Choukai (JP 🇯🇵: 鳥海, CN 🇹🇼: 鸟海)
Ship ID No. 203 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Exploring Stage 12-4
Enhance Income
Firepower 27
Torpedo 13
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Ayaka Oohashi
Choukai Description
Takao-class heavy cruiser number four – Choukai.
Firepower B
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 3818 Reload 152
Firepower 228 Torpedo 192
Evasion 33 Anti-air 155
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 50
Hit 119 Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP 4295 Reload 175
Firepower 261 Torpedo 221
Evasion 79 Anti-air 178
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 50
Hit 134 Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP 738 Reload 64
Firepower 48 Torpedo 41
Evasion 13 Anti-air 33
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 50
Hit 46 Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 50
Hit Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 50
Hit Speed 31.95
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/AA gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 115%/120%/120%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 125%/125%/125%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 95%/95%/105%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 203mm Mounted Gun
2 Twin 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Heavy Cruiser: Takao-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 14 +1
Max LimitBreak 28
Lv.120 21 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Leyte Gulf's Blitz Increases this ship's FP by 4.0% (10.0%). Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase the FP and TRP of all Cruisers in your fleet by 5.0% (20.0%) for 10s.
Focused Assault When this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to deal double DMG with its Main Guns.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Takao Class once every 6 times the Main Guns are fired. The first time this ship fires its All Out Assault, increases this ship's evasion chance by 10%, activating only once.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 高雄级重巡洋舰四番舰—鸟海 高雄型重巡洋艦四番艦・鳥海 Takao-class heavy cruiser number four – Choukai.
Biography 高雄级重巡洋舰四号舰鸟海,武勋舰,担任过第八舰队旗舰,在许多海战中都活跃过。无论有什么问题,都请尽管交给我吧,指挥官~ 高雄型重巡洋艦四番艦、鳥海です。かつては第八艦隊の旗艦として、多くの海戦で活躍しました。指揮官、どんなことでも鳥海にお任せください! I am the fourth ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Choukai. As the former flagship of the 8th Fleet, I took part in many campaigns. Commander, you can entrust any task to me!
Acquisition 总觉得好像很久以前在哪里见过指挥官呢……我是鸟海,摩耶的同胞妹妹,以后请多多指教了哟 摩耶の妹、鳥海です。これからよろしくお願いします。ええと、そういえば指揮官とはどこかで会ったような…… I'm Maya's sister, Choukai. I'm so glad to meet you. Um, by the way, we seem to have met before somewhere...
Login 指挥官,欢迎回来。文件鸟海已经整理好了。然后…要吃一点曲奇吗? 指揮官、おかえりなさい。書類は鳥海が整理しておきました。それと…こちらのクッキーはいかがですか? Welcome back, Commander. I've taken the liberties of preparing your documents. Um... would you also like to have some refreshments?
Details 诶,会不会无聊?不会哦,只要跟指挥官在一起,即使像现在这样什么也不做,鸟海也会感到很开心! え、つまらなくないかですか…?大丈夫ですよ。何もしなくても指揮官と一緒なら、鳥海は楽しいです! Um, do I ever get bored...? Not particularly. Even if I'm not really doing anything, I enjoy getting to spend time with you, Commander.
Main 指挥官,一直都很温柔呢…… 指揮官はやはり、優しいですね…… Commander, you're truly a kind person...
Main 2 指挥官,等到天气晴朗,适合踏青的时候,一起去看看风信子们吧 指揮官、いつかお出かけしやすい晴れの日を選んで、タンポポでも一緒に見に行きませんか? Commander, you should pick a day when you're not too busy to come look at the dandelions with me.
Main 3 指挥官,要休息吗?我为了这种情况特意练习了按摩技巧呢,来吧请不要客气~ 指揮官、ひと休みされますか?実はこういう時を想定して、疲労回復のためのマッサージを勉強しておきました!どうぞ遠慮なく~ Commander, are you not well rested? As a matter of fact, I've actually been hard at work learning how to give massages, just to prepare for this moment! Here, don't be shy~
Touch 在太阳落山之前,一起去哪里散散步吧? お日さまが出ているうちに、どこか散歩でもしましょうか Shall we go for a stroll before the sun goes down?
