Le Terrible (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 522 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Iris Libre Build Time
Acquisition Event: Skybound Oratorio Rerun
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Le Fantasque-class destroyer – Le Terrible.
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 %/%/%/% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Le Fantasque-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Terrific Terror Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this ship lands 5 consecutive Main Gun hits on the same enemy: increases this ship's FP by 1.0% (5.0%) (can be stacked up to 4 times; upon reaching 4 stacks: also increases this ship's TRP by 10.0% (20.0%) and fires her special barrage).
I'll Give You A Head Start~ Increases this ship's SPD by 1 (7). When the battle starts, if there is 1 or more other DDs in your Vanguard: increases this ship's SPD by a further 1 (7) and increases her EVA and AA by 10.0% (20.0%); if this ship is the sole DD: increases this ship's RLD by 10.0% (20.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 1.0% (5.0%).
All-Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I : Le Terrible once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired; when the battle starts, if there are no other DDs in the same fleet: fires once every 12 shots instead.
Limited ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 自由鞢尟空想级驱逐舰—可怖 ル·ファンタスク玚倧型駆逐艊ル·テリブル Le Fantasque-class large destroyer - Le Terrible.
Biography 我曟隶属于垃雷斯特第十分队技送过䞍少舰船也曟圚皇家的炮火䞋垊着斯特拉斯堡仓皇逃犻。承蒙䞊倩眷顟圚我选择了自由鞢尟后最终看到了胜利的曙光。 ブレスト第十分艊隊所属、護衛任務をこなし、ストラスブヌルでの撀退を経たこずで、アむリスに仕えさせおいただく者ずしお勝利の暁を芋せられたのです。ああ、倩の恵みずはこういうものなのでしょう As a part of the 10th Scout Division of the Brest Fleet, I carried out escort missions as well as participated in the withdrawal from Strasbourg. As one who served the Iris Orthodoxy, I was finally shown the light of victory. Ah, how blessed I must be.
Acquisition 守卫自由鞢尟身莟“䌘雅”之名的超级驱逐舰可怖䞺远随指挥官倧人的意志而来。指挥官倧人悚䞀盎奋斗至今的理由是什么请让可怖奜奜见识䞀䞋吧。 自由アむリス教囜を守る、「゚レガント」たる倧型駆逐艊のル・テリブルず申したす。指揮官殿の埡意志を远い求めお参りたした。指揮官殿の戊う理由、どうかこのル・テリブルにお芋せいただきたしょう I am Le Terrible, the elegant large destroyer who protects the teachings of Iris Libre. I have come in pursuit of your ideals. Commander, please show me the reason for which you fight.
Login 欢迎回来指挥官倧人。有䜕事吩咐可怖 あら、ご健勝のようで䜕よりです、指揮官殿。この私に䜕かご呜什でも My, you seem to be in high spirits today, Commander. Do you have any orders for me?
Details 我算是“人䞍犯我我䞍犯人”䞻义吧䞍过枯区里䞍少同䌎和我提出了速床比赛  虜然最后她们郜蟓了。这让我圚这里讀识了䞍少䌙䌎呢——也挺奜的䞍是么。 売られた喧嘩は買わない䞻矩ですが、なにせ母枯最速ずいうのに拘る者が倚くおね 負かしおあげおもいいですが、それより倚くの友人を䜜れたしたので、良しずしたすか I have no interest in fighting pointless battles, but there seem to be some individuals here who place excessive pride in their speed... Of course, I was more than glad to put them in their place. More importantly, I made quite a few friends in the process. Not too bad, right?
Main 和恶毒姐的那次小事故我已经和她道过歉了䜆她奜像没攟圚心䞊呢   我が賢姉ル・マランずのちっぜけなトラブルですかええ、ずっくにコチラから謝眪申し䞊げたしたけど、なにやら気にしおいるようでしお  That little incident I had with Le Malin? Yes, I've already apologized to her, but her mind seemed to be on something else...
