Alabama (JP 🇯🇵: アラバマ, CN 🇹🇼: 阿拉巴马)
Ship IDNo. 401Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time05:00:00
AcquisitionEvent: Ashen Simulacrum
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJuly 31, 2019
KRJuly 31, 2019
CNJuly 31, 2019
JPJuly 31, 2019
Voice actressYamamura Hibiku
Alabama Description
South Dakota-class battleship – Alabama, Hull Number BB-60.
HP1303 Reload57
Firepower81 Torpedo0
Evasion7 Anti-air80
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck86
HP5761 Reload109
Firepower205 Torpedo0
Evasion32 Anti-air283
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck91
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Destroyer Gun200%/200%/200%/200%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 406mm MK6 Main Gun
3Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: South Dakota-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock20 +2
Max LimitBreak40
Lv.12030 +1
Lucky AWhile this ship is afloat: increases this ship's EVA by 3 (12) and decreases DMG taken from enemy torpedoes by 5.0% (20.0%) for your Main Fleet. Every 20s: 45.0% (75.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.Default Unlocked
Just Gettin' Fired UpEvery time the fleet this ship is in defeats an enemy fleet during a sortie: increases own FP by 1.0% (2.5%) . After 5 enemy fleets have been defeated: reduces DMG taken by the Main Fleet by 3.5% (8.0%) . During combat, for every enemy this ship sinks: increases own FP by 1.0% (2.5%) (stacks up to 7 times).Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description南达科他级战列舰—阿拉巴马,舷号BB-60サウスダコタ級戦艦・アラバマ(BB-60)South Dakota-class battleship – Alabama, Hull Number BB-60.
Biography我的名字是阿拉巴马,南达科他级的四号舰,大家也叫我“幸运的A”……唔,还要说做过什么事?让我想想……挪威,马绍尔群岛,马里亚纳我好像立了大功劳?然后是莱特湾,接着去了重樱……最后,我就一直躺在莫比尔湾了,那里还挺舒服哦?アラバマ、サウスダコタ級四番艦、幸運のA……ほかに言うこと?ええと……ノルウェー、マーシャル諸島、マリアナ沖で戦果を手に入れた?それとレイテ沖と……モービル湾。うん、いい気持ちI'm Alabama, fourth ship of the South Dakota-class, also known as Lucky A... What else? Uhh... I received some honors while fighting in Norway, the Marshall Islands, and the Marianas. Then, there was Leyte and the trip to the Sakura Empire... Since then, I've just been taking it easy in the Mobile Bay.
Acquisition我是阿拉巴马,找我有什么事吗?……喔,舰队吗?唔,反正也没有什么事做,那我就跟你走吧,Let's Go——アラバマだよ。ぼくに何か用?……着任?あ、そうだ。うん、ほかにやることないし、一緒に行く。レッツゴーI'm Alabama. You need somethin'? ... Prepare for duty? Oh, sure. Got nothin' better to do, so might as well. Let's go!
Login喔,指挥官,是你啊。我还以为是坏人,差点就砍下来了あ、指揮官。悪人だったらぶっ飛ばしてたOh, it's you, Commander. I almost mistook you for a shady person and sent you flyin'.
Details指挥官,我饿了,想吃火鸡なんかお腹へってきた。ターキー、食べたいかもCommander, I'm hungry. Think you could get me a roast turkey?
Main指挥官,指、挥、官,指——挥——官……嗯,没什么,只是想叫一叫你指揮官、し・き・かん、しーきーかん……別に。呼びたかっただけCommander. Com-man-der. Commanderrrr~ Oh, I didn't need anythin'. Just felt like callin' for you.
Main 2真想“猎火鸡”啊……指挥官,战舰为什么不能用飞机呢?或者,要是我能飞,也可以……ターキーショット、したいね。ぼくが飛べれば……I'd like to have a Turkey Shoot. Makes me wish I could fly...
Main 3天气好像还不错。指挥官,我们去草地上晒太阳吧,晒太阳很舒服的,我可以一动不动地躺一天いい天気。指揮官、芝生でひまわりごっこでもしてみない?気持ちいいし、一日中あのままでいてもいい気がするSure is nice outside. Commander, wanna go lie in the grass under the sun? I could stay like that all day...
