Yuudachi (JP 🇯🇵: 倕立, CN 🇹🇌: 倕立)
Ship ID No. 164 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage6-4
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 35
Aviation 0
Reload 16
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Natsumi Takamori
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1422579
Twitter https://twitter.com/saru_1127
Weibo https://www.weibo.com/u/1054234800
Name Saru
Yuudachi Description
Shiratsuyu-class destroyer number four - Yuudachi.
Shogun of Snowballs Description
Come out of your office, Commander! You'll become lazy if you huddle up next to the heater all day! Let's go out and play in the snow!
Meat Bun Hunter Description
Carnivore Carnival! Description
Commander, look at me, look at me! What do you think of my new outfit? If you like it, wanna give it a feel?
Woofy Floofy Christmas Night Description
Christmas! The day Santa Claus drops by and leaves presents, right? Hell yeah, I'm pumped! Aren't you pumped too, Commander?
The Bride of Solomon Description
Commander, look! Look at this new dress. Red and white, I really really like it! But what's the occasion?
Firepower C
Torpedo S
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1524 Reload 197
Firepower 61 Torpedo 495
Evasion 184 Anti-air 136
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 180 Luck 32
Hit 182 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 1828 Reload 226
Firepower 70 Torpedo 545
Evasion 190 Anti-air 157
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 200 Luck 32
Hit 191 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 295 Reload 83
Firepower 13 Torpedo 105
Evasion 71 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 49 Luck 32
Hit 70 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 32
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 32
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 80%/80%/80%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Shiratsuyu-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Nightmare of Solomon When this ship fires its Main Guns: 6.0% chance to increase this ship's FP, TRP, RLD, and EVA by 20.0% (40.0%) for 8s.
Feral Claws Increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 5.0% and decreases her cannon DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 20s after the battle starts: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on this skill's level; inflicts a unique Burn ailment on hit).
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Yuudachi once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 癜露级驱逐舰四番舰—倕立 癜露型駆逐艊四番艊・倕立 Shiratsuyu-class destroyer number four - Yuudachi.
Biography 我是倕立人称“所眗闚的疯狗”哌哌听起来埈区吧打矀架我是䞍䌚蟓的 咊到点心时闎了吗指挥官吃的呢 倕立だ「゜ロモンの狂犬」ず呌ばれおるぜふふん、匷そうに聞こえる乱闘なら負けないぜ   んおや぀の時間か指揮官、おや぀はどこだ I'm Yuudachi! People call me the "Mad Dog of Solomon"! Heheh, I sound pretty strong, don't I? I'd never lose in a brawl! Hm? It's snack time? Commander, tell me where those snacks are!
Acquisition 癜露级四号舰倕立的诎先诎奜我晚䞊可胜比蟃闹腟䜠最奜有䞪心理准倇   癜露型4番艊の倕立っおんだ。蚀っおおくが、倜はうるさいから、心の準備だけしずいおな I'm Yuudachi, fourth ship of the Shiratsuyu-class. I'll tell you this right now: I'm pretty loud at night, so brace yourself.
Login 喔指挥官  什么握爪䜠圚看䞍起我么 あう、指揮官  「お手」ナメおるのか Ugh, Commander... "Shake paws"?! Are you making fun of me?!
Details 喔  有什么事吗 わぅ  なんだ Woof? ... What?
Main 指挥官胜别圓着我的面扔飞盘吗我䞍是小狗   指揮官、ディスク投げるのを本気やめおよ、犬じゃないから~ Commander, seriously, stop throwing that frisbee at me. I'm not a dog~!
Main 2 肉的銙味圚哪里快告诉我 くんくんお肉の匂いだどこだ早く教えろ *Sniff sniff* I smell meat! Where is it?! Tell me right now!
Main 3 没有架打奜无聊啊  指挥官来比试䞀䞋吧 ケンカがなくお぀たんないぜ  指揮官~やろやろう It's so boring when I don't get to fight... Commander, wanna have a go? Let's do it!
Touch 唔  䞍芁把我圓小孩子 くっ  子䟛扱いすんなよ Grr... Stop treating me like a kid.
Touch (Special) 唔  我芁把䜠装进连装炮里发射出去䜠这萝莉控 くっ  連装砲に詰め蟌んでぶっ飛ばしおやるこのロリコンめ Grr
 I'll stuff you into guns and send you off to space, you damn molester!
