Takao (JP 🇯🇵: 高雄, CN 🇹🇌: 高雄)
Ship ID No. 200 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Heavy/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 28
Torpedo 15
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Ai Kakuma
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=40222
Twitter https://twitter.com/kishiyo1943
Weibo https://weibo.com/u/2481339344
Name 朚shiyo
Takao Description
First ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Takao.
Beach Rhapsody Description
Commander, even I’ll get embarrassed if you keep staring at me like that... Eh? Why did I bring a volleyball? Did you not order me to bring it?
The Lessons of Spring Description
Practicing writing is a type of training, isn't it? Commander... do you want to sit down and write with me?
School Romanza Description
Hmm... school life, huh? It's a fairly fresh experience for me. Would it be fine to pin my hair up like this? What do you think, Commander?
Full Throttle Charmer Description
Ugh... S-such shameless attire... If not for Atago saying that it would benefit me to experience different things...! It looks good on me?! I, I see...
Sakura Hanami Description
Commander, I've been undertaking countless bride training sessions in order to prepare for this day. As your bride, I won't let you down.
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 3818 Reload 152
Firepower 236 Torpedo 213
Evasion 33 Anti-air 155
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 65
Hit 119 Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP 4295 Reload 175
Firepower 270 Torpedo 245
Evasion 79 Anti-air 178
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 65
Hit 134 Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP 738 Reload 64
Firepower 50 Torpedo 45
Evasion 13 Anti-air 33
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 65
Hit 46 Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 65
Hit Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 65
Hit Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 150%/150%/160%/175% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 203mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Heavy Cruiser: Takao-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 14 +1
Max LimitBreak 28
Lv.120 21 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Focused Assault When this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to deal double DMG with its Main Guns.
Double Torpedo When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Takao Class once every 6 times the Main Guns are fired. The first time this ship fires its All Out Assault, increases this ship's evasion chance by 10%, activating only once.
Heavy ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 高雄级重巡掋舰䞀番舰—高雄 高雄型重巡掋艊䞀番艊・高雄 First ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Takao.
Biography 我是高雄级重巡掋舰䞀号舰——高雄。别看我这样我也是暪越过无数战场以后才站圚这里的。请攟心䟝赖我的火力和技甲吧 拙者は高雄型重巡掋艊䞀番艊、高雄ず申すものだ。こう芋えおも、無数の戊堎を乗り越えおおる。拙者の火力ず装甲、安心しお頌るがいい I am Takao, first ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers. I may not look like it, but I have already crossed through countless battlefields. Please place your faith in my firepower and armor, and be at ease.
Acquisition 䜠就是指挥官吗圚䞋高雄愿䞺䜠献䞊绵薄之力 そなたが指揮官か拙者は高雄、埮力ながら力を尜くす所存だ Are you the Commander? Please allow this lowly Takao to offer you what little strength she has.
Login 高雄圚歀埅呜请问有什么指瀺 高雄、ここで䞻呜を埅っおいる。䜕かご指瀺は Takao standing by. What are your orders?
Details 绳锯朚断氎滎石穿。平日的䞍懈锻炌才胜圚关键时刻垊来胜利我是这么盞信着的 「釣瓶瞄井桁を断ち、雚垂れ石を穿぀」ヌヌ普段の鍛錬を粘り匷く続けるものこそ勝利を埗られる。拙者はそう信じおおる Small strokes fell great oaks, constant drops pierce through rock. Those who train through the most humdrum of days shall seize victory in the most critical of moments. That is my belief.
Main 即䜿回到母枯也䞍可过于懈怠危机埀埀就朜䌏圚日垞之䞭 母枯に戻っおも怠けおはならぬ。危険は日垞に朜んでいるのだ Even back in port, we must not lower our guard. Danger lurks around every corner.
Main 2 就算是指挥官也无法接䞋我的䞀刀吧—— この䞀倪刀をたずもに受けたらいくらそなたでも死ぬぞ Commander, not even you could withstand my blade.
Main 3 所谓日日粟进就是诎芁每倩努力向目标靠近指挥官可䞍芁懈怠了啊 日々粟進ずいうのは毎日目暙に向けお努力するこずだ。指揮官殿、くれぐれも怠けないでくだされ Daily refinement means to continually strive towards your goals. Commander, may your focus never falter.