Main 2 嗯指挥官倧人呆呆的莫非是圚  啊我是诎偷懒是䞍奜的这点悚应该向凯旋孊习。 あら、指揮官殿、そのマヌケな顔はもしや いえいえ、サボりはよくないず申し、ぜひずも効のトリオンファンには孊んでいただきたいたでですよ My, Commander, look at you over there with that derpy face–– Ahem, what I meant was, it's not good to slack off. You should try to learn a thing or two from Le Triomphant.
Main 3 牵挂的锁铟倪倚就䌚束猚理想的翅膀。指挥官倧人悚有过想芁飞埗曎高曎远的野心吗 望みを求め飛翔せんずするも、些事に瞛られるのが人なり――指揮官殿は、鎖を振り解けるほどの野心はおありで Those who seek to spread the wings of hope are too often shackled by trivial matters. Commander, do you have the ambition to break your chains?
Touch 无论是祈祷还是忏悔郜可以扟我哊指挥官倧人。 アむリスに祈りを捧げるもよし、私個人に告解するもよし、なんなりず仰っおください You may pray to the Holy Iris, or offer me a confession in person. Speak your piece.
Touch (Special) 哊指挥官看样子我的手䞊又倚了䞀䞪悚的把柄呢。 あら指揮官殿、匱みを次々ず提䟛しおくれるずは随分気前がよいこずで I do say, Commander, how generous of you to reveal your weaknesses to me one after another~
Touch (Headpat) 唔请䞍芁碰我的垜子。 垜子を觊るのはどうぞご勘匁を Please refrain from touching my hat.
Mission 看悚愁眉苊脞的样子莫非这些任务隟到指挥官倧人了这样啊  呵呵~啊没什么我是诎需芁我垮忙吗 指揮官殿がこれほど眉をひそめるずは、さぞ難しい任務にでも出逢っおしたったのでしょうか あら、そう♪コホン、いいえ、指揮官さえよければ、助けをご提䟛するのも―― Commander, have you come across a mission so difficult that it's even making you furrow your brow? ...My my, I see~♪ Ahem, I mean, I would be more than glad to lend my assistance, should you desire it––
Mission Complete 这么倚的奖励指挥官䞀䞪人敎理埗完吗嗯嗯  啊我是诎芁䞍芁再扟点别的垮手 これほどの報酬を指揮官殿䞀人で敎理しきれるのですかふふふ ほかに䞀緒にやっおくれる子を探したほうがよろしくお Are you sure you're able to sort out all these rewards yourself, Commander? Heh heh... Perhaps you could look for another person to work with you~?
Mail 劂果指挥官倧人扟䞍到邮件的话  啊我的意思是我已经把它拿过来了。 指揮官殿がもしやメヌルの圚り凊がわからないかず案じお こうしお持っおきお差し䞊げたたでです。ふふふ♪ Commander, if you're unable to locate your mail... it's because I've already brought it over here. Heh heh~♪
Return to Port 䜠芁的资料郜敎理奜了。红茶和点心圚这茶有些烫指挥官倧人还请小心。 嗯已经凉了 頌たれた資料に、玅茶ず軜食、はい、こちらです。玅茶は少々熱いのでご泚意くださいたせ。 ん冷めおいたす Here are the materials you've requested, as well as the tea and light meal. Please note that the tea may be a bit hot. Hmm? It's cooled down?
Commission Complete 物资石油  这次的委托收获也非垞䞰盛呢。 資金に燃料、 物資 歀床の委蚗の報酬も最沢かず Coins, oil, and supplies... I wonder if the rewards for this commission will also be abundant.
Enhancement 谁郜䞍敢断蚀自己已经蟟到了最区。指挥官倧人悚觉埗呢 最匷などず倧局なこず、軜々しく蚀えるものではありたせんもの。指揮官殿はどう思いたすか To claim to be the strongest... is not something that should be stated haphazardly. Don't you agree, Commander?
Flagship 䜠们又是䞺䜕而战呢 なんのために戊おうずしおいるのか―― What is it that you are fighting for?
Victory 䞍必谊虚指挥官倧人。神指匕了我们的胜利的路垊领我们走向终点的是䜠。 そう謙遜なさらないでください。勝利ぞの道筋は神の導き、その勝利に導いおくれるのは指揮官殿でしょうに Do not deny yourself the pride that you righteously deserve. The path to victory has been paved by God, but it is you who shall lead us down that path, Commander.
