Fusou META (JP 🇯🇵: 扶桑(META), CN 🇹🇼: 扶桑·META)
Ship ID No. M005 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Elite
Navy META Build Time
Acquisition META Lab
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress Ami Koshimizu
Fusou META Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 /// /// ///
2 /// /// ///
3 /// /// ///
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Fusou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Cinderflame Curse When this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on this skill's level). Enemies hit by this barrage are inflicted with "Cinderflame Curse" and take 41 damage per second for 10s.
The Butterfly's Last Gasp For the first 3 battles of each sortie that the fleet this ship is in is deployed: every 20s, fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on this skill's level); For the 4th and 5th battles of each sortie that the fleet this ship is NOT in is deployed: every 20s, fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage as long as this ship is still afloat (DMG is based on this skill's level).
Echoes of Annihilation - Fusou During battle, increases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%) and RLD by 1.0% (10.0%); When the "Cinderflame Curse" status expires, all enemies affected by that status take one additional instance of special Burn DMG (DMG is based on this ship's FP); Every time allies defeat an enemy affected by "Cinderflame Curse": increases this ship's FP by 4.0% until the end of battle, stacking up to 3 times; At max stacks, this ship deals 5.0% more DMG to enemies until the end of battle.
Ashen Might - Fusou I [Operation Siren] When fighting humanoid Siren fleets or Boss fleets: reduces the DMG taken by your Vanguard by 2.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 扶桑号战列舰 (若已获得相应的META角色,奖励将会转化为对应的角色结晶,可在「META研究室」-「能量激活」中使用) 扶桑型戦艦一番艦・扶桑(1隻しか所持できません。2隻目を入手した場合、限界突破素材に変換されます) I am battleship Fusou. I have come to bring peace to this world's tormented souls. Commander, do you seek blessings... or redemption?
Biography 我已经将过去的挫折与不幸抛诸脑后。对我来说,安抚彷徨的灵魂,让它们去往正确之所,才是当下应该做的。 過去のつまずきも、不幸も、今や過ぎ去ったただの幻……さすらう命をなだめ、あるべき場所に導くことこそ、私がなすべきことなのでしょう The missteps and misfortunes of the past are now all but forgotten phantoms... Only by guiding these drifting souls towards the light can I accomplish my mission.
Acquisition 战列舰·扶桑,为安抚彷徨不安的灵魂而来…指挥官殿下,您寻求的是祈福,或是救赎? 戦艦扶桑です。さすらう魂をなだめようと参りました。指揮官様、祈りか救いか…どちらをご所望でしょうか? I am battleship Fusou. I have come to bring peace to this world's tormented souls. Commander, do you seek blessings... or redemption?
Login 殿下,我已在此等候多时了。 指揮官様、お待ちしておりました Commander, I have been waiting for you.
Details 纷争带走了生命…愿神明能引导你们安息。 争いは命をさすらわせる――カミのお導きで、どうか安らかに…… Conflict throws all souls into chaos... I pray the gods may guide them to peace...
Main 殿下,您思念您的家乡么?您的心中,有一直牵挂着的人吗? 指揮官様、故郷のことを偲んでいますか?それか、心の中で案じている方でもいらっしゃいますか? Commander, do you ever wish you could return home? Do you have anyone in your heart who you are unable to let go of?
Main 2 在我们各自的工作完成之前,彼此间先不要打扰吧。 それぞれの仕事を終わらせるまで、不要な詮索をしませんように Until we have finished our respective duties... May we not pry excessively into each others' affairs.
Main 3 我会一直向神明祈福,直到伴随着我与山城的厄运能够永远被驱离为止…… 山城と私にまつわる厄(わざわい)が永久に祓われるまで、カミに祈りを捧げ続けます I will keep praying to the gods, for as long as it takes, until the curse placed on Yamashiro and me can be permanently lifted.
Touch 殿下,我会为你祈福的。希望神明也能听取吧。 指揮官様のために祈っています。願わくば、カミが聞き入れてくださることを I pray for you, Commander, and hope that the gods are listening.
Touch (Special) 殿下?您是被奇怪的东西附身了么? 指揮官様…?変なものにでも取り憑かれました? Commander...? Has something strange possessed you?
Mission 任务啊……虽是小事,我还是会为你祈求顺利的。 任務ですか…小さきことでも、心願成就をお祈りしましょう A mission, you say? I shall pray for the fulfillment of your wishes, no matter how small.
