Le Téméraire (JP 🇯🇵: ル・テメレール, CN 🇹🇼: 鲁莽)
Ship IDNo. 359Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavyIris LibreBuild Time00:26:00
AcquisitionTime-Limited Build
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENAugust 15, 2019
KRSeptember 14, 2018
CNSeptember 14, 2018
JPSeptember 14, 2018
Voice actressMai Goto
Le Téméraire Description
Le Hardi-class destroyer – Le Téméraire.
Summery Temeraire!Description
Commander, I've finished changing into my swimsuit! Heheh~ let's head down to the beach and enjoy ourselves as much as we can!
Dreamy DoiceDescription
HP253 Reload70
Firepower17 Torpedo75
Evasion70 Anti-air32
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck41
HP1177 Reload135
Firepower47 Torpedo197
Evasion237 Anti-air121
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW115 Luck43
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun120%/125%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 130mm Main Gun Mle1935
2Twin 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: Le Hardi-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock14 +1
Max LimitBreak28
Lv.12020 +1
Bold But RecklessWhile this ship is in the firstmost position in the Vanguard: increases this ship's Speed by 3, EVA by 6.0% (12.0%) , and FP by 13.0% (25.0%) , but decreases its AA by 40.0% and Accuracy by 20.0% (5.0%) .Default Unlocked
Swift DefenderWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Main Fleet takes by 3.5% (8.0%) and decreases the Torpedo and Main Gun DMG this ship takes from enemy DDs and CLs by 1.0% (10.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Le Hardi Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Bold But Reckless+Increases this ship's EVA by 6.0% (12.0%) , FP by 13.0% (25.0%) , and SPD by 3. Every 20s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to launch a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); if there is another Iris Libre or Vichya Dominion ship in your Vanguard: fires this barrage 3s after the battle starts.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description自由鸢尾大胆级驱逐舰—鲁莽ラントレピード級駆逐艦ル・テメレール Le Hardi-class destroyer – Le Téméraire.
Biography我是自由鸢尾、大胆级的鲁莽(Le Téméraire)!因为各种各样的原因,那个时候的我最后未能完工呢……所以,现在能够在舰队和大家一起,我真的非常开心!ラントレピート級のル・テメレールだよ!あの大戦では色々あって完成しなかった艦だけど……こうしてみんなと一緒にいられるなんて本当に嬉しいよ!I am the Le Hardi-class destroyer, Le Téméraire! I was never completed during that war, but I'm really happy that I can be with all of you now!
Acquisition终于找到了!指挥官,请多指教啦!……名字吗?我是自由鸢尾所属,大胆级的鲁莽(Le Téméraire)哦!!ようやく見つけました!指揮官、これからよろしくおねがいします!……名前?あ!私、自由アイリス教国所属のラントレピード級駆逐艦、ル・テメレールって言うんだ!I've finally found you! Commander, it's a pleasure to meet you! Um, my name...? Ah! I'm Le Téméraire, a Le Hardi-class destroyer from Iris Libre!
Login打起精神吧!今天的工作才刚刚开始!Vas-y!今日のお仕事はこれからだー!Vas-y! Come on, the day's work is only beginning!
Details港区的大家都很友好呢。不过,也有一些人感觉很难说上话的样子……母港のみんなは親切だよ。でもね、話しづらそうな人もちらほらいて……Everyone here is so nice... but, there are some who seem hard to strike up a conversation with...
Main今天又交到了别的阵营的朋友了呢!嘿嘿~今日も違う勢力の友達ができたね!ふんふふん♪I made friends from several different camps yesterday! Ehehe~♪
Main 2啊,是昨天一起玩的人!指挥官,我先离开一下啦!あ、昨日一緒に遊んだ子だ!指揮官、ちょっと席外すよ!Ah, those are the girls I played with yesterday! Commander, I'm going to get up for a bit!
