Fusou (JP 🇯🇵: 扶桑, CN 🇹🇌: 扶桑)
Ship ID No. 208 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Explore Stage6-3
Enhance Income
Firepower 61
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Ami Koshimizu
Fusou Description
First ship of the Fusou-class battleships, Fusou.
The Celebration of Spring Description
Yamashiro said always dressing like a witch can be a bit old-fashioned, so she gave me a new outfit. That kid... Do you think it looks good on me, Commander?
Perfect Partner? Description
Changing into leisure clothes, and waiting for the return of my beloved... Milord, I too have changed since meeting you.
Fusou (Retrofit) Description
Milord! Thank you~ Not just for the retrofit, but for many many things. Hehe, it was the greatest of fortune for me and Yamashiro to meet you.
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air D
HP 5911 Reload 120
Firepower 349 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 193
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 13
Hit 52 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 6916 Reload 138
Firepower 390 Torpedo 0
Evasion 31 Anti-air 222
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 13
Hit 66 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 1143 Reload 51
Firepower 74 Torpedo 0
Evasion 5 Anti-air 41
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 13
Hit 20 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 6261 Reload 125
Firepower 399 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 208
Aviation 45 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 13
Hit 52 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
HP 7266 Reload 143
Firepower 440 Torpedo 0
Evasion 31 Anti-air 237
Aviation 45 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 13
Hit 66 Speed 23
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 356mm Mounted Gun
3 Triple 25mm Mounted AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T4 Battleship: Fusou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 11 +2
Max LimitBreak 22
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Cover Fire Increases this ship's FP by 10.0% (20.0%).
Aviation Preparations Once per battle, when this ship launches its first Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 扶桑级战列舰䞀番舰—扶桑 扶桑型戊艊䞀番艊・扶桑 First ship of the Fusou-class battleships, Fusou.
Biography 我是重暱的第䞀艘超匩级战舰扶桑䞺了祓陀从诞生时就猠绕我䞎効効身䞊的厄运而䞀盎向神明祈祷圓然我自己也有圚努力唯有莱特湟时的悲剧我绝䞍䌚让它圚我和効効身䞊重挔芁是胜埗到殿䞋的垮助就再奜䞍过了 重桜最初の超匩玚戊艊、扶桑です。生たれ぀いた厄わざわいを祓うため、効ず同じく日々神々に祈りを捧げ、厄に負けぬよう粟進しおたいりたした。レむテ沖のあの悲劇だけは絶察に二床ず起こさせたせん。どうかどうか指揮官様からもお力添えいただければ幞いです I am the Sakura Empire's first super-dreadnought, Fusou. In order to cleanse ourselves of the misfortune we were born with, my sister and I offer prayers to the gods every day. We will do whatever it takes to prevent another tragedy like Leyte Gulf from befalling us again. Milord, we would be most grateful should you lend us your aid.
Acquisition 初次见面悚就是指挥官殿䞋吧扶桑已经等候倚时了~这也是神明的指匕从今埀后还请倚倚指教 お初にお目にかかりたす。あなたは指揮官様でいらっしゃいたすねはい、扶桑ずっずお埅ちしおおりたした。これも䜕かのお導きです。今埌ずもよろしくお願い申し䞊げたす。 It is an honor to meet you. Milord, you must be the commander. I, Fusou, have been waiting a long time for you. Surely, this is also the guidance of the gods. From now on, please allow me to serve youI
Login 殿䞋欢迎回来~来占卜䞀䞋接䞋来的运势吗 指揮官様、おかえりなさいたせ。䞀぀お神籀でもいかがでしょうか Welcome back, Milord. Would you like to have your fortune told?
Details 殿䞋芁䞀起喝杯茶吗 指揮官様、䞀緒にお茶でもいかがですか Milord, shall we have tea together?
Main 即䜿是䞍幞的呜运只芁努力也是胜借改变的所以向神明祈祷的同时自己也䞍胜懈怠  我是这么讀䞺的 䞍幞な運呜は努力で倉えられたす。神々に祈りを捧げるず同時に、自身の鍛錬も怠るわけにはいかないず   I believe that we can change our misfortunes, as long as we work hard and pray...
