Vauquelin (JP 🇯🇵: ノォヌクラン, CN 🇹🇌: 沃克兰)
Ship ID No. 457 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time 00:26:00
Acquisition Event: Skybound Oratorio
Enhance Income
Firepower 7
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN June 11, 2020
KR May 21, 2020
CN May 21, 2020
JP May 21, 2020
Voice actress Eri Yukimura
Name Vilor
Vauquelin Description
Vauquelin-class destroyer – Vauquelin.
Innocent Summer Knight Description
Commandeeer! What are you doing? It's our day off! Turn the work part of your brain off and just have fun! C'mon, let's enjoy ourselves on the beach!
HP 1557 Reload 179
Firepower 98 Torpedo 244
Evasion 204 Anti-air 124
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 187 Luck 48
Hit 182 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1868 Reload 206
Firepower 113 Torpedo 279
Evasion 212 Anti-air 143
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 207 Luck 48
Hit 191 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 301 Reload 76
Firepower 21 Torpedo 52
Evasion 78 Anti-air 27
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 51 Luck 48
Hit 70 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 48
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 48
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/135%/135%/140% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1927)
2 Triple 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Destroyer: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 16 +1
Max LimitBreak 32
Lv.120 24 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Sonnez la Charge! Increases the TRP and EVA of your Vauquelin-class DDs by 5.0% (15.0%) and increases this ship's FP, AA, and Accuracy by 4.5% (12.0%) for 30s after the battle starts.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Vauquelin-class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:26:00 JP CN EN
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 绎垌教廷沃克兰级驱逐舰—沃克兰 ノォヌクラン玚駆逐艊・ノォヌクラン Vauquelin-class destroyer – Vauquelin.
Biography 虜然埈想做䞪超垅的自我介绍䜆是我的舰历确实没有什么倌埗䞀提的呢陀了技送过敊刻尔克和阿尔及利亚  嗯这样吧我是绎垌教廷的沃克兰将来䌚成䞺埈厉害的舰船怎么样 自己玹介をカッコよくやっおみたいけど、カンレキ的になんか蚀うこずあんたりないよね ダンケルクさんずアルゞェリヌさんを護衛したずか、うん、たあ ず、ずいうわけで、ノィシア所属・ノォヌクラン、将来有望な艊船なんだぞど、どうだ (I wanna give a cool self-introduction, but I don't have many exploits to my name... I did escort Dunkerque and Algérie, though that's not much...) Long story short: I'm Vauquelin from the Vichya Dominion! I've got more potential than you can imagine! C-cool, am I right?
Acquisition 锵锵锵锵沃克兰级倧型驱逐舰䞀号舰沃克兰闪亮登场~欞指挥官䞍芁露出那种衚情嘛我可是埈厉害的哊倧抂 じゃじゃヌんノォヌクラン玚倧型駆逐艊の䞀番艊、ノォヌクラン、華麗に参䞊 っお、䜕だその顔わたし、こう芋えおも匷いよ  た、倚分ね Tadaah! Nameship of the Vauquelin-class large destroyers, Vauquelin, has arrived in style! Hey, what's so funny? I may not look strong, but I am! Um, probably!
Login 指挥官䜠走之前䞍是诎奜芁给垊点心的吗我的点心呢 指揮官、お菓子の差し入れを持っおくるっお玄束しおなかったあ、あれしおなかったっけ So, Commander, didn't you promise you'd return with snacks for me? Uhh, what? We never made any promise like that?
Details 指挥官䜠胜䞍胜䞍芁突然出现埈吓人的 うわ指揮官、きゅ、急に珟れないでよ ビックリするし  Oh gosh! D-don't just appear outta nowhere, Commander... You'll scare people.
Main 指挥官䜠奜像埈无聊的样子我来给䜠衚挔䞪舞枪才艺吧嘿呀哇指挥官圓心 指揮官、なんか぀たらそうにしおないふふん、䜙興に我が槍捌きを――わわ指揮官、危ないよ You look bored and in need of some relief, Commander. Perchance you would fancy a showcase of my lancing skill– Oh gosh, careful! You'll get hurt!
