Massachusetts (JP 🇯🇵: マサチューセッツ, CN 🇹🇼: 马萨诸塞)
Ship ID No. 354 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Super Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 05:00:00
Acquisition Event: Iris of Light and Dark
Enhance Income
Firepower 67
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
EN June 27, 2019
KR March 27, 2019
CN July 26, 2018
JP July 26, 2018
Voice actress Rie Takahashi
Name Enka
Massachusetts Description
South Dakota-class battleship – Massachusetts, Hull Number BB-59.
Dressed to Impress Description
Hey... Is this outfit that strange to you? Thought it looks just like what my sister's wearing... so what are you staring at? I don't get you at all...
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 6738 Reload 136
Firepower 379 Torpedo 0
Evasion 18 Anti-air 368
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 82
Hit 61 Speed 27.5
Armor Heavy
HP 7783 Reload 156
Firepower 414 Torpedo 0
Evasion 33 Anti-air 400
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 82
Hit 74 Speed 27.5
Armor Heavy
HP 1303 Reload 57
Firepower 80 Torpedo 0
Evasion 7 Anti-air 79
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 82
Hit 24 Speed 27.5
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 82
Hit Speed 27.5
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 82
Hit Speed 27.5
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 406mm MK6 Main Gun
3 Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: South Dakota-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 20 +1
Max LimitBreak 40
Lv.120 30 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Big Mamie For each Eagle Union CA and/or BB in your fleet: increases this ship's FP, AA, and EVA by 3.5% (8.0%). Can be stacked up to 3 times.
2,700 Pounds of Justice When this ship deals DMG to an enemy with its Main Guns: DMG increases based on distance traveled, up to a maximum of 5.0% (15.0%); When this ship's Secondary Gun slot is equipped with Eagle Union gear, ammunition type is changed to Super-Heavy AP, and the DMG done based upon distance traveled is increased to a maximum of 15.0% (30.0%).
05:00:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 南达科他级战列舰—马萨诸塞,舷号BB-59 サウスダコタ型戦艦マサチューセッツ(BB-59) South Dakota-class battleship – Massachusetts, Hull Number BB-59.
Biography 在同级里,我算是普通强的那档吧。战斗星章只拿到过11枚,比起南达科他大姐还差一些。没受过什么伤?那只是因为、没遇到过什么像样的对手吧……唔,我也想像大姐头那样、不遗余力地打一场啊。 ぼくは同型艦の中では普通、かな。バトルスターは11個で、サウスダコタより少ない。僕はあまり怪我をしたことがないって?ちゃんとした相手が、いなかったからね……あの時の姉と同じように、全力で戦ってみたいな I guess I'm the most normal ship in my class. I earned 11 battle stars, which is less than South Dakota did. "I hardly suffered any damage"? That's cause I never fought anyone strong enough... Here's hoping that I'll get to fight as hard as my sister did back then.
Acquisition 嗯?喔……轮到我了吗。我是马萨诸塞,随处可见非常普通的南达科他级战列舰……唔、那个,总之友好相处吧? うん?あ……ぼくの番ね。ぼくはマサチューセッツ、いつでもどこでもみかけられる普通のサウスダコタ級……えっと、はい、とにかく仲良く…しよ? Hm? Ah... my turn to speak. I'm Massachusetts. I'm just a regular old South Dakota-class you can find anywhere... So, yeah, I hope we can... get along.
Login 午饭吃什么好呢……喔,指挥官。是要去散步吗? お昼は……あ、指揮官、今からお散歩? For lunch, I'll make... Oh, Commander, are you going for a stroll?
Details 看完了的话,记得叫我一声。 見終わったら、言って Tell me when you're done inspecting.
Main ……其实我还挺中意自己的发色的。不觉得、有一点像白头海雕吗? ……実はこの髪の色、気にいっているんだ。ハクトウワシと似ていると思わない? ... You know, I actually like this hair color. It's like that of a bald eagle, isn't it?