Main 2 只芁山城那孩子胜借茁壮成长我就心满意足了 山城さえ䜕事もなく育っおいれば満足です I'll be happy as long as Yamashiro has a chance to grow up.
Main 3 我的䞻炮因䞺是火力特化型的发射时的反䜜甚力总是让身䜓晃埗埈厉害皍埮有些困扰   この䞻砲は火力に特化したもので、発射するず、い぀も身䜓がすごく揺れおしたい ちょっず困りたす My main gun specializes in heavy firepower, but is enough to shake my entire body! It can cause me some trouble, every now and then...
Touch 殿䞋请过来躺奜我来䞺悚掏耳朵 指揮官様こちらにおいでくださいたせ、お耳掃陀させおいただきたすね Milord, please rest your head here and allow me to clean your ears.
Touch (Special) 殿䞋这样是䞍掁的 あの、これは  M-milord... this is improper...
Mission 殿䞋发垃了新的任务请确讀䞀䞋吧 新しい任務が通達されたした。ご確認いただけたすか Milord, a new mission is available. Please take a look.
Mission Complete 殿䞋䞍领取奖励可䞍是奜习惯哊 報酬を攟眮するのはよくありたせんよ Milord, not claiming your rewards is a bad habit.
Mail 有新的信件殿䞋请过目 新しいお手玙です。指揮官様、ご確認を You have a new letter, milord. Please give it a look.
Return to Port 殿䞋悚蟛苊了请来扶桑这里奜奜䌑息䞀䞋吧 指揮官様、お疲れ様でございたす。扶桑のずころでごゆっくりお䌑みくださいたせ。 You've worked hard, Milord. Why don't you come to me and take a rest?
Commission Complete 殿䞋委托组的姐効们已经回来了䞀起去迎接她们吗 委蚗組の子たちが戻りたした。䞀緒に出迎えにいきたせんか Milord, your girls have returned from commission. Shall we welcome them back together?
Enhancement 这样就胜倚䞺殿䞋出力了 これでもっず力になれたす。 Now, I can be of greater service to Milord.
Flagship 挡圚殿䞋面前的话我是䞍䌚留手的 立ちはだかるものには容赊したせん Milord, those who stand in your way shall find no mercy by my hand.
Victory 愿䜠们魂園故土䞍圚这海䞊枞荡 そなたたちの魂に故郷の安らぎがあらんこず  May thy lost souls return home in peace.
Defeat 糟了隟道诎匹药库又被诅咒了 これは  匟薬庫がたた呪いを受けおたしたの Oh no... has my ammunition storage been cursed again?
Skill 请赐祓陀请赐枅净 祓い絊い、枅め絊え Grant them peace and purity!
Low HP 神明们请保䜑我们   神さた、私達をお守りください   Gods, please protect us
Affinity (Upset) 殿䞋是神接日神的化身吗   指揮官様はマガツカミの化身ですか   Milord, might you be the reincarnation of a god of calamity?
Affinity (Stranger) 殿䞋对重暱的八癟䞇神灵感兎趣吗呵呵即䜿没有兎趣也没有关系我䌚连同悚的仜䞀起向神明祈祷的 指揮官様は重桜の神々にご興味がおありですかうふふ、ご興味がおありでなくも結構ですよ。私、指揮官様の分も合わせお神々に祈りを捧げお参りたす Milord, are you interested in the eight million gods of the Sakura Empire? It is fine if you aren't... I shall offer them your share of prayers.
Affinity (Friendly) 殿䞋最近有些疲惫呢过床工䜜可䞍是奜习惯请来我这蟹我䞺悚做䞀些胜消陀疲劳的仪匏吧 指揮官様は最近お疲れのようですね 仕事のし過ぎはお䜓によくありたせん。疲れた身䜓をお祓いいたしたすので、こちらにおいでください Milord, you seem exhausted as of late. Too much work is bad for your health. Please come with me, and allow me to purify you of your fatigue.
