Yamashiro (JP 🇯🇵: 山城, CN 🇹🇼: 山城)
Ship ID No. 209 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage6-3
Enhance Income
Firepower 61
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Ami Koshimizu
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2922722
Twitter https://twitter.com/h49889577
Weibo https://weibo.com/u/2120756483
Name Rain Lan
Yamashiro Description
Second ship of the Fusou-class battleships, Yamashiro.
Summer Offensive? Description
It’s just not summer without beach volleyball! Ah... Milord, you’re not playing? But I went through all this effort to pick out a swimsuit...
Holiday Offensive Description
Merry Christmas! Milord, milord, how do I look? Is my Christmas outfit pretty? Ehehe~ Big sis also praised me today!
Dressy Black Cat Description
Fusou told me that I have to wear a Western-style dress to the banquet, so she got one for me! Milord, Milord, isn't this dress pretty?
Sales Clerk Offensive?! Description
Milord, Milord, welcome to the store! Yamashiro is a sales clerk today! Mhm, I'll do my best!
Street Corner Offensive! Description
Uwaah! M-Milord?! I'm so, so sorry... You didn't get hurt, did you? Um... This is my school uniform. Fusou tailored it for me, hehe~ ... Awawa! I should head off to class now! See you later!
Bridal Attack! Description
Milord, Milord, I've finished changing! What do you think, what do you think? Milord, do you like Yamashiro's dress~?
Yamashiro (Retrofit) Description
Milord! I can do anything now~ bombardment or aerial strikes! So, the thing is, you can totally count on me, much much more, Milord! Milord~!
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air D
HP 6246 Reload 120
Firepower 349 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 193
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 14
Hit 52 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 7307 Reload 138
Firepower 390 Torpedo 0
Evasion 31 Anti-air 222
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 14
Hit 66 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 1208 Reload 51
Firepower 74 Torpedo 0
Evasion 5 Anti-air 41
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 14
Hit 20 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 6596 Reload 125
Firepower 399 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 208
Aviation 45 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 14
Hit 52 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 7657 Reload 143
Firepower 440 Torpedo 0
Evasion 31 Anti-air 237
Aviation 45 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 14
Hit 66 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 356mm Mounted Gun
3 Triple 25mm Mounted AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T4 Battleship: Fusou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 11 +2
Max LimitBreak 22
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Cover Fire Increases this ship's FP by 10.0% (20.0%).
Aviation Preparations Once per battle, when this ship launches its first Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 扶桑级战列舰二番舰—山城 扶桑型戦艦二番艦・山城 Second ship of the Fusou-class battleships, Yamashiro.
Biography 那个那个,我是扶桑姐姐的妹妹山城!虽然出生开始运气就不是很好,不过有姐姐在所以好好成长着!而且别看我这样,我也当过联合舰队的旗舰呢!飞机……?那是什么,好吃吗? あの、扶桑姉さまの妹やまひ…山城です!生まれつき運が悪いんですけど、姉さまのおかげで元気に育っています!こう見えても連合艦隊の旗艦も務めたのです!コウクウキ……?なんですか?美味しいものですか? Um... I'm big sister Fusou's little sister, Yamashiro! Neither of us have really had good fortune since we were born, but I've grown up well thanks to big sis! Please don't judge me by my looks... I was once the flagship of the Combined Fleet! Planes...? What are those? Can I eat them?
Acquisition 哇!是殿下,是真的殿下!那个那个,我是,唔,我是三、山城!从今往后请多指教! わ!殿様だ!本物の殿様だ!あのあの、私、えっと、やまひ、山城と言います!これからよろしくお願いします! Woah! It's Milord! Milord in person! Um... I'm Yamahi-, Yamashiro! I am pleased to make your acquaintance.
Login 殿下殿下,今天要做什么呀! 殿様、今日は何をなさいますか? Milord, milord! What shall we do today?
Details 殿下身上有股舒服的味道! (くんくん)殿様から気持ちいい匂いがします~ Milord, you smell really nice~
Main 殿下殿下!哎呀!……谢谢殿下,我从以前开始就很容易摔倒,已经习惯了! 殿様~わあー!(転ぶ)……ありがとうございます殿様!昔から転びやすくて…、でも慣れています! Milord, Milord! Waah~! ...Thank you, milord. I have always tipped over easily, but I am used to it now.
