Bluegill (JP 🇯🇵: ブルーギル, CN 🇹🇼: 蓝鳃鱼)
Ship ID No. 446 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Event: Microlayer Medley
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 38
Aviation 0
Reload 6
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
EN March 26, 2020
KR March 26, 2020
CN March 26, 2020
JP March 26, 2020
Voice actress Yukina Shuto
Bluegill Description
Gato-class submarine – Bluegill, Hull Number SS-242.
Up-And-Coming Infielder Description
Look out for Bluegill's ultra-reliable defense, Intrepid! Hehehe, Commander, stay here and see the results of Bluegill's special training!
HP 273 Reload 32
Firepower 13 Torpedo 96
Evasion 9 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 65
Hit 60 Speed 16.8
Armor Light
HP 1410 Reload 76
Firepower 62 Torpedo 454
Evasion 22 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 65
Hit 156 Speed 16.8
Armor Light
HP 1692 Reload 87
Firepower 71 Torpedo 499
Evasion 41 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 65
Hit 175 Speed 16.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 65
Hit Speed 16.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 65
Hit Speed 16.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 110%/115%/115%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 105%/110%/110%/120% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 90%/90%/90%/90% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Mark 14 Submarine Torpedo
2 Mark 14 Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Submarine: Gato-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +2
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Blue Hunter Increases this boat's DMG against enemy DDs and CLs by 5.0% (15.0%).
Extra Oxygen Increases this ship's OXY by 4 (40).
All Out Assault I Immediately Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Gato Class when entering battle.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 猫鲨级潜艇蓝鳃鱼,舷号SS-242 ガトー級潜水艦「ブルーギル」・SS-242 Gato-class submarine – Bluegill, Hull Number SS-242.
Biography 作为猫鲨级的一份子,我曾经在海上叱咤风云,给敌人带来了很多很多的烦恼哦!嘿嘿~在这个港区,蓝鳃鱼之名也将大放异彩! ガトー級の一隻にして、色んな海で活躍しかの大戦で敵を大いに悩ませた潜水艦ブルーギル――へへ、この母港でも輝いてみせる! I'm Bluegill, Gato-class submarine. I saw action all over the sea and gave my enemies a real scare. Hehe, I'll shine on at this port, too!
Acquisition 噢噢,发现了!蓝鳃鱼的指挥官!……欸嘿嘿,从今天起,你就是蓝鳃鱼的指挥官了! ついに見つけた!ブルーギルの指揮官!……えへへ、今日から君がブルーギルの指揮官だ! I've finally found one! My own commander! ...Hehehe, from now on, you're Bluegill's commander!
Login 指挥官,欢迎回来!把窗帘这样拉开的话——嘿嘿,办公室里一下子充满了阳光! 指揮官、おかえり!カーテンをこう…パーっと――へへ、部屋の中まで太陽の匂いだ! Welcome back, Commander! Let's part these curtains, like... This! Hehe, now the sun's gleam reaches in here too!
Details 总是窝在研究室里的重樱的科学宅夕张小姐……有没有什么办法能把她拉出来一起玩呢? 科学部の部室にこもる重桜の夕張さん…仲良く遊べる方法ないかな… I wonder if there's a way to become friends with Yuubari, that girl cooped up in the science department...
Main 阳光灿烂的晴天,正是适合游泳的日子! 晴れな日は泳ぎにいい日! Sunny days are always good swimming days!
Main 2 啊,那张不是废纸!那是新的蓝鳃鱼文件!上面的东西都是我写的! あ、指揮官それ裏紙じゃなくてブルーギルのファイルだ!ほら、全部ブルーギルが書いたよ! Hey, that's not a blank sheet, that's Bluegill's personal file on the back! Look! I wrote the whole thing myself!
Main 3 喂,指挥官,你已经盯着你的桌子好久了!不休息一下吗? 指揮官、いつまで机とにらめっこしてるの?一回休憩しようよ! How long are you gonna have a staredown with your desk, Commander? C'mon, let's catch a break!
Touch 这是要和我玩格斗游戏吗?来吧!看招,蓝鳃鱼之拳! ブルーギルと戦う気か?よぉし、喰らえ!ブルーフラッシュ! You want a fight with me? You asked for it! Take *this*! Blue knockout punch!
