Jintsuu (JP 🇯🇵: 神通, CN 🇹🇼: 神通)
Ship ID No. 309 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage10-4
Enhance Income
Firepower 12
Torpedo 22
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Hisako Kanemoto
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1584611
Weibo https://weibo.com/u/1847715713
Name 卑しい人间
Jintsuu Description
Sendai-class No. 2 light cruiser, Jintsuu.
The Tactician’s Vacation Description
Hmm? Is it unusual? Hah. Even I require a change of pace to clear my mind every so often. Commander, why don’t you come out and get some fresh air as well?
Jintsuu (Retrofit) Description
Since I've gotten used to living with you, Commander, I've decided to be more laid-back after receiving my remodel. My dance? Hehe... I can't show that to just anyone so easily.
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 2310 Reload 167
Firepower 135 Torpedo 308
Evasion 75 Anti-air 249
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 87 Luck 38
Hit 135 Speed 35.3
Armor Light
HP 2615 Reload 192
Firepower 156 Torpedo 337
Evasion 108 Anti-air 285
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 99 Luck 38
Hit 151 Speed 35.3
Armor Light
HP 447 Reload 70
Firepower 29 Torpedo 65
Evasion 29 Anti-air 53
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 24 Luck 38
Hit 52 Speed 35.3
Armor Light
HP 2550 Reload 172
Firepower 155 Torpedo 373
Evasion 75 Anti-air 264
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 87 Luck 38
Hit 135 Speed 35.3
Armor Light
HP 2855 Reload 197
Firepower 176 Torpedo 402
Evasion 108 Anti-air 300
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 99 Luck 38
Hit 151 Speed 35.3
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 115%/120%/120%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/140%/150%/165% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 115%/115%/115%/115% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 140mm Main Gun
2 Twin 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Light Cruiser: Sendai-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 7 +1
Max LimitBreak 14
Lv.120 10 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
2nd Torpedo Squadron While this ship is afloat: increases the TRP and RLD of all CLs and DDs in your fleet by 5.0% (20.0%).
The Unyielding Jintsuu Decreases the DMG this ship takes by 20.0%. While this ship is afloat: increases all your DDs' and CLs' Torpedo Crit Rate by 4.0% (10.0%. ) (Also increases their Torpedo Crit DMG by 30.0%.)
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Sendai Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 川内级轻巡洋舰二番舰——神通 川内型軽巡洋艦二番艦・神通 Sendai-class No. 2 light cruiser, Jintsuu.
Biography 川内型二号舰,二水战旗舰,神通正是小女子。以前常被批评软弱,不过我想我已经在科隆班加拉证明了自己。二水战的辉煌,就让我在这里延续吧 川内型二番艦、二水戦旗艦・神通と申します。かつては軟弱と評されましたが、コロンバンガラ島沖海戦で自らを証明してみせました。二水戦の輝き、ここでもう一度お見せしましょう。 I'm Sendaii-class ship No. 2, Flagship of the Second Torpedo Squadron, Jintsuu. People have criticized me for being a coward, but I proved myself in the Battle of Kolombangara. Let me show you the glory of the Second Torpedo Squadron once more.
Acquisition 战场瞬息万变,唯有保持冷静,谨慎应对才能立于不败之地,指挥官做到了吗?二水战旗舰神通,向您问好 戦場は一瞬にして変わります。冷静に考え、慎重に動くことこそ負けない戦ができます。指揮官はいかがかしら?二水戦神通、ご挨拶申し上げます The battlefield can change at any second. Think rationally and act cautiously so that you may never be defeated in battle. Commander, have you been able to achieve this? Flagship of the Second Torpedo Squadron, Jintsuu, reporting for duty.
Login 指挥官,不管您在外面做些什么,踏入办公室就请好好工作了 指揮官、外で油を売るのは良いですが、執務室では執務に集中するようお願いします Commander, how you spend your time off-duty is no business of mine. Once you arrive, however, please do your work properly.
Details 接下来的作战,资源分配,还有……嗯?这不是指挥官吗,请随意 次の作戦と資源配分……あら、指揮官ではありませんか。どうぞお好きに For the next operation, we need to allocate resources, and... Yes? Ah, help yourself, Commander.