Main 2 殿下殿下,要一起来练习跑步吗,我想要变得快一点! 殿様、一緒に走りませんか?私、少しでも足を早くしたくて! Milord, do you want to jog with me? I want to become a little faster.
Main 3 殿下殿下,走廊的花瓶不知道为什么摔碎了,不是我做的哦!我走过的时候它就忽然摔下来吓了我一跳…… 殿様、廊下の花瓶、割れちゃいました…私がやったのではないんですよ!隣を通っただけなのに急に落ちて、びっくりしちゃいました The vase in the hallway broke... It wasn't me, I swear! It just jumped off right as I walked past it...
Touch 好痒啦殿下! 殿様、くすぐったいですぅ! Milord... that tickles!
Touch (Special) 哇!!殿下快让开,主炮要发射了! はわわ!殿様どいてー!主砲が暴発しちゃう! Woah! Watch out, Milord! I'm about to fire my main gun!
Mission 殿下殿下,有新的任务! 殿様殿様、新しい任務があります! Milord! New missions!
Mission Complete 殿下殿下,我把任务奖励……哇啊啊!! 殿様殿様、任務の報酬を……あああ!!(転ぶ) Milord, milord! I've brought the rewards... Oops!
Mail 殿下殿下,有你的信! 殿様殿様、メールです! Milord! Milord! Your mail is here!
Return to Port 殿下辛苦啦,我给你泡了……呜哇!!殿下小心!! 殿様お疲れ様です。お茶をいれ……はわわ!よけてー! Welcome back, Milord, I made you some tea... Woah! Watch out!
Commission Complete 殿下殿下,有姐妹完成委托回来啦! 殿様、委託を完了したみんなが戻ってきましたよ! Milord, the girls have returned from commissions!
Enhancement 感觉自己变强了! 強くなった!…気がしますぅ… I've gotten stronger... I think!
Flagship 姐妹们上——哇哇哇,主炮不小心发射了! みんな行けぇ~!はわわ、うっかり主砲を撃っちゃった! Everyone, go~! Waaah?! My guns fired on accident!
Victory 殿下,看到了吗看到了吗! 殿様、今の見た?見た??(嬉しそう) Milord, did you see that? Did you?
Defeat 呜……姐姐你在哪,呜呜呜呜…… うぅ……姉さま、どこぉ?うううぅ…… Uu... Sister... where are you? *sobs*
Skill 弹药库状况良好……好! 弾薬庫よし……いっけー! Ammo storage looks good... Alright!
Affinity (Upset) 殿下好无趣……我不要找殿下玩了…… 殿様はつまらないんです……もう殿様とはやめとこう…… You're so boring, Milord. I don't want to play with you anymore.
Affinity (Stranger) 殿下,来玩吧!……啊!忘了带要和殿下一起玩的东西!怎么办…… 殿様、遊びに行きましょう……あ!殿様と何処に行こうとしたか忘れてしまいました…どうしよう…… Milord, come play with me! Ah... I forgot to bring stuff to play with... what should we do?
Affinity (Friendly) 虽然我也很喜欢姐姐,不过姐姐太安静啦,还是殿下好,会陪我玩! 姉さまのことは好きですけど、でも姉さまはお淑やかな方なので…やっぱり一緒に遊んでくれる殿様はいい、です! I love my sister, but she's a bit too quiet sometimes. Milord, I like spending time with you more because you'll play with me!
Affinity (Like) 殿下,你知道这个面具吗,这是狐面哦,也是神乐用的!欸嘿嘿,其实我也有在悄悄练习神乐舞,殿下要看吗要看吗! 殿様、このお面のこと知ってます?これは神楽に使うキツネのお面ですよ!えへへ~実は私、姉さまには内緒で、こっそり神楽を練習しているんです!み、見ますか?? Your Majesty, do you know this mask? It's a fox mask used in Kagura. Hehe, I'm actually about to practice my Kagura dance now. Do you want to watch?