Touch (Special) 如、如果是指挥官的要求的话…… し、指揮官がしたいと仰るのでしたら…… C-Commander, if that is what you so desire, then...
Mission 指挥官,新的任务整理好了哦 指揮官、新しい任務の一覧を整理しましたよ Commander, I've finished sorting the list of new missions.
Mission Complete 太好了指挥官,任务顺利完成了呢~ 指揮官、やりました!任務を無事完了しました! We've done it, Commander! That's another mission done without a hitch!
Mail 指挥官,邮件的内容,鸟海来念给你听吧 指揮官、メールの内容を読み上げますね Commander, allow me to read the content of this letter to you.
Return to Port 出击辛苦了,文书工作就交给鸟海,指挥官请去休息一会吧~ 出撃お疲れ様です。書類の仕事は鳥海にまかせて、少しお休みになってください Good work out there on your sortie. I'll handle the reports, so please take this time to get some rest.
Commission Complete 军事委托成功,物资获取是……OK,这边已经记好了~ 軍事委託完了、報酬物資は……はい!バッチリ書きとめました! Military commission, complete. Rewards, received... Aye! I've recorded everything!
Enhancement 谢谢,鸟海会为了指挥官慎重地使用这份力量的 ありがとうございます。鳥海、指揮官のためにこの力を謹んで使わせていただきます Thank you very much, Commander. I shall use this power for your sake.
Flagship 全舰队状况确认……炮击战准备! 全艦状況確認……砲撃戦用意! Fleet status confirmed... prepare to open fire!
Victory 大家一起高高兴兴地回去吧~ みんな楽しく凱旋しましょう! Let's triumphantly return home in high spirits!
Defeat 我……还能战斗,已经不想再失去任何人了…… まだ……戦えます!もう誰も失いたくありません! I can... still fight! I don't want to lose anyone ever again...!
Skill 我的温柔…只限于同伴喔! 優しさは…仲間にだけです! My kindness... is reserved for my friends only!
Low HP 我还…没问题! まだ……大丈夫です! I can... still keep going!
Affinity (Upset) 一起打起精神来吧,指挥官! 指揮官、一緒に頑張りましょう? Commander, let's try to do our best?
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,稍微休息一会吧…诶,想听鸟海唱歌?那就—— 指揮官、少しお休みになられてはいかがですか?…鳥海の歌が聞きたいのですか?うーん、では―― Commander, why don't you rest for a bit? Um, you'd like to hear me sing? Hmm, in that case...
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,今晚想吃什么?唔,我来决定吗…奶油炖菜和炸猪排如何? 指揮官、今夜の献立はなにがいいですか?うーん、鳥海が決めていいのですか?…野菜のクリームシチューか、トンカツのどちらかでどうでしょう? Commander, what would you like to have tonight? Um, you'd like me to decide? In that case, would you like vegetable cream stew or pork cutlets?
Affinity (Like) 能让指挥官感到高兴,就是鸟海最大的幸福~ 指揮官が楽しく感じることが、鳥海にとって一番の幸せです♪ Commander, there is nothing that makes me happier than being able to satisfy you.
Affinity (Love) 鸟海愿意为指挥官做任何事——指挥官也一样吗?嘻嘻…我现在感到非常幸福~ 鳥海は指揮官のためなら何でもしますよ?――指揮官も同じですか?ふふ…鳥海は今とても幸せです♪ Commander, I'd do anything for you. Um, you'd do the same for me? Ehehe... that makes me really happy~
Pledge 虽然没有奢求指挥官的回报…不过如果指挥官也是发自真心,那鸟海…乐意之至~指挥官,愿意为我戴上誓约幸福的戒指吗? うーん、指揮官に応えてもらえるなんて思ってもいませんでしたけど…指揮官が本気でしたら、鳥海は…もちろん、喜んでお受けします♪指揮官、この幸せの指輪、つけていただけないでしょうか? Um, Commander, I never dreamt that you'd reciprocate my feelings, but... if this is your sincere desire, then I shall accept it. Commander, would you please seal our vows by helping me put this ring on?
