Suffren (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 600 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Iris Libre Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Suffren Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Suffren-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Admiral Satan Increases this ship's FP and TRP by 5.0% (15.0%). When the battle starts and when this ship fires her Main Guns 6 times: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 1.0% (10.0%) for 30s (does not stack; repeat activations only refresh the effect's duration).
The Guardian Lady-Knight Increases this ship's AA and EVA by 1.0% (10.0%). If this ship has Iris Libre or Vichya Dominion gear equipped: decreases your Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion ships' DMG taken during battle by 1.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Suffren-class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 絮北䌊级重巡掋舰—絮北䌊 シュフラン型重巡掋艊-シュフラン Suffren-class heavy cruiser – Suffren.
Biography 我是絮北䌊级的呜名舰絮北䌊。和姐効舰圚䞀些细小的讟计䞊有着诞倚䞍同䞍过也郜是絮北䌊级没必芁圚意啊指挥官今后也请倚关照了 私はシュフラン玚のネヌムシップ、シュフランよ。姉効艊ずは现かい蚭蚈ずかで違うずころがいく぀かあるけど、たあ同じシュフラン玚だしそんなに気にする必芁ないよね指揮官くん、改めおよろしくね I'm Suffren, the lead ship of my class. There are a few minor differences between me and my sisters, but that doesn't really matter since we're all Suffren-class at the end of the day! Always a pleasure to chat with you, Commander!
Acquisition 我是鞢尟的教廷骑士絮北䌊指挥官尜管攟心吧只芁姐姐我来了就什么郜䞍甚担心了 アむリス所属、護教階士のシュフランよさあ指揮官くん、倧船に乗った぀もりで安心しおお姉ちゃんが来たからにはなヌんにも問題ないんだからっ I'm Suffren, Iris Libre Templar Knight! You can finally rest easy, Commander! There'll be no more problems ever again now that your lady knight in shining armor has arrived!
Login 哈啊唔指挥官  早起是奜事啊姐姐我埈䜩服哊 ふぁああ、ほぇ、指揮官くん は、早起きするのはいいよねお姉ちゃん感心したわ *yaaawn*... Whuh? Commander? W-wow, so you're an early bird! I'm proud of you!
Details 即䜿是平时枩柔的絮北䌊姐姐生气时也䌚被叫做“撒旊将军”哊看䌚发出“嘎噜噜”这样的声音哊埈吓人吧 い぀も優しいシュフランお姉ちゃんでも、怒ったら「悪魔倧将アドミラルサタン」っお呌ばれるぐらいには怖いんだからねほら、こう「がるるヌ」っお怖いでしょ While I'm usually super nice, I've earned the nickname "Admiral Satan" from how terrifying I am when I'm ticked off! Like this – grrr! Isn't that scary?
Main 呌哇——唔 枯区虜然䞍错就是睡觉时是床而䞍是吊床这䞀点䞍倪行 唔姐姐我比起床曎喜欢吊床嘛。 ふわあああ んん 母枯はどこも悪くないけど、寝る時はハンモックではなくベッドなのがちょっずね むぅ、お姉ちゃんはベッドよりハンモックのほうがいいもん *yaaawn*... Mgh... The port on the whole is pretty great, but I wish I could sleep in a hammock rather than a bed... Hmph. I like hammocks more than beds, that's all.
Main 2 教廷骑士的奜倄就是吃饭方面没什么需芁遵守的规则。毕竟饿着肚子可没法战斗对吧 護教階士のいいずころは、ご飯に関するルヌルが少なめっおこずね。そりゃお腹ぺこぺこじゃ戊えないもんね What's nice about being a Templar Knight is how few rules dictate what and when you can eat. You can't fight on an empty stomach, after all.
Main 3 指挥官劂果䜠有什么烊恌姐姐我郜䌚听䜠诎的哊毕竟姐姐我可是站圚鞢尟和指挥官这䞀蟹的♪ 指揮官くんお悩みがあったらお姉ちゃんがなヌんでも聞いおあげるわよなんだっおお姉ちゃん、アむリスず指揮官くんの味方なんだから♪ Commander, know that I'm right here if you need to get something off your chest. You and Iris Libre will always have a friend in me♪
Touch 指挥官有什么烊恌吗 指揮官くん困っおいるこずでもあるのかな Commander? You got something you wanna tell me?
Touch (Special) 奜奇怪啊...我和犏煊应该没那么倧差别才对啊... おかしいなぁ フォッシュちゃんずそんなに倉わらないはずなのに  That's weird... Could've sworn I was about the same size as Foch...
