Haguro (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 199 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Myoukou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Plumes of Darkest Night Increases this ship's DMG dealt to DDs and CLs by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 15s: 45.0% (75.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; if this effect fails to activate, this ship instead restores 3.0% of her max HP).
Follow the Trends When this ship hits an enemy with a torpedo: increases this ship's EVA by 1.0% (10.0%) for 10s. When your Vanguard ships take DMG a total of 10 times, decreases this ship's LCK by 5 and the DMG taken by your Vanguard by 1.0% (10.0%) until the battle ends.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Myoukou Class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 妙高级重巡洋舰4号舰—羽黑 妙高型重巡洋艦4番艦—羽黒 Myoukou-class heavy cruiser number four – Haguro.
Biography 我是妙高型重巡洋舰,羽黑。正如你所见,我只是普通的重巡洋舰,在曾经的大战中于夜战里活跃过就是。幸运舰…?倒是有被这么说过……不过被当面这么说还是挺让人害羞的… 妙高型の重巡洋艦、羽黒っす。見ての通り普通の重巡洋艦、かの大戦では夜戦とかで色々頑張った。幸運艦…?まあ幸運艦って言われたことはあるけど……面と向かってそう言われると恥ずかしいっすね… Myoukou-class heavy cruiser, Haguro here. As you can see, I'm just a normal heavy cruiser who made things happen during night battles and stuff in the Great War. A miracle ship...? I mean, I've been called that before, but... it's embarrassing to be called that to my face...
Acquisition 你就是指挥官么……你好啊,今天起请多多关照了。希望往后的日子能在不给彼此添麻烦的前提下安稳度过吧。 あなたが指揮官ね……うぃっす。今日からよろしくおねがいしまっす。お互い面倒事起こすのはなしでー Guess you're the Commander, huh... Wassup? I'm part of the team now or whatever. You just mind your own biz and I'll mind mine.
Login 早~哦,你已经到了啊。还挺早的嘛…… おはー。あっ、もう来たっすか。お早いことで… Mornin'. Oh, you're already here? Aren't you the real diligent type...
Details 有点困……诶?你说为什么…嗯,跟你没什么关系吧…不过对指挥官隐瞒也不好就是了……是游戏!昨天熬夜打游戏去了! ちょっと眠い……へ?どうしてって…ええと、別にあなたに関係が…指揮官相手に隠してもいいことないっすね…んと、ゲームっす!昨日徹夜してゲームやってたんで! So sleepy... Hm? You wanna know why...? Erm, it's none of your business... Err, I guess it's not right for me to hide stuff from you, Commander... Alright, I'll fess up! I pulled an all-nighter playing video games!
Main 要打扫办公室吗?知道了。嗯,那空出来15分钟可以吗? 執務室の掃除っすか?分かったよ。ええと、じゃあ15分だけ空けといてもらっていいすか? Ya need me to tidy up around here? Sure thing. Then, if you'd please leave the office for around fifteen minutes...
Main 2 呼啊啊(打呵欠)~~一早就被妙高姐说教又被足柄姐担心,太惨了……算了,我也知道大家都是为了我好…… ふはぁああああ~。朝から妙高姉に説教されるわ、足柄姉に心配されるわ、もう散々っすね…いや、みんな羽黒のためだって分かってるけど… *Yaaaaawn* I'm beat... Having Myoukou lecture me first thing in the morning, then having Ashigara fret over me... Well, of course I know it's for my sake, but...
Main 3 嗯?要出门吗?那羽黑也一起如何?我跟着你去也没什么问题吧…? ん?お出かけっすか?じゃあ羽黒も――どうしたんすか?別について行っても問題ないよね…? Hmm? Ya heading out? Then I'll—what? You don't mind if I come with you, right...?
Touch 嗯~~啊,怎么啦? んんん~あ、どうしたんすか? Hmhmm~ Oh, 'sup Commander?
Touch (Special) ……??? ……??? What the...???
Touch (Headpat) 嗯…? んん…? Hmm...?
Mission 这是指挥官的任务。羽黑现在正集中处理指挥官交代的任务,所以这些任务就交给指挥官了。 指揮官の任務っす。羽黒は指揮官からの任務に集中しているから、そっちは任せたっす Here're your missions. I'm here focusing on the ones you've assigned me, so good luck on yours.
Mission Complete 嗯?任务完成了?做的不错,Goodjob。 ん?任務が完了した?よくやった。グッジョブ Hm? You've already finished your missions? Nice, good stuff.