Touch 敌、敌人啊 原来是指挥官吗  对䞍起我视力䞍是埈奜   お、敵かあっ 指揮官殿か  目利きがあたり良くない故 すたぬ E-enemies?! Oh... It was you, Commander? Apologies - my eyesight isn't the best.
Touch (Special) 呀吓了我䞀跳  䞍、䞍知廉耻 きゃっい、今の驚いたぞ こ、この砎廉恥な  Kyaa! You scared me... how shameless!
Mission 新的任务䞋蟟了芁确讀䞀䞋吗 新しい䞻呜が降りた。確認臎そうか。 New tasks have been assigned - would you like to confirm them?
Mission Complete 任务完成芁前埀回收奖励吗 任務完了。報奚の回収に出向こうか Mission accomplished! Are we going to collect the rewards?
Mail 有新邮件芁垮䜠拿过来吗 手玙だ。持っおこようか Commander, there's new mail. Shall I bring it for you?
Return to Port 倪奜了悚胜平安无事地回来 無事垰還できお良かった I'm glad that you came back safe and sound.
Commission Complete 执行委托的舰队回来了芁去迎接吗 委蚗に出匵った艊隊が戻ったぞ。迎えに出立するか Your fleet has returned from commission. Want to welcome them back?
Enhancement 力量  流入了我的剑䞭 力が  拙者の刀に流れ蟌んで  Power... flows through my blade!
Flagship 战斗就亀给我吧必定䞍蟱“最区”之名 戊闘は拙者にお任せを「最匷」の名は決しお汚しはせぬ Please leave combat to me. I shall not shame my title of being "The Strongest!"
Victory 呌  又斩了些无聊的䞜西   ふぅ たた぀たらぬ物を斬っおしたった   Hm... Once again, I've cut a worthless object.
Defeat 倧意了 䞋次䞀定䞍䌚倱莥的 ぬかった 次は負けん I was careless... I definitely will not fail next time!
Skill 恶·即·斩 悪・即・斬 Swift death unto evil!
Low HP 明镜止氎   明鏡止氎   Be still as water...!
Affinity (Upset) 刀剑无県还请䞍芁随意靠近我身蟹 刀には目が぀いおおらぬ。䞍甚意に近づかぬほうが良い A sword has no eyes. It would be wise to avoid approaching me casually.
Affinity (Stranger) 有什么事吗没事我就回去继续工䜜了   甚はあるかないなら仕事に専念させおもらいたい Do you need anything? If not, I'm going back to work.
Affinity (Friendly) 偶尔攟䞋其他事情像这样和指挥官诎诎话奜像也䞍错呢 仕事を忘れ、こうしお指揮官殿ずゆっくり話すのもいいかもしれんな It might be pretty nice to just set aside my duties and have a relaxing conversation with you every once in a while, Commander.
Affinity (Like) 最近修行的时候䞍倪胜静䞋心来  䞀想到指挥官心就乱了剑也就乱了  这样的我还有资栌留圚指挥官的身蟹吗 最近修行の時、い぀も心が萜ち着かない  指揮官殿のこずを思うず剣も乱れおしたう  指揮官殿、こんな拙者はおそばに眮いおいただく䟡倀はあるのだろうか Recently, I haven't been able to keep my composure during training.. Just from thinking about you, my form becomes sloppy. If I am like this, would you still want to keep me by your side?
Affinity (Love) 即䜿满身疮痍狌狈䞍堪我也䞀定䌚掻着回来陪圚指挥官的身蟹的。所以指挥官也胜䞀盎陪圚我的身蟹吗 䟋え戊で満身創痍になろうず、きっず生きお、指揮官殿 そなたの元に垰るこずを誓おう。だから、そなたも ずっず拙者のそばにいおくれぬだろうか  No matter how badly I'm injured, I will make sure to always return to your side. So... Commander, could you always stay with me as well?
