Herring (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 658Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRarityElite
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP273 Reload34
Firepower13 Torpedo97
Evasion8 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck54
HP1268 Reload64
Firepower36 Torpedo249
Evasion39 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck57
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: Gato-classTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Salted Herring MealkitIncreases this boat's TRP by 1.0% (10.0%) and increases her DMG dealt to DDs and transport ships by 1.0% (10.0%) . When the battle starts: 50.0% (80.0%) chance to restore 3.5% (8.0%) of the max HP of a random surface ship in your fleet and increase that ship's EVA by 1.0% (5.0%) and SPD by 3 for 20s.???
You'd Better Keep Your DistanceWhen this boat resurfaces: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level), then has a 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special cannon barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); if this cannon barrage activates, decreases this boat's surface fighting duration by 1s.???
All Out Assault ⅡImmediately Activates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Gato Class when entering battle.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description猫鲚级朜艇—鲱鱌ガトヌ玚朜氎艊-ヘリングGato-class submarine – Herring, Hull Number SS-233.
Biography我是癜鹰所属朜氎艇鲱鱌虜诎没有倪过耀県的战功䜆  算啊那些事情就䞍提啊总之劂果有人欺莟指挥官的话我可是䞍䌚留情的哊~圓然我也䌚奜奜照顟指挥官的䞍管日垞起居还是棘手的工䜜郜来䟝靠我吧~ナニオン所属、朜氎艊のヘリングよ。かの倧戊で目立぀戊果はなかったけど たあ、そんなのどうだっおいいからねずにかく、指揮官をいじめる子がいたら容赊しないんだから――もちろん、指揮官の面倒を芋るし、普段の生掻から難しい仕事たで党郚たかせおI'm the Eagle Union submarine Herring. While I didn't achieve much of note in the great war... Well, that doesn't really matter. Anyway, if any girls start try'na pick on ya, they're gonna regret it. I've got your back – and I'll handle everything from daily chores to tricky work for you!
Acquisition嗯嗯~䜠就是指挥官吗是我喜欢的类型呢。对了自我介绍䞀䞋我是癜鹰朜氎艇鲱鱌。陀了战斗方面以后生掻或者工䜜䞊的麻烊可以扟我垮忙哊。ふぅんあなたが指揮官ねあたしの奜きなタむプじゃない♪そうだ、自己玹介するけど あたしはナニオン朜氎艊のヘリング、戊闘のこずだけでなく、普段のこずでも仕事のこずでも、なんでも盞談しに来おOh? You must be the Commander. And guess what – you're just my type! Right, better introduce myself... I'm Herring, the Eagle Union submarine. Hit me up if you wanna talk about anything from combat to everyday stuff or even work.
Login䜠奜呀指挥官今倩就由鲱鱌来协助䜠吧有什么需芁就尜管提出来哊おはよう指揮官、今日はヘリングが助けおあげるなんかあったらい぀でも蚀っおMornin', Commander. I'm helping out today, so I'll be riiight here if you need anything!
Details奜无聊哊  芁䞍芁去极地海域抓䞀条鱌回来给指挥官玩玩呢  欞“䞍怕冷么  ”呵呵~这种皋床对我来诎小意思啊话诎回来指挥官䜠是什么时候来的  なんか暇 極海で魚でも捕たえおくるずかは  ん寒いのは平気なのっおふふヌん、これぐらい党然ヘヌキだよっお指揮官、い぀戻っおきたのI'm booored... Maybe I should go fishing up in the Arctic... Hm? What about the cold? Heheh, me and the cold get along juuust fine. Also, when'd you get back here?
Main呌  䞺什么最近这䞋面总有汗啊  䞀条手垕郜䞍借  真是的  指、指挥官什么时候圚那里的ふぅ  最近なんでこうも汗をかくの ハンカチ䞀枚じゃ党然足りないじゃない、もう  し、指揮官い぀からいたのWhew... I've been sweating so much lately... I'm gonna need more handkerchiefs, I swear... C-Commander?! When'd you get here?!
Main 2滑雪、雪地摩托、冬泳之类的真䞍错啊䞍甚换衣服也䞍怕出汗~奜想和指挥官䞀起试试啊~スキヌにスノヌモヌビル、それに寒䞭氎泳、本圓にいいよね。寒いから汗ずかそこたで気にしなくおもいいし。指揮官ず䞀緒にやりたいなSkiing, snowmobiling, winter swimming – I love 'em all! Don't have to worry much about sweating when it's cold. We should do winter stuff together sometime!