Touch (Special) 呜哇!指挥官,你太过热情了! わわ!指揮官!ちょっとやりすぎだってば! Whoa, whoa! Commander! You've kinda crossed a line here!
Mission 任务?巡逻任务的话,我说不定能帮上指挥官哦? 指揮官、パトロールならブルーギルを連れて行ってもいいよ?役に立てるかも! Commander, if you're heading out for a patrol, why not take Bluegill with you? It might be good to have me!
Mission Complete 任务完成了!去游泳咯——现在还不行吗?为什么啊? 任務完了!さあ泳ぎに――あれ?まだだめ?なんで? Mission complete! Now it's time for a swim! ...Huh? Too early for a swim? But why?
Mail 是蓝鳃鱼的信!欸,原来是给指挥官的吗。 ブルーギルへのメール?え、指揮官宛? Is this mail for Bluegill? Oh, it's addressed to the Commander...
Return to Port 指挥官,辛苦啦!我抱! 指揮官、おつかれ!えい! Good job, Commander! Come here!
Commission Complete 指挥官!委托的物资都送到了! 指揮官、委託の報酬物資届いたよ! Commander, the rewards from that commission have arrived!
Enhancement 嘿~咻——好像真的变灵活了! うっひょー。お、本当に動きやすくなった! Wooo! Wow, I've really gotten nimbler!
Flagship 蓝鳃鱼,出发咯! ブルーギル、出撃だ! Bluegill, setting out!
Victory 就把这次胜利的战斗叫做蓝鳃鱼战役吧! この勝利の戦い、「ブルーギルの戦い」と呼ぶにする! I hereby name this victory "The Battle of Bluegill"!
Defeat 好险好险……下次可不会这样了! 危なかった…次はこうはいかないよ! They nearly got us... But it won't go the same way next time!
Skill 蓝鳃鱼冲击! ブルーギルアタック! Bluegill, comin' at ya!
Low HP 糟了糟了糟了! やばいやばい! Oh dang, oh shoot!
Affinity (Upset) 没事的,指挥官只要多晒晒太阳,把烦恼的事情都晒走,一定能振作起来的! 大丈夫!指揮官はお日様をもっと浴びて、悩まずにやればきっとうまくいくよ! It's okay! You just need to bask in the sunshine for a bit, and your troubles will surely all go away!
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,我跟你说哦!真正的蓝鳃鱼其实是淡水鱼哦!……早就知道了?呜呜,还以为能让指挥官大吃一惊呢。 ブルーギル、実は淡水魚だった!……知ってた?ちぇ、びっくりさせられると思ったのに Bluegills are, in fact, a type of sunfish! ...You knew that? Welp, and here I was hoping to tell you a surprising fact.
Affinity (Friendly) 啊,发现指挥官啦!我抱!……这样会让指挥官很困扰?是,是我太用力了吗!不是的?那是因为什么呢? 指揮官見つけた!ええい!……抱きつかれると困るって?ごめんなさい!力入れ過ぎちゃった?違う?じゃあなんで? There you are, Commander! Come here! ...What's wrong with me hugging you? Am I holding you too tight? That's not it? Then what is it?
Affinity (Like) 我现在知道指挥官困扰的原因了!一定是因为指挥官被蓝鳃鱼抱了之后害羞了!对不对?没事的,我问过大家了,大家都说不介意的!……指挥官,为什么你要扶住额头? 指揮官が困る理由がわかった!さてはブルーギルに抱きつかれると恥ずかしくなるんだな!大丈夫大丈夫、皆気にしないって!……あ、あれ? I figured out why my hugs bother you! It's because it feels embarrassing, right? Well, don't worry about that! I asked around, and nobody thinks less of you for it! ...W-was I wrong?
