Cooper (JP 🇯🇵: クーパー, CN 🇹🇼: 库珀)
Ship ID No. 444 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 00:29:00
Acquisition Event: Microlayer Medley
Enhance Income
Firepower 8
Torpedo 22
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN March 26, 2020
KR March 26, 2020
CN March 26, 2020
JP March 26, 2020
Voice actress Miho Okasaki
Cooper Description
Allen M. Sumner-class destroyer – Cooper, Hull Number DD-695.
Blazing Tennis Battle Description
30 to 15... Next match will be mine, you hear! Oh, Commander, are you here to play a round of tennis?
Heartwarming Holiday Hearth Description
Hm? I'm just wrapping up some presents! Can't just present them as-is, and all that. Hehe~ I could sure use a little help, Commander!
HP 353 Reload 81
Firepower 23 Torpedo 68
Evasion 59 Anti-air 37
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 53 Luck 22
Hit 74 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 1825 Reload 191
Firepower 109 Torpedo 320
Evasion 154 Anti-air 174
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 195 Luck 22
Hit 193 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 2190 Reload 220
Firepower 126 Torpedo 360
Evasion 179 Anti-air 200
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 215 Luck 22
Hit 202 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 22
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 22
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 115%/117%/120%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 125%/127%/130%/135% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 127mm MK12 Dual Gun
Fleet Tech
T9 Destroyer: Allen M. Sumner-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 9 +1
Max LimitBreak 19
Lv.120 14 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Black Cat Cyclone Every 20s: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) seaplane airstrike, increasing this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%), revealing the location of all enemy SSs for 10s, and increasing the damage they take by 1.0% (10.0%) for 10s. Once per battle, if this ship has the PBY-5A Catalina equipped when its HP falls below 40.0%: launches a special seaplane airstrike. Airstrike DMG is based on the skill's level.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Allen M. Sumner-class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:29:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 艾伦·萨姆纳级驱逐舰—库珀,舷号DD-695 アレン・M・サムナー級駆逐艦「クーパー」(DD-695) Allen M. Sumner-class destroyer – Cooper, Hull Number DD-695.
Biography 我是艾伦·萨姆纳级的库珀哦。曾经和艾伦·萨姆纳姐姐还有莫尔姐姐,奉命在奥尔莫克湾阻截重樱的舰队,不过还没来得及大显身手就…呜呜,可恶!都怪那东西威力那么大,还那么难发现! アレン・M・サムナー級駆逐艦のクーパーだ!アレン・M・サムナーとモールとオルモック湾で敵と戦って、でもそこまで頑張れなかったような…むむむ、無念!あの酸素魚雷、流石にこのクーパーの目を以てしても発見できなかった! I'm an Allen M. Sumner-class destroyer, Cooper! I fought alongside Allen M. Sumner and Moale at Ormoc Bay, but I guess I didn't try hard enough... Nnng, damn it! How was I supposed to pick out anything like those oxygen torpedoes!
Acquisition 指挥官,我是库珀!嘿嘿~和我一起为了伙伴,为了这个世界的明天而战斗吧! 指揮官、クーパーだよ!共に仲間と、世界の未来のために戦おう!おー! Hey Commander, I'm Cooper! Let's join forces and fight for the future of the world! Booyah!
Login 嘻嘻,看到指挥官那么有精神的样子,我就不担心了! 指揮官は元気、だからボクも心配なし!えへへ! It's nice to see your smiling face, Commander! Heh heh!
Details 有时候会想啊,其实我身上隐藏着非同寻常的力量,在大家陷入危难之中的时候挺身而出,拯救世界!…哈啊~如果那样该多酷啊! クーパーの身に宿る大いなる力でピンチになったみんなを救うシミュレーション…カッコいいね!ボク! I have an incredible power inside me that will burst forth to save everyone at that critical moment... Yeah! That would be badass!
Main 公文?写完这些对打败敌人有什么帮助吗? 書類?んー戦うのに役に立つの? Paperwork? How does that help in a fight?
