South Dakota (JP 🇯🇵: サウスダコタ, CN 🇹🇼: 南达科他)
Ship ID No. 65 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Super Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Munition shop exchange
Enhance Income
Firepower 67
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Tomoyo Kurosawa
Name 梦咲枫
South Dakota Description
South Dakota-class battleship – South Dakota, Hull Number BB-57!
Solo Concert Description
Massachusetts suggested I learn something useful that's unrelated to combat, so I started playing the piano... It seemed impossible at first, but after actually trying it, I've developed a pretty good feel for it.
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 6953 Reload 138
Firepower 379 Torpedo 0
Evasion 18 Anti-air 368
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 76
Hit 59 Speed 27.8
Armor Heavy
HP 8031 Reload 159
Firepower 414 Torpedo 0
Evasion 33 Anti-air 400
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 76
Hit 71 Speed 27.8
Armor Heavy
HP 1345 Reload 58
Firepower 80 Torpedo 0
Evasion 7 Anti-air 79
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 76
Hit 23 Speed 27.8
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 76
Hit Speed 27.8
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 76
Hit Speed 27.8
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 406mm MK6 Main Gun
3 Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: South Dakota-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 20 +1
Max LimitBreak 40
Lv.120 30 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Strongest Shield 15s after the beginning of battle and every 25s afterwards: this ship absorbs 50.0% of the DMG your Main Fleet takes for 10s, then heals HP equal to 20.0% (50.0%) of the DMG taken. Additionally increases FP by 4.0% (10.0%) until the end of battle, stacking up to 3 times.
Focused Assault When this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to deal double DMG with its Main Guns.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 南达科他级战列舰—南达科他,舷号BB-57 サウスダコタ級戦艦・サウスダコタ(BB-57) South Dakota-class battleship – South Dakota, Hull Number BB-57!
Biography 我是来自白鹰的战列舰,南达科他号。在战场上请不要离开我的身边,我会保护指挥官的——最强的盾?虚名并没有价值,能提供帮助才有意义 ユニオンの戦艦サウスダコタだ。戦場では僕から離れないでほしい。指揮官は僕が守るーー最強の盾?虚名に価値などない、役に立てればそれで意義がある Battleship of Eagle Union, South Dakota. When it comes to battlefields, I wish for you to not leave my side. I will protect you, Commander. 'The Strongest Shield'? Vain titles are worthless. There's meaning only in being useful.
Acquisition 战舰南达科他,为你效劳。我将成为你最坚固的盾,为你抵御一切炮火 僕はサウスダコタ、指揮官。君の盾となって、全ての砲火から君を守護ってあげよう I am South Dakota, Commander. I shall become your shield and protect you from all cannon fire.
Login 指挥官,请下令吧 指揮官、ご命令を Commander, your orders please.
Details 南达科他随时等待你的差遣,指挥官 サウスダコタ、いつでも命令を待っているぞ。指揮官 South Dakota, standing by 24/7, Commander.
Main 我曾在黑暗中磨练了自己的意志,所以无所畏惧 闇に磨かれた僕の意志、恐れるものはなにもない In the darkness, my will was tempered. I fear nothing.
Main 2 只要确实为指挥官出了力,那么功劳让给别人也无妨 確実に指揮官の役に立ったのなら、功績ぐらいはほかの人に譲っても構わない As long as I am of use to Commander, I am fine with handing my credit over to others.
Main 3 站在指挥官对立面的,无论是谁,都将是我的敌人 指揮官に敵対するものは、誰であろうと敵だ Those who stand as Commander's enemies, are enemies all the same.
Touch 我随时能够行动 いつでも行動できる I'm ready to move out anytime.
Touch (Special) 如果这就是指挥官想做的事的话…… これが指揮官がしたいことなら…… If this is what you want to do...
Mission 不要忘了完成任务,指挥官 指揮官、任務を完成するのを忘れないでほしい Commander, please do not forget about completing the missions.
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务的奖励发放了 指揮官、ミッションボーナスが届いたぞ Commander, the mission rewards have arrived.
Mail 有新的邮件,指挥官 新しいメールだ。指揮官 There's new mail, Commander.
Return to Port 漂亮的战斗,指挥官 いい戦いだ。指揮官 Good fight out there, Commander.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了……有必要的话,我也可以出动 委託組が戻ってきた……必要だったら、僕も動こう The commission teams are back... If it is necessary, send me off as well.
Enhancement 盾变得更坚固了 この盾がより強固になった My shields have become stronger
Flagship 拼尽全力攻过来吧! 全力でかかってこい! Come at me with all you got!
Victory 局部战斗的胜利并不值得欢呼,指挥官 局所的な勝利は歓喜に値しないぞ、指揮官 Partial victories aren't worth celebrating, Commander.
Defeat 抱歉,指挥官……这是我的耻辱……! すまない、指揮官……屈辱だ……! I am sorry, Commander... It's a shame...!
Skill 你们将止步于此 ここまでだ! This is your stop!
Low HP 我的盾还没碎……! 手加減はしないよ……! I won't hold back now...!
Affinity (Upset) …………我会听从你的命令 ……命令には従う ... I shall follow your orders.
Affinity (Stranger) 你的意志,就是我前进的方向,指挥官 君の意志は僕の行き先さ。指揮官。 Your will is my command, Commander.
