Fleuret (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 645 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Le Hardi-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Ace of Roses! Increases this ship's Main Gun and torpedo efficiency by 10.0% (20.0%). 3s after the battle starts, and every 20s after that: targets a random enemy; for 10s, increases DMG dealt against enemies with that enemy's Armor Type by 15.0% (30.0%). When sortied with another Le Hardi-class ship: the above effect is also granted to a random Le Hardi-class ship in your fleet.
The Most Elegant Curtain Call! Increases this ship's EVA by 10.0% (20.0%). If there is a BB or BC in your Main Fleet: decreases this ship's and that BB's or BC's DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Le Hardi Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 大胆级驱逐舰—花剑 ル・アルディ級駆逐艦-フルーレ Le Hardi-class destroyer – Fleuret.
Biography 我是隶属于维希教廷的大胆级驱逐舰——花剑,可不要因为名字就小看了我哦~不管是作为骑士的本职工作,还是作为指挥官的贴·身·护·卫,都不在话下呢~ ヴィシア聖座の花、ル・アルディ級駆逐艦のフルーレよ。かわいい名前だからって侮らないでね?護教騎士でも指揮官のお守り役でも、あたしにかかればなんてことないんだから! I'm Fleuret, Le Hardi-class destroyer and the Vichya Dominion's flower. Don't dismiss me just 'cause I've got a cute name, 'kay? I can handle anything you throw at me, from being a Templar Knight to serving as your bodyguard!
Acquisition 我是隶属于维希教廷的骑士,大胆级驱逐舰——花剑。呼呼呼~看来你就是指挥官了呢,以后我们可要好·好·相·处哦~ ヴィシア聖座の護教騎士、ル・アルディ級駆逐艦のフルーレよ。ふふふ、あなたが指揮官みたいね。これからはフルーレのことをよ・ろ・し・くってね♪ I'm Fleuret, Le Hardi-class destroyer and Templar Knight of the Vichya Dominion. And you must be the Commander, heehee. We're gonna get along juuust fine, you and I!
Login 指挥官~你来了啊,要一起玩点什么吗?嗯……猜牌怎么样?你选一张,我来猜~ あ、我らが聖座の指揮官の登場だ!えへへ、一緒に遊ばない?ええと…カード当てでもどぉ?フルーレが言い当てるから一枚選んで~ Ah, here comes the Commander of our Dominion! Heehee, do you wanna play a game? How about... card guessing? You pick a card, and I'll sus out which one it is.
Details 我可是每天都很期待和指挥官一起玩点什么的呢~毕竟不管是在指挥官面前变什么魔术,指挥官的反应都很有趣哦? 指揮官と遊ぶのを毎日楽しみにしてるの!だって指揮官はどんな「秘蹟」を見せてもおもしろーい反応をしてくれるから!あはは♪ I always look forward to doing magic with you. You have such funny reactions to every trick I show you! Ahahah!
Main 指挥官~你最近看花剑的眼神很不妙哦,非常不妙哦,难道已经被花剑彻底迷倒了?呵呵呵,开玩笑的——哎呀,难道指挥官被我说中,心虚了? 指揮官の最近あたしを見る時の目、なんだかイケないね~?アイリス的に超イケないね~?ふふっ、もしかして惚れちゃった?なんて…わ!図星だったの?あたし本当にテレパシーできちゃった? You've been giving me suspicious looks as of late, Commander. VERY suspicious looks by Orthodoxy morals. Heh, do you have a crush on me? Yeah, right... Huh? I was right? I think I've actually developed telepathy!
Main 2 桌上的文件都去哪里了?看它们太碍事就都丢掉了——骗你的啦,我都帮你整理好放在另一边了哦~ 机の書類はどこに行ったって?邪魔だから捨てたよー……なんて嘘♪片付けてこっちに置いといたよー Where'd I leave the documents that were on your desk? I disposed of 'em all. Hah, just kidding! I processed them and put them right here.
Main 3 指挥官~这次不用魔术,而是单纯来玩抽牌比大小的游戏,怎么样?输了的人要被另一方骑着走哦~ 指揮官、今度は「秘蹟」じゃなく、普通にカードの大小比べでもどう?負けたほうがお馬さんになるって感じで! How about instead of performing magic, we play "greater than less than" with cards next time? And whoever loses has to be the winner's mount!
Touch 哎呀?是想看点不一样的吗? ふふーん、さてはいつもと違う「秘蹟」が見たいわけ? Heh! You wanna see a new kind of magic, do you?
