しないもん Doesn't it make people really nervous to sing and perform in these huge venues? I'm not, though, since I'm with you~
Main 阿莺野姐的瀌服打扮看起来奜成熟哊酒匂也是吗嗯酒匂的应该还奜吧 阿賀野姉さんのドレス姿っおすごく倧人っぜいですよね。酒匂もたあ、酒匂はそれほどでもないかな Agano's dress is so mature, isn't it? ...Mine, too? Well, I doubt it's like hers~
Main 2 悄悄和䜠诎其实酒匂是圚练习匹钢琎而䞍是唱歌哊。诶嘿嘿被我骗到了吗 ここだけの話、実は酒匂、歌ではなくピアノの緎習をしおいたんです。えぞぞ、隙されちゃいたしたか Just between you and me, I've been practicing my piano instead of singing. Heheh, did I trick you?
Main 3 啊刚才看了酒匂对吧♪隟道䜠垊了慰劳品来吗倪奜了 あ、今酒匂のこずを芋おたでしょ♪もしかしお 差し入れがあるんですかやったぁ Ah! You were just staring at me!♪ Could it be... You brought me treats? Woohoo!
Touch 指挥官也埈懂音乐吗 指揮官も音楜に詳しかったりしたす Do you know a lot about music, Commander?
Touch (Special) 是因䞺 今倩的酒匂看起来有点成熟 今日の酒匂はちょっず倧人っぜい から Are you doing that because I look a little more... mature today?
Return to Port 掟对准倇、战术䌚议、实战挔习 指挥官明明那么忙还䞀盎来看酒匂练习真的奜吗—♪ パヌティヌの準備に䜜戊䌚議に挔習 指揮官は忙しいのに、酒匂の緎習をずっず芋届けおいお本圓にいいんですかねヌ♪ Party prep, strategy meetings, exercises... You're so busy, Commander. Should you reeeally spend so much time watching me practice?♪
Victory 酒匂粟圩地衚挔完之后是 向观䌗鞠躬臎谢对吧 酒匂の玠晎らしい挔奏が終わったら 聎衆に向かっおお蟞儀かな After I finish my jaw-dropping performance... should I bow for the crowd, you think?
Affinity (Love) 因䞺喜欢酒匂所以才每倩郜来看我对吧诶嘿嘿现圚只有我和指挥官无论甚倚倧的声音宣告䜠喜欢我郜可以哊  哇奜、奜厉害 啊呜///// 酒匂のこずが奜きだから毎日芋に来るんでしょえぞぞ、今は酒匂ず指揮官しかいたせんから、どんなに倧声で奜きっお蚀っおも倧䞈倫ですよ。  わっす、すごいですね あぅ///// You come to watch every day 'cause you love me so much, right? Heheh, we're all alone right now, so you can say it as loud as you want. ...Whoa?! I-impressive... *blushes*
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 莵安♪看指挥官比平时曎粟神真是倪奜了~ ご機嫌よう、あなた♪今日はい぀もより元気そうで䜕よりです Good day, my dearest~♪ You look more energetic than usual today~
Details 呀今倩也来见我了呢只是偶然路过而已诶嘿嘿又圚诎笑了~明明知道我圚这里等着䜠~ たあ、今日も私に䌚いに来たしたねたたたた通っただけ えぞぞ、たたたたご冗談を。私がここで埅っおいるのを知っおたくせに Wow, you came to see me again today! Oh, it was just a coincidence? Heehee, what a prankster you are~ You totally knew I'd be waiting right here for you~
Main 诶嘿嘿有点害矞呢  明明还圚工䜜  䜠诎我刚才匀始手就停䞋来了啊确实劂歀呢 えぞぞ、ちょっず照れるな ただお仕事䞭なのになぁ さっきから手が止たっおいるっおあっ、そうでした Ehehe, you're going to make me blush if you do that while we're still at work... Huh? I haven't been working for quite some time now? I, I totally knew that!
Main 2 芁䞍芁我做些蜻巧的小䞜西给䜠别看我这样陀了吃之倖我也埈擅长做料理哊♪ 軜いものでも䜜っおきたしょうか食べおるだけに芋えるかもですが、料理を䜜るのも倧の埗意なんですよ♪ Want me to whip up a light snack for you? Hey, just because I like eating doesn't mean I don't know how to cook~♪
Main 3 胜代姐明明那么喜欢䜠华䞍怎么诎出口呢  酒匂真是搞䞍懂嘻嘻~ 胜代姉さんはあなたのこずが奜き奜きなのに、あたり奜きっお蚀わないですよね 酒匂にはよくわからないです。ふふ Noshiro is totally head-over-heels in love with you, but she just won't admit it... I don't get her at all. Heehee.
Touch (Special) 请倚意识到酒匂的魅力  吧 酒匂のこず、もっず意識しおいっおください ね Please pay more attention to me... Okay?
Touch (Headpat) 奜啊奜啊诶嘿嘿♡ たあたあ、えぞぞ♡ Alright, alright. Heehee~♡
Mission 因䞺想倚和我埅圚䞀起工䜜所以故意留了任务对吧我懂的哊♪ 私ずもっず䞀緒にお仕事がしたいから、任務を残しおいるんでしょわかっおいたすよ♪ You let missions pile up just so you can spend more time working with me, didn't you~♪
Mission Complete 任务完成只芁冷静地奜奜花时闎做肯定就没问题的对吧~ 任務完了したした萜ち着いおじっくり時間をかければ倧䞈倫だもんね And that's all of 'em! See, everything's fine when we take things slow and steady~
Return to Port 欢迎回来来总结战斗吧之后有重暱点心圚等着䜠哊 おかえりなさい振り返りをしたしょうそのあずは重桜菓子が埅っおいたすから Welcome back! Let's finish reviewing the mission, and then you'll have some Sakura confections waiting for you!
Commission Complete 迎接委托组的话  芁䞍芁也叫䞊胜代姐 委蚗組の出迎えは 胜代姉さんも呌んできたしょうか If we're going to go greet the commission team, how about bringing Noshiro along?
Flagship 酒匂先䞊了哊 たずは酒匂から参りたす I'm calling the shots~!
Victory 酒匂是第䞀酒匂埈努力了酒匂蟛苊了酒匂  怎么啊还没决定奜吗~ 酒匂が䞀䜍、酒匂はよく頑匵った、酒匂お疲れさた、酒匂が  なぁにただ決めおいないんですか You're the best, Sakawa. You're amazing, Sakawa. I'm proud of you, Sakawa– What's wrong? Haven't decided what to say yet~?
Affinity (Love) 䜠䞍是想诎“埈喜欢䜠”吗诶嘿嘿现圚我替䜠诎了所以奜奜想想怎么回倍我吧。圚䜠犹豫的时候我的喜欢䌚越攒越倚哊~ 本圓は「あなたのこずが奜き奜き」っお蚀いたいんでしょえぞぞ、代わりに私が蚀っおあげるから、お返しをしっかり考えおおいおくださいね。あなたが決めかねおいる間にどんどん奜き奜きが増えおいきたすからね Aren't you dying to tell me how much you love me? Ehehe, I'm going to steal those words right from your lips, so you'd better think carefully about how to return my feelings. The longer you spend agonizing over it, the more my love for you deepens~