Affinity (Love) 原来我之前给指挥官造成了那么多困扰……真的是非常抱歉!不过,抱着指挥官的时候,心里真的超级开心的!那,等指挥官说什么时候可以了,我就再抱指挥官吧! ブルーギルが指揮官に抱きつくとそんなに困るんだ……ごめんなさい!でもでも、指揮官に抱きついたときは本当にとてもとっても嬉しかった…指揮官がいいと言う時まで我慢すればいいの?はい!いつでも言ってください!! So my hugs really put you in a pickle, huh, Commander... I'm sorry for that! I can't help it, I just feel super, *super* happy when I hug you! Hey, what if I wait with my hugs until you say you're ready? Okey-dokey! Just tell me whenever you want one!
Pledge 现在可以随时抱指挥官了?!…嘿咻…像这样抱住指挥官果然让人感觉很幸福!嘿嘿,再多抱一会,让我多幸福一会吧! 今指揮官に抱きついていいの!?はい!……指揮官に抱きついているときってやっぱり幸せ~えへへ、あともうちょっと抱きつかせてよ~ Can I hug you now, Commander?! Yay! Sharing a hug with you just feels like total bliss~ Hehehe~ Stay put, I wanna enjoy our embrace a little longer!
In battle with Yuubari 这是什么新装备吗? おお、新しい装備なの!? Whoa, is that a new piece of gear?!
In battle with Dace, Albacore, Cavalla 猫鲨们,大闹一场吧! ガトー級、GO! Gato-class, let's go!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 无畏小姐,看我的超稳定防守!——嘿嘿,指挥官,我最近在练习棒球哦!来看看我的练习成果吧! イントレピッドさん、ブルーギルによる超安定防御力を見ろ!――指揮官、えへへ、ブルーギルの特訓の成果を見ていってよ? Look out for Bluegill's ultra-reliable defense, Intrepid! Hehehe, Commander, stay here and see the results of Bluegill's special training!
Acquisition 无畏小姐,看我的超稳定防守!——嘿嘿,指挥官,我最近在练习棒球哦!来看看我的练习成果吧! イントレピッドさん、ブルーギルによる超安定防御力を見ろ!――指揮官、えへへ、ブルーギルの特訓の成果を見ていってよ? Look out for Bluegill's ultra-reliable defense, Intrepid! Hehehe, Commander, stay here and see the results of Bluegill's special training!
Login 如果棒球和潜水一样简单就好了呢……不过,我会努力的!加油,蓝鳃鱼,你能做到的! 野球も潜航と同じく簡単だったらいいのにな……ううん、頑張る!ブルーギル、あなたならできるよ! I wish baseball was as easy as diving... I'll still give it my best shot, though! Bluegill's a go-getter!
Details 我听说,发球的时候,脚抬得越高就越有力!……不是这样的吗? ピッチャーはちゃんと足を上げれば球速が速くなると聞いた!……そうじゃないの? I've heard I can throw the ball faster if I have my feet raised, like a pitcher! ...It doesn't work like that?
Main 有指挥官和博格教练的帮助,我一定能成为超级厉害的投手的! 指揮官とボーグ先生がいるから、ブルーギルは絶対スゴイ選手になれる! With you and Coach Bogue helping me, I'm destined to become a pro player!
Main 2 等到碧蓝航线棒球世界杯正式开始的时候,我一定要让大家大吃一惊! 今度野球リーグが始まったらみんなを驚かせちゃうんだから! I'll stun everyone with my skills when the next baseball league rolls around!
Main 3 无畏小姐!你的背后由蓝鳃鱼来守护,记住了哦! イントレピッドさん!控えにブルーギルがいるの、覚えてて! Intrepid! Bluegill's by your back! Don't forget that!
Touch 原来正确的动作是这样的吗?我记住了! 正しいフォームはこう…なの?覚えた! Is... this the proper throwing stance? I'll memorize it!
Touch (Special) 不许趁机偷袭我啦! トリックプレイは駄目! Stop playing dirty!
Return to Port 蓝鳃鱼投接球!……欸?呜哇哇哇小心!抱歉,我不是故意想要向着指挥官扔的,嘿嘿~ キャッチしてブルースローイング!……え?わわわ危ない!…指揮官ごめん!今のはわざとじゃないよ!えへへ… Bluegill catches, Bluegill throws! Oh no! Look out! Sorry, Commander, I didn't mean to throw it at you! Hehehe...