Tai Yuan (JP 🇯🇵: 太原, CN 🇹🇼: 太原)
Ship ID No. 256 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time 0:32:00
Acquisition Event
Enhance Income
Firepower 8
Torpedo 14
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN January 31, 2019
KR -
CN February 12, 2018
JP February 12, 2018
Voice actress Kaori Mizuhashi
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1480584
Twitter https://twitter.com/shenbeixiaoqiu
Weibo https://www.weibo.com/u/3032064021
Name 麻酱
Tai Yuan Description
An Shan-class destroyer No. 4 - Tai Yuan (104)
The Golden Snake's Clamorous Spring Festival Description
O-on behalf of the An Shan class, we wish a prosperous, happy, and healthy new year to Commander, and to everyone here at port... Umm... even though I made this outfit, I feel a bit embarrassed wearing it... Eh? It looks good on me? Um... th-thank you...
Firepower A
Torpedo D
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air C
HP 1897 Reload 173
Firepower 111 Torpedo 199
Evasion 159 Anti-air 151
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 180 Luck 71
Hit 177 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 2277 Reload 199
Firepower 128 Torpedo 229
Evasion 165 Anti-air 174
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 200 Luck 71
Hit 186 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 367 Reload 73
Firepower 24 Torpedo 42
Evasion 61 Anti-air 32
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 49 Luck 71
Hit 68 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 71
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 71
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gains Full Barrage I / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo Base +1 / Torpedo Pre-Load +1 / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I → II / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 140%/145%/150%/155% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 90%/90%/95%/100% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 95%/95%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: An Shan-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 22
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
United As One When sortied in a full fleet of 6 ships: increases this ship's FP and RLD by 10.0% (25.0%) and EVA by 4.0% (10.0%).
Xuanwu's Tenacity Provides 1 Missile Strike charge. Decreases the duration this ship Burns by 3s and decreases her Burn DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and deploys a shield (lasts 6s) around the frontmost ship in your Vanguard that can negate up to 6 enemy shells.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: An Shan Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
0:32:00 JP CN EN
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 鞍山级驱逐舰4号舰—太原,舷号104 鞍山級駆逐艦・太原 An Shan-class destroyer No. 4 - Tai Yuan (104)
Biography 东煌鞍山级驱逐舰四号舰“太原”号,东煌第一代“四大金刚”之一。最初被命名为“吉林”号。和同级舰一起在几十年中作为实力薄弱的东煌海军的绝对主力在各种场合活跃,为东煌的海军建设作出了巨大的贡献。这本《核物理假说》很有趣,如果姐姐们也能喜欢就好了~ 東煌アンシャン級駆逐艦、「四天王」の四女『太原』です。昔は「吉林(キツリン)」とも呼ばれていました。私たち「四天王」は東煌海軍に何十年も貢献していました。この本……『核物理仮説』はとても面白いから、姉さんたちにも読んでほしいですね Um... I'm Tai Yuan, fourth ship of the An Shan-class and a first-generation member of the Dragon Empery's "Four Unbreakables." I originally was named "Ji Lin." My sisters and I were the mainstay of the Empery's navy for decades, serving in many operations and helping rebuild the strength of the navy. The "Nuclear Physics Hypothesis" is a very interesting book... It would be nice if my sisters liked it too...
Acquisition 我、我是驱逐舰“太原”,指挥官,你有看到我的三位姐姐吗? く、駆逐艦太原(タイゲン)着任しました…指揮官、お姉さんたち見ませんでした? I... I'm Tai Yuan, a destroyer. Commander, have you seen my sisters?
Login 诶诶,是指挥官呀。看书太入神了,已经到这个时间了吗 え?指揮官ですか…すみません読書に夢中で…もうこんな時間ですか? H-hey, Commander. I was too absorbed in reading that I lost track of the time...
Details 抚顺姐刚才问我“彩虹计划”的事,指挥官也想听听吗? さっき「レインボープロジェクト」はなにって撫順姉さんから聞かれましたけど、指揮官も知りたいですか? Fu Shun just asked me to tell her about the Philadelphia Experiment. Commander, would you like me to tell you about it too?
Main 佛、佛.诺克斯?真不想再和她碰面了 の、ノックス?あまり会いたくないかも… F-Frank Knox? I don't want to run into her again...
Main 2 鞍山姐姐好辛苦……我什么时候才能帮到她呢? 鞍山姉さん大変そう……私、いつになったら役に立てるのでしょうか An Shan is so hardworking... When can I be of help to her?
