Fu shun (JP 🇯🇵: 撫順, CN 🇹🇼: 抚顺)
Ship ID No. 254 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time
Acquisition Event: Adventure - Fushun
Enhance Income
Firepower 8
Torpedo 14
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Kana Asumi
Fu Shun Description
An Shan-class destroyer No.2 - Fu Shun (102)
Firepower A
Torpedo D
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air C
HP 1897 Reload 175
Firepower 111 Torpedo 201
Evasion 159 Anti-air 151
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 180 Luck 51
Hit 177 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 2277 Reload 201
Firepower 128 Torpedo 231
Evasion 165 Anti-air 174
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 200 Luck 51
Hit 186 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 367 Reload 74
Firepower 24 Torpedo 43
Evasion 61 Anti-air 32
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 49 Luck 51
Hit 68 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 51
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 51
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 140%/145%/150%/155% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 90%/90%/95%/100% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 95%/95%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 130mm Main Gun
2 Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: An Shan-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 22
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Rezkiy Assault Increases this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate by 5.0% (20.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: An Shan Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 鞍山级驱逐舰2号舰—抚顺,舷号102 鞍山級駆逐艦・撫順 An Shan-class destroyer No.2 - Fu Shun (102)
Biography 东煌鞍山级驱逐舰二号舰“抚顺”号,东煌第一代“四大金刚”之一。“Резкий”?那是我的乳名。虽然执行过很多任务,但未曾经历过实战实在令人遗憾,明明和鞍山姐那一次差一点就开火了!总之,请让我在战场上尽情活跃吧! 東煌アンシャン級駆逐艦、「四天王」の次女『撫順』よ!「レースキィ」は小さいころの名前だよ。たくさんの任務をこなしたけど、実戦経験がないのはやっぱりちょっと悔しいかも~とにかく、戦場で思いっきり活躍させてほしいな! The name's Fu Shun, second ship of the An Shan-class destroyers and one of the first-generation "Four Unbreakables." Rezkiy? That was my birth name. Even though I accomplished a lot, I unfortunately never experienced actual combat. The closest I got was that one time, when An Shan and I almost opened fire! Anyway, please let me fight to my heart's content on the battlefield!
Acquisition 驱逐舰“抚顺”号报到。咦,长春呢,明明刚刚还跟在我身后呢 駆逐艦撫順(ブジュン)、着任しましたっと~あれ?長春(チョウシュン)は?さっきまで後ろに付いてきてたのに Destroyer Fu Shun, reporting in! Uhh... where's Chang Chun? She was clearly behind me just a minute ago...
Login 今天的抚顺,也是元气满满! 今日の撫順も、やる気MAX! Today's Fu Shun is all fired up and ready to go!
Details 如果有什么想了解的,我可以陪指挥官一起调查哦 知りたいことがあったら一緒に調べるよ! Commander, if there's something you want to find out, I'd be glad to investigate with you~
Main 这个送给太原的话,她一定会很高兴吧! これを太原にプレゼントすればきっと喜んでくれるよね! If I give this to Tai Yuan, I'm sure she will be very happy!
Main 2 在极北处昼夜交替时出现的幽灵船?确实听说过这种传闻 黄昏時に北の海域に現れる幽霊船?どっかで聞いたことあるような… A ghost ship that emerges from the frozen waters of the Arctic at midnight? Certainly, I've heard this rumor before.
Main 3 长春虽然是妹妹,但她教了我很多呢! 長春は妹だけど、よく色んなことを教えてくれるよ! Although Chang Chun is my younger sister, she has taught me a lot!
Touch 呀!不,我的手只是碰巧放在背后而已,才没有在藏什么东西 きゃっ!い、いやいやいやちょうど手を後ろに置いただけで別になにも隠していない…と思いますぅ… Woah! Um... I just happened to be, uh, scratching my back! Yeah, I'm definitely not hiding anything!
Touch (Special) 呀!指挥官,你在摸哪里!我可什么都没藏! きゃう!?指揮官どこ触ってるのよ!何も隠してないってば! Woah! Commander, are you frisking me? I'm not hiding anything!
Mission 去完成任务吧! 任務をこなしに行こう! Go forth and complete those quests!
