Le Triomphant (JP 🇯🇵: ル・トリオンファン, CN 🇹🇼: 凯旋)
Ship ID No. 347 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Iris Libre Build Time
Acquisition Event: Iris of Light and Dark
Enhance Income
Firepower 8
Torpedo 16
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Sora Amamiya
Le Triomphant Description
Le Fantasque-class destroyer – Le Triomphant.
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air C
HP 1684 Reload 180
Firepower 114 Torpedo 233
Evasion 206 Anti-air 145
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 187 Luck 77
Hit 177 Speed 54
Armor Light
HP 2021 Reload 207
Firepower 131 Torpedo 267
Evasion 213 Anti-air 167
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 207 Luck 77
Hit 186 Speed 54
Armor Light
HP 326 Reload 76
Firepower 24 Torpedo 49
Evasion 79 Anti-air 31
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 51 Luck 77
Hit 68 Speed 54
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 77
Hit Speed 54
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 77
Hit Speed 54
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/120%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 140%/140%/140%/145% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1929)
2 Triple 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Le Fantasque-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 22 +1
Max LimitBreak 44
Lv.120 32 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Radiant Iris When this ship's Main Guns hit the same enemy consecutively (if one shot hits several enemies then they are both tracked): increases this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%). This effect can be stacked up to 4 times and can only activate once a second. Hitting a different enemy resets the buff.
Sword or Shield While this ship is in the frontmost position in your Vanguard: increases its Main Gun efficiency by 5.0% (20.0%), but decreases its Anti-Air Gun efficiency by 30.0%.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Le Triomphant once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 自由鸢尾空想级驱逐舰—凯旋 ル・ファンタスク級駆逐艦ル・トリオンファン Le Fantasque-class destroyer – Le Triomphant.
Biography 自由鸢尾、空想级驱逐舰凯旋号,向您问安。曾经作为布雷斯特的第八分队一员,与姐姐们一同突入了斯卡格拉克海峡,然而之后却和姐姐们走向了不同的道路… 自由アイリス教国、ル・ファンタスク級駆逐艦ル・トリオンファン、ご挨拶を申し上げますわ。かつてはブレストの第八分隊に所属し、お姉さま方とともにスカゲラク海峡に突入しました。その後、お姉さま方とは違う道を…… I am Le Triomphant, a Le Fantasque-class Destroyer from Iris Libre. It is an honor to meet you. My sisters and I were in the 8th Light Division before the fateful Battle of Jutland. After that, our paths diverged...
Acquisition 贵安,指挥官。自由鸢尾、“超级驱逐舰”凯旋,向您报到。超越幻想的空想级之威力,尽管期待吧~ あら、指揮官、ごきげん麗しゅうございます。自由アイリス教国、「エレガント」たる駆逐艦、ル・トリオンファンが着任しましたわ。幻想をも超える空想(ファンタスク)級の力、とくとご覧あそばせ♪ Oh my, Commander, what a pleasure it is to meet you. I am Le Triomphant, an elegant large destroyer from Iris Libre, yours to command. The power of the Le Fantasque-class shall exceed your wildest fantasies.
Login 哎呀—您回来了?今日有何计划?无论是出击还是委托,都可以放心交给我哟! あら、ごきげんあそばせ?今日のご命令はなぁに?出撃も委託も、この私に任せていいですわ My, I see you've returned? What shall your orders be today? I am ready to accept any assignment - commission or sortie!
Details 有什么问题可以尽管问我哟,我会一一回答您的 質問ならなーんでもいいですの。ぜーんぶお答えしますわ If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. I will respond to each one.
Main 盾和剑?习惯了就不重哟,毕竟…我的力量还是很强的 この艤装?慣れたら重く感じなくなりますの。こう見えても腕力は強いほうですわ My sword and shield? Oh, they stop feeling heavy after a while. Well, I also am quite strong.
Main 2 如果那时候和姐姐们在一起,是不是就能有不一样的结果呢… もしあの時、お姉さま方と一緒にいたら、もしかしたら違う結末になってたかも…… If I was with my sisters at that time... would things have happened differently...?
Main 3 盟友和敌人,有时候也并不是那么一成不变的呢… 友軍と敵、時として入れ替わるものよ Whether someone is friend or foe... is not something set in stone.