Mission 䞊蟹又䞋蟟任务了那些倧人奜啰嗊   たた新しい仕事か倧人たち、うっざいなぁ   Another new mission? You adults sure are a pain...
Mission Complete 指挥官指挥官快看看任务奖励里有没有吃的 指揮官指揮官、ボヌナスにおや぀がないか早く確認しお Commander, Commander, hurry up and check the rewards to see if there are any snacks!
Mail 喂有信是纊架吗我䞍䌚蟓的 おい、メヌルだぞ。果たし状か負けないぞ Hey, mail for you. Is it a challenge for me? I won't lose!
Return to Port 指挥官指挥官芁䞀起吃吗 指揮官指揮官、䞀緒に食べる Commander, Commander, wanna eat something together?
Commission Complete 指挥官有委托完成了  倞奖就行了䞍芁摞我倎 指揮官、委蚗がか  耒めるだけでいいから頭撫でるな  くしゃくしゃ Commander, a commission's been... A compliment's good enough, so stop patting my head!
Enhancement 指挥官快垊我出海我现圚埈想扟点什么发泄䞀䞋 指揮官、早く海に連れおっおよ。今すごく詊し撃ちがしたいんだ Commander, take me out to the sea already. I really wanna test out my guns~
Flagship 嗷呜打架我可是䞍䌚留情的 オゥりケンカなら手加枛しないぜ Awoo! I'm not gonna go easy on you all!
Victory 砎坏䞜西这种事我还是埈擅长的~ 壊すっお任務は埗意なんだぜ Missions involving breaking stuff are my specialty!
Defeat 混蛋䞺什么  我居然蟓了   ちくしょう、たさか  負けたなんお   Damn it, I can't believe
 I lost

Skill 化䜜所眗闚的藻屑吧 ゜ロモンの藻屑になれ Turn to junk floating in the Solomon Sea!
Low HP 让䜠们见识䞀䞋所眗闚的噩梊 ゜ロモンの悪倢、芋せおやるぜ I'll show you what the Nightmare of Solomon looks like!
Affinity (Upset) 哌倕立对䜠的投喂毫䞍理睬 ふん倕立はあなたを無芖した Hmph! (Yuudachi ignored you.)
Affinity (Stranger) 听诎有吃的 めしか Got any food?!
Affinity (Friendly) 嗷呜今倩咬谁怎么样是䞍是超凶  奜耶这样姐効们就䞍䌚诎我战斗之倖像条小狗了 オゥり今日は誰に噛み付くかどう、超荒々しくない  よし、これで姉効たちに戊闘以倖じゃ犬みたいっお蚀われなくなるぜ "Grr! Who will I bite today?" How's that? Awfully violent, right? ... Good, now my sisters will stop telling me I'm like a dog outside of battle!
Affinity (Like) 郜怪䜠我回去被姐効们笑了䜠芁怎么赔我就算是摞倎——嘿嘿  也䞍䌚  唔嘿嘿  原谅䜠的~ 指揮官のせいでたた姉効たちに笑われたどうしおくれるんだ頭ナデナデぐらいじゃヌヌえぞぞ  すりすりゆるしお  えぞぞ  あげないもん   My sisters are still laughing at me and it's your fault! What are you gonna do to fix it? I won't let you off the hook with... *Giggle*... with just a... *Giggle*... headpat...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官肚子给䜠摞  诶䞍是有句话诎道歉的时候芁把肚子露出来  以后我再闯神就给䜠摞肚子䜠䞍芁生气啊——唔奜痒啊哈哈哈哈 指揮官、お腹觊っお  ほえ謝る時におぞそを出すっお  今床ヘマしたらお腹觊らせおあげるからもう怒らないでよヌヌくっ、くすぐったいあははは Commander, rub my belly
 Huh? I've heard you should show your belly button when you're apologizing to someone... Next time I mess up I'll let you rub my belly, so don't get angry at me... Th-that tickles, ahahaha!
Pledge 誓  纊那是什么  就是诎我可以随时随地被指挥官摞摞倎闯神也䞍䌚生气还有埈倚奜吃的我做 けっ こんなにそれ  じゃあこれからい぀でも指揮官に頭をナデナデしおもらえお、ヘマしおも怒られない、矎味しいものをいっぱい食べさせおくれるっおこずするする Pro... mise? What's that? You mean from now you'll always pat my head, never get angry when I screw up, and let me eat tons of tasty food?! Hell yeah, I'm in!
In battle with Shiratsuyu, Shigure 猎子军团癜露小队出击 Monkey Corps Shiratsuyu, strike!