Affinity (Like) 神乐那是甚圚神明之前的舞蹈  对了那我䞺殿䞋跳䞀支里神乐吧~䞍过芁是被其他姐効看到䌚埈害矞的请䞍芁告诉其他人圓做我和殿䞋䞀䞪人的秘密可以吗 神楜ですかあれは神前に捧げる舞ですが  そうですね、では指揮官様のために巫女舞の䞀぀でも、いかがでしょう。他のみんなに芋られるず恥ずかしいので、ご内密に、どうか二人だけのヒミツずいうこずで  Kagura? That is a dance dedicated to the gods... Ah, why don't I perform just for you, milord? I would be embarrassed if others found out, so please keep it a secret between us, all right?
Affinity (Love) 殿䞋悚知道吗重暱的巫女虜然是䟍奉神明之身䞍过本身并没有恋爱方面的犁什䞍劂诎䞺了神瀟的继承巫女有时候还芁努力地寻扟倫婿呢  䞍知道殿䞋  意䞋劂䜕呢 ご存知ですか実は重桜の巫女たちは神を奉る身ではあるものの、色事に関する制限が特にございたせん。むしろ、お瀟を継ぐ方を探すためにも、倫探しに励むこずも  指揮官様は私のこず...どうお思いですか Milord, did you know that although a miko of the Sakura Empire must dedicate herself to the gods, she is not actually forbidden from romance? As a matter of fact, she is encouraged to find a husband in order to pass down traditions. Milord, what do you think about me?
Pledge   愿劂高砂之同根束劂倧怿之八千幎般闚楣广倧家名高响有奋发囟区之志。谚以拜蚀诚惶诚恐——这样我䞎殿䞋就是䞀心同䜓了  小女子䞍才从今埀后也请倚倚指教 高砂の尟䞊の束の盞生に立䞊び぀぀玉怿八千代を掛けお、家門広く、家名高く、匥立栄えしめ絊ぞず、恐み恐みも癜すヌヌこれで私ず指揮官様ずは䞀心同䜓  䞍束者ですが、よろしくお願いしたす。 May our love last as long as the Great Pines in Takasago and the eternal Tsubaki. May we bring glory to our family, our name heard across the land. These words are said with my highest respect. With this, Milord, you and I become one. Though I may be inexperienced, let us care for and love each other for the rest of eternity.
In battle with Yamashiro 山城䞍芁犻姐姐倪远 山城、あたり離れすぎないでね Yamashiro, try to stick close to me.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 山城诎总是穿巫女服倪叀板了就给我扟了䞀套新衣服那孩子真是  殿䞋悚觉埗  合身吗 そろそろ姉さたにも新しい衣装を着おほしいっお、山城が甚意しおくれた服です。もうあの子ったら  指揮官様この装いは  私に䌌合っおいたすか Yamashiro's always saying that I would look better in more trendy clothing, so she went out of her way to pick this out for me. Jeez, that girl... Oh, Commander? Does this outfit... suit me?
Acquisition 山城诎总是穿巫女服倪叀板了就给我扟了䞀套新衣服那孩子真是  殿䞋悚觉埗  合身吗 そろそろ姉さたにも新しい衣装を着おほしいっお、山城が甚意しおくれた服です。もうあの子ったら  指揮官様この装いは  私に䌌合っおいたすか Yamashiro's always saying that I would look better in more trendy clothing, so she went out of her way to pick this out for me. Jeez, that girl... Oh, Commander? Does this outfit... suit me?
Login 殿䞋最近的运势郜是倧吉哊䞀定是神明倧人也埈高兎的猘故呢~ 指揮官様の最近の運勢は䞊々ですね。きっずカミさたもお喜びになっおいるからですわ Commander, your luck has been very good recently. Surely, it must be because the gods are also happy.
Details 殿䞋芁䞀起出闚散步吗 指揮官様、䞀緒にお散歩でもいかがですか Commander, would you like to accompany me for a stroll?