Touch (Headpat) 哇哇这是圚对姐姐我做什么啊 わわお姉ちゃんに䜕するんだヌ Whuh?! Stop whatever you're doing!
Mission 任务啊...指挥官快点做完吧工䜜到倪晚对身䜓可䞍奜。 任務かぁ 早く片付けおよね指揮官くん倜遅くたで働くのっお䜓に悪いんだから Ah, missions... Get 'em done quick, Commander! I don't want you working late into the night; it's bad for you.
Mission Complete 任务奖励送到了。这䞋今晚的菜单可以期埅䞀䞋了♪ 任務報酬が届いたわ。今倜の献立は期埅できるっおこずだよね♪ Mission rewards have arrived. Hope dinner tonight is gonna be something special♪
Mail 新邮件收到了哊。垌望是奜消息...奜打匀看看吧 メヌルが届いおいるわ。良い知らせでありたすように よしっ。開封しお You've got a letter. By the Holy Iris, let this be good news... Okay. You can open it now.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了总结战斗后䌑息䞀䞋吧姐姐我把资料  资料 哎呀忘了  啊哈哈哈  出撃ご苊劎さん振り返りをしおゆっくりしようよお姉ちゃんが資料  しりょうを わ、忘れちゃった あははは  Great work on that sortie! Sit down and have a think about the battle! Your documents are right– Uhh, I... I don't know where they are... Ahaha...
Commission Complete 委托的奖励已经送到了。指挥官赶玧确讀䞀䞋吧。 委蚗の報酬が届いおいるわ。指揮官くん、早く確認しおね The commission team's back with rewards. Go on and accept 'em, Commander.
Enhancement 指挥官谢谢䜠姐姐我也芁曎加努力才行♪ 指揮官くんありがずうお姉ちゃんももっず頑匵らないずね♪ Thanks, Commander! I'll do my best to live up to your hopes♪
Flagship 就由鞢尟骑士絮北䌊我来做䜠的对手吧 アむリスの階士シュフランが盞手になっおあげる Get ready to cross swords with a Templar Knight!
Victory 劂䜕这就是“絮北䌊级”的力量啊哈哈尜管攟心䟝赖我吧♪ どうこれが「シュフラン玚」の力だあはは、どんどん頌っおいいわよ♪ See? The Suffren class means business! Ahahah! I'm always happy to assist♪
Defeat 指挥官战术性撀退吧反击的时刻总有䞀倩䌚来的 指揮官くん、戊術的撀退よい぀かやり返すわ Commander, it's time for a tactical retreat! We'll get 'em another time!
Skill 芁投降就趁现圚哊 降䌏するなら今のうちよ Now's your chance if you want to surrender!
Low HP 鞢尟的骑士是䞍䌚退猩的  アむリスの階士は怯たないわ っ A Templar Knight does not tremble!
Affinity (Upset) 我可䞍想生指挥官的气。奜奜振䜜吧。 お姉ちゃんは指揮官くんに怒りたくないわ。しっかりしおよね I don't want to lash out at you, Commander. Get your act together.
Affinity (Stranger) 被指挥官照顟总感觉埈害矞䞍倒䞍是讚厌...只是䜠看毕竟絮北䌊我是姐姐所以由我照顟指挥官才曎自然䞀些嘛。 指揮官くんのお䞖話になるのっおなんだか恥ずかしいね。ううん、別に嫌じゃないけど そこはほら、シュフランはお姉ちゃんだから、指揮官くんのお䞖話をするのが自然かなっお思っおたわ Feels kinda weird that you're looking after me. I mean, I don't hate it or anything... It's just, y'know, I'm usually the one looking after others, since I'm a big sister figure and all.
Affinity (Friendly) 垮忙工䜜或者圚战斗䞭保技䜠...嗯——我胜䞺指挥官做的事情奜像和其他的䌙䌎们没有什么区别...该怎么办呢... お仕事を手䌝ったり戊いになったら守っおあげたり んヌ指揮官くんにしおあげられるこず、あたり他の子ず倉わらないような どうしようかな  Assisting with your work, protecting you when a battle breaks out... Yeah, the stuff I can do for you is pretty much the same as anyone else... What can I do to stand out?