Touch指挥官,你要摸我的肚子吗?很有弹性哦腹筋が気になる?……触ってみる?You're interested in my abs? Go ahead and feel 'em.
Touch (Special)……………………唔?指挥官,你在干什么?………………………ん?指揮官、何やってるの?Huh......? Commander, the hell are you doing?
Mission指挥官,这些纸是什么?…原来如此,这就是任务书啊指揮官、これは?……なるほど、これが任務の書類なんだね…Commander, what's this big ol' stack of papers? Oh, I see... so those are the missions...
Mission Complete指挥官,任务奖励我去拿吧,我的力气比较大任務の報酬をもらってくる。ぼく、力持ちCommander, I'll go fetch the mission rewards. I'm big and strong, after all!
Mail指挥官,怎么了?……信件?喔,对哦,我都忘了我是去给指挥官拿信件的了,给你指揮官、どうした?……メール?あ、うん…メールを取ってきたのを忘れてた。はい、これWhat's up, Commander? Oh, the mail? Ah, um, I forgot to bring it over. Give me a sec.
Return to Port指挥官,来我的大腿上躺一躺吗?……我看其他孩子都是这么做的?指揮官、ここで横になって。……みんなそうしてるのに?Commander, come sit in my lap. Huh? Isn't everyone doing this nowadays?
Commission Complete海平线上好像有什么……喔,指挥官,是委托组回来了。嗯,我视力很好哦水平線から……指揮官、委託組だよ。うん、遠目は自慢だからI can see the commission fleet comin' back over the horizon. Mhm, I'm real proud of my eyesight!
Enhancement感觉有点…想揍人……嗯なにかぶっ飛ばしたくなるよね。……うんI feel like I could beat someone up right now... Mmh!
Flagship要陪我尽兴了才能走哦?飽きるまで付き合ってI won't let y'all leave until I've had my fun!
Victory指挥官,我只是很普通地把敌人全都打倒了,为什么要夸奖我?普通にぶっ飛ばしただけなのに、なんで褒めてくれたの?Kickin' the enemy's ass is all in a day's work for me. What are you praisin' me for?
Defeat要撤退了吗?…好吧撤退?……いいけどTime to retreat? Fine...
Skill你们不要这样就倒下哦?まだ倒れないでDon't die on me just yet!
Low HP你们干得真不错啊。嘻嘻…よくもやってくれたね。ふふふWell well, aren't you the frisky bunch... Ahaha!
Affinity (Upset)…………你是谁来着?…………あなた、誰でしたっけ?......Who the hell are you?
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,我可以把提尔比茨找来吗?以前一直很想和她打一场的,但是她不出来…指揮官、ティルピッツをここに呼んできてもいい?ずっと力比べしたかったけど、いつまで待っても出てこないからCommander, can you call Tirpitz out here? I've always wanted to see which one of us is stronger, but she always ignores me.
Affinity (Friendly)和重樱的孩子们,成了好朋友。原本以为她们会讨厌我的。成为了朋友之后,感觉重樱也很有趣……重桜の子たちと仲良くなった。嫌われると思ったのに、全然そんなことなかった。うん、重桜、面白いかもI've been gettin' along pretty well with the Sakura Empire girls. I thought they'd hold a grudge against me, but turns out that wasn't the case at all. Mhm, they're an interestin' bunch!
Affinity (Like)指挥官,让我抱抱……唔,果然,指挥官,看起来抱着很舒服的样子,而且,有一种很安心的感觉,有点喜欢指揮官、抱っこさせて。……指揮官、抱きしめるといい気持ち。安心する。うん、いい感じCommander, let me give you a hug... This feels really nice and puts my mind at ease. Mhm, I like it.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,今天晚上能来我的房间吗?唔……因为,我喜欢抱着东西睡觉。以前,都是抱抱枕的,但是现在,我更想抱着指挥官睡觉指揮官、あとで部屋に来てくれる?ええと、ずっと抱きまくらとか、なにかに抱きついて寝てたけど、今は指揮官もいいかなってCommander, can you come to my room tonight? Um, I've always hugged a stuffed animal to help me sleep, but I was thinkin'... maybe you'd be even better...