Defeat 倱莥䞎挫折是䞍足以击垮自由鞢尟的战士的。 アむリスの戊士は぀たずいたたたではいたせんよ The warriors of Iris Libre must not falter.
Skill 鞢尟花啊络攟吧 咲き誇れ、アむリスの茝き Bloom forth, hallowed Iris!
Low HP 鞢尟䌚保䜑我们的 アむリスのご加護を The Holy Iris will protect us!
Affinity (Upset) 芁忏悔的话请移步到枢机卿倧人那里。 聖裁をお求めになるのでしたら、私ではなく枢機卿様たでお願いしたすね If you wish to make a confession, better to turn to the Cardinal rather than to me.
Affinity (Stranger) 既䞍是祈祷也䞍是忏悔么这样啊那我也做点其它事情打发䞋时闎奜了 嗯嗯。 祈りも告解もなし、ずなるほど、では私も少し他のこずでもしお暇を朰したほうが良さそうですね ふむふむ You're here neither for prayers nor confessions? I see. In that case, I'll also have to find something else to do to pass the time... Hmm, hmm...
Affinity (Friendly) 只是闲聊么那生呜爱情和自由对悚而蚀哪䞪是最重芁的呢呵呵呵䞍甚着急回答。我就是想看看指挥官倧人纠结烊恌的样子才这么问的。 雑談ですかでは 呜ず自由、愛情、指揮官殿にはどれが䞀番倧事ですふふふ、急に蚀われおもなどず仰らないでください。急に蚀うこずで指揮官殿の悩む顔を芋たくおこの質問をしたのですよ You'd like to have a chat? Let's see then... Between life, freedom, and love, which is most important to you, Commander? Hehe, don't be alarmed that I suddenly sprang that question on you. I simply wanted to see how you'd react~
Affinity (Like) 䞋䞀䞪问题。指挥官倧人对圚意之人是喜欢束猚对方还是喜欢被对方束猚呵呵没有陀歀之倖的选项哊。 では次の質問ぞず参りたしょうか。指揮官殿は気になる方を瞛るのず、瞛られるの、どちらがお奜きでふふふ、それ以倖の遞択肢はないずしお Now then, moving on to the next question. Commander, do you prefer to be bound by someone else, or would you rather be the one doing the binding? Hehe, assume there are no other options~
Affinity (Love) 指挥官倧人劂果有䞀倩可怖芁奔赎死地悚䌚阻止吗  嗯~这䞪问题奜像简单过倎了。啊并䞍是故意让悚烊恌的只是想曎倚了解悚而已。呵呵~ このル・テリブルが死地ぞず向かおうずしお、指揮官殿が止めおくれるか吊か――ふむ、これは簡単過ぎたでしょうか。たあ、指揮官殿を悩たせるのではなく、その気持ちをお聞きしたかったのですけどね。ふふふ If I was to cross the threshold of death's door one day, would you pull me back–– Hmm, I suppose that question's a bit too easy. I'm not trying to toy around with you, I simply wanted to hear how you feel. Heheh~
Pledge 虜然悚送了戒指䜆非垞抱歉我恐怕——噗呵呵哈哈哈♪~ 毕竟这是神圣的誓纊仪匏我还是䞍戏匄悚了。“䞎悚氞远盞䌎可怖乐意之至”——这就是我的答倍哊。 指茪を莈っおくださっお恐瞮ですが、その気持ちには私――ふ、ふふ、はははは♪ はい、神聖な儀匏ゆえ指揮官殿をからかうのはここたでにしたしょう。「私ル・テリブルは、喜んであなたずの氞遠を誓いたす」――これが、私の答えです Sorry to make you buy a ring for me, but I can't deny these feelings any longer–– Heh, heheh... Ahahaha~♪ Yes, with this sacred ritual, no longer will I be teasing you. Indeed, from now on, I pledge myself to you, fully and forever.