Mail 信件是吧,知道了知道了,这就拿过来。 お手紙っすね。はいはい、今持ってくるっすよ You've got some letters. Yeah, yeah. I'll go get'em for you.
Return to Port (打哈欠)啊……你回来了。那羽黑的看家也就到此结束……怎么接下来还是工作啊…… ふはーっ。あ…帰ってきたんすね。じゃあ羽黒の留守番は終わり…って次からも仕事じゃないっすか… *Yaaawn*. Oh, you're back... Guess I'm done for now... Wait, there's more to do, isn't there...
Commission Complete 委托结束了。怎么了,当然是到了去迎接的时间了? 委託完了っすね。何って、出迎えに行く時間っすよ? Commissions completed. What are you staring at me like an idiot for? Let's head out and greet'em.
Enhancement 要是能把最近流行的那什么也装上…没什么。 最近流行りの何かもつけてくれたら…なんでもないっ So as long as you put something trendy on... Don't mind me.
Flagship 差不多该干点活了! ぼちぼち働いてやるっすよ! Give me a bit, and I'll get to it!
Victory 赢了。嗯,没什么特别要说的。 勝利っす。うん、特に言うことはないっすね Piece of cake. Not much else for me to say, really.
Defeat 真是烦人……哎,撤吧。 マジうざいっすね…はぁ、もう引くっすよ So frickin' annoying... Ugh, we're backing off for now.
Skill 别想看清羽黑的动作! 羽黒の動きは見切れないっすよ! See if you can spot me!
Low HP 如果能保护同伴,这幸运不要也罢…! 仲間を守れるなら幸運じゃなくたって…! Who cares about miracles, so long as I can protect my friends...!
Affinity (Upset) ……干掉指挥官吧。开玩笑的,要是这么对待指挥官,只会让大家伤心 ……処すか。なんて、指揮官にそんなことしたら皆を悲しませるだけっすね ...I'll take care of you right here, right now. Just kidding, I'd hate to lower everyone else's morale around here.
Affinity (Stranger) 哈啊啊啊(呵欠)…好困啊…指挥官不困吗?努力过头可不好哦?其他孩子也会被你影响而努力过头的。 ふはあああ…眠いっすね…指揮官は眠くないの?頑張り過ぎは良くないっすよ?ほかの子も気を使って頑張っちゃうから *Yaaaaawn*... So tired... Don't you feel tired at all? Don't force yourself too much, or ya'll set a bad example for other girls who'd follow the lead and overwork themselves.
Affinity (Friendly) 嗯,今天负责指挥官的深夜警卫——诶?你,你还没睡吗?!跟我听说的不一样……羽黑,羽黑这是……在,在找一起玩游戏的人! さて、今日は指揮官の深夜の警護を――へ?ま、まだ寝てなかったんすか!?話が違う…は、羽黒はその…い、一緒にゲームする人を探してたっす! Well, it's time to keep watch over the Commander's sleeping hours... Huh? Y-you still haven't gone to sleep?! This wasn't supposed to... I-I'm, um... looking for someone to play video games together!
Affinity (Like) 对指挥官撒谎了,对不起……之前犯困都不是因为玩游戏,是因为在晚上做任务……就,就算是借口什么的也没所谓!我说是天狗的错也没人肯信就是了! 指揮官に嘘をついてごめん…眠いのは実はゲームのせいじゃなくて、本当は夜にも任務とかやってたりして…い、言い訳が何だっていいじゃないすか!天狗のせいって言っても誰も信じないっすよ! Commander, I apologize for having lied to you... Truth is, I didn't pull an all-nighter playing video games, I was actually carrying out some late-night missions... D-does it matter what my excuse is? I could blame a tengu, and nobody would believe me anyway!
Affinity (Love) 诶嘿嘿,指挥官,这个时间来找你不好意思哦。那个…方便的话,一起玩游戏吗?今天也没任务什么的,想着反正也睡不着……难、难道打扰到你了? あはは、指揮官、こんな時間に邪魔しちゃ悪いっすよね。でも、その…よかったらゲーム、一緒にやらないっすか?今日は任務とかないし、どうせ眠れないからと思って……も、もしかして迷惑だったっすかね? Ahaha, Commander, it's not good to intrude on people at this hour. But, um... if you'd like, why don't you join me in playing some video games? Not like there are any missions left to take care of, and it doesn't look like you're able to fall asleep anyhow... I-it's not a bother for you, is it?