Mission Complete 任务完成了!港区里有黑烟?我想指挥官您可能看错了? 任務完了したよ?うん?母港に黒煙が?指揮官、見間違えたんじゃない? Quest complete! There's a black smoke coming from the port? Are you sure, Commander? I don't see anything~
Mail 并不是什么紧急的信件,我想就不必打扰指挥官了 緊急のメールじゃなさそうだし、わざわざ指揮官に知らせることもないかな? It doesn't look important, so I won't bother Commander.
Return to Port 那么,继续去调查港区的神秘事件吧~长春,你也来吗? さて、「母港の不思議」調査の続きっと~長春も来る? Well then, let's continue investigating the mysteries of the port~ Chang Chun, you coming?
Commission Complete 想要的东西也一起带回来了。唔,这应该不算走私吧。 私がほしかったものも持ってきたよ。密輸ではない!…と思いますぅ… All the stuff that I wanted? I brought them back with me. Uhh, this doesn't count as smuggling, right?
Enhancement 我还能变得更强! もっと強くなれるよ! My power level can keep going up!
Flagship 姐姐,这次可不是演习! 姉さん、今回は演習じゃないよ! Sis', it's not a drill this time!
Victory 哼哼,这还不是我的真本事 ふっふん、私まだ本気じゃないよ Hehe~ this isn't even my final form!
Defeat 呜……姐、姐姐,你在哪里啊? ううぅ……ね、姉さん、どこ…? Ugh... Sis'... where are you?
Skill 南明离火,焰曜诸方 朱明離火(しゅうめいりっか)の朱雀、我が航路を照らし出せ! Let the flames of heaven dazzle all in our way!
Low HP 嘁!我要拿出真本事了! えいっ!本気を出すよ! Tsk... Looks like I'll have to show them my final form!
Affinity (Upset) 哇,长春、太原,指挥官来了! わあ!長春、太原、指揮官が来ちゃったよ! Yikes! Chang Chun, Tai Yuan, Commander is coming!
Affinity (Stranger) 哎,是指挥官?不不,我才没有搞破坏,学院的窗户全碎了?我想……那可能是“日落后的妖怪”做的……吧? あ、指揮官?わ、私何もやってないよ?えっ、学園の窓が割れた?……多分長春が言ってた「お化け」の仕業じゃないかなって…思いますぅ…… What's up, Commander? No no, I didn't break anything... Eh, all the windows in the academy broke? Uh... I think it's the doing of one of those evil spirits... probably?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,这是我做的火箭,很漂亮吧!指挥官如果坐上去的话,一定能飞到比天空还高的地方吧!下来?放心,我和长春会在下面接着你的啦 指揮官、これが私が作ったミサイルだよ!カッコイイでしょ!指揮官がこれに乗ってたら絶対高く飛べるよね!降りる時はどうするって?大丈夫!私と長春が受け止めるよ! *slaps rocket* Commander, this bad boy will take you all the way over the sky. Isn't it a beaut? I made it myself. Coming down? Don't worry about that, Chang Chun and I will be there to catch you.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,早上好!咦,昨晚在干什么?为什么问这个,我没干什么坏事啦!指挥室被翻得乱七八糟?不,不是我干的!我想应该是狼人吧,狼人! 指揮官、おはよー!え、昨夜は何してたかって?な、なんで急に…別に悪いことしなかったよ?執務室がボロボロに…?わ、私じゃないってば!オオカミの仕業だよ!…と思いますぅ… Commander, good morning! Ehh, what was I doing last night? Why are you asking me? I didn't do anything bad! Your office looks like a werewolf got loose in it? No, no, it wasn't me. It was probably, uh, a werewolf!
Affinity (Love) 那边是我的秘密基地,很漂亮吧!这可是我最重要的秘密!诶?只是一时的心血来潮啦,才没有什么企图呢! そこは私の秘密基地!どう、カッコイイでしょ!これこそ私の一番の秘密だよ!え?ただの思いつきだよ!別に何も企んでいないってば! My secret base lies right over yonder. Pretty, huh? This is my most important secret! Eh? I just happened to tell you on a whim! I definitely wasn't planning anything.
Pledge 指挥官,这样我们是一家人了呢……所以,能把物资储藏室的钥匙借我用下吗?求你了!一天就好! これで指揮官とは家族だね!……倉庫のカギを借りちゃっていい?お願い!一日だけでも! Commander, so we're a family now... Well then, can I borrow the keys to the warehouse? I'm begging you! Just for one day!
In battle with An Shan 有姐姐在我就什么都不怕! 姉さんがいれば何も怖くないよ! I have nothing to fear as long as my big sister is here!