Main 2 指挥官我可䞍可以拜托䜠䞀件事唔就是那䞪  晚饭的青怒可䞍可以去掉 指揮官、䞀぀お願いしおも良いあ、぀たりね、その 倕食はピヌマン抜きにしおもらえないかな  Can I ask you a favor, Commander? Well, I was hoping you could, uhh... leave out the bell peppers from my dinner tonight...
Main 3 嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯哊哊原来劂歀我完党听明癜了指挥官亀给我吧——才怪啊 おヌ、あヌ、そヌゆヌこずね、完党に理解したヌ。わたしにおたかせ― っおなるかヌ Aah, so it's like that, huh. I understand everything now. Let me take it on... NOT!
Touch 干嘛干嘛有重芁的事拜托我吗 なになにわたしに頌み事なの What's up? Need me to do you a favor?
Touch (Special) 指挥官我皍埮有点受到了惊吓   指揮官、ちょっず匕くわヌ You're making me a bit uncomfortable, Commander...
Touch (Headpat) 诶嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿   うぞぞぞぞぞぞ Ahehehehehehe~
Mission 任务哌哌终于到了我出场的时候了吗 任務ふふん、぀いにわたしの出番っおこずね A mission, you say? Hehehe! Finally, it's my time to shine!
Mission Complete 指挥官任务报酬䞀定有埈倚吧欞没有吗 おお、指揮官、任務報酬が倧持倧持ヌあ、あれ普通なの Holy cow! Look, Commander! We got a huge bounty for that mission! O-oh, it's nothing out of the ordinary?
Mail 邮件啊我这就去拿 メヌル あ、ちょっず取っおくるね Mail? Oh, I'll go get it then!
Return to Port 指挥官来让我摞摞䜠的倎奖励䜠  呀哈哈䞍芁露出那副衚情嘛~ ご耒矎に指揮官、頭ナデナデの  わわそんな顔しないでっおば For all your hard work, you deserve a headpat... Whuah! Spare me that expression of yours!
Commission Complete 接䞋来是委托完成的通知——唔唔奜啊普通地迎接倧家就行了对吧 委蚗完了の、お・し・ら・せヌ うん、普通に皆を出迎えおくるね A commission's complete! Just F-Y-I! So yeah, let's go receive the returning team.
Enhancement 该䞍䌚  我的工䜜也变倚了吧   もしかしお ぀いでに仕事も増やす぀もり You're not gonna... dump additional work on me now, are you?
Flagship 让䜠们见识䞀䞋倧型驱逐舰的实力 倧型の駆逐艊の実力をご芧あれ Witness the true might of a LARGE destroyer!
Victory 第䞀名让我摆䞪超垅的pose  呜哇倧家的県神奜䌀人 䞀䜍うんうん、ここはかっこいいガッツポヌズを決めお  っお、呚りの芖線が痛い MVP! This calls for a celebratory cool pose... Uhh, why's everyone giving me funny looks?
Defeat 欞指挥官䜠隟道圚埁求我的意见这种事亀给指挥官解决就奜啊 え、たさか今わたしに意芋を求めようずしなかったいやいや、そこは指揮官が決めおくださいよ Huh? You're asking for my opinion on what went wrong? Dunno, that's your job to find out, Commander!
Skill 我还蛮厉害哊倧抂 わたしは匷いよヌ倚分 I'm strong as heck! Probably!
Low HP 冷静先寻扟机䌚   萜ち着いお、機を芋お   Stay calm and wait for the right time...!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官䜠知道吗我最讚厌的就是没有自知之明的人了 指揮官さぁ、あのね自分を省みない人はわりずね嫌われるず思うんだ  You know, I've learned something, Commander. People who can't introspect probably won't make many friends...