Affinity (Love) 我知道姐姐很努力,所以为了姐姐我也要每天让自己过的开心,然后有一天能把我的笑容也带给姐姐……有殿下在感觉这一天不会很远啦,因为我看到殿下就会很开心! 姉さまはすごく頑張っていて、いつも大変そう…だから姉さまがいつも笑顔でいられるように、私の笑顔をわけてあげたいです……殿様と一緒ならそう遠くないかも!だって殿様はいつも笑顔をわけてくれるもの! I know how hard my big sister works, so for her sake, I know that I should allow myself to be happy. That way, I can share my happiness with her. Now that you are here, Milord, I think I'll finally be able to do that. I feel so happy every time I see you!
Pledge 欸,殿下要把这个给我吗!……嗯,殿下一点也不嫌弃我跑得慢又有缺陷还对我这么好,我也最喜欢殿下啦! え、殿様、これを私に?……うぅ、足が遅くて短所もいっぱいある私を嫌いにならなくて、しかもよくしてくれて…私も、殿様が大好き! Milord? You're going to give this to me? ...Even though I am slow-footed and far from perfect? Milord, you are far too kind. I love you too.
In battle with Kongou 金刚酱,多多关照! 金剛ちゃん、よろしくー!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 说到夏天就是沙滩排球!诶,殿下不参加吗……难得我精心挑选了泳装…… 夏といえばビーチバレー!あれ?殿様はご参加されないのですか?……せっかく水着選んだのに…… It’s just not summer without beach volleyball! Ah... Milord, you’re not playing? But I went through all this effort to pick out a swimsuit...
Acquisition 说到夏天就是沙滩排球!诶,殿下不参加吗……难得我精心挑选了泳装…… 夏といえばビーチバレー!あれ?殿様はご参加されないのですか?……せっかく水着選んだのに…… It’s just not summer without beach volleyball! Ah... Milord, you’re not playing? But I went through all this effort to pick out a swimsuit...
Login 殿下殿下,能陪我练习下排球吗?如果比赛的时候我连小天鹅都不如就太丢人了…… 殿様、ビーチバレーの練習、手伝ってもらってもいいですか?シグニットだけには負けたくはないです…! Milord, Milord! Would you help me practice volleyball? It’d be too embarrassing if I let Cygnet beat me...
Details 殿下,听说鲤鱼旗象征多子多福,于是我就带过来了~ 殿様、この鯉のぼりは幸運をもたらすというので、持ってきました! Milord, I heard that koi streamers can bring good fortune, so I brought some with me~
Main 哇哇哇!排球飞过来了!呜,站在时雨旁边,总是会被各种各样的东西砸到…… はわわ!ボールが飛んで…きゃっ!…うぅ……時雨ちゃんのそばにいるといつも色んなものにぶつかるよ…… Hawawa! The volleyball is coming my yay! When I stand next to Shigure, I always seem to get hit by things...
Main 2 呜,还是点不着火……殿下让开一点,我用主炮轰击木炭试试 篝火、火が中々付かないです…殿様ちょっとどいてください。私、主砲で撃ってみます! Ugh... I still can’t light this fire. Stand back, Milord, I’m going to try using my cannons!
Main 3 尾巴上的铃铛是扶桑姐姐系的,这样就不用担心在海上午睡时被鱼咬尾巴了 尻尾の鈴は扶桑姉さまが付けてくれました。これで海で昼寝する時魚に噛まれても安心ですよ Fusou tied this bell to my tail so I don’t have to worry about getting bitten by fish when I’m napping at sea... She’s so nice!
Touch 哇,是殿下!我在找晚上看烟花的最佳位置,殿下打算在哪里看呢? あ!殿様だ!私、花火を見る場所を探しているのですが…殿様はどこがいいですか? Ah, Milord! I’m trying to find the best spot to watch fireworks! Want to join me?
Touch (Special) 唔哇!!!呼……殿下下次先打个招呼啊,主炮差点就砸到殿下了 はわわ!ふ、ふぅ……殿様、触る前に言ってくださいよぉ…危うく主砲がぶつかるところだったじゃないですか…… Woah...! Milord, next time, say "hi" to me first! I almost rammed my main gun right into you!