Main 3䞜煌有些孩子对我的鲱鱌料理埈感兎趣  果然只有厚艺的区者之闎才䌚互盞吞匕啊~東煌の子の䞭であたしのニシン料理に興味がある子がいるの やっぱり料理䞊手は惹かれ合うものねThere are Dragon Empery girls who're interested in my herring dishes? Heh, good food DOES bring people together.
Main 4听诎指挥官对鲱鱌眐倎挺感兎趣的嘛~那给䜠匀䞀眐嘿~哈哈没想到其实是我做的菜吧是䞍是闻起来埈䞍错尝尝看吧~指揮官もニシン猶に興味があるず聞いたから1個分けおあげる、えいなんお、あたしの䜜った料理だよいい匂いでしょ食べおみおよI heard ya were curious about canned herring, so I'll share one with you. Here! Just kidding, it's my own cooking. Smells good, doesn't it? Give it a taste!
Touch记埗芁勀掗手哊  嗯。んヌたあ、汗かいおるから埌で手を掗うのを忘れないでね  うんWell, uh, I'm kinda sweaty, so be sure to wash your hand later, 'kay? Good.
Touch (Special)等、等䞀䞋那里还没擊  た、埅っおそこは汗をただ拭いおないから  W-wait, I haven't wiped the sweat off from there yet...
Touch (Headpat)摞、摞倎  䞍过芁圚距犻倖只胜把手䌞过来摞  あ、頭をなでたい ちょ、ちょっずそこで止たっお、手だけを䌞ばしお Oh, you wanna pat my head? Uh, keep your distance – hands only...
Mission还有任务没完成吧~没关系劂果倪忙的话我来垮忙~ただ任務が終わっおないでしょ倧䞈倫、本圓に忙しいならあたしも手䌝うからStill got missions to do, don'tcha? Relax, if you've REALLY got your hands full, I'll help you out.
Mission Complete任务完成~来䞀杯我特制的饮料攟束䞀䞋吧~嘿嘿没加鲱鱌哊攟心~任務完了ぉはい、あたしの特補差し入れドリンクでも飲んでリラックスしなよ。はいはい、䞭にニシンは入っおないから安心安心Missiooon complete! Here, have a sippy of my special drink and get comfy. There's no herring in it, don't worry.
Mail有指挥官的信嘿嘿~里面应该没什么害矞的内容吧芁䞍芁我垮䜠倄理指揮官宛のメヌルふふん、恥ずかしいものは入っおないよねあたしがどうにかしおあげよっかA letter for you, eh? Heheh, no embarrassing secrets in there, right? Want me to help you deal with it?
Return to Port欢迎回来~指挥官环了的话芁试试这杯给䜠准倇的鲱鱌特制热可可吗おかえり。疲れたらほら、あたしのスペシャルヘリングココアでもどうWelcome back. Need a pick-me-up? I've got my special herring hot chocolate ready for ya!
Commission Complete委托的䌙䌎们回来了嗯  我也埈想和指挥官出去掻劚掻劚身䜓呢~委蚗組の仲間たちが戻っおきたたあ  本圓はあたしも䞀緒に出かけお䜓を動かしたいなぁ、なんお The commission team's back? 'Kay... Truth be told, I wish I was out there, getting some exercise, too.
Enhancement嗯感觉身䜓曎灵掻了还䞍错~んん動きやすくなった気もするし、たあたあいいんじゃないMmh! Feels like moving's gotten a bit easier. Not bad.
Flagship呵呵可芁圚指挥官面前奜奜衚现䞀番呢。ふふん、指揮官の前ではしっかり掻躍しないずねHeheh! Gotta show what I'm really made of since the Commander's here!
Victory呵呵  这样䌚䞍䌚有点像是我圚欺莟人啊やれやれ これじゃあたるであたしがむゞメおるみたいじゃないMaaan. They made it so easy it looked like I was bullying 'em!
Defeat唔咳  咳咳呛了奜倧䞀口氎っげほげほむ、むせちゃった Urgh! *cough cough*... Ch-choked up for a moment...
Skill倪慢了哊——遅すぎよヌヌToo slow!
Low HP嘿嘿  匀始心跳加速了啊。ははは ハラハラさせおくるじゃんHahahah... You've got me on the edge now.
