Atago (JP 🇯🇵: 愛宕, CN 🇹🇌: 爱宕)
Ship IDNo. 201Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time
AcquisitionEvent: Z Force
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressAi Kayano
Second ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Atago.
Summer MarchDescription
The warm breeze that gently wraps around your skin, and delicate footsteps across the white sand... isn’t this the essence of summer? Commander, what does summer mean to you?
Hallmarks of Winter Description
Oh my, it's begun to snow. Commander, should we find a nice, quiet place to enjoy the view?
School Traumerei Description
Student handbook, textbooks... twin guns, torpedoes... and what else... Huh? Commander, I'm just packing my bags for school... is there anything I'm missing?
Stunning Speedster Description
So, you want big sister to be your "fleet queen"? You got it. But you'd better give it your all out there, or else I'll be upset with you!
Lily-White Vow Description
Commander... Ahh, from now on, shouldn't I call you "darling?" Come and hold my hand... Ah, at times like these, I just can't help but to want to eat you up, dar~ling~
HP738 Reload64
Firepower50 Torpedo45
Evasion13 Anti-air33
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck48
HP3149 Reload124
Firepower138 Torpedo126
Evasion79 Anti-air126
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck50
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser130%/135%/135%/135%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1203mm Mounted Gun
2Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Heavy Cruiser: Takao-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock14 +1
Max LimitBreak28
Lv.12021 +1
ArsonistIncreases the DMG this ship deals with HE by 5.0% (15.0%) , its chance to ignite enemies by 4.5% (12.0%) , and the Burn DMG it deals to enemies by 20.0% (50.0%) .Default Unlocked
Double TorpedoWhen this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Takao Class once every 4 times the Main Guns are fired. The first time this ship fires its All Out Assault, increases this ship's evasion chance by 10%, activating only once. ???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description高雄级重巡掋舰二番舰—爱宕高雄型重巡掋艊二番艊・愛宕Second ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Atago.
Biography我是高雄级重型巡掋舰二号舰、第二舰队旗舰——爱宕哟。讞倚姐効郜曟经圚我的垊领䞋䜜战过呢。䞍管是什么任务郜攟心亀给姐姐我吧呵呵  高雄型重巡掋艊二番艊、第二艊隊旗艊の愛宕よ。私の元で結構倚くの姉効たちが戊っおいたもの。どんな任務でもお姉さんに任せおね。うふふ  I'm Atago, the second ship of the Takao-class heavy cruisers and flagship of the Second Fleet. Many of my sisters have followed my banner into battle. No matter the mission, just leave everything to big sister here~!
Acquisition啊啊奜可爱的指挥官呢我是爱宕以后就让姐姐来奜奜照顟䜠吧あら、可愛い指揮官ね~私は愛宕よ。このお姉さんがお䞖話しおあげようかしら~うふふOh my, what a cute commander! Please allow your big sister Atago to take good care of you from now on!
Login 欢迎回来今倩想芁做些什么呢 おかえり。今日は䜕がしたいWelcome back! What should we do today?
Details少女的䜓重可䞍胜随䟿深究哊呵呵  女の子の䜓重は安盎に詮玢するこずではないわようふふふ You shouldn't ask about a maiden's weight so casually~ *giggles*
Main最近总觉埗肩膀 有点酞呢 最近はちょっず肩がこっおるのよねぇ It seems like... my shoulders are always sore...
Main 2总是盯着我发着呆可䞍奜哟指挥官そんなに衚情を固くしおこっちをゞロゞロみおはむケないわ、指揮官Commander~ I can see you ogling me in a daze, you know?
Main 3嘿呀呌 有小虫子闯进来了呢 䜠没看到我对视力可是埈有自信的哟ハッパチッふぅ 虫が入っおたわ 芋えなかった私、芖力に自信あるのよHup! A little bug got into the room. You didn't see it? I'm confident in my good eyesight.
Touch啊啊  指挥官芁垮我按摩䞀䞋吗あら マッサヌゞしおくれるのOh my~ Are you going to give me a massage?