Main 3 现在在看的书?《酉阳杂俎》——是长春姐姐送给我的 今読んでいる本は『酉陽雑俎(ゆうようざっそ)』といいます。長春姉さんが贈ってくれました What am I reading right now? "Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang." Chang Chun gave it to me...
Touch 指挥官喜欢看什么样的书呢? 指揮官はどんな本が好きですか? Commander, what kind of books do you like to read?
Touch (Special) 哇、哇,指、指挥官,请不要这样…… あぅ!?し、指揮官…これ以上は…… W-w-woah... C-commander, please don't do that...
Mission 任务……看起来好像很难呢,能做好吗? 任務……難しそうですね…大丈夫ですか? This mission... looks quite difficult. Will we be able to do it?
Mission Complete 这、这样我算不算成长一点了呢 こ、これで私も成長したのでしょうか… D-does this mean I've matured a little?
Mail 指、指挥官,有新的信件。和抚顺姐……应该没关系吧 し、指揮官、新しいメールです。撫順姉さんとは関係ないでしょうか… C-commander, there's new mail. Perhaps Fu Shun should... um, never mind...
Return to Port 终于可以安心了。等等,抚顺姐姐你要拽我去哪里呀! やっと安心できますね。…え、えっと、撫順姉さん、どこに連れていくの!? I can finally settle down. W-wait... Fu Shun, where are you dragging me off to?
Commission Complete 哇,有人回来啦。鞍山姐,我没事的哦 あ、誰かが帰ってきた。鞍山姉さん、私は大丈夫ですよ Eek! Someone came back... Oh, An Shan, I'm fine...
Enhancement 哇…果然还是有点害怕 うわっ…やっぱりちょっと怖いです U-um... it's still a bit scary...
Flagship 是实、实战呢,我得努力才行 じ、実戦ですね…頑張らないと…! L-live combat... I have to do my best...
Victory 诶诶,这样就可以了吗? ええ!これでいいのですか…? Um... is this good enough?
Defeat 果、果然我还差得远呢 や、やはり私はまだまだですね… Um... as expected, I still have a long way to go...
Skill 玄天应化,抱元守一 玄天后土(げんてんこうど)の玄武、私たちに護りを…! Let the heavens focus our minds, so we can adapt to any situation!
Low HP 诶诶,怎、怎么办…… えええ、ど、どうしよう…… Eh...? U-um... what should I do...
Affinity (Upset) 鞍山姐,我、我有点害怕…… 鞍山姉さん、わ、私ちょっと怖いです…… An Shan, I... I'm a bit scared...
Affinity (Stranger) 是指、指挥官吗?对不起,长春姐找我有事! し、指揮官ですか?すみません、長春姉さんが呼んでいますので…… Comm... Commander? Um, sorry, Chang Chun needs me for something right now!
Affinity (Friendly) 除了姐姐们外,指挥官是我的第一个朋友,所,所以指挥官千万不要去坐抚顺姐的自制导弹! 指揮官は姉さんたち以外の、初めてのお友達ですから…だ、だから、撫順姉さんのミサイルは絶対に乗らないでください!! Commander, other than my sisters, you're my first friend. S-so, um, whatever you do, please do not get inside Fu Shun's home-made missile!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,你在这里啊。嗯?并不是出来散步,只是、那个……有点寂寞了,想看看你的脸…… 指揮官はここですね。うん?お散歩じゃありませんよ、えっと、指揮官の顔を見たくて、その…… Commander, are you in here? Eh? I'm not just walking around.. Um, I just got a little lonely... and wanted to see your face...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官……虽然我还很不成熟,但我会加倍努力的。所以,能等等我吗……等我超越姐姐们……是吗?太好了! 指揮官……私、まだまだ未熟ですけど、もっと頑張りますから、だから…待っていてくださいますか…?私が姉さんたちを越えるまで……本当ですか!よかった…… Commander... even though I'm immature, I will work harder. So, um... please wait for me... Y-you'll be waiting for me to surpass my sisters? Th-thank you!
Pledge 谢谢你,指挥官……虽然我还不是很可靠,但从今以后,还请多多依赖我! 指揮官、ありがとうございます……私、まだ頼りないところがありますけど……これからはどんどん頼ってください! Thanks, Commander... Even though I'm still not very reliable, from now on, you can count on me!
In battle with An Shan 为了帮上鞍山姐姐,我得努力才行… 鞍山姉さんの役に立てるよう頑張らないと…… To help An Shan, I have to do my best...