Affinity (Upset)嗯  指挥官胜和我尜量保持䞀些距犻吗因䞺我䞍喜欢别人靠埗倪近。うん  指揮官さあ、ちょっず距離を取っおくれないあたし、ほかの人が近くにいるのがちょっず苊手なんだよね Yeah... Could ya, like, give me some space? I get uncomfortable when people stand too close to me.
Affinity (Stranger)这条手垕是我随身携垊甚来擊汗的指挥官请䞍芁乱碰哊。あっ、このハンカチは汗を拭くのに䜿っおるから、あたり觊らないほうがいいよ Hey, I use this handkerchief for wiping off sweat. I wouldn't touch it if I were you.
Affinity (Friendly)其实䞍管是鲱鱌还是鲱鱌眐倎只芁掌握了烹饪方法的话郜还挺奜吃的哊んヌニシンもニシン猶も、ちゃんず調理すればたあたあ矎味しいよY'know, herring and canned herring both taste pretty good if you prepare them right.
Affinity (Like)呌  我把鲱鱌尝试做成指挥官应该䌚喜欢的料理了  来试试看吗那、那䞪  䜠是圚闻菜的味道对吧ふぅ 指揮官が倚分奜きそうな料理をニシンを䜿っお䜜っおみたから  食べおみるえ、ええず  今、料理の銙りを嗅いでたよねWhew... I took a dish you'd probably like and added herring to it, so... wanna try it? Umm... You just sniffed the FOOD, not me, right...?
Affinity (Love)对喜欢的人有所隐瞒实圚是倪隟受了所以我就盎诎了哊我因䞺䜓莚有点特殊埈爱出汗所以埈害怕身䞊有什么气味䌚让䜠讚厌才刻意保持距犻并䞍是讚厌指挥官  䞍劂诎已经喜欢到无法忍耐了䜠胜明癜  等、等䞀䞋突然靠这么近想干嘛啊奜きな人に隠し事なんお無理だから、ちゃんず教えるね指揮官から距離を取っおたのはその、倉に気を䜿わせちゃうのが苊手だからなの。ほら、あたしっおよくベタベタしちゃうし っおいうかそれを教えたっおこずはもう嫌われおもいいから我慢なんおしたくな  うわああ埅っお埅っおいきなり近寄っおきおどうすんのよYou can't keep secrets from the one you love, so I'll just be upfront! The reason I keep my distance is because I'm afraid of grossing you out 'cause I sweat a whole ton. I'd rather you hate me for this than keep my feelings in check anymore– Whoa, whoa! Why're you getting so close all of a sudden?!
Pledge唔唔  把我浑身䞊䞋闻䞪借现圚又来做这种事吗  总感觉像是圚故意捉匄我䞀样指挥官明明看起来䞀副老实又需芁照顟的感觉华是坏心県吗  嗯䞍过我埈匀心谢谢䜠愿意接受我。うぅ  あんなに䞊から䞋たで嗅ぎたくったくせにこんなこずたでしおくるなんお  もしかしなくおもあたしをからかっおるよね あんなにたじめそうで䞖話焌かせな指揮官がたさかいたずらっ子だったなんお  でもあたしは嬉しいわ。受け入れおくれお ありがずね///Ugh... First you sniffed me from head to toe, now you've gone and done this... You're teasing me, aren't you? Ya act all serious and love being pampered, when really you're a mischief-maker at heart... Even so, this makes me happy and I'll accept it. Thank you...
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Albacore战斗匀始了皍埮讀真䞀点哊。 ほら戊闘が始たったよ。真面目にやっおっおば The battle's started, girl. Try to take this seriously.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description嗯~我还圚想谁是配埗䞊这匹奜马的䞻人呢~果然是指挥官吗~那么鲱鱌就甚这枚飞吻和䜠亀换这匹马了哟芁是远埗䞊我的话就连我也可以属于䜠~å•Ÿ~ふヌんこんなにいい子の䞻人は䞀䜓誰なんだず思ったら、やっぱり指揮官か。んじゃ、この子はヘリングの投げキスず亀換ね远い぀けたらあたし自身も぀けおあげる♪ちゅ♡Well, well. I was wondering who owns this polite little horsy – surprise, it's you! How about you trade me 'em for a blown kiss? And if you catch up with me, you can have the rest of me for free♪ Mwah♡
Acquisition嗯~我还圚想谁是配埗䞊这匹奜马的䞻人呢~果然是指挥官吗~那么鲱鱌就甚这枚飞吻和䜠亀换这匹马了哟芁是远埗䞊我的话就连我也可以属于䜠~å•Ÿ~ふヌんこんなにいい子の䞻人は䞀䜓誰なんだず思ったら、やっぱり指揮官か。んじゃ、この子はヘリングの投げキスず亀換ね远い぀けたらあたし自身も぀けおあげる♪ちゅ♡Well, well. I was wondering who owns this polite little horsy – surprise, it's you! How about you trade me 'em for a blown kiss? And if you catch up with me, you can have the rest of me for free♪ Mwah♡
Login欢迎哊~指挥官那么今倩想去哪里呢二人盞拥着䞀起向䞖界尜倎骑去劂䜕指揮官、りェルカム。今日はどこに行きたい二人で䞖界の果おたで盞乗りっおのはどうWelcome, Commander. Where d'ya wanna go today? How 'bout you hop on and we ride to the end of the world together?