Affinity (Friendly) 我是为了实现指挥官的目标而存在的,除此之外我没有任何价值——裙子?那种轻飘飘的东西我没有穿过 指揮官の目標を実現するために生まれたんだ。それ以外何の価値もないさ。ーースカート?そんなふわふわしたものを着たことないが I exist to help you achieve your goals, Commander. Other than that, I have no real value... A skirt? I've never worn something so fluffy before.
Affinity (Like) 除了战斗还有别的生存方式?我……不知道该怎么做,一直以来我都是这样的……指挥官能教给我吗? 戦闘以外の生き方か?僕は……どうするべきかわからない。今までこうしてきたから……指揮官が教えてくれるか? Another way to live other than fighting? I... do not know what to do, Commander. I have always lived like this... Can you teach me?
Affinity (Love) 这就是指挥官所见到的景色……指挥官说过我应该自己选择生存方式,那这一次,我选择不是为了使命,而是为了指挥官的笑容而战 これが指揮官が見てきた景色、か……生き方は自分で選ぶべきだと仰ったが……今度は自分の使命ではなく、指揮官の笑顔のために戦うよ So this is your perspective, Commander... I choose how I live, was what you said... This time, I fight not for my duty, but for the sake of your smile, Commander.
Pledge 你的身边令我温暖,你的目标令我振奋,你的话语令我欢欣……我曾把我的盾献给你,那么现在,把我的心献给你吧,指挥官 指揮官がそばにいると温かい気持ちになる。指揮官の目標が闘志を振るわせる。指揮官の言葉を聞くだけで嬉しくなる……かつてこの盾を捧げたけど、これからは……心も指揮官に捧げる I feel warm when you're by my side, Commander. Your goals bring me the drive to fight. I become happy when I hear your words... I once offered you my shields. From now on... I give you my heart.
In battle with Tennessee 别只顾着开火,注意周围 背後は僕に任せろ!撃ちまくれ! I've got your back! Give 'em hell!
In battle with Vestal 抱歉,可能又要麻烦你了 すまん、また君に迷惑をかけてしまった。 Sorry for putting you through trouble again.
In battle with Enterprise, Vestal 企业,决一胜负吧! エンタープライズ、勝負だ! The game is on, Enterprise!
In battle with Washington 华盛顿,再来比一场吗? ワシントン、もう一回やるか? You wanna go at this again, Washington?
In battle with Massachusetts 马萨诸塞,战场上认真点 マサチューセッツ、戦場では真面目にやって Massachusetts, you have to take this battle seriously.
In battle with UNKNOWN(1) 枫之军……好名字 Kaede's Legion... Nice name!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 为了在战场之外也能派上用场,马萨诸塞建议我学习了钢琴。虽然一开始觉得自己不是这块料,实际上手之后意外地有挑战的价值…… マサチューセッツから戦い以外に何か役に立てるものを探そうと勧められ、それでピアノを始めたわけだが……無理と思っていたけど、いざやってみると意外と手応えはあるな Massachusetts suggested I learn something useful that's unrelated to combat, so I started playing the piano... It seemed impossible at first, but after actually trying it, I've developed a pretty good feel for it.
Acquisition 为了在战场之外也能派上用场,马萨诸塞建议我学习了钢琴。虽然一开始觉得自己不是这块料,实际上手之后意外地有挑战的价值…… マサチューセッツから戦い以外に何か役に立てるものを探そうと勧められ、それでピアノを始めたわけだが……無理と思っていたけど、いざやってみると意外と手応えはあるな Massachusetts suggested I learn something useful that's unrelated to combat, so I started playing the piano... It seemed impossible at first, but after actually trying it, I've developed a pretty good feel for it.
Login 今天练习哪首曲子好呢…… 今日はどの曲を練習しようか… What song should I play for you today...
Details 欧若拉来邀请我一起合奏……稍微试一试吧 Aurora asked me to perform with her... I guess it can't hurt to try.
Main 这种轻飘飘的衣服我果然难以习惯,还是便服更适合我…… このふわっとした服はやはり慣れない。前の私服のほうがまだ…… I can't get used to this flimsy dress. I'd rather wear my regular clothes...
Main 2 喂,别在键盘上乱按,难道你也想弹钢琴吗? この子、僕が弾いていないと鍵盤を押したがるな……あなたもピアノの練習をしたかった? My cat goes for the keyboard when I'm not playing... Do you want to practice the piano too, kitty?
Main 3 音乐能够表达各种各样感情,其实挺适合我这样不擅表达感情的人的…… 音楽を通して、色んな気持ちを表す。感情表現が苦手な僕には意外と合っているかもね We can express so much through music. I suppose that's fitting for someone bad at expressing their feelings like I am.
Touch 跳舞?我吗?……还请小心不要被我踩到脚
Mission 音乐只是战场之外的兴趣,指挥官,任务优先 楽器も音楽も趣味に限る。指揮官、任務の方を優先しよう Music and instruments are simply hobbies. We ought to prioritize our missions, Commander.
Return to Port 各位都平安回来了吗,那我可以安心继续练琴了 みんな無事に戻ったか。なら安心して練習に戻れるな Everyone's back safe and sound. Now I can resume practicing with peace of mind.
Affinity (Love) 如果没有你在,我一定不会知道这个世界是这么的五彩缤纷,也不会坐在这里按下琴键……指挥官,听我为你弹奏一曲吧 君がいなければ、僕はきっと世界の素晴らしさに気づかず、そしてここでピアノを引くことも……指揮官、この一曲、君にぜひ聞いてほしい Without you, I doubt I would've ever come to understand what splendor this world holds, or started playing the piano either... Commander, I'd like to play you a song that's important to me.