Main 如果谨慎被称作软弱,那么勇猛是不是该叫做无谋呢? 慎重は軟弱というのなら、勇猛さは無謀だというべきかしら? If being cautious is considered cowardice, then shouldn't being brave also be considered recklessness?
Main 2 世上没有绝对的真理,比较、实践乃至失败之后才能在不同的时候做出正确的应对 真理などありません。比較し、実践し、失敗してこそ正しい選択ができるのです There is no single solution for everything. Only through comparison, practice, and even failure, can one find their own correct answer.
Main 3 即使不被他人理解,我也只会做我认为对的事,哪怕那其中有指挥官……也一样 他人に理解されなくても、正しいことをするつもりです。ええ、たとえ指揮官に理解されなくても… Even if others don't understand my actions, I'll always do what I think is right... Even if you don't understand, Commander.
Touch 嗯,怎么了?我在考虑舰队的事情 うん?ご用かしら?今、艦隊運営のことについて考えているところです What's the matter? I'm just thinking about how to manage the fleet.
Touch (Special) 指挥官比我想的要大胆些嘛,相对的心理准备也做好了吧,嗯? 指揮官は思っていたより大胆なようで…心の準備もできているということかしら?ねぇ? You've got more guts than I expected, Commander. Do you have the heart to face the consequences, though?
Mission 新的任务已经整理好了,请过目 新しい任務の要綱を取りまとめました。ご確認を Your new missions have been sorted. Please take a look.
Mission Complete 任务奖励下达了……嗯?没什么,我只是在想怎么最有效地利用起来 任務報酬が届きました。……うん?いいえ、どうやって最大限に利用できるか考えているだけです Rewards are here... Hmm? Don't worry. I'm just thinking about how to make our fleet more efficient.
Mail 指挥官,及时处理信息可是很重要的 指揮官、情報の即時対応は大切です Commander! It's important to respond to messages promptly!
Return to Port 书上不会记载一切,有些东西唯有实践才能获得,您有学到什么吗? 本に全てが載っているわけではありません。実戦でのみ得られるものもあります。指揮官はどうかしら? Books cannot teach you everything. Some things can only be picked up through live combat. What do you think, Commander?
Commission Complete 发什么呆呢,委托完成了 何ぼーっとしているんですか?委託、完了しましたよ Stop daydreaming! Commissions have returned!
Enhancement 可以稍微考虑一下前往更深的海域了吗…… もっと深い海域への進軍も検討可能かしら? Should we consider advancing deeper into enemy territory?
Flagship 全军突击! 全艦、突撃せよ! All ships, charge forward!
Victory 不过如此吗 そんなものかしら Is that it?
Defeat 全军撤退,不要产生无谓的牺牲 全艦転進。無駄な犠牲は出しません All ships, retreat! Do not make meaningless sacrifices.
Skill 我等的正是现在—— この時を待っていました…! I've been waiting for this moment!
Affinity (Upset) 舰队的事务就请交给我吧 艦隊のことはもう私におまかせください You might as well just leave the fleet management to me.
Affinity (Stranger) 虽说曾经担当过旗舰,不过现在也不过是战士的身份,指挥官像对待其他孩子一样对待我就好 旗艦を務めたことがあっても、今はただの兵士です。ほかの子と同じ扱いにしていただいて結構です I was a flagship before, but now I'm just a common warrior. Please treat me the same as you would the others.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,虽然尊重我的意见是好事,不过您只要贯彻自己的想法就好,而且如果我不赞同您的话,是不会站在您身边的,呵呵 指揮官、私の意見を尊重するのは良いのですが、くれぐれも自分の考えをしっかりお持ちください。そもそも、指揮官に賛同しなければ、こうもお側に立っていられませんもの、うふふ Commander, it's okay to respect my opinions, but please have confidence in your own judgment. I wouldn't be standing by your side if I didn't believe in you.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官觉得历史上那些名将军师为什么甘愿居于人下呢?是认清了自己的局限,还是为主君所折服?我觉得的话,都有呢 かの有能な将軍たちはなぜ臣下の位に甘んじているか、ご存知ですか?自分の限界?それとも主君への傾倒?私は…どちらもある、と思いますよ Commander, why do you think those famous generals of the past were willing to bow to their superiors? Was it the limit of their abilities, or was it devotion to their leaders? In my case, perhaps a bit of both.