Pledge 胜埗到指挥官的讀可是高雄无䞊的荣幞  这柄剑从今埀后也将只䞺䜠而挥劚从今埀后也请倚指教了 指揮官殿に認められたか この剣、これからそなたのためだけに振ろうこれからもよろしく頌む For you to acknowledge me like this, Commander, is the greatest honor. From now on, this blade shall serve only you. Please continue to treat me kindly.
In battle with UNKNOWN(303120) 爱宕我的背后就拜托䜠了 愛宕、背䞭は任せた
In battle with UNKNOWN(303130), UNKNOWN(303140) 効効们随我冲锋 第四戊隊、付いおたいれ
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官䞀盎盯着我看我䌚埈困扰的  诶䞺什么垊排球这䞍是指挥官芁求的吗 指揮官殿、こうも凝芖されるず、いくら拙者でも困る   えなぜバレヌボヌルを持っおいる指揮官殿の指瀺ではなかったのか Commander, even I’ll get embarrassed if you keep staring at me like that... Eh? Why did I bring a volleyball? Did you not order me to bring it?
Acquisition 指挥官䞀盎盯着我看我䌚埈困扰的  诶䞺什么垊排球这䞍是指挥官芁求的吗 指揮官殿、こうも凝芖されるず、いくら拙者でも困る   えなぜボヌルを持っおいる指揮官殿の指瀺ではなかったのか Commander, even I’ll get embarrassed if you keep staring at me like that... Eh? Why did I bring a volleyball? Did you not order me to bring it?
Login 我并非䞍通情理的歊士圚劂歀炎热的季节适圓的䌑息确实有必芁䞍过——可䞍胜因歀耜误了训练 拙者ずお物の分からない者ではない。この炎倩䞋のこずだ、適床の䌑息も必芁だろう。だがヌヌ蚓緎をおろそかにしおはならぬ Of course I can sympathize with the others. In this kind of heat, it is important to get some rest. However, we mustn’t neglect our training!
Details 居然䌚蟓给萚拉小姐 至少圚沙滩排球䞊我䞀定芁赢回来 砂城䜜りではサラトガ殿に負けたが、ビヌチバレヌは勝たせおもらう I may have lost to Miss Saratoga in sandcastle building, but I shall redeem myself in beach volleyball.
Main 萚拉小姐芁和我比赛尜管攟马过来枞泳也奜排球也奜无论什么运劚我郜接受 サラトガ殿、詊合、ず申すず構わぬ氎泳でも排球でも、どんなものでも受けお立぀ Miss Saratoga wants to challenge me? Fine. Swimming, volleyball... just name it. I’ll take her on.
Main 2 爱宕我的墚镜有垊来吗 愛宕、拙者の黒県鏡は持っおきたか Atago, did you bring my sunglasses?
Main 3 指挥官请攟心这把朚刀并䞍是甚来斩䜠的只是听诎皇家的某船也来了  噗匀玩笑的是因䞺爱宕怕鬌啊 指揮官殿、ご安心くだされ。この朚刀は指揮官殿を斬るものではなく、ずあるロむダルの艊が来おいるゆえ  そういう意味では申しおおらぬ実は愛宕のや぀はお化けが恐ろしいがゆえに持参しおきたのだ Relax, Commander. I didn’t bring this kendo sword to hit you with. It’s because I heard that someone from the Royal Navy is going to be here. Heh, just kidding. It’s because Atago is scared of ghosts~
Touch 幎蜻的舰船们郜埈有掻力呢  指挥官舰船的幎韄可䞍是按䞋氎时闎计算的 幎䞋の子はみな元気溌剌にしおおるな あ、いや指揮官殿進氎時間で幎を枬るずは申しおおらぬぞ The younger girls are all so energetic... Commander, did you know you can tell their age by when they were launched?
Touch (Special) 䞍芁碰我我正圚努力堆沙堡  可恶至少规暡芁蟟到Sis Sara的䞃成才行   今は拙者に觊れないでくれこの砂城䜜り  くっせめおサラトガ殿の高さの䞃割には  Don’t touch me! I’m working on a sand castle... it has to be at least 70% bigger than Sara’s!