In battle with Hiei 这次也请多指教了~ 今回もよろしくお願いします I'll be in your care again~
In battle with Maya 一起加油吧! 一緒に頑張りましょう! Let's give it our all!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 门口这样收拾就好……啊,欢迎光临,指挥官。不好意思这边正在打扫…马上带您去座位! 玄関の方はこれでよし…あっ、いらっしゃいませ、指揮官。掃除しているところでごめんなさい…すぐ案内しますね! There, that's it for the entrance... Oh welcome, Commander! I've been cleaning, so give me a moment... I'll be right with you!
Acquisition 门口这样收拾就好……啊,欢迎光临,指挥官。不好意思这边正在打扫…马上带您去座位! 玄関の方はこれでよし…あっ、いらっしゃいませ、指揮官。掃除しているところでごめんなさい…すぐ案内しますね! There, that's it for the entrance... Oh welcome, Commander! I've been cleaning, so give me a moment... I'll be right with you!
Login 不用在意指挥官,专心工作就好?那就…请您自己注意脚边了哦♪ 自分に気を使わなくていいから仕事に集中して…ですか?はい、では…足元にお気をつけくださいね♪ There's no need to worry about you, just focus on what I'm doing...? Alright! Then... please watch your feet♪
Details ♪~只要想到指挥官会来视察,就算是杂事感觉也能更加努力完成了!…至于努力之后会有什么变化…嗯~能让指挥官高兴就好了~♪ ♪~指揮官がいてくれることを思うと、鳥海、雑務をもっともっと頑張れる気がします!…頑張って何かが変わるかは…そうですね、指揮官が喜んでくださる、といったところでしょうか♪ Lalala~♪ I feel so motivated just from having you by my side! ...Um, I'm not really sure if the extra motivation affects the quality of my work but... it's fine as long as you're pleased with my work~♪
Main 指挥官真温柔呢,刻意避开了鸟海刚擦过的地方……诶,其实是怕滑倒……? 拭いたばかりの地面を避けて歩いてくださるなんて、指揮官はやはり優しいですね…え?滑りやすかったですか…? You're even avoiding walking on the floor that I just finished wiping... My, how courteous of you, Commander~ Huh? It's because the floor's slippery...?
Main 2 阿斯托利亚的打扮…还挺个性的呢…指挥官也喜欢那样的吗? アストリアの格好、ちょっと趣向が変わっていますね…指揮官はそちらのほうも好みだったりします? Astoria's outfit's design is a bit out there... but is that the kind of outfit you prefer?
Main 3 指挥官,要不要试试按摩一下?是鸟海给您的特别服务哦! 指揮官、マッサージでもいかがですか?鳥海からの特別サービスってことで! Commander, how would you like a massage? It's special service for you, on the house!
Touch 等这边工作结束了,我就送您回房间吧。 仕事が終わりましたら、お部屋までお送りしましょう If you're done with work, I'll see you off to the room.
Touch (Special) 注意地板反光…有什么问题吗?…欸!? 床に気をつけてって……何かあったのでしょうか?…あぅ!? Watch out for the floor? Did something happen? ...Wah?!
Touch (Headpat) 啊呜!? (ぴょこん)あぅ!? Eep?!
Mission Complete 任务报酬送到了!要不要把这里交给摩耶然后去取一下呢…不过还是有点放不下心… 任務報酬が届きました!ここは摩耶に任せて受取に行ったほうがいいでしょうか…でも、ちょっとだけ心配ですね… The mission rewards have arrived! I wonder if I should leave them for Maya to take, but... I am a bit concerned...
Return to Port 文件放在吧台那边了,我一会就去整理,指挥官只管好好休息就行~ 書類のほうはカウンターに置いてくださればあとで対応しますので、指揮官はどうぞおくつろぎくださいませ Please leave your paperwork on the counter, I'll take care of it later. I'd like for you to make yourself at home, Commander.
Commission Complete 委托的报酬一览对吧?嗯,我和菜单一块给您拿过来! 軍事委託の報酬リストですね。はい、メニューと一緒にお持ちします! The list of bounty we received from commissions? Sure! I'll bring it along with the menu!
Flagship 专心…一意! 一意…専心! Focus... Give it your all!
Victory 赢了!太好了!摩耶!高雄前辈!爱宕前辈! やりました!摩耶!高雄先輩!愛宕先輩! Maya, Takao, Atago! Look, we did it!