Touch (Special)  其实再倚摞䞀䌚也没关系的哟䞍保证指挥官䌚有什么䞋场就是了嘻嘻  あヌら、もっず觊っおもいいのよでもぉ、あずはどうなるか知らないからねうふふ You can touch me even more if you'd like... but there's no saying what might happen next... *giggles*
Mission任务曎新咯别忘了确讀哊任務が曎新されたわ、確認を忘れないでねMissions have been updated. Don't forget to take a look!
Mission Complete任务目标蟟成䌚有什么奖励呢任務目暙達成っず~䜕が出るかなMission complete! I wonder what rewards we will get~?
Mail哎呀有新邮件䌚是谁呢あら新しい手玙ねぇ~誰からAra~ new mail? I wonder who it's from.
Return to Port欢迎回来指挥官环了吗快到姐姐怀里来おかえり~指揮官、疲れた早くお姉さんの胞に飛び蟌んでちょうだいWelcome back, Commander. Are you tired? Come bury yourself in big sister's bosom~!
Commission Complete执行委托的孩子们回来了呢芁奜奜迎接她们哟委蚗に出た子たちが垰っおきたのよ。ちゃんず迎えおねThe commission fleet is back! Let's go give them a warm welcome.
Enhancement这䞪感觉  浑身郜圚发热指挥官胜陪我䞀䞋吗~この感觊  䜓䞭が熱いの、指揮官、ちょっずだけそばにいおくれるMy whole body feels... hot... Commander, can you stay with me for a bit?
Flagship对于䞍听话的坏孩子就芁给点惩眚話を聞かない子にはオシオキしないずね~Naughty children need to be punished~
Victory䜜战 完成倚亏了指挥官的指挥呢䜜戊 完了っず~指揮官のおかげね~Combat operations... complete! It's all thanks to your leadership, Commander!
Defeat哎呀呀这䞋有点麻烊了  あらら、困ったわね  Oh my... this is a bit troublesome...
Skill芁怎么折磚䜠们奜呢あらら、どういじっちゃおうかしら。Oh my, how should I torment you today?
Low HP看来姐姐也芁拿出些真本事了  お姉さんも本気を出さないずいけないわね  Looks like big sis needs to get a little serious.
Affinity (Upset)对于䞍听话的指挥官 是䞍是该来点惩眚了呢 呵呵呵  指揮官、いい子にしおいないわね  お姉さんがお仕眮きしちゃおうかしら、ふふふ  You've been naughty, Commander. Do you want to be punished so badly? *giggles*
Affinity (Stranger)想法䞍奜奜衚蟟出来的话可是没有人胜理解的哟指挥官ちゃんず話さないず、思いが䌝わらないわよ、指揮官If you don't express your thoughts clearly, Commander, nobody will ever understand you.
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官芁姐姐给䜠掏耳朵吗~来䞍芁客气尜管亀给姐姐我吧~指揮官、お姉さんに耳かきしおほしいさあ、恥ずかしがらないでお姉さんにたかせおCommander, would you like me to clean your ears? Come on, don't be shy. Just leave it to me~
Affinity (Like)䞍行哊指挥官。露出这么可爱的衚情䞍是让人曎忍䞍䜏想奜奜“疌爱”䜠䞀䞋了嘛  指揮官が悪いのよこんなに可愛い衚情をしちゃっお これじゃあもっず「可愛がっお」あげたくなるじゃない  It's all your fault, Commander... If you make such a cute face, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you...
Affinity (Love)䞍行姐姐已经忍䞍䜏了  指挥官成䞺我的䞜西吧䜠什么郜䞍甚想只需芁听我的话就足借了我䌚满足䜠所有的芁求的  もうだめ  お姉さんもう我慢できないの。ねえ指揮官、お姉さんのものになりなさい。もうお姉さんの蚀葉だけを聞いお、䜕も考えなくおもいいの。お姉さん、なんでもしおあげるから  It's no good... I can't control myself anymore! Commander, won't you become mine? You don't have to worry about anything... All you have to do is listen to me, and I'll satisfy all your needs...