Pledge 誓约之戒?!这是什么玩笑吗……看来并不是。我当然没问题了,不过…选羽黑真的好吗?你,你看……羽黑可是,那个,夜猫子呢…? ち、誓いの指輪!?これは何の冗談…じゃないみたいっすね。もちろん大丈夫っすけど、本当に羽黒でいいんすか?ほ、ほら…羽黒はその、夜型だし…? A-a pledge ring?! This has to be some kind of joke... No way. I mean, I'm perfectly fine with it, but are you fine with me...? I-I mean... I'm a total night owl...
In battle with Myoukou 妙高姐,要上了! 妙高姉、やるよ! I'll get'em, Myoukou!
In battle with Nachi 我不擅长花里胡哨的… 派手なのは苦手っすね… I really hate standing out...
In battle with Ashigara 早知道不教她纸鹤就好了… 折り鶴、教えなければよかったのかな… Maybe I shouldn't have taught you how to fold paper cranes...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description …!疼疼疼…竟然脚滑了撞到台阶上,到底得多笨手笨脚才能……啊,指挥官?欢,欢迎光临? …っ!あいたた…足が滑って階段にぶつけるなんて、どんだけドジなんすか…あ。指揮官?い、いらしゃいませ? Ow! That freakin' stings... Can't believe I actually slipped on the stairs and hit my foot. Just how clumsy am I? ...Oh, Commander? Uh, welcome?
Acquisition …!疼疼疼…竟然脚滑了撞到台阶上,到底得多笨手笨脚才能……啊,指挥官?欢,欢迎光临? …っ!あいたた…足が滑って階段にぶつけるなんて、どんだけドジなんすか…あ。指揮官?い、いらしゃいませ? Ow! That freakin' stings... Can't believe I actually slipped on the stairs and hit my foot. Just how clumsy am I? ...Oh, Commander? Uh, welcome?
Login Zzzz…不行不行,差点就这样坐着睡着了…啊,指挥官,欢迎回来。 Zzzz…いかんいかん、座ったまま寝るところだった…あ、指揮官、おかえりっす Zzz... Oh no, I almost fell asleep while sitting down... Ah, Commander! Welcome back.
Details 裙子?嗯,裙子……裙子!别,别看了!…呜哇,这可怎么是好… スカート?うーん、スカート……スカート!ちょ、ちょっと見ないでって!…うわぁ、どうすればいいんすか、これ… My skirt? Yeah, I'm wearing a skirt today... My skirt! S-stop, don't look! ...Ugh, what am I supposed to do about this now...
Main 店里的清扫会由大家一起做。正因为是招待指挥官的重要场地,自然要认真仔细打扫……也因此羽黑才滑倒了。 模擬店の掃除なら皆でやってるっすよ。指揮官をもてなす大事な場所だからね、そりゃ丁寧にやるに決まってるっすよ。…お陰で羽黒は足を滑らせたわけっす Everyone's working together to clean up this pop-up café. It's designed specially to entertain you to the fullest, so everyone's working diligently... Perhaps too diligently, since that's why I slipped and hurt my foot.
Main 2 照武藏大人的那种做法,会出现不少废柴化的家伙吧…羽黑本来就挺废的还好,指挥官呢?也想废柴化试试吗? 武蔵さんのあのやり方だと、ダメにされる子がたくさん出るっすね…羽黒は元々ダメなんでいいっすけど、指揮官はどうっすか?ダメにされてみたいっすか? Musashi dotes on people so much, she's bound to spoil a bunch of girls rotten... I've always been rotten to the core, so I'll be fine, but... What about you, Commander? Would you like to be spoiled rotten?
Main 3 三笠大前辈果然很帅气呢……相比之下羽黑却犯了这样的蠢……啊哈哈…… 三笠大先輩、やっぱりかっこいいっすね…それに比べて羽黒はこんなドジなミスをしちゃってるし?ははは… As our exemplar, Mikasa really is so frickin' cool... Compared to her, I'm just a clumsy brat... Ahaha...
Touch 要帮我包扎吗?谢,谢谢……/// 手当してくれるっすか?ど、どうもっす……/// You want to treat my injury? T-thanks a lot... *blush*
Touch (Special) 这,这是要做什么…? な、なにをするおつもりで…? W-what are you planning on doing to me...?