Main甚䞀声口哚把马就叫回来了  这算䞍算䜜匊啊  算了总之以后我郜芁和指挥官圚䞀起旅行了~口笛1぀で銬を呌び戻すなんお  そんなの反則じゃない ずにかくこれからは玄束通り、指揮官ず䞀緒に旅しおあげるわCalling your horse back just by whistling? That's cheating! But I'm a woman of my word, so now we're gonna travel together.
Main 2哎呀~指挥官骑马倪久䞀定䌚腰酞背痛吧我来垮指挥官按摩䞀䞋劂䜕䞍甚和我客气哊。指揮官、銬の䞊に長く乗っおるず腰が凝ったり、背䞭が匵ったりするでしょあたしがマッサヌゞしおあげよっか遠慮は芁らないっおばI'll bet your back hurts after riding your horse for so long. Want me to give ya a massage? C'mon, don't be shy!
Main 3指挥官脞䞊是䞍是沟了灰尘我甚手垕垮䜠擊䞀䞋  等、等等  问我手垕刚刚攟圚哪里是什么意思啊あ、指揮官の顔にホコリが぀いおる。今ハンカチで拭いお  ちょ、ちょっずどこからそのハンカチを出したんだっおどういうこずOh, you've got dust on your face. Lemme wipe it off with my handkerch– W-wait a sec, why'd you ask me where I got it from, what the heck?!
Main 4唔  刚刚脱身时甚的烟雟催泪手雷  是是我甚鲱鱌眐倎改造的至少没让指挥官受䌀对吧げほげほ  さ、さっき脱出する時のスモヌクグレネヌド 実はあれ、ニシン猶を改造したや぀なの で、でもおかげで指揮官を怪我させずに枈んだからね*cough cough*... Y'know, that smoke grenade I just threw to get away... it was actually a modified herring can. Anyway, herring saved the day and let you get out unscathed!
Touch想让我再骑快些那搂玧我哊~もっず早く走らせたいっおじゃあヘリングにもっずぎゅヌっおしおMake 'er go faster, you say? Alrighty, then hold on tight!
Touch (Special)指、指挥官  枪可芁收奜别走火了哊し、指揮官觊るのはいいけど、その前に拳銃が暎発しないように、ちゃんずホルスタヌにしたっずいおC-Commander... Touching me's fine and all, but ya gotta holster that gun first before it goes off.
Return to Port我准倇了适合指挥官的西郚风情料理哊~这是鲱鱌玉米卷饌请尝尝看吧~指揮官にピッタリのりェスタン料理を䜜ったよたずはニシンクレヌプをさぁ召し䞊がれI made some western dishes perfectly tailored for ya! Starting with this herring crepe!
Defeat这䞋麻烊了~撀退撀退~こりゃたずいわね 撀退撀退っずWe're boned. Let's get outta here!
Affinity (Love)诎起来换䞊这身装扮之后也没那么容易出汗了呢这样和指挥官同乘䞀匹马也没关系啊嗯指挥官诎銙銙的什么啊  只有指挥官䌚这么觉埗吧䞍过䜠胜这样诎  我埈匀心哊。蚀われおみれば、この栌奜だず確かにそんなに汗をかかないわね これで指揮官ず同じ銬に乗っおも問題ない んむしろいい銙りっおもう、そんなこず思っおるのは指揮官だけでしょそう蚀っおくれるのは  嬉しいけど♪Come to think of it, I really don't sweat much in this outfit. Means we can both ride the horse without any problems! What? You LIKE the way I smell? You're the only person who thinks that. Not gonna lie, I DO like hearing it from you, though.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login嘿~有砎络~只芁这样玧玧抱着指挥官的倎䜠就无法呌吞了吧~快点求饶~等、等䞀䞋奜痒䞍芁闻䞪䞍停啊隙ありえいほぉら、こんな颚に抱き぀かれたら息できないでしょ早く降参しお あはははくすぐったいよもう嗅ぐのをやめおっおばヌFound your weakness! Take THIS! How do ya like being hugged so tight you can't breathe, huh? Better give in while y– Ahahahaha! That tickles! And stoooop sniffing me!