Main 2 哈哇哇~看见喵喵们的时候,感觉心都要化了呢~指挥官,我们在办公室里养一只黑猫吧! ふにゃーニャンニャンを見るとクーパー、融けちゃいそ~しきかーん、執務室で黒いの、飼おうよ~ Aaahhh~ I just lose it whenever I see a kitty cat. Commander, let's keep one in the office, a black one!
Main 3 那个……我们还要在办公室里坐多久啊,这样子好无聊…… ボクたち、いつまでこの部屋の中で引きこもってればいいの?やることなさすぎて不満… Hey... how long are we gonna stay in the office? I'm so bored...
Touch 我已经准备好了! お!クーパーはいつでもOKだよ! Hey! Ready to move anytime!
Touch (Special) 指挥官,你清楚自己在干什么吗? 指揮官、何をやってるか分かってるの? Commander, do you understand what you're doing here?
Mission 不完成这些任务的话,就没法帮上大家的忙了! 任務をこなさないとみんなを助けられないよね! We won't be able to help anyone if you leave your missions unfinished!
Mission Complete 任务完成!我们所做的事情一定都是有意义的! 任務完了!きっと何か意義があるとクーパーは思う! Mission accomplished! We're definitely making a difference!
Mail 新的邮件?难道是求助信……糟了,又有危机降临了吗! 新しいメール?さては支援要請…クーパーのピンチアンテナに反応あり! A new message? Could it be a distress signal...? My Danger Antenna is tingling!
Return to Port 指挥官,你不在的时候,我帮你解决了很多问题!你看这些文件!不是这样写的?奇怪…… 指揮官、いない間にたくさん仕事をしておいてあげたよ!ほら、この書類!全然違う…?あ、あれー… Commander, I took care of a whole bunch of things while you were gone! See these reports? I wrote them all wrong? What the...
Commission Complete 迎接委托队?小事一桩!看我的吧! 委託から帰ってきたみんなの出迎え?ちょろいちょろい!そこで見ていろよ~ Go greet the team coming back from commission? Easy peasy! Just watch me~
Enhancement 只有变得更强,才能帮助更多的人! 強くなって、より多くの人を助ける! Getting stronger is how I help more people!
Flagship cast off!我要上了! キャストオフ!行くよ! Cast off! Let's go!
Victory 哈哇——属于胜利者的微风,真是舒爽呢。 はあ――勝者のために吹く風、気持ちいいねー Phew... What a nice feeling. Feels like victory.
Defeat 一次的失败,阻挡不了我对胜利的追求! 一度負けたぐらいでめげないのがボクだよ! One little setback won't get me down!
Skill 接招吧!旋风一击! サイクロンスマッシャー! CYCLONE SMASHER!
Low HP 不行,库珀,不能害怕!现在正是大家需要你的时候! 怯んじゃダメ!今はクーパーが必要とされてる時だ! I won't be afraid! Now more than ever, they need me!
Affinity (Upset) 即使敌人是指挥官,我也不会手软的! 指揮官が敵でもクーパー、手加減しない! Even if Commander is my enemy, I won't go soft!
Affinity (Stranger) 当你遇到危险的时候,就大喊一声“库珀”吧!在那时,我一定会立刻出现在指挥官面前,华丽地解决掉所有危机的! ピンチになったらクーパーに助けを呼ぶこと!そしたらこのボクが指揮官のピンチを全て綺麗に解決してあげる! Whenever you're in trouble, just call my name! Then you can bet Cooper will be there to bail you out, Commander!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,库珀来了!来吧,无论什么样的敌人都给你打败!……把这些资料送过去?唔嗯嗯……真是的,不要小看库珀啊! 指揮官!今ボクのことを呼んだ?ふふふどんな時でも……資料を届けてこいって?ボクを使い走りにするなああ! Commander! Did I hear my name? Hah hah hah, just point me at the enemy and... You need me to deliver these documents? I'm not your errand girl!