Return to Port 没事吗?没受伤吧?呵呵,还想着要是指挥官也撞到脚的话,说不定就可以一起偷懒了呢。 大丈夫?怪我してない?えへへ、指揮官も足をぶつけたら一緒にさぼれるんじゃないかなって思ったっす You alright? Not hurt anywhere, are ya? Ehehe, I was just thinking that we could slack off together if you had happened to injure your foot as well.
Commission Complete 委托结束了。要做什么,当然是一起去迎接了呀?……就这点小伤,完全不是问题。唔… 委託完了っす。何って、一緒に出迎えに行くっすよ?……これぐらい全然平気っす。むぅ Commissions completed. What are you staring at me for, let's go greet'em already. ...You don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine. Jeez.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 救,救救我—……不,再怎么也不可能是自愿跑进这里面来的吧?昨天警戒任务结束后,想着该怎么把情人节巧克力给你,结果不小心睡着了,然后一睁眼就是这副状况了… た、助けてー……いや、別に好きでこんなところに入ったんじゃないっすよ?昨夜警備任務が終わってバレンタインのチョコをどう渡そうか考えてたら寝落ちして、目が覚めたらもうこの状況っす… H-hey, help me out! ...No, I didn't come in here for fun. When I finished my security duty last night, I got to thinking about how I was going to give you chocolate for Valentine's and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was stuffed in this thing...
Acquisition 救,救救我—……不,再怎么也不可能是自愿跑进这里面来的吧?昨天警戒任务结束后,想着该怎么把情人节巧克力给你,结果不小心睡着了,然后一睁眼就是这副状况了… た、助けてー……いや、別に好きでこんなところに入ったんじゃないっすよ?昨夜警備任務が終わってバレンタインのチョコをどう渡そうか考えてたら寝落ちして、目が覚めたらもうこの状況っす… H-hey, help me out! ...No, I didn't come in here for fun. When I finished my security duty last night, I got to thinking about how I was going to give you chocolate for Valentine's and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was stuffed in this thing...
Login 应该有什么办法吧…嗯?在救援来之前指挥官会陪着我?……真的吗? どうにかならないっすかね…ん?救援が来るまで指揮官が付き合ってくれるって?……マジ? Man, is there any way to get out of this thing... Hm? You'll stay with me until help comes, Commander? ...For real?
Details 这样子一动起来,会被看到的对吧……虽然觉得羽黑也没什么值得看的就是了……唔唔//// これ動いたら色々と見えちゃうっすね……羽黒のは拝められてもそんなにありがたくないとは思うんすけど…んんん//// If I move, you're gonna see everything... No, I don't want you to see my bits! Mmrgh!
Main 手脚稍微有点伸展不开,不过也还好啦。估计过一会明石也来了…如果没人能玩这个肯定就要赤字了吧? ちょっと窮屈だけどまあ別に大丈夫っす。そのうち明石も来るし…だって誰も遊べないなら赤字になるじゃないっすか? It's a little cramped in here, but eh, I'll be fine. Akashi should be here soon... She'd lose money if nobody can play it, right?
Main 2 呼哈啊啊(打呵欠)……抱歉指挥官,有点困了…里面很通风,别担心… ふぁああ……ごめん指揮官、ちょっと眠いっす…換気はちゃんとしてるから心配しなくてもいいっすよ… Yaaawn... My bad. I'm a little sleepy... This thing's ventilated, so don't worry about me.
Main 3 足柄姐有好好把巧克力送达吗。啊,会被说在担心别人之前先担心自己吧…嗯… 結局足柄姉はちゃんとチョコ渡したのかな。いや、これは人の心配をする前に自分の心配でもしろって言われるっすね…うん… I wonder if Ashigara managed to give the Commander her chocolate. Pfft, I bet she'd tell me to focus on my own problems first... Yeeeah.
Touch 巧,巧克力会被压扁所以请谨慎地操纵这个抓钩… ちょ、チョコが押し潰れるからアームは慎重に動かしてほしいっす… M-move the claw carefully, okay? You'll crush the chocolate...
Touch (Special) 可,可以这么精准地触碰到吗…!? そ、そんなにピンポイントで触れるっすか…!? Wh-why are you going straight for THAT place?!
Return to Port 把巧克力送出去之前浪费了好多时间…嗯?没,没什么?并没有纠结于要第一个给指挥官巧克力之类的哦…? こりゃチョコを渡す時間をだいぶロスしたっすね…ん?べ、別に?指揮官に一番に渡したいとかそんな縛りなんてないっすよ…? Really missed my chance to give out chocolate, huh? ...Hm? N-nobody said you were the one I was most excited to give chocolate to, okay, Commander?