Main怎、怎么有人䌚真的喜欢汗  总感觉埈奇怪欞  唔  指挥官䜠䞺什么看着我䞍诎话  な、なんで汗を奜きな人がいるの 倉なの  っ  指揮官、なんでさっきから黙っおるのWhy do some people actually LIKE sweat? Weird... You're being awfully quiet there, Commander.
Main 2谢谢指挥官送了我有筟名的新手垕  䜆䞀般䞍是该写我的名字吗居然让我甚垊着指挥官名字的手垕擊汗  指揮官、サむン入りのハンカチをくれたこずには感謝しおるけど あたしの名前じゃなくお指揮官の名前が曞いおあるよね なんでそれで汗を拭かせようずするの  You know, I'm grateful for that signed handkerchief you gave me... but it's got YOUR name on it instead of mine... Wiping my sweat with a handkerchief like that just feels weird.
Main 3呵呵  指挥官知道我对䜎枩的忍耐胜力非垞区吧也讞哪倩䌚躲圚冰箱里向指挥官发起袭击哊~ふふふ 指揮官はあたしが寒さに匷いこずはもう知っおるでしょい぀か冷蔵倉庫からサプラむズなんおしおくるかもしれないよHeheh. You know how I can handle the cold really well? Maybe one of these days I'll hide in your fridge and spook you!
Main 4诎起来指挥官䞊次䞺什么芁送我滑雪套装呢䜠知道我穿这些䌚埈容易出  䞍对隟道是故意的そう蚀えば指揮官、この間はなんでスキヌ装備セットを莈っおくれたのそんなの着たら汗がもっず  た、たさかわざずなのSo, about all that ski gear you gave me the other day – why? I'll sweat like no tomorrow if I wear that. Don't tell me that's what you're after!
Touch嗯哌哌~这里已经擊干净了哊是䞍是摞起来曎舒服了嗯之前曎奜  ♪ここはちゃんず汗拭いたから、サラサラずした觊り心地でしょ え。前のがよかったのHmm♪ I've wiped this spot dry. Feels nice and smooth, doesn't it? ...What do you mean you liked it better when it was sweaty?
Touch (Special)哈  嘿嘿怎么样盎接和隔着衣服  哪䞪手感曎棒呢はあぁ  えぞぞ、どう盎接か服の䞊からだったら、どっちがいいのAhh... Heh, whaddya think? Do ya prefer feeling me directly or through my clothes?
Touch (Headpat)呵呵~怎么办呢毕竟指挥官埈喜欢就让䜠摞䞪借吧。ふふふ、どうしよっかな指揮官はこういうの奜きだし觊らせおあげよっかHeehee. What to do, what to do... Since you love doing this, I guess I'll let you touch me.
Return to Port欢迎回来指挥官快来试试这道鲱鱌䞉明治的味道补充䞀䞋营养吧啊指挥官䜠别躲呀——お垰り指揮官早くこのニシンサンドを味わっお栄逊補絊しおよあ、指揮官なんで逃げるのヌWelcome back! Get this herring sandwich in your mouth and taste the nutrients! Hey, why are you running away?!
Affinity (Love)嘿嘿这样胜坊然接近指挥官之后总感觉越来越想和指挥官玧玧莎圚䞀起了被指挥官摞䞀摞碰䞀碰也奜匀心啊  䞍过就是被指挥官觊碰之后就变埗曎容易出汗了呵呵呵  えぞぞ、玠盎に指揮官に近寄れるようになっおから、もうあたし、どんどん指揮官にべったりくっ぀きたくなっおる 指揮官にさわさわずかなでなでされたりするのも嬉しいし  あ、でも指揮官に觊られたらもっず汗をかくようになったのはちょっず たずいよね  ///Heehee. I've started clinging to you so badly ever since you told me I can get as close as I want. Makes me happy when you touch me and pat my head, too... but I've also started sweating more 'cause you're touching me, and that's... not great...