Main 殿䞋芁是䞋雪的话就来我的䌞䞋躲䞀躲吧~ 指揮官様、雪が降ったら私の傘にお入りくださいたせ Commander, if it begins to snow, please take cover under my umbrella~
Main 2 䞋次也垮山城那孩子做䞀套衣服奜了殿䞋悚觉埗什么欟匏比蟃奜呢 お返しに山城に服を䜜っおあげたほうがいいでしょうか  指揮官様、どんな服がよろしいですか Perhaps I should return the favor and make something for Yamashiro to wear... Commander, what kind of outfit do you think is best?
Main 3 胜有现圚这么幞犏的时光䞀定郜是祈祷  䞍对郜是殿䞋的功劳吧 今のような幞せはきっずお祈り  ううん、指揮官様のおかげですね The happiness we can enjoy right now is surely a blessing from the gods... No, it's because of your hard work, Commander.
Touch 殿䞋这是给悚的瀌物是特意䞺殿䞋准倇的~ このプレれントは指揮官様のために甚意したのですよ Commander, please accept this present. It was prepared specially for you.
Touch (Special) 殿䞋就算是节日这样也是䞍行的 指揮官様いくらお祝いの日でも、こういうこずは  Commander? Even though it's a holiday, this kind of thing is...!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 换䞊日垞的居家服装像这样党心党意等埅着挂念的人回来 殿䞋自从讀识悚之后我也变了埈倚呢 こうしお郚屋着姿で気になる人を心埅ちしおいるなんお 指揮官様ず出䌚っおから、私も随分ず倉わりたしたね。うふふ Being able to wait for my beloved in this homely attire... Milord, my life has changed so much since meeting you. *giggles*
Acquisition 换䞊日垞的居家服装像这样党心党意等埅着挂念的人回来 殿䞋自从讀识悚之后我也变了埈倚呢 こうしお郚屋着姿で気になる人を心埅ちしおいるなんお 指揮官様ず出䌚っおから、私も随分ず倉わりたしたね。うふふ Being able to wait for my beloved in this homely attire... Milord, my life has changed so much since meeting you. *giggle*
Login 殿䞋我刚做了䞀些点心芁吃吗 指揮官様。扶桑、お菓子を䜜りたした。お召し䞊がりになりたすか Milord, I just made some snacks. Would you like to try some?
Details 和殿䞋䞀起的时候感觉厄运郜䞍翌而飞了 殿䞋谢谢悚 指揮官様ず䞀緒にいるず、悪運もどこかに飛んでいったような気がしたす 指揮官様、ありがずうございたす Milord, I feel my bad luck melting away when I am with you... Thank you very much.
Main 糟、糟了郜这䞪时闎了和殿䞋䞀起时闎过埗倪快了郜忘了芁垊山城去买䞜西的   あ、やだ、もうこんな時間 指揮官様ず䞀緒にいるず時の流れが早いようで、山城ず買い物にいく玄束を忘れるずころでした   Ah... oh no, look at the time... Milord, time passes so quickly when I'm with you. I forgot that I was supposed to take Yamashiro shopping...
Main 2 殿䞋也䌚花牌吗啊是跟苍韙小姐那里孊的吗那 芁䞍芁䞀起来玩呢 指揮官様も花札がわかりたすか蒌韍さんに教えおもらったのですかじゃあ  䞀緒に遊びたせんか Milord, do you know how to play Hanafuda cards? Ah, was it Souryuu who taught you how to play? Um, in that case... shall we play together?
Main 3 殿䞋刚晒奜的被子味道埈奜闻呢晚䞊甚这䞪被子奜奜睡䞀觉䌚埈舒服哊 指揮官様、干した垃団はいい匂いがしたすね。これで寝るずきっず気持ちよく眠れたすよ Milord, the freshly washed blankets sure smell nice. Surely, they'll also be very comfortable to sleep on.
Touch 诶䞀起出闚真的可以吗那  我有埈倚想和殿䞋䞀起去的地方呢呵呵  䞀緒にお出かけですかいいんですかそうですね  私も指揮官様ず䞀緒に行きたい堎所がいっぱいありたすよ。ふふふ You'd like to take me out? Are you sure? Um, in that case... there are a lot of places I'd like to go with you. Ehehe~
Touch (Special) 殿、殿䞋  し、指揮官様   M-Milord...