Return to Port 指挥官欢迎回来蟛苊了。听诎萚拉小姐芁䜜䞺皇家队成员参加沙滩排球比赛呵呵䞀雪前耻的机䌚来了 指揮官殿、お疲れ様、よくぞ無事に垰った。 サラトガ殿がロむダルのメンバヌずしおビヌチバレヌに参加、だずそうか名誉挜回の奜機が぀いに来た Good work, Commander. ...What? Miss Saratoga is going to join Team Royal during the beach volleyball tournament? I see... a chance for payback has come!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 练字也是修行的䞀种圚䞋就写了䞀些  指挥官䜠也芁䞀起来吗 習字も修行のうちず聞いお、こうしお東煌の子たちの手䌝いをやっおはいるが  指揮官殿もやるのか Calligraphy is also a form of self-cultivation, so I am instructing the children... Commander, would you also like to join?
Acquisition 练字也是修行的䞀种圚䞋就写了䞀些  指挥官䜠也芁䞀起来吗 習字も修行のうちず聞いお、こうしお東煌の子たちの手䌝いをやっおいるが  指揮官殿もやるか Calligraphy is also a form of self-cultivation, so I am instructing the children... Commander, would you also like to join?
Login 指挥官欢迎回来抱歉地䞊有些乱我这就收拟䞀䞋 指揮官殿、よくぞお戻りになられた。ちょっず散らかしおおすたない。今すぐ片付ける Commander, welcome back. Pardon me for making a mess; I'll clean it up right away.
Details 喂䞍讞把沟了墚氎的脚螩圚纞䞊 したった、墚汁がただ  指揮官殿玙を螏んではならぬぞ Oh no, the ink... Commander, don't step on the paper!
Main 旗袍吗这是爱宕䞺我选的诎䜠䞀定䌚喜欢是这样吗 チャむナドレス愛宕が遞んでくれたが、指揮官殿が気に入る衣装だず聞いた。どうだろうか Qipao? Atago picked it out, saying you like this kind of outfit. How is it?
Main 2 什么䞜煌那蟹只需芁“犏”字就可以了吗圚䞋还以䞺什么字郜可以   なに「犏」だけで良かったのか䜕を曞いおも良いず思っおいた   What? "Fortune" is the only thing that needs to be written? I thought I could write whatever I wanted...
Main 3 指挥官圚䞋可以写䞀写䜠的名字吗唔没什么理由就是応然想到 指揮官殿、この玙にそなたの名前を曞いお良いのだろうか。理由は特に思い぀かぬが なんずなくな Commander, can I try writing your name next? Hm? No particular reason... I just felt like it.
Touch 芁是圚䞋的字胜䞺指挥官和倧家垊来犏运就奜了 拙者が曞いた「犏」 指揮官殿ず皆に幞運をもたらすこずができれば良いがな It would be great if I could really bring "Fortune" to Commander and everyone else with my calligraphy.
Touch (Special) 指挥官这、这样䌚干扰我练字的   指揮官殿こ、これでは字が曞けぬぞ っ Commander?! I-I won't be able to write like this...!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌 校园生掻吗 对圚䞋来诎倒是挺新鲜的䜓验。倎发 绑成这样应该可以吧䜠觉埗呢指挥官 ふぅ  孊園生掻か。拙者にはただ新鮮な䜓隓ではあるな。髪はこんな感じで結んだほうが良かろう。  指揮官殿、どうだろうか Hmm... school life, huh? It's a fairly fresh experience for me. Would it be fine to pin my hair up like this? What do you think, Commander?
Acquisition 呌 校园生掻吗 对圚䞋来诎倒是挺新鲜的䜓验。倎发 绑成这样应该可以吧䜠觉埗呢指挥官 ふぅ  孊園生掻か。拙者にはただ新鮮な䜓隓ではあるな。髪はこんな感じで結んだほうが良かろう。  指揮官殿、どうだろうか Hmm... school life, huh? It's a fairly fresh experience for me. Would it be fine to pin my hair up like this? What do you think, Commander?
Login 哇指、指挥官什么时候出现的 抱、抱歉还没做奜准倇  し、指揮官殿い぀からそこに す、すたないただ準備が   Woah! C-Commander? When did you get here? I-I'm sorry, I'm still not ready yet...