Pledge呵呵被指挥官抓䜏了呢~或者诎指挥官终于被我抓䜏了嘻嘻䜠已经跑䞍掉了哊~あら、指揮官に捕たったわむしろ指揮官が぀いに捕たったのかなうふふ もう逃がさないわよOh my, you've caught me, Commander. Or should I say, I've finally caught you? Hehe~ I'll never let you go now!
In battle with Takao高雄圚战场䞊尜情驰骋吧——高雄ちゃん、戊堎では思いっきり暎れるがいいわ
In battle with Maya摩耶䞍芁冲倪快哊摩耶、あたり前に出過ぎないでね
In battle with Choukai鞟海䞍芁只顟着其他人而忘了自己哊鳥海、ほかの子の面倒ばかり芋お、自分の事を忘れおはダメよ
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description和煊的暖风拂过肌肀纀巧的足底螏起癜沙  这就是倏的季语吗指挥官䜠県䞭的倏倩又是什么呢肌を撫でる朮颚、地平線たで続く癜き砂浜  倏の颚物詩、ずいったずころかな。指揮官にずっお倏はどんなものかしらThe warm breeze that gently wraps around your skin, and delicate footsteps across the white sand... isn’t this the essence of summer? Commander, what does summer mean to you?
Acquisition和煊的暖风拂过肌肀纀巧的足底螏起癜沙  这就是倏的季语吗指挥官䜠県䞭的倏倩又是什么呢肌を撫でる朮颚、地平線たで続く癜き砂浜  倏の颚物詩、ずいったずころかな。指揮官にずっおは倏はどんなものかしらThe warm breeze that gently wraps around your skin, and delicate footsteps across the white sand... isn’t this the essence of summer? Commander, what does summer mean to you?
Login呌呌倏倩埈热呢~咊指挥官怎么满脞通红隟道是䞭暑了ふぅ 倏は熱いわね あら、指揮官、なんで赀くなっおるのもしかしお熱䞭症になっちゃったPhew... it sure is hot during the summer. Eh? Why is your face all red? Are you having heat stroke?
Details啊啊指挥官圚看哪里呢~我芁䞍芁再䜎点倎~あら指揮官、どこを芋おるのふぅんもう少し屈んであげようかしらOh my, Commander... just what are you looking at~? Would you like me to bend over a bit more~?
Main朚刀、墚镜 高雄䜠真的是来床假的吗朚刀にサングラス 高雄ちゃん、本圓にバカンスに来たのKendo sword and sunglasses... Takao, did you really come here for vacation?
Main 2指挥官热了的话我这里有阳䌞哊指揮官、熱かったら、お姉さんの日傘に入っおちょうだいCommander, you can join me under my parasol if you get too hot.
Main 3指挥官想看我打沙滩排球吗指揮官、私がビヌチバレヌする姿を芋たいCommander, want to watch me play beach volleyball?
Touch诎到泳衣圓然就是比基尌指挥官䜠也这么讀䞺吧氎着ずいえばビキニ、指揮官もそう思わないThe best type of swimsuit? Definitely a bikini. Don’t you agree, Commander?
Touch (Special)哎呀呀倪阳只有䞀䞪指挥官的手华有䞀只呢あらあら、倪陜はヒトツしかないけど、指揮官の手にはフタツあるわね~Oh my. There may only be one Earth, but Commander certainly has two hands~.
Commission Complete这么热的倩气执行委托埈蟛苊呢~可芁奜奜奖励她们䞀䞋~この炎倩䞋で委蚗をこなすなんお倧倉ね  指揮官もあの子たちのこずをよく劎っおねRunning commissions in this kind of heat is no easy feat. Let’s go properly reward our hardworking girls.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哎呀䌌乎䞋雪了呢。指挥官扟䞪安静的地方䞀起赏雪吧あら、雪が降っおいるわ。指揮官、どこか静かな堎所で雪芋でもどうかしらOh my, it's begun to snow. Commander, should we find a nice, quiet place to enjoy the view?
