Le Malin (JP 🇯🇵: ル・マラン, CN 🇹🇼: 恶毒)
Ship ID No. 394 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time 00:33:00
Acquisition Event: Iris of Light and Dark, 小型艦建造
Enhance Income
Firepower 8
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
CN June 27, 2019
JP June 27, 2019
Voice actress Haruka Shiraishi
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3054186
Twitter https://twitter.com/KIncoraK
Weibo http://weibo.com/u/2061731981
Name Kincora
Le Malin Description
Le Fantasque-class destroyer – Le Malin.
Sleepy Sunday Description
Morning, Commander~ Mm, the Sabbath is the day of rest, so I shall not budge from my sacred charge even if you were to call Triomphant over. I solemnly swear to do absolutely nothing today.
Mercredi at the Secret Base Description
I must commend you for being able to find my secret base, Commander... but unfortunately for you, I refuse to return to the office today. Just... *yawn*...let me spend the whole day sleeping here...
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1684 Reload 179
Firepower 119 Torpedo 239
Evasion 206 Anti-air 120
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 173 Luck 51
Hit 177 Speed 54
Armor Light
HP 2021 Reload 206
Firepower 137 Torpedo 273
Evasion 213 Anti-air 138
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 192 Luck 51
Hit 186 Speed 54
Armor Light
HP 326 Reload 76
Firepower 25 Torpedo 51
Evasion 79 Anti-air 26
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 47 Luck 51
Hit 68 Speed 54
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 51
Hit Speed 54
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 51
Hit Speed 54
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/120%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 115%/115%/115%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1929)
2 Triple 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Le Fantasque-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 22 +1
Max LimitBreak 44
Lv.120 32 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Poisonous Sting When this ship hits an enemy with 10 consecutive shots: increases that enemy's DMG taken from DD guns and torpedoes by 4.5% (12.0%) for 5s. When this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP by 0.5% (2.0%) until the end of the battle. Can be stacked up to 10 times.
Vichya's Vindictive Blade At the start of the battle: increases this ship's EVA and TRP by 5.0% (20.0%) for 30s, after which point this buff will decrease in effectiveness over 20s until it is gone.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Le Malin once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:33:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 维希教廷空想级驱逐舰—恶毒 ル・ファンタスク級駆逐艦ル・マラン Le Fantasque-class destroyer – Le Malin.
Biography 我是隶属于维希教廷的空想级驱逐舰恶毒,曾部署于布雷斯特的第八分队…与姐妹们共同作战。但是在那之后,凯旋她选择了和我们不一样的道路……嗯,不用勉强 ヴィシア聖座所属。ル・ファンタスク級駆逐艦、ル・マラン。かつてはブレストの第八分隊に所属し、同型艦と一緒に戦っていました。その後、トリオンファンは私達とは異なる道を歩みましたが…えぇ、お互い無理しないことですね I am Le Malin, Le Fantasque-class destroyer of the Vichya Dominion. I once fought alongside my friends of the 8th Light Division in Brest. After that, Le Triomphant went down a different path... Well, we don't hold it against each other.
Acquisition 吾乃逐浪之空想,守护教廷的恶毒之刃——超级驱逐舰“恶毒”,听候差遣 我は浪を駆ける空想、「エレガント」なるヴィシアの邪しき剣――駆逐艦ル・マラン、そなたの命に従うしもべとならん I am the mirage that chases the waves, the poisoned blade that protects the Vichya Dominion. Super Destroyer, Le Malin, is yours to command.
Login 驱逐舰恶毒,随时听候差遣。——哈啊…困了… 駆逐艦ル・マラン。いつでもご命令を……はああ…… Destroyer, Le Malin, is ready to take your orders at any time... *yaawnn*...
Details 哈啊…好困…好想在床上滚来滚去……Zzzzz……额!?有、有什么事吗!? はあ……眠い……ベッドでゴロゴロしたい……Zzzzz……!?な、なんですか!? *Yawn*... Sleepy... I wanna go roll around in bed... Zzzzz... Geh?! Wh-what is it?!
Main 徒有速度,缺乏火力,是打败不了敌人的。 速さがあっても、火力がなければ敵は倒せません。当然です Without firepower, speed alone is not enough to defeat the enemy. That goes without saying.
Main 2 好累啊……秘书舰什么的……啊!没什么! だるい……秘書艦やめ……はっ!なんでもありません! So bored... maybe it's time to quit... Gah! I didn't say anything!