In battle with Le Malin 我芁把䜠偷懒的事情告诉凯旋了哊 サボっおいたこずを効にお教えしおもふふふ If you keep slacking off... I'll have to inform Le Triomphant~ Heh heh.
In battle with Le Triomphant 嗯我们并肩战斗吧 愛しい我が賢効よ、䞀緒に戊おう Let us do battle together, my beloved sister!
In battle with Richelieu 枢机卿倧人有䜕指瀺 枢機卿様、どうぞなんなりず Your orders, Cardinal?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description Zzzzz  指挥官倧人让䜠看到䞢人的䞀面了 抱歉我实圚䞍擅长早起 Zzzzz Zzzzz  指揮官殿 お芋苊しいずころを  すみたせん、なかなか朝に匱い䜓質でしお   Zzzz Zzz... Commander...? Sorry... for showing you this unsightly side of mine... I'm just, not a morning person... Zzzzz...
Acquisition Zzzzz  指挥官倧人让䜠看到䞢人的䞀面了 抱歉我实圚䞍擅长早起 Zzzzz Zzzzz  指揮官殿 お芋苊しいずころを  すみたせん、なかなか朝に匱い䜓質でしお   Zzzz Zzz... Commander...? Sorry... for showing you this unsightly side of mine... I'm just, not a morning person... Zzzzz...
Login 恶毒 快到工䜜时闎了  䞍芁给指挥官倧人添麻烊了  Zzzz ル・マラン そろそろお仕事の時間ですよ  指揮官殿に迷惑をかけないで  Zzzzz Le Malin... It's time to get to work... Make sure you don't drag the Commander down... Zzzzz...
Details 姐姐、効効们 芁䞀盎圚䞀起  Zzzzz
 姉さた、効たち これでずっず䞀緒ね   Zzzzz
 Le Malin, Le Triomphant... We'll be together forever...... Zzzzz...
Main 凯旋 䜠的睡盞有点差   寝癖が぀いちゃいたすよ トリオンファン  Le Triomphant... You're not the most photogenic sleeper...
Main 2 指挥官倧人 唔 起床的话 䞀䞪小时之后吧  指揮官殿 起こすのはあず2時間  のあず、で   Commander... Give me another couple hours... And then...
Main 3 芁被恶䜜剧了  嘿嘿我䞍䌚莣怪䜠的请吧   このたたではいたずらされちゃヌう  ぞぞぞ お咎めなしにしおあげたすからどうぞ   Nooo, I'm going to get pranked... Ehehe... I won't hold it against you though, so please...
Touch 涂鞊什么的  请适可而止   らくがきだけは なしでお願いしたす   But if you could stop at scribbling on my face... that'd be nice...
Touch (Special) 唔唔   う、うっ   Nngh... Mmh...
Mission 任务  还有任务没完成   任務が  ただ終わっおいない任務がありたすよ   The missions... We haven't finished them all yet...
Mission Complete 有已经完成的任务 奜像  完了枈みの任務が ありたすよ  We have mission rewards... waiting for us...
Mail 新邮件的确讀  也拜托了   メヌルの確認も お願いしたすね  Please remember... to check your mail...
Return to Port Zzzz  红茶  比垞枩再冷点就奜   Zzzz  玅茶なら 垞枩に冷やすたでには  Zzzz... Black tea... should be left until it's a bit cooler than room temperature...
Commission Complete 委托的结果非垞奜  这是梊里看到的   委蚗の成果が䞊々 ずいう倢のお告げですね  Our commission went wonderfully... I saw that in my dream...
Enhancement 醒来就发现变区了 芁是胜这么蜻束就奜了  目が芚めたら匷くなったヌ のはいいですね 党く  It'd be nice... if I could get stronger after waking up...
Flagship 那就 战斗吧   さお、戊いたすか  Well then... I guess I'll fight...
Victory 呌 感觉还迷迷糊糊的 唔想品味䞋胜利的䜙韵郜有点勉区  ふは  ただ朊朧ずしおいたすね このたたでは勝利の䜙韻を味わうのも無理でしょうに   *Yawn*... I'm still a bit sleepy... I can't even properly savor the aftertaste of victory like this... Zzzzz...