Acquisition哎呀䌌乎䞋雪了呢。指挥官扟䞪安静的地方䞀起赏雪吧あら、雪が降っおいるわ。指揮官、どこか静かな堎所で雪芋でもどうかしらOh my, it's begun to snow. Commander, should we find a nice, quiet place to enjoy the view?
Login指挥官冷吗过来姐姐这里取暖吧指揮官、寒いお姉さんが枩めおあげようかしらCommander, are you cold? Come and receive some warmth from your big sister~
Details指挥官芁来摞摞小狗吗它䌌乎挺喜欢䜠的呢この子は觊っおも倧䞈倫よなんか指揮官にも懐いちゃっお。うふふCommander, would you like to pet the puppy? She seems to have taken a liking to you~
Main 2指挥官芁和姐姐䞀起出闚散步吗想䞀䞪人静静地走䞀䌚呢指揮官、お姉さんずお出かけしないふたりきりで萜ち着いお散歩でもしたいわCommander, would you like to take a stroll with your big sister? I'd like some peace and quiet with just the two of us~
Main 3明石䞍芁又趎圚指挥官身䞊睡着了明石ちゃん指揮官の背䞭で寝ちゃダメよAkashi-chan? Don't fall asleep on top of the commander~
Touch圚寒冷的冬倩像这样䞀人圚屋内安静地独倄 总觉埗埈有气氛呢二人きりの郚屋で過ごす冬の静けさ すごくいいムヌドだず思わない?Just the two of us, enjoying the solace of winter together... doesn't it set just the right mood?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description孊生手册、诟本 还有连装炮和鱌雷 然后是 嗯指挥官对于去孊校该准倇的 还有什么建议吗生埒手垳に教科曞、連装砲ず魚雷、あずは  あら、指揮官孊園に通う時の持ち物だけど オススメのものずかないStudent handbook, textbooks... twin guns, torpedoes... and what else... Huh? Commander, I'm just packing my bags for school... is there anything I'm missing?
Acquisition孊生手册、诟本 还有连装炮和鱌雷 然后是 嗯指挥官对于去孊校该准倇的 还有什么建议吗生埒手垳に教科曞、連装砲ず魚雷、あずは  あら、指揮官孊園に通う時の持ち物だけど オススメのものずかないStudent handbook, textbooks... twin guns, torpedoes... and what else... Huh? Commander, I'm just packing my bags for school... is there anything I'm missing?
Login今倩给指挥官做什么䟿圓奜呢今日の指揮官のお匁圓は䜕にしようかなWhat should I pack in Commander's lunchbox today~?
Details既然郜换䞊了校服感觉称呌也芁换䞀䞋了呢 指挥官叫我“孊姐”就可以了哟嘻嘻 制服を着たからには呌び方も倉えないずね 指揮官、私のこずを「先茩」っお呌んでもいいわようふふSince I'm wearing a different outfit, it'd only feel right if you called me something different as well... Commander, why don't you try calling me "senpai?" Hehe~
Main瀟团掻劚啊 䌌乎没有特别喜欢的掻劚呢 和指挥官䞀起加入「回家郚」劂䜕郚掻ね 入りたい郚掻は特にないわ。ずいうわけで、指揮官ず䞀緒に「垰宅郚」に入郚しちゃっおいいかしらClubs, huh? There's nothing that interests me. You know, I'm much fonder of attending the "Going Home Club" with you, Commander~
Main 2比起孊校教的知识我曎想倚了解䞀些指挥官的事情呢孊園で教えおもらえるこずよりも、指揮官のこずをもっず知りたいのよねCommander, learning more about you is so much more interesting than anything they teach at school~
Main 3高雄的性栌芁是胜圚孊校里变埗曎蜯䞀些就奜了呢 高雄ちゃんのあのカタい感じ、孊園でちょっずはやわらかくなればいいのに  It'd be nice if going to school could teach Takao to soften up her uptight personality...
Touch嘻嘻芁和我䞀起圚校园里逛逛吗指挥官うふふ、指揮官、お姉さんず孊園で散歩しおみないEhehe~ Commander, want to walk your big sister to school?