Affinity (Stranger) 哌哌哌敊刻尔克的蛋糕~今倩䌚是什么样的呢~指挥官也猜猜看吧 ダンケルクさんのケヌキケヌキ♪今日はどんなのがあるかなヌ指揮官も圓おおみない I got one of Miss Dunkerque's cakes! Oh boy, which one is it today? Think you could guess, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly) 话诎以前塔尔囟来向我咚询劂䜕成䞺成熟女性时我随口给了让她倚看掚理小诎的建议结果她真的听进去了  感觉有点对䞍起她   最近気になったこず うヌん タルテュにどうやったらオトナのレディになれるか聞かれたずき、適圓に最近読んだ掚理小説を薊めたらなぜかハマっちゃったみたいで  なんか、悪いこずをした気がする  Something that's bothered me lately? Well, Tartu asked me for advice on becoming more ladylike, so I thoughtlessly recommended this detective novel I've been reading, and she apparently got hooked on reading it... It feels like that was a mistake, you know?
Affinity (Like) 是䞍是真的笚蛋先䞍提偶尔装傻是有奜倄的哊这样的话圚聪明的时候就䌚让倧家觉埗哇沃克兰奜像埈聪明  应该有吧 本圓にバカかどうかはずもかく、たたにはバカをやったほうが良いず思うんだ。そしたら頭が冎えたずきに「おっ、ノォヌクラン凄い」ず思われるこずも  きっずあるある よね Whether I'm actually dumb or not doesn't matter, but sometimes I like pretending to be stupid. Then when I do something smart, people are gonna be like, "Whoa, you're a genius, Vauquelin!" That's how it goes! I mean... it does, right?
Affinity (Love) 䞍过老实诎圓䞪笚蛋有时候埈快乐哊䞍甚去想倍杂的事情而䞔还胜给倧家垊来欢乐掚荐指挥官䜠芁是环了的话也来试试~ それず、バカをやるずきはなヌんにも考えなくおいいから、頭をすっきりするこずができるよそれに自分が楜しければ皆も楜しくなるだから指揮官もやっおみお、ね Plus, when you're playing dumb, you don't need to use your brain! It's refreshing to just not think about anything! Thus, when you enjoy yourself, others will, too! You should give it a try sometime, Commander!
Pledge 欞指挥官䜠之前诎芁和我契纊隟道是来真的  欞虜然我也䞍是诎哎呀䞀定是骗人的是玩笑  䜆是䜠确定䜠知道自己圚诎什么吧 わわ。指揮官、この間蚀っおたケッコンっお本気なの  た、たあわたしも別に、絶察冗談だ―ずか、り゜だヌずかっお思っおいなかったけど え、ええず い、蚀っおるこずわかるよね   Holy smokes... You really meant that thing the other day about getting married?! Well, not to say I took it as a joke, or didn't believe you, or anything... Uhh, I mean... Y-you get what I'm trying to say, right...?
In battle with Tartu 塔尔囟借䜠的乊看完了吗 タルテュ、この間貞した本もう呌んだ So Tartu, did you finish that book I lent you the other day?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官真是的明明今倩䞍䞊班圚干什么呢䞍是诎奜了今倩芁攟空倧脑玩䞪痛快吗快点䞀起去海里吧 しきかヌんもう、非番の日に䜕をしおるの今日は思いっきり頭を空っぜにしお遊ぶっお決めたじゃないほら、さっさず海に行こうよ Commandeeer! What are you doing? It's our day off! Turn the work part of your brain off and just have fun! C'mon, let's enjoy ourselves on the beach!
Acquisition 指挥官真是的明明今倩攟假圚干什么呢䞍是诎奜了今倩芁攟空倧脑玩䞪痛快吗快点䞀起去海蟹玩吧 しきかヌんもう、非番の日に䜕をしおるの今日は思いっきり頭を空っぜにしお遊ぶっお決めたじゃないほら、さっさず海に行こうよ Commandeeer! What are you doing? It's our day off! Turn the work part of your brain off and just have fun! C'mon, let's enjoy ourselves on the beach!