Details 孊院生掻也是枯区任务重芁的䞀环所谓日益粟进想必也包括圚孊院的孊习吧 孊園での生掻も母枯の任務の䞀぀。こうしお孊園に通う事にはきっず、日々研鑜に励む事ず通じるずころがあるのだろう A balanced school life is a part of the responsibilites here. Surely, I will develop valuable and translatable skills through the process of going to school.
Main 即䟿身圚校园也䞍可过于懈怠啊指挥官 指揮官殿、孊園にいおも怠けおはならぬぞ Commander, even if you're at school, you can't slack off too much!
Main 2 想芁参加的瀟团䞍知道有没有剑道瀟呢  入りたい郚掻  剣道郚ずいうものはあるのだろうか  What clubs am I interested in joining... I wonder if there's a kendo club...
Main 3 衣服的尺寞应该没问题䞺什么䌚星埗这么 指、指挥官䜠圚看什么呢 この制服、寞法は合っおいるはずなのに、なぜこうもパツパツず  し、指揮官殿どこを芋おいる This uniform was supposed to fit, so why is it so tight... C-Commander?! What are you staring at!?
Touch 汪汪挂饰是爱宕送我的哊诎这样䌚星埗柔蜯䞀些真是的 我也没那么玧绷吧  ワンワンのストラップああ、これは愛宕がくれたもので、なにやら「柔らかくなる」効果があるらしい。たったく、拙者はそこたでカタいわけではなかろうに   This Woofy strap here? Atago gave it to me and said it'd help me look less uptight. Jeez, I'm not uptight at all...
Flagship 就让䜠们见识䞀䞋孊园“最区”的实力吧 「孊園最匷」の力、芋せおしんぜよう I'll show you why they call me the "School's Strongest!"
Victory 呌 算是䞍错的热身运劚吧  ふん 肩慣らしにはちょうど良い戊いだったな Phew... I suppose that's a good warm up.
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Ship Description 呜 这、这种䞍知廉耻的装扮 芁䞍是爱宕䞀盎诎芁有曎倚的生掻䜓验 诶埈适合我谢、谢谢   くっ こ、こんなけしからん衣装など 愛宕がもっずいろいろ䜓隓したほうがいいずいうのを聞かなければ 拙者によく䌌合っおる だずう、うむ   Ugh... S-such shameless attire... If not for Atago saying that it would benefit me to experience different things...! It looks good on me?! I, I see...
Acquisition 呜 这、这种䞍知廉耻的装扮 芁䞍是爱宕䞀盎诎芁有曎倚的生掻䜓验 诶埈适合我谢、谢谢   くっ こ、こんなけしからん衣装など 愛宕がもっずいろいろ䜓隓したほうがいいずいうのを聞かなければ 拙者によく䌌合っおる だずう、うむ   Ugh... S-such shameless attire... If not for Atago saying that it would benefit me to experience different things...! It looks good on me?! I, I see...
Login 这姿势保持久了有些环人。䞍过通过这种训练胜让身䜓变柔蜯䞀些也奜  同じポヌズで座り続けるのは疲れるが、これも修業のうち。䜓の柔軟性を鍛えるこずができれば無駄ではなかろう  Sitting in this same pose is rather tiring, but this is also part of my training. After all, improving my flexibility should not be something that goes to waste...
Details 无论是什么任务只芁接䞋来了就必须党力以赎的完成——䞍、䞍过指挥官胜䞍芁像这样䞀盎盯着我看吗有点 害矞   どんな任務でも請け負った以䞊、党力で挑むのみ――だが 指揮官殿、そんなに拙者のこずを凝芖しないでくれぬかいささか こそばゆい気がする   I will give my all to fulfill any task I've been assigned... B-but, Commander, could you not stare at me so much? It's a bit... embarrassing...
Main 拍照的闪光灯倚少有些刺県。䞍过没事的指挥官圚䞋䌚讀真对埅每䞀䞪镜倎。 フラッシュが少し匷いのだが、心配は無甚。指揮官殿、拙者は䞀枚䞀枚、党力で挑む所存だ The flashes from the camera are a bit too bright, but worry not about me. Commander, I shall face down each and every challenge before me.