Main 3如果所有人都能成为朋友的话,是不是就不会有战争了呢?みんなお友達になれたら、戦争もなくなるよね!If everyone all got along, then we wouldn't have any wars!
Touch啊哈哈!这里有点痒啊!あははは!ちょっとくすぐったいよ!Ahahaha! That tickles!
Touch (Special)我,我还没做好心理准备啦!こ、心の準備が!W-wait, I'm not emotionally prepared yet!
Mission还有任务呢,一鼓作气全部完成吧!まだ任務があるよ!一気に片付けちゃお!We still have missions left! Let's knock them out in one go!
Mission Complete任务奖励已经收到了哦!……欸,要确认的吗?任務報酬をもらったよ!……ほえ?確認をするものなの?Yay, the mission rewards are here! Huh...? We still have to check them?
Mail邮件!我已经帮你拆了哦!メール!もう開封したよ!Mail's here! I already opened it for you!
Return to Port欢迎回来!桌上的文件我都帮你收好了!……欸,那些是要回港的时候确认的吗?おかえりー!書類は棚に戻したよ!……ほえ?戻った時に確認したかったものなの…?Welcome back! I put the documents back on the shelves for you! ...Huh? You still wanted to check those?
Commission Complete指挥官,我去接委托回来的大家吧!指揮官、委託から戻ってきたみんなを出迎えに行くね!Commander, I'm going to go welcome back the girls who are coming back from their commissions!
Enhancement变强了呢!強くなったよ!I've gotten stronger!
Flagship总之向前冲就行了吧!とにかく進めー!Anyways, let's keep charging forward!
Victory嘿嘿,见识到我的厉害了吧!ふふーん、私の力を見たか!Heheh~ Did you see me just now?
Defeat欸?我们输了?ほえ?負けた?Ehh? I lost...?
Low HP我,我在哪里?わ、私はどこー?!H-huh? Where am I?!
Affinity (Upset)这样下去的话指挥官会没有朋友的!指揮官、このままでは友達がいなくなりますよ!Commander, you're not going to have any friends left!
Affinity (Stranger)今天也在港区里转转吧,说不定能交到新的朋友呢!今日も母港でふらふらお散歩♪もしかしたら新しい友達ができるかも!I'm gonna take a stroll around the port today~♪ Maybe I can make some new friends!
Affinity (Friendly)我约了朋友们一起在休息区玩游戏呢。指挥官也一起来吧!友達と休憩スペースでゲームをするって約束したよ!指揮官も一緒にどう?I have a play date with my friends today! Commander, want to join us?
Affinity (Like)虽然我交了很多朋友,不过指挥官是特别的!和指挥官一起的时候,感觉最开心啦!友達はたくさん出来たけど、指揮官は特別だよ?だって私、指揮官と一緒にいれる時がいっちばん嬉しいんだ!Commander, even though I've made a lot of friends, you're... something special. That's because I'm happiest when I'm with you!
Affinity (Love)比朋友更好的关系的话……恋人?但是,恋人之间要怎么做,我果然还是不太明白呢…欸?像平时那样就可以了吗?友達より大切な関係……恋人?でも恋人ってどうすればいいかわからないよね……ほえ?いつもどおりでいいの? A relationship more important than friendship... lovers? But, I don't know what it means to be lovers... Huh? Just do what we always do?
Pledge我不太理解誓约是什么,应该意思就是两人永远不分开吧!从今以后,我就一直陪在你身边啦,指挥官!ケッコンってどんなことかよくわからないけど、きっと「ずっと一緒」って意味だよね!うん!これからはずっと一緒だね!指揮官!I'm not sure what this "marriage" thing is all about, but surely it means that we'll always be together from now on! Mmhm! I'll always be at your side, Commander!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Dunkerque敦刻尔克小姐,我想吃马卡龙~ダンケルクさん、マカロンが欲しい!Miss Dunkerque, I'd like a macaron!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,我换好泳装啦!嘿嘿,夏日的海滩,要尽全力去享受才行呢!指揮官、水着に着替えてきたよ!ふふーん、夏の海辺を全力で楽しんじゃうんだから!Commander, I've finished changing into my swimsuit! Heheh~ let's head down to the beach and enjoy ourselves as much as we can!