Affinity (Love) 不管其他人如何评价,贯彻自己的道路才是一个领袖应该有的心气,而道路是否正确,看部下是不是心甘情愿就知道了,比如说,您可以看看我…… 人の評価に左右されることなく、自分を貫くのはリーダーたる者が持つべき気質です。征く道は正しいかどうか…付いてくれる人たちを見ればわかります。たとえば、私…… Real leaders will always stick to their guns, no matter who opposes them. You can tell if their methods are correct by seeing who is willing to follow them. For example... me...
Pledge 谨慎就是谋而后动,在最好的时机做出最好的选择,这是我的信条,而现在,我终于可以自信地说出口了,我选择了最好的指挥官呢 計略定まって兵動く、最善の時に最高の選択をするのが私の信条です。はい、今は自信を持って話せます。最高の指揮官を、私が選びました Deciding on the best course of action before acting cautiously has always been my creed. I can now say with confidence that choosing you, Commander, was the correct decision.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description …嗯?意外吗?呵呵,偶尔放松一下大脑对我来说也是很有必要的呢,指挥官,你也出来透透气如何? …あら、意外って仰るのですね。うふふ、いくら私でも頭脳の休息は必要ありましょう。指揮官も気分転換にお出かけになってはいかがかしら? Hmm? Is it unusual? Hah. Even I require a change of pace to clear my mind every so often. Commander, why don't you come out and get some fresh air as well?
Acquisition …嗯?意外吗?呵呵,偶尔放松一下大脑对我来说也是很有必要的呢,指挥官,你也出来透透气如何? …あら、意外って仰るのですね。うふふ、いくら私でも頭脳の休息は必要ありましょう。指揮官も気分転換にお出かけになってはいかがかしら? Hmm? Is it unusual? Hah. Even I require a change of pace to clear my mind every so often. Commander, why don't you come out and get some fresh air as well?
Login 今天的工作完成后去沙滩放松一下吗? 今日の執務が終わりましたら、砂浜で気分転換でもなさってはいかがかしら? After we finish work today, how about taking a break on the beach?
Details 说是放松,其实在海边也都在想舰队的事务就是了……我也真是劳碌命呢 リラックスと言っても、こうして砂浜で艦隊のことを思案しているわけです。……少し働きすぎなのかしら I said I was taking a vacation, but even out here on the beach, I'm still thinking about the affairs of the fleet... I really am a workaholic, aren't I?
Main 太放松固然会懈怠,一直绷紧神经也只会让自己喘不过气来哦 気を抜きすぎては怠けますが、気を張りすぎても息が詰まってしまうのでしょう If you relax too much, you'll become undisciplined. If you're too uptight, you'll only find yourself out of breath.
Main 2 每年到穿泳装就会很羡慕川内…指挥官,我看起来没有太缺乏运动…吧? 水着の季節が来るたびに川内のことが羨ましすぎて仕方ありません。…指揮官、私運動不足に見えるかしら…ね? Every year when it is swimsuit season, I can't help but to be envious of Sendai... Commander, I'm not being negligent in my exercise, am I?
Main 3 指挥官,心思飘到沙滩去了吧,都写在脸上了哦? 指揮官――うふふ♪砂浜に想いを馳せ、心ここにあらず………ええ、まあ、顔に出ていますよ Commander, your mind has wandered off onto the beach, hasn't it? It’s written all over your face.
Touch 指挥官果然也很在意吧?换上泳装后,尾巴就变得特别显眼呢… 指揮官もやはり気になるのですね。水着に着替えると尻尾が目立つことが…… Commander, you're concerned about it too, right? My tail is so conspicuous in this swimsuit...