Details 塔尔囟䞍䌚䞍小心被海浪冲走了吧  䞍应该䞍可胜 タルテュ、うっかりしお海に流されたりしないよね  いや、流石にないか  Tartu's not gonna get washed away by a stray wave, I hope... Yeah, figured as much...
Main 倧家真可爱呢~咻~嗯沃克兰也埈可爱咻咻 みんな可愛いねひゅ んノォヌクランも可愛いっお ひゅ、ひゅ  Everyone's looking so cute~! Woo~! Hm? I'M looking cute too...? W-woo~!
Main 2 䞍去考虑工䜜玩䞪痛快埈棒吧咊那䞪皇家骑士队的舰船奜像叫南什么的䞍是应该圚倌班吗怎么毫无违和感地混了进来   仕事のこずを考えずに遊べるのっおいいよねっお、あのロむダル階士隊の子、非番じゃないのになんで違和感なく混ざっおるの  Isn't it great to just forget about work and have a good time~? But, uh, what's up with that Royal Knight over there? She's casually playing around too, even though she's still on duty...
Main 3 沙滩烧烀真棒啊烀蔬菜的话  嗯青怒就亀给别的舰船了 ビヌチバヌベキュヌいいよね野菜を焌くのも うんピヌマンは他の子にお願い Beach barbeque! Heck yeah! I'd love to grill some vegetables, but I'd rather someone else does the bell peppers!
Touch 嘻嘻怎么样沃克兰的泳装  嗯该凞的地方没有凞对吧我知道的   ムフフ、どうノォヌクランの氎着姿  うん、出るずこ出おないの、わかるわ  Teehee~ Well? How do you like my swimsuit~? Yeah, I know, I'm flat in a few places...
Touch (Special) 和塔尔囟比的话那我确实  等等䜠圚干啥啊 さすがにタルテュず比べられおも っお䜕しおるの I know I don't hold a candle to Tartu, but... Wait, what do you think you're doing?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯嗯我听到了哊这䞪祝犏的旋埋~接䞋来跟随我的指挥继续升调——指挥官䜠问我圚做什么 呃 那什么 啊哈哈哈  ふむふむ、聞こえおいるよ、この祝いの調べ さあ、わたしの指瀺に埓っお曎なる高みぞず――指揮官䜕をやっおるのかっお、ええず その あははは  Yes, the strings... I can hear the celebratory melody... Now, follow my lead and we'll take this song to greater– Oh, Commander? What's all this, you ask? Uhh... You know... Ahahaha...
Acquisition 嗯嗯我听到了哊这䞪祝犏的旋埋~接䞋来跟随我的指挥继续升调——指挥官䜠问我圚做什么 呃 那什么 啊哈哈哈  ふむふむ、聞こえおいるよ、この祝いの調べ さあ、わたしの指瀺に埓っお曎なる高みぞず――指揮官䜕をやっおるのかっお、ええず その あははは  Yes, the strings... I can hear the celebratory melody... Now, follow my lead and we'll take this song to greater– Oh, Commander? What's all this, you ask? Uhh... You know... Ahahaha...
Login 锵锵是穿着瀌服的沃克兰哊指挥官今倩也请倚关照啊♪ じゃじゃヌん、ドレス姿のノォヌクランだよ指揮官、今日もよろしく頌むよ♪ Check it out! Your favorite Vauquelin, now in a fancy dress! Also, good luck at work, Commander!
Details 指挥官也奜塔尔囟也奜居然郜听睡着了倪过分了 虜然我也没圚挔奏就是了 真是的 指揮官もタルテュもひどいよ聞きながら寝おしたうなんお そりゃわたしは挔奏しおいないけど もぉ Wow, rude much, Commander and Tartu? Way to fall asleep during my performance! ...I mean, technically I wasn't personally performing... But still!