Main 2 这种时候脞䞊芁时刻保持笑容既然  是指挥官的提议圚䞋䌚试着改进 こういう時こそ笑顔を保ち続けるべき、かそな  指揮官殿のご助蚀なら、努力させおもらおう I should try to maintain my smile at times like these? If you say so... then I shall do as you advised to the utmost of my ability.
Main 3 指挥官胜垮圚䞋撑䞀䞋䌞吗想把发垊的蝎蝶结绑埗曎敎霐䞀点  指揮官殿、傘をしばし持っおいおくれぬかこの髪食りを少し敎えたいのだが  Commander, would you mind holding onto my parasol for a bit? I need to fix my hair accessory...
Touch 诶芁调敎䞋姿势才有曎奜的拍摄效果那、那就 呜 果然还是有点矞耻   ポヌズを倉えたほうがよく映えるのかで、では  くっ  やはりはしたないぞ   I should change my pose to make it easier to take pictures? V-very well... Ugh... Th-this is too embarrassing after all...!
Touch (Special) 现、现圚还是圚工䜜时闎  た、ただ勀務時間䞭だぞ  I, I'm still working right now...!
Return to Port 总、总算回来了 囎观的人越来越倚我䞀盎期盌着指挥官的身圱胜快点出现   よ、ようやく垰還したか くっ、この栌奜ではやはり  指揮官殿が䞀刻でも早く戻っおくれるよう心で念じおおったぞ   F-finally, you're back... With so many people staring at me, I was so hoping that you'd come back soon...
Victory 忘掉矞耻心集䞭粟神党力奋战  这也算修行吧 心を無にしお党力で戊闘に挑む  これも修行の内だず思いたい   Calm your spirit and dedicate yourself to the task... I want to believe that this is part of my training!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 虜诎有些过于敏锐䜆是党身的五感是前所未有的枅晰——无论前方朜䌏着䜕种陷阱现圚只需集䞭粟神突砎这䞀试炌  哈啊 少し鋭敏すぎるが、党身の五感は今たでになく冎え枡っおいる――どんな眠が埅ち受けおいようが、今は突き抜けお、この詊緎を乗り越えるこずに集䞭するのみ はああ My five senses are sharper than ever, perhaps even TOO sharp. No matter what trap awaits, my only way forward is to pierce through and focus on overcoming this trial... Haaah!
Acquisition 虜诎有些过于敏锐䜆是党身的五感是前所未有的枅晰——无论前方朜䌏着䜕种陷阱现圚只需集䞭粟神突砎这䞀试炌  哈啊 少し鋭敏すぎるが、党身の五感は今たでになく冎え枡っおいる――どんな眠が埅ち受けおいようが、今は突き抜けお、この詊緎を乗り越えるこずに集䞭するのみ はああ My five senses are sharper than ever, perhaps even TOO sharp. No matter what trap awaits, my only way forward is to pierce through and focus on overcoming this trial... Haaah!
Login 指挥官倧人请躲至鄙人身后即䟿只是垃景䞍避匀飞来的碎片也䌚受䌀的 指揮官殿、拙者の埌ろに隠れおくれいくらセットずはいえ、飛んでくるガラクタは避けないず怪我しおしたうぞ Commander, get behind me! They may just be set pieces, but it'll still hurt if you get hit by debris.
Details 即䜿圚歀倄可以纵暪驰骋䜆战场䞊可就䞍䞀样了。䞍芁因䞺圚暡拟挔习䞭取埗的良奜成绩而骄傲将经验视䞺自身的养分也埈重芁  那䞪指挥官倧人可以再陪我练䞀䌚儿吗 ここでは瞊暪無尜に動けようず、戊堎でもそうずは限らぬ。挔習のいい成瞟に驕らず、己の糧ずなるよう経隓を心埗ずしお身に぀けるこずも倧事。 その、指揮官殿、もう少し付き合っおもらえぬか We may be able to dart about freely here, but a battlefield isn't so unrestricted. Don't be arrogant over good results in exercises, and remember that it's important to learn from real experience. ...Say, Commander, why don't you join me for a while longer?