Mission Complete 任务顺利完成了。看来,我们的祈祷传到神明那里了呢。 任務、無事完了しました。どうやら、私たちの声がカミに届いたようですね A mission has been completed. The gods have heard our prayers.
Mail 有新的信件,殿下可别忘了。 指揮官様、新しいお手紙です。お忘れなきようご確認くださいませ You've received a letter, Commander. I urge you to read it at the earliest convenience.
Return to Port 殿下,不惜身体的劳累不是长久之计,还请爱惜自己的身体。 指揮官様、寝る間も惜しんでお仕事するのはお体がもちません。どうかご自愛なさってください You cannot let your duty come before sleep, lest it ultimately consume you, Commander. Please, care for your own well-being.
Commission Complete 有如此多的同伴愿意为了你而付出,请务必要珍惜她们。 指揮官様のために頑張っている仲間たちがこんなにもいるのですね…彼女たちのこと、どうか大事にしてくださいませ You command a whole fleet of shipgirls who'll fight with all their might for you, Commander... Please, do cherish them.
Enhancement 还有无数灾厄缠身的灵魂,等待着神明的救赎。 災いにさすらわれし数え切れぬ命は、カミの救いを待っています So many catastrophe-stricken souls still await their salvation.
Flagship 唯有这般才能净化邪恶吗……好吧。 ケガレを祓うにはこれしか…いいでしょう Is this the only way to cleanse their impurities? Then so be it.
Victory 愿你们远离喧嚣的大海,做一个不再醒来的好梦… 喧騒の海より遠ざけ、二度と目覚めぬ良き夢を… May you slumber eternally and find solace, far from the turmoil of the sea...
Defeat 无法祓除的诅咒么…也罢。 祓えぬ呪いか…まあいいでしょう This curse cannot be lifted... Then so be it.
Skill 安息吧。 眠りなさい Slumber eternally.
Low HP 我已经祈祷了这么多了…还不够吗? こんなに祈りを捧げても…まだ足りないというの…? I have already offered so many prayers... but is it still not enough...?
Affinity (Upset) 事到如今,我也无法再为殿下做什么了。 今更、指揮官様にしてあげられることはもう何もありません There is nothing more I can do for you at this point, Commander...
Affinity (Stranger) 殿下,请问有何贵干? 指揮官様、ご用はなんでしょう? How may I be of use to you, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly) 殿下,您是在担心我吗?感谢关心,我每天都会向神明祈求祝福与保佑—— 指揮官様、私のことが心配、でしょうか?ええ、ご心配に及びません。こうして毎日カミに祝福と守護を賜るよう、祈りを捧げていますので―― Are you... concerned about me, Commander? You have no reason to be. I pray to the gods each day so that they bestow us all with their blessings and protection.
Affinity (Like) 悔恨、叹息…太多的生命得不到满足便抱憾而去了。殿下,希望您在翻看人生的相簿时,能够笑着说出“满足了”呢… 悔やみ、嘆き、さすらう魂は山程見てまいりました。指揮官様には、いつか過去を振り返ったとき、「いい人生だった」と笑っていてほしいものです I've seen far too many lost souls stricken with grief and remorse. Commander, when one day you look back upon your whole life, I want you to be able to smile, and say your life was a good one.
Affinity (Love) 曾经,我忘了自己为何而吟颂祷文,为何引导彷徨的灵魂,只是一味向神明祈祷。如今,从殿下、还有大家微笑的脸庞上,我似乎找到了新的理由。 かつての私は、なぜノリトを唱え、なぜ魂を導こうとしたのか理由すら忘れ、ただただ祈ることしかできませんでした。今、指揮官様や皆様の笑顔を見ていると、新しい理由を見出せている…そんな、気がします Before I met you and everyone else here, all I could do was pray. I had lost all motivation to sing hymns or even lead lost souls to the light. But now, seeing all your smiles, I feel I've... rediscovered my purpose in life.
Pledge 若这是殿下的强烈意愿…好吧,我答应你。不知道这样做,最终是祸是福…但,我会为殿下您一直祈福下去的。 指揮官様が望むのでしたら…はい、承りました。この行為が導く結末が福か災いかは存じませんが…指揮官様が幸せになるよう、祈りを捧げ続けます If this is what you desire... then I shall accept. I know not whether this ritual will ultimately bring us blessings or misfortune, but I will continue praying for your happiness, Commander.