Pledge这是…永久抱枕契约?我可以每天都抱着指挥官睡觉吗?喔……感觉,好开心。指挥官,我可以现在就抱抱你吗?永遠に抱きまくら扱いしていい契約…?毎日指揮官に抱きついて寝てもいい感じ?うん……嬉しいね。指揮官、今から抱きしめていいかな?Is this a promise to become my personal hugging' pillow? Will you let me cling to you as I fall asleep every night? Mm... that makes me happy. Commander, can I start huggin' you now?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with South Dakota南达科他,可以把这些敌人全都交给我吗?姉貴、全部ぼくに任せてもらってもいい?Sis, I'll be the one to beat them to a pulp, okay?
In battle with Tirpitz来比赛吧,提尔比茨ティルピッツ、勝負I challenge you, Tirpitz!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description唔,单子好多,好麻烦……不愧是东煌餐厅……嗯?指挥官也是来吃饭的吗?要不…我帮你插个队?うーん…注文が多くて大変…さすが東煌の料理店ね。…ん?指揮官も料理を食べにやってきた?じゃあ…ぼくが列に割り込ませてあげようか?Hrmm... Lotta orders to work through... Runnin' a Dragon Empery restaurant ain't easy. Hmm? You here for some chow too, Commander? Then how about... I put you ahead in line?
Acquisition唔,单子好多,好麻烦……不愧是东煌餐厅……嗯?指挥官也是来吃饭的吗?要不…我帮你插个队?うーん…注文が多くて大変…さすが東煌の料理店ね。…ん?指揮官も料理を食べにやってきた?じゃあ…ぼくが列に割り込ませてあげようか?Hrmm... Lotta orders to work through... Runnin' a Dragon Empery restaurant ain't easy. Hmm? You here for some chow too, Commander? Then how about... I put you ahead in line?
Login喔,指挥官,春节快乐,红包拿来……我看大家都这么说。所以,有红包吗?あ、指揮官。あけましておめでとう、お年玉ちょうだい。………皆そう言っているよ。で、お年玉はくれるの?Oh. Commander. Happy New Year, now give me a red envelope... is what everyone's been sayin'. Speakin' of, do you have one for me?
Details这些孩子们把长长的单子一张接一张地送了过来…哈啊……この子たち、ながーーーーい伝票を次から次へと…ふはぁ…These girls are rackin' up a long, looooong tab... *sigh*...
Main打雪仗很开心,放鞭炮也很开心,吃包子也开心……总之和同伴们一起玩,就是非常的开心。雪合戦をやって、爆竹を鳴らして、バオズを食べて、全部楽しい…仲間たちと一緒に遊ぶの、とっても楽しいHavin' snowball fights, lightin' firecrackers, eatin' baozi... It's all a ton of fun. Especially with friends.
Main 2马萨诸塞去找让·巴尔打雪仗去了,不知道结果怎样……话说,打雪仗的时候要用到舰装么?マサチューセッツの姉貴、ジャン・バールと雪合戦するって。結果が気になる…ところで、雪合戦って艤装は使う?Heard Massachusetts and Jean Bart are gonna have a snowball fight. Curious to see who'll win... By the way, are riggings fair game?
Main 3两份肉包子和一份菜包子,还有一份烧麦……嗯,我知道了。啾啾,去把这个交给厨房吧。肉バオズ二つ、野菜バオズ一つ、あとシュウマイを…うん、分かった。饅頭、これをキッチンまで持って行ってTwo beef baozi, one veggie baozi, and some shaomai... Comin' right up. Manjuus, bring this note to the kitchen.
Touch这些单子交给你就好了吗?那我就继续做我的事情了。伝票は指揮官に渡せばいい?じゃあ、自分の作業に戻るねYou'll take the bill? Gotcha. I'll get back to my work.
Touch (Special)指挥官?春节有这个习俗么?指揮官?春節にこんな習わしがあるの?Uh, Commander? What kind of Lunar New Year tradition is this?
Return to Port指挥官,你回来了。要点些什么吗?我这里也有几个热包子,可以给你?指揮官、おかえり。なんか注文する?アツアツのバオズがあるから、あげてもいいよ?Welcome back. You wanna order somethin'? We got steamin' hot baozi, if you're interested.