Touch (Special) 泳装让您无法静下心工作了吗?呵呵,请把这当做某种考验吧 水着姿が執務に障るのですか?そうね……これは指揮官への試練と受け取っていただいてもよろしいかしら。うふふ You can't concentrate on your work when I'm wearing a swimsuit, right? Hehe, just consider this a test of will then.
Return to Port 冰镇椰子汁,请用 冷やしたココナッツミルクです。どうぞ Here, iced coconut water. Please have some.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “大早上的要去哪里呀,小红帽”……哎呀,这不是指挥官么。虽然是我的任性,不过关于这个角色我有不少想法…方便的话能帮我看下演技吗? 「朝早くにどこへ行くんだい、赤ずきんちゃん」…あら、指揮官ではありませんか。私のワガママではありますが、どうもこのキャラについて思うところが多くて…よかったら一度演技の方をご覧いただけないかしら? "Where do you think you're going so early in the morning, Little Red Riding Hood?" ...Oh, if it isn't the Commander. This might be my own little whim, but I often find myself thinking the same way as this character... If you don't mind, I'd like to hear your feedback about my acting.
Acquisition “大早上的要去哪里呀,小红帽”……哎呀,这不是指挥官么。虽然是我的任性,不过关于这个角色我有不少想法…方便的话能帮我看下演技吗? 「朝早くにどこへ行くんだい、赤ずきんちゃん」…あら、指揮官ではありませんか。私のワガママではありますが、どうもこのキャラについて思うところが多くて…よかったら一度演技の方をご覧いただけないかしら? "Where do you think you're going so early in the morning, Little Red Riding Hood?" ...Oh, if it isn't the Commander. This might be my own little whim, but I often find myself thinking the same way as this character... If you don't mind, I'd like to hear your feedback about my acting.
Login 尔虞我诈,童话风格的故事里也藏着计谋的暗示。换句话说就是,平时也要注意留心哦,指挥官?呵呵呵♪ 騙し騙され、メルヘンチックの物語にも策謀のヒントは潜んでいます。つまり指揮官、普段から用心をどうかお忘れなく…ふふふ♪ Even in fairytale-esque stories, there are hints of deception and trickery hidden throughout. Basically, make sure to stay on guard as you usually do...Hehehe♪
Details 说起大灰狼的作战…感觉总是在关键时刻掉以轻心呢。比如,如果不吃掉外婆,就能把留下的外婆直接当作诱饵利用了吧……呵呵,只是玩笑而已。 オオカミの作戦ですが、いろいろと詰めが甘いですね。例えば、おばあちゃんを食べずに残しておけば、囮に使えたものを…うふふ、ただの冗談ですよ If you think about it, the Big Bad Wolf's plan has so many holes in it. For example, he could have left the grandmother alive and used her as bait... Ehehe, I'm just playing around.
Main 猎物即将得手的时候更不能大意。因为谁都不知道窥视着机会的“猎人”会在什么时候出现。 獲物を仕留めようとするときこそ油断は禁物です。隙を狙っている「猟師」がいつ現れるか誰にも分かりませんからね The moment you plan on striking down your prey is the moment you should be most alert. One can never know when a hunter might try to use the opportunity for their own benefit.
Main 2 说到猎人这个角色,没有比川内更适合的了吧,就算只是演戏也不想当她的敌人呢。 猟師と言えば、川内より適任な人はいないでしょう。本当、芝居でも敵に回したくありませんね Speaking of hunters, none are better suited for the role than Sendai. I really wouldn't want to make an enemy out of her, even if it's just an act.
Main 3 唉…就算有许多理论知识,实际演起来还是不容易呢。指挥官有什么好建议吗? はぁ…頭では分かっていても、いざ演じてみると難しいものです。指揮官は何かいいアドバイスはないかしら? Hmm... I know I have it down in my head, but when I start to act it out, I keep running into trouble. Do you have any advice for me, Commander?
Touch 你说这身装扮……啊,是假扮外婆之前的打扮。 この格好…ああ、おばあちゃんに化ける前の姿ですよ This outfit? ...Oh, it's what I have on before I turn into the grandmother.