In battle with Fu Shun 抚顺姐姐你冲得太前了——呀! 撫順姉さん、前に出過ぎです――きゃっ! Fu Shun, you're charging up too fas- Ahh!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新、新的一年,我谨代表鞍山级祝愿指挥官和港区的大家万事如意、幸福安康…呜…虽然是自己做的衣服,但是果然还是好让人害羞啊…欸?很适合我?谢、谢谢… 「鞍山級を代表して指揮官、そして母港の皆さんにお祝いを申し上げ……」…あぅ、自分で作った服なのに、やっぱり恥ずかしいです…に、似合ってる、ですか?あ、ありがとう御座います…… O-on behalf of the An Shan class, we wish a prosperous, happy, and healthy new year to Commander, and to everyone here at port... Umm... even though I made this outfit, I feel a bit embarrassed wearing it... Eh? It looks good on me? Um... th-thank you...
Acquisition 新、新的一年,我谨代表鞍山级祝愿指挥官和港区的大家万事如意、幸福安康…呜…虽然是自己做的衣服,但是果然还是好让人害羞啊…欸?很适合我?谢、谢谢… 「鞍山級を代表して指揮官、そして母港の皆さんにお祝いを申し上げ……」…あぅ、自分で作った服なのに、やっぱり恥ずかしいです…に、似合ってる、ですか?あ、ありがとう御座います…… O-on behalf of the An Shan class, we wish a prosperous, happy, and healthy new year to Commander, and to everyone here at port... Umm... even though I made this outfit, I feel a bit embarrassed wearing it... Eh? It looks good on me? Um... th-thank you...
Login 一到春节抚顺姐姐就特别兴奋呢,还会拉着我和长春姐姐到处跑…… 春節になると、撫順(ブジュン)姉さんはすごくテンションが上りますね…私と長春姉さんを引っ張ってあっち行ったり、こっち行ったりして…… Fu Shun gets really excited around the Spring Festival, and will even drag Chang Chun and me around...
Details 指挥官,你知道吗?东煌有关于一种叫“年”的怪兽的古老传说哦。每逢春节,家家户户都会贴红对联,放爆竹来驱赶它呢 指揮官は知ってますか?東煌には「年獣」という怪獣の伝説がありますよ。毎年の春節では、みんな対聯(ついれん)を飾ったり、爆竹(ばくちく)を燃やしたりして年獣の駆除をやっていますね Commander, did you know? The Dragon Empery has an ancient legend about the monster known as the "Nian." During the Spring Festival, every household will hang up couplets and set off firecrackers to ward it off.
Main 抚、抚顺姐姐,这、这样拆爆竹很危险的啦……欸?要做新的试验? 撫順(ブジュン)姉さん、ば、爆竹(ばくちく)を解体するのは危険ですよ……え、新しい実験ですか?? F-Fu Shun, it... it's dangerous to take apart firecrackers like that... Eh? You're doing an experiment?
Main 2 今年的对联…唔,指挥官也来帮忙想想吧? 今年の対聯(ついれん)は…えっと、指揮官も考えてみませんか? This year's couplet... Um, Commander, can you help me brainstorm ideas?
Main 3 长春姐姐,难得过年,不要一直待在房间里啦… 長春姉さん、せっかくの春節ですから、部屋に引きこもらないほうが‥‥ Chang Chun, it's a once-in-a-year occasion, it's not good to stay inside your room all day...
Touch 这身衣服是我自己做的,姐姐们都说好看呢,欸嘿嘿… この服は自作ですよ。お姉さんたちみんな可愛いって言ってくれましたね。えへへ I made this outfit myself. My sisters all said it looks good, ehehe...
Touch (Special) 呜…指、指挥官,乱来的话,这孩子会生气的! あぅ…し、指揮官、これ以上したらこの子が怒っちゃいますよ! C-commander... if you keep messing around, someone's going to get mad!
Return to Port 啊,指挥官,欢迎回来…我在做灯笼…一会能麻烦指挥官帮忙挂起来吗? あ、指揮官、おかえりなさい。…えっと、今灯籠(とうろう)を作っています……あとで飾り付けるのを手伝っていただけないでしょうか? Ah, Commander, welcome back... I'm making a lantern... Would you mind helping me hang it up?