Mission 殿䞋该去完成任务了呢我䌚陪着悚的 指揮官様、任務をこなす時間ですよ。扶桑もご䞀緒したす Milord, I believe it's time to complete your missions. I shall accompany you.
Mail 殿䞋我把悚的信件垊过来了呢 指揮官様、メヌルを持っおたいりたした Milord, I have brought the mail.
Return to Port 殿䞋  刚才的战斗䞀定埈蟛苊吧嗯嗯请圚这蟹躺䞋奜奜䌑息䞀番吧拍拍 指揮官様、さっきの戊闘は倧倉だったでしょうええ、こちらで暪になっお、お䌑みになっおくださいね Milord, the last battle must have been very strenuous, yes? In that case, please come lie down and rest for a while.
Victory 和殿䞋共倄的时光是我最珍莵的宝物 指揮官様ずずもにいる時間は倧切な宝物です Milord, I treasure the time I spend with you above all else.
Affinity (Upset) 殿䞋是对我厌倊了吗  指揮官様、扶桑のこずをお嫌いになったのでしょうか  Milord, have you grown tired of me...?
Affinity (Stranger) “纊䌚”这䞪词真是䞍可思议呢即䜿已经习惯了和殿䞋盞倄也䌚因䞺这䞪词雀跃䞍已   「デヌト」ずいう蚀葉は䞍思議ですね。指揮官様ず知り合っお久しいのに、この蚀葉を聞くず胞がドキドキしお  "Dating" is such an incredible word. Milord, even though I've become accustomed to living with you, my heart skips a beat every time I hear that word...
Affinity (Like) 殿䞋我有䞀䞪小小的请求诎出来悚䞍芁笑哊我䞀盎埈矡慕明石那样圚悚的怀里撒嚇呢䜆总是䞍奜意思匀口所以   指揮官様、䞀぀お願いが 聞いおも笑わないでくださいねじ、実は明石ちゃんのように指揮官の胞の䞭で甘えるのに憧れおいたすが、䞭々こう 口にするこずができなくお  ええず   Milord, I have a small request... but please promise not to laugh. I've always been jealous of the way Akashi jumps into your arms like a spoiled child, but... it's a bit embarrassing to ask... so, um...
Affinity (Love) 像这样和殿䞋䞀䞪人䞀起生掻总觉埗就像是倫劇䞀样  啊䞍我、我刚才什么郜没诎 指揮官様ずこうしお毎日を過ごしおいるず、なんだかふ、ふうふっぜくお  い、いえ、なんでもありたせんっ Milord, being able to spend every day with you like this makes it almost feel like we're a married couple... Ah, um, please forget I said anything!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 愿䜠我琎瑟和谐盞敬劂実同甘共苊䞀起迎来明亮枩暖的生掻  从今埀后也请悚倚倚指教了殿䞋。 盞和し、盞敬い、苊楜を共にし明るく枩かい生掻を  どうかこの先も末氞く扶桑のこずをよろしくお願い申し䞊げたす。指揮官様 For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish... May we be together forever, Milord.
Acquisition 愿䜠我琎瑟和谐盞敬劂実同甘共苊䞀起迎来明亮枩暖的生掻  从今埀后也请悚倚倚指教了殿䞋。 盞和し、盞敬い、苊楜を共にし明るく枩かい生掻を  どうかこの先も末氞く扶桑のこずをよろしくお願い申し䞊げたす。指揮官様 For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish... May we be together forever, Milord.
Login 欢迎回来殿䞋。让我们完成祈犏仪匏然后匀始今倩的工䜜吧。 おかえりなさいたせ、指揮官様。幞運祈願を枈たせお本日のお仕事をするずいたしたしょう Welcome back, Milord. Let us pray for good fortune and begin our daily work.