Affinity (Like) 等䞀䞋指挥官让矎䞜又可靠的絮北䌊姐姐䞺䜠——哇呀呀锅里的食材糊掉了扫地机的匀关也忘关了指挥官救救我—— ちょっず埅っおおね指揮官くん、この矎人で頌れるシュフランお姉ちゃんが指揮官くんのために――あわわわ鍋の食材が焊げちゃったっお掃陀機のスむッチも消し忘れおた指揮官くん、助けおヌ Gimme just a minute, Commander. Your fair and reliable Suffren is gonna cook you a delicious– Oh nooo! I burned the ingredients! And I forgot to turn off my vacuum cleaner! Commander, help!
Affinity (Love) 䜜䞺䌘雅的鞢尟骑士以及姐姐䞀次倱莥是䞍䌚让我灰心的。指挥官今倩也尜情䟝赖我吧这就让䜠看看我的成长 ゚レガントなるアむリスの護教階士ずしお、そしおお姉ちゃんずしお、䞀床倱敗したぐらいでめげおないのっ。さあ指揮官くん、今日もどんどん頌っお今わたしの成長を芋せおあげるんだから I'm an elegant Templar Knight and a reliable big sister – it takes more than one little failure to break my spirit! So, Commander, tell me what you need! I want to show you how far I've come!
Pledge 芁和姐姐亀换誓纊吗圓然可以啊♪诶嘿嘿这样就可以䞀盎照顟指挥官指挥官也可以䞀盎䟝赖我倚奜啊 诎我只顟着指挥官毕竟是最喜欢的人䌚变成这样也是理所圓然的啊 お姉ちゃんず誓いを亀わすのもちろんいいわよ♪えぞぞ、指揮官くんの面倒をずっず芋れるようになるし、指揮官くんにずっず甘えおもらえるようになるし、いいこず尜くめじゃない 指揮官くんのこずばかりだっおそりゃ倧奜きな人だからそうなるのもしょうがないわ You wanna exchange vows? Perfectly fine by me♪ Heehee~ I get to look after you for the rest of our days, and you can enjoy being spoiled rotten – it's a total win-win! ...Sounds completely focused on you? Well, I love you, so I can't help it!
In battle with Foch 犏煊扔的时候芁小心哊 フォッシュちゃん、それを投げるずきは気を぀けおよねっ Foch, be careful when you throw that thing!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯可以进来哊——啊 指挥 官啊啊哈哈 姐姐我真是的忘记挂“䜿甚䞭”的牌子了 䞍过被指挥官看到也 没没什么吧 ん入っおいいわよヌっお 指揮官 くんあ、あははは お姉ちゃんったら「䜿甚䞭」っお札を぀けおなかったんだ たあ別に指揮官くんに芋られおも ぞ、ぞヌきかな Hm? The door's open! ...Commander? Oh, ahaha... Silly me, I should've put up a card with "occupied" on it... Then again, I... I guess I don't mind if you're the one who sees me~
Acquisition 嗯可以进来哊——啊 指挥 官啊啊哈哈 姐姐我真是的忘记挂“䜿甚䞭”的牌子了 䞍过被指挥官看到也 没没什么吧 ん入っおいいわよヌっお 指揮官 くんあ、あははは お姉ちゃんったら「䜿甚䞭」っお札を぀けおなかったんだ たあ別に指揮官くんに芋られおも ぞ、ぞヌきかな Hm? The door's open! ...Commander? Oh, ahaha... Silly me, I should've put up a card with "occupied" on it... Then again, I... I guess I don't mind if you're the one who sees me~
Login 等等指挥官现圚出去被人看到反而䌚埈可疑啊嗯先把闚锁䞊老实圚这里埅䞀䌚儿吧奜吗 埅っお指揮官くん今倖に出お誰かに芋られたら逆に怪したれるわよっええず、ずりあえず鍵をかけお少しの間ここでじっずしおおね Hang on, Commander! You can't go out now, or you'll look so suspicious! For now, uhh, you should just lock the door and wait it out in here!
Details 指挥官怎么样这幅打扮的姐姐可䞍垞看到吧哌哌其实我跟犏煊还有阿尔及利亚她们䞀样也埈泚重打扮呢♪ 指揮官くん、どうかなお姉ちゃんのこんな姿はめったに芋れないよふふん、本圓はフォッシュちゃんずかアルゞェリヌ達ず同じぐらいはオシャレに気を䜿っおるわよ♪ Thoughts, Commander? You don't get to see me in this outfit any day. Heheh. Truth be told, I'm just as fashion-savvy as Foch or Algérie!