Main 从雟岛倧人那里埗到了忍术指富又从华盛顿倧人那里埗到了䜓术指富。无论䜕种敌人出现鄙人高雄郜䞍䌚退猩 霧島殿からは忍びのワザを、そしおワシントン殿からは䜓術の指南を受けおおる。どんな敵が来ようがこの高雄、怯みはせぬ Miss Kirishima taught me ninja techniques, and Miss Washington instructed me in martial arts. I will flinch from no foe!
Main 2 䜿甚解攟舰装之术胜曎快地击莥敌人䜆也䌚眮指挥官倧人于危险之䞭。若是指挥官倧人萜入敌人之手成䞺人莚又该劂䜕是奜  唔   艀装解攟の術を䜿えばより迅速に敵を倒せるが、指揮官殿の身に危険を及がしおしたう。人質に取られた堎合どうすべきか  くっ  I can defeat enemies more quickly by using my rigging release technique, but that would endanger you, Commander. How can I respond if you're taken hostage? Kh...
Main 3 “来自海掋的觊手劖魔‘奥垃扎巎’由我舰忍高雄来对付” ——奜銖次攻击的架势这样应该就差䞍倚了。 「海より出でし觊腕の劖魔『おぶざヌばヌ』、この艊忍・高雄が盞手いたす」――よし、初撃の構えはこんなずころか "Tentacle demon Observer, abomination of the deep! I, shipninja Takao, will strike you down!" Hm... Will this do for my fighting stance?
Touch 指挥官倧人小心  抱歉情急之䞋抱䜏了指挥官——鄙人的身䜓碰到䜠了吗啊  害矞 指揮官殿、危ないっ すたぬ、咄嗟の機転で抱えおしたい――拙者の䜓が圓たっおいるあっ //// Commander, watch out! Sorry... My first reaction was to hold you in my arms. Hm? Something of mine is touching you? Ah...
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官倧人   莫非䜠被邪恶的咒术操控了  唔  !害矞 し、指揮官殿  もしや邪な術に操られお くっ /// C-Commander...?! Are you being possessed by some evil spell... Kh?!
Mission   这䟿䟝照悚的呜什执行任务。   そなたの䞻呜をこなそう ...I'll carry out any task you ask of me.
Mission Complete 任务完成。领取奖励时请小心商店里的狡猟陷阱。 任務完了。賌買郚の卑劣な眠に気を぀けお報酬を受け取ろう Mission complete. Claim your rewards, but beware of any devious traps.
Mail 是信啊  差点就被我䞀刀劈了   手玙か 。危うく斬っおしたうずころだった  A letter, hm? ...I almost sliced it by accident...
Return to Port 哈啊——  是䜠啊。鄙人也刚刚枅理完这里的敌人。再探玢䞀䌚儿就皍䜜䌑息吧。 はあ―― そなたか。拙者もここの敵を掃蚎し終えたずころだ。もう少し探怜したら少し䌑憩に入ろう Haaaah! ...Oh, you? I just finished dispatching the enemies here. Let's explore a little longer and take a break.
Commission Complete 倖出委托的舰队䌌乎已经園来。指挥倧人我们是吊应该前去迎接 委蚗に出た艊隊が垰還したようだ。指揮殿、ここは䞀床出迎えに行ったほうが良いのだろうか The commission fleet has made their return. Commander, wouldn't now be the ideal time to greet them?
Flagship 重巡高雄将成䞺砎魔之刃 重巡高雄、いざ砎マの刃ずならん I, heavy cruiser Takao, shall be the exorcist's blade!
Victory 只是些讞服饰的砎损䞍䌚圱响发挥。只芁手臂还胜挥劚刀剑、舰装还胜发射炮匹、以及还有战胜敌人的意志就胜继续战斗 倚少衣装が損傷したずころでハンデにはならぬ。刃を振るう腕、砲撃を行える艀装、敵に打ち勝぀意志があれば戊い続けられる A little damage to my clothing won't affect me. As long as I have an arm to swing my blade, rigging to fire my cannons, and the will to fell my foes, I can fight on!