Main 3 敦刻尔克小姐做的点心……呼呼呼……不对不对!现在还是工作时间啊! ダンケルクさんの手作りお菓子……ぐへへへ……いかんいかん!まだ勤務時間中だぞ…! Dunkerque's handmade sweets... Guhehe... Ah, I mustn't! I'm still at work...!
Touch 优雅什么的…太累人了……哇!?有、有什么吩咐吗! エレガントは…疲れるよね……!?な、なにか御用でしょうか! Being elegant... isn't worth the effort... Geh?! Wh-what do you want?!
Touch (Special) 哇!要干什么啊! ひゃぅ!?な、何をするんですか! Hyah?! Wh-what are you doing?!
Mission 有新的指示,指挥官。 新しい指示です。指揮官 We have new orders, Commander.
Mission Complete 指挥官,上面的奖励发下来了。 指揮官、上からの褒賞です Commander, rewards incoming from above.
Mail 有你的信……没有我的吗? 指揮官への手紙です。……私への手紙はないですか? This letter's for you, Commander... Is there nothing for me?
Return to Port 照着凯旋教的泡了一杯红茶……暴露了吗。没错,就是个茶包而已。你喝就好。 トリオンファンに教えてもらった紅茶です。……バレましたか。ええ、ただのティーパックです。飲めば? I steeped this tea just the way Triomphant taught me. ...So you knew, huh? Indeed, it's just a normal cup of tea. Please enjoy it.
Commission Complete 大家都回来了。赶快去港口看看吧 みんなが帰ってきました。早く出迎えに行きましょう The others have returned. Let's hurry and greet them.
Enhancement 不能不努力了呢 頑張らなくてはなりませんね It wouldn't be right if I didn't work even harder.
Flagship 维希教廷的守护之刃,前进! ヴィシアを守る邪しき剣、参ります! The blade that protects the Vichya Dominion advances!
Victory 碍事的家伙已经清除了。 邪魔者は片付けておきました I've eliminated those who would stand in our way.
Defeat 我还没输……我还没输! まだ負けていない……まだ……まだよ!! I won't admit defeat... I haven't lost yet!!
Skill 消失吧!! 消えろ!! Begone!!
Low HP 难缠的家伙…… 手強い…! So strong...!
Affinity (Upset) ……(恶毒好像睡着了) ……(ル・マランは寝ているようだ) ...... (Le Malin seems to have fallen asleep)
Affinity (Stranger) 维希教廷的恶毒之刃,指挥官的秘书舰,驱逐舰恶毒。请尽管吩咐 駆逐艦ル・マラン、そなたの秘書艦にして、ヴィシアの邪しき剣。なんなりとご命令ください Destroyer Le Malin is both your secretary and the blade that protects the Vichya Dominion. Please give me your orders.
Affinity (Friendly) 虽、虽然说尽管吩咐了…但是你给的活也太多了吧……不行了要累死了……我要请假…… な、なんでもするとは言いましたけど…流石に仕事が多すぎですよ……もうだめ…疲れた……休みをください…… I, I did say that I was ready to take your orders at any time, but... there's just too much work after all...... Tired... Can't work anymore... Please let me go on leave...
Affinity (Like) 今、今天我很努力工作了,能不能早点下班……谢谢指挥官!看来今天能回家多睡几个小时了!…额,对不起,我有点太兴奋了 きょ、今日は頑張って働いたから、早退しても大丈夫ですか…?や、やった!これで帰って寝られるよ!…す、すみませんはしゃぎすぎました… I, I can go home early today because I did such a good job...? Woah... Woohoo! Now I can head back and go to sleep! ...S-sorry, I got a bit excited there...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,咳咳,今天能不能……一起早点下班?啊不是累了!我的意思是今、今天能不能一起找个地方约、约会什么的……? 指揮官、きょ、今日は一緒にちょっと早めに上がったら……別に疲れたわけじゃありませんよ!えっと、でで、デートとかでもどうかなと、お、思いまして…… Commander, t-today, can we leave work a bit earlier? ...It's not because I'm tired! Um, I was thinking... if you wanted to go on a date or something...
Pledge 维希教廷的守护之刃,我、驱逐舰恶毒,保证今后将永远保护您,向您贡献我永远的爱——累、累死了………指挥官,我们能不能早点回去啊…… ヴィシアの剣として、私――ル・マランはこれからもずっとそなたを守り、そなたに永遠なる愛を捧げることを誓おう。……つ、疲れました…指揮官、早く帰りましょうよ…… As the blade that protects the Vichya Dominion, I, Le Malin, swear to defend you and offer you my eternal love. Um... this is really tiring... Commander, let's head back already...
