Shiratsuyu (JP 🇯🇵: 白露, CN 🇹🇼: 白露)
Ship ID No. 163 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Drop
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 32
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN August 16, 2018
KR March 27, 2018
CN May 25, 2017
JP September 13, 2017
Voice actress Narumi Shinohara
Name Saru(猴妈)
Shiratsuyu Description
Shiratsuyu-class destroyer number one - Shiratsuyu.
Is The Order A Torpedo? Description
H-here they come... Your order, and your cutesy dutesy maid... Whoaahh! I'm sorry! Look out!
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1427 Reload 171
Firepower 56 Torpedo 463
Evasion 184 Anti-air 130
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 147 Luck 41
Hit 174 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 1712 Reload 196
Firepower 65 Torpedo 509
Evasion 190 Anti-air 150
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 165 Luck 41
Hit 182 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 276 Reload 72
Firepower 12 Torpedo 98
Evasion 71 Anti-air 28
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 40 Luck 41
Hit 67 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 41
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 41
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gained Full Barrage I / Torpedo Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Max Torpedo Capacity +1 / Pre-Loaded Torpedo +1 / Torpedo Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I→II / All Weapons Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Shiratsuyu-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 9
Lv.120 7 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Torpedo Command: Vanguard Increases the TRP of your Vanguard by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Shiratsuyu Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 白露级驱逐舰一番舰—白露 白露型駆逐艦一番艦・白露 Shiratsuyu-class destroyer number one - Shiratsuyu.
Biography 我是白露级驱逐舰首舰,虽然原本应该是初春级的…… 话说回来……这里是?为什么我在做自我介绍……?唔,虽然不太明白,以后也请多多指教…… 白露型の1番艦だけど、元々は初春型のはずだったけど……そう言えばここは?私なんで自己紹介してるの?よくわからないけど…これからよろしくね I'm the first ship of the Shiratsuyu-class, but I was meant to be part of the Hatsuharu-class... Anyway, where am I? Why am I introducing myself...? I don't really know... But I hope I can be of service.
Acquisition 唔,白露级首舰,白露……指挥官你好,我叫白露——欸?我刚说过了?唔……因为实在找不到方法回去了,只好留在这里,以后都麻烦指挥官了 う、白露型1番艦、白露…指揮官こんにちは、白露だよ―え?さっきも言ったって?う……帰る方法が分からないから、ここにいるしかないの。これからよろしくね Um, I'm Shiratsuyu, the first ship of the Shiratsuyu-class... Hello, Commander. My name is Shiratsuyu... Huh? I just said that? Hm... I don't know how to get back home, so I guess I'll stay here. I hope I can be of service.
Login 欸?指挥官你在这边啊……欸嘿嘿…… え?指揮官、ここにいたのね…えへへ… Huh? So this is where you were, Commander... *Giggles*
Details 指挥官在看什么呢?咦?告诉人家啦…… 指揮官、何見てるの?え?教えてよ~… Commander, what are you looking at? Hm? Come on, tell me...
Main 指挥官,有看到我的鱼雷嘛……刚才它突然窜出去了 指揮官、私の魚雷を見なかった?…さっき急に出て行っちゃったの Commander, did you see my torpedo? ... It went off somewhere suddenly.
Main 2 指挥官,我最近总是忘记我忘了什么东西怎么办…… あれ…最近、何を忘れたかも忘れちゃうの、どうしよう… Weird... lately I seem to forget what I'm forgetting... What am I gonna do...
Main 3 唔,好困……指挥官好像没在看……继续睡… うぅ、眠い…(ちらり)指揮官は見てないよね…もうちょっと寝よう… *Yawn*... So tired... I hope the commander isn't looking... so I'll sleep for a bit longer...
Touch 呼喵……被摸困了…… ふぁ…触られると眠くなっちゃう… *Yawn*... I get so tired when people touch me...
Touch (Special) 呜……这种地方摸起来感觉怪怪的…… うぅ…そんなとこ触られると変な感じ… Whua... it feels weird when you touch me like that...
Mission 有任务!这次白露记得! お仕事ですね!今度は忘れないから! We've got a job to do! This time I won't forget!
Mission Complete 指挥官,我把……咦,我抱着的是什么? 指揮官、今……白露、何を持ってるの?? Commander, I brought... Huh, what's this in my hand?
Mail 指挥官,有信! 指揮官、めーる! Commander, there's mail!
Return to Port 指挥官,没有迷路吗?好厉害! 指揮官、迷ってなかったの?すごーい! Commander, you didn't get lost out there? Wooow!
Commission Complete 指挥官,白露刚才迷路的时候好像看到出去完成委托的姐妹们回来了…… 指揮官、さっき白露が道を迷ってた時にね、ちょうど委託を完了した娘たちと出会ったの…… Commander, while I was lost just earlier, I ran into some girls who'd just completed a commission...
Enhancement 欸……指挥官,这里是哪儿,我怎么感觉全身暖洋洋的…… あれ……指揮官、ここはどこ?体が温かいなぁ…… Huh... Commander, where are we? My body feels so warm...