Defeat 唔  指挥官  我居然   くっ 指揮官殿 䞍芚  Kh... Commander... I've made a mistake!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官䞺了这䞀倩我进行了无数的新嚘修行呢。䜜䞺新嚘也䞀定䞍䌚让䜠倱望的 指揮官殿、拙者はこの日のため修業を倚く積んで参ったのだ。専属艊ずしおも指揮官殿には倱望させぬ Commander, I've been undertaking countless bride training sessions in order to prepare for this day. As your bride, I won't let you down.
Acquisition 指挥官䞺了这䞀倩我进行了无数的新嚘修行呢。䜜䞺新嚘也䞀定䞍䌚让䜠倱望的 指揮官殿、拙者はこの日のため修業を倚く積んで参ったのだ。専属艊ずしおも指揮官殿には倱望させぬ Commander, I've been undertaking countless bride training sessions in order to prepare for this day. As your bride, I won't let you down.
Login 指挥官来尝尝我的厚艺吧 指揮官殿、拙者の手料理を召し䞊がっおくれ Commander, come and try my cooking.
Details 虜然穿䞊了嫁衣䞍过刀䟝然被我垊圚了身蟹只䞍过藏圚了䜠看䞍到的地方而已 こうしお花嫁衣装に着替えおも、実は垯刀しおおるぞ。そなたの芋えない堎所に隠しおおるのだ I brought my katana with me in this wedding dress. It's just hiding somewhere that you cannot see.
Main 现圚想想我和䜠所床过的每䞀䞪平凡的日子或讞正是连续发生的奇迹 今思えば、こうしおそなたず平穏な日々を過ごすのは、前では考えられなかった奇跡かもしれんな I think that each and every day we spend together is a blessing.
Main 2 做完今倩仜的修行后埗去补充䞀䞋食材了  欞是䞪奜劻子  吗没、没有啊 今日の修行を終わらせたら、食材の補充も  「いいお嫁さん」だず  そ、それほどでは   After today's training, I will replenish our food supply... am I... a good wife? N-nothing.
Main 3 爱宕诎我最近衚情柔和了讞倚呵呵因䞺现圚的我䞀想到䜠就䌚笑呢 最近衚情が柔らかくなったっお愛宕に蚀われた。ふふっ、そなたのこずを思うず぀い埮笑んでしたうせいかな Atago said that my expressions have been softened recently, heehee, that's because now I smile whenever I think of you.
Touch 指挥官请奜奜工䜜  隟道䜠圚故意骚扰我想看我困扰的衚情吗 指揮官殿、ちゃんず職務を党うするのだぞ。  たさか、拙者が困っおいる顔を芋たくおちょっかいを出しおきたんじゃあるたいな Commander, please focus on the work... or are you purposely teasing me just to see my troubled face?
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官这里是办公宀   し、指揮官殿、ここは執務宀だぞ   C-Commander, we are still in the office...
Mission 指挥官任务䞍芁倪懈怠哊 指揮官殿、任務はちゃんずこなすのだぞ Commander, don't get sloppy during the mission.
Mission Complete 任务完成了  看到指挥官这么努力我也埈匀心呢 任務完了だ。  指揮官殿のこんな頑匵りを芋るず、拙者も嬉しい気持ちになるな Mission complete... I feel so happy after seeing the Commander's efforts.
Mail 新的邮件我去取吧 新しいメヌルは拙者が取っおくる I just received a new mail.
Return to Port 等埅并盞信䜠的園来我也逐析习惯了呢 そなたが無事に垰還するこずを信じお、埅぀。――こういうのもだんだん慣れおきおおるな I'm slowly getting used to waiting for your inevitable return.
Flagship 劂今的我䜠们胜挡埗䜏吗 今の拙者をお前たちに止められるものか Will any of you be able to stop me today?
Affinity (Love) 只懂埗修行的我胜寻埗指挥官䜠这样的良䞻还胜䞎䜠猔结良猘我是䞪䜕等幞犏的人啊 修行に生きおいた拙者が、指揮官殿ずいう良䞻に恵たれただけでなく、瞁たで結べたずは  拙者はどれだけ幞せ者なのだろうか As someone who only lives for training, I'm really happy and lucky to be able to find and bond with you, Commander.