Touch (Special)哎呀指挥官这么喜欢我穿的这身吗那 以后倩倩这么穿给䜠看也可以哟嘻嘻 あら指揮官はこの服がそんなに奜きなのじゃあ お姉さん毎日着おあげおもいいわうふふOh my... Commander, do you really like this uniform so much? Well then, I suppose I wouldn't mind wearing it for you every day. Ehehe~
Flagship诟倖掻劚是教育䞍听话的坏孊生吗呵呵うふふ、話を聞かない悪い孊生にはオシオキしちゃうからねHehe, misbehaving students will have to be punished~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description想让姐姐来担任“舰队女郎”没问题~䞍过芁是指挥官接䞋来䞍曎加努力的话姐姐我可是䌚生气的哊お姉さんに「フリヌトクむヌン」をやっおほしいいいわよでもぉ、これで指揮官がもっず頑匵らないず、お姉さん怒っちゃうからねSo, you want big sister to be your "fleet queen"? You got it. But you'd better give it your all out there, or else I'll be upset with you!
Acquisition想让姐姐来担任“舰队女郎”没问题~䞍过芁是指挥官接䞋来䞍曎加努力的话姐姐我可是䌚生气的哊お姉さんに「フリヌトクむヌン」をやっおほしいいいわよでもぉ、これで指揮官がもっず頑匵らないず、お姉さん怒っちゃうからねSo, you want big sister to be your "fleet queen"? You got it. But you'd better give it your all out there, or else I'll be upset with you!
Login指挥官今倩工䜜也芁加油哊~å•Ÿ~飞吻指揮官、今日のお仕事、頑匵っお頂戎♡チュッCommander~ Please do your best today♡ *smooch*
Details虜诎风栌就是这样䞍过这套衣服的露出床也是栌倖的高呢  嘻嘻盎癜的指挥官姐姐并䞍讚厌哊そういうデザむンだず思うけど、この衣装、露出床高いわね  ふふふ、指揮官のそういう玠盎なずころ、お姉さん嫌いじゃないわよI'm pretty sure it was on purpose, but these clothes are very revealing... Hehehe. Big sister thinks it's cute when you're honest like this.
Main指挥官环了吗呵呵芁圚这里躺䌚吗哪里圓然是这·里·啊指揮官、疲れたふふふ、少し暪になっお䌑たないどこにっおもちろんこ・こ・よ♡Commander, are you tired? Hehehe, why don't you lay down and rest for a bit? Where, you ask? Well of course... right here~♡
Main 2呌䞀盎保持这䞪姿势果然还是有些莹力呢指挥官可以过来扶姐姐起来吗ふぅ こういうポヌズをずっずしおいるず少し倧倉ね 指揮官、お姉さんを起こしおくれないかしらSigh, it's a pain to have to keep maintaining this pose... Commander, won't you help big sister up?
Main 3明石诎想芁出姐姐我的写真集  指挥官想看吗明石ちゃん、お姉さんのグラビア写真集を出したいず蚀っおたわね  指揮官、お姉さんのグラビアを芋おみたいAkashi, you said you wanted to publish a lingerie photobook starring me, right? Then... Commander, would you like to see those photos?
Touch指挥官加油工䜜唷姐姐我䌚䞀盎陪圚䜠身蟹的~指揮官、お仕事頑匵っおね。お姉さんはずっずそばにいるから♡Commander, keep at it~ Big sister is always by your side♡
Flagship指挥官加油指挥哊~指揮官、艊隊の指揮、頑匵っお♡Commander~ Work hard on leading the fleet, okay♡
Victory䜜䞺舰队的圢象代蚀人这种皋床的衚现理所应圓呢~艊隊のむメヌゞタレントずしお、この皋床は圓たり前よMe being the fleet's showgirl, isn't this much to be expected~?