Return to Port 殿下回来了!哇,好热——连扇子扇出来的风都全是热气…… おかえりなさい殿様!あつい……あつい……うちわであおいでも風があついです…… Milord is back! Ugh... it’s so hot! The fan is even blowing hot air!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 圣诞快乐!殿下殿下,怎么样?我的圣诞装好看吗?嘿嘿~姐姐今天也夸奖我啦! メリークリスマス!殿様殿様、私のクリスマスのお洋服、可愛いですか?えへへ~姉さまも褒めてくれたんですよ! Merry Christmas! Milord, milord, how do I look? Is my Christmas outfit pretty? Ehehe~ Big sis also praised me today!
Acquisition 圣诞快乐!殿下殿下,怎么样?我的圣诞装好看吗?嘿嘿~姐姐今天也夸奖我啦! メリークリスマス!殿様殿様、私のクリスマスのお洋服、可愛いですか?えへへ~姉さまも褒めてくれたんですよ! Merry Christmas! Milord, milord, how do I look? Is my Christmas outfit pretty? Ehehe~ Big sis also praised me today!
Main 脚不小心扭伤了……呜,殿下可以帮我揉一揉吗? 足つっちゃった……ううぅ、殿様…ちょっと揉んでもらえますか? I sprained my ankle on accident... Uuu... Milord, can you help me massage it?
Main 2 殿下殿下,新年的时候……能来看看我和姐姐的神乐舞吗? 殿様殿様、お正月になったら……私と姉さまの神楽の舞を見に来てくれますか? Milord, milord, when it's New Years... will you come see my sister and me perform Kagura?
Main 3 哇~殿下殿下!是飘雪的圣诞节哎! わあ~殿様殿様!ホワイトクリスマスですよ! Woah... Milord, milord, it's a snowy Christmas!
Touch 圣诞快乐!我准备了好多份圣诞礼物,殿下想要哪一份? メリークリスマス!クリスマスのプレゼントいっぱい用意しました!殿様はどれがいいですか? Merry Christmas! I've already wrapped up a lot of presents! Milord, would you like to pick one out?
Touch (Special) 殿下……我扭伤的地方不是那里啦! 殿様……つったのはそこじゃないですぅ! Milord... that's not the spot I sprained!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 姐姐说参加宴会要穿洋装,就给我准备了一套,殿下殿下,好看吗? 姉さまが宴会にはお洋服が必要と、私のために用意してくださいました!殿様殿様、このお洋服、綺麗ですか? Fusou told me that I have to wear a Western-style dress to the banquet, so she got one for me! Milord, Milord, isn't this dress pretty?
Acquisition 姐姐说参加宴会要穿洋装,就给我准备了一套,殿下殿下,好看吗? 姉さまが宴会にはお洋服が必要と、私のために用意してくださいました!殿様殿様、このお洋服、綺麗ですか? Fusou told me that I have to wear a Western-style dress to the banquet, so she got one for me! Milord, Milord, isn't this dress pretty?
Login 哼哼哼,和殿下一起参加宴会……呜哇,殿下你什么时候来的! ふんふんふーん♪殿様と一緒に宴会……はわわ!?殿様はいつからいたのですか…? Heheh~♪ Going to a banquet with Milord... Hawawa?! Milord, how long have you been standing there?
Details 宴会好有趣呀,等到重樱举办祭典的时候,我也要邀请其他阵营的姐妹来参加~ 宴会ってすごく面白いのですね!今度重桜で宴会を開催できたら、ほかの陣営のみんなも誘ってみたいと思います! Banquets are a lot of fun! Next time, we should have a Sakura-style banquet and invite everyone from the other camps!
Main 殿下殿下,这个是什么,那个又是什么?宴会上好多没见过的东西耶! 殿様殿様、これはなんですか?これは?宴会はわからないことが多すぎて目まぐるしいです! Milord, Milord, what's this? And this? There are so many things I haven't experienced before, my head's spinning!
Main 2 殿下,山城对这方面什么都不懂还和殿下一起参加宴会,会不会给殿下丢人呀…… 殿様、私、宴会のことはチンプンカンプンで…、一緒に参加すると殿様に迷惑をかけてしまいますでしょうか…… Milord, are you sure you'd like to take someone like me to the banquet...? I won't make you look bad, right?