In battle with UNKNOWN(10) 我䞍是狗也䞍是猎子 I'm neither a dog nor a monkey!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官别窝办公宀里了冬倩总是吹暖气骚倎䌚生锈的出来䞀起玩吧 指揮官、執務宀に匕きこもるな!暖房に圓たっおばかりじゃ身䜓が錆び付いちゃうぜ倖に出お遊がう Come out of your office, Commander! You'll become lazy if you huddle up next to the heater all day! Let's go out and play in the snow!
Acquisition 指挥官别窝办公宀里了冬倩总是吹暖气骚倎䌚生锈的出来䞀起玩吧 指揮官、執務宀に匕きこもるな!暖房に圓たっおばかりじゃ身䜓が錆び付いちゃうぜ倖に出お遊がう Come out of your office, Commander! You'll become lazy if you huddle up next to the heater all day! Let's go out and play in the snow!
Login 指挥官䜠的粟神䞍行啊跟我䞀起去雪地里打滚吧 指揮官なんで凹んでんだほら雪の䞊で䞀緒に転がろうぜ The hell you looking so sad for, Commander? C'mon, let's roll around in the snow together!
Details 冷我完党䞍冷 寒い党然寒くないぜ It's cold? It doesn't feel cold at all to me!
Main 房闎里奜暖和芁睡着了  唔指挥官  肉  奜吃   郚屋の䞭は暖かい、眠くなるぜ  うぅ、指揮官  お肉  矎味いぜ   It's too warm in here, it's making me sleepy... Mmmh... Commander... meat... so yummy...
Main 2 嗷所有人集火指挥官这场雪仗的胜利属于我们 オゥ指揮官に火力集䞭だこの雪合戊はもらったぜ Woof! Focus fire on the commander! Victory shall be mine!
Main 3 指挥官冬倩就该吃火锅对吧对吧对吧 指揮官、冬はお鍋だろお鍋お鍋 Gotta eat hotpot during winter, right? Hotpot? Let's make some hotpot!
Touch 癜露时雚出闚打雪仗吧 癜露、時雚、雪合戊やろうぜ、 Shiratsuyu, Shigure, let's have a snowball fight!
Flagship 我打雪仗超区的 雪合戊も埗意なんだぜ Snowball fights are my specialty as well!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈呣  指挥官芁是圓店员就有肉包吃的话我圓倚久郜可以  
Acquisition 哈呣  指挥官芁是圓店员就有肉包吃的话我圓倚久郜可以  
Login 指挥官吃吗热乎的
Details 圓店员后我孊到了䞀件事原来肉包的种类也有那么倚
Main 我和店长诎我䞍芁工钱只芁肉包䞺什么店长的県神奜像跟死了䞀样
Main 2 指挥官店里奜无聊䞍借宜敞䞍胜撒欢䜠来陪我
Main 3 巊蟹那䞪柜子䞊有肉干旁蟹那䞪柜子䞊有銙肠里面的架子䞊有鞡腿其他的我就䞍知道了
Touch 唔 搞坏收银机的事吗可是那䞪真的埈隟甚啊指挥官教我
Return to Port 指挥官芁吃点什么吗埮波炉我还是䌚甚的
Victory 饿了幞奜垊了䞪包子~
Affinity (Love) 虜然诎有包子我圓倚久店员郜行䞍过没指挥官圚还是倪无聊了指挥官䜠来圓店长嘛我超奜养的
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官快看看快看看我的新衣服奜䞍奜看呀奜看的话芁䞍芁摞摞看 指揮官、ほらほらこの「どれす」っお服はどうだぞぞぞ、觊っおもいいんだぜ Commander, look at me, look at me! What do you think of my new outfit? If you like it, wanna give it a feel?
Acquisition 指挥官快看看快看看我的新衣服奜䞍奜看呀奜看的话芁䞍芁摞摞看 指揮官、ほらほらこの「どれす」っお服はどうだぞぞぞ、觊っおもいいんだぜ Commander, look at me, look at me! What do you think of my new outfit? If you like it, wanna give it a feel?
Login 听诎宎䌚䞊有埈倚埈倚肉吃我已经等䞍及了 パヌティヌでお肉がたくさん食べれるず聞いお、もう埅ちきれないぜ I heard there's gonna be a ton of meat at the banquet! I can't wait any longer!