Flagship 都、都都都闪开啦~~我刹不住船啦!!! み、みみみ、みんな、どいて~ブレーキが効かないー! L-l-l-look out, get out of the way! My breaks aren't working!
Victory 全舰开火!咦……欸,已经赢了? 全艦、発射!あ…あれ…もう勝ったの? All ships, open fire! Wa... wait... we've already won?
Defeat 咕……好痛好痛……到底是被什么打到了啊…… ぐ…イテテ…一体何に叩かれたのかな… Gah... ow ow... what in the world hit me...?
Skill 咦,这里是哪……哇,是敌人! あれ、ここはどこ?あわわ、敵さんだ! Huh? Where are we? Oh no, it's the enemy!
Affinity (Upset) 糟了……怎么会迷路到指挥官旁边……跑吧……(小声) ほぇ……迷って指揮官のそばに……もう逃げよう…… Huh...? I got lost and ended up next to the commander... I'd better run...
Affinity (Stranger) 欸,指挥官?太好了,我还以为我又迷路了……看我在这里绕了五圈?欸嘿嘿,我还挺能干的嘛 ほえ?指揮官?よかった~また迷ったかと思ったよ……ここを5回も回ったの?えへへ、今日は意外とついてるよね~ Huh? Commander? Thank goodness~ I thought I'd gotten lost again... You saw me leave and come back here 5 times? *Giggles* Then today's a surprisingly lucky day~
Affinity (Friendly) 唔……?指挥官?最近回过神来总是会在指挥官旁边,指挥官身上有什么魔力吗? ほえ……?指揮官?最近気づいたらいつも指揮官のそばにいるけど、指揮官は何か魔法掛けたの? Huh...? Commander? I realized a while back that I'm always by your side, did you cast some kind of magic on me?
Affinity (Like) 呜呜,指挥官欺负白露……明明是我要先对指挥官做点什么的~要怎么抱抱都想好了…… うへぇ…指揮官白露にいじわる……指揮官になんかしようと思ったのに~抱っこさせてあげる…… *Whimper*... Commander, you're being mean... I thought I'd do something to you in return~ So I'll let you hug me...
Affinity (Love) 最近见到指挥官的时候总是很想说些什么,但是想跟上指挥官说话的时候又老是跟丢,然后就忘了要说什么……好像是很重要的话……到底是什么呢 最近は指揮官に会うたびに何か言おうとしたり、指揮官と会話するとついていけなかったり、それで何を話そうとしたか忘れたり……大切なお話のようで……なんだろう…… Commander, recently whenever I see you I've wanted to tell you something, and I try to catch up to you, but then I forget what I wanted to say... It has to be something important... But what could it be...
Pledge 啊……!终于想起来要说什么了!呜……但是已经先被指挥官说了……明明人家想要先对指挥官说的…… あ!!今何言おうとしたか思い出した!うう……でも指揮官に先越された……白露から言おうとしたのに…… Ah! Now I remember what I wanted to say! But... you said it first... even though I wanted to be the first to say it...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 久、久等了,您点的萌萌女仆套c——呜哇啊啊啊啊!对对对对不起请躲开~~ お、おまたせしましたーご注文のも、モエモエメイド…うわああああ!ごめんなさい避けて―!! H-here they come... Your order, and your cutesy dutesy maid... Whoaahh! I'm sorry! Look out!
Acquisition 久、久等了,您点的萌萌女仆套c——呜哇啊啊啊啊!对对对对不起请躲开~~ お、おまたせしましたーご注文のも、モエモエメイド…うわああああ!ごめんなさい避けて―!! H-here they come... Your order, and your cutesy dutesy maid... Whoaahh! I'm sorry! Look out!
Main 指挥官,有看到我的鱼雷吗?低头?啊哇哇哇哇—— 指揮官、私の魚雷を見なかった…?足元?…え…うええええ!!? Commander, have you seen my torpedo...? Standing on it...? Wait... Oh noooo!
Main 3 指挥官肚子饿了吗?这边三明治和咖啡…还有草莓蛋糕和曲奇… 指揮官お腹減った?ええと、サンドイッチ…イチゴケーキ…クッキーとコーヒーなら… Are you hungry, Commander? Umm, I have a sandwich... strawberry cake, and some coffee, if you want...
Touch 呜哇!——谢、谢谢指挥官扶住我… うあああ!......あ、危なかった...指揮官ありがと… Whooahhh! ... Gosh, that was too close... Thanks, Commander...
Touch (Special) 呀啊!这、这样很危险的啦! きゃっ!し、指揮官、危ないよ!! Eek! C-Commander! Look out!
Defeat 呜呜呜…又搞砸了… ううう…またドジしちゃったよぉ…… *Sob*... I messed up again...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呜呜……好疼……又不小心摔倒了……欸?指挥官陪着我一起摔倒了吗?是,是为了扶我?对不起呜呜…… あぅ…いたた…また転んじゃった…ほぇ?指揮官も転んじゃったの?白露を起こすのを手伝うため?あぅ、ごめんなさい…… Owwie, I fell again... Huh? You fell, too? Just because you wanted to help me up? *sniffle*... I'm sorry...