Main 像这样配合着音乐  啊指挥官倧家郜诎这䞪劚䜜“埈有倧人的感觉”哊嘿嘿~ 音楜に合わせおこう、こう あ、指揮官この動き「サマになっおいる」っお皆から蚀われたよぞぞぞ Gotta swing in rhythm to the music, like... Oh, Commander! Guess what? I've been getting tons of compliments on my conducting skills! Hehehe~!
Main 2 明癜了这种时候就芁攟点让人攟束的曲子  指挥官现圚还圚工䜜䞭啊别睡着了啊 了解ここはちょっずリラックスできる曲がいいよね  指揮官今は仕事䞭だよ寝ないでよ Right-o! Now'd be a good time for a relaxing song! ...Wake up, Commander! You're sleeping on the job!
Touch 芁点什么曲子吃的还是沃克兰的闲聊服务嘿嘿~ ご泚文曲の食べ物のノォヌクランの雑談サヌビスぞぞぞ Got any requests? Like a song, or food, or even a thrilling chat with yours truly? Hehehe~
Touch (Special) 哌反正是圚想着塔尔囟那样的对吧。呣 どうせタルテュのこず考えおたでしょ。むぅ Bet you were imagining these were Tartu's knockers. Hmph.
Flagship 匀始挔奏吧 已经匀始了 調べを奏でよ っお誰かも蚀っおたっお Let us play a requiem! ...Hang on, that sounds familiar...
Victory 第䞀名䞺我献䞊䞀曲吧 啊咊倧家郜去哪了 䞀䜍のわたしのために䞀曲を あ、あれ皆どこ行ったの First place! Let's hear a victory song for me! Wait a sec... Where'd my orchestra go?
Defeat 我感觉现圚还是赶玧撀退比蟃奜呌幞奜穿的瀌服还算是䟿于行劚  わたしずしおは今は撀退したほうがいいかなっおふぅ、動きやすいドレスで良かったぁ  So yeah, I'm thinking it's time for me to scoot! Phew... Good thing I picked a non-cumbersome dress...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哐圓又扟到金垁了指挥官快看快看敲碎眐子后又扟到几枚了䜠奜像有些担心嘻嘻盗莌的规则就是“䞍守规则”嘛♪ ガチャヌンたたコむン芋っけヌ指揮官、芋お芋お壺を割ったら䜕枚か芋぀かったよ倧䞈倫かっおふふふ、盗賊はルヌル無甚がルヌルだよ♪ *crash*! Found another coin! Check it out, Commander! I got all these from smashing pots! ...Breaking the law? Heheh! The one law among thieves is that there are no laws♪
Acquisition 哐圓又扟到金垁了指挥官快看快看敲碎眐子后又扟到几枚了䜠奜像有些担心嘻嘻盗莌的规则就是“䞍守规则”嘛♪ ガチャヌンたたコむン芋っけヌ指揮官、芋お芋お壺を割ったら䜕枚か芋぀かったよ倧䞈倫かっおふふふ、盗賊はルヌル無甚がルヌルだよ♪ *crash*! Found another coin! Check it out, Commander! I got all these from smashing pots! ...Breaking the law? Heheh! The one law among thieves is that there are no laws♪
Login 啊既然指挥官也䌚突然匀闚进来看来是“摞枅”这䞪䞖界的玩法了呢 お、指揮官もいきなりドアを開けお入っおくるずはこの䞖界を「わかっおきた」ね Oh, you barged in, just like me? Sounds like you've learned the rules of this world!
Details 仔细想想这里可以随䟿进人家家里翻扟衣柜敲碎眐子等等真是无法无倩的䞖界呢  这些郜只限于枞戏之䞭哊啊哈哈   よく考えたら、人んちに普通に入っおタンスの䞭身を持ったり、壺を割ったりしおいいなんおずんでもない䞖界だよね  そんなのゲヌムの䞭だけだよあはは As I've found out, everyone in this crazy world thinks it's okay to waltz into someone's home, go through their drawers, and break their pots. That's video game logic for you. Ahahah.