Affinity (Like) 对不起,上次你叫我的时候,我正好被港区里的一只黑色的猫吸引住了,所以一直没出现。结果让你担心了半天还亲自来找我……下次不会再发生这样的事了!但是,和猫一起玩这种事,根本拒绝不了啊…… 指揮官ごめんなさい、この間指揮官がボクを探してたとき、黒いニャンニャンを見るのに夢中になってたせいで指揮官を心配させちゃった……で、でも…ニャンニャンと遊ぶの、誰だってしたいよね… Sorry, Commander. I know you were looking for me, but I got held up with this black kitty cat. I hope you didn't worry about me... B-but, like, who could resist playing with a kitty cat...?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官!干脆就让库珀一直待在你身边吧!这样,无论发生什么危险都不怕了!……明明库珀更让人担心?竟、竟然不知道怎么反驳……总之,我就跟着你了! 指揮官!これからは呼ばれるまでもなくボクがずっとそばにいるから、そしたら危ないことがあっても大丈夫!……あれ?ボクのほうこそピンチにならないか心配だって?うぅ、それはそうだけど…とにかく、指揮官のそばにいることにするよ! Commander! From now on I'm staying here with you, whether you call for me or not. So you won't have to worry about a thing...! Huh? You think I'm the one who's gonna get in trouble? Nng, yeah, maybe... But that still means I gotta stay with you, Commander!
Pledge 原来指挥官在心里把我看得这么重啊…我现在超级超级开心的!嘿嘿~无论是明天,后天,还是再往后,只要和指挥官一起,感觉就有无限的勇气继续战斗下去了呢! 指揮官、こんなにボクを大事にしてくれるなんて…嬉しい!クーパー、明日も明後日も…ううん、指揮官のそばにさえいれば、ずっとずっと頑張れるよ! Commander, who knew I was so important to you... I'm so happy! As long as I'm with you, then tomorrow... and the next day, and the day after that, I know I'll be able to do anything!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这是破发的一击! 30 – 15……次こそ勝つよ!指揮官もテニスをやりにきたの? Break point!
Acquisition 30比15……呼~下一球一定要得分!……指挥官?你也是来打网球的吗? 30 – 15……次こそ勝つよ!指揮官もテニスをやりにきたの? 30 to 15... Next match will be mine, you hear! Oh, Commander, are you here to play a round of tennis?
Login 等我击败那那个重樱的小姑娘,指挥官,就来一决胜负吧! あの重桜の子に勝ったら…指揮官との試合だ! Watch me beat this Sakura girl... then it's you and me, Commander!
Details 没想到顶着太阳打网球会这么累……指挥官,你在看哪里? 真っ昼間にテニスをやるの、こんなに大変だなんて……ん?指揮官、どうしたの? I never thought a game of afternoon tennis would be so exhausting... Huh? What's up, Commander?
Main 看好了,我的ace球!哈! サービスエースだ!はあああ! Ace shot! Yaaaaaah!
Main 2 这是给我的运动饮料?谢谢!咕嘟~咕嘟~ クーパーへの差し入れ?やったぁ!……ごくごく……ぷはー! This is for me? Alright...! Glug glug... Haah!
Main 3 黑色的猫?哪里哪里!……真是的,别让我分心啊! 黒いニャンニャン!どこ?どこ!?……って、これじゃ集中できないじゃない! A black kitty cat! Where is it...?! Hey now, don't distract me!
Touch 指挥官,我现在身上全是汗,最好不要碰我…… い、今はボク、汗でびっしょりだからあまり触らないほうがいいよ… Y-you probably shouldn't touch me. I'm all sweaty right now.
Return to Port 不、不行了,先让我休息会……呼哧~呼哧~ もうダメ!無理!ちょっと休憩!……はあ、はあ…… Wait up! Hold on! Gotta catch my breath...! Phew, whew...