Main 3 时雨,不要在宴会里做奇怪的事哦,会给大家添麻烦的 時雨ちゃん、宴会で変なことをしてはいけませんよ。みんなに迷惑をかけてしまいますからっ! Shigure, don't do anything weird at the banquet. You'll bother the others!
Touch 殿下殿下,听说宴会里可以跳舞呢,我也能和殿下一起跳吗? 殿様殿様、宴会でダンスをすることも出来ると聞きました!私も、殿様と一緒に踊ってもいいでしょうか? Milord, Milord, I hear that there will be dancing at the banquet! Would it be okay for me to dance with you?
Touch (Special) 殿、殿下,要是被大家看到就糟糕啦! と、殿様!みんなに見られたら大変なことになりますよ! M-Milord! It's going to be troublesome if everyone sees us!
Affinity (Love) 殿下殿下,殿下为山城做了这么多,山城有为殿下做到什么吗?如果是最喜欢的殿下的要求,山城我什么都愿意做 殿様殿様、殿様は私にいっぱい良くしてくれましたけど、殿様のためになにか出来たのでしょうか…?殿様のご希望なら、私、なんでもします! Milord, Milord, you've done so much for me, so is there anything I can do for you...? Whatever you want, I-I'll do it!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 殿下殿下,欢迎光临!今天是山城在这里当店员哦!嗯嗯!山城会加油的! 殿様殿様、いらっしゃいませー!今日は山城が看板娘をやりますよ!うんうん!山城、がんばりますよ―! Milord, Milord, welcome to the store! Yamashiro is a sales clerk today! Mhm, I'll do my best!
Acquisition 殿下殿下,欢迎光临!今天是山城在这里当店员哦!嗯嗯!山城会加油的! 殿様殿様、いらっしゃいませー!今日は山城が看板娘をやりますよ!うんうん!山城、がんばりますよ―! Milord, Milord, welcome to the store! Yamashiro is a sales clerk today! Mhm, I'll do my best!
Login 殿下!山城今天被明石拉来给店员帮忙了哦?怎么样?这身……额?有点奇怪吗…? 殿様!明石ちゃんに言われて今日は看板娘の手伝いに来ました!どうですか?この格好…あ、あれ?変ですか…? Milord! Akashi told me to help her out by being a sales clerk today! What do you think about my outfit? Err, huh? It looks funny...?
Details 这个衣服是扶桑姐准备的!诶嘿嘿,山城今天会和吹雪酱一起加油! この衣装は扶桑姉さまが準備してくださったのですよ!えへへ、私、吹雪ちゃんと一緒にがんばりますね! I asked Fusou to prepare this outfit for me! Ehehe, Fubuki and I are going to work hard together!
Main 殿下,新商品进货了哦!要不要看看?(星星眼) 殿様、新しい商品を入荷しましたよ!見てみませんか?(キラッ Milord, we have new goodies! Want to take a look? ~☆
Main 2 吹雪酱,为什么要打扮成那个样子……嗯,反正也挺可爱的,不想太多比较好! 吹雪ちゃん、なんであんな格好してるんだろ……カワイイし、深く考えないほうがいいですね!うん! Fubuki, why are you wearing that... I mean, it's cute, but... Maybe it's best not to think too much about it! Mhm!
Main 3 时雨酱,今天也和夕立她们一起来买东西吗?真是的,偶尔也带野分酱一起玩啦… 時雨ちゃん、今日も夕立ちゃんたちとお買い物に来たのですか?もう、たまには野分ちゃんも一緒に連れてきてよぉ… Shigure, are you shopping with Yuudachi and the others today? Jeez, you should bring Nowaki with you once in a while...
Touch 殿下,这个可不能打折的哦? むぅ、殿様、割引はできませんよ? Um, Milord, I can't give you a discount on that.
Touch (Special) 殿下也觉得这身衣服特别可爱吗? 殿様もこの格好、カワイイと思ってくれてますか? Milord, you also think this outfit is super cute, right?
Return to Port 谢谢惠顾!哇哇!忘了找钱了!对、对不起…… まいどありがとうございます!あわわ!お釣りを忘れちゃいました!す、すみませんでした…… Thank you for your patronage! Awawa... I forgot to give back the change! I, I'm so sorry...