Details 嗯这里应该是 啊殿䞋谢谢悚垮忙就是觉埗总这么䞍擅长操䜜电子讟倇的话是没法垮䞊殿䞋的  ええず、ここは確か あ、指揮官様、お手䌝いいただきありがずうございたすやっぱり電子機噚が苊手なたたでは指揮官様のお力になれないず思いたしお  Let's see, this should... Oh, Milord, thank you for your help! Electronics are still so difficult for me. I don't know if I'll be able to help you much...
Main 诎起来之后还是芁把后山的仪匏䌚场收拟奜才行呢。䞍过䞀想到这是䞀蟈子只有䞀次的仪匏总有些舍䞍埗收拟呢   埌で裏山の匏堎を片付けなければなりたせんね。䞀生に䞀床の匏だず思うず、片づけるのが少し惜しい気がしお  We still need to clean up the venue back in the hills, don't we? But it was a once-in-a-lifetime event. I feel awful packing it up...
Main 2 今倩奜像是晎倩呢。呵呵郜诎“狐狞嫁女倪阳雚”倩气华这么奜䞀定是托了殿䞋的犏吧。 指揮官様、今日は晎れだそうです。ふふふ、狐の嫁入りだずいうのにいい倩気だなんお、きっず指揮官様のおかげですよ Milord, today's going to be sunny. Heheh, they say foxes' weddings lead to bad weather – maybe it was you who brightened things up?
Main 3 对了山城奜像诎过什么“新嚘修行”  扶桑无需修行就埈棒了哎呀/// そういえば山城が、「花嫁修業」っお蚀っおいたような  扶桑は修行しなくおも党然倧䞈倫、ですかたあ  By the way, Yamashiro said something about bridal training... You think I don't need that? Well, thank you...
Touch 奜的请尜管吩咐扶桑吧 はい、なんでも仰っおくださいたせ Of course. You can ask me for anything.
Touch (Special) 劂果悚䞍介意今倜就由扶桑 没没什么/// よろしければ、今宵は扶桑が な、なんでもありたせんっ/// If it'd please you, tonight, I could... N-never mind!
Touch (Headpat) 殿䞋让敌人见识䞀䞋我们的力量吧 指揮官様、私たちの力を敵にお芋せしたしょう Milord, let's show them what we're made of!
Mission 殿䞋让扶桑垮  嗯那我们就䞀起完成吧呵呵。 指揮官様、扶桑も ええ、䞀緒にこなしたしょうね。ふふふ Milord, let me help. We can complete these missions together. Heehee.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励 看来今倩的菜品䌚变埗曎加䞰盛呢殿䞋。 任務の報酬を芋るに、今日の献立は少し豪華になりそうですね。指揮官様 The rewards manifest tells me that tonight's feast will be a luxurious one, Milord.
Mail 信件  就由扶桑先敎理䞀遍再请殿䞋确讀吧。 お手玙は䞀床扶桑が敎理したすので、その埌ご確認なさっおくださいね I'll arrange your letters for you so you can read them at your leisure later.
Return to Port 殿䞋战斗报告亀给扶桑来确讀悚就躺䞋䌑息䞀䌚儿吧。 来♪拍拍 指揮官様、戊闘報告の確認は扶桑が行いたすから、䞀床暪になっおお䌑みくださいたせ。 はい♪ I'll check the combat report for you, Milord. You can come lie down... There you go♪
Victory 扶桑也䞺指挥官倧人的胜利献䞊祝莺。呵呵。 指揮官様の勝利を扶桑よりお祝い申し䞊げたす。ふふふ Congratulations on your victory, Commander. Heehee.
Defeat 䞎其诎是诅咒䞍劂诎是扶桑倪没甚了 十分抱歉  これは呪いずいうより扶桑の䞍出来ですね 申し蚳ございたせん  This is no curse, but my own ineptitude... I'm sorry.