Main 指挥官䜠擅长䜓育吗还是䞍擅长䞍甚诊细诎具䜓科目告诉我䞪倧抂就奜就是奜奇而已。 指揮官くんは䜓育が埗意苊手皮目ずかじゃなくお倧たかな感じでいいわよちょっず気になっお Commander, are you good or bad at sports? Not any one in particular; I mean on the whole. I'm just curious.
Main 2 对了既然指挥官来了就换身衣服䞀起做运劚吧这样就䞍䌚被䌙䌎们怀疑了 䞍是这么回事 そうだ。せっかく来たんだし指揮官くんも着替えお䞀緒に運動しようよそしたら仲間たちに怪したれなくなるわ 違うの Oh, I know. Since you're already here, you should get changed and exercise with me! Then nobody will suspect anything! ...You doubt it?
Main 3 敊刻尔克可真是眪孜深重呢 对因䞺她老是做奜倚看起来非垞矎味的点心完党䞍顟我们需芁抵挡倚倧的诱惑呜呜— ダンケルクったら眪な人ね そういっ぀も矎味しそうなお菓子ばっかり䜜っおヌこっちがどれだけ誘惑を我慢しおいるかも知らずにうわヌん Dunkerque is an evil woman... She's always making tons of delicious pastries, I tell you! She has no idea how hard I have to fight the urge to eat them! It suuucks!
Touch 虜诎䞍可胜䞀点郜䞍圚意 䜆既然是指挥官肯定没问题对吧  党く気にしおいないっおいうのは嘘になるけど 指揮官くんのこずだからきっず倧䞈倫だ。倧䞈倫よね  I'd be lying if I said I don't mind this at least a little... but it's just you, so it's fine! I think so, anyway...
Touch (Special) 等等䞀䞋指挥官这样我可没办法奜奜脱䞋来啊 ちょ、ちょっず指揮官くんこれじゃうたく脱げないわよ C-cut it out, Commander! I can't undress while you're doing that!
Return to Port 我知道䜠没圚偷看䜆还是䌚害矞 啊䞍是让䜠出去回避的意思啊 芗きじゃないのはわかっおるけど、やっぱり恥ずかしいわね あ、出お行っおっお意味じゃないからっ I know you're not peeping, but this still feels weird... Hey, wait, there's no point in leaving NOW!
Commission Complete 委托组回来了我这就换身衣  诶咊卡䜏了  委蚗組が戻っおきたのいた着替えお あ、あれ匕っかかった  The commission team is back? Let me get changed real– Uhh, my zipper's stuck...
Victory 䌘雅地赢了哌哌 ゚レガントに勝たせおもらったわえっぞん They served us this elegant victory on a platter! Heheh!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊指挥官是圚等姐姐我吗奜䞍容易穿这么挂亮的瀌服圓然芁花点时闎奜奜打扮䞀番啊现圚就让䜠见识䞀䞋䌘雅又可爱的姐姐  咊这里芁怎么系来着   あ、指揮官くんもしかしおお姉ちゃんを埅っおたのせっかくのドレス姿だから時間をかけお身だしなみを敎えないずね。ふふん、今゚レガントで可愛いお姉ちゃんを芋せおあげる あ、あれここはどう結べばいいの  Oh, Commander. Were you waiting for little old me? You've gotta take your time sorting out your dress if you wanna look snazzy! Heheh, feast your eyes on this cute little kni– Uhh, how are you supposed to tie this thing?
Acquisition 啊指挥官是圚等姐姐我吗奜䞍容易穿这么挂亮的瀌服圓然芁花点时闎奜奜打扮䞀番啊现圚就让䜠见识䞀䞋䌘雅又可爱的姐姐  咊这里芁怎么系来着   あ、指揮官くんもしかしおお姉ちゃんを埅っおたのせっかくのドレス姿だから時間をかけお身だしなみを敎えないずね。ふふん、今゚レガントで可愛いお姉ちゃんを芋せおあげる あ、あれここはどう結べばいいの  Oh, Commander. Were you waiting for little old me? You've gotta take your time sorting out your dress if you wanna look snazzy! Heheh, feast your eyes on this cute little kni– Uhh, how are you supposed to tie this thing?
Login 指指挥官再等䞀䞋䞋哊姐姐我这就挂亮地搞定它  呜哇果然还是需芁指挥官垮垮我啊 し、指揮官くんもうちょっず埅っおおねっ今お姉ちゃんが身だしなみをキレむに  うわヌんやっぱり助けおぇ C-Commander! Give me a minute! Your knight needs to make herself look pretty for... Dammiiit! Forget it – help me ooout!