Touch 把我们姐妹看作一般的驱逐舰的话,可是会吃大亏的哟,指挥官 指揮官、私たちを普通の駆逐艦と見なしていたら損しますわよ? Commander, you'll be missing out if you treat me and my sisters as regular destroyers.
Touch (Special) 竟、竟然超越了空想级的速度…指挥官…不可小觑… きゃっ!ル・ファンタスク級の速力をも超えるなんて…指揮官…侮れませんわ…… Eek! To think that you're even faster than the Le Fantasque class... you're not one to be taken lightly, Commander.
Mission 有新的任务哟 新しい任務がありますわ New missions have been issued.
Mission Complete 这是对您辛勤工作的嘉奖呢 苦労した指揮官へのご褒美ですわ Commander, here are the fruits of your labor.
Mail 来自未知的问候,真是不错呢 未知なる相手からの挨拶は嬉しいですわ It feels nice to be celebrated by someone you don't know, doesn't it?
Return to Port 作战辛苦了,指挥官。喝杯红茶,再继续工作吧? 指揮官、お勤めご苦労さまですわ。仕事の続きは紅茶でも召し上がってからにしてはどうかしら? That was a hard-fought battle, Commander. Would you like to have a cup of tea before you resume work?
Commission Complete 下次也让我试试吧?会以最快的速度完成的~ 次は私に任せてみませんか?最速で、完了して差し上げますわ Why don't you let me handle the next one? I'll get it done the fastest.
Enhancement 从剑与盾中感受到了更强的力量…谢谢您,指挥官 艤装から強い力の波動を感じます…指揮官、感謝ですわ I feel strength rippling from my sword and shield... Commander, thank you.
Flagship 以鸢尾花之名,肃清前方之敌! アイリスの名にかけて、敵を粉砕しますわ! In the name of Iris Libre, let us break their lines!
Victory 想要跟上空想级的速度,可没有那么容易哟~ ル・ファンタスク級の速さ、着いてくるのは簡単じゃなくてよ? You'll find that the speed of the Le Fantasque-class is not easily matched!
Defeat 偶尔…也是会有这种事的呢… たまにはこういうことも起きますわね…… Sometimes... things like this can happen as well...
Skill 为了自由…! Pour la liberté(ポルラリベルテ)! Pour la liberté!
Low HP 胜负…还没有决定! 勝負は…これからですわ! The outcome... still isn't set in stone!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官原来…是这样的人啊… 指揮官はまあ……こんな御方ですか…… So... I guess this is the kind of person that you are, Commander...
Affinity (Stranger) 位高则任重(noblesse oblige)…您不觉得挺有道理的吗? ノブレス・オブリージュ…素晴らしきエレガントさだとは思いませんか? Don't you think Noblesse Oblige is an elegant idea?
Affinity (Friendly) 为了各自的理想与抱负,即使是至亲之人,也可能分道扬镳,甚至兵戎相见,真是…令人悲伤 理想という大義のためなら、親族でも袂を分かち、敵として相まみえることも辞さない……本当に嘆かわしいことですわ In order to realize their ideals and ambitions, even family members may part ways and eventually meet each other on the battlefield... It's so tragic...
Affinity (Like) 共同历经困境与苦难,才更能培养出生死与共的感情,我是这么认为的 ともに苦境を乗り越えた相手にこそ背中を預けられる……私はそう思うのですわ Familiarity with hardship and suffering cultivates an appreciation of life and death. At least that's what I think...
Affinity (Love) 和指挥官一起的话,无论多大的困难与逆境都能轻松克服…我有这样的感觉呢 指揮官と一緒なら、どんな困難も簡単に乗り越えられる…そんな気がしますわ Commander, as long as we're together, I feel like I can easily overcome any adversity... that's what I truly believe.
Pledge 终于…到了这一天…指挥官果然就是我的命定之人呢。凯旋、愿意将此剑、此盾、此身皆奉献于您—— ついに…ついにこの日が…やはり指揮官こそ私の運命のパートナーですわ!ル・トリオンファン、この剣、この盾、そしてこの身を喜んで捧げます! Finally... this day has come at last... Commander, you truly are my fated partner. I, Le Triomphant, willingly offer you my sword, my shield, and my body.
In battle with Victorious 一起将胜利带给指挥官吧! 勝利を指揮官に、ですわ! Let us bring victory to the Commander!
In battle with Le Malin 又可以一起战斗了呢!姐姐! お姉さま!また一緒に戦えますね! I'm glad we can fight together, my sister!