Details 指挥官快看倕立的战利品晚䌚䞊有埈倚埈倚奜吃的肉实圚是倪棒啊 指揮官、ほら倕立の戊利品うたいお肉がたくさん食えるなんおやっぱりパヌティヌは最高だぜ Commander, look, these are my spoils of war! Ahh, I'm so glad that there's so much delicious meat to chow down on at the banquet!
Main 唔时雚去哪了呢 肯定是又去扟雪风比赛什么䞜西了吧 時雚のや぀どこいっおんだどうせ雪颚ずたたよくわからん競争でもしおるな Erm, where'd Shigure go... I bet she went off to have one of her dumb contests with Yukikaze again!
Main 2 我听诎晚䞊还有舞䌚。指挥官跳舞是怎样的呀 「だんすぱヌおぃヌ」うん指揮官、「だんす」っおなんだ I heard there's also going to be a ball tonight. Commander, how do you dance?
Main 3 “小心䞍芁匄脏衣服”嗯我知道的倕立也埈喜欢这身衣服䞀定䌚泚意的 服をあたり汚すなっおわかっおるよこの服結構気に入ったし、気を぀ける Be careful not to get my clothes dirty? Mhm, I already know! I really like this outfit too, so I'll take good care of it!
Touch 诶嘿嘿指挥官是芁垊我去吃曎倚奜吃的还是去玩曎倚奜玩的呀 指揮官、えぞぞぞこれからはもっずうたいものを食わせおくれるのかそれずも面癜いもので䞀緒に遊ぶずかか Ehehe... Commander, are you taking me to get more delicious meat, or to have even more fun?
Touch (Special) 指挥官倕立芁生气了 指揮官こら怒るぜ Commander! I'm gonna get super mad!
Return to Port 啊呜啊呜这䞪肉䞲奜奜吃~嗯指挥官䜠也想吃吗我可以分给䜠䞀点 はむはむむしゃむしゃ、うったおっ指揮官も食べるかいいぜ、ほら Awoooo! This skewer is so yummy! Nnh? Commander, want a bite? Here's a piece for you!
Affinity (Love) 虜然今倩倕立吃埗玩埗郜埈匀心䜆还是指挥官的身蟹最奜啊诶嘿嘿指挥官倚陪陪我嘛。 うたいものを食えるのもいいけど、でもパヌティヌはやっぱり指揮官ず䞀緒のほうが䞀番楜しいなえぞぞ、指揮官、倕立ずもっず䞀緒に遊がうぜ Even though I had a ton of fun and ate a ton of yummy food tonight, nothing beats being at your side! Ehehe, Commander, play with me a bit more~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “圣诞”就是那䞪“圣诞老人”䌚来送瀌物的日子对吧奜期埅啊~指挥官也是吧也同样期埅着瀌物没错吧 クリスマスっお、あの「さんたくろヌす」っおや぀がプレれントくれる日だよなワクワクするぜ指揮官もそうだよなな Christmas! The day Santa Claus drops by and leaves presents, right? Hell yeah, I'm pumped! Aren't you pumped too, Commander?
Acquisition “圣诞”就是那䞪“圣诞老人”䌚来送瀌物的日子对吧奜期埅啊~指挥官也是吧也同样期埅着瀌物没错吧 クリスマスっお、あの「さんたくろヌす」っおや぀がプレれントくれる日だよなワクワクするぜ指揮官もそうだよなな Christmas! The day Santa Claus drops by and leaves presents, right? Hell yeah, I'm pumped! Aren't you pumped too, Commander?
Login 指挥官芁坐雪橇玩吗 指揮官、そりに乗ろうぜ Hop onto my sleigh and we'll go for a ride, Commander!
Details “给圣诞老人的信”我芁写我芁写“想芁奜倚奜倚的吃䞍完的肉 ”嗯写奜了 「さんたくろヌす」に手玙倕立も曞いおいいかいっぱいお肉を よし、できたぜ A letter to Santa? Hell yeah, I'll write one too! "One huge cut of steak, thanks"... Bam, perfect!
Main 这身衣服掻劚起来奜方䟿啊~哒哒哒~ 欞䞍可以圚这里闹腟吗知道了啊  おおこの服動きやすいなこれならケンカも え、ダメちぇ  Check it out, this outfit's real easy to move in! Useful in a fight, too... Huh? No fighting? Dammit...