Details 指挥官想䌑息的话圚这里想埅倚久郜可以哊姐姐 䞍对教廷骑士絮北䌊䌚莟起莣任把䜠藏起来的 䞍是这䞪意思吗 指揮官くん、䌑みたいならずっずここにいおいいよお姉ちゃん ううん、護教階士シュフランが責任を持っおあなたを匿っおあげる そういうこずじゃない If you need to rest, you can come and do it here. Your charming– I mean, your dependable Templar Knight will shield you! ...That's not what you need?
Main 早知道被指挥官看到䞢脞的䞀幕就应该提前倚向犏煊酱她们打听打听呢  是姐姐我倱策了   指揮官くんにかっこ悪いずころを芋られるなら、フォッシュちゃんたちに色々聞けばよかったね お姉ちゃん、䞍芚ぅ  If I'd known you'd see me in an embarrassing spot like this, I would've asked Foch or someone else for help... I really fumbled this one...
Main 2 现圚的姐姐我也像画䞭人䞀样那 “呵呵♡这样劂䜕” 指挥官觉埗这样也䞍错吗 今のお姉ちゃんも絵になるっおじゃあ 「んふふ♥こういうのはどうかしら」 指揮官くん的にあり You think I look like something out of a painting? In that case... Heehee♥ How does this look, then? Is that pushing any of your buttons?
Main 3 指挥官喝䞀点可以䜆是䞍胜喝倪倚哊 䞍是䞍是虜然也是䞺了䜠的健康着想䜆喝倚了的话姐姐我就埗甚这身打扮把䜠背回去了哊 指揮官くん、飲むのはいいけどあたり飲みすぎないようにね いやいや、健康のこずももちろんあるけど、お姉ちゃんがこの栌奜のたた指揮官くんを背負わなきゃならなくなるのよ Having a few is fine and all, but don't drink TOO much, okay? ...Yeah, partly for the obvious health reasons, but mainly because I don't wanna have to carry you home in this outfit!
Touch 那蟹的指挥官请发衚䞋对姐姐这身瀌服打扮的感想哊♪ はヌいそこの指揮官くん、お姉ちゃんのドレス姿に぀いお感想をどうぞ♪ Hey, you, Commander! I'm ready to hear what you think about my dress!
Touch (Special) 指指挥官䞀䞀䞪人圚这里  有点挀哊  し、指揮官くんふ、二人でここは せたいよ /// C-Commander?! Y-you know, it's pretty cramped if we both sit here...
Touch (Headpat) 指指挥官真是的奜䞍容易气氛正浓  /// ちょ、ちょっず指揮官くんせっかくいい雰囲気なのにぃ  /// H-hey! I JUST got it to look good!
Mission Complete 指挥官做埗埈棒给䜠的奖励嘛  和姐姐我的心跳之倜怎么样呀♡ 頑匵った指揮官くんぞのご耒矎で お姉ちゃんずのドキドキの倜はどぉ♡ As reward for all your hard work... how about a night together with your charming knight?
Return to Port 啊指挥官出击埈环吧芁䞍芁替姐姐尝尝攟圚那蟹的牛排或者红酒  这是是给指挥官的慰问品才䞍是姐姐我想吃呢  倧抂   おっ、指揮官くん出撃で疲れたでしょよかったらお姉ちゃんの代わりにあそこのステヌキずかワむンでも こ、これは指揮官くんぞの差し入れで別にお姉ちゃんが食べたいわけじゃないからね  たぶん  Oh, Commander! You must be tired after that sortie! You should fetch that wine and steak for me so I... I-I mean so YOU can eat it! I'm not saying I want to, not at all! Probably not...
Commission Complete 委托的报酬送来了吗那我们现圚就去迎接——呜哇哇差点就摔倒了   委蚗の報酬が届いたの今䞀緒に出迎えにぃ――わあああ転ぶずころだった  Commission rewards have arrived? Then let's go speak to theEEEEM! Geesh, I nearly tripped!
Victory 今倩的姐姐有点䞍䞀样对吧嘿嘿 今日のお姉ちゃんは䞀味違う、でしょえっぞん I feel a bit different today, don't I? Heh!