Low HP Deuce!还没结束呢! デュース!まだ終わってないよ! Deuce! This ain't over!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 唔?我正在把大家的礼物装到盒子里呢,一会它们就要被送到每个人的手里了呢~嘿嘿,指挥官也来帮忙吧! うん?いまみんなのプレゼントを包んでるんだよ!あとでみんなのとこに贈られるからね~へへっ、指揮官も手伝って! Hm? I'm just wrapping up some presents! Can't just present them as-is, and all that. Hehe~ I could sure use a little help, Commander!
Acquisition 唔?我正在把大家的礼物装到盒子里呢,一会它们就要被送到每个人的手里了呢~嘿嘿,指挥官也来帮忙吧! うん?いまみんなのプレゼントを包んでるんだよ!あとでみんなのとこに贈られるからね~へへっ、指揮官も手伝って! Hm? I'm just wrapping up some presents! Can't just present them as-is, and all that. Hehe~ I could sure use a little help, Commander!
Login 不知道我会拿到什么礼物呢~好期待呀,指挥官,你期待什么样的礼物呢? ボクはどんなプレゼントもらえるかな~わくわくする!指揮官はどんなプレゼント期待してるの? I get excited thinking about what kind of presents I might get! What stuff did you wish for, Commander?
Details 呼哈~虽然外面很冷,但是这里却很温暖呢!严冬的壁炉真是太棒了~ ふは~外すごい寒いけど、ここは暖かいね!真冬の暖炉って最高~ Whew! It's freezing cold outside, but warm and cozy in here! Nothing beats an open fireplace in the winter~
Main 包装礼物其实很简单的哦!像这样…这样…然后再这样…嗯哼,完成啦! プレゼント包むのって結構簡単なんだよ!こんな感じに…こうして…こうやって…よし、完成! You'd be surprised how easy wrapping presents is! You just put it like this... take some wrapping paper... then a ribbon... aaand done!
Main 2 哈啊…我也好想像明尼阿波利斯那样骑着酷炫的摩托雪橇四处跑啊~“小孩子骑那个太危险了”?欸~我已经不是小孩子了啦! はぁ…ボクもミネアポリスみたいにかっこいいスノーモービル乗っていろんなとこ回りたいな~子どもがあれに乗るの危険だって?え~ボクもう子どもじゃないったら! Man, I wish I could ride anywhere in a cool snowmobile like Minneapolis. "It's too dangerous for a kid to ride"? Hey! It's not like I'm a little baby or anything!
Main 3 好像有些闲下来了呢…指挥官,不如我们来玩故事接龙?就以圣诞老人为主题吧! なんか暇になってきたね…指揮官、しりとりでもする?テーマはサンタクロースで! I'm getting kinda bored... Hey, Commander, wanna play word association? With a Christmas theme, obviously!
Touch 指挥官觉得冷吗?快快,再靠过来一些就暖和了~ 指揮官寒い?ささ、もっとこっちに寄れば暖かくなるよ~ Are you feeling chilly? Come a little closer if you wanna warm up, then~
Touch (Special) 呣…把手放进来取暖这样的借口是行不通的! む…手を暖めたかったってそんな言い訳通用しないよ! Hrmph... You're not fooling me with any "just wanted to warm my hands up" excuses!
Mail 新的邮件?会不会写着哪个孩子的圣诞节愿望? 新しいメール?どの子の願い事でも書いてたりして? New mail, huh? You think it might be someone's Christmas wishlist?
Return to Port 不知道谁会拿到这个水晶球礼物呢…不过,收到礼物总是会很开心的吧~ このスノーグローブは誰のところに届くかな…プレゼントがもらえたらやっぱり嬉しいよね~ I'm not sure who'll end up getting this snowglobe, but I am sure they'll love it!
Commission Complete 委托队好像回来了哦?把她们接回来,一起过个温暖的圣诞节吧! 委託組が帰ってきたみたい?迎えてあげて、一緒に暖かいクリスマスを過ごそうよ! I think the commission team's back. Let's invite them in here and we can all have a cozy Christmas together!