Main 2 指挥官嘿 阿莺野诎只芁像这样抱䜏指挥官的倎就䌚有奜事发生 唔奜事呢 指揮官おりゃ 阿賀野がな、こうやっお指揮官の頭を抱っこしたらいいこずあるっおで、いいこずっおなんだ Commander! Squeeze! ...See, Agano told me something nice would happen if I cradled your head like this! So, this "nice thing," what is it?
Main 3 奜~刚才是指挥官坐我垮指挥官拉雪橇现圚换指挥官拉雪橇啊 よヌし、さっきは倕立がそりを匕いおやったから 今床は指揮官の番な Well... Since I pulled the sleigh last time, now it's your turn to do it, Commander!
Touch 哊可以出去玩了吗 わぅ遊びに行けるのか Woof? Playtime? Playtime!
Return to Port 只芁睡觉前把袜子挂圚墙䞊早䞊的时候就胜收到圣诞老人的瀌物了吧嘿嘿~ 寝る前に靎䞋をぶら䞋げればいいんだよな朝が楜しみだぜぞぞっ Before we go to bed, we gotta hang our stockings by the fireplace! Man, I can't wait for tomorrow morning! Heheh!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官我郜看到了哊晚䞊䜠偷偷把瀌物攟到墙䞊的袜子里了吧原来指挥官 就是圣诞老人的助手呀嘿嘿~指挥官最奜了~ 指揮官倕立芋たぞ倜にプレれントを靎䞋に入れおただろおこずは指揮官が 「さんたくろヌす」っおや぀の仲間なんだなえぞぞ、指揮官倧奜きだぜ I saw you, Commander! You were stuffing the stockings with presents last night! Which can only mean... you're buddies with Santa Claus! Hehehe, I really love you, Commander!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官䜠看䜠看这䞪叫癜什么的新衣服红红的又癜癜的我超喜欢的䞍过穿这䞪是芁干啥来着 指揮官、ほらこの「シロムク」っお服、赀くお癜くお栌奜良くない気に入ったぜ でもこれを着お䜕すんの Look, Commander! Isn't this kimono thing all, like, red and white and cool? I dig it! ... But what occasion is it for?
Acquisition 指挥官䜠看䜠看这䞪叫癜什么的新衣服红红的又癜癜的我超喜欢的䞍过穿这䞪是芁干啥来着 指揮官、ほらこの「シロムク」っお服、赀くお癜くお栌奜良くない気に入ったぜ でもこれを着お䜕すんの Look, Commander! Isn't this kimono thing all, like, red and white and cool? I dig it! ... But what occasion is it for?
Login 指挥官嘿嘿我老远就闻到䜠的味道啊~ 指揮官ぞぞぞ、ずっずさっきからニオむを嗅ぎ分けおたんだぜ Commander! Heheheh~! I knew it was you just from the way you smell!
Details 䞍知道䞺什么穿着这件衣服的时候总觉埗指挥官就圚身蟹䞀样 どうしおかわからないけど、これを着おいるずなんだか指揮官がずっず偎にいるような気がする I dunno why, but wearing this makes me feel like I'm always by your side!
Main 指挥官工䜜忙䞍忙䞍忙来玩玩什么郜行~ 指揮官、忙しい忙しくないなら遊がなんでもいいぜ Commander, you busy? If not, can we play? We can play whatever you want!
Main 2 诎起来之前想给指挥官做奜吃的结果把厚房搞爆炞了   そういやこの前、指揮官に飯䜜ろうずしたら、キッチンを爆発させちたったな   Oh yeah, I tried making some food for you the other day, but I ended up wrecking the kitchen...
Main 3 没有架打的时候就盯着指挥官看也看䞍腻呢  就是容易犯困   ケンカがなくおも指揮官を芋おいるず぀たんなくならないよな  眠くはなるけど   When there's nobody to fight, just gazing at you keeps boredom away... Doesn't keep sleepiness away, though...
Touch 指挥官我做了什么奜事吗嘿嘿嘿倚摞摞倚摞摞 指揮官倕立、なんかいいこずやったぞぞぞさわっおさわっお Commander! Did I do something praiseworthy?! Heheheh~! Pat me, c'mon!
Mail 指挥官有䜠的信唔我没有搞错吧 指揮官、メヌルだぜ倕立、間違えおないよな   Commander, here's your mail! Hope I didn't get the wrong letter...
Commission Complete 指挥官委托组的倧家回来啊~~摞摞倎呢摞摞倎呢 指揮官、委蚗に出た子たちが戻っおきたぜ  頭なでなではねえねえ Commander, the commission team's back! ... Where's my headpat? C'mon, I want one!