In battle with Le Triomphant 凯旋……你回来了。 ル・トリオンファン……おかえり Welcome back... Le Triomphant.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,早~嗯,今天是神也要休息的日子,所以就算你把凯旋拉出来逼我干活,我也是绝对不会努力的 指揮官、おはよー。はい、今日は神様的にも休息日だから、トリオンファンの名前を出しても無駄ですよ。今日はゼッタイに、頑張りませんからね Morning, Commander~ Mm, the Sabbath is the day of rest, so I shall not budge from my sacred charge even if you were to call Triomphant over. I solemnly swear to do absolutely nothing today.
Acquisition 指挥官,早~嗯,今天是神也要休息的日子,所以就算你把凯旋拉出来逼我干活,我也是绝对不会努力的 指揮官、おはよー。はい、今日は神様的にも休息日だから、トリオンファンの名前を出しても無駄ですよ。今日はゼッタイに、頑張りませんからね Morning, Commander~ Mm, the Sabbath is the day of rest, so I shall not budge from my sacred charge even if you were to call Triomphant over. I solemnly swear to do absolutely nothing today.
Main 好累…懒得动了……指挥官,有事也别叫我哈…… だるい…頑張りたくない……指揮官、用事があっても呼ばないでね…… Tired... Don't wanna work... Commander, don't call for me even if you have something that needs doing...
Main 2 指挥官,我把咖啡拿过来了!……怎、怎么可能……难道你看出来我偷偷往里放了会让人犯困的感冒药么!? コホン!指揮官、コーヒーを持ってきました!……ま、まさか…安眠系の風邪薬をこっそり入れたのがバレたの…!? Ahem! Commander, I brought coffee! N-no way! How'd you figure out that I slipped cold medication into it...?!
Main 3 啊啊今天不想干活了啦…指挥官~歇一会吧!嗯!就一会! もう今日は仕事したくないですよぉ…しきかーん、早く休憩しましょうよ~休憩!はい! I don't wanna do any more work todayyy... Commander, let's hurry up and take a break already~! Right! Now!
Touch (Special) 哇!?……真是的,又被指挥官给弄醒了!本来好不容易就快要睡着了的…… ひゃぅ!?…もう、何するんですか!せっかく寝られそうだったのに…… Hyah?! ...Jeez, what are you doing! Just when I was about to fall asleep...
Flagship 给你们见识下空想级的厉害! ル・ファンタスク級の力をご覧あれ! Witness the power of the Le Fantasque class!
Victory 歼灭完成。……不对!我不是说了今天不加油工作的吗! 殲滅、完了。……って、今日は頑張らないと言ったじゃありませんか! Extermination complete...... Wait, didn't I say I wasn't going to do anything today?!
Defeat 今天看来不适合工作……早点回去休息…… 今日はやっぱり仕事ができる日じゃないのね……早く帰って休みたい… I really can't get any work done today after all... I just want to head back and relax already...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 居然能找到我的秘密基地,指挥官也很能干呢……但是很遗憾,我是不会跟你回去工作的,我要……呼啊……在这里睡一整天… まさか私の隠れ家を見つけるなんて、流石と言うべきですね…ですが残念です。今日はゼッタイに執務室に戻りません。ここで……はぁあ……ここでぐっすり寝させてくださぁい… I must commend you for being able to find my secret base, Commander... but unfortunately for you, I refuse to return to the office today. Just... *yawn*...let me spend the whole day sleeping here...
Acquisition 居然能找到我的秘密基地,指挥官也很能干呢……但是很遗憾,我是不会跟你回去工作的,我要……呼啊……在这里睡一整天… まさか私の隠れ家を見つけるなんて、流石と言うべきですね…ですが残念です。今日はゼッタイに執務室に戻りません。ここで……はぁあ……ここでぐっすり寝させてくださぁい… I must commend you for being able to find my secret base, Commander... but unfortunately for you, I refuse to return to the office today. Just... *yawn*...let me spend the whole day sleeping here...
Login 指挥官,冰淇淋…… しきかん…アイスぅぅぅ…… Commander... Ice creammm...
Details 唔,吊床虽然很舒服,但不能滚来滚去啊…啧,设计失误了… ハンモックはぐったりはできてもゴロゴロはできませんね…不覚…… This hammock feels pretty nice, but I can't roll around... A tactical failure...
Main 指挥官为什么不能变成空调呢,那样我一定会对指挥官……Zzzzz Zzz……指揮官はエアコンにはなれませんね…なれたら私は指揮官のことが……Zzz…… Too bad you can't turn into an air conditioner, Commander... Otherwise, I'd cling to you all day... Zzzzzz...