Touch (Special) 棋差一着呢。呵呵呵~ 詰めが甘いですね。ふふふ And, checkmate. Hehehe~
Return to Port 辛苦了。那么,作为评价演技的谢礼,就由我来评估下你刚才的作战吧。 お疲れ様です。さて、演技を評価してくださったお礼として先ほどの作戦の評価をさせていただきますね Well done. I'll evaluate your battle plans for you, just like you evaluated my acting skills for me.
Victory 要不就一口吃掉好了。 がぶっと食べつくしちゃおうかしら Maybe I should gobble you right up.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 逐渐习惯和指挥官相处了,趁着改造的机会就稍微放松了一些……舞蹈?呵呵,不是那么简单就给人看的东西哦 指揮官とはかれこれ付き合いが長いですし、改造で少しおめかししました。……舞?うふふ、そう簡単に見せられるものじゃありませんよ? Since I've gotten used to living with you, Commander, I've decided to be more laid-back after receiving my remodel. My dance? Hehe... I can't show that to just anyone so easily.
Acquisition 逐渐习惯和指挥官相处了,趁着改造的机会就稍微放松了一些……舞蹈?呵呵,不是那么简单就给人看的东西哦 指揮官とはかれこれ付き合いが長いですし、改造で少しおめかししました。……舞?うふふ、そう簡単に見せられるものじゃありませんよ? Since I've gotten used to living with you, Commander, I've decided to be more laid-back after receiving my remodel. My dance? Hehe... I can't show that to just anyone so easily.
Login 指挥官,休息的如何,需要我代为处理公务吗? 指揮官、休めました?公務のほうは少し私が代わってもいかがかしら? Did you sleep well, Commander? Do you need any help with fleet administration?
Details 指挥官,有什么战术要和我讨论的吗?或者坐下来聊天也可以 指揮官?何か議論したいことがあるのではなくて?あ、雑談でもいいですよ? Commander, do you have any tactics you'd like to discuss with me? If you'd like... we can also just sit down and have a chat.
Main 相信自己是正确的并证明它是很难的,指挥官,让我们一起加油吧 自らのやり方を信じて、正しいと証明してみせるのは難しいですよ。指揮官、一緒に頑張りましょう Sometimes it's hard to prove to others that what you believe is right. Commander, let's do our best together!
Main 2 思虑过多也不全是好事,有时候我也挺羡慕川内那样直来直去的…… 思慮に思慮を重ねるのはよろしくない場合があります。私だって、時には川内の愚直さが羨ましくて…… Every now and then, I get a bit jealous of Sendai and how straightforward she is...
Main 3 就算谨慎会被称作软弱,只要舰队的大家能理解对现在的我来说就足够了 軟弱と言われても、今の艦隊の皆に理解されれば満足です Even though some people may think that cautiousness is a sign of weakness, I'll be happy as long as our fleet truly understands me...
Touch 这么想看我跳舞的话倒也不是不行呢,不过在那之前请好好工作~ 私の舞を見たければ、お見せしてもいいですよ。ただーーその前にちゃんとお仕事、してくださいね There's nothing wrong with wanting to see me dance... I'll show you, but only if you work seriously first!
Touch (Special) 指挥官,要是以为谨慎等于包容那就大错特错了哦? 指揮官、慎重さを寛容さと履き違えたら大間違いですよ? Commander, please do not mistake my cautiousness for tolerance.
Mission Complete 奖励下达了,要看点开心的东西放松一下吗? 指揮官、報酬が届きました。嬉しいニュースでも聞いてゆっくりしてみてはいかがかしら? Rewards have been issued! Want to see something interesting now that we can take it easy?
Enhancement 为了大家,我也再努努力吧 皆のためにも、もっと頑張らないといけませんね I can always work harder for the fleet!
Flagship 大家做好准备……突击! 用意はいい?突撃せよ! Everyone, get ready! ... Press forward!
Victory 我只是下了突击的命令而已,都是大家的功劳 私は何もしなかったのです。ただ突撃せよと命令しただけ I only gave the orders, the real credit goes to the fleet!