Acquisition指挥官,我换好泳装啦!嘿嘿,夏日的海滩,要尽全力去享受才行呢!指揮官、水着に着替えてきたよ!ふふーん、夏の海辺を全力で楽しんじゃうんだから!Commander, I've finished changing into my swimsuit! Heheh~ let's head down to the beach and enjoy ourselves as much as we can!
Login喂——!指挥官,我在这边啦!おーい!しきかーん!ここだよー!Heyyy! Commander! I'm over here~!
Details指挥官,觉得我的泳装怎么样?啊,顺便一提,倔强她的泳装也是我帮忙选的哦!指揮官、私の選んだ水着ってどうかな…?あ、ちなみにピーちゃんの水着も私が選んだよ!Commander, what do you think about my choice of swimsuit...? Ah, by the way, I also picked out Opiniâtre's swimsuit!
Main今天的沙滩排球比赛,我一定会和队友们一起赢下来的!ビーチバレー大会、仲間たちと一緒に勝ってみせるよ!Today's the day of the big beach volleyball meet! My friends and I are aiming for the top spot!
Main 2倔强她又在一个人捣鼓,嗯,叫“魔法”的什么吗?难得来海边,大家一起玩才好嘛!ピーちゃん、また「マホウ」の練習ばかりしてるのかな?せっかく海辺に来たんだし、みんなで一緒に楽しめばいいのに…Opiniâtre, are you busy practicing your "magic" again? Since we came all the way out here, you might as well have some fun...
Main 3啊,好像有螃蟹!……欸?刚刚还在的,到底跑到哪里去呢了?ほえ、カニさん?……ほえ??さっきまでいたのに、どこ行ったの?Huh, a crab? ...Ehh?? It was just right there... Where'd it run off to?
Touch海水凉凉的,感觉很舒服!指挥官,一起来游泳吧!海は涼しくて気持ちいいよね!指揮官も一緒に泳ごうよ!The sea is refreshing and feels great! Commander, you should come on in as well!
Touch (Special)呀!系,系带要松开了啊!あわわわわ!ひ、紐がーー!Awawawa! Th-the strings are coming loose...!
Mission嗯?休假日也有任务的吗?ほえ?非番の日にも任務が来るの?Huh? We're getting work on our day off?
Return to Port指挥官,热吗?来吃个冰棒吧!指揮官、暑いの…?うん!はい、アイスだよ!Commander, aren't you hot...? Mm! Here, have an ice pop!
Affinity (Love)今天我玩得非常开心!嘿嘿~不过,最后的时光,果然还是想和指挥官两个人一起度过呢。指挥官,能……靠着你的肩膀吗?今日はいっぱい楽しんだね!えへへ♪でも最後はやっぱり指揮官と二人っきりでいたいなぁ……指揮官、ええと、ちょっとだけ肩を借りても…いいかな…I had a great time today! Ehehe~♪ But you know, it'd be nice to have some alone time with you, Commander... Hey, umm, can I... lean against your shoulder...?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description怎么样?这件睡衣很可爱吧!嘿嘿,我超喜欢这件的呢~和倔强的是配套的哦♪どう?このパジャマかわいいでしょ!えへへ、私のお気に入りなんだーピーちゃんのとおそろいだよ♪How do I look? These pajamas are super cute, aren't they? Ehehe, I really like this one! It even matches with Opiniâtre's!
Acquisition怎么样?这件睡衣很可爱吧!嘿嘿,我超喜欢这件的呢~和倔强的是配套的哦♪どう?このパジャマかわいいでしょ!えへへ、私のお気に入りなんだーピーちゃんのとおそろいだよ♪How do I look? These pajamas are super cute, aren't they? Ehehe, I really like this one! It even matches with Opiniâtre's!