Touch (Special) 呀~那里不可以,怎么能乱碰淑女的——哇~指挥官的表情超有趣的~ きゃああ!そこはだめぇー!レディに勝手に触ったら――あははは!指揮官の反応っておもしろーい! Eeek! Stooop! Touching a lady like this is criminal! ...Ahahaha! You should've seen the look on your face!
Touch (Headpat) 呵呵~我很可爱吧?想再多摸摸也可以哦~ ふふ、あたしは可愛いでしょ?もっとなでなでしてもいいからね? Heehee, aren't I cute? Feel free to keep patting!
Mission 指挥官~还有任务要完成吧?真是拿你没办法呢~我也来帮忙吧~ 指揮官って、まだやらないといけない聖務があるでしょ?しょうがないねー、あたしにも手伝わせて! Still got holy tasks you need to do, huh? C'est la vie. Let me help you out!
Mission Complete 哎呀~任务这下就顺利完成了。呼呼呼,指挥官果然需要我的帮助呢~ ふっふー♪これにて任務しゅーりょー!ふふん、やっぱりあたしの助けが必要でしょ? Heheh! Mission complete! See? I knew you needed my help!
Mail 有你的邮件哦——嗯?感觉有诈……?在你眼里我到底是什么形象啊! 指揮官宛のお手紙が――はい?仕掛けがあるかもって…?フルーレを何だと思ってるのさー! Commander, there's a letter for– What? You're worried it's boobytrapped? Come on, who do you take me for?!
Return to Port 欢~迎~回~来~我学着其他同伴的做法为指挥官泡了茶哦?绝对没加奇怪的东西,所以请放心大胆地喝吧~ お・か・え・りぃー!ほかの子を真似てお茶を淹れといたわよ?変なものは少しもこれぼっちも混ぜてないから、安心して思いっきりぐびぐびいっちゃって♪ Welcome back! I took a leaf out of someone else's book and made you tea. Don't worry, I didn't add anything to it – enjoy your perfectly normal tea!
Commission Complete 委托完成了哦?快点去迎接她们吧! 委託が終わったよ?みんなを早く出迎えに行って! A commission's been completed. Head out and talk to the girls!
Enhancement 这下就能玩个痛快啦~ これで思いっきり遊べるね! This'll let me pull great tricks!
Flagship 嘻嘻,必须给那些杂鱼一些颜色看看呢! ふふ、雑兵には痛い目を見せてあげないとね♪ Heheh, you small fries are in for a bad time!
Victory 轻轻松松~还不如练习感应魔术难呢~ 楽勝楽勝~テレパシーの手品を練習するよりもカンタンだもん♪ Nice and simple! This is easier than practicing my telepathy trick!
Defeat 唔……看来是我还不够快呢…… むぅ……速さが足りなかったみたいね…… Hrmh... Clearly, I wasn't fast enough.
Skill 真碍事! 邪魔よ! You're annoying!
Low HP 唔……真的有点痛啊…… うぅ……本当に痛いってば… Oww... That really hurts!
Affinity (Upset) 唔唔~现在的指挥官未免也太逊了吧~?虽然这样的指挥官我也喜欢就是咯,嘻嘻~ むむ、今の指揮官ってダメダメじゃない。まあダメダメ指揮官でも好きだけどね~えへへ Hrmh. You're hopeless the way you are now. Then again, hopeless people still have their charm. Heehee.
Affinity (Stranger) 杂鱼~杂鱼~杂鱼指挥官——这样说完就可以了吧?唔……指挥官的要求有时候真让人费解…… ざぁこ、ざぁこ、雑魚指揮官――これでいい?ふぅ……時々本当に変なリクエストしてくるね…… Loooser, loooser! You're a loser! ...There, happy now? You really make weird requests sometimes.
Affinity (Friendly) “意外地是个好孩子?”……这是什么说法啦!我本来就是认真可靠的那一类哦?骑士的本职工作可是一直完成得很出色呢! 「意外といい子」って?……どういう意味よ!あたしそもそもどっちかというと真面目な方だし!護教騎士の仕事はちゃんとこなしてるもん! I'm "surprisingly well-behaved"? What's that supposed to mean?! I've always been more principled than mischievous! I take my job as a Templar Knight seriously!
Affinity (Like) 除了一般的纸牌魔术以外,我还能做到的就是——给!是玫瑰哦~?嘻嘻,这朵玫瑰所代表的含义,指挥官肯定是知道的吧~? カードの「秘蹟」以外にできるのは~はい!バラをあげる♪ふふん、この一輪に含まれる意味を指揮官ならきっと分かってくれるよね~? I can do more than just write cards. Tadah! Have a rose! Heheh, surely you of all people know the meaning a single flower can hold.