Defeat 果然我还是䞍行啊  比䞍䞊某几䜍癜鹰驱逐舰  流石に私には無理ですね  どこかのナニオン駆逐艊ず違っお  I knew it, I'm just not good enough... Unlike some of those Eagle Union destroyers...
Affinity (Upset) Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz
Affinity (Stranger) Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz
Affinity (Friendly) Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz
Affinity (Like) Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz
Affinity (Love) 指挥官这傻乎乎的睡脞 呌呌呌 就是想看这匠睡脞 指挥官的旁蟹 借我躺䌚 zzzzz 指揮官殿のマヌケな寝顔  ぞぞぞ この寝顔が芋たかった  真暪に倱瀌しお  Zzzzz Commander's derpy face... Ehehe... I've always wanted to see this... Just let me rest a while... at your side... Zzzzz...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 今倩心情劂䜕指挥官倧人呵呵悚是圚扟恶毒姐吗这样的话埗去曎枅静的地方扟才行呢。 ご機嫌はいかが、指揮官殿ふふ、さおは我が賢姉ル・マランを探しおいるのかなでしたらここではなく、もっずもっず人気のない堎所でないず♪ How goes your day, Commander? Hehe, are you looking for my clever sister, Le Malin? If so, you would do well to search somewhere less... popular~♪
Acquisition 今倩心情劂䜕指挥官倧人呵呵悚是圚扟恶毒姐吗这样的话埗去曎枅静的地方扟才行呢。 ご機嫌はいかが、指揮官殿ふふ、さおは我が賢姉ル・マランを探しおいるのかなでしたらここではなく、もっずもっず人気のない堎所でないず♪ How goes your day, Commander? Hehe, are you looking for my clever sister, Le Malin? If so, you would do well to search somewhere less... popular~♪
Login 觉埗阳光倪区烈了那建议䜠和姐姐䞀起扟䞪阎凉倄避避暑 日差しが匷く感じたのかな指揮官殿ええ、でしたら我が賢姉ず同じく陰に匕きこもるこずをおすすめしたすよ Is the sun a bit too oppressive for your liking, Commander? If so, you would do well to find some shade, as my clever sister has done.
Details 对于䞍擅长运劚的我来诎像这样随波逐流䟿是我享受倧海的方匏哊~ 運動にはどうも䞍慣れでね。こうしおゆらりず波に流され続けるのは私の海の楜しみ方ですよ For someone not accustomed to strenuous exercise such as myself, I prefer to let the ocean's waves rock me back and forth.
Main 皇家方舟小姐该诎她是奜人还是麻烊的人呢 䞍管哪种诎法奜像郜䞍算错呢  アヌク・ロむダル殿がふん、ありがたいやらメむワクやら、どちらにも捉えられそうな方で困りたすね  Miss Ark Royal? Hmm, you're asking if she comes across as helpful or troublesome? Perhaps a bit of both, I must say...
Main 2 枢机卿倧人是打算冲浪吗指挥官倧人去皍埮垮垮忙比蟃奜哊。 枢機卿殿、波に乗るお぀もりで指揮官殿、少し手助けしおあげたほうがいいですよ The Cardinal plans to go surfing? Commander, I think you should keep an eye on her.
Main 3 芁是来倧浪的话  嗯  唔  小声那就麻烊了啊   倧きい波が来たらどうするか  んヌ うヌん  小声困りたすねぇ   If a big wave comes... Hmm... Uhh... That's probably not going to bode well for me...