Acquisition 呜呜……好疼……又不小心摔倒了……欸?指挥官陪着我一起摔倒了吗?是,是为了扶我?对不起呜呜…… あぅ…いたた…また転んじゃった…ほぇ?指揮官も転んじゃったの?白露を起こすのを手伝うため?あぅ、ごめんなさい…… Owwie, I fell again... Huh? You fell, too? Just because you wanted to help me up? *sniffle*... I'm sorry...
Login 啊!指挥官,小心头顶的灯笼!……欸?已经掉下来了? あ。指揮官、提灯に気をつけて?……ほぇ?もう落ちちゃった? Ah. Commander, watch out for the lanterns... Hwuh? They fell already?
Details 欸嘿嘿……没想到把来扶我的指挥官也拽倒了呢对不起哦……啊对了,指挥官你屁股痛不痛?我帮你揉揉吧! えへへ…白露を起こそうとして、指揮官も転んじゃった……。そうだ、指揮官お尻は痛くないの?痛かったらモミモミしてあげようか…? Hehe... You tried to help me up, and you ended up falling, too... Does your butt hurt, Commander? I can rub it if you need me to...
Main 烟花很漂亮呢……就算和指挥官一起坐着看也好开心哦……都忘记屁股很疼了,嘿嘿…… 花火、すごくキレイ……このまま指揮官と一緒に座って見るのも楽しいし……痛いのももう飛んじゃった。えへへ The fireworks are so pretty... Sitting and watching them with you is fun. I forgot all about the pain, hehe...
Main 2 指挥官,我们下次去看什么呢?我保证不会再摔跤啦! 指揮官、次は何を見に行く?絶対に転ばないように保証するよ? Commander, where should we watch them next time? I promise I won't fall next time.
Main 3 那个灯笼真是吓了我一跳呢……不过多亏有它,才能和指挥官靠得这么近~ 今のでびっくりしちゃった……えへへ、でもおかげで指揮官とこうしてくっつけれた~ That scared me... Hehe, but I got to get close to you, so it's okay~
Touch 呼喵……指挥官的手好暖…… ふぁ……指揮官の手、あたたかぁーい… Wow... Your hands are warm...
Touch (Special) 呜……指挥官是想帮我揉揉吗……? うぅ……指揮官がモミモミしてくれるの……? *sob*... Are you going to rub it better for me?
Touch (Headpat) 呜……是在安慰我摔倒吗……不过和指挥官坐在一起也很开心…… うぅ…私を慰めてくれてるの…?でも私、このまま指揮官と一緒に座ってるのもいいなあって…… *sob*... Are you trying to comfort me? But I'm happy to just sit with you for a while, too...
Mission 啊,差点忘记还有任务呢……一不小心就看烟花入神了…… あ、花火に見入ってて、任務があるのを忘れるところだったよ…… Ah! I was so focused on the fireworks that I almost forgot we had missions...
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务奖励哦!……咦?我刚刚是不是把奖励放在这里了?欸?去哪了? 指揮官、任務報酬だよ?……え?任務報酬をここに置いたよね…?ほぇ?どこ行ったの…? Commander, you have rewards. ...Huh? I left them here, didn't I? Hwuh? Where'd they go?
Mail 新的信……要我帮指挥官去取吗?欸?不用吗? めーる!指揮官、私が取ってきてもいい?え?行かなくてもいいの? Mail! Can I get it, Commander? Huh? You don't need me to?
Return to Port 呜……下次约会我一定更小心的……欸?指挥官回来啦~ あぅ……次のデートはもっと気をつけないと……ほぇ?指揮官、もう帰ってきたの? Oh, I'd better be more careful on our next date... Huh? You're back, Commander?
Commission Complete 啊,姐妹们完成委托回来了,唔,指挥官去迎接的时候应该不会迷路吧……? あ、みんなが委託から戻ってきたよ。ええと、指揮官は出迎えに行く時、迷子になったりしないよね…? Oh, everyone's back from the commission. Umm, you won't get lost when you go greet them, right?
Affinity (Love) 呜……明明现在应该很狼狈的,但看到指挥官满身是雪还在对我笑……感觉心里好暖……啊对了!差点把这次要对指挥官说的很重要的话忘了——“我最最喜欢指挥官了!”嘿嘿,以后也想和指挥官一直一起看烟花呢! ん…今すっごく気まずいはずなのに、指揮官が雪まみれになっても微笑んでくれてるのを見てると、なんだか心がポカポカ……そうだ!指揮官に言いたいことを忘れるところだった――「指揮官のことが大好き!」えへへ、これからもずっとずっと花火を一緒に見ようね♪ Mm... I should be embarrassed right now, but seeing you smiling and covered in snow makes my heart all warm and fuzzy... Oh! I almost forgot what I wanted to tell you – "I love you, Commander!" Hehe, let's watch fireworks together all the time!