Affinity (Love) 穿䞊这身衣服总觉埗䞍幞的气息郜消倱了呢。  圓然我也明癜这种䞜西并䞍䌚蜻易消倱呢。䞍过只芁指挥官圚扶桑身蟹那么厄运也䌚变成——嗯  “人生的调料”之类的䞜西对吧 この衣装を身に着けおいるず、なんだか䞍運の気配を感じなくなりたすね。 ですが、そういうものは簡単に消えたりしたせん。指揮官様が扶桑のそばにいおくださる限り、䞍運もたた――ええず、「人生のスパむス」のようなものずなるでしょう。ふふふ、そうですよね When I wear this outfit, I don't sense misfortune anymore... but I know that such things can't go away that easily. As long as you're by my side, misfortune can be... well, one of the spices of life, I suppose. Heehee, what do you think?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 殿䞋谢谢䜠哊~䞍只是改造还有讞倚讞倚事。嘻嘻我和山城胜遇到殿䞋真是倪奜了呢 指揮官様、ありがずうございたすううん、改造だけでなく、色々感謝したいですよ。うふふ、扶桑も山城も、指揮官様に出䌚えお本圓によかったず思っおいたすよ Milord! Thank you~ Not just for the retrofit, but for many many things. Hehe, it was the greatest of fortune for me and Yamashiro to meet you.
Acquisition 殿䞋谢谢䜠哊~䞍只是改造还有讞倚讞倚事。嘻嘻我和山城胜遇到殿䞋真是倪奜了呢 指揮官様、ありがずうございたすううん、改造だけでなく、色々感謝しおるんですよ。うふふ、扶桑も山城も、指揮官様に出䌚えお本圓によかったず思っおいたすよ Milord! Thank you~ Not just for the retrofit, but for many many things. Hehe, it was the greatest of fortune for me and Yamashiro to meet you.
Login 殿䞋欢迎回来~占卜星瀺今倩䌚有奜事发生哊~ 指揮官様、おかえりなさいたせ。おみくじでは「今日良いこずが起きる」ずのこずですよ Milord, welcome back~ The profits show that today good things will happen~
Details 其实我有奜倚想尝试的事呢比劂像山城那样掻蹊乱跳的  欞杀䌀力倪倧 詊しおみたいこずはいっぱいありたすね。䟋えば山城のようにぎょんぎょんっず  えっ、「刺激的すぎる」 ですか I actually got a lot of things that I want to try, such as be as lively as Yamashiro... hmm, is that too much?
Main 变埗掻泌了  吗嘻嘻那䞀定是殿䞋的功劳哊 「扶桑が前向きになった」 ですか  ふふ、きっず指揮官様のおかげですよ Becoming more
 lively? Hehe, that must be merrited by Milord.
Main 2 感觉  厄运虜然还是存圚䜆是和殿䞋圚䞀起就䌚被幞犏感冲散呢 ただ悪運に憑り぀かれおいる感じがしたすけど、指揮官様ず䞀緒なら、悪運だっお幞せによっお薄められたすよね I feel
 that bad luck still exists, but being together with you, Milord, has washed away all my bad luck.
Main 3 山城总是让我也去寻扟幞犏䞍过我觉埗我已经扟到了呢~ 山城から「姉さたには幞せになっおほしい」ずよく蚀われたすけど、扶桑はもう幞せになっおいたすよ。うふふ Yamashiro always tells me to look for my own happiness, and I think I’ve finally found it~
Touch 殿䞋是喜欢端庄的扶桑呢还是掻泌的扶桑呢~ お淑やかな扶桑ずお茶目な扶桑、どっちがお奜みですか Milord, do you like the dignified Fusou or the livelier Fusou?
Mission 殿䞋新的任务我也胜䞀起去吗 指揮官様、扶桑も新しい任務にご䞀緒しおもいいですか Milord, can I also join you on this new mission?
Return to Port 殿䞋皍等䞀䞋我做了埈奜吃的点心哊这就端给䜠 指揮官様、少々お埅ちいただけたすでしょうか実は矎味しいお料理を䜜っおおいたんです。今持っおきたすね Milord, please wait, I’ve made really delicious treats meant especially for you.
Defeat 呜  䞍行䞍胜把倱莥郜園到诅咒䞊 くっ  呪いのせいにしおは ダメですっ Oh... no, we can’t blame all failures on our curse.