Affinity (Love) 䞺了配埗䞊掻劚䞭垅气可靠的指挥官姐姐我今倩也埗挂亮可爱才行。想想看吧圚身前牵着指挥官的手的姐姐我  欞咊怎么有点想象䞍出来了啊 むベント䞭のかっこよくお頌れる指揮官くんに盞応しくあるよう、お姉ちゃんも今日はキレむで可愛い感じでいなきゃならないのっ。ほら想像しおみお指揮官くんの手を匕いお゚スコヌトをするお姉ちゃんの姿を  あ、あれどうしおむメヌゞできなくなったの You're so cool and reliable, and I need to act all pretty and adorable to match that! Come on, picture it – me, taking you by the hand and leading you to... Wait, what? How come even I can't imagine it anymore?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 诶指挥官真过分隟埗今倩姐姐我特意早起想芁展现自己垅气的䞀面呢 えっ、指揮官くん酷いよ。せっかく今日ぐらい早起きしおかっこいいずころ芋せたかったのにぃ Huh? Commander? You ruined everything! I was gonna get up early for once and surprise you!
Details 唔觉埗最近䞀盎郜圚受指挥官照顟  偶尔也给䞪机䌚让姐姐我展瀺䞀䞋垅气的䞀面 奜嘛 むぅ、ちょっず最近指揮官くんのお䞖話になりっぱなしな気がする  たたにはお姉ちゃんがかっこいいずころを芋せるチャンスを ね Hmph. Feels like you've been looking after ME all the time lately... I just want the chance to shine on my own once in a while.
Main 嗯指挥官的床比吊床舒服倚了 原来我只是没习惯床而已吗 うん、指揮官くんの郚屋のベッドはハンモックよりずっず寝心地がいいわね お姉ちゃんがベッドに慣れおいないだけ The bed at your place is way cozier than any hammock I've been in... Am I just not used to sleeping in beds?
Main 2 䞋次䌑息日我芁和犏煊她们䞀起去莭物指挥官芁䞍芁䞀起诶嘿嘿我们去逛奜倚矎食店吧。 フォッシュちゃんたちず今床の䌑日にお買いものに出かけるわ。指揮官くんもどうかなえぞぞ、矎味しいお店をたくさん回っちゃおうよ Me, Foch, and some other friends are going shopping on our next day off. You wanna come with us, Commander? Heehee~ We'll stop by loads of good restaurants along the way.
Main 3 指挥官劂果䜠有什么想和姐姐商量的事情随时郜 肚子叫  刚奜我们来蟹吃点心蟹聊倩吧怎么样 指揮官くんお姉ちゃんに盞談事があったらい぀でも ぐぅうう  ちょうどよかったお菓子でも食べながらゆっくりおしゃべりしようよね Commander, I'm always here if you want someone to talk to... *tummy rumble*... Perfect timing! Let's have a chat while we munch on some sweets!
Touch 想芁闲聊可以啊♪姐姐我䌚陪䜠的 雑談がしたいのいいよ♪お姉ちゃんが盞手になっおあげる You wanna shoot the breeze? Sure♪ Let's talk about whatever!
Touch (Special) 呃指挥官就算这样摞也䞍䌚马䞊变倧的啊— ええず指揮官くんそんなに觊っおもすぐ倧きくなったりはしないっおばヌ Hey, uh, Commander, groping 'em that hard won't make 'em bigger!
Mission Complete 任务奖励送到了。那么今晚准倇打算做什么吃呢指挥官 任務報酬が届いたわ。さぁお、今倜は䜕を䜜るの指揮官くん Mission rewards have arrived. Now the question is – what're you making tonight, Commander?
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了资料攟圚这里总结战斗前记埗看䞀䞋啊茶和点心我也没忘记郜准倇奜了哊♪ 出撃ご苊劎さん資料はここに眮いおあるから振り返りをする前に読んでおくようにあ、お茶ずお菓子の準備も忘れおないわよ♪ Well fought out there! Your documents are on your desk – read 'em before you review your battle! Oh, and I didn't forget to make you tea and snacks♪
Victory 教廷骑士絮北䌊是矎䞜垅气又可靠的姐姐——对吧♪ 護教階士シュフラン、矎人でかっこいい頌れるお姉ちゃん――でしょ♪ I'm Templar Knight Suffren, the beautiful, awesome, and reliable big sister – who else?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官今倩也准倇奜让絮北䌊照顟䜠了吗我䌚让䜠看看姐姐䞎昚倩䞍同的䞀面的♪诶嘿嘿♡ 指揮官くん、今日もシュフランにお䞖話される準備はできおいお昚日ず違うお姉ちゃんを芋せおあげるね♪えぞぞ♡ Commander, are you ready to get coddled and looked after? 'Cause today, you're gonna see a different side of me♪ Heehee♡