Flagship 战斗看板娘,登场!……是、是这个没错吧!? 戦う看板娘、登場!……でいいんでしたっけ!? Combat clerk, sortieing! Th-that's what I'm supposed to say, right?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇!不愧是度假胜地~空气都不一样呢!殿下殿下,我准备把这里的空气用瓶子装起来带回去!殿下也一起来装嘛! わあーさすが観光地、空気もいつもとは違う匂いです!殿様殿様、ええとね、ここの空気を瓶詰めにしたらいいことがあるって明石ちゃんが言ってました!殿様も一緒にどうですか? Woah, even the air tastes totally different at this vacation spot! Milord, Milord, um, Akashi asked me to bottle up some of the air here for her! Want to give me a hand?
Acquisition 哇!不愧是度假胜地~空气都不一样呢!殿下殿下,我准备把这里的空气用瓶子装起来带回去!殿下也一起来装嘛! わあーさすが観光地、空気もいつもとは違う匂いです!殿様殿様、ええとね、ここの空気を瓶詰めにしたらいいことがあるって明石ちゃんが言ってました!殿様も一緒にどうですか? Woah, even the air tastes totally different at this vacation spot! Milord, Milord, um, Akashi asked me to bottle up some of the air here for her! Want to give me a hand?
Login 这里的海滩虽然和港区的不太一样,不过也很漂亮!嘿嘿,假期能跟着殿下一起来玩实在是太好了! 観光地の砂浜、母港のとはちょっと違いますけど、とても綺麗です!えへへ、殿様と一緒に旅行できてよかったです! The beach here isn't quite like the one back at the port, but it's totally beautiful! Ehehe, I'm so glad I got to go on a vacation with you, Milord!
Details 嘿嘿…我要把这里的空气装起来,然后带回去让大家也感受一下这边的氛围! えへへ…空気を詰め込んで持ち帰って、ここの雰囲気だけでも母港のみんなに感じてもらいますね! Ehehe... If I bottle up some of the fresh air here, everyone back at port will get to experience the atmosphere here as well!
Main 殿下快看,远处好像有人在冲浪呢! 殿様見て見て、あそこでサーフィンしている子がいますよ! Look, Milord, someone's surfing over there!
Main 2 要怎么把这么多瓶子带回去?殿下这么厉害,一定会有好办法的吧! これだけの瓶をどうやって母港に持ち帰るんだろう…殿様、きっといいアイデアがありますよね! How are we supposed to bring all these bottles back to port? ...Milord, I'm sure you'll think up an idea!
Main 3 除了沙滩,还有很多有趣的地方吗?嘿嘿那我就跟紧殿下啦! 砂浜以外にも楽しい場所がいっぱいあるんですか?うんうん、山城、殿様についていきます! There are tons of fun places other than the beach? Mmhmm, I'll gladly accompany you, Milord!
Touch (Special) 啊哇哇哇!……不小心用瓶子砸到到殿下了,对不起啦~ あわわ!……殿様ごめんなさい、今のは瓶が直撃しましたよね… Waah! ...I'm so sorry, Milord, I just swung a bottle at you, didn't I...?
Return to Port 殿下殿下,累了的话,一起去那里的阳伞下面避避暑吧! 殿様殿様、お疲れでしたら、あそこにあるパラソルの下でちょっと休憩しませんか? Milord, Milord, if you're tired, why not take a little break under that umbrella?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呜哇,殿、殿下!?对对对对不起,我没有撞伤你吧?……啊,这是我的校服哦,姐姐亲手缝的~嘿嘿……哇哇哇,那我去上课了!回见! あわわわ!と、殿様!?ごめんなさい!怪我していませんよね…?あっ、この制服はええと、扶桑姉さまが仕立ててくださいました!も、もう学園に行きますね、すみません! Uwaah! M-Milord?! I'm so, so sorry... You didn't get hurt, did you? Um... This is my school uniform. Fusou tailored it for me, hehe~ ... Awawa! I should head off to class now! See you later!