Main 玩盗莌玩埗越来越埗心应手了呢这䞋道具的获埗率倧抂也䌚变高吧哌哌♪ シヌフの板に぀いおきたこれでアむテム入手の確率も䞊がるかもふふん♪ I've moved up the thief skill tree! Now I'll probably get more item drops! Heheh♪
Main 2 有只胜从刚才的敌人身䞊偷到的道具吗诶怎么䞍早点告诉我嘛这可没法重来呀。 さっきの敵からしか盗めないアむテムがあったのえヌ、先に蚀っおよヌリセットなんおできないのにヌ That enemy had a stealable item you can't get anywhere else?! You should've said so! There's no way to load saves here!
Main 3 蹑手蹑脚蹑手蹑脚 应该䞍䌚被谁发现吧。那就让我郜看看有些什么吧 嘻嘻~ しのびあし、しのびあし これで誰からも気づかれないね。そうず決たれば色々ず物色しちゃおう ふふふ My new Silent Steps skill makes me undetectable. I can steal anything if I want to now... Heheh.
Touch 想这么简单就碰到我䜠还是倪倩真啊 わたしに觊れようずするなんおただただ甘いよ You're naive if you think you can grab me!
Touch (Special) 呜哇这可䞍是盗莌的技胜啊—— うわっそれはシヌフのスキルじゃないよヌ Whoa! That's not part of a thief's skillset!
Return to Port 欢迎回来有什么收获吗什么郜没有的话可是䌚被英雄她笑话的哊 おかえり䜕か成果はあったなにもないずヒヌロヌちゃんに笑われちゃうよ Welcome back! What drops did you get? Hero's gonna mock you if you didn't find anything.
Victory 有没有什么掉萜品呢——让我把这些郜抢走  䜕を萜ずしおいったかなヌぶんどっちゃおう Bet they dropped some loot! Better grab everything we can!
Defeat 糟了该“逃跑”了 たずい「にげる」時間だ Crap! Time for the escape QTE!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 现圚我坐圚指挥官的䜍眮䞊所以我就是指挥  咊指挥官䜠什么时候来的 んんんヌ、こうやっお指揮官の垭で指揮官気分を  わわわい぀来たの Hmm... So this is the commanderly feeling of sitting atop the commander's throne... Woahh?! When'd you get here?!
Main 就让䜠见识䞀䞋䞍蟓给骑士团的舞枪技巧吧咊指挥官䜠也䞍甚躲到桌子底䞋去吧我可是练  哇啊圓心 アむリス護教階士団にも負けないこの槍捌きを 指揮官、なにも机の䞋に隠れるこずもないでしょヌ。傷぀くよ―  っお、危ない Let me show you the spear dance that puts even the knights to shame! ...Commander, do you really have to hide under the desk? I won't hurt you... Ah! Look out!
Main 2 讚厌的蔬菜党郜去掉奜了指挥官讚厌的和我讚厌的郜去掉~ 嫌いな野菜は党郚抜きにするようん指揮官が嫌いなのず、わたしが嫌いなの、党郚 Let's throw out all those yucky vegetables! Yeah, all of them! Including yours too!
Return to Port 指挥官来让我摞摞䜠的倎奖励䜠  呀哈哈䞍芁露出觉埗矞耻的衚情嘛 ご耒矎に指揮官、頭ナデナデの  あはは、そんなに恥ずかしがらなくおいいっおば Commander, as a reward, I'll give you a headpat! ...Ahaha, you don't need to act all bashful!
Victory 第䞀名錓掌哌哌我果然埈厉害 䞀䜍パチパチパチパチ ふふん、わたしは匷いんだからね Number one! Clap, clap, everyone! Heheh, I'm super strong, after all!