Gneisenau META (JP 🇯🇵: グナイゼナウ(META), CN 🇹🇼: 格奈森瑙·META)
Ship ID No. M007 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy META Build Time
Acquisition META Lab
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress Minami Shinoda
Gneisenau META Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 /// /// ///
2 /// /// ///
3 /// /// ///
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battlecruiser: Scharnhorst-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Seething Chains When this ship fires her Main Guns: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that inflicts a unique Burn ailment (DMG is based on the skill's level; Burn ailment lasts 6s and inflicts 76 DMG per second).
Disruption Wave Every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Enemies hit by this barrage take 8.0% increased DMG from Gneisenau META for 10s. Whenever this skill activates or whenever this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's Crit Rate by 1.2% (3.0%) (can be stacked up to 3 times).
Memory Mining Increases this ship's FP and AA by 5.0%. If this ship is equipped with Iron Blood gear: increases this ship's FP by an additional 1.0% (5.0%) and decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken from Torpedoes by 5.0%; Otherwise, instead decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken from aircraft by 3.5% (8.0%).
Cinders of Hope - Gneisenau I [Operation Siren] When fighting humanoid Siren fleets or Boss fleets: increases this ship's Crit DMG by 5.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 格奈森瑙号战列巡洋舰 (若已获得相应的META角色,奖励将会转化为对应的角色结晶,可在「META研究室」-「能量激活」中使用) シャルンホルスト級戦艦・グナイゼナウ(1隻しか所持できません。2隻目を入手した場合、限界突破素材に変換されます) You're... the Commander, right? In other words, the one with the authority to control me. Though I have no interest in you as an individual, I will still obey your orders... At least for the time being.
Biography 铁血战列舰,格奈森瑙。听说你是一名优秀的指挥官,那你一定知道如何驱使高效而精准的战争机器吧? 鉄血戦艦グナイゼナウです。あなたは優秀な指揮官と聞き及んでいますが、正確で効率よく機能する戦争の機械の操り方ももちろん心得ていますよね? I am the Iron Blood battleship, Gneisenau. I've heard that you are an excellent commander, so surely you know how to operate a precise and efficient instrument of war?
Acquisition 你是…指挥官?也就是说,你拥有指挥我的权利是吧。行,虽然我对你这个人毫无兴趣,但你的命令我还是会听从的。——至少现在会。 あなたは…指揮官、ですね。つまり私に命令する権力を持っていますね。あなたという個体に興味はありませんが、あなたから発せられる命令には従わせていただきます。――今のうちは、ね You're... the Commander, right? In other words, the one with the authority to control me. Though I have no interest in you as an individual, I will still obey your orders... At least for the time being.
Login 总算来了啊。不过,你来不来和我又有什么关系呢? 来ましたね。来なくても私には一切関係ありませんが So you came after all. Not that it matters to me either way.
Details 越是无情,越是趋于理性,越是能让人沉浸到战场之中,享受着这独有的铁锈味…… 感情抜きに、理詰めに戦えば戦うほど……戦場に浸れて、この鉄の匂いを感じることができましょう The more you suppress your emotions, the more rationally you can fight. Let the battlefield wash over you, and immerse yourself in the scent of steel.
Main 唯有最精确的计算,才能给予敌人们最致命的打击,最快地结束战斗。 正確な計算の元でこそ、致命的な打撃を敵に加え、戦闘をより早く完了させられます Only with exacting precision can you eliminate your enemies in a single fatal blow, thus ending the battle quickly.
Main 2 如果你对我放任不管,你会轻松很多。不过看你的样子,这话你是听不进去了呢。 放任して楽しようとするのも結構です。……今の話も聞いていないようですね ...Leave me to my own devices, and your job will be much smoother... Though it doesn't seem like you're interested.
Main 3 平静的大海么……也许我需要花点时间,才能适应这样的景象了。 平和な海……慣れるまで、時間がかかるでしょうね It may take some time... until I am used to an ocean devoid of war.
Touch 怎么,还在犹豫不决吗? いかがしましたか?まだ躊躇っています? What's wrong? Can't make up your mind?
Touch (Special) 低级趣味……随你喜欢好了。 低俗な……好きにしなさい Such a crass hobby... But whatever makes you happy.
Touch (Headpat) 你这是……什么意思? どういう……意味です? What... is the meaning of this?
Mission 冗杂的文书工作,只会阻碍战争机器的运转。 煩雑な書類作業は戦争継続の阻害になりえます Cumbersome paperwork will only hinder your ability to fight.
Mission Complete 你的任务完成了。而我的任务,将会一直持续下去—— あなたの任務はこれまで。私のなすべき使命は、永遠に…… Your duties end here. Mine, on the other hand, persist eternally...