Affinity (Love) 春节的时候,至亲的人们都会为了团圆而聚在一起呢。今、今年除了姐姐们之外,也想和指挥官一起团圆…可以吗…? 春節は親しい人たち皆で団らんするんですよね。今年はお姉さんたち以外に指揮官にも参加してほしいですけど…ダメですか…? During the Spring Festival, relatives will all gather to celebrate a reunion. Th-this year, I'd like to have a reunion with my sisters and you, Commander... is that okay?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description ……呼,太原,改造完毕了。嗯,感谢指挥官的鼓励,有了新的装备,我就能更好地追随姐姐们的脚步了。 ……ふぅ、太原、改造完了しました。励ましていただきありがとうございます。新しい装備のおかげで姉さんたちにもっとついていけますね Phew... Tai Yuan, retrofit complete. Thanks for supporting me this whole time, Commander. With this new equipment, I'll be able to get one step closer to catching up to my sisters.
Acquisition ……呼,太原,改造完毕了。嗯,感谢指挥官的鼓励,有了新的装备,我就能更好地追随姐姐们的脚步了。 ……ふぅ、太原、改造完了しました。励ましていただきありがとうございます。新しい装備のおかげで姉さんたちにもっとついていけますね Phew... Tai Yuan, retrofit complete. Thanks for supporting me this whole time, Commander. With this new equipment, I'll be able to get one step closer to catching up to my sisters.
Login 早上好,指挥官。太原,已经准备好和您一起解决问题了! 指揮官、おはようございます。太原、一緒にトラブルを解決する準備ができています Good morning, Commander. I'm ready to resolve any crisis with you.
Details 玄武者,能柔能刚。所以,既要有强大的实力,更要有能辩证思考问题的头脑……指挥官,我说的对么? 「玄武、剛柔備えるものなり」――強い実力だけでなく、問題を弁証的に考える頭脳を持つことも大事……指揮官はどう思いますか? "To tread Xuanwu's path is to be as tough as steel yet flexible as grass." ––Therefore, to truly be strong requires not only physical prowess, but also a keen intellect. Would you agree, Commander?
Main 有了新装备后,需要关注的事反而变多了呢……欸,这其实是“深思熟虑”?唔……真是有启发性的观点呢。 新しい装備を手に入れたら、注意しないといけないことが増えましたね……ん?これは「よく考えるようになった」ってことですか?ええと…なんだか新しい視点ですねっ I may have acquired new equipment, but that's actually given me more things to be mindful of... Hmm? That's part of what it means to be thoughtful and contemplative? Hmm... what an enlightening point of view.
Main 2 现在的我,的确能帮助到鞍山姐了呢!之后的目标……也在积极思考当中,嗯! 今の太原は確かに鞍山姉さんの力になれます!次の目標は……積極的に考え中です!はい! As I am now, I surely have the power to fight alongside An Shan! My next goal is... Well, I'm still in the process of thinking about it!
Main 3 知道的越多,有时候也会越烦恼呢……您说自信的人才会为这些发愁?嘿嘿,谢谢您的鼓励。 知識が増えるほど悩むことも増えますよね…気になるようになったのは自信がついたから、ですか?えへへ、ありがとうございます The more you know, the more things you have to be worried about... Hmm? Only confident people have the self-awareness to harbor such doubts? Ehehe~ Thank you for the encouragement.
Touch (Special) 哇、哇……指、指挥官,你还真是喜欢这样…… わわっ……し、指揮官はこういうのが本当に好きなんですね… Oh, wow... C-Commander, so this is what you were into after all...
Return to Port ……嗯,顺利地回来了呢,安心了。 ……ふぅ。順調に戻ってきましたね。安心しました ...Phew, you're back safe and sound. What a relief.
Enhancement 工欲善其事,必先利其器,不错的一步呢! 「工、その事をよくせんと欲せば、必ずその器を利とす」――良き一歩を踏み出せました! "A job well-done begins with the proper tools." ––A good first step, if I must say so myself!
Flagship 玄武的实力,就让你们见识一下吧——! 玄武の力をお見せします…! Allow me to demonstrate Xuanwu's true power!
Victory 嗯,是预想之中的胜利呢! うん。予想内の勝利ですね Mm. A victory well within my calculations.
Affinity (Love) 仔细想想,超越姐姐们也只是开始而已呢,后面的路还有很长……指挥官,接下来的路,可以继续陪我一起走下去么? よくよく考えると、姉さんたちを追い越す道はまだ始まったばかりで、これからはもっともっと遠くへ行かないといけませんね。……指揮官、これからも太原と一緒に…歩いてくださいますか? Now that I've some time to think things through, surpassing my sisters is only just the first step. Beyond that, the road ahead is incredibly long... Commander, will you walk with me to my next destination?