Flagship 嗷呜䞍䌚让䜠欺莟指挥官的 オゥり指揮官をいじめさせないぜ *Woof*! I won't let you lay a finger on the Commander!
Defeat 指挥官穿着这件衣服打架奜隟啊 指揮官  これを着おケンカするなんお無理だぜ   Commander... It's impossible to fight while wearing this stuff...
Low HP 䜠们匄砎了我最宝莵的衣服我芁生气啊 倧切な服を砎りやがっお   倕立、怒るぜ You shredded my cherished clothes... Now you've made me MAD!
Affinity (Love) 倍杂的事情虜然我还䞍倪明癜䜆是我最喜欢指挥官啊谁芁是敢欺莟指挥官就埗先问过我的䞻炮才行 難しいこずはわからないけど、でも倕立、指揮官のこずが倧奜きだぜ指揮官をいじめるや぀は、たずこの䞻砲に断りを入れおからにしなッ I don't get complicated stuff, but I know that I love you, Commander! Anyone who dares to try messing with you will first have to argue with my cannons!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇指挥官䜠是䞍是变矮了怎么看着比平时小只 其实是倕立长倧了真的改造原来是这样的吗 わぅ指揮官、背が瞮んだなんかい぀もより小さく芋えるぜ 倕立のほうが倧きくなったのか本圓か改造っおそんなものなのか Woof...? Am I imagining it, or did you get shorter, Commander? Unless... it's me who's gotten bigger? Seriously?! Nobody told me retrofitting makes you taller!
Acquisition 哇指挥官䜠是䞍是变矮了怎么看着比平时小只 其实是倕立长倧了真的改造原来是这样的吗 わぅ指揮官、背が瞮んだなんかい぀もより小さく芋えるぜ 倕立のほうが倧きくなったのか本圓か改造っおそんなものなのか Woof...? Am I imagining it, or did you get shorter, Commander? Unless... it's me who's gotten bigger? Seriously?! Nobody told me retrofitting makes you taller!
Login 指挥官我饿了 出击前咱们先去吃点肉吧奜嘛 指揮官、お腹が枛ったぜ 出撃の前にお肉を食べに行こうな I'm starving here, man... Gimme a steak before we set out! C'mon!
Details 手哊、哊 䞍对这是圚做什么 お手お、おぅ っお䜕しおるんだ Shake? S-sure... Wait, the heck are you making me do?!
Main 时雚那家䌙总喜欢和雪风比些什么 䞀盎把同䞀䞪人圓对手䞍䌚无聊吗 時雚のや぀、いっ぀も雪颚ず競っおるよな 同じ盞手だず぀たんなくならないか Shigure's still keepin' her rivalry with Yukikaze going... What's the point messing with the same person all the time?
Main 2 点心时闎到了指挥官今倩是什么点心快告诉我吧 おや぀の時間だぜ指揮官、今日は䜕のおや぀だ早く教えお Oh yeah, it's snack time! What we having today, Commander? C'mon, tell me!
Main 3 䞀看到野分和拉菲就犯困了  哈倕立䞍困䞍困 野分ずラフィヌを芋おるず眠くなるぜ  は倕立、眠くない眠くない  Just watching Nowaki and Laffey makes me wanna doze off... Aw, crap! Nuh-uh, not sleepy in the least!
Touch 䞍芁再把倕立圓小孩子啊䜠看我郜已经长埗这么高了 子䟛扱いするんじゃないぜもう背がこヌんなに䌞びたからな Stop treating me like a kid already! Look how big I've grown!
Touch (Special) 汪呜 わぅ Woof?!
Return to Port 想芁喝饮料知道了我顺䟿买点肉回来 飲み物分かった぀いでにお肉も買っおくるぜ Need a drink? No problem! Gonna go buy a slab of steak while I'm at it!
Commission Complete 指挥官倕立把委托组的倧家郜接回来了那䞪 我想芁摞摞倎 指揮官、委蚗に出た子たちが戻っおきたぜ  頭なでなではねえねえ Commission team just got back, Commander! ...Now, where's my headpat? Don't be stingy now!
Flagship 倧闹䞀场吧 暎れおやる I'm gonna mess you up!
Victory 赢啊指挥官摞摞我芁奖励的摞摞 勝った指揮官、ナデナデ、ご耒矎のナデナデだ Victory's mine! Gimme a victory rub, Commander! I deserve a reward!