Main 2 这身衣服…很奇怪吗?可是航行的时候,海风直接拍在皮肤上…会很舒服的哦 この服、ヘン?でも航行時、潮風を直接肌に当てられる……気持ちいいよ You think my jacket is strange? This way I can feel the breeze hit my skin when out at sea, though... I love it.
Main 3 印象深刻的对手?唔……在卡萨布兰卡的时候,对面有艘只装了一门主炮的战舰,在我手底下撑了很久呢……想在她状态万全的情况下,再打一次试试啊。 印象深い相手?えっと……カサブランカのとき、主砲が一門しかないのに結構持ちこたえてた戦艦が……あの子が万全の状態でもう一度戦いたいな People that impressed me? Umm... when I was in Casablanca, I fought a battleship who held out a long time even with just a single turret... I'd like to fight her again in her finished state.
Touch 指挥官也想撒娇?……对我? 指揮官は甘えたい?……ぼくに? You want someone to pamper you? ... You want ME to?
Touch (Special) ……多活动身体的话,奇怪的想法也会变少哦。 ……体を動かせば、変な考えも少なくなるよ ... If you'd move your body more, you'd have fewer weird thoughts.
Mission 任务、还有这么多啊…… 任務、多いな…… So many missions waiting on us...
Mission Complete 啊,报酬送来了……晚上可以去吃顿肉了吧? あ、報酬が来た……夕食はお肉食べられそう? Ah, the rewards have arrived... Seems we can afford beef for dinner tonight.
Mail 信,放这里了。记得要看。 お手紙、ここに置いといた。あとで読んで I'll leave your letter here. Check it later.
Return to Port 回来了吗……没有受伤吧?如果被人欺负了的话,要和我说哦。 戻ったか。……怪我はないか?いじめられたら、ぼくに相談して You're back... Did you get hurt? If anyone pokes fun at you, we can talk about it.
Commission Complete ……喔,她们带回来不少东西呢。我去帮忙搬一下。 ……お。いっぱい持ち帰ってる。手伝ってくる ... Oh, look. They've brought so much back. I'll go help them out.
Enhancement 好像、有点不一样了呢…… 少し、変わった…… I feel a bit different...
Flagship 你们、挺结实的吧?被揍的话不会哭吧? 結構丈夫だよね?殴られても泣かないよね? Pretty tough, aren't you? You won't cry if I hit you, will you?
Victory 已经、结束了?感觉身体才刚刚热起来……没有其他的敌人了吗? もう、終わり?ヒートアップしてきたばかりなのに……ほかに敵、いない? It's over already? But I was just warming up... Aren't there any other enemies left?
Defeat 抱歉,我刚才走神了…… ごめん、よそ見してた… Sorry, I got distracted...
Skill 水平装甲、厚度足够吗? この一発は重いよ This one's really heavy.
Low HP ……希望我认真一点吗? ……本気にさせたいのか ... So you want me to get serious?
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官的身体,有点弱呢。有好好吃饭吗? 指揮官の体、少し弱い。ちゃんと食べてるか? Your body is weak, Commander. Are you eating properly?
Affinity (Stranger) 怎样才能变强?唔,多做几个俯卧撑就行了吧……不行吗? 強くなる方法?えっと、腕立て伏せ……ダメだった? How to get stronger? Uhh, do some push-ups? ... Not working for you?
Affinity (Friendly) 总是在挑战自己做不到的事情的指挥官……很有趣呢。害得我也有点、想试试自己的极限在哪里了。 自分のできないことに挑み続ける指揮官……面白そう。ぼくも自分の限界を試してみたくなっているね Seeing you challenging yourself with things you can't do is... interesting. It makes me want to explore my own limits, too.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官拼命努力的样子、虽然还挺帅的……但要是太勉强自己的话,就算硬拖,我也会把你一起拖去偷懒喔? 指揮官が必死に頑張っている姿、かっこいいけど……無理しすぎは良くない。強引にでもサボらせるね I like how cool you look when you're pushing yourself hard... but overdoing it isn't good. I'll force you to rest if I have to.