Affinity (Love) 相处了这么长时间之后,是不是越来越离不开我了呀?是不是想一直和我在一起呀~?如果指挥官再不主动的话,我可不保证接下来会对你做什么哦♡~ ここまで来るとますますあたしから離れられないでしょ?ずっとあたしと一緒にいたいでしょ?これ以上指揮官が手を出さないならどうなっても知らないよ~♡ You've gotten to the point where you can't imagine life without me, haven't you? You've got to make a move on me already, or there will be consequences!
Pledge 啊,啊哈哈……没想到指挥官竟然真的主动出手了……呜,现在这么严肃认真地看着我、期待着我的誓言回应……这也太狡猾了……总、总之我愿意哦! あ、あははは……ほ、本当に手を出すなんて……うぅ、そんなに真面目に見つめてきてあたしの答えを待機されたら……もうずるいよ!と、とにかく喜んで! Ahahaha... I-I didn't think you'd actually do it. Come on, don't stare daggers through me as a way to get an answer... That's playing dirty! L-look, my answer is: yes, happily!
In battle with Épée 多少打起精神来啦~! 少しぐらいしっかりしてよ! Keep it together for at least a minute!
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Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欢迎光临~指挥官,我是这场游戏的主持人——花剑,准备好和我一起踏入这场博弈中了吗?嘻嘻~ いらっしゃーい!指揮官、ゲームマスターのフルーレよ~。一緒に駆け引きをする準備はできてる?ふふ♪ Welcome, welcome! I'm Fleuret, your game master. Are you ready to make a wager? Heehee!
Acquisition 欢迎光临~指挥官,我是这场游戏的主持人——花剑,准备好和我一起踏入这场博弈中了吗?嘻嘻~ いらっしゃーい!指揮官、ゲームマスターのフルーレよ~。一緒に駆け引きをする準備はできてる?ふふ♪ Welcome, welcome! I'm Fleuret, your game master. Are you ready to make a wager? Heehee!
Login 指挥官~我刚洗好牌等着你呢,你说这套牌看起来很怪?花剑完全不懂你在说什么哦~ 指揮官、もうシャッフルを終わらせて待ってたよ?むっ、カードが怪しいって?どういう意味かぜんぜんわからないけどぉ? You took an awfully long time shuffling the deck, Commander. Huh? You suspect my cards are marked? Why, I'd never do anything like that!
Details 指挥官~我现在可是在讲解游戏规则呢,为什么你看上去心不在焉呢~?难道是被花剑的打扮迷住,无法自拔了?嘻嘻~我的开玩笑啦,指挥官真是可爱~ もう指揮官ったら、せっかくゲームのルールを説明してたのになんで上の空なの?もしかしてあたしの格好に見入っちゃってた?ふふ、なんてね♪指揮官は本当に可愛いね~ Really, Commander? I explained all the rules of the game and you're still spacing out. Is it my outfit? Is it distracting you? Heh, just kidding. You're a sweet little bean, Commander.
Main 指挥官~要盯着看这么久吗?再怎么盯着看牌也不会改变的哦~?嗯,应该不会吧~谁知道呢? 指揮官~まだかかるの?いくら見つめてもカードは変わらないよ?んー多分変わらないかな?さあ♪ Commandeeer, you ready yet? Staring at the cards won't transform them into new ones. Well, probably not. Maybe they will!
Main 2 呼呼呼~指挥官的眼神在飘来飘去,也没办法呢,谁让指挥官的筹码都要被花剑夺走了~这下指挥官要怎么办呢~ ふふ、目がキョロキョロしてる~。まあしょうがないか、指揮官のチップは全部あたしのものになっちゃったし?これからどうするの? Look at you, eyes darting around! I don't blame you, though. You did lose your every last chip to me. How will you pull yourself outta this one?
Main 3 玩累了的话,要不要也来这里躺躺?当然,抱枕是不可能给你的哦,但你可以枕在花剑腿上—— 疲れたらここに来て横になってみる?クッションはあげないけど、代わりにあたしのふとももに頭を置いてもいいよ? If you're feeling tired, come here and lie down. You won't get my cushions, but you're free to rest your head on my thighs.
Touch 指挥官~您只能碰我手里的牌哦~ 指揮官、触れるのはあたしが持ってるカードだけだよ? Commander, you're only meant to touch the cards in my hand.
Touch (Special) 呀~这里有摄像头哦——嘻嘻嘻,骗你的啦~ きゃああ!この部屋にはカメラがあるのにー!なんて、嘘だよ~♪ Eeek! I'll have you know there are hidden cameras in here! Not really, but I bet you bought it!