Mail 出于好意,我还是提醒你一句,有你还未查收的邮件。 善意で注意しますが、まだ未確認のメールがあります Just a friendly reminder: you still have unopened mail.
Return to Port 指挥官,我不需要休息。想歇会的话,你一个人休息就好了。 休憩は要りません。…どうしても休憩したいなら、指揮官ご自身でどうぞ Rest is for the dead. I'll do the rest myself if you so desire.
Commission Complete 委托奖励?呵,真是让人羡慕到流口水的后勤呢。 委託の報酬ですか?ええ、全く羨ましい兵站部署をお持ちですね The commission rewards? Ahh, what an enviable logistics department you have.
Enhancement 既然武装强化完了,下一步就是……呵呵呵~ 兵装強化をこなせたから、次は……ふふふ Now that my armament has been strengthened, the next step is... Ahahaha!
Flagship 战斗,是我等应当完成的使命。 戦う、我が果たすべき使命が故に To fight... is to fulfill this life's purpose.
Victory 果然,还是废墟和残骸最让人安心呢。 廃墟と残骸が一番心が安らぐのですね Indeed, it is wreckage and ruins that put my heart at ease.
Defeat 撤退?呵呵,呵呵呵……不是还没结束吗,为什么要撤退? 撤退ですか?ふふ、ふふふふ…まだ終わっていませんよ。なぜ撤退と仰るのですか? Withdraw? Haha... Ahahaha! ...It hasn't ended yet, so why are we to withdraw?
Skill 一切,都和计算的一样呢…… 全ては計算通りよ Everything is as planned.
Low HP 疼痛,不过是疯狂的催化剂罢了。 痛みも…狂気を増幅させるだけよ… Pain... is nothing more than a catalyst for madness...
Affinity (Upset) 就你这种小鱼小虾也配命令我?真是让人笑话。 この程度で指図しようとするなんて、笑わせてくれますね These were the only "commands" you could come up with? What a joke.
Affinity (Stranger) 机械之所以高效,正是因为它们精确、不犹豫、不知疲倦。而我,不就是这样的存在么? 機械の能率の高さは正確さと躊躇いのなさ、疲れ知らずなところで決まります。艦船である私たちも同様でしょう A machine's efficiency comes from its accuracy, lack of hesitation, and tirelessness. As ships, we must be the same.
Affinity (Friendly) 你好像很在意我的事情。对这样的我还如此执着,不知道该说你愣头青呢,还是死心眼呢。 気を使ってくれていると聞き及んでいます。こんな私に拘るなんて、指揮官は鈍感か、それとも頑固なんでしょうね You seem to be quite drawn to me. I'm not sure what about me would warrant your fancy, so I don't know if you're stubborn or just a simpleton.
Affinity (Like) 什么,给我安排休息?而且是强制命令。你这家伙知道自己在做些什么吗?……算了,既然我答应过听从你的命令,这一次我遵守就是。 私に休憩を…しかも命令、ですか?自分が何をしているか分かっていますか?……いいでしょう。命令には従います You're commanding me... to take a break? Do you even know what you're asking me to do? ...Very well. I did say I'll obey your orders.
Affinity (Love) 你这人可真有趣,不仅像对待正常人那样对待我,还让我这种人融入到了你的港区里面。还是跟你说一句“谢谢”好了……呼,我有多久没说过这个词了呢? 普通のヒトとして接してくれて、なおかつ私をこの母港に溶け込ませようとするなんて、面白い人ですね。ひとまず「ありがとう」と述べてさしあげましょう。……この言葉を言うのは、いつぶりかしら You are quite an interesting person, trying to treat me as an ordinary human and integrate me into life at this port. I suppose I ought to try saying "thank you." ...I wonder if this is the first time I've uttered those words.
Pledge 既然你要做到这个地步,那我就奉陪到底吧。我可是越来越好奇,究竟你能与我这个怪胎一起走多远了呢。在走到地狱的尽头前,我是不会允许你擅自消失的,做好心理准备了么? ここまでしてくれるのでしたらお相手しましょう。一体私にどこまで付き合っていけるのかますます気になりますね。…ええ、地獄の果てにたどり着くまでは勝手にいなくなるのは許しません。覚悟はできているかしら? If you're prepared to go to these great lengths for me, then I shall accompany you to the very end. I'm becoming more and more curious – just how far will you be able to go by my side? ...Yes, I cannot allow you to leave until we've traversed the very bowels of hell. Are you ready?
In battle with Bismarck 俾斯麦大人,没想到真的还能与你并肩战斗…… ビスマルク様、もう一度戦えるなんて Bismarck, I never thought I would fight by your side once more...