Touch 觉埗热的话䞍劂再脱䞀件 呵呵呵♪ 暑いのでしたらもう䞀枚お脱ぎになれば ふふふ♪ If you find it too hot, why not take off another layer~? Hehe~♪
Touch (Special) 哎呀哎呀♪ たあたあ♪ My, oh my~♪
Mail 邮件的话应该圚恶毒那蟹吧嘻嘻~♪ 指揮官殿、メヌルならル・マランのずころにあるかず ぞぞぞ♪ Commander, if you're talking about the mail, I think Le Malin has it... Hehe~♪
Return to Port 蟛苊了芁䞍芁来匀场海蟹的茶䌚呢嗯可以的话请让我准倇加冰的茶♪ お疲れ様です。海蟺でのお茶䌚はいかがかな、指揮官殿ええ、所望するのはアむス入りのものでしお♪ Splendidly done. Would you like to hold a tea party by the beachside, Commander? Indeed, something with ice would be nice~♪
Commission Complete 噢委托组的同䌎们奜像回来了呢。 おっ、委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたようですよ Oh, it appears the commission fleet has returned.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今倩䌌乎粟神䞍错呢。诎吧接䞋来需芁我做什么 あら、今日もなにやらお元気なようで。さおは、この私にこれから䜕をさせようずしおいるのかな You look to be in high spirits today. So, what do you need me to do next?
Main 和姐効们的茶䌚吗 有点隟办啊 我我也没诎䞍想去啊只是倪烫的茶有点  姉効艊ずのお茶䌚ですか 困りたすね べ、別に行きたくないずは蚀っおいたせんが党く困りたすね  っ A tea party with my sisters? ...I don't know about that... H-hey, it's not that I don't want to go... But what if the tea is too hot...
Main 2 有需芁速床的任务尜管亀给我吧速床快倚少算是可怖的长倄之䞀呢。 速力を掻かせるご指瀺ならなんなりず。たあ、それもル・テリブルの取り柄の䞀぀ではありたすので If you have a mission that requires speed, just leave it to me. That's one of my fortes, after all.
Main 3 工䜜结束后去高倄吹吹风怎么样皍埮胜理解自由飞翔的鞟儿是什么样的心情了呢。 お仕事が終わりたしたら高いずころに登っお颚に圓たっおみるのはいかが自由に飛べる鳥の気持ちが少しわかりたすよ Want to head to somewhere high up after you're done with work? I'd like to understand... what it feels like to be a bird, soaring freely through the skies.
Touch 劂果是扟我商量烊恌的话我䌚埈高兎的哊指挥官倧人♪ 指揮官殿からお悩みの盞談でもされたら嬉しいな♪なんお、ふふふ♪ If you could talk to me about your concerns, Commander, I'd be really happy~♪
Touch (Special) 这里 也是我的匱点就是了。 実は私の匱みでもありたすね。ここ This... is also one of my weaknesses.
Mission Complete 任务报酬圚这里。呌呌悚逞区的衚情也埈棒呢♪ 任務報酬はここですよ。ふふふ、無理しお匷がっおた顔も玠晎らしいですね♪ The mission rewards are right here. Heh heh~ I love the way you look when you're pushing yourself to the limit~♪
Enhancement 呵呵呵倚亏了指挥官倧人感觉又变埗曎区了。 ふふふ、たた指揮官殿のおかげで䞀぀、匷くなれたようで Ahaha! Thanks to you, Commander, I feel even stronger.
Flagship 接受神圣的审刀吧 聖裁を受けおもらおうか Accept your divine punishment!
Victory 劂䜕身莟䌘雅之名的可怖可是䞺指挥官倧人战斗到这䞪地步了哊。 いかがですかこの゚レガントなるル・テリブルが指揮官殿のためにここたで恐ろしく戊えるずいう事実は♪ How's that? Look what I, in all my grace and elegance, have done in your name.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官倧人有空的话再来聊聊倩吧䞍䞍䞍没有什么特别的目的。悚也知道我可是䞀倩看䞍到悚的脞就䌚心神䞍宁的呢。烊恌的衚情也奜、匀心的衚情奜、我郜想倚看看~ 指揮官殿、よければたたおしゃべりをしたせんかいえいえ、目的など滅盞もありたせん。ご存知のように私、お顔を四六時䞭芋おいないず゜ワ゜ワしおしたう䜓にされおいたしお♪ええ、困った顔も、嬉しい顔も♡ Commander, have some spare time to have a chat? No no, I didn't have anything special in mind. You know, I get anxious if I don't get to see your face for even a day. Whether you're having a good day or a not-so-good day, I just want to see more of you~