Touch (Headpat) 嘻嘻~这是在讨好我,想要我降低一下难度吗~? ふふん、さては媚を売って難易度を下げさせるつもり? Heheh, you trying to butter me up to make this easier for you?
Mail 有信息来了吗?可以允许指挥官偷偷看手机,我不算你作弊哦~ メッセージ?スマホを見てもいいよ。普段はイカサマ扱いだけど、特別に見逃してあげる You got a message? Fine, you can check your phone. Normally, that would be cheating, but I'll tolerate it in this case.
Return to Port 欢迎回来,指挥官~准备好了的话,就从我手里抽走一张牌吧?别紧张,这次是魔术而不是游戏哦~ おかえり指揮官!準備ができたら一枚引いてね!大丈夫、今回はゲームじゃなく「秘蹟」だからね! Welcome back, Commander! Once you're ready, take a card! Relax, we're not playing a game – this is magic!
Commission Complete 哎呀,委托组好像回来了。虽然游戏没有中途离场的规矩,但我破例允许你去哦~ わわ、委託組が戻ってきたみたい。途中退出していいってルールはないけど、特別に許してあげる! Whoa, the commission team is back. There's no rule saying you can leave in the middle of our game, but I'll allow it this time!
Affinity (Love) 和指挥官进行的这场游戏很有趣哦~原本我还想利用纸牌魔术作弊,没想到根本不用作弊就可以赢指挥官呢~嘻嘻嘻,之后该让指挥官答应我这个赢家什么请求才好呢? あはは、本当に楽しいね~。カードの「秘蹟」を使おうって思ったけど、別に使わなくても指揮官に勝てちゃうし~。えへへ、指揮官にどんな願いを叶えてもらおうかなー♪ Ahaha! This is great! I thought about using card magic, but I didn't need even it to easily beat you! Heehee, now, as the winner, what should I ask from you?
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Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官~我今天特别想你哦~?嘻嘻嘻,看你的表情……好像很喜欢听我说这种话呢?真是好哄~ 指揮官~今日はとっても恋い焦がれちゃってた気がするんだ♪えへへ……こう言われるとドキッとくるの?わかりやすいんだから~ Commander! I'm feeling reeeally needy today. Heehee... Does hearing that excite you? You really are a simple person.
Main 什么时候会学新的魔术?就是最近哦~我这段时间在研究一种可以让指挥官身体的一部分“消失”进入其它空间的魔术呢,尽请期待吧~ いつ新しい「秘蹟」が見れるって?そんなに待たせるつもりはないよ~。最近は指揮官の体の一部を違う空間に「消す」やつを研究してるから、楽しみにしといて~ When you'll get to see a new trick? Soon, I can tell you that much! I've been researching ways to make a part of your body "disappear" into something else. Look forward to it!
Main 2 指挥官~我听说把头埋在喜欢的人怀里就可以让人感到放松,所以快让我埋一埋~或者反过来也行~? 指揮官、好きな人の胸に頭を埋めるとリラックスできるって聞いたんだ!だからあたしにもやらせて~あ、逆でもいいよ? I've heard that resting your head on your partner's chest helps you relax! I wanna see if it's true or not! Oh, you could do it to me, too, if you want.
Touch 嗯~?是想和我聊聊天吗~? ん?今度はあたしとおしゃべりしたいわけ? Hm? You saying you wanna chat with me?
Touch (Special) 指挥官的手法真是~越来越熟练了呢~ 指揮官の手付きってさあ~。だんだんこなれてきた感じがするんだよね~ You've really figured out how to use those hands!
Return to Port 欢迎回来~我为你泡了茶哦~嗯?居然一口气全喝光了……嘻嘻嘻,你就不怕我这次加了什么东西进去吗~? おかえりー。お茶を淹れといたよ~。わ!一気にぐびっと……えへへ、何かを入れられてるって怖かったりしないの? Welcome back. I made you tea! Whoa! You drank it all in one go. Heehee, not very scared that I spiked it with something, are you?
Affinity (Love) 比以前变得爱捉弄人了?嘻嘻嘻,指挥官难道是生气了吗~?你可是我的誓约对象哦,在你面前暴露更多的缺点不是理所应当的事嘛——好吧,其实是我的问题,我跟你道歉啦……! もっといたずらっ子っぽくなった?ふふん、もしかして困ってる?だって指揮官はあたしに誓いを立てた相手だから、迷惑はもっとかけるべきってものじゃないの?…なんて。はい、あたしが悪かったって!謝るから! You think I've gotten more mischievous? Heheh, is that a problem? You know, we swore an oath together, which means I should be annoying you more, if anything... Yeah, right. Fine, I'm sorry! I apologize!