Main 2 呼啊……指挥官,我要睡午觉了,不准吵我,有任务也不要叫我……可乐不要喝完哦,还有薯片……唔…… というわけでル・マラン、これよりエレガントな昼寝に入ります。任務があっても絶対に起こさないでください……コーラとおやつは残して……Zzzzz In any case, Le Malin will now go take a most elegant nap. Don't bother me even if there's something that needs doing... and save me some Cola and snacks... Zzzzzz...
Main 3 那边的难道是……可怖!?指挥官,快让我躲一下,被那个家伙找到我一天的睡觉计划就泡汤了! あそこにいるのは……テリブル?!ししし指揮官早く隠れさせて!あの子に見つかったら今日一日安心して寝れないですよ!! Who's that over there? ...Le Terrible?! C-c-c-commander! Hide me! If that girl finds me, I'm not gonna be able to sleep the day away!
Touch 游泳?指挥官,不是我自夸,我就给你表演一个随波漂浮吧 泳ぐ?ふふふ、自慢じゃないですけどこのル・マラン、エレガントに浮いてみせましょう Swim? Hehehe, not to brag or anything, but I'll show you the most elegant way to float!
Touch (Special) 太邋遢了?……唔,反正指挥官早就知道了…… だらしなさすぎって…?いいじゃないですかどうせ指揮官にはバレてますしー I'm too slovenly...? Meh, haven't you already known that for ages~?
Mission 任务?不去……有冰淇淋?我去! 新しい任務です。あ、アイスでは釣られ…い、行きますよ! A new mission? Don't wanna... Th-there's ice cream in it for me? F-fine, I'll do it!
Return to Port 指挥官在努力工作,我却在偷懒…呼呼呼… 指揮官が仕事を頑張っているのにこっちは……っっっ… The commander's out there working hard, but here I am... Zzz...
Victory 指挥官,我们赶快回去吹空调吧! 指揮官…早く戻ってエアコン付けて涼しくしましょうよ… Commander... Let's hurry back and turn on the air conditioning...
Defeat 好热……为什么这么热还要出击啊! 暑い……こんなに暑いのになんで出撃させたんですかー! So hot...... Why must we sortie in this kind of weather?!
Affinity (Love) 唔欸?要回去了吗?……什么!已经傍晚了吗!睡了一天,好累哦……糟了,没力气了,指挥官,帮帮我…… も、もう帰るんですかー……あ!もう夕方じゃありませんか!…っ!寝すぎて力が入らない……指揮官、た、助けて…… Eh? It's already time to go home...? Geh! It's already evening! Hmm?! I can't move my legs because I overslept... Commander, help me...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呼…嗯?是指挥官呀,我正打算躺会呢…这身?嗯,穿着挺舒服的,还很凉快哦。没什么事的话,我就继续躺了。晚安… うにゃうにゃ…あ、指揮官、ちょっと仮眠しようとしてたところーっと…この格好?涼しくて動きやすくて可愛いんですよねー。特に用がなければ横になりますねーおやすみー Zzz... zzz... Huh? Commander? I was in the middle of a nap... Oh, this outfit? It's cool, comfy, and cute. If you don't need anything from me, I'm going back to sleep...
Acquisition 呼…嗯?是指挥官呀,我正打算躺会呢…这身?嗯,穿着挺舒服的,还很凉快哦。没什么事的话,我就继续躺了。晚安… うにゃうにゃ…あ、指揮官、ちょっと仮眠しようとしてたところーっと…この格好?涼しくて動きやすくて可愛いんですよねー。特に用がなければ横になりますねーおやすみー Zzz... zzz... Huh? Commander? I was in the middle of a nap... Oh, this outfit? It's cool, comfy, and cute. If you don't need anything from me, I'm going back to sleep...
Login 你来了啊,指挥官。嗯…随意就好…我就不招待了… おかえりー。うん、適当でいいですよ…私も何もしなくて済みますから、へへへ Welcome back. Sure, let's keep it casual... I don't care either way, hehe...
Details 这衣服滑溜溜…挺适合滚来滚去的…… ゴロゴロに適した、すべすべの衣装でしょ? This outfit is nice and smooth... Perfect for rolling around, right?
Main 凯旋来找我了?哼,反正肯定又是吓唬人的吧,我才不信。 トリオンファンが探しているの!?ど、どうせ脅しでしょ!べ、別に信じませんよっ Le Triomphant is looking for me? Y-you're just trying to scare me! I d-don't believe that at all!