Affinity (Love) 好!加油!还差一点!…啊,又失败了呢……嗯——本想着至少能把巧克力抓上去也好,不过也没办法。诶嘿嘿,指挥官,谢谢你。 よし!頑張って!あと少し!…あっ。また失敗っすね……うーん、せめてチョコだけでも引き上げてくれたらと思ったけどしょうがないっすね。あはは、指揮官ありがとうっす Good! Keep it up! Almost there! Aaand, failed again. Hmm... I'd feel better if you could at least take the chocolate, but it's just not gonna work out. Ahaha! Thanks for trying, Commander.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 呼哈啊啊啊(打呵欠)……指挥官总是这么早呢。今天要从什么做起? ふあああ……指揮官はいっつも早いっすね。今日は何から始めるんすか? *Yaaawn*... Commander, you're always so early. What'll we be starting off with today?
Details 今天羽黑的任务是什么?没有吗?希望我好好睡……那算是任务吗?还是跟妙高姐一样是说教?不,不管是哪种都是为了羽黑好,我会听话就是了…… 今日の羽黒の任務はなんすか?ない?ちゃんと寝てほしいって…それは任務?それとも妙高姉みたいにお説教っすか?ど、どっちにしろ羽黒のためだから言う通りにするけど… What'll you be having me do today? Eh, you don't have anything in mind? You just want me to sleep for once... Is that my mission? Or are you trying to scold me like Myoukou? E-either way, I know it's for my sake, but...
Main 呼…这下就干净了。打扫了办公室心情就会变好,羽黑和指挥官都一样呢。 ふぅ…これでピカピカになったっす。執務室のお掃除をすると気分が良くなるっすね。羽黒も指揮官も Whew... everything's sparkling clean now. Tidying up the office always lifts my spirits. Same goes for you, right?
Main 2 起太早的话,经常会不小心跟那智姐撞上,然后气氛就总是会变得很微妙……指挥官也小心些比较好哦。 朝早く起きると、那智姉とはよくバッタリ会って、なんかいつもすっごい微妙な空気になるっすね…指揮官も気をつけた方がいいっすよ Whenever I wake up early, I always end up bumping into Nachi, and the atmosphere always gets all awkward... Commander, you should watch out as well.
Main 3 指挥官的警卫也挺不容易的哦?保护人身安全还是小事,更要注意其他孩子…不,没什么… 指揮官の警備って結構大変なんすよ?身の安全以上に他の子が…い、いやなんでもないっす… It's surprisingly a lot of work being your bodyguard. Not only do I have to watch out for your safety, but also for the other girls who try to... N-never mind what I just said...
Touch (Special) 啊,啊哈哈…不用紧张哦?羽黑不会像妙高姐那样生气的。 あ、あははは…緊張しなくていいっすよ?羽黒は妙高姉みたいに怒らないんで Pfft, hahaha... No need to be nervous. I'm not the angry type like Myoukou.
Mission 任务还没完成呢。要做到晚上吗?那羽黑也坚持到那时候好了。 任務がまだ残ってるっすよ。夜までやる?じゃあ羽黒もその辺まで粘るっす You've still got some missions left. Plannin' on staying up late to finish 'em? Alright, but I'll stay here with you 'til you call it a day.
Return to Port 又凯旋了么?唔,也不是说这样不好,就是…看家的羽黑偶尔也想要活跃活跃嘛… また凱旋っすか?いや、別にダメってわけじゃないっすよ。えっと、留守番の羽黒にもたまには活躍の場がほしいなあって Another win under your belt, huh? Nah, I'm not annoyed or anything, it's just... I'd like to prove my mettle on the battlefield instead of housesitting back here.
Commission Complete 委托结束了。差不多该去迎接伙伴了是吧。我懂的。 委託完了っす。そろそろ仲間の出迎えに行くっすね。はいはい Commission completed. Now we need to welcome the girls back, right? Yeah, yeah. I know.
Victory 那羽黑就收下MVP称号啦。呼,睡得好状态也会变好呢。 羽黒、MVPをいただきっすよ。ふぅ、ちゃんと寝ていればコンディションも良くなるっすね I'm the MVP this time around~! Whew, who would've thought a proper night's sleep would make such a difference?
Defeat 至少要保护好指挥官…! 指揮官だけでも守るっすよ…! I'll be sure to protect you at any cost, Commander...!