Acquisition 呜哇,殿、殿下!?对对对对不起,我没有撞伤你吧?……啊,这是我的校服哦,姐姐亲手缝的~嘿嘿……哇哇哇,那我去上课了!回见! あわわわ!と、殿様!?ごめんなさい!怪我していませんよね…?あっ、この制服はええと、扶桑姉さまが仕立ててくださいました!も、もう学園に行きますね、すみません! Uwaah! M-Milord?! I'm so, so sorry... You didn't get hurt, did you? Um... This is my school uniform. Fusou tailored it for me, hehe~ ... Awawa! I should head off to class now! See you later!
Login 殿下,给你便当~这是我亲手做的哦! 殿様、お弁当でもいかがですか?私の手作りですよ! Milord, here's your bento~ I made it myself!
Details 殿下殿下,其他阵营的伙伴们教给了我许多有趣的事情呢,作为答谢,我也教给了她们许多重樱传统的游戏玩法~ 殿様殿様、私ほかの陣営の子たちに面白いことをいっぱい教えてもらいました!その代わりに、重桜の面白いゲームのこともいっぱい教えてあげましたよ! Milord, Milord, my friends from the other camps taught me all kinds of neat stuff! To thank them, I also taught them about some of our traditional games!
Main 殿下殿下,我想在学校里开设巫女社,让大家都了解我和姐姐的工作!唔,不过,现在还没招到足够社团建立的人数呢…… 殿様殿様、私、学園で「巫女部」を作って、みんなに私と姉さまのお仕事を知ってもらいたいです!……でも、まだ必要最低限の人数が集まっていないですね…… Milord, Milord! I want to start a Miko Club at school to help people better understand the work that Fusou and I do! Um, but right now, we still haven't recruited enough members...
Main 2 殿下,学习过后我才知道,弹药库居然是这样深奥的东西……唔,山城我会好好学习,不让它再出事的! 殿様、学園の座学で弾薬庫のことをいっぱい勉強しました!うんうん、奥深いですもんね……変なことが起きないよう、これからも頑張って勉強しますよ! Milord, I only learned this recently, but ship magazines are really complex... Um, I'll study harder, so that nothing bad will happen to mine again! School is so much fun! I wish Fusou could be here with us as well... But, um, wouldn't it make more sense for her to be a teacher?
Main 3 学校真的很开心呢,要是姐姐也能一起来就好了……唔,不过,姐姐来的话,是不是当教师比较好? 学園って楽しいですね!扶桑姉さまも来てくれれば……えっと、扶桑姉さまは学生さんじゃなくて、先生のほうがいいっぽい?
Touch 在转角的时候撞到殿下,感觉好浪漫呀,下次干脆特地等殿下经过……欸,啊,我什么都没说! 廊下の曲がり角で殿様とぶつかる定番のシチュエーション…今度はあっちの廊下で待機して……な、なんでもありませんっ! It was so romantic when I bumped into Commander when I turned around the corner... Maybe next time, I'll wait there on purpose... Eek! Ah, um, you didn't hear anything!
Return to Port 殿下辛苦啦,我们一起去天台上吃饭吧~ 殿様お疲れさまでした!屋上に行って一緒にご飯を食べましょう! Good work, Milord! Let's go up to the roof to eat lunch together~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 殿下殿下,我换好啦!怎么样怎么样,殿下喜欢这样子的山城吗? 殿様殿様、着替えてきました!どうですか?この姿の山城は気に入りましたか? Milord, Milord, I've finished changing! What do you think? Do you like Yamashiro's new outfit?
Acquisition 殿下殿下,我换好啦!怎么样怎么样,殿下喜欢这样子的山城吗? 殿様殿様、着替えてきました!どうですか?この姿の山城は気に入りましたか? Milord, Milord, I've finished changing! What do you think? Do you like Yamashiro's new outfit?
Login 殿下,欢迎回啊呀呀呀——啊哈哈…已经不知道是第几次被殿下接住了呢~ 殿様、おかえりなさ…うわあああ!え、えへへへ…殿様に受け止めてもらったのはもう何回目かわからないですぅ… Milord, welcome back... Wooooah! Ehehe... I've lost track of the number of times you've had to catch me~
Details 殿下殿下,我来给你跳一支神乐舞吧!这是之前姐姐教我的能祛除厄运的神乐舞呢! 殿様、神楽の舞でもどうですか?扶桑姉さまに教わった、悪運を振り払う神楽の舞ですよ! Milord, how was my Kaguya dance? Fusou taught me this dance to help get rid of bad luck!