In battle with Tai Yuan 太原,你学到了吗? 太原、何か勉強になった? Tai Yuan, did you manage to learn it?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嘿!又成功钓到一笼包子了!今天的收获真是丰盛……额,那个,指挥官?我,我只是……嗯……只是在普普通通地玩耍? へへーい!またバオズが一段釣れた~!今日は大漁大漁っと~!……えっ、あっ、指揮官!?こ、これは……ええと……普通にゲームしてるだけだ…と思いますぅ…よ? Heh-hey! Just hooked us another baozi~! We're in for one heckuva haul today! ...Eh? Huh, Commander?! Th-this is, uhh... yeah, we're just playing a normal game... totally...
Acquisition 嘿!又成功钓到一笼包子了!今天的收获真是丰盛……额,那个,指挥官?我,我只是……嗯……只是在普普通通地玩耍? へへーい!またバオズが一段釣れた~!今日は大漁大漁っと~!……えっ、あっ、指揮官!?こ、これは……ええと……普通にゲームしてるだけだ…と思いますぅ…よ? Heh-hey! Just hooked us another baozi~! We're in for one heckuva haul today! ...Eh? Huh, Commander?! Th-this is, uhh... yeah, we're just playing a normal game... totally...
Login 指挥官新年好——等,等一下!你是怎么做到不用梯子就上下自如的! 指揮官新春おめでとうーー!ちょ、ちょっと待った!どうやってはしごを使わずに上ってきたの!? Happy New Year, Commander! Wait, hold on a minute! How did you get up here without a ladder?!
Details “港区春节的不可思议之神秘消失的包子”……已经有这样的传闻吗?真不愧是我!……我,我后面会解释清楚的! 「母港の不思議――神妙に消える蒸したてバオズ」……もうこんなのが出てきたの?さっすが私!……あ、あとでちゃんと説明して回るからあ! "Mysteries of the Port – Case of the Disappearing Baozi!" ...How did rumors like that start circulating already?! Well done! ...I, I'll explain things to everyone later!
Main 你说我要怎么下来……这点高度对抚顺而言根本不算什——呃,那个,到时候可能要你帮我一把…… どうやって下りるかは……この高さなら撫順にとってなんてことはなーーえ、ええと、そのときは指揮官、助けて…… How am I going to get down from here? Please, these heights are nothing! Oh, actually, umm... Commander, I might need some help from you after we're all done here after all...
Main 2 刚刚长春朝这里看了一眼……没事的,以她的性格,是不会出卖我们的! 今長春がこっちを一瞬見ていたような……大丈夫!長春のことだから私たちを売ったりしないよ! Chang Chun shot me a glance just now... It's fine; given her personality, no chance she sells us out!
Main 3 嘿!指挥官,这个包子给你!快尝尝我们的战利品吧!……欸?你说这个吃起来很辣?这……这是怎么回事?明明我吃的都是不辣的啊? ははは!指揮官、バオズをあげる!戦利品の味を早く味わって!……え?辛い?ど……どういうこと?こっちは辛いのなんてなかったよ? Hahaha! Commander, this baozi is for you! Enjoy the taste of the spoils of victory! ...Huh? It's super spicy? How could that be? The one I grabbed isn't spicy at all...
Touch 要不你也来试一试?恶作剧得手的感觉超级有趣的! 指揮官もやってみない?いたずらが成功するとすごく楽しいよ! Wanna give it a try, Commander? Nothing's more fun than successfully pulling off a prank!
Touch (Special) 危、危险!要是我们掉下去了,那事情可就彻底败露了! あわわ危ない!落ちたら今までのことがバレちゃうよ!? Wh-whooooa! If we fall off, our cover's gonna get blown!
Return to Port 嘘——鞍山姐姐过来了…要是被她发现,我的快乐就要结束了…… しーっ!鞍山姉さんがこっちに近づいてくるよ…バレたらもう楽しめないからねっ! Shh! An Shan is coming this way... If she finds out, it's game over for us!
Commission Complete 说起来,委托的物资里好像有不少面粉……她们是打算从面皮开始做起吗? そういえば委託の報酬に強力粉が入っていたけど……もしかして皮から作るつもり? Looks like there was some all-purpose flour included in the rewards... Are the girls planning to make baozi skins from scratch?
Flagship 既然是敌人,随便怎么闹都没关系对吧! 敵だから何したっていいよね! Nobody will care if we make a ruckus beating up on the enemy, right?