Affinity (Love) 我并没有什么、属于自己的愿望,但我拥有能够实现愿望的力量。指挥官,有什么想要我帮你实现的愿望吗? ぼくに望みなどない。でも、望みを叶える力ならある。指揮官、いつか、ぼくに叶えてほしい望み、ある? I don't have any dreams. But I have the power to grant them. Commander, do you have a dream for me to grant one day?
Pledge 嗯,好啊……指挥官想说的话,想做的事情,其实我大概都知道喔。因为……我也最喜欢指挥官了。 ええと、うん……指揮官の言いたいこと、やりたいこと、わかっている。……ぼくも、指揮官のことが大好きだから Umm, yeah... I already know what you want to do and want to say... Because I love you too, Commander.
In battle with Jean Bart 这次你的状态……很好嘛。那就好。 今のあなたは……いいね。これでいい The way you are now... I like it. This is good.
In battle with South Dakota 大姐头的防御力,真羡慕啊…… 姉貴の防御力、羨ましい…… I envy your defense, sis...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯?这套衣服,很奇怪吗?看起来和姐姐的差不多…为什么指挥官呆住了?真搞不懂你啊 ほーい。…この服、ヘン?姉貴のとそう違わないけど…なんで固まっている?ちょっとわからないな Hey... Is this outfit that strange to you? Thought it looks just like what my sister's wearing... so what are you staring at? I don't get you at all...
Acquisition 嗯?这套衣服,很奇怪吗?看起来和姐姐的差不多…为什么指挥官呆住了?真搞不懂你啊 ほーい。…この服、ヘン?姉貴のとそう違わないけど…なんで固まっている?ちょっとわからないな Hey... Is this outfit that strange to you? Thought it looks just like what my sister's wearing... so what are you staring at? I don't get you at all...
Login 宴会…具体是要做些什么?去听姐姐弹钢琴算了 パーティーでは…何をする?姉貴のピアノでも聞きに行こうか My... plans for the party? We could go listen to Dakota play the piano.
Details 看过瘾了的话,不给出足够的感想,我是不会让你走的哦 見終わったら、感想。聞かせないと帰らせないよ Tell me what you think when you're done looking. Else I'm not letting you leave.
Main 让·巴尔哪去了?还想让她看看我这套衣服呢 ジャン・バールどこ行った?この服、あの子にも見せたかった Where's Jean Bart gone? I wanted to show her how I look.
Main 2 大家都很享受宴会的样子呢,姐姐和阿拉巴马也能乐在其中就好。我?我已经很乐在其中了哦 みんなパーティーを楽しんでそうね。姉貴とアラバマも楽しんでいればいいけど。ぼく?十分楽しんでいるよ? Seems everyone's enjoying the party. Hope Dakota and Alabama are too. Me? I'm having tons of fun.
Main 3 指挥官想喝点什么?我准备去拿饮料,可以顺手帮你拿一杯 指揮官、なにか注文は?飲み物持ってくるから、指揮官の分も一緒に持ってくるよ You want something, Commander? I'm gonna go get a drink. I could get one for you too if you want.
Touch 这布不能这样掀起来?为什么? この布地をめくってはダメ?なんで?あっ…そういう理由か I shouldn't lift this flap? Why not?
Touch (Special) 是因为这身打扮,增加了指挥官奇怪的念头吗? この格好が指揮官に変な考えをもたらしたのか? Are you getting more weird thoughts because of my outfit?
Mission Complete 啊,任务奖励下来了。真是太好了呢 あ、報酬が来た。めでたいね Oh, rewards have come in. Good stuff.
Return to Port 化妆真难啊…其他人都是怎么轻松做到的… 化粧って難しいね。……姉貴に薦めていなくてよかった Makeup is tricky stuff... I don't know how everyone else does it.
Victory 不弄脏衣服的战斗…好像也挺有意思的 服が汚れないように戦うの…楽しいかも Fighting while trying not to get my dress dirty... Kinda fun.