Main 殿下殿下,我来帮你掏耳朵吧! 殿様、耳かきでもどうですか! Milord, let me help clean your ears!
Main 2 殿下殿下,春天的时候我们一起去看樱花吧! 殿様、春になったらサクラの花見でもどうですか? Milord, when spring comes around, let's go view the cherry blossoms!
Main 3 殿下殿下,要在山城的膝枕上躺一会吗? 殿様、山城の膝枕でもどうですか? Milord, want to take a nap in Yamashiro's lap?
Touch 我也想摸摸殿下!我摸~ 私も殿様に触りたぁい!さわさわ~なでなで~ Milord, I want to touch you as well! *Rub rub~ pat pat~*!
Touch (Special) 殿下想怎么向山城撒娇都可以的!来吧来吧~ 殿様?山城にはどんなことでも甘えていいですよ!うんうん! Milord, you can get lovey-dovey with Yamashiro all you want! Mmhmm!
Return to Port 殿下殿下,休息一下吧!我来帮殿下按摩——嘿! 殿様殿様、ちょっと休憩しましょう!山城がマッサージして――ええい! Milord, Milord, come rest here for a while! Yamashiro will give you a massage... hup!
Affinity (Love) 我最喜欢殿下了!和殿下在一起的时间,每一秒都感觉开心到不行,幸福到不行~嘿嘿,要一直像这样在一起哦,殿下~ 殿様のことが一番好きです!一緒にいると楽しくて、幸せです!ずっと、ずっとこうして一緒にいてくださいね!殿様! Milord, I love you more than anything else! Being with you is so fun and joyous! I want to stay together with you forever and ever, Milord!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 殿下!现在的山城,炮击也好、航空也好,什么都能做!所以、所以,多依赖依赖我嘛,殿下!殿下——!! 殿様!今の山城は、砲撃も、航空戦も、なーんでもできますよ!だからね、だからね、もっともぉっと頼りにしてください!ねぇ殿様!殿様ー! Milord! I can do anything now~ bombardment or aerial strikes! So, the thing is, you can totally count on me, much much more, Milord! Milord~!
Acquisition 殿下!现在的山城,炮击也好、航空也好,什么都能做!所以、所以,多依赖依赖我嘛,殿下!殿下——!! 殿様!今の山城は、砲撃も、航空戦も、なーんでもできますよ!だからね、だからね、もっともぉっと頼りにしてください!ねぇ殿様!殿様ー! Milord! I can do anything now~ bombardment or aerial strikes! So, the thing is, you can totally count on me, much much more, Milord! Milord~!
Details 我有帮上你的忙吗,殿下? 殿様?山城、お役に立ててますか? Milord~ Was I able to be of use to you?
Main 只要能帮上殿下的忙,不论变成什么模样我都—— 殿様のお役に立てるなら、私は何でもーー If I can be of use to you, Milord, I'll do anything...
Main 2 殿下殿下,我变快一点了,有发现……吗?呜……我会更加努力的…… 殿様殿様、私足が少し早くなりました!気づき…ましたか?…ううぅ…もっと頑張りますぅ…… Milord! Milord! I think I've gotten faster! Did you notice? Uu... I'll... try harder...
Main 3 有了天上的伙伴们,做饭时就不用担心生不起火了 空を飛ぶ仲間がいると、ご飯を作る時に主砲で火を付けなくてもいいですよね! With my flying friends around, I won't need to light fires with my main cannons to cook anymore~!
Touch 殿下殿下,我昨天换了新的沐浴乳! 殿様殿様、実は昨日新しい「にゅうよくざい」に変えました! Milord! Milord! Did you know? I used new bath salts last night~!
Touch (Special) 呀!!殿下快躲开,我的飞机—— はわわ!殿様避けてー!水上機がぶつかっちゃう! Ahh!! Milord, watch out! My seaplanes are going to run into you!!
Low HP 殿、殿下,救我…… ど、殿様、助けて…… Milord... Milord... please save me!