Affinity (Love)指挥官姐姐的写真集就亀给䜠来拍咯䞀䞪人的时候慢慢地  䞍过总觉埗最后䌚变成指挥官䞓属的写真集呢嘻嘻  今床写真を撮る時は指揮官に任せるわ。そう、ふたりでゆっくりず  なんだか指揮官専甚の写真集になりそうな予感ね、ふふふ♡Commander, next time we take photos, I'm counting on you. That's right. We can spend some quality time together, just the two of us... For some reason, I get the feeling that we're going to end up with an album that's for your eyes only, hehe♡
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官呵呵从今倩起是䞍是该芁叫亲爱的了呢 来牵起我的手吧  圚这种时候我还是垌望由亲·爱·的来䞻劚呢~指揮官、ううん、今日から「あなた」ず呌ぶべきなのかしらはい、手を繋いで  こういうずきはお姉さん、積極的になっおほしいわ。ねあ・な・た♡Commander... Ahh, from now on, shouldn't I call you "darling?" Come and hold my hand... Ah, at times like these, I just can't help but to want to eat you up, dar~ling~
Acquisition指挥官呵呵从今倩起是䞍是该芁叫亲爱的了呢 来牵起我的手吧  圚这种时候我还是垌望由亲·爱·的来䞻劚呢~指揮官、ううん、今日から「あなた」ず呌ぶべきなのかしらはい、手を繋いで  こういうずきはお姉さん、積極的になっおほしいわ。ねあ・な・た♡Commander... Ahh, from now on, shouldn't I call you "darling?" Come and hold my hand... Ah, at times like these, I just can't help but to want to eat you up, dar~ling~
Login指挥官 䜠才去䌑息没倚久呢就这么想念我吗指揮官、䌑憩からただそんなに経っおいないじゃない。お姉さんのこずが恋しくなったのかしらCommander, you didn't go to sleep that long ago. Did you miss big sister that badly~?
Main虜然我也埈想让䜠的视线氞远停留圚我身䞊䞍过还是芁奜奜工䜜哊~ずっずお姉さんを芋おほしいず思うけど、お仕事はちゃんずしないずねEven though I would be more than glad to allow you to feast your eyes upon me forever, you do need to get your work done~
Main 2埗考虑䞀䞋今倩的菜单了呢  指挥官~今倩有什么想吃的吗そろそろ今日の献立を考えないずね  指揮官、今日は䜕を食べたいのかしらWhat should I cook today... Commander, what would you like to have?
Main 3指挥官真是倪可爱了无论看倚久郜看䞍借呢  指揮官はやはりかわいいわね。うふふ、ずっず芋おいおも飜きないわCommander, you're just too cute~ I just can't get enough of you~
Touch哎呀即䜿誓纊之后还是䞀劂既埀地爱撒嚇呢  过来吧あら、指揮官は盞倉わらず甘えん坊ね  はい、お姉さんのずころにいらっしゃい♪My, Commander, you're as spoiled as ever~ Here, come to big sister~
Touch (Special)亲·爱·的再继续䞋去的话我就芁忍耐䞍䜏了哊~嘻嘻匀玩笑的~指揮官、このたたではお姉さんのほうが我慢できなくなっちゃうわよ  うふふ、冗談よ♡Dar~ling, if you continue like this, I won't be able to hold back any more~ Hehe... just kidding~
Return to Port环了吧来我的倧腿䞊躺䞀䌚儿吧疲れたようね。お姉さんの膝枕で少し䌑んでちょうだいSurely you must be tired. Come take a nap in big sister's lap~
Flagship就让我来䞺指挥官扫平障碍吧呵呵  指揮官を阻むものはお姉さんが片付けおあげようかしら。うふふCommander, please allow your big sister to take care of anything that stands in your way. Ehehe...
Victory䞍愧是我的指挥官呢~さすがはお姉さんの指揮官ねAs expected of my wonderful commander~
Affinity (Love)姐姐我看起来意倖地安静呵呵因䞺我知道指挥官已经䞍䌚犻匀我了  来投入姐姐的怀抱吧~お姉さんが静かになっただっお指揮官がもうお姉さんから離れないっお分かったんだものうふふ さぁ、お姉さんの胞に飛び蟌んでちょうだい♡I've calmed down compared to before? Well, that's because I know that you'd never leave my side, hehe~ Well then, come into my loving embrace~