Main 2 舒服的新睡衣,还有舒服的沙发,不用来睡觉就太不划算了…Zzzzz 気持ちいいソファにゴロゴロしやすい格好…お昼寝しないともったいないじゃありませんかー…Zzzzz This outfit is great for rolling around on the comfy couch... It'd be a waste to not take a nap... Zzzzz...
Main 3 差不多到午休的时间了吧…唔,还有工作吗?能不能放到明天再做呀… そろそろ昼休みの時間ですね!…ま、まだ仕事が残っていますか…もう明日にしましょうよ… It's time for a lunch break! ...What do you mean there's still more work to do? Let's just push it back to tomorrow...
Touch 唔…有什么事吗…? んっ…何か用ですか…? Huh...? Do you need something...?
Touch (Special) 哇!别乱碰啦,吓我一跳…… うわわわ!?ど、どこを触るんですか!びっくりしました… Gwaaah?! Wh-where do you think you're touching! That scared me...
Return to Port 我今天的“计划休息时间”还差几个小时,所以…请自便… 今日の「予定休憩時間」はあと残り数時間、つまり――ここは指揮官ご自身でお願いします Today's "scheduled break time" is still in effect for a few more hours. In other words... Please do it yourself.
Commission Complete 迎接委托的同伴?你看,我都穿成这样了,再让我去是不是有点…所以,你一个人去就好了! 委託から戻ってきた仲間たちの出迎え?ほら、今こんな格好ですし出迎えるのに適しませんよね!なのでここは指揮官、お一人で! The commission fleet's back? Y'know, I don't think I should be going outside, looking like this and all... So, you can go by yourself, Commander!
Victory 赢了?…那回去休息吧。 勝ちました?…じゃあ戻って休みましょうよ>< We won? ...Let's head back and go to sleep~
Defeat 早知道就不出来了… 無理して出撃するんじゃなかった… I wouldn't have signed up if I knew this was going to happen...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 驱逐舰恶毒……哈啊……听候差遣……不行了,好困 駆逐艦ル・マラン。はぁ…いつでもご命令を……はああ……もう無理…眠い…… Destroyer, Le Malin... *yawn*... ready to sortie at... *yaawn*... Can't do this... Too sleepy...
Details 滚来……滚去……滚来……滚去……指挥官也要一起来吗? ゴロゴロ…ゴロゴロ……指揮官も一緒にどうですか? Roll, roll, rolling around... Commander, wanna join me?
Main 2 虽然今天没做什么事,但是也辛苦我自己了……嗯嗯,我真伟大 特に何もしていないけどよく頑張りましたね私……うんうん、ル・マラン、偉いですねー I didn't really do anything, but I still worked hard anyway... Yeah, go me~!
Main 3 指挥官,好饿,我想吃敦刻尔克小姐的点心……欸,努力工作就可以休息十分钟……唔,好麻烦 お腹減った…ダンケルクさんの作ったお菓子を食べたい……お仕事頑張ればあとで休憩取れる……め、面倒くさい…… Hungry... Wanna eat Dunkerque's sweets... If I push through this, I'll be able to slack off later...Wh-what a pain...
Mission 给指挥官的新指示来了哦 新しい指示です。指揮官宛の We have new orders. They're addressed to you, Commander.
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务奖励来了哦! 指揮官、任務報酬ですよ! Commander, the mission rewards are here!
Return to Port 照着凯旋教的泡了一杯红茶……是真的,虽然我不保证好喝 トリオンファンに教えてもらった紅茶です。……普通に淹れたんですよ。美味しいかどうかわかりませんけど… Le Triomphant taught me how to make this tea... Look, I did it normally this time. No idea if it tastes any good though...
Commission Complete 大家都回来了,快去迎接她们吧,去吧~ みんなが帰ってきましたよー早く出迎えに行ってきて、どうぞー The others have come back. Let's hurry up and welcome them back. Come on~!
Flagship 鸢尾之心,就存在于此! アイリスの心は、私に! The heart of the Iris continues through me!
Victory 空想级优雅的实力——是无敌的。 ル・ファンタスク級のエレガントなる実力――敵なし、です The elegant arts of the Le Fantasque class... knows no equal!
Defeat 凯旋、指挥官,对不起…! トリオンファン、指揮官、ごめん…っ! Le Triomphant... Commander... I'm sorry!
Affinity (Love) 虽然想和指挥官约会,但是每次都要出门好麻烦,走路也很麻烦……唔,指挥官,下次我们还是在宿舍约会吧! デート……はしたいですけど、遠くまで出かけるとか疲れちゃいますよ……や、やっぱり寮舎でデートしましょうよ!ね! I do want... to go on a date, but I always get tired when we go to some faraway place... W-we should just go on a date at the dorms! Right?