Login晚安指挥官!…其实还没到睡觉的时间啦!嘿嘿,有被骗到吗?おやすみ指揮官!……ってまだ寝ないけどね!騙された?えへへNighty night, Commander! ...It's not time to sleep yet, though! Feeling cheated? Hehehe~
Details这个棒棒糖是之前睦月给我的!啊,要对敦刻尔克保密哦?不然下次她就得做一堆糖出来了~このキャンディーは前に睦月ちゃんからもらったの!あ、ダンケルクさんには内緒よ?今度作っちゃうかもしれないんだからI got this lollipop from Mutsuki earlier! Oh, and keep it a secret from Dunkerque, okay? I'm hoping she'll make one for me later~
Main睡前还有好多事想做所以暂时还不想睡呢~欸?时间太晚了不行?唔…那就早点睡吧!寝る前でもやりたいことがたくさんあるからまだ寝れないなー。えぇ、夜更かしはダメ?むぅ…じゃあ早く寝るね!I can't sleep now, there's still tons of stuff I wanna do before bed. No staying up late allowed? Aww... Fine, then I'll lie down right now!
Main 2今天过得很开心!明天一定会更开心的吧,指挥官!今日はとっても楽しかったね!明日はもっと楽しくなるよね、指揮官!Today was so much fun! I bet tomorrow will be even more fun, Commander!
Main 3咦?啾啾玩偶哪里去了?啊!原来埋到被子里去了呀~あれー?饅頭枕どこ行ったー?あっ!布団の中にいた!Hang on, where's my Manjuu plushie gone? Oh! It was hiding in the pillow!
Touch啾啾玩偶软绵绵的抱起来超舒服的哦!この饅頭枕はとってもぷにぷにしてて気持ちいいんだよ!This Manjuu plushie is so squishy! It feels super comfy to cuddle with!
Touch (Special)软绵绵的、搞搞搞搞错地方了啦—///ぷにぷにしてるって、そそそそれ違うとこ―///Th-th-th-that's not something you should be squishing...!
Return to Port欢迎回来,指挥官!看我的啾啾抱枕攻击!嘿嘿,是不是很香呀?おかえり、指揮官!饅頭枕アターーック!えへへ、いい匂いでしょ?Welcome back, Commander! Watch out, Manjuu plushie coming at you! Hehehe~ Smells nice, doesn't it?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description加油~★!!加油~★!!指挥官是来看我排练的嘛……刚才我的跳的怎么样?有没有让指挥官鼓足干劲呢?フレー★!!フレー★!!ふぅ……えへへ、指揮官は練習を見に来てくれたの?じゃあ今のはどうだったかな?指揮官のやる気、ちゃんと出せた?Let's go, let's go! Allons-y! Whew... Heehee, you here to watch me rehearse, Commander? Okay, and how was my performance just now? Did that manage to motivate you?
Acquisition加油~★!!加油~★!!指挥官是来看我排练的嘛……刚才我的跳的怎么样?有没有让指挥官鼓足干劲呢?フレー★!!フレー★!!ふぅ……えへへ、指揮官は練習を見に来てくれたの?じゃあ今のはどうだったかな?指揮官のやる気、ちゃんと出せた?Let's go, let's go! Allons-y! Whew... Heehee, you here to watch me rehearse, Commander? Okay, and how was my performance just now? Did that manage to motivate you?
Login指挥官,新的一天开始了,让啦啦队来给你加油!!しっきかーん!新しい一日が始まったよー!チアリーダーが応援してあげる♪Commandeeer! It's a new daaay! Your cheerleader's here to root for you!
Details指挥官正在看着我,现在正是该让气氛达到最热烈的时候,我得拿出干劲来才行!指揮官も見てるし、いっちばん盛り上がっているところだから、もっともっと気合を入れてやらないと!がんばれー★がんばれー★This is the best part and you're watching, so I've gotta really put some energy into it! Shipgirls, shipgirls, out at sea! Lead us all to victory!
Main这个姿势怎么样,是不是很标准,鲁莽可是练习了好久呢。很有活力?嘿嘿,那是当然的啦!いい感じにチアダンスができてるでしょ?結構頑張ったもん!…元気いっぱいでいいことだって?えへへ、当然だよ♪My cheerleading dance looks great! As it should, 'cause I worked hard on it! ...It's good that I've got so much energy? Heehee, well, yeah!
Main 2哎呀……指挥官小心!!我没有踢到指挥官吧?!要是踢到了的话,我就帮指挥官“呼——呼——”,这样应该就不会痛啦!いっち、にー…わあああ指揮官危ないっ!指揮官に当たってないよね?!もし当たってたら痛いところをフーフーしてあげないと!そしたら痛くなくなるでしょ!Ooone, twooo... Whuah, look out, Commander! I didn't hit you, did I? If you're hurting, tell me where so I can kiss the boo-boo! That'll make the pain go away!
Main 3这点运动量,还不算累啦……就算是为了指挥官,我也要把这个动作练完……嘿呀!んんん~これぐらい全然平気だよ!指揮官のためにもこのチアダンスを頑張ってうまくできるように……ええい!Mmmh! I can do this all day! Until I've become a praiseworthy cheerleader, I'll keep at it liiike... this!
Touch指挥官也要一起来嘛,偶尔动一动有益身体健康呢。指揮官も一緒にやってみようよ!たまには体を動かさないと健康によくないんだから!Come on, move your body with me! It's bad for your health to sit around all day!
Touch (Special)会、会站不稳的啦!等等……难道这样更方便?!うわあああ!た、倒れちゃうよ!あ!…も、もしかしてそのほうがよかった…?!///Nooooo! You're gonna make me fall! ...Wait, would you prefer it that way?!
Mission有任务了指挥官,我会给你加油鼓劲的!指揮官、任務があるよ!ここで元気いっぱい応援するから頑張ってね♪Commander, mission! I'll be cheering you on from here, so go get 'er done!
Mission Complete任~务~完!成!这是我刚练的动作,怎么样指挥官。にーんむ!かん!りょー!えへへ指揮官!いまのルーちゃんの応援はどうだったかな?Mission, mission, cooom-plete! Heehee! Hope you liked that!
Mail邮件、邮件……好险,差点不小心把指挥官的邮件甩飞出去。メール、メール……わわ!?うっかり指揮官のメールを投げそうになっちゃった…Letter, letter, coming thro– Oops! I almost threw your letter!
Return to Port欢迎回来~指挥官,怎么样,有没有被我的欢迎仪式吓到,嘿嘿。フレー★フレー★おかえりー指揮官!どう?ルーちゃんの出迎えチアダンスにびっくりした?えへへ♪Welcome, welcome, back to base! How was that, Commander? Did you like my surprise welcome dance? Heehee♪
Commission Complete委托完成!大家一定都累了,赶紧去休息吧!委託完了!みんな疲れてるはずだから早く休んだらいいよ♪Commission complete! You girls must be real tired, so go ahead and take a breather!
Affinity (Love)虽说是我在给指挥官加油鼓劲,但反而是指挥官能给我带来莫大的鼓舞呢。咦?“其实什么也没做?”唔……可是只要跟指挥官待在一起我就会充满干劲哦!总之,让我们一起前进吧!!指揮官を応援してる側だけど、指揮官からもたくさん励まされてるよ!…ほぇ?何もしてないのにどうしてって?ええと……えへへ、指揮官と一緒にいるだけでたくさん勇気をもらってるの!うん!とにかく一緒に頑張ろ♪I should be the one rooting for you, yet YOU'VE given ME so much support! ...Huh? But you haven't done anything? Well... Heehee, just you being here fills